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tv   Americas Lawyer  RT  April 15, 2020 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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an amazon worker recently learned that the entire company was planning on launching a smear campaign against him in the media after he tried to form a union join me to talk about this is fair and because an editor of the trial lawyer magazine. most surprised me when i read this story you almost it's laughable in the sense it looks like keystone cops here. lay the story of course little bit well what happened was you had to amazon employ a staten island warehouse christian smalls and he had been pushing other workers been working with them trying to form a union and at the same time they had also been speaking out about the lack of health protections at this particular where else they had planned a walkout couple mondays ago and then they fired christian smalls that was the 1st part of the story that had come out in the media that didn't they contact you about a story that you did
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a they did because i talked about christian smalls getting fired for wanting to form a union amazon or at least a p.r. person i guess who is working for amazon sends me an e-mail and says hey mr cousins you have a lot of misinformation in your segment here would you mind retracting this and here is the correct information now the correct information was nothing but quotes from amazon executives and the next day i'm about to do this segment just say listen i obviously don't want to get sued here so here is what amazon has said in response but then this story came out where it was revealed that at a recent meeting that jeff bezos himself was attending via telephone they laid out a plan to smear christian smalls as an idiot they wanted to call him stupid in the media they wanted to say that he was incompetent he was inarticulate could barely speak is how they wanted to paint this man interesting what they were really trying to do. is they want to create him is the figurehead right because he's
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easily attacked you see that as i was reading this story and looking at some of the memos i see this kind of thing in cases all the time where you have some silk stocking you know corporate lawyer who believes that this is still the kind of thing that when they can do and get away with they don't because ultimately the memos come out you're in trial you're reading these horrible memos let me read this this is something that was written in regard to small's this is how they're trying to go after small doses we should spend the 1st part of our response strongly laying out the case for why the organizer small why his conduct quotes was immoral unacceptable and arguably illegal in detail and then follow with our usual our usual talking points about how we care about worker safety now this was written and i'm telling you fair and i see it all the time these silk stocking disconnected
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corporate lawyers who have never represented anybody individually in their lives they represent characters like this in my m.r.i. just overstates the system clock care. but at any rate i'm just i'm stating that this is playing itself out exactly like you would expect when you let corporate silk stocking lawyers make common sense decisions for how a crisis should go well these are also the kind of statements you i've watched videos of your depositions where you flat out read this to the executive who wrote it down you say now you know mr amazon or whoever it is here did you really say that this man was incompetent inarticulate downright stupid give you explain that can you defend that and of course they never can but they always hope it never gets to that point where they never have to be asked those questions but this is in the ether now and this comes at the same time. would baze ows through amazon said
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listen i'm a donate 100000000 dollars to corona virus really look how good i am and this is what he's doing behind the. pick up on that just a 2nd part of the memos that came out where they're talking about donating strategically yeah what they mean is donating strategically is where can we get the most benefit do we donate to a politician and put their name on it do we donate to in other words it's not really about hey we want to come help if they want to squeeze every p.r. dime they can out of everything they do and it's a shame because you know if they would just leave it alone if they just do the right thing which they're trying to do here i mean they're doing the right thing this attack on small is ridiculous it's going to get worse and it's going to come out and i tell you every time every single case of handle like this that will evolve into a case at some point every time i do that i'm always amazed as a deposition attack attack attack in the deposition and the thing i'm attacking
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with is what some corporate type has written that says hey nobody's ever going to see this. now that joe biden is the only democrat left in the race reports of surface detailing how barack obama made it happen for his old friend now is that a good thing or a bad thing now that you know 1st of all you know obama we know was making calls 'd to everybody tell him get out of the race get out of the race and but he was he was hiding behind a screen to do that and so his goal obviously is have the same old guard the same you know the clinton company the biden company the obama all the same d.n.c. establishment corporate d.n.c. stay in power because that's what he was he was a corporatist just you know just like bill clinton before him and just like joe biden so what is your take on this i'm i'm a little by. bothered in the sense that i don't think it's going to do him any good
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1st of all i don't think the endorsement doesn't mean any good if you look at past indorsements well i think what this story does is it proves what a lot of the bernie sanders supporters and a lot of the progressives had feared since the start of this primary and that is some kind of shenanigans whether big or small was going to happen behind the scenes to ensure that bernie sanders doesn't get the nomination i mean 2 months ago we're talking about bernie you know winning all these states he is leading in the polls in every single demographic then suddenly the day before super tuesday all these massive drop outs all these big endorsements for biden biden take super tuesday the rest is history and but now we know this is from politico you know this is not in a liberal organization by any stretch of the a maggot imagination so they are telling us that they have spoken with obama's people and they have confirmed that this days before super tuesday obama is making phone calls he's talking to buddha gedge he's talking to close which are and they
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said he didn't want to look like he was putting his thumb on the scale but he was nudging it was not going to get rid of bernie sanders right and between man you i'm really disappointed to hear bernie sanders indorsement of biden either bernie was what he said he was he was we were progressive we're revolutionary in our idea about progressive politics and to come in and just say oh well it's almost like i didn't mean all that and it's not the thing i would have advised him to do the truth is you know there's the point that we're seeing from the other side is the other side is saying look we like what we're seeing here because this is a return of the swamp the g.o.p. is saying this is the swap that trump the land against the 1st palosi schumer biden obama the same players this is the same swap this coming back they're actually jubilant about it and. talked about talk about your projection on the numbers right
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now it's an even heat where was hillary at this time hillary at this point was pretty much double digits ahead a trumpet she said double digits ahead of trump until october that's when things went south for her but biden's already essentially playing catch up he doesn't have a double digit lead on donald trump certainly not nationally and definitely not in any swing state so he is already falling behind because what is he doing right now he's doing you know these prepackaged videos from his living room where he comes across as not even knowing what's happening sometimes they had to bring his wife in there to do 100 percent of the talking because they don't even trust him they know they know that he's oh feels like that they don't even know if they'll make it to the general election i mean iraq i really i have doubts myself you really sense that they're not even sure he has the health or the mental stamina to make it to the genelec that's not me talking i mean that's that's rather a concern about that you know of course when we do
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a story like this we have all the establishment democrats you know the corporatist democrats coming after us and saying how dare you talk about this well we talk about it because you've got to be aware of it yeah and when you see a story well 'd they're at an even heat right now or about as oh good that means by now it's bad it's not it's not good news it's bad news that's why when i heard what's his carville come out and say i mean this is the kind of thing that kills the dems every time when carville comes out and says oh by have to do anything good you see this article he says he could just stand there is going to win the election what does that do for this for this election that has everybody standing down this is this is not a tunnel and the polls right now are actually showing that a majority of people in this country do disapprove of trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic but those same people polled said they would rather have trump in charge during the. demick than biden so they don't like what trumps do in but
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they still think that would be better than what biden has to offer that that's going to be a same thing came up on the economy yet same thing yeah just trash on economy so isn't the point don't you focus on where you might be able to when you certainly don't stand up like this carville said oh well we're you know biden could just stand there and he's going to win i don't know what you know carmel's and what la lanne anybody giving that idea out right now is really don't a disservice to this process fox news has been sued for downplaying the risks of the pandemic but the suit is dead on arrival there's no question about it i looked into this suit out when i looked at this case i said oh my god the people bringing this suit already bigger risk than the people being sued which is fox because you know these people get hit for cost attorney's fees it's there's no way to justify this lawsuit there is no causation connection at all go ahead and pick up from
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what's interesting about this lawsuit is like look everybody knows fox news lies all the time that's always been their thing they exaggerate they downplay when they need to they're not a beacon of truth or honesty however years ago the courts had already ruled in the case of jane aker the media has no legal obligation to tell you the truth they legally can lie to you they're allowed to do it so right there off the top that tells you this isn't going anywhere but then this group they wanted to take i guess a did a different route with the way they filed it and they thought well what if we get them under the consumer protection isn't the caliph that actually makes your case we courage yeah right it could that when a news organization says no we know more than the doctors that are using this in the field right now that are getting results until you have a study that doesn't mean it doesn't mean anything but here. you have the documents
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are going to look i promise you the documents on this case if it were ever brought it would be where you're having this trash talk between producers in talking heads where they're trying to be down on the nut on the odder idea of using this chloroquine because trump says it's a solution you see if you if you get there and somebody ends up saying well i just saw the news i don't want this stuff and in the end they say well if it could have possibly saved their lives there's that's where the case is it's not in suing fox because they're out there you know making broad statement right this this group that's filed the lawsuit is going to end up having to pay out a lot of money for this this suit as we said it is dead on arrival and i think part of what why they did this is. mostly the publicity they wanted the stories out there they wanted to come back 6 months from now say well remember we're the group who tried to take on fox news but darn it they beat us down because they're too
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powerful so we need your help now they have made you look for the 3 of us money the true truth is they have bad lawyers yeah the lawyers that drafted that it would look like was drafted by a 10th grader i mean honest to god they don't understand causation you have to have some connection between the act and the event that takes place there's no causation here and nobody can say yeah because of what fox said this happened to many moving parts fair and thinks they keep. coming up we've watched the saga of round up lawsuits unfold over links between the popular weed killer and various cancers but there's another being widely used and it's now linked to development of parkinson's disease that and more when we come back. join me every 1st day on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to
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a guest in the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see if. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by. the day or thinks. we should ask. humanity is on the edge of a precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural world.
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we just seem laid out a lot of bills lots of. losing muscle from lady a few. feet away. from everything you can hold up. i think that all of the war. or the. dealing in the muslim world as a. surround and stuff and. ship them see that disables the. human activity has brought us to the brink of the world's 6th major extinction of it and the people in this film just come to it and more.
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a popular herbicide called paraquat smid linked to dangerous and permanent health problems including parkinson's disease and chronic lung disease this herbicide has been used for decades in the united states while other countries have banned it because it's so toxic joining me to talk about this is attorney greg coleman who is in the middle of this litigation greg let's start with the basics how long is this herbicide been used in who makes it and what are the health problems we're seeing from. well thanks mike yes this is as you indicated a problem that's been going on for years with what's called paraquat guy chloride
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it's sold under the brand name. not grow box own has been sold since 1962 it was originally manufactured by chevron and then since about 1986 in addition. and grow more every gun manufacturing the product. it's based so well throughout the u.s. and unlike other european countries for example 32 countries have a hand in this product because of its dangerous toxic levels the u.s. still allows the use of it for commercial and related applications. well we know don't we greg that the companies have known about the health issues for a very long time their own clinical data connected with with with absolute connection to aberrational d.n.a. problems cancer 'd and now we're saying for 20 years we've been saying this issue
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about parkinson's disease developed more and more we now know that part of the paraquat does have a relationship to parkinson's disease so what i did what point does the company say you know enough we've got 30 to come countries around some of them 3rd world countries that have banned the use of this product but we're still use it in the united states at what point do they say we've got to move on from this they won't will they they'll squeeze every dime out of a woman. you know mike we know how this works right the companies are still making money while it's what they've been doing it especially when it's been proven to have such dangerous health the fakes for example you mention how long it's been known there been studies for example the 2009 institute study which provided the relationship a causal connection if you will between the chemical exposure of paraquat with
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many different occupations primarily among those agricultural workers then you have other articles again we're not talking about the peanuts comic strip here we're talking about the national institute of health who published what was called the farming in movement evaluation study or the acronym fame which established that people who use air while listening to this mine are 250 percent more 'd likely to develop parkinson's the non-users and remember that circle is not just those who use the product it's those who are exposed to the product well that could be your family that could be neighbors that could be those that are close enough in proximity to the area because we all know it's it's in the air it's in the ambient atmosphere and it can spread in that fashion. well let me just give you
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some examples what there's there's a there's an overspray problem that we saw with the whole ugly ugly saga with with roundup this is round up on steroids i mean i've i handled the round i'm handling the round up case this is round up on steroids because of the elements that were that were saying where there's a connection between obliterating d.n.a. changing the formation of d.n.a. cancer relationships attacking the liver attacking the kidneys attacking the lungs now we know there's neurological data at what point do we have politicians say no more it won't happen will it because this come these companies are just too big in there too big to fail so-to speak. well think about it like this too as well mike we know the since round was uncovered obviously that's an ongoing case although there has been reported by the news there are some developments going on there but
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paraquat in a lot of cases has been used to sort of bridge unique gap from the lack of use if you will of round because of what's been going on legally but here's the thing by paraquat has been shown to be even more toxic than round and glycine fate which of course was the herbicide or the chemical involved in roundup and in fact you mentioned what the legislation is going to do or what should it do in march of 2016 the e.p.a. our environmental protection agency expressed its intent to pursue risk man mitigation measures for pair after evaluation after evaluating some of the incident data including a large body of it be a dimia logical data and this is what they found they found that absolutely there
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was a connection then in july of 2009. yeah yeah greg we're short on time but i want to tell you or get you back on is this case is you develop this case further it's an important one thank you for being out there talking about it because it doesn't seem like there's a lot of sure talk certainly the media is not talking about it again thank you for joining me ok. thank you so much. house and senate democrats of introduced a bill that's going to band prize. the related the corona virus outbreak. joins me now with the story brigitta what can you tell me about the covert 19 price gouging prevention act. that is in cycle right now. democratic leaders have introduced several related bills to prohibit price gouging during national emergencies which of course includes the cove in $1000.00 pandemic now the proposed bills would allow the federal trade commission and state attorneys
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general to crack down on sellers that increase the price of certain consumer goods by more than 10 percent unless sellers can prove that the increases are outside of their control and there's currently no federal law prohibiting price gouging so this am's to help that now the announcement comes as thousands of people across the nation file complaints against e-commerce and brick and mortar retailers for selling necessities like toilet paper masks hand sanitizers and even ammunition at exorbitant prices well beyond that 10 percent threshold. you know our state and federal authorities actually investigating the actual complaints i mean they are they on the ground actually trying to see what's being done here it's one thing to say we're here in this anecdotal information but every time you see one of these stories develop the you really change things by have in the by having the governmental entity that should be in charge of stopping it actually sinan people
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out bollinger actual complaints taking them to court that's the only thing that really changes the minds of these greedy sellers isn't it. yes and the federal trade commission food and drug administration and state attorneys general are now reportedly ramping up those investigations because there are so many complaints they can't really ignore it at this point and some states now even have online. riddle's where consumers can go online and file complaints against sellers in their neighborhoods or online that are taking advantage of people during this crisis the department of justice has also issued a broad mandate regarding criminal enforcement of these deceptive fraudulent and predatory practices and this is really important because there are shady brokers out there not only taking advantage of people on a small scale but also on a mass scale. can you give me some examples of how these or advantage of people here are just deplorable what what stories do you know. sure i
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have my own anecdotal stories of going and spending $100.00 on things like toilet paper and paper towels but also online platforms facebook amazon craigslist e-bay people are listing items there for goods at over 300 percent markup and then on the large scale you have brokers preying on medical workers just in california the f.b.i. has revealed a major scam by a deceptive broker who is trying to sell a fake stockpile of 39000000 and 95 masks to local to a local labor union now the f.b.i. caught wind of the deal while trying to see if you could actually intercept those masks and take that stockpile for the federal emergency management agency under the defense production act which shows how competitive it's getting out there for these personal protective gear now health care providers including kaiser permanente and sutter health had reportedly already placed orders with that labor union for millions of masks before the deal actually fell apart so if these bills pass the
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goods and services that would be protected under that bill include hand sanitizer personal protective equipment other medical supplies food cleaning supplies personal hygiene products and so on but with so many shortages and rampant competition between international nations united states and the federal government many worry that it's not going to be enough to actually prevent these bad act. there is taking advantage of people in need. yeah 3 or $4.00. should be is $2.00 to $3.00 to $4.00 days that depends selling for $1215.00 or it we get it in they've got to do something to stop all that crazy to thank you for joining me ok. thanks mike finally tonight some good news a 2nd federal court has ruled that the state of florida cannot implement what's been described as a poll tax to prevent former felons from being allowed to register to vote the state government passed a measure last year requiring former felons to pay all of the cost and penalties
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associated with their incarceration before they could be allowed to register to vote but the latest federal court ruling put an immediate into that legislation this means that the only route left 'd for the state is to take it to the supreme court and because of the pandemic the cases virtually no chance of being argued before the court before the 2020 alexion floor is the most important swing state in the general election and this ruling is going to have a massive impact on the 2020 presidential race there's no indication that these former felons are going to vote for one party over the other or at all but they certainly have the potential to change the electorate in florida which could likely change the federal government from this point forward that's all for tonight find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all our t. america programs on direct t.v. channel 321 and also stream i'm live on you tube and be sure to check out our tease
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new portable app we can watch any program you want any of your favorite shows on my path into on your own this is america's lower where every week we're going to tell you the stories of the corporate media is ordered not to tell because their advertisers or the political connections don't allow them to tell that story have a great night. and it's a code 19 pandemic change the international system to us train your relations to be altered. is the west experiencing buyer's remorse when it was a show. that is used every song cycle don't you miss of.
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the lead in the piece is on fire and you can t. see jordan from the police. today defended. walker next you don't. give us an emotional safety feature and you move on to the sort of the. lead.
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live from the world as we want to welcome all of you from all over the world who are watching us right now especially those of you who are watching on portable t.v. the app in places like india where tens of thousands are tuning in every hour we're so glad that you're there ok let's start with this today for the very 1st time the national conversation is turning toward what will actually happen in the future how will our lives actually change and here's what i mean by that a lot of people have been led to believe that had some debt.


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