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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  April 17, 2020 9:30am-10:30am EDT

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to save the federal government a buck or 2 political parties and their gilded corporate sponsors are more than happy to waste close to $10000000000.00 on campaign commercials that works out to a little over 14000 dollars per person who is now without boot stamps but guess what that $9900000000.00 might be on the low end of estimates group global president of business intelligence brian weezer told the media that quote our understanding is that in the typical campaign 60 percent of funds raised may be deployed in the media spending consequently we recognize that the current political cycle could lead to higher levels of spending than we currently incorporate into our forecast that means that by tuesday nov 3rd our illustrious political parties could spend well over 12000000000 dollars just to get themselves elected do you really do you really think they spend numbers like that because they really really really really really want to be humble public servants. not a chance and that is why my friends we are always watching all this.
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sort of. like you know that i got. to. welcome everybody to watching the hawks i am tyrone been through and joining me today is award winning journalist chris hedges to talk about the how our political leaders are spending so much money just to get themselves elected and the other battle fronts on the war in the port thank you so much for joining me lowers i accordingly the federal elections commission total federal election fund raising was approximately 2000000000 in just the 1st half of 2019 and we haven't even started the primaries. what do those numbers tell you about the state of our
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federal elections but. it's more about what it says about the state of politics it's what benjamin demat called junk politics if you look closely at how this money is spent it is not about the dissemination of ideas it's about the dissemination of emotions about manufactured political personalities. about making people confuse knowledge with how they are made to feel and i think what's so interesting about the 2016 election is that trump for all of his deficiencies is a least good at that reality television show in a way that jeb bush or hillary clinton is not and so it is about conforming to a particular model that is anti political anti thought
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and and really corrosive to. politics itself and it affects the media so c.n.n. where is this money going it's going to networks like c.n.n. who perpetuate the. kind of moral and intellectual deterioration masquerading as politics because they turn it into really just 2 sports teams fighting each other and that's conscious you know that zucker quite consciously model over dollars just to really at the end of the kind of like you said you know shrink what actually is being talked about really it's just spending to get recognition for the name recognition and to impart the way advertisers are quite skillful at doing an emotional response to elicit an emotional response we see it with bloomberg. oh yeah what are the commercials are
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there content less like all of them bloomberg surrounded by children holding you know whatever it is but that's so it's it's politics has just become another species or another arm of the advertising industry which of course. corporate advertisers have flooded the airwaves with lies and then this is just another lie i mean if you look back at hillary clinton campaign in 2016 there was almost no policy discussed of the more policy discussed by trump ironically but it is about. focusing everything around these manufactured political personalities and how you how you are made to feel about them and the media is. essentially complicit in perpetuating these narratives which are which have been so corrosive to the political system. her name is laid it out and you know what's
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fascinating go read back and read his book propaganda it's he's a good they're quite upfront about it they're quite do you go back to wall to lippmann i mean. public opinion that if they know what they're doing they know how to do it and it's just part of part of the spin and there's that. playing off of each other is one giant big brother show it really is. interesting we also came out with a fascinating article recently titled the new black codes which which delves into how you know and i think it's going to extension even of what we're talking about here but kind of controlled by the powerful you go into how law enforcement agencies across the united states are centrally being used as. for luggage are brutal tools of social control over the poor and the minorities in this country how how does that manifest itself through the police department well let's begin with
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the fact that both of the political parties were complicit in carrying out deindustrialization in the liberalism and austerity which affected certainly most severely poor people of color in these d. and just realized urban centers what malcolm x. called internal colonies so how do you then keep these people under control they don't have meaningful work they're forced into the illegal economy it's through omnipotent police powers including carrying assault style weapons this kind of stuff and the ability to use them a 1000 people a year almost all unarmed are killed in the united states by police that's one every 8 hours and mass incarceration these are the 2 mechanisms by which you keep the underclass so that this kind of propaganda it doesn't work to people live there they're just never going to feel good about you know hillary clinton or joe biden because they get it they're living under such severe economic and you know i would
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even argue political oppression and so you have you know the these these pockets in essence are stateless they've been stripped of their rights 94 percent of the people in our prison population never had a jury trial. and that's what hannah arendt called the stateless people with and she said when you have a segment of any society that is stripped of their rights rights become privileges but the real danger is you set up both the legal and the physical mechanisms should this unrest or potential unrest spread to the rest of the population it can be used against them and so this is part of this creeping. kind of road to american tyranny that's call minator in a figure like trump disregard for the rule of law which hardly began with a trump administrator in fact many of the far more agreed. impeachable offenses that trump committed including i think it's 11 illegal wars that never been declared by congress and. reinterpretation of the authorization authorization use
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military force act under obama as giving them the right to assassinate american citizens which they did and 2 weeks later 16 year old son the the wholesale surveillance and so it is about the breakdown of the rule of law and the kind of imposition of far more draconian tactics which the poor in this country already suffer from. for control it's interesting too because one of the things that really jumped out at me in that article that you wrote which i again i highly recommend people going take a look at and also matt taibbi book on the death of eric garner it's a great it's a great for a very good book it's a very good book you write that more training body cameras community policing the hiring of minority members police officers a better probation service equitable fines and special events to investigate police abuse are really public relations gimmicks and i think it's important for people to
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realize that and. explain how are these gimmicks because i remember you've got you know n.b.c. c.n.n. all of these political leaders and politicians saying oh this is the answer this will make police better america quote unquote more professional in fact has a done historically it has swelled the power in the arsenals of police as well as the ability of police to carry out agree just assaults especially against people of color when we're talking about. heavily armed swat teams with kevlar vests and long barreled weapons kicking down doors and terrorizing people in apartments for nonviolent drug. arrests not going to change the camera there but well you know how that works is that what the guy in the camera the back and they and the they're beating the hell. out of whoever it is they want and someone is yelling stop resisting stop resisting look all of these all of these are good mics you know you
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well you were read your miranda rights i mean i'm going to be in court next week in camden new jersey for one of my teach in a prison one of my students arrested at the age of 14 put in a room with 3 detectives all night long forced to sign a confession that he committed a murder that he didn't commit because the detective told him it would take 10 years off a sense he goes in at 14 tried as an adult he's not eligible for parole until he's 70 years old this is a recent thing hearing we're trying to push through but this is common and so but the argument is you're read your miranda rights you know you were read your miranda rights you were alone in the room 20 minutes before the tape went on the confession you were told what to say and you said this is the experience of being a person of color poor person of color in this country and one of my frustrations with the media is that that reality and even the reality of the white working class which i come out of in maine is just not reflected at all it's and that gets back to where we started it's all
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a big carnival act it's burlesque it's vaudeville it's a show and that's why the impeachment hearings have not moved a segment in fact they've probably helped donald trump because however distasteful trump may be. the lies that he told are nothing compared to the lies the democratic party in the liberal elites told that created this oligarchy ecstacy vast social inequality and forms of pressure and let's never forget that it was joe biden and bill clinton who doubled the size of our prison population in the 1994 was crime bill. tripled and quadrupled senses including the 3 strikes you're out law so for 3 nonviolent offenses usually drug offenses we're talking about low you can go to prison for the rest of your life this was the democratic party that is the democratic party and we're not going to clear it was biden who. brad about how because there was a 10 year decade period we didn't execute anybody in this country how it was we went from one crime that the death penalty to $58.00 and he bragged about that on
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the campaign trail are going to say thank you so much chris always a pleasure having you on great words of wisdom to us all thank you all right as we're going to break off watchers don't forget to let us know what you think the top 3 cover of our social media be sure to check out watch of the podcast with spotify apple music and everywhere you look at the podcast coming up the one and only jimmy door joins us to discuss the new york times new 2020 presidential campaign reality show no that's not hyperbole there really is going to be a new york times election t.v. show coming for us all day to watch for the books. thinking of getting it done the ones we've got in our shows. so you know what to use traps in this tiny little wired we don't need a crate with him he will just start freaking out and he won't want to spread even
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anywhere near. breeding dogs or caged in the into lane conditions on puppies i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in the cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. because you. know it's a kid. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and still most of the puppies that are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold at stores even giant a good businesses are involved like gillum santa there has been a shocking amount of the organizing opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding facilities most of that opposition is coming. from the huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy.
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something. on the spot that's. enough. she still leaves. me up on the show was still a lot. of bull you put it's not just one thoughts. on one level so that we stop it takes $2.00 to $3.00 ship.
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welcome back well just when you thought the american idol extravaganza that is the u.s. 2020 presidential campaign season couldn't get any more well what reality show bubble gum grim you know what the annie leibovitz vanity fair covers to the m s n b c tell about sorry sorry debates the new york times just said to hold my beer and what's left of my integrity because it is now being reported that the once highly regarded and revered times editorial board and opinion section will open up its presidential endorsement. assess television and online audiences yes politico is reporting that in a pitched unnamed presidential campaigns deputy editorial page editor kathleen
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kenyon wrote for the 1st time interviews with the editorial board will be filmed and parsons may be broadcast as part of a special episode of the times new documentary series the weekly and that the show will also feature the editorial board deliberations and the final decision on whom the board chooses to endorse will be revealed on television just 2 weeks 2 weeks before the iowa caucus and it gets even better because not only will hulu and f.x. audiences where the weekly currently plays be subjected to the riveting television that are the corporate steps that make up the times editorial board but politico is also reporting that some editors and writers from the opinion section will be invited to canada interviews because nothing's must see t.v. than watching barry weiss the lena dunham of politics throw gooey softball dippy buthe judge at a new club which are well joining me now to discuss the new york times new 2020
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election reality show and the rest of the game show that is our presidential election process the host of the jimmy darcy show the aptly named jimmy door thank you for coming on jimmy hey thanks for having me that was hilarious and it's very well. thank you thank you means a lot well i want to ask you what what are you most looking forward to with this new new york times democratic presidential nomination reality game show that we're about to be subjected to. well i'm looking forward to seeing if barry weiss looked up the word toady and she knows what that means yet because she famously won i joe rogan show and she was asked about her feelings until she gathered and she said oh she's an assad toady and when joe rogan asked her what it's totally mean she didn't know what it meant couldn't give a definition and then they had to look it up on the air of what the words you just called a presidential candidate was that's an editorial writer for the new york times so i'm really looking forward to some more ridiculousness from barry white's and i
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feel like it's one of those things that's only going to give us more nuggets of just in fan of the you know as we see these people kind of parade their intellectual with someone on reality t.v. who in the facts in her letter to the campaign's deputy editorial page editor kathleen kingsbury's i mentioned before defended the times' decision to televise their process writing saying putting the she's interviews on the record as a public service to our readers and that this show gives voters insight into the criteria experience character knowledge of issues that inform our endorsements as well as allow us to showcase the research and reporting that will direct this indorsement process i mean look we've been in this game a long time i've been too cynical jimmy is this open process actually what the times of after is really more about ratings clicks and kind of pushing the times of political agenda. yeah this is the times is pivot to digital right that's what
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they're trying to do and a if people want to watch their reporters interview someone they would be on t.v. already nobody wants to see that's why they're print reporters and not t.v. journalists right or t.v. talking it now but i think in the sense that really this probably will backfire on them because the only. time they will probably make news or one of their clips will become newsworthy is one a gaffe happened. what is their reporters or interviewers or will be used to show how bad their interviews are or if you know they also. when they interviewed bernie remember right so it would be good to actually see the raw footage of them interviewing bernie as opposed to how they write what happened in the interview so actually in a sense this probably will backfire on them will reveal their own biases in that sense because people can see the raw footage you know and then they'll see the story they wrote and it probably won't match up. so i have you know i'm open to see
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the new york times shoot themselves in the boat again i think it's going to be fun but it puts the other the thing that's the makes me sad those at the end of the day is what television political news reporting has i think really you know the what it what it has become has really destroyed our electoral process or helped kind of bring it down it's been one of the many you know coals in the fire and now saying you know like you said print journalists kind of jumping into the bandwagon just for the clicks and for their their you know online i think that's a dangerous element to going to bring into the system of like ok now now our newspapers are going to be competing now or online print journalists are going to be competing for those all important clicks. yeah i mean i don't know how it could get much worse said the new york times the washington post or c.n.n. or m.s.n. b.c. they're all. they've gone beyond being establishment guard dogs and now they've turned into stablished which meant attack dogs right so i'll just get back to go back to the barry weiss example right or how about the person who even covers who's
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assigned by the new york times to cover bernie sanders. comes right from the establishment pharmaceutical and wall street yeah right so this is someone that's who they put on to to cover bernie that so. it can't get worse is what i'm saying and it can only be in an energy entertaining show so right now we have this shift we had to shift show last week and that congress. and they just keep it's all the circuits all circuits because they stablish mint parties the republicans and democrats neither of them are offering anything to the people to come out and get off the coach and vote couch and vote for and the establishment media is just their mouthpiece right so they attack anybody who has an actual message like bernie sanders are told he gathered and they prop up anybody who's doing the establishment bidding like elizabeth warren or how about pete who gets over joe biden and so
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those people wouldn't be anything without the mainstream media and if the mainstream media actually did their job they would have been taken care of a long time ago so i yeah i mean i don't i don't lose all only read the new york times by the way you had a gentleman on earlier who used to work for the new york times and then he was disinvited from working for the new york times which is a nice way to say it because he was he did not agree to stop telling the truth about the iraq war so chris hedges pulitzer prize winning journalist war reporter for the day york times tells the truth about a war and they tell me to shut up or you got a lead so that's what the new york times it right right i want to ask and this might be impossible to answer given how much we've had the big through and how much how many lies and scams have been thrown out us but what do you feel it's been the biggest liar scam perpetrated so far on us voters in the race up to this point. well of course if you watch my show or if you read aaron might say in the nation
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magazine or read glenn greenwald you know that the biggest lie so far in the trump presidency has been the evidence 3 russia gave hoax that was perpetrated by the democratic party the intelligence community and the establishment media so the to me that was the biggest lie that was happening right now the 2nd one would be this impeachment show trial also which is just another show to. trial right which 'd is this is not an impeachable not an impeachable offense and does not rise to the level of an impeachable offense in fact if you want to ukraine actually did interfere in our lections and it was at the behest of the clinton campaign that's according to politico is reporting that not mine so again it's this is just a show this is and again it's because the if the democrats want to actually opposed from they actually have to oppose the establishment well the democratic party is the establishment which is why they can oppose him on the things they're supposed
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to they can oppose him on the regulating wall street because they want democrats go along and vote for it they can oppose him on his judges because they want democrats to go vote for it so if they opposed trump on substantial issues they would have to throw some of their democratic colleagues under the bus and their donors which is why they don't do it which is why they spent 3 years talking about rush again and why they're now doing the show trials impeachment it's really incredible and i think jim we've got a little bit of time left but it what's interesting is i think they're kind of failing because it seems like there are attacks that they do on the candidates that they don't like like a bernie sanders or tulsa gabbert that actually does more to kind of eliminate what those candidates stand for than their own you know pam selected candidates because when you think of when i think of bernie i think ok free college free health care when i think it's healthy no regime change was when i think of lizabeth warn against little more shaky i guess free college and free health care kind of that same thing but then when you think about like butta jobs or quotes or anyone else it's like i don't really know what they ultimately stand for i mean malarkey i
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think was on the side of his boss. i gotta say and it's a pleasure watching you and i am doing great work out there and keep up the great work on your show the jimmy doors show you're getting a lot of people you're definitely opening a lot of eyes out there and thank you for the comedy during a season an election season that we most definitely need to laugh at the times. well right back at you and let me just say it's not that i'm some kind of a genius news person far from it it's just that news people are so but they're not allowed to tell the truth so it leaves a big lane for people like that it definitely does thank you so much sir. finally today let us bring you this preview of the newest episode of redacted tonight speaking of good political comedy news were redacted contributor naomi carroll body delves into what really was responsible for the recent chemical plant explosions in texas. the disaster at the t.p.c. own facility took place and for the trumpet administration rollback safety rules
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meant to protect workers and people who live near chemical plants that's like when a venice council rejected climate change measures and moments later discovered it or when officials declared pompei a burning hot lava free zone or when they removed the ban on smoking in the hidden burger and then soon after well 5 there was a lot of smoking not until 2 days later were people within a 4 mile radius of the chemical plant able to return to their homes and courtney and they were thankful that the company the t.p.c. group took care of them this holiday season and blew out their windows you can feel the gratitude in the air which they see and see to bring despite the fact that it looks and tastes like burning used to. after the residents return they won't commit by another tower of the land falling down and
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a warning not to touch the debris because it might contain. according to an official statement the black stuff floating don't touch it this was said by troy monk who is the director of health safety and security for the t.p.c. group. and he really dances around that word as specified which is cancer causing a washout for those odds and ends that get in your. texas rich in petroleum and natural gas is also rich in chemical plants that have exploded several times just this year we had fires and deer park at the i.t.c. petrochemical plant in exxon mobil plant in baytown and fires broke out at the k.m.c. 0 chemical plant and. this puts a lot of pressure on the. news anchors to stand outside and pretend the air is safe to smoke i mean great. dodge of the night which was friday is on our to american be
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sure to check out redacted tonight be upbeat which includes exclusive interviews and gas up we don't want to miss that well ladies and gentlemen that is our show for the day remember everyone in this world we are definitely not told we love the wall i love i robot keep on watching all those hawks out there albert great. kind of economically the great if there's going to be one can be expected for the pandemic has run its course comes the pain to make changes to want to see me is in
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many chance of returning to pretend any condition. don't you miss. the least. they can be so easy surely some police need. to take the shine a little shots off to see the next you don't. give a simple decency. so that the.
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well coming up us from around the world live from central london this is our 2 u.k. . a former director of the world health organization calls the u.k.'s coronavirus response to swallow that's as european ministers expressed concern over britain's infection rates. report saying fewer people with serious problems such as strokes or heart attacks are attending hospital duty coronavirus fears we hear from an emergency department doctor. we're seeing far fewer numbers and things that hostile acts and strengths and weaknesses like and says there don't look a little like appendicitis and there's
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a growing concern amongst medical professional and these patients not to be talked to in the. u.k. government opens a review into why people from ethnic minorities are more risk of coronavirus. and the health secretary faces criticism over his badge of honor for social care as with many working in the industry calling for more practical help we'll hear from a care worker. the u.k. government has been accused of being too slow in its response to the coronavirus crisis as european countries expressed concern over britain's infection rates it comes as the country's long down measures are extended for at least another 3 weeks or r.t.u. case. hi there isa so it looks like the government is coming in for some criticism
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doesn't it we've been seeing the health select committee sitting. digits in the really number of officials both former and current coming in front of they include the health secretary hank old but also a former world health organization official by the name of the costello and when he appeared in front of those m.p.'s he said that the government is simply been too slow to react to the crisis. you need to find cases you need to test them if you can you trace their contacts you isolate them you do social distancing but most important of all you do it will speak and make their harsh reality and one of the reasons i have not been constructive critical and also i believe we should not have any late stage we stop at no blade where with the cisco systems marriage ledger staff have probably the highest death rates in your and we have to face the reality
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that we were number but we can make sure that in the 2nd wave we're not. there's also been criticism on the other side of the channel the main land europe australia health ministers they're also criticizing the u.k. response and showing amazement at what they say is a high death rate amongst u.k. patients at that switzerland has managed to get down to 2.2 percent italy also managed to arrive at 2.5 percent which is the main element of hope there not so much when it comes the number of deaths and the rate at which new infections occur and this is what is frightening many in europe at the moment that's the numbers in great britain with 7.7 percent france 3.7 percent and germany which always used to have a similar development too was in many criteria a little bit above our numbers with 3 percent in me pro putting. now of course not hancock the house secretary he was one of those who was facing questions on
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a number of issues to do with testing of course the lack of p.p.m. . personal protective equipment for n.h.s. stuff and also a question about lock down measures now the government have fallen short of almost all of the targets they've set for themselves to increase testing but mr hancock said that they would the government that is be increasing testing not just for n.h.s. workers but all across the board for frontline staff now we've got the curve under control i want to be able to get back to the position that we can test everybody with symptoms and i'm just being able to do that relatively soon because we're increasing capacity i can today expand the eligibility for testing to police fire service prisons staff local authority critical local authority. stuff the judiciary and d.w.p. staff who need it and we're able to do that because of the scale of testing. well
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it's as we heard on thursday the dam has been extended for 3 weeks but don't rob also gave other details as well didn't. we've seen other countries easing some of their restrictions but as far as the u.k. is concerned there are some criteria that have to be met before they can ease those lockdown restrictions here in the u.k. now they include making sure the n.h.s. can cope with the rising cases if the lock down is lifted also making sure that there's a sustained and consistent fall in daily death rates before the u.k. lifts that restriction so that we know we're beyond the peak reliable data to show that infections are dropping to levels that the n.h.s. can manage also making sure that enough testing is taking place as well as increasing the amount of people he meets not just current demand but future the man
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also making sure that any changes in destructions would not lead to a 2nd peak and that's what one of the worries is that once everybody's let out that it could just lead to another peak and we keep going round in these cycles and there's also been warnings that next year there could be a number of peaks repeatedly govern on until this issue is even got on top of or there are some kind of cures or medicine or vaccine to deal with it and time to go is an area so thank you very much indeed thank you what doctors are expressing concern is the u.k.'s hospitals are seeing a reduction in patients with serious medical conditions as people delay seeking help to to fears about coronavirus well in a lot london university college hospital stress they saw a 30 percent reduction in people being referred or treated for stroke while a survey from across 55 countries revealed only one in 5 hospitals reported stroke patients currently receiving the usual care and in one body italy's worst affected
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region treating serious heart attacks has fallen by 70 percent. well an emergency department doctor who'd like to remain anonymous told r.t. there's an increasing fear about catching the virus in hospital for corona virus we're seeing probably about 450 to 500 cases a day and presenting to any and that was quite similar across the country and now we're seeing about 180 a day come to a knee and and a number of these cases and. we're seeing far fewer numbers of things like heart attacks and strokes and things like. things like appendicitis and there's a growing concern amongst the medical profession and these patients not coming tossed into an issue that could be a number of reasons and there is and going to be fewer patients coming in with things like trauma because people are staying home and so we're expecting less
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injuries and and people generally are getting into a lot less stress and their bodies so potentially less people are having heart attacks. i think i know from patients i have spoken to there's a huge amount of fear a marxist a community about coming into hospital because i worried about catching coronavirus and there's also a large group of people who are worried about putting pressure on the n.h.s. this moment in time and so i think that there's a lot of reasons why people are not coming and i think that actually there's probably a lot of people staying at home with problems when they should be and because if there are in a bar and the doctor also thinks people shouldn't be worried about stretching resources. i think people are being quite selfish at the moment and are staying at home because they're worried about putting pressure on the n.h.s. but i won't say that emergency conditions like things that heart attacks and strokes are time critical and actually patients should not be sitting on these problems at home they need to be coming to hospital when they happen and actually
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in the long term if they're sitting on these problems for longer they're more likely to suffer complications and put more stress on the n.h.s. a later time and and i would say that at the moment we've made a lot of and surge plans to increase our capacity to deal with the current of r s and we're very well equipped to be dealing with increased demand which we're actually not seeing and so i would say to people who worried about the pressure on the n.h.s. that we've. done a lot of planning to make sure that we can cope with increased demand we're not seeing increased demand and if you're very very unwell we do need to see immediately. well let's take a look at the latest figures here in the u.k. a further 847 hospital deaths have been recorded over the past 24 hours currently over 108000 people have now been tested positive for the virus in britain and more than 14000 have lost their lives it comes as the scottish 1st minister nicola
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sturgeon hinted that holyrood could divert from u.k. strategy if it was logical and sensible to do so. i think it is absolutely right that we have as coordinated a position as possible across the u.k. and hopefully across europe and the what dude but where the evidence with judgment apply to dry uses in slightly different directions as long as that's for the good reason and not for some silly political consideration that has no police and in these kind of discussions then i think that is pretty logical and sensible as well so that's how i'll try to do this is have tried to do it from day one and i'll continue to try to do it my only interest here and you know literally my only interest is in doing everything i can i devised with the best people i can get to advise me the great things to try to slow down this virus and protected any case and to see if ways and across the world the number of cases has now gone over the 2000000 mark according to johns hopkins university which collates worldwide data
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over 146000 people have now died from coronavirus across the globe meanwhile more than half a 1000900 patients have recovered. now a member of northern ireland's assembly has called medical decisions to advise against intensive care treatment as devoid of humanity paula bradshaw received a letter from one of her belfast constituents who was told her husband wouldn't be taken to hospital if he took a turn for the worse the british medical associations guidelines say health professionals may be obliged to withdraw treatment from some patients to enable treatment of others with a higher survival possibility the b.m.a. also sets out instructions for the rationing of care in case the n.h.s. is overstretch. if services are overwhelmed during this pandemic health providers will put in place expand systems as. triology as a form of rationing or allocation of scarce resources of the critical or emergency
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circumstances where decisions about who should receive treatment must be made immediately because more individuals have a life threatening conditions that can be treated ones and to discuss this all be joined in the next bipolar broncho the m.l.a. for belfast south. now experts have warned that britain faces a mental health crisis as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and a recent report leading academics claim the mental health for laos of the crisis could last well beyond the lifting of the law they say social distancing along with unemployment and potential poverty could cost a long shadow on the population's mental health experts also believe gradually reopening areas of the economy in a staggered long done could lead to further anger and resentment from those who aren't allowed out. coming up after the break bell secretary's call for a badge of honor for carers faces criticism from workers in that sector and we hear
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from one of them. as downing street launches an investigation into why people from ethnic minority front runs are more effective pie coronavirus. the stories that we're told to this point are going to seem dated instantly and we're going to have a whole busy new generation of storytelling moving forward our very definition of what a hero is one of no one is what's sessions are all of that change smoothing into the future our whole value system aside shifted and change.
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is you'll media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a made in the shallowness. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the
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world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. welcome back to the u.k. government has launched an investigation into why people from ethnic minority backgrounds are more likely to be affected by covert 19 in england or wales around 13 percent of the population of from ethnic minority backgrounds though they account for 44 percent of n.h.s. doctors and 24 perfectionists who've died from the virus were from ethnic minorities last week the intensive care national audit and research centers said the group was disproportionately affected its analysis showed out of around 2000 patients with the virus roughly 65 percent to whites just under 14 percent of black and 14 percent are from asian backgrounds while 6.6 percent would categorized as
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upper the last census in 2011 revealed that just over 7 percent of the u.k.'s population asian and just over 3 percent of black well the n.h.s. and public health england will conduct the investigation into why these groups could be more at risk virus that's as the chairman of the british medical association suggested it wasn't a coincidence that the 1st 10 doctors to die from the disease were from those backgrounds some researchers believe that any artists often fall into the poor echelons of society so it could be more vulnerable the shadow equality secretary has welcomed the move and for size and the importance of reducing the disparity. and in the next hour i'll be discussing this issue with government advisor should be hussein. the health secretary has announced a green and white badge for adult care workers as part of the action plan to help the care sector is similar to the one worn by n.h.s. staff and not hancock says it should be seen as a badge of honor but not everyone is convinced. we're today introducing
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a single brand for social care to symbolize the entire care profession this is something i know so many people in the profession have called for this badge will be a badge of honor. well
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other say a more practical help would be to issue for you fees or extensions to naani you care workers who don't have indefinite leave to remain however the government put an end to those hopes yesterday saying there would be no amendments to its immigration bill linkletter from the leading group of adult social services also accuse number 10 of treating the sector as a last resort compared to the n.h.s. . or for kerry's response to the health sector is action plan are joined by fellow charter adieux but i thank you very much for joining us i mean what do you think of manhattan but hancock's green badger mean doesn't it finally put care workers on
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the same level as the n.h.s. yeah. you know to talk about the. circuitry was talking about yesterday he was talking about the guy and he said but he's going to be you are not is and always state yes is as a candidate a badge of honor ok. i like to say the i've got on not you know what since i don't know because he knows about the n.h.s. is currently blue on white the walk us i mean here us carrying the green one look as it were because we have the same thing n.h.s. is not different from the and who are not they are not any chips you get you the same that they are going to be coming but i don't know in what sense. what those dummy well i think you mean if they go you know are doesn't mean the bike over or
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not is going to carry some benefits. as in nature or just the back door not as in the mouth i think the idea is the fact that the health secretary effect to be saying that people who work in the care centers across all of their sectors should be treated equally and there is also more in the government plan for more testing and more p.p.a. and the adult care sector do you not think that these are an overall improvement in your working practices. come again place you know find all of this an improvement for the for health care workers. east not an improved range for workers we are the frontline for crying out loud we don't have that is what we need most you say we should go into disco be patient without people. going to work early in the morning going to work in the night before food to go into this patient without be. sick so to do is good you just look at giving us
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appropriate people to use for this patients is not now not now the man bites but all of it i don't know where they came into the patients they should please look into it the bygone only carries on benefits and he's going to be across the board not just only the carrier walker is going to be all for our 3 front 9 ones that are working etc or so i want to shout it what else would you like to see rather than the green badge or as one of the green badge what benefits would you like to see coming from the government now or if we go to the supermarkets the us used to present our n.h.s. but care workers are our x. there we should be i mean there should be a benefit. the banks not only dots that's one thing. we
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do that needs to be known by everybody is not because i'm going to run that is when you know that you are working nor i started this or we are going to us we all got the same we are we worked before so they don't just look into each that we are the front we are the front line are now we are here to support everybody in the ouse i cannot thank you as i you believe you know week i wasn't just on only one day i am walking says this you know we don't because some of us cannot say this thing some of us are these underlining sicknesses they are not do you want them to comment we're not arguing it's at that point i don't and i will try to going to have to leave it there thank you very much indeed for joining us polish up the audio to thank you for joining us yeah thank you. for the government has admitted that deaths from cancer could increase as
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a result of the virus pandemic as people with suspected cases are staying away from hospital to everest actually spoke to one cancer patient who's found it increasingly difficult to receive the care she needs toni kroos was supposed to be on the path to becoming cancer free she's already been through the unimaginable twice now but she's fighting the fatal illness for a 3rd time and given her a rare form of cancer tony needs specialist treatment and it can't come soon enough unfortunately because of coronavirus at the moment they try and say we're actually not running. so at the moment all they can brady. do locally would be. soaking my therapy and things like that. way we are both been informed at the pos that this type of cancer is chemotherapy persistent so if i will stop aki my therapy then that would be more of a positive treatment wroth of than something that could help here this. the single
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mother of 2 was 1st diagnosed with a rare cancer in her 102016 which resulted in having her i've removed but now the disease has returned to her lungs and skin tissue while her own colleges have a shorter she's on the list to be treated in a specialized center in london when the doors open again given the scale of the outbreak she and tens of thousands of other sufferers can only assume it may be months not weeks before they're treated because we don't really know how long any of this is going to take are a lot of people that are not in the treatment they should be receiving i feel like everybody's in the same mind because cancer and its treatment can suppress i mean system oncologists are now faced with having to decide whether it's worth the risk of offering treatment if it could expose the most vulnerable to cope at 19 which could also prove fatal are still quite high for the doctors at the moment because they're having to choose varied between. people's immune systems in this treatment
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and i think a lot of them are having to make very difficult decisions on who is still receiving chemotherapy at the moment so i know. it's really the choice between if your if you are have been the source of treatments like chemotherapy they very do have an impact on your means so it's sort of choosing the lesser of evils really well the n.h.s. struggles to deal with the coronavirus crisis leading experts in the field say some patients will die sooner not because of the infection but because they are not able to treat other diseases as they would normally so unfortunately when we have a pandemic like we have bad things happen however let me be clear we have to save lives and that is why we are here we cannot just let. one ruble susceptible people fall by the wayside but tony is not alone anyone. on
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chemotherapy has been advised by the government to stay at home if possible hospital guidelines suggest keeping beds free for coronavirus patients plus a reduction in theatre space mean scores of people having vital surgery perspire own so as resources are diverted away to tackle cave at 19 there are warnings that those with chronic illnesses could become the hidden victims of this pandemic certain treatments that can wait to wait certain treatments that cannot wait must not wait for example a invasive cancer that needs urgent treatment it must happen to say we're not going to do it doesn't sound right to me and it doesn't sit comfortably with me because then you're basically saying nothing to do and wait you're afraid that can't we know right so while doctors try to find the balance between holding off on treatment and exposing vulnerable patients to the coronavirus people like tony have
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no other option other than hoping for the best are just staying in this hype that it's possible really it's just a case of enjoy every day and take it as it comes for even one step at a time but while she waits she also realizes that the crucial treatment could arrive too late to go fund me page has been set up to help her and her children make memories together in the hope that if she doesn't make it her kids will still be cat for if this progress quicker than we expected then the children will have so that the pool of money that they will have when their own go to fall back on where they were ready have me there with sort of thing christmas money every year and i'm hoping to have something they can have in their savings account for when they were shot at a stash we are to u.k. london and i'll be back with more news in just over half an hour.
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thinking of getting a new book on the ones we got in our shelves no problem was he didn't know it's still trapped in this tiny little wired how much we don't need a crate with him he will. freaking out into the wall when it's pretty much anywhere near. breeding dogs or caged in the into lane conditions on puppy farms i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. because you. know it's ok. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from this large scale factory farming kind of operations are being stolen and it stores even joined a group businesses are involved like agoa mom center there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to efforts to increase the standards of
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care for dogs bred in commercial breeding facilities most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog. best cars or buy it survival guide look stacey just like all the stores simply travel the surface. be sure it's still there are you going to get it back. next year. ok it's no good says a repatriation team will look at the last 7 years. bill of the separate kaiser report. humanity is on the edge of a precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural world. we just seem laid out in our goals that's a cool losing much of
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a leader if you. let them everything you dreamed. of then you. got over the war. or the. dealing in the muslim world as a little boy here. and stuff and. ship them through that disables the. human activity has brought us to the brink of the world's 6th major extinction of it and the people in this film just come to get anymore.


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