tv Eat the Press RT April 17, 2020 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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you. know everyone let's take a look at what's on today's menu to see what's straight ahead on the press. we have a few clips that we're just going to put up with the president fires back at his critics for us this time using a new tactic of ours is not to cause a major is the united states a video presentation at a coronavirus press briefing to make his points and the mainstream media isn't too pleased campaign style video propaganda video whatever you want to call it will discuss your tax c.n.n. host chris cuomo was diagnosed with corona virus over 2 weeks ago and has been doing his show from his basement where he says he's in quarantine but was he out and about on easter sunday did the u.s.
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surgeon general use improper language while warning african-americans to be more careful in avoiding the coronavirus to do it for big mom and pop at least one member of the press that seems to think so and wait until you hear what bill o'reilly said about those who have died during this pandemic. i'm steve malzberg let's see the press. easy. to buy. this past week president trump did something it one of his coronavirus pressers that i've never seen done by a president or rarely by a politician he decided he was going to answer back to his critics who he believes have been misrepresenting what's been going on his critics specifically being in the media so what he did was he. interrupted the press conference or before it
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really got started and he used video clips to make his case video clips using them in much the same way we do to make our case i want you to watch and someday hopefully in 5 years when i'm not here those papers are all going out of business because nobody's going to want to read them but now they like them because they write about me now with that i have a couple of interesting we have a few clips that we're just going to put up we could turn the lights a little bit lower i think you'll find them interesting he then ran several short labeled clips to make his points. should be more concerned right now with the flu in this country people are concerned about the krona virus because they're hearing a lot of news about it right now but the reality is comparing it to the flu for example it's not even close to being at a state how worried should americans be about coronavirus coronaviruses not to cause a major is the united states and the presentation continued with this. well
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we've asked them to accelerate whatever they're doing in terms of the vaccine we will be suspending travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days and as you all might expect the mainstream media weren't too happy with the whole thing one thing we should point out about the video which looks straight out of beijing or pyongyang i mean there were white house officials who were working on that video this afternoon so that video campaign style video propaganda video whatever you want to call it was paid for with your tax dollars and we'll have more on this coming up in just a few minutes now every once in a while i'm amazed i see real journalism on t.v. while watching the news real journalism and here is some of it from c.b.s. this morning looking back do you wish you had close things down sooner if you have regrets and would that have lowered the death toll. yeah i think it's the exact opposite factually i don't think you'll find another state that moved faster than
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new york but the question is not whether you move swiftly just in your mind i know this is heavy this weighs heavily on your conscience do you wish and retrospect with hindsight being 2020 that you had close things down sooner former c.d.c. director tom frieden said 80 percent reduction in face allergies if the closure it comes just a week or 2 earlier so i'm asking you for a bit of reflection very rare rare but impressive now on the complete opposite end of the spectrum very unimpressive is that before an array from the mouth of former fox news host bill o'reilly who was on the sean hannity radio show and he said this about the poor people who have passed away who have died from coronavirus are you sitting down the projections that you've spent your new down to 60000 i don't think it will be that high 13000 now in the usa many people who are dying but here in around the world were on their last legs anyway and i don't want. sound
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callous about what you're going to get a hold on you're going to hear that i mean a simple man tells the truth mr riley's arrogance and pomposity and ignorance apparently know no bounds. and joining me now to discuss some items on the appetizer and more is syndicated columnist with the washington post writers group ruben navarette hello my old friend welcome aboard good be with you my friend good to see you steve ok so let's start with the with something that i address in my appetizer the president joe video the presentation at the press conference here's a little different take than the one that we heard from c.n.n. . the president has been living for 3 years with what networks and c.n.n. and then s.m.b. saying who do nothing but call him names 247 he has a right at some point to defend himself and point to the fact that their propaganda
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is a lie and the best way to do that is with their own words now i personally could not agree more with the judge judge jeanine there what's your take ruben. but steve unlike you i'm a never trump or i don't support the president did not support the president but the reason i've been critical of the media is because you have been journalist ramos 30 years now and it it really saddens and disheartens me to see the the fact that all the rules have gone out the window as the press and the media make it their daily mission to try to subvert this president and get him out of office and so to this case of what with this video i didn't think was propaganda at all what bothered the media was that he was feeding their words back to the him but to them later he said basically you made a mistake by not taking this virus seriously so he said oh yeah let me show you who else wasn't taking this virus seriously the beginning you point the finger back at the media so it's not propaganda that's just truth and guess what steve doesn't
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swallow those folks who push that narrative anti trump narrative don't like swallowing the truth when thrown back in their face i mean they were outraged they called them on a hinge which they call them before and and you know this is the worst i've seen him and you know how dare he do this but you're absolutely right he also went on to play clips from the governor's praising him and ate that one clip where he showed what he had done because they said he didn't do enough you know but i'm glad glad glad i like wind up when we agree i don't know and we may agree on this one as well ruben chris cuomo c.n.n. i wish him well when he announced a couple of weeks ago and i'm glad i did that he had tested positive for the coronavirus but he made a comment on is sirius x.m. radio show les it. well. i don't like what i do professionally i've decided i want some ask to serve fat tirebiter. to
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be able to pull over and get in my face and in my space. and talk to me. i don't want to hear. now he walked it all back i didn't say it i didn't mean it i mean talk about tale of the tape we just heard it but here's the thing the biker he may be referring to is this guy he claims he was threatened by cuomo on easter sunday while cuomo was out of his home at a different home that he's developing in the same area with this family now ruben he's been doing a show from the basement i thought he was sick even after this happened and this gentleman filed a complaint for a threat against cuomo the governor came on his show his brother and stated again oh you've been in the basement for 2 straight weeks you haven't left the basement for 2 straight weeks are we being hoodwinked here i mean he must have the virus but what is he doing that out allegedly without a mask going to confront some guy on
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a bike who yelled out of what's going on here and now unfortunately his wife his wife has the virus to. right exactly so you got to impact the story it's you know there's a couple things going on here and i think he does have the virus i think it has been really bad violently bad for him and at some times and i think it's terrible that his wife now has been in fact that i don't chris cuomo for a while he's always been good to me i think he had a moment of clarity and honesty when he said i don't like what i do i don't find it fulfilling guess what steve i think that could be applied to cable news host to the evening host across the board i think what they're talking about tucker carlson and don lemon or whatever they're not practicing journalism they're doing intertainment they're playing gotcha they're throwing red meat to their crowd the great thing about being don lemon on the left or tucker carlson on the right is you only have to use half your brain either these guys only have to use half their brain the right or left town and that's what's out on so i think that risk cuomo spoke the
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truth by saying what you and i know which is what's going on in the evening on these cable shows not journalism it's become this cheap pandering to red or blue and so he got it right i think in that regard in terms of the bike guy the guy on the bike i mean you know i've been accosted in public by people that people if you have a stand this seem very quickly you and i and chris cuomo and the rest were public figures but we're not public property ok and i don't like it when tucker carlson gets called out at a country club and virginia with his family i don't like it when chris cuomo gets called out by some guy on a bike says hey you got to be inside your brothers the governor again we're public figures not public property. yeah ok i thought i agree with what you said there on the last part however 1st of all comparing don lemon to talk think tucker carlson is a genius i think don lemon is one of those challenged people on t.v. i don't compare them it's like not even apples and oranges it's like ants and
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elephants it might and might might make it but here's a guy who are yanking his living over milk millions of dollars a year saying you know what he said was he hates his job because he would like. to be able to tell that biker to go after himself i mean that's there's something wrong with that and if you're saying you're sick with the virus what do you do without him i think i would yell at him to anybody hey neighbor you got the virus what the heck are you doing outside but that's that's that's it very quickly joe biden yes or there's accusations of sexual assault against him from a former senate staffer if the tower read it took 2 weeks before the media even address it and then they all addressed it once a couple of last sunday i believe it was new york times washington post a.p. n.b.c. news and the new york times editor did an interview with his own media writer and it made it good in berkeley i believe that the campaign he said didn't like a certain sentence that looked bad for joe so they took that say edited that sentence the biden camp down got to see the story before it went out to the press
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what is this quick yeah it's a way that is total crap this is not journalism you don't send up stories out of pre-clearance on either the red or the blue the new york times dropped the ball here but they weren't the only ones the press has one mission here protect joe biden at all costs prop him up and get him across the finish line so he can beat donald trump that's all they care about and this was really a disgusting example of that shame on the new york times for count toweling to the biden campaign you know sending their story over her reclear ins and then shame on them for taking that lying out simply because the campaign wanted it out we ought to do journalism and not do dictation and that's on journalism. ok ruben it's been a pleasure we can't wait to have you back thank you so much my friend. they came in from. ok folks we hope that this is pique your appetite and i want you to stay right where you are because the main course is coming up
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day or sinks. we tear into ask. i'm not for decapitating anybody but i am for to capitalizing all the wall street bankers by shifting the center of gravity of money from the dollar and fear to a bit coin and that's perfectly within our purview into our scope as global citizens who wish justice justice truth free competition and hard money that's the only just a stud matter that's a stain of all that's real that doesn't rely on politicians.
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and welcome back to the press like many other industries some sections of the news media have been hit very very heart economically speaking by the coronavirus now there's even a push by some democratic senators to bail out struggling outlets artie's that touches me to see her and she has more of the details the tajura. yes steve while there is certainly a demand for news at this time companies simply aren't buying ads like they used to but isn't really the answer. there is no question this pandemic caused by the kobe 1000 outbreak has shaken the economy as businesses have been forced to close and stay at home orders were issued last month and 17000000 americans found themselves out of work or with some type of pay cut well places like hair salons and restaurants may come to mind the news industry is also feeling
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a massive blow and it's not because people aren't tuning in or reading they are but the revenue normally generated from advertisers simply isn't coming in so in turn more than $20000.00 employees at various news companies have been laid off or load or have their pay reduced as a result of the crown of virus the guardian was forced to for a $100.00 not editorial staff the financial times also expected to announce a 10 percent pay cut for dozens of senior staff to spite having paid subscribers to the site the fresno bee reportedly for allowing $115.00 employees and its advertising departments in 30 newspapers across the country roughly 4 percent of the workforce are taking kopechne 18 leave for 90 days los angeles times announcing pay cuts for senior management and nonunion workers as according to its parent company the pandemic has nearly eliminated their ad revenue president of the california times chris r. gentry saying quote we've made significant progress in growing our digital subscriber base and developing other sources of revenue it is not yet enough to
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offset the losses the economy is in crisis and it's become clear that we need to make some difficult changes in order to meet this challenge other big names like buzz feed vox media the hollywood reporter getting that sports illustrated and vice media to name a few are also laying off employees and cutting pay and those in-flight magazines you see on the airplanes are also going away for the time being delta's sky magazine laid off its 16 employees and alaska airlines has canceled the. and may issue of alaska beyond magazine in the meantime 19 democratic senators send you a letter to majority leader mitch mcconnell asking for future krone virus stimulus package to help fund local journalism the letter stating local news is in a state of crisis that's only been exacerbated by the coded 19 pandemic. and before the chrono virus was a thing we already knew the news industry at large was in for a big change according to the pew research center newsroom employment declined 25
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percent in 2008 to 2018 a year before the con a virus even hit china where it reportedly originated steve. yeah you know natasha as you pointed out and as that letter itself points out for the democratic senators the local news business has been suffering in some areas more than others for a long time so if they get a bailout it's really going to prop up what many consider to be a dying industry anyway. yeah steve as technology evolves the news industry especially newspaper another print companies like you said have been struggling for some time so instead of trying to save a failing industry hopefully account volved and improve you know maybe not so biased who knows steve it might be worth a. bias true that's an interesting word thank you very much you guys are great to see you. ladies and gentlemen recently it is come to light that members of the african-american community along with other minority groups are disproportionately affected by the
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head demick of the coronavirus now this led the u.s. surgeon general to issue a warning to these groups and the language that he use didn't sit well with some in the media watch a quick question for you you said that african-americans and latinos should avoid alcohol drugs into the back of he'll say do it for you while i do it for big mom and pop there some people are going to go into and there are some people there are already offended by that language and the idea that you're saying behaviors might be leading to these high death rates could you talk about whether or not people would you i guess have a response are people who might be offended by the language to. everybody's offended by language joining us now to discuss is kim a classic who herself has been attacked and victimized by the media we'll get to that she's also running for congress as a republican in maryland 7th congressional district the seat formerly held by the
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late alicia cummings running against them for may cam welcome aboard. hi thanks for having me my pleasure all right so i want you to hear you heard the objection to to the surgeon general want you to hear the surgeon general's response here it is we need targeted outreach to the african-american community and i use the language that is used in my family and i have a puerto rican brother in law i call my granddaddy granddaddy i have relatives who call their their their grandparents big mama so that was not meant to be offensive that's the language that we use and that i use and we need to continue to target our outreach to those communities. our exhibit kim what do you make of the 1st the objection raised by mr l. sender at the press conference and his choice of words and his explanation well i think her objection there is ludicrous honestly he is an african-american man if he
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says he uses that language at home i have no reason to not believe him but i thought it was interesting because i actually followed that reporter on twitter and she said that people were offended by that language but i have to say that she made the statement on twitter and then said to repeat what she posted in that briefing so i think she was more offended than anybody else was if you check the comments on that tweet now i think targeted outreach is important there were some misinformation going on he was trying to combat that people were saying that african-americans were immune to it at some point in time i think banjos even pointed that out i have that out he also brought up that as you mention that a possible contributing factor to the disproportionate effect of the virus in that community. had had another reason and here it is watch when i talk to the endemol a.c.p. 3 weeks ago it's important to know that the one of the things they asked me with can you help dispel the myths in this community that let people actually can't get
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coronavirus if they're black that with a myth that without their defection very important for us to squash here what do you make of that where there is this something that was actually happening and could that be a contributing factor to the disproportionality in that community absolutely there is a video that went viral in baltimore city with a police officer coughing as he's walking down the street and you know woman said i am african-american and i'm a loon and that officer obviously he see reprimanded because that's not acceptable that she had that misinformation and that is what was going on in many communities and i think targeted outreach is important i myself am predisposed to diabetes and i also have high blood pressure and if something's going to harm me or my family more than others i'd like to know about it. absolutely all right i want to i want to just let the folks know because this is something that's arifin got you were attacked by april ryan after the death of a larger cummings for a shot as she put it contributed to his death really i think for pointing out
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simply pointing out the problems in baltimore which again the president picked up on and it became a whole big national kind of kind of story a full right and of course of our urban american networks and c.n.n. she really went after you hard how did you feel when you were in effect the way i interpreted blamed for contributing to the death of allies or coming simply by pointing out legitimate problems within the baltimore area. first i couldn't believe that he implied such a thing but his widow maya cummings actually went on t.v. and talked about how he had been sick for years so it deftly didn't have anything to do with the fact that i was just shining light on the blight and the trash lining the streets in baltimore but you know it will run and i know she has her own agenda i'd like to personally thank her because you know she implied that after i announced i was running for congress and that alone raised my campaign over
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$8000.00 so she contributed in some way but it was silly it was not even interesting to me obviously people will watch it and watch what she says i'm c.n.n. she says lots of things all the time her and brian stetler and i don't think people really take them as credible sources so you know it is what it is ok listen kim great to talk to you a good luck in your campaign and thank you for being with us to talk about the media and and the lunacy that's involved with them thank you. for dessert today how about we offer up the sweet sweet taste of hypocrisy when it comes to the 2nd amendment you all know actress alyssa milano she's a media darling they love to put her on to talk about issues of social significance well she recently posted a video reminding us all of the evils of the 2nd amendment and telling us that we shouldn't be buying guns right now as many are in the wake of the outbreak of the coronavirus watch. hi everybody i'm so making this video because i'm seeing reports
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all over the country of americans responding to the coronavirus outbreak by buying up guns and ammunition and i know that we are all scared and stressed out during these these really uncertain times but that is exactly why stockpiling weapons you know could have dire consequences for our own personal safety and those around us wow how refreshing a list so that's great news now tell us exactly why we shouldn't be buying guns and ammunition the weapons that people are buying today could end up being used in household schools churches bars and. on our streets in the future so we all have to look out for each other please please please. share this video to help stop the coronavirus gun surge. you know we can't lose any more lives to guns
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during this pandemic or after it's over. please please please she said please 3 times always a mulatto begs us don't buy those guns they're going to wind up in schools on the street they're going to wind up killing you don't be like that actress what's her name famous actress who has 2 guns for protection in her own home what's her name again. oh yeah alyssa milano that's right last year she told ted cruz at a sit down that she has 2 guns in our home to protect her family how lovely how nice how convenient don't you love the sweet sweet taste of hypocrisy especially when it comes to the 2nd amendment that's our show for today i'm steve malzberg i want you to stay safe stay smart say hungry. because the show really airs sunday
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morning at 10 30 in the morning eastern time and you can watch it any time in any of those shows any of the episodes on portable t.v. the app download it get it it's a very good thing to have and to do so until next time i'm steve malzberg saying stay hungry on meet the press. the kind of economic recovery there's going to be one can be expected for the pandemic is what it's for the mess the pain jenny changed accounting to mean is there any chance of returning to pretend any condition.
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as a financial survival job today with all the money laundering 1st to visit the status of the 3 different. oh good this is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something in europe something in america something overseas in the cayman islands and it will pull these banks are complicit in their kleptocracy to suffer didn't phone say to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did well we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacey old beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury item bill again from that you know what money laundering is highly illegal here folks watch has a record. thinking of getting a coupon the ones we got in here she was didn't know and still trapped in this tiny little wired people who needed a crate with him he was. freaking out in she want to spray him anywhere near.
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breeding dogs or caged in the into lane conditions on puppy farms i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. could get you. it's your kids. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from this large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a good businesses are involved like the mom center there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding facilities most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog.
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i'm a holland cook in washington this is the big picture on our t.v. america. in the james bond thriller quantum of solace double 07 takes on international bad guys using a coup d'etat to tie up water rights and a very thirsty part of the world. this is the world's crispy solution to control this much of the best we can. if you think that seems like an ugly future you're late 11 years ago down.
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