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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2020 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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german government prepares to gradually lift the nationwide dog down same to cope with 19 outbreak is under control refugee shelters see a surge in infections also this out. largest state sponsor and mix this is the 3rd or 4th pandemic that came out of china u.s. politicians continue to blame china with one republican senator there saying washington should respond with sanctions. and the holy father is in this in jerusalem as orthodox easter celebrations get underway but thousands of churches around the world stand because of the.
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welcome great to have you with us with a global news update this is our teens and. the latest figures on the covert 900 pandemic the number of confirmed global cases now suppressed 2200000 more than 155000 people with the virus lost their lives most of those fatalities occurred in europe and the united states and so far 581000 patients have recovered from the disease. the corona virus outbreak in germany appears to be under control following a month long lockdown that's according to the country's health minister germany has a far lower death rate than other major european countries and restrictions on movement are being partially lifted with some shops reopening as early as next week
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but a government spokesperson has still urged caution. there are no guarantees that the infection curve will keep flattening out there are also risks and when we take these small careful steps into opening up we must keep an eye on the infection curve and what it means for our health system and our hospitals. as a many countries germany shut down has devastated the hospitality sector and dresden restaurant workers set out empty tables and chairs on the central square in order to highlight the crisis they're dealing with in munich people held a safe distance demonstration calling the lockdown there disproportionate on most of the population is staying safe refugees in shelters are at much higher risk as peter oliver explains. as germany gets set to ease coronavirus restrictions not everywhere in the country has been successful in stopping the spread of the virus some refugee centers have seen
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a spike in the number of cases at one in the south of the country almost half of the 600 residents tested positive this week you feel mood and isolation we suspect that maybe people with kobe 19 have been in the facility for a long time and that they've shown no symptoms of the disease and that they could have passed on the virus the facility in but involved in bird houses people from nigeria iraq syria and turkey who are waiting to have their asylum applications process the action taken by authorities to this localized outbreak is causing concern they're seeing these people as a kind of threat and danger it seems to be an acceptable strategy to pack the police outside and make sure nobody comes in and nobody comes out another center not far from frankfurt there's a similar picture with around 60 residents testing positive out of 170 in the far northeast of the country the refugee council of mecklenburg west pomerania has
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voiced some serious concerns about an asylum application center on their patch with ban bad required minimum distance of 1.5 to 2 meters cannot be maintained this is added and anyone who recklessly last people leave in a massacre mandation in this situation there have authorities in the region which just so happens to be represented in the bomb the start by chancellor angela merkel have been quick to rubbish criticism of the way coronavirus is being tackled among asylum applicants in coordination with the health of dorothy's every effort is being made to prevent the spread of infection within the country's primary care facilities and in community commendation in the current emergency situation infection control. asylum seekers and the population is a priority that comes as berlijn is quite rightly being praised for having tackled coronavirus nationally in a robust and fact based way on friday health minister yen spahn described the
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situation in germany as under control. we have moments to bring the dynamic growth back to linear growth the infection numbers have decreased significantly is bitchy with relative increases from day to day the outbreak has now become manageable and controllable again ultimately what these localized outbreaks in asylum centers show is that if you drop your guard for just a moment when it comes to fighting or trying to stop the spread of this virus then it will be exploited peter all of our r.t. berlin. resident trumper said that he expects between $60.65 americans to die from cove of 19 that's down from his earlier estimate of 100000 the president claims the country's infection rate is now pig and he's unveiled plans to gradually ease the log down id's trinity chavez has more. white
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house pushing to get the economy moving again our approach outlines 3 phases in restoring our economic life and we are not opening all at once but one careful step at a time issuing new guidelines to get the country up and running the 1st phase officials must see a 2 week decline in the number of people with cold it symptoms and the percentage of people testing positive for the virus must also decrease than face to allowing all non-essential travel school activities and elective surgeries to continue some states will be able to open up sooner than others. but hard hit new york and new jersey have to wait the state continues to see an increase in covert cases new york governor andrew cuomo extending stay at home orders he calls new york pause until may 15th but it could be longer what is the final conclusion of this rb chapter i still believe it when we have a vaccine with more than 226000 infections and more than 16000 deaths new york is
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still seeing around 2000 new cases a day city remaining the epicenter of the outbreak officials working to open testing sites in the city's poorest and hardest hit communities so we're talking about folks in some of the lowest income communities in a city people in communities of color that have borne the brunt of this crisis immigrant communities while governor cuomo is issuing an executive order directing all public and private labs in new york to coordinate with the department of health to ensure prioritizing of diagnostic testing he says that's still not enough to test the millions of people needed to reopen new york's economy we don't have a testing system that can do this volume or there can be ramped up to do this von. we don't have a public health casting system by the way it's de minimis if you look at what our government departments of health we need
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a clean. due to approach between the federal government and the states right now the main testing lab for the state can perform about 300 antibody tests per day while officials believe they can grow that number to 2000 test a day in the coming weeks with nearly 20000000 residents in new york the governor says the state needs all the help they can get from the federal government. meanwhile u.s. politicians continue to blame china for the pandemic and republican senator lindsey graham suggested the washington should punish beijing with sanctions china is the largest state sponsor of pandemics this is the 3rd or 4th pandemic that came out of china what should we do to the largest state sponsor of pandemics on the globe which is saying in china since the coronavirus appeared in december numerous conspiracy theories of flooded the internet an idea that the virus was created in a bio weapons lab and we're going widespread coverage in the us media and don't trumpet its administration to be more than willing to fuel the speculation. that
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a lot of people are looking to seems that make sense they talk about a certain kind of bad but that was it in that area if you can believe this that's what they're doing to know is vats but that is not in that area that bat was installed at that whetstone it wasn't sold there that bat is 40 miles away so a lot of strange things are happening but there is a lot of investigation going to find out if we know they have this lab we know about the wet markets we know that the virus itself did originate in a way so all those things come together there's still a lot we don't know. remember the white house coronavirus task force has d bunks the theory of the virus being created in a lab and then he found she has a leading expert on infectious diseases said the pattern of mutations shows the virus jumped directly from an animal to the human in all china the u.s. to start making claims with no scientific basis. have
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repeatedly stated that there is any evidence that you corona virus was produced 3 many medical experts in the world also believe the so-called liberal elite hypothesis has no scientific basis. the british foreign secretary has echoed the un to china rhetoric coming out of washington dominic rob said that there can be no business as usual with beijing after the crisis and that hard questions need to be asked about how the outbreak started understand that the blame game led by donald trump is merely a way of deflecting responsibility. clearly what we're seeing here are charges that are political in nature i mean trump has mishandled this whole crisis so scandals like america has got maybe a few cases having more cases than any other country in the world in a matter of 2 months and trump has been contradictory half hearted ineffectual
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saying once any one moment another thing another moment so this crisis began so clearly trying to strike out at a distract attention from his own there's more record and by attacking china that's just plain as day the evidence so far as it's against the allegations that they're really fighting an uphill battle they have nothing to go on it's religious based on pure anti chinese still that. millions of orthodox christians around the world are celebrating easter and a much anticipated ceremony has taken place in jerusalem a couple of hours ago the holy father was at the church of the holy sefl out of and happens each year inside a chapel in the center of the church believe is considered to be the tomb of christ dition only thousands of pilgrims travel to jerusalem to like candles from the flame that is not happening this year for the holy father will later be flown to
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orthodox christian nations including greece and russia has more on the celebration . now the fire has always been a symbol of hope hope that the end of the world has not yet come but this east is the most significant religious holiday for some 300000000 people things are different this easter is different we will not go to our villages we will not barbecue in our yards we will not go to our churches and of course we will not gather in the homes of relatives and friends for us to continue being together this year we stay apart there are no could find a position snow hags and kisses. no joyous celebrations that christ has risen this is the main church where the miracle takes place but it is closed as part of a nationwide lockdown it's all part of the government's attempt to push back on the coronavirus and as a result is banned all mess gatherings something that has the country's ultra orthodox jewish community up in arms.
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i was right there when that was. all across the world churches urged people to pray and stay at home some churches even live stream through social media other christian community celebrated easter 7 days ago with pope francis praying alone in st peter's square many christian churches urge programs to spend this holy day at home. russia has registered more than $4700.00 corona virus cases in the past 24 hours is the highest single day increase so far the death toll stands at $313.00 and moscow the bear is updated a digital past system which had some glitches earlier in the week it's now automated saskia taylor explains. 15th of april new measures which to use here in the capital which is suffering the brunt of the crude virus in russia essentially has now apostasy which means that you need
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a passport everything specially to travel to and from what now the must commit today announced that passes do will be extended until the 1st of mange he did also admit that the imposing of that passes jim did have its steve thing issues at the very beginning. so the main issue that we sold out was the time that was need to force laurentiis to visit to check each and every part of it which is why as part of that new match starting from the next wednesday the 22nd of april everything will now be done and of automatically so here in moscow there's a card with detroit cut that he used to travel on the metro from next wednesday you have to link your travel permit to that card so essentially if you don't do that and put your card down trying to get what the bar has just went open and be allowed to travel through we also saw
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a build up of cars especially in the size 24 hours of the process don't was introduced we had stories of people waiting for up to several hours as authorities very diligently checked through all that document that also is going to be made much more efficient because now cameras will be chatting and scanning which cars have the white house and which don't now it's against the plan and that's the most magic you recognize of course this is not a plan for a one. nation is causing to financial and psychological distress to a lot of people but that it is necessary and that it is bringing results so on that note he said that while the numbers are rising in russia that are actually not growing exponentially 'd and he actually could pad moscow to new york because their cities are roughly the same population and he said that's so far here in russia he managed to avoid the development of that american it's. the. un is warning that economic hardship caused by nationwide shutdown could cost more lives than the coronavirus itself.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led. by. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. back economists are making dire predictions for the long term impact of the coronavirus pandemic according to the international monetary fund the united states will suffer its worst recession since the great depression for china's economy the impact has already been severe. until we can see the listen the tax code 19 has indeed had a pretty big impact on the economic performance of our country which it in the 1st
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quarter major economic indicators clearly client buys we must also see that in march those indicators show signs of a rebound in the decline has been reduced the oxford economics research firm is predicting a global recession in the 1st half of 2020 far worse than the last financial crisis in 2008 saying global output will contract by 7 percent and that china is facing a 12 percent downturn and actual commentator charlie boyle believes the impact will be long lasting most of the economies around the world will have recovered from initial shock but people have to understand. their economy before it's not going to be the same and after there's going to be a permanent loss and destruction of that economic productivity. because people they should be doing nothing for 2 or 3 months economically it's going to take years you know i think this is a global problem pretty much everyone's got the same issue but if you remember what
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happened before we came into this crisis we already have large levels of debt and. this is not as a direct result in my opinion on the back of years of austerity reno really got over 3 dimensional crisis in 2008 so this is really going up to nancy to try and make our entire system a lock and so i think it will get the people to harvest in pretty much every country we're going to have to again increase the deficit and the debts and future generations are going to have to pay. the head of the un's world food program has warned that the economic shock of the cove in 1000 pandemic could in some countries be far deadlier than the virus itself he says at least 30000000 people a risk of dying of starvation if critical funding is cut and one quarter reports. as the world's battle with the coronavirus rages on one has to wonder what will happen when the smoke clears tens of millions of people are already dependent on
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the un's world food program for meals if that were to lose funding all of those people would be threatened with starvation if we lost all funding a minimum of $30000000.00 would die over a 3 month period that would be 300000 people dying per day that's why leaders have got to balance out the response with keeping the economy going because otherwise a lot more people will die from starvation and economic deterioration than from cope itself even before the pandemic the world had a serious food crisis on its hands the world economic forum says that over 820000000 people were going to bed hungry now many organizations are indicating that the situation can get much much worse we fully agree with the 1st. of the measures that they can place the police report but we also believe that will go pulled the food chain. to be able to hold up by level for consumers to
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move the potential risk over on the north and of course it's a crisis of the international markets under the lockdown the very supply chains of transnational corporations are breaking apart food can't be processed delivered or received between countries within countries everywhere for the developing world that means famine could be just around the corner especially now that humanitarian relief is also being obstructed by the lockdowns widespread poverty a reliance on imported food and rising prices are all a recipe for disaster according to the united nations for the millions living in lockdown countries that fit that criteria food is running out across africa clashes between hungry people in the police are already taking place. many governments of the developing world are struggling with a terrible dilemma see their people die from the coronavirus or see them die from
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starvation while in the developed world of the main dilemma is containing the corona virus through look downs and then dealing with the economic impact in the developing world apart from containing the virus and dealing with the economic crisis the biggest worry now is people dying of hunger that doesn't mean the journey from farm to plate isn't obstructed in the developed world in the united states dairy farms are dumping thousands of gallons of milk a day because they can't be sold at the same time retailers are fearing a shortage of milk and they're limiting the amount that consumers can buy as for fruits and vegetables $5000000000.00 worth had been wasted for the same reason one of america's largest pork processing plants has even been closed because of the virus the closure of this facility combined with a growing list of all the protein plants that have shifted across our industry is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of all meat supply it is
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impossible to keep all grocery stores stalked if not running the chaos of the free market is rearing its ugly head in more ways than just one week by week millions more are flocking to unemployment lines and food banks the early indicators of a global food crisis are there before our very eyes we should ask ourselves how much farther can the global food supply chain bend before it breaks the senior economist at the un's food and agriculture organization told us the crisis needs a concerted international response been people to stay home and work and stay home obviously create the option to value for food no food get harvested that he has to be processed that he has to be quit of the shell obviously maybe disruption india india line because of the lockdown. and because of the fact that people are literally physical work it cannot probably move around from one place to another so there is want to the problem and the other sort of problem is that
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a lot of people especially poor people if they don't go to work they don't have any don't have the money cannot buy the proof we are talking about also countries where malnutrition already is huge government would need to have you know finances you know of safety net to be able to reach these people and to make sure that they have to be more food that is really needed the problem is these countries cannot afford it so they need help they need support and the help has to come from the richer countries if the richer countries today are very much engaged of course for their own people the message from the f.a. always do not forget the poor once you cause if the problem is not resolved globally you will come back and haunt everybody again. from high up in the international space station back down to a pandemic ravaged earth a us russian crew has landed safely in kazakstan after spending more than 200 days in orbit as a precaution they were greeted by
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a team that one time on and under medical observation now in the glow of a launch on the ice travels might find it difficult reaching the homes cosmonaut needs to get to moscow 2 astronauts to his mission. in the. presidents of one madrid neighborhood have found a new way of communicating at the same time each evening they step onto their balconies and wave mock at each other and friends can the idea because they lived on the same street but were unable to leave their homes and the idea with me caught on plane and lost 20000 lives to the chrono virus making it the worst hit country in europe. while the hospital in jakarta has 2 medical robots assisting the frontline health workers there each robot can deliver medicine to patients rooms allowing doctors and nurses to keep a safe distance. uneasier has more than 5000 confirmed cases of covert 19 with almost 500 deaths. appreciate you staying with us here on r.t.
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international as we keep you right up to date with the corona virus pandemic web site r.t. dot com as well as our social media channels and of course our live broadcasts from our studios here in moscow in london and washington d.c. stay informed stay with r.t. . that is. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this on off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have
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a miraculous solution. based drugs the people who are chronic pain believe that their opioid prescription is working for them and the remedy be certain to. price the. world through dependency and addiction to opiates is the long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggest that. the long term effects may not just be absence of benefit but actually the because of the long term. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the street. what happens to her family and daughters in florida no mother and daughter is buried in a cemetery in healing this is your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose
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a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pen this than him and what happens in court the be the. shock shock as far off the side of the deal. we don't know she'll just brutal. it is just. it we. still not know for sure. there are a lot of lawmakers in the state of missouri that we know received huge financial contributions from agricultural industry groups those are the groups that oppose proposition b. and there is no doubt in our minds that those same groups pressured lawmakers to overturn proposition b. and before the session even started there were bills that were pretty filed to do
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just that you feel bad because it was repealed but you know all of your work all of your effort paid off as made a dramatic difference for this i mean just the fact that over almost half these facilities are out of business who could have envisioned that things are definitely much improved with many of the worst operations but you still have chronic while leaders who are operating you still have any humane treatment of the animals and you still have this defiant attitude that some folks believe they can do whatever they want there are so many issues out here so many porton issues and everybody is struggling in their own way that we don't necessarily want to pick up the other guy struggle eventually i have to go back into my town and face this neighbor and face the other neighbors and i will meet them at church i'll meet them at the grocery store or meet him at the restroom at the sale barn and i'm responsible i am responsible. and i think this is where the buck ends we individually
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have to take responsibility as producers and also as consumers but i mean i think for the public very clearly you know you have a choice in the product that you buy at the store. going to try to fix it. if you can't decide the rights of all dogs if you're going to ignore the problem down the street. first it was i wanted to educate people who had no idea. i was educated by one story that other people would be.


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