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tv   Dennis Miller One  RT  April 20, 2020 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing the long term. hey there dennis miller coming to you from home base isolation and today we'll talk to the bachelor star colton underwood seems like a nice kid about his popular reality t.v. show his new book and also the fact he had recently had coronavirus so we can
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actually talk to somebody who's gone through it all that right after this on dennis miller plus one. hey folks welcome to dennis miller plus one and we're doing it by remote star guest to join us today he's the bachelor star colton underwood colton 1st appeared on the franchise as a contestant on the bachelorette before becoming the bachelor myself for season 23 in 2019 colton has a new book out called the 1st time finding myself and looking for love on reality t.v. currently available on line call number would call thanks for joining us. now you for having me on i appreciate it. and then we can see your bald spot in a mirror behind you no i'm kidding i get it i know to figure out. listen we're all
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struggling with our hair right now i mean we can get our hair cut room but i'm here in my pajamas i'm not gonna lie to you. i'm so they're my pajamas from the waist listen i hear you. i hear you have the coronavirus know what stage are you do you clear a bit in the middle i'm here no i'm actually full recovery so i have anti-bodies now i have no more traces of the crown of iris in me other than the good stuff i guess you want to call it but i made a full recovery i have the medication to think to be honest with you and a good doctor out here that was on top of it so well tell me tell me but you know listen well i'm going to get to the book obviously because people everywhere look the show is everything with people shut in they love stuff like this they convince jon of yeah but let's talk about just the illness for a 2nd because you're like the canary in the coal mine when you've been there what did you 1st notice how long before tell me about getting out of it break it down
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for us called yeah. so men to be honest i started becoming symptomatic and i thought i just had the flu my body aches fever night sweats and i just assumed it was the flu i didn't it was so early on that i was like there's no way statistically speaking i think at the time there was like 30 cases in california 40 cases tested and i didn't think i had it. and one night i just woke up in the bed was completely wet i could barely catch my breath i panicked ordered oxygen boost those little cans off of amazon right 4 am because i was gasping for air. so i think in that moment i realized hey i need to probably take a test to see what i have so i can treat it and i called kathy called 2 doctors on my behalf and i got denied by both of them and then her mom stumbled upon a doctor in orange county here that had tests and i drove down and took the test
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and 2 days later realize i tested positive. you know what it's so there's a there's an interim weavings thing here where you're freaked out that you might have but they're talking about how it affects your breathing hyperventilation happens when you get these things start to dovetail and the next thing you know you're trying to think and i have a trouble catching my breath because i have this dream i worried about it most of it scared the living hell out of you yeah that now is something i always kept in the back of my mind too i was like i am i just anxious and maybe maybe the symptoms are like phantom and i'm just thinking i have it it might be in my head but then i walk to the bathroom and i have to sit down to pee because i was so winded i think that's when i was like ok this isn't something to play around with. the other scariest part i think was just the unknown and the mixed messaging going on in the news and in the media is the reason why i spoke out publicly about it because at the time there was still spring breakers in florida on the beach my age and there
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was kids that were saying i don't care if i did it's not going to affect me i'm sitting here barely being able to talk to my phone without catching my breath tell me about you know when when do you start coming out and what's it feel like do you come out as abruptly as you go in or no it is a lack. of is about a 4 or 5 day lag after the medicine's completely back to the health casting our parents and our whole family did an amazing job so i felt isolated on their 3rd bedroom floor and they would bring up food and water with gloves and masks on and drop it off and leave and i was up there for god and god knows how long probably way too long by myself but they stayed healthy they all tested negative. so it's you know it's a good thing that they did what they did to stay healthy what a long strange trip when you think about a cult that you would go on and it's kind of a strange thing you're obviously
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a good looking guy you're bright you could be with him but you go out to t.v. show i'm sure at the beginning it's kind of a lark and then it turns out you did as well then but where did you end up with her with her parents and they're bringing stuff up to the title or like your question moto it's just an unbelievably strange trip those of you know what i know and the craziest part about it is we sort of been through something similar because there's a 4 month lag between the show and when we filmed it so for 4 months i keep my i keep my relationship secret and i don't let the public know that i'm with kathy so i've been in this position before where i'm like running around the house hiding and trying to like just stay locked down here and i can't go out for a walk i can't do anything so i sort of been through minor scale before so we were prepared for it a little bit. you know what they must literally scare the living hell out of you guys with a non-disclosure form because i'm always thinking what in god's name can they say to these people up front that would scare them to the point that they would literally go for months living this clandestine existence the lawyers just do with
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every possible contingency up front you know they talk to us about it for sure but i think there's also for me i don't know i had fun filming the t.v. show i had i had fun looking at the ratings i had fun engaging the people who are in it for the entertainment i wanted to make my show really good you know i wanted the bastard to do really well so there's a part of me that wanted to like hide out and try to throw people off and you know sort of play the game. play along just to wrap on your corn to negate you're not able to execute is where you're reading watching t.v. what were you doing well when i was at my when i was really really sick i was sleeping obviously 1516 hours a day to recover but for the most part i was binge watching t.v. shows. but also like doing i mean sure i was catching up you know i made a lot of phone calls to a lot of people who i might not have talked to in the past just because i was busy so i got i got them to catch up with old friends and family. well let's talk about
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the show and let's talk about the book and once again the book is the 1st time in the show is the bachelor i talk to christie seems like a i liked him harrison's name harris and he seems like a good super cool guy this thing is such a phenomenal honest to god my son watches a knowledge girl and years ago we used to watch it and just how because we'd always try to do the beats of it it wasn't a drinking game it's obviously mike yeah but we'd say used by suggesting but she's about say journey we all had all these games with it but how long is a been on now it's like survivor for god's sakes it's been on so long right yeah i mean i was season 23 so it's just to put things in perspective and i think that's where it's on to the 15 or 16 now in paradise i mean it's a year round thing a.b.c. basically is at the bachelor show now are the bachelor networks because they have off work and they have a new singing show come out i think next week and they've done a great job with the franchise and just expanding and really laying it all out
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before we get to the book and the book is the 1st time how does it come about like i guess they put ads up on the show and you call it you go in for interviews i'm just trying to figure how do you go from being a watcher of the bachelor to the bachelor i mean lock i guess whatever you want to call it for me it was interview and walking down 16th street mall in denver and they had an open casting call at a hard rock cafe and i popped in and talked to some people and i was at a point my life where i had no clue what was going on what was next i was done playing football so why not you know let's let's try it let's do it let's have some fun. well tell your brothers that we're from denver i don't know your bag group i grew up denver noir but i grew up in illinois but i live the last 56 years before you know the whole show out in colorado tell me about your football journey i'm obviously fascinated about that yeah so for me i played football for 17 years grew
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up high school went to illinois state university played my freshman sophomore engineer their. pride and my role on the teams and had 2 outstanding all-american teams and i don't i stay in one draft in 2014 to the chargers and then i got cut 3 different times to 3 different teams between the eagles and the raiders and i was just spinning my tires and i was realizing hey this isn't going to be a 1012 year career so i need to figure out what's next for me you know i was practice squad all 3 seasons and i took pride in it had a lot of had a lot of fun with my teammates but i just wasn't filling me any more you know just in that role while you know it was a necessary role for a team to have i just didn't find pride any more so when i got my final injury i decided it was time to sir pack up and not return boy you know when i watch the $24.00 seventh's show each year you think boy they make good not only is it
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a brutal sport physically obviously but i can't believe how little fun some some of the coaches was that at some point you've got to come in there like gruden and have the knock knock thing or a few things to where you can have a light moment or it just turns into the boot camp yeah god sakes yeah i think john green obviously does a great job. i enjoyed my time through it but the chargers organization and stuff too but i was a little crazy. all right folks we're going to talk to colton more after the break dig down on this book a little and the well like i said a genial chap right up to this more cold underwood on dennis miller plus one. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills
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a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida know the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery in meaning this is with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court. shot after shot as far. as i feel. we don't know childress froogle. end of this trial unfortunately you. will still not know childress. kobe 19 pandemic not only sees much of the world in lockdown but it is also
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devastation economies and demi has been painful recovery from it maybe even more painful is it all asians fault.
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hey folks welcome back to dennis miller plus one colton tell us about the book give us the overview my friend. yes i decided to dive in and write a book just get control back or feel like i had control back in my life and tell my story there so therapeutic so emotional to write. a book that covers a lot of different variety of topics from. being bullied my high school in grade school. you know sort of experience and then through college and dealing through my parents' divorce working through that working through my identity where i fit in what i liked and then dive into a little bit of that f.l. and then the bachelor experience and all my relationships whether it's with god my parents my girlfriend i laid off there. well i'll tell you what brother he what you just just described his life you know i had my ass kicked daily in grade school you know. it's just it is a long strange trip was jerry garcia said are you
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a happy man been happy through all this because you know obviously people downturns in their life up turns well what's been your general demeanor over your life. oh i would say confused frustrated and now i'm happy i'm very happy these last 2 years for may have been so good just in self discovery and you know really coming into my own skin i think having a little more confidence and being ok with just being named being different i dealt with a lot of insecurity as a lot of struggles growing up just computers been trying to fit into. maybe a culture that i didn't really fit into but i lied and those lies compounded and then it became frustrating for me and i became depressed and anxious so i can say now i'm very happy but i've definitely definitely been through ups and downs well what's the pivot moment you mention god i saw when you were taking off what jeff dealings are to what you pivoted on gone or what did you pivot on yeah well so that
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i contribute that quite a bit to it i grew up and i i went to catholic grade school grew up in the church in a very conservative faith based family and then my when my parents separated i sort of went there a rough patch right stepped away from the church and sort of questioned you know why things are happening the way they were happening and i tell a story where when i was with the raiders i was going to write injured my shoulder and i was really lost at the time and a car reached out to me and said hey we have bible study if you want to cut your hot tub time little short come on come swing by and hang out and i did that and it really changed my perspective really changed my relationship with god and all the best ways and i from there on i had to lean on him half faith and that definitely helped in my road to sort of recovery of finding myself. well good for derek and he seems like a good guy when i watched him on the shell it's funny quarterbacks in the league have to put on that that they smile when there's
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a glint coming off their teeth they have to be super heroes but then you have all the pressure coming down on you his brother got hit every time he dropped back they that he was a great quarterback to get the hell kicked out of him i'm sure derek saw that it's nice to know he's grounded and that good cat great did great dude and there is that that was a so cool about the locker room or at least part of my football experience was just meeting all different sorts of people from all walks of earth and it's great it was a fun time. all right well tell me about cassie now i do like i said i i know the show like a anybody living in the united states those who show to a large degree that you must go on and think ok i'll do the show and i'll have fun with this and that. must be a weird moment when you start to think i'm falling in love here i think. i'll always go to bat the franchise works the show works i really i really do believe in that and when you take the distractions away when you're filming it on your phone
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you don't talk to your family members you don't talk to your friends you literally have 2 and a half 3 months just to focus on that relationship so for sure works in that aspect and for me i always knew like going on i was going to have a fun time a fun experience and i fell in love like phone love and i always tell people we understand were making a peavy show but that doesn't take away from the fact that you can find love and you can build a relationship and economically be real too so i'm very very fortunate to be in a loving relationship with her and very very lucky because she's she's great and she's normal so that's the best part about it all is i didn't you know you are never know whether they're going to finally be. normal was a good box to check yeah because it's some floyd you're back in the long run firework start up to go off every 3 seconds you need somebody you can look at in the bunker ago k. and trust box like get all the spurs right right. tell me about
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the i think you've gone through all permutations of the vets and what's the 1st one you go on the bachelorette so you're one of the guys who is the gal and their deposit back to you and her get along and all yes if you have 14 back a season and yeah i think i left after that one realizing i had a lot of love for her to the great person i mean you spend that much time as much time that you spend that type of time with somebody you're naturally going to fall in love or fall fall to appreciate and love for them not to have an affair and then i went to bachelor in paradise which is their summer house because that was my personal hell it was not that's the one that's a horny addition. to the one yeah that's the one that not built for me believing that that and that and then yeah i had a shot to sort of call the shots in the bachelor and. i came out happy and i made the most hurt what's the worst part of the show called i think it's
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a good rep for you seem like a good cat you fall in love i like the fact you're proud of it and think that it's as good an incubus place for love there's anything is when you think about all the people over the world they have to meet somewhere at some time you know that they're less what's the downside or some of the guys learn kids or what's the deal . i mean of course i think actually that's the cool part about it is you get once again it's like the melting pot of what and and if the locker is going to be you get guys from all over the areas of different types of personalities that part fine . i think as far as a negative. i mean. i don't know i mean obviously if it's a fine line between t.v. and entertainment history making a t.v. show and then realizing it's your life so that part sometimes can be challenging and where you draw the line. but you know there are so many positives to come out of it as well you know i grew as a person more than i ever thought i was going to as athletes were taught to have
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a hard shell exterior not let anybody enter not let people know that they're getting to you and the bass are the exact opposite to let all your walls down and show everybody who you are and deal with it and that's what was sort of cool for me to go through you know what could i use this term loosely when i 1st got famous and like i said i used loosely i got all screwed up my head because i used to go out and then there's the human party just like so my god i was never go to by anybody have they had notice and then i'd feel guilty about. what a shallow person you are that that matters to you and then i'd have the other fight i'd say well what i'm just do you were being let me enjoy it a little and i had so many discussions in my head i spent half my daily fighting that fight for what felt right a job something like that. i mean there is always a part of me that of course in your twenty's like to him this is cool like i could go anywhere i can do anything that's only fun opportunities coming my way of course there was that but i i have to thank my family and my friends for humbling me every
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single day and that same kathy to her friends and her family as well keeps you grounded and you need that because it could be a world that you can get lost in very very easily a medley play a game they're called there are shocked says just give me a click pop questions get just to get it seems like people have seen just so long they probably know most things about you but i'm going to find that quickly q. and a at your family your click gets a somebody who inspires you call this a personal insult my college football coach coach and i went. let's call it eastern illinois i didn't like that and i stayed illinois we're liable to be there now and yeah so tony romo jimi i play to get your mic problem college it was funny when i 1st saw romo i went to the dallas cowboy camp that i was standing talking to jerry jones and he said and romo was like standing next to us and he seems so cool and self-possessed for a young guy who knows what you're looking for in
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a quarterback it's all you know there's accuracy obviously is the big thing but at some point you got to know it even as a young kid he also is so involved with him so our stuff involves wrong so where i'm self i should say guilty pleasure call what your guilty pleasure. peanut butter i love peanut butter yeah crunchy or smooth my friend crunchy it's more of a smack. something we should all be paying more attention to what do you think the culture is missing. patience and kindness right now yeah i'd say well listen we might find out on the other side of this i don't know right now everybody still seems cranky but i'm telling you if we hit the mattresses for a few months like this and come out and we're still given each other the finger in traffic we have missed the entire point of this time no 100 percent i think there's a lot of laughing a lot of silver lining if you can take from it yeah stranded on
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a deserted island what 3 things do you want to bring with you. a friend food and water there you go a pragmatist something that's still on your bucket list you have a place you want to visit or something you want to do billing your bucket list them out these would be great to visit i've never been there but i've seen pictures and i want to get there at some point. listen you've got to google there's a story out right now i forget where i read it but this will make you so jealous because it could be you and your era lady cassie there's a couple that was in the mall deaves in one of those on still beautiful joints that we all look at and think that must be amazing to be in yeah those above a lot or they got stuck there during the korean team it's just them and read that in the melodies every day and the hotels giving them a deal they still have to pay something every day but it's just in his way if they're bringing him food or snorkeling it sounds like a dream gig for you i was going to say that would be perfect to be corny and i
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don't want to get older not that yeah that's what the guys said you have to read the article he said listen i don't want to sound like a whiner but i'm telling you this after a few weeks to start it started to leak out hill. what show you've been on right now when you should talk to him what he like. so i finished the 100 on netflix i was a great series from the c.w. thought highly just that and then i just started the arc with jason bateman. a couple more real quick somebody from history you'd like to take to lunch. i would say probably just like a great great great great grandpa and just see what life was like and talk them out one of my old family members you know be weird if you sat down and you ordered brussels sprouts and he said i hate brussels sprouts yeah i know now. and lastly cult underwood your idea of a perfect day rather it's only what you do on your dream day i think it would be
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honestly at this point we just be going for a walk outside and taking in nature and traveling i think right now it's nice especially house but think in perspective. if some things we take for granted time i would cherish the little moments cherish will things be there for strangers and other people look at i'm sorry we had a bit of an overlap here we've got aleck tronic thing but you seem like a good cat every time i meet somebody from this bachelor thing and i'm not trying to be sucked but they all seem like nice people harrison's good night you seem like a good kid i wish you the best brother i thank you so much i appreciate it thanks for having me on all right don't take careful number would and that's the idler plus one.
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it's seemed wrong all right old old just told. me to get to shape out just to become educated and in gain strength because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground the. that's geysers financial survival guide liquid assets not those that you can convert into a class point is really. to keep in mind though as a tremendous place of. record.
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something memorization plan a change on the last one to continue a little spot that same movie i am sure but you went closer to look nothing to one that i desired to know. how much older than herself but. just an old lonely little girl near them she still lives. to me up on the show doesn't know we're still up. use them up or should. you put it's not just on thoughts almost unusable not on my little boy in the book so we stop to teach to the fish was here over. the world is driven by shaped by the curse of those.
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who dares thinks. we dare to ask.
12:00 am
welcome the cross for all things are considered on peter lavelle kobe 19 pandemic not only sees much of the world in lockdown but it is also devastated economies tend to make has been painful recovering from it maybe even more painful is it all falls.


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