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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  April 21, 2020 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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shot after shot this far our society until. we don't know still just for the. end of this fortunately you. will still not know childress. greetings and sal you take shit you know i opened up the merriam webster dictionary today and found some of the many definitions of liberty they are the power to do as one pleases or the power of choice 11 definition that has been tossed around in political circles and rallies for the definition of liberty a lot these days is that liberty is the freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
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and it was apparently this particular definition that led hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of us citizens across the country from michigan and minnesota down to texas and up to colorado to throw down their face masks and rubber gloves and take to their streets their capitol buildings and their governor's residences in protest of the social distancing policies and stay at home borders that have affectively closed businesses both large and small across the country since the start of the code 19 pandemic us president donald trump triumphantly egged those protesters on tweeting proudly liberate michigan liberate minnesota and liberate virginia yes it was our undying need for liberty and freedom because these protests to take place much like the boston tea party of old. or at least that's the bill of goods that was sold to these poor souls who are out there like lemmings putting
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themselves and their families a risk they have been sold but their lives are only worth the work that they do for the corporations that own them and that not being able to go to applebee's or great clips or wrestling matches means that somehow the constitution or bill of rights no longer exists here in the united states but do not blame these poor souls out there protesting they are clearly going through the denial and anger phases of the 7 stages of coronavirus greed and they are being taken advantage of by these people. save your blame for the ghouls that band the flames of fear paranoia and the rejection of common medical sense ghouls like these 2 we have people dying 45000 people a year die from automobile accidents 480000 from cigarette syria and 60000 a year from swimming pools that we don't shut the country down for there but yet we're doing it for this new models are out of control think condom is out of
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control china is the one that's out of control we're not going to let you destroy this country or our way of life we were too hard and we fought too long to lose it to our womb and. you see they only care about your liberty when it threatens their livelihood in their political connections and they are why you always must be watching the hawks. if you will go on a city street. let's see the prices you always see you slice this great city this least systemic deception is so which. so you'll. well i'm going to watch in the arcs i am tyrone and i'm of this across a major that's the people i believe that we need to be holding accountable for
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there's not these poor idiots in the streets who are thinking that they're losing their liberty by actually staying safe and staying indoors but the people that are feeding them these kind of pack of lies like you know dr phil over here trying to make a comparison with car accidents are somehow the same as the covert 19 give me a break dr phil is taking a page from presidential as as you probably recall before we instituted the stay at home waters and things like that back in february early march president trump was actually going around saying that he was saying in a part of podiums across the country basically there are so many people that die from car accidents so why would we take this seriously that was basically the posturing that he was given for the entire country and the funny thing about that clip is you can tell that dr phil was actually reading off those that he literally have paper and he was going line by line while he was describing this so something in him said to prepare beforehand before he actually said this completely ridiculous comments but then about dr phil and those of his ilk is that he's been
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selling lies to america for a long time and i think that now you know he's aligned himself with this president he feels like he has an audience a broad audience that has followed him for a year so he has in some ways the delicate sense of credibility among people and i think he just it shows that he took it to court because we're seeing massive backlash from his comments there people who have lost relatives there people who've lost loved ones there are folks who are still being tested and going through everything right now so those comments aren't really settling well no and i think people have to remember is that there's motivation for this it's and they want to get their economy working because they they're losing money doctor bills losing money because people don't have that extra income that they usually send them to watch his show or buy his books you know judge jeanine you know her political connections are losing ground which makes her feel really scared and upset like oh my good. plus she should stick to water before she does a show and they're exercising i don't know what she does do but stick to water
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judge as you know and you know i'm in advertising things like that but these people are all really snake oil salesman during this time of crisis it's not a you know this is about protecting us and look i understand the fear that people are going through they see their wages dropping you know they feel that that's frightening thing of what i want to do this doesn't feel right i should be at home i should be out it's not as bad as they're saying i get it i do but your liberty means just as much as my liberty just because you want to go out and go back shopping again and go to the store and go to the barber doesn't mean i want you to infect my liberty doesn't mean i want you to take away my liberty to not get sick or not have a member of my family get sick absolutely and i think but it's easy for them to can text realize this is a liberty argument because you always have those rally around the flag people who are all to write jump on this these are the same folks who are against rallying when it is black matter these are the same folks who are against rallying when it's women who are pro-choice or individuals who are pro-choice in general these are individuals who are going state when it comes to civil rights they don't care but
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now when it comes to something that they feel like they want to do when i think that you're right it's because of a means of production it's because it's understandable that people feel that they need to be able to get back to work i don't think anybody denies that on either side of the aisle but there is something to be said about public health and to have a president lead the way in people ignoring this public health crisis and feeling like they can just jump out even though we do not have the testing capacity yet to even show how many people actually have this virus i think is completely ignorant it is and don't don't let them in the late your mind into believing that somehow the economy matters more than people's lives you know you see like dr oz walked back but you see a doctor was saying well you know 2 to 3 percent of school children or people getting sick when we got kids back into school that's that's ok losses now i think is that just that's not it there's no such thing like when you hear talk like that that's militaristic terms that's. that's people you know trying to basically make you comfortable with knowing that lots and lots and lots of people are going to die because of their failures and their secondary argument inherent in that is that you
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are only good as long as you have means of production they don't care about a lot of the older people dying because they're not contributing to we just every day they're not the people who are contributing to the economy if this was split if younger people were the ones who were higher rates of death then we would see the argument being entirely different we definitely would you go you know you'd be jumping all around and you saw the same thing when the aids pandemic burst it way back in the early eighty's it was like well only gay books are good and so i don't care why do i care about all that and then suddenly want to jump to like how to books then somewhere all over and suddenly you have the oh oh wait we got to pay attention to this now you know but the bottom line is of course you have a right to speak your mind of course you have to watch out for people trying to take your rights in moments of crisis because there's a lot of people who will try to use crisis for that but staying at home and being safe staying at home and not infecting people that is not something about taking away liberty that's about actually protecting all our liberties world health safe and and helping them out and if we lift all of the restrictions tomorrow these
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thousands of jobs aren't about to combat exactly exactly. 1000 cases continue to sweep across the u.s. with the death toll rising over 41000 and at least 772000 confirmed cases the burden of berm cases is a bit tricky as to still want to be a level for the majority of americans in a systematic carriers of the walk among us every single day the precautions to protect against code 19 are well known social distancing rigorous and repeated hand washing and wearing masks all of these things though helpful can't be done everywhere prisons and jails are among the list of places where covert 1000 is poised to take hundreds of thousands of lives if we don't act quickly in my hometown of chicago the cook county jail one of the largest jail systems in the country has its own battle with coal but 90 the rate of infection there is higher than any jail in america with more than 500 testing positive as of last week and
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the number continues to grow. but in one way isn't the only incarcerated state basement its midwestern neighbor ohio is well more than 800 inmates at the marion correctional institution have tested positive book about the virus the ohio department of health contributes the state's influx of corona virus cases so only to the person at marion correctional a whopping 73 percent of the population tested positive for the virus ohio is rushing to find medical support to treat the overwhelming number of prisoners and staff exposed to and contract the corona virus but it isn't enough prison and jail is a breeding ground for viruses and many already lack the safety instead it's a should lead to slow the spread additionally there is no real way to social distance at all in these facilities. keeping inmates locked up while the virus is spreading it uncontrolled rates in an environment with no real protections is essentially giving the death penalty to hundreds of thousands of people. we've seen
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some state leaders finally get it right like maryland governor larry hogan who recently signed an executive order releasing hundreds of inmates how long will it take others to do that so that's the $1000000.00 question right there and it's an important question that we have to ask because we have to take care of everybody in our society not just and not just the ones that we love but also the ones that we we are afraid over that we don't want to take care of them too if we're just unprincipled society and this is an incredible story when you talk about 1800 cases in one prison in ohio that's massive 73 percent of their population and they have no real means of slowing the spread at all elevated to the state department of health they're trying to do what they can but right now the issue is one they don't have the staffing capacity in terms of nurses and doctors but in addition to that we don't really know even if that is a total number because this is a people who are actually able to see a doctor and get tested in person i think that most people don't don't take into
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consideration that a lot of our prisoners in jails as well they have to pay co-pays to see a doctor while they're there to get treatment from a doctor while they're there and where does this money coming from they're not getting regular cash you're not allowed to keep you know they're obviously working getting pushed the limits in many cases but they're earning by since. they're given prison slave wages i'm sure you know what's crazy to you know when you look at this whole story of the at the very least the crisis in ohio the marine correctional facility the economy and illinois cook county they both could have been averted absolutely it was one of those things where the states they've been going back and forth the state legislatures have been working on since the since the advent of covert 1000 since we learned about it what was going to happen with the jail and prison population these arguments have been going on in the left in the right at state houses across the country not withstanding ohio or illinois and what we're seeing is a lot of muscle flexing from both parties in the state in the states and in the state house and we're not seeing a lot of action in terms of directives coming out as to how. we're going to deal
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with this population that you're right that we have and i mean what we've got i mean what trumps you know didn't try to jump forward with what was it the 1st one i didn't try to be like i'm here for the prisoners and messed me up so i think what a lot of people gave him credit for the 1st and that both sides of the aisle and what we know was that of the hundreds of thousands of people that were supposed to get out under the 1st step that less than 20 percent of those people have actually been released one of the issues with jails and prisons alike is that there is so much red tape that even when you see something from the federal level come down it could take years before we see the people who are actually eligible to be released see the light of day. and truly just breaks my heart because you think of how many nonviolent offenders make the u.s. prison system and we're not even talking about the federal pens or the you know jail for profit ones that you can even get down to like county local jails and things like that where you've got people just in jail locked up for no reason and now they've got a virus rampaging through those hallways and that let's not forget there's still
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the jailers who also can get sick from this correct exactly and that is what we're also seeing so you're having jailers you're having a lot of the even some of the wardens there are people who are literally taking off and have been taking off for weeks to avoid actually catching something because they don't have either and they don't have mask we're running out of soap like there's a lot going on there and no one's really paying that much attention no they aren't but we are and as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand through the brand new portable t.v. smartphones through google play and the apple app store by searching simply portable t.v. or you can stream us to your t.v. by downloading the portable t.v. on apple t.v. or online a portable t v more devices will be available for portable t.v. coming soon and coming up next on this show we'll be discussing the possibility of seeing the u.s. military deployed on u.s. streets in response to the cobra 19 pandemic you don't want to miss this discussion stay tuned for watching the hawks.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development that only. exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical. to sit. in. a little spot that's.
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vocal just to. show. you put it's not just on thoughts. so that.
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all right earlier in the show we were discussing the recent protests popping up across the united states over the covert 9 team stay at home and the social distance distancing orders and how the motivation behind many of those protests were a direct result of the manipulation of the us populace is fear of tyranny and loss of liberty and will stay at home orders and social distancing for the safety of the community are not and should not be cause for constitutional concern that doesn't mean citizens should not remain vigilant in their protection of their most basic of rights in a time of crisis taking our eye off that ball is how we got stuck with constitutional shredding laws like those found in the patriot act and that is why many are
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starting to raise the alarm over the potential use of u.s. military personnel here at home in the battle against this virus newsweek reported recently that the u.s. military is preparing forces to assume a larger role in the coronavirus response including the controversial mission of quelling civil disturbances and then forcing the law a mission that the military has not engaged in for almost 30 years joining us now to discuss the dangers of the u.s. military here at home in a time of crisis is netbook freeman a member of the coordinating committee for the black ally. supreme snuff are always a pleasure having you on sir thank you it's always a pleasure to be on so i want to start with just give people an idea of what are the major potential benj are found in using the u.s. military not just the national guard which is under control of state governors but the u.s. military army maybe air force in operations domestically during a time of crisis. these are people who are pretty much training as
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to come from enemy combatants as you will and really thinking thinking that or being trained dentists who have the disposition that the people that they're fighting or confronting are less worthy of humanity or life and liberty and so when you put that on the street and again we have to remember that in the united states col who for to was colonized people black and brown working class people already you know who are under a police state situation so that the danger in what you asked what you describing is that there will be combining the mentality that is fostered in military training to fight so cold the terrorists in whatever you need before used to be communist and people who are not as worthy combine that with the sort of inherent. racists attitudes in class this attitudes of the u.s.
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police force that is a very vigorous cocktail. has there been any past examples where the u.s. military was used domestically in a time of crisis and is there are hundreds of historical precedents for that kind of deployment. there's been a few and yes. we can look at it it's a few katrina hurricane katrina when it happened there was a number of people who were scrambling for survival and having to scramble and get whatever they could and then the military was sent in there and then people. some people may not remember how old people are but we used to see in the milk in the media. reports of people called looting in ventilating when you really talked about a dire situation people really just trying to scramble for whatever they could to deliver survive and in that instance if there were really good will and it came had to come out later brutal instances of people being extra just you kill brutalized
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by both police and military on in one instance it was a man who shot in the back and then they proceed to kick him several times and. then another other instances are joined the rodney king incident there were people who. you know of the the the east pressure cooker was all faster the beating of rodney king and a lot of the verdicts were really on people felt they didn't like the verdict so it was that they were rebellions we call it rebellion instead of rice because people rebelling over centuries of police brutality not an incident but in that instance they also brought the national guard in and there were there were fatalities in terms of those exchanges and then during the same the rebellion joined dr king when dr king was assassinated the same thing happened and there were also fatalities due to you know the police in the in the military mixed and the and we you know black and brown people get the worst end of those. that mix it's scary because you see
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the idea being floated and kind of common allies do you know in the in the language of the media i mean with more than a good healthy percent of new york city police department officers recently reported due to illness or self quarantine of the good numbers like over 15 and even higher police absentee rates elsewhere an opinion piece in the a washington post pontificated about how active u.s. military members could potentially bill the those roles of the police writing quote they might need the backstop and back to a police force as a hard hit communities might soon need. major assistance with patrolling the restraint streets and borson restrictions on movement deterring crime and other tasks you know this is this is pretty unbelievable language do you believe that this could actually be a realistic possibility given the current state of the country today is this something that we could see. oh i think there's no one to talking about it and i think the washington post piece you were talking about was coauthored by 3 people
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and they were they were it was there to make themselves the police department i think it was a new york city police and they were all from they are all now our people are consistent you people the u.s. army was a couple represents in the u.s. on his about 3 ethics 3 people who are officers in that in that. article and what they're anticipating and i think there's also historical precedent and that and moon we remember that the. bell humans after the in the 1960 s. f. the dr king they did of being a report they do write reports every now and then the. people to try to figure out the root causes and how to deal with riots or maybe avoid them and there was a current called the current commission report $168.00 and so one of the things that the report showed and it was pretty i think certainly done report was the type of civil unrest that we can see the type of dissatisfaction with basic things that
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we now know are going to be. are going to be. costs scarce and we're going to look at over $30.00 supercenter the top they're predicting a 32 percent unemployment rate the biggest ever seen since since the break great depression there scarcity of food because of the the supply of food are being disrupted because of because of the cold in 1000 in the social distancing same people being out of work the system the capitalist system and we have to attribute it to that is not designed because we don't see that the same outcome where the same situation in other places is not designed to handle the type of or not designed to create the type of cooperation that is needed even on that on the domestic level where other countries people are the people are involved in organizing process to know how to respond. to certain things and even you to be able to manage things on in a way that don't make sense scares them they are allowed to go to the supermarket
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maybe more distance regulated fashion keep things gone and so here. the powers that be are steaming astray to the status quo where people are seeing the end inefficiencies or they're not into the capitalism and they don't want that threat to become even more formidable so they not instead of feeding people instead of housing people and things that we're seeing happening it's response to this but it's not for us that they're doing it they're doing it for themselves but that can't last because that goes against capitalism so their response would be to send in the military and the police to try to quell dissent well basically meant for we've got good folks like you out there keeping an eye on this and educating people on the on the bankers of our kind of thought thank you so much for always coming on the frame and always a pleasure sir. when i was growing up my nana always gave me dinner with this side of carrots the belief was as you get older you're going to need them because your eyesight goes with age and she might have
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been on to something age related macular degeneration affects 11000000 people in the u.s. and up to 196000000 worldwide sadly aside from changing vision prescriptions and surgeries with little long term improvement possibilities not much can be done to save your eyesight until now in a new paper published by nature researchers show innovation in treatment of age related blindness in mice in the study converted photoreceptors were transplanted into the eyes of 14 blind mice to see if they could restore vision and it worked the process involves creating replacement photoreceptors via a process called from a logical conversion it's cheaper faster and not hassle by ethical and legal restrictions chemically reprogramming cells to reverse age related vision deterioration is a modern marvel that could change the field about the molecule no more fear of living in the dark or being in a or or being in a world you can't see great stuff everybody that is our show for you today remember
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everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved up so i tell you well i love you i am tired old winter and i'm of the cross people are watching those hawks up there and have a great day and night. granny has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs for the people who are chronic pain and believe that their opioid prescription is working for them and the remedy be certain to do the price that they pay. their dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be absence of benefit but actually that
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they may be causing long term. is your media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maid in the shallows. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills
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a young girl in the street. what happens to her family and daughters in florida law the mother daughter is very innocent and terry is healing messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year olds by. kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court. sharp sharp smart society reveals we don't know childress is truthful. and do this. really. truly. the love no children.
3:00 am
hello there i'm an engineer and you're watching in question broadcasting live from our team america national headquarters in washington d.c. i want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here it's a night the top stories 1st over to new york a state with someone 13000000 people will begin aggressive antibody testing to figure out how many people were infected with kobe and 19 we'll get you a full report on that coming up plus the 1st sailor from the virus stricken u.s.s. theodore roosevelt have died from cold at 19 in blong where hundreds of sailors are still being tested and quarantined in hotels having some of the locals began to.


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