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tv   Politicking  RT  April 21, 2020 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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after a lackluster primary democrats and their media friends have decided on joe biden as their party nominee is healing to bill will the progressive's fall in line with his job offering voters in will the d.n.c. experienced buyer's remorse. coronavirus climate change and concerns about reopening the united states too soon will cover all the angles on this are taking. work from the politicking on larry king live the program begley jr will join us to talk about his environmental activism in the time of colbert 19 but 1st the virus has our shit in economic anxieties unemployment woes and need for federal go an
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action to help people who are struggling chris lou joins us for the lead in congress ation on this edition of politicking he's a veteran of the obama administration he served as deputy secretary of labor he is in arlington virginia but course the trumpet administration recently announced the plan to open up america again is that too soon well there they put out a series of guidelines that will leave that up to governors and i think that's the rational decision and you see governors on a regional basis whether it's on the west coast or east coast that are going to make those decisions in conjunction with their neighboring government governors and it will be based on both the. case that load in each of the states as well as their testing capacity. the administration recently tweeted it's time to liberate minnesota michigan and virginia what do you make of that i mean this is troubling you know this is a president who
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a week ago said he had total 30 to make decisions about reopening and then after he received pushback bipartisan pushback from members of congress he sensibly left that decision up to governors in conjunction with public health experts laid out a series of guidelines that made sense and then obviously this is a president who wasn't fired and leaving things as is and is now apparently encouraging its supporters to rally in state capitals to try to reopen the government reopen that economies and the problem is they're not only putting themselves at rest but they're politicizing something that really should not be politicized at this point minissha will rescue package for small business which 350000000000 that's gone already did accomplish what it was intended to do. well we'll have to wait and see according to some news accounts the money or at least the bulk of the money went to some large or small businesses and important to
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understand that in this country a small business is to find anything with up to $500.00 ploy or so that's not necessarily the mom and pop delicatessen or dry cleaner that many of us were hoping that this money would benefit i know personally of a couple of business many businesses that have been left very far back next year and were not able to get this money so hopefully congress provides another tranche of money that will continue to expand the relief to more affected business occurs republicans that resist to democratic effort just money directly to the states to mow calories what do you make of that i think it's a huge mistake you know. president trump has now shifted the burden of testing potential. of people infected with covered nights and he shifted that burden now to the state but he's not willing to pay the state or help us pay the
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freight the cock we know in new york for instance governor cuomo said that he is now running a $15000000000.00 budget deficit and states like the federal government don't have the ability to run deficits and he's indicated that if you let the get relief from the federal government he's going to have to start cutting funding for education which means that teachers look at furloughs he would also have to cut payment a hospital which means health care workers get furloughed and that's obviously not something that should happen in this period of time and so the rational thing for congress to do would be provide some assistance the states are in this very difficult period. americans filed for and point $2000000.00 jobless claims all together pushing the 4 we totaled over $22000000.00 is that going to get or is it is going to get worse i would expect several more 1000000 people to apply for unemployment for the next a couple of weeks at least and to put that in perspective that 22000000 people
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filing for unemployment has not wiped out basically every job created since the great recession and and the reason we know it's going to get worse is because we know that the ripple effect of this economic slowdown has now reached additional industries that hadn't been reached the past things like manufacturing and construction and white collar industry we also know that because of the new legislation a lot of people who previously weren't eligible for unemployment get corkers for instance or part time workers can now apply so that's going to inflate the number of people plying as well. and president of the federal reserve bank in st louis predict to the united states unemployment rate could reach 30 percent in the 2nd quarter this year is that is that hard for you yeah yeah i mean it seems on the higher side but i think given what we're seeing right now at this moment right now
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we're probably around 15 percent unemployment will get the full numbers in a couple of weeks so 30 percent seems high but a lot of it frankly depends on how long this shutdown of the federal government goes on for in support i'm saying that's necessary because this is 1st and foremost a public health crisis and we need to address the public health crisis then the den address the economic damage that's created and so while the number might be high and it might not get to 30 percent will certainly be in the twenty's but i expect that there will be some bounce back later on this year but i think unemployment will continue very high for the forseeable future. turd. predicts the u.s. economy will recover from the effects of the corner virus epidemic within months he says it definitely doesn't think it will take a year how long do you think it'll take i think it'll take years and i think
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there's a v. shaped recovery that 2nd term in nature and others are predicting i think that doesn't reflect the reality of what's happening on the ground right now what we are doing is we are shutting off the u.s. economy to deal with his public health crisis and then when we turn it back on it's not going to be like flipping on a light switch and everything coming back to normal mediately it will come in waves based on regions of the country based on certain types of industries and a lot of this really is dependent on people's sense of confidence about whether it's safe to go back outside whether they feel confident in spending money given their own economic situation so i think we're going to be dealing with the effects of this downturn well into 2021 if not longer. what effect on the election. well it certainly takes away one of the big if. advantages that this president had
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which if he was planning to base his reelection on the economy obviously that won't be the case now and i think the challenge for him politically will be show that he is navigating this crisis and he's helping to resolve it in a responsible way the downside of course is that the democrats will make the argument that this is the assertion wait it's 70 days to take proper action and it's continued to fail to provide states the resources they need to test people as well as to help people recover who are infected with this virus chris lou as always thank you for joining us thank you eric. this week marks the 50th anniversary of earth day actor ed begley jr joins us now to talk about that and how this time of copa 19 is impacting is environmental activism for which he's so well known he's also a 7 time emmy nominated actor and currently lord of the stars of the a.b.c. series bless this mess good seeing you again ed thanks for joining us larry it's
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always good to see you. how how are you in the family doing in this crisis we do very well here are but eyes but civil guard in an arm you know i'm doing just fine there's a lot of people out there going through a lot of hardship so my heart and soul goes out to them and i know we're all trying to do what we can for the out of the 1st responders and the people the medical personnel and everybody there are heroes of the front trenches go try to be of service any way i can to them and of course always consider the environment as our we do in all my other auctions what swimmy effect particularly on the environment of coban 19. losing one good effect that's coming from this if you will that is when we look up and see these blue skies in cities like l.a. and other cities in america houston bakersfield that normally have a lot of small we go look at the world can be like without so much fossil fuel and small inclusion is something to aspire to you can't be hunkered down like this we
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don't want to be isolated like this that's not worth the price of admission to get a cleaner environment cleaner air but we can have both we could have a clean environment and good green jobs and green transportation you said that you were fiscally conservative in your early days of trying to live in an veyron mentally sensitive and sustainable fashion what changed. you know i got all my environmental 'd ethic from my father my father exactly sr is not only a wonderful octave a wonderful man he was a conservative the like to conserve he was a son of irish immigrants it lived through the great depression so he simply turned off the lights turned off the water safe during say 10 for oil stop at the time the earth they rolled around in 1970 and he died within a few days of the 1st birthday by the way i was very motivated to do something because he always said to me i know which are against some against the smog too but what are you for what are you doing about it so i start recycling i started composting you know turn off the lights even more and i even bought
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a 1970 electric car believe it or not and i did everything i could to do my part to clean up the smog which is saying the good dad was kind of a pioneer and then as he was he was of that age of people who'd lived through the great depression simply conservative the way they lived and so i wanted to do you know what he had done with his life and i didn't have a lot of money after he passed the 1970 so i couldn't buy any solar powered some fancy stuff but i did everything i could afford i started riding my bike taking public transportation became a vegetarian oh you know buy degradable soaps and detergents composting all that kind of self it was cheap and easy to do and those opportunities abound today for people are limited income it's not all about i flew in solar so it panels and stuff there's lots of simple things for people to do to protect the environment and to save money what's the most environmental change of scene in say the 50
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years. i proposed what we talked about that 1st birthday when i got a call from 970 from 97 to date larry we've got 4 times the cards and no white millions more people but we have a fraction of this more people in l.a. long enough to see a much better it's gotten even with all those people all those additional vehicles there's a lot of small we did that together everybody did what they needed to do to clean up there 'd and there's plenty of jobs cleaning up out there 'd with catalytic converters made to put on cars cedar you know power plants spray paint boats all that stuff big and small that we did cleaned up there are no light now we gotta clean up the whole world and stay right there we'll have more politicking right after the break.
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you. better us along russian and line says. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down until you find the true news with rick sanchez because it's time to do news again and question more. federal law russian and line.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see that. thanks guys or financial survival. when customers go buy your disappearing. didn't
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help well reducing our. that's undercutting but what's good for the market is not good for the global economy. welcome back to politicking we're talking with ed begley jr is 7 time emmy nominated actor currently one of the stars of the a.b.c. series bless this mess he is in los angeles what as disappointing to you most in terms of the environmental moving and the woman in the past 50 years. what disappoints me the most is people that think that you have to lose you know fiscally to do the right thing for the environment that's not the case there's certainly plenty of jobs in coal mines that are all there except refineries but aren't there also jobs making when turbines and solar panels and electric cars and energy saving thermostats and at least the light bulbs insulation all that stuff those are all jobs to green jobs jobs and dignity and now with the price of solar wind plummeting we can do those green technologies in our power production we don't
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have to pollution just stop a kilowatt hour. in the area of legislation are you happy or have we a long way to go we have a long way to go but we've achieved much success the reason the air is cleaner in l.a. is not just on the actions of people like me who bought electric cars and did what they could it was a clean air out sun by an environmental radical by the name of richard nixon he signed the clean water act the clean air act and that's part of why we have cleaner air it's good legislation like that that has helped us do what we need to do to clean up there in l.a. and many other cities so also when you really look at the the cost of things the cost of a home of people look at the cost of a home and see the cost of you know labor and materials that's the way we figure the price of a home but what's the cost of running that home over the long life my house here i built out of steel so it allows hundreds of years over those hundreds of years this house will last what is the cost of you know energy and because i have the 9
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kilowatt system of solar pounds on my roof solar hot water all the other green things that i put into this home 12 inch thick walls 10000 gallon rainwater tank grey water system everything that i did to make it a greenhouse makes it short on grain in the long run that is to say need a little greed or money to operate and that's good planning. nixon was an underrated president domesticity would mean. he certainly was what he did for the environment with the clean water act and the clean air are very good you can get into vietnam and some of his missteps but that certainly was something that johnson did as well too in kennedy there are many people who did the wrong thing and the but as regards the environment he would be considered a moderate democrat today yeah he would the read a.b.a. recently announced it will not accept that compliance with routine monitoring and reporting the pollution won't push new penalties for breaking these rules critics accuse the trumpet ministration of essentially
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a license to pollute during the penn demick abuse in that way. yeah i think it's a mistake to go backwards on the environment with our health 'd you know health issues are key when making environmental decisions and making fiscal decisions because of cost a lot of money to take care of sick people with all the respiratory ailments and you get living near to 0 pollution a power plant or some other polluting and ity you know emphysema. all sorts of pulmonary issues we need to have less pollution not more so it's a good time to invest in green technologies the way we've been doing it's been good for us to get off foreign oil to clean up their inner cities and ultimately to put money in our pocket terms claims that the united states has some of the cleanest and sharpest air and water on earth and he said he wants crystal clean air and water everywhere what do you make of that i think it's something that is doable but i think if you need to do that need to raise the standards for energy efficiency
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going to have lots of subsidies for people so people who can least afford it can do the right thing and pay for insulation an energy efficient lighting those things you get a lot of bang for the buck those things that cost very little can save people a lot so increase energy efficiency and have federal subsidies for it if you have a good environment a lot of people aren't getting a sick because health care costs a lot and do those things that really are good financial planning for the long run i hope we're all in it for the long run what are some some people concerned that the coronavirus will slow down by halves even in direct sales the climate change issue do you see that. i hope it doesn't because of the price of not dealing with climate change is going to be very extreme we see what's happening in south florida now miami has flooding on the streets you know often during the year we have lots of other coastal areas that have flooding the idea of millions of people being displaced and bangladesh and places like that because of global address the people
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that really get climate change you've been talking about it for decades now are the people at the pentagon the military people know that makes us unsafe and there's tremendous global danger from not paying attention the climate change and they've got military bases you know base of sea level naval bases what hobby the cost of moving those bases and adjusting for sea level rise is a big ticket item for the pentagon they know an insurance company knows about it it's real it's out me musume climate change playing a part in the election. i think it will to some people the some people who don't care about it who are dismissive of it they don't get it but we really are an unusual with unusual time in our history we're like fish in an aquarium who are in how to nibble at the controls with no idea what the consequences are nibble at the controls of climate with what we've done putting all the c o 2 in the air 'd and all the problems with plastics and the ocean and many other extreme problems a diet of coral reefs acidification in the ocean we've got
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a lot of work to do a lot of work to be undone but we can do it and there's good news financially if we do it right you talked about corporate responsibility and no listen amid so you concerned with call that 19 that would wish ransom billiam the environment maybe put in the back door. i hope it's not put in the back door the back burner i really think it's very possible to do the right thing and you have to get the corporate entities involved there are 3 pillars to make good environmental change number one is what i've been talking about for years personal auction you're getting the light bulbs and changing you know all the things in your home in your life cell number 2 is good legislation like the clean water act and the clean air act number 3 is quote responsibility all 3 pillars need to be of the same size and equal strength and you need to do all 3 if you want our plane there in l.a. or anywhere in the world and that's what we need to do and focus on all 3 of those . one think over 19 has done has a significant improvement in air quality you think when this is all over we'll go
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back to the same old same old. we've gotten the taste for this wonderful clean air that we've had it certainly smells great every day our skies in l.a. look more like albuquerque skies than any were like l.a. i think i hope we have a taste for it and i hope we see after we've gotten a handle on this coat in 1000 predicament i hope we see if we continue to have clean air. a cost of treating people with other respiratory ailments goes down a not out i think that's there's a price for dirty air and that price is not doing anything in health care costs so we need to consider that when when we're making our decisions environmentally what is the cost to do nothing of the pollution and the cost is extreme i think what do you make of young grant of dumb bird. credit has really inspired me you know i did everything i could before i ever heard of her or knew of her and i decided to do more so i made some changes i never thought i could do around my house early how
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they but they call it leap plan i'm a home that's a green a stone that built i did out but i did a few other things that i've since discovered that can make it even greener i've changed you know i used to fly rarely know i fly never been this long before the coker 19 going out and flown all year nor do i expect to in the forseeable future so i'm trying to i'm trying to continue my my inspirational effort for her and her generation i have a 20 year old daughter and i know you have kids about the same age i want to do something for them so they have a plan of something like what we knew or are you are you happy with the way things are good as you've always been you do things on your own you don't wait for the saw a society a society to catch up yet will feel yeah you're alone in the wilderness. i used to fuel very much alone but now i see so many people you know who can afford it putting solar on the roof and buying an electric vehicle lot of people that can
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afford it doing simple things like changing up the light bulbs and changing your thermostat of putting up weather stripping taking public transportation back but that's a good idea medically to take public transportation i hope it is you know riding a bike when weather is that is permit all those things are inexpensive that's what i did when i was approached by the people who were broken and need to do things and make good financial sense i get inspired when i see the cleaner cleaner air in l.a. i get inspired when i see the cuyahoga river near cleveland doesn't catch fire anymore we've done a lot since 1970 or up sikorsky keep doing it what have you got against why. well there's a certain amount of pollution from flying in jet fuel that on the lead a very green light here are right around in my solar charts electric vehicle i'm not using any fossil fuels but when you get in a plane you know you have to use fossil fuels 'd a diesel fuel is basically i'm sorry jet fuel is basically kerosene with a moat retardant put in it so you're burning
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a lot of kerosene and so i i stop flying i want to see how long i can do it if i have to go along to all do it in my test while they are charging stations across america i'll report back to that see how well i do but i haven't flown for quite a while now since critic i'm on the same i'm going to try to stay with it but don't you feel like you're a little bit alone i mean everybody flies they do but people are getting by now in a very few people or on planes as maybe 'd you know a dozen people on the plane or something i've seen some of the pictures of it it's possible to live without some people perhaps can't live without it but i'm a person who can live without it and certainly if i ever have to travel to new york again or halfway across the country it's something i could do it just like driven cross-country and alternative fuel vehicles before and found fueling stations so that's something i'm going to see how i do but so far so good i haven't flown in nearly a year now is the anything and your previous life you miss. what
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i miss in my previous life or the spending so much as you put in the highest i have had 2 hives but i i guess i certainly miss my dad i miss people that are gone but i miss i'm a miss. you know i miss a lot of people like bruno kirby my dear friend an actor is gone i miss people that are no longer with us but everything in my life is very fortunate and so i have no regrets about anything that befall and may but what i regret is not not doing as much as i probably could how that i want to do more certainly with the people who are in need now with coping 19 i'm trying to do something every day for the people who need help and that there's much work to be done. was it an event the cause or environmentalist. it was a slow effect of smog on my lungs i was a young man growing up in l.a.
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except the 20 years of breathing in that small organ we sing forget about running around to play are just sitting there it hurt my lungs so after 20 years of that i was really committed to doing something and also i knew about the pollution in the water because i could go down the santa monica bedi and see it i heard about the pollution in the coyote river it caught fire and another way in a positive way the inspiration of seeing those pictures that came back from the moon that that buzz aldrin took i think with the hospital all these beautiful photographs of the earth in the distance we saw it as a thing as an entity as one thing and we started to behave accordingly and protect this fragile water plants that we call home and so i've been inspired over the years and i hope that inspiration continues that with people like read up. well we ought to call ours day ed begley jr day thanks so much as all as always good to see you larry thank you. and thank you audience for joining me on this edition of
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politicking our guest has been ed begley and remember we get can treat me at kings things that don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking. tariff long russian and like this. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make a monk come from good uses like a jackhammer to drill down and to find the true news with rick sanchez because it's time to do news again and question more.
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tariff long russian airline this. after a lot cluster primary democrats and their media friends have decided on joe biden as their party nominee is the electable willed aggressives. all in line with. voters will the d.n.c. experience buyer's remorse.
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max keiser this is the kaiser report the show that warren buffett doesn't want you to watch you know i got to ask rhetorical and it will be a theme i think for in the next few minutes america's got 20 or 30000000 people unemployed now the question is why have they no savings why don't they have any savings that's a very important question that we need to look into stacie perhaps because of what frederic bastiat yeah warned a couple 100 years ago when plunder becomes.


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