tv Going Underground RT April 22, 2020 5:30am-6:01am EDT
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to have shaken hands with covert patients shortly before his hospitalization so what is really going on here in the u.k. for all the answers i'm joined now by going underground jeopardy editor charlie cook good disease charlie good to see that your well for a start very well well i'll be watching the drum press briefings we've had the u.k. ones as one of them today the murdoch on the terms doesn't seem to like boris johnson says we turning turning on him is murdoch the working class champion against. oligarchy run government while a lot of their very much have been rumors that chance the dutch of lancaster one of johnson's deputies michael gove is supported by rupert murdoch i don't even remember but donald trump did an interview when i was 1st with the british press here michael go did the interview rupert murdoch was in the room the entire time and michael gove actually went on the sunday political shows here in the u.k. to defend boris johnson and he offered this kind of less than spirited response to us and questioning it was a really really simple question is it correct that by late february the u.k.
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sent 266000 pieces of protective equipment to china. but i won't get into details to and fro on the sunday times story more details will be not so really simple. yes why not going to get into the u.k. to foreign help did issue a statement later that day and every some eyebrows because it's actually sounded like downing street spin offering a play by play reporter at the sunday times because one particularly interesting tidbit states that the equipment they provided to china was not from the pandemic stockpile and that china has since reciprocated our donation many times over between april 2nd of april 15th we received over 12000000 pieces of p.p. in the u.k. from china p.v. becoming increasingly crucial to the whole coronavirus response here may be we don't have the real figures here maybe 20000 have died from grown over it why the briefing from downing street which has been there over the past few weeks against.
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it is a coming from dominic cummings well it does kind of seem like advised a job yes that does seem to be kind of a theme that's developing in regards to governments media line we're going underground and no longer the only ones 1 asking questions about the transparency of the government's press briefings and whether or not they're actually providing valuable information or if they're just an exercise in kind of real time narrative crafting and smoothing their for the lancet richard horton who will get back to later even called them a shirat at one point the u.k. government declares it is transparent i think arguably the fact it has daily press conferences every day shows that at least part of the problem lies in the limitations of the kind of social distancing technology like journalists limited in sustained questioning even though the government have now allowed journalists to ask follow up questions are allowed one follow up question it's kind of a stilted back and forth i know that you know very well the limitations of trying to pin someone down over skype but there's another thing the even casual observers have commented on and that the government ministers seem to be deflecting tough questions the medical professionals who kind of flank them at these press conferences and the skeptics in the press comes as essentially as
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a front makes the government look transparent and science led without actually having to face the difficult scrutiny that would be required at these press conferences and all while presenting a front of calm while tens of thousands dying kind of away from the t.v. cameras and it seems to be working as according to hugo over 60 percent of british people think the u.k. government is handling the current of our sponsor well so basically the british government may be using press briefings to doj scrutiny about they had to give coronavirus well even in the best of circumstances getting answers out of government ministers obviously requires probing questions and adversarial journalism something which is arguably been hit and miss especially the beginning of this pandemic westminister journalists seem to kind of rally around the government after boris johnson suggested the u.k. could take coronavirus on the chin through herd immunity to the political editor and spectator columnist robert peston kind of unchallenging article explaining the strategy there was at that time being predicted that it could lead to fire.
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$100000.00 deaths and then a day later the telegraph stated those questioning the government's current virus strategy are not only wrong they're a danger to the rest of us and then subsequently when the government approach did change the b.b.c. political editor laura can. claim that the science of change when in reality it was the advice that changed since those early moans the housing fantasy inside the more scrutiny of the government ironically most vigorous from traditionally right wing figures like piers morgan and you know but so those journalists who are invited to the daily number 10 press briefing have been facing criticism for either not ask important questions or only asking them once they receive backlash on social media but one b.b.c. journalist surely shines as a i don't know whether it is navel ward where he seems to have stumbled into a great truth or one of these governments as well yeah so i was even following his presidency as closely and there was one exchange from sunday night on the i thought it kind of embodied all the issues we've been talking about it's was hosted by education secretary former secretary defense govern william when he said russia go
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away that's him and he was asked by the b.b.c.'s heep him this can you comment on reports today that stocks of the p. were allowed to run joan in the couple of years before the pandemic and why was more not done to get hold of more p.p. in march in early february including using british company it's nothing especially combative that he's then met with this government from the 1st moment we were in a situation where the scientific advice was highlighting to us we were facing a real challenge in terms of a krenov virus and this could potentially evolve into a pandemic every resource of government has been deployed to every resource of government that's kind of a big claim but then without really addressing anything further about the 2nd part of that question he throws to dr jenny harris that to chief medical officer he then says that the u.k. regardless of the position that we may be in now. all commentor each has been an
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international exemplar in preparedness and i think we have had if if i might say from my own professional perspective. we could perhaps have a more adult and more detailed conversation about piece of pie so pim is allowed to follow our question this but he doesn't follow up on govern williamson's comment that the government has used every resource from the very beginning to tackle the pandemic seemingly in contrast without the u.k. death toll is one of the highest in the world at the moment and he also doesn't follow up on dr harris's comment that the u.k. is an exemplar in preparedness and her pound suggests that the conversation around p.p. is childish as n.h.s. staff are told where aprons because gowns are running out and off the deaths of at least a 100 u.k. health workers so the government deflects these questions with religion is statements and journalist kind of failed to pin them down and that's the problem you mentioned the editor of the lancet richard horton earlier he said after that press conference when you see supposedly independent medical advisers to government tell what a manifest untruth to shore up
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a political regime whose credibility is rapidly collapsing you have to say that those advisors have lost their integrity and our trust and i contacted obviously number 10 in the u.k. department of health but then gave out all the time to this board thank you. nature is sending us a message those are the words of un environment chief in their own design and today on earth today she joins me from copenhagen in denmark thanks so much anger for coming on i'll get to the message nature is sending us but is coronavirus shaking up geo politics maybe no more fracking after the collapse of oil futures greenhouse gas emissions apparently therefore goes to reduce way a quarter in europe at 2020 thanks to all the locked out. well 1st of all i don't think that we should consider the lockdowns a silver lining to environmental helps because we know that a 1000000000 children are out of school and people falling into poverty so the connections between climate change and corona virus are somewhat they are not as
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clear as many people think they are clearly the virus appears nothing to do with climate change but we could say this that is climate change in hans's on increases we expect to see ecosystems shifts we expect to see the movements of some of the vectors that bring about climate change bring about pathogens and to see uses ticks mosquitoes etc and so we need to understand that climate change and of course if we see permafrost melt then we could see the release of completely unknown viruses and it's in that's setting now we need to think about climate change and viruses so there really is that link though between climate and prevalence of pandemics i mean what the whole capitalist idea of destroying forests that is related to future prospects of pandemics forests of course are very helpful as c
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o 2 up so over as we know but that's not the issue the link between the virus and climate change we have course the virus by moving species into places where they don't belong either illegal wildlife trade or encroaching into wildlife have habitats of course climate change you need to think about future impact that climate change may have in a 3 to 4 degree world what would happen which new viruses would occur and unless we take action really with us and there was there was shifts happen we will see species who with heat or and more and that could lead to a whole new set of fire. so one thing is a virus the current current next in which we will get through climate change that's a different story we need to take action now on climate change exactly so that we do not see something much bigger and much worse than what we're seeing in today's
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weather so the message that nature is sending is not as some people have accused the government here of saying basically eugenics on the mace of cluster because it was grown a virus hits that disproportionately the poor you think it is very much to do with biodiversity which of course is impacted on by climate change of course i mean we know that today 75 percent of new infectious diseases are so not sick in nature what does that mean it means that they come out of the animal world. 75 percent that's not a small percentage humans have altered 75 percent of the world's surface and so that was terrestrial therefore in that in gauging and and altering we have moved species iran and and so yes i mean by any any
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any epidemiologist can tell you that of course so no c.s. and so a lot of diseases are the primary. diseases infectious diseases of course to date 60 percent of known attacks seizes us an article in nature so yes absolutely by most years that the core of the solution does not mean that we need to be enemies of nature because we need nature and nature only produces it would really there were we drink and the clothes we wear i know you said the 25 percent or 50 percent of pharmaceutical products are derived from genetic or sources and of course that whole so in the context of lack of biodiversity but what about health care systems just finally because i know you have a long experience of the world bank do you think that our experience with kobe will mean that the world bank and i.m.f. will no longer threaten developing nations with privatization of universal health care provision in the global south well what we've seen certainly from our friends
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at w a g o is that when you have strong health care systems these systems have been able to stand up and we should obviously looked old health care workers and everyone else and working in the health sector and making our societies go around what we need now is to ensure that health systems across a well they're talking to each other and exchanging information science knowledge insight and then as the secretary general has called for global solidarity at this time we've we know if we did not know it before we know that we are all connected on this world and so one virus is not not the war also by a virus is harmed by good health care for all. you say that because the w.h.o. secretary general is governed attack from the president of the united states and indeed the entire w.h.o. has been threatened with the funding because of its alleged lack of competence when it comes to world health well let's take a look at smallpox which is quoted as
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a disease that thanks to w h o o and the global effort it has been eradicated from from the face of the us let's i have lived many many years in africa and i can tell you that to support the w.h.o. provides the research that w o h l does is 2nd to none in your hands and thank you. after the break on the 1st earth day of its the global pandemic we talked to the architect of the 2015 paris climate change agreement christiane if you get as about what politics is critical to give out of your survival all the people coming over but they're going underground. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida
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you know the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery in meaning messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court he be. shot after shot as far as society we feel. we don't know childress for the. end of this trial unfortunately you. will still not know who killed just.
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welcome back today marks today but with global emissions set to drop 5 and a half percent this year thanks to. one of ours according to one and you know it's still way off the 7.6 percent agreement of the 2015 paris climate agreement joining me now is the architect of that agreement christiana figueres who charts how humans can avoid extinction in a new book the future we choose surviving the climate crisis in north where everyone from leonardo dicaprio to former u.n. secretary general ban ki moon also on this show in the past few weeks he joins me now via skype from costa rica thanks for coming back on so it's earth day in this book you say everyone understands that we are all in this together do you think that an earth day amidst a global pandemic illustrates that well thanks for having me on on such
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a special day actions are i quite exciting to be celebrating the 50th anniversary of earth day and asked what town will what contacts to be celebrating earth day when we are so deeply reminded about the direct relationship between nature our and our human lives how and when we're so deeply reminded of the side that there is no such thing as one person being completely immune to either climate change or to coronavirus if there is someone else that is suffering under it we are only protected if everyone is protected that is true of the coronavirus that is true of climate change so what a day whatever minor except of course some people might say we're not in it together it affects some people disproportionately i want to go to an event in the book where you are obviously very aware that where we're all word to knit together
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you talk about how when you when they go shaving the parrots agreement and un security given a hand when an officer came in and told you a bomb had been found people are against the things that you represent yes that was not 2 weeks or 2 and a half leaks after the terrorist attack and terrorist and hence we were under very very high security our big. as we had 150 heads of state under one roof in one day and of course it would have been very tempting to our to do something terrible so we were under very high security we did find a bomb a few days after the heads of state our had laughed and and there was a decision to be maims do we then close the negotiations and very possibly not ever get a global structure to lead the economy toward de carbon ization as science is
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demanding or do we brave it through and that's not an easy decision to take but the common good and what is actually beneficial for all has to be paramount you know all about not being as we emerge out of the coronavirus crisis who do things winning in the lobbying because they're lying their companies are obviously begging for money and obviously airlines are something your book suggests are not exactly the greatest industry as regards. whether humanity will survive into the future well every sectors of course begging to support our and let's remember the priority in the sequence in which support has to be given number one the acute health crisis and number one we have to support health systems are and health professionals in every country number 2 we have to be able to ready build a much better social protection that especially for the people who have lost their
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income and lost their jobs and number 3 your question about airlines comes as number 3 wave of financial support in those or the recovery packages sit back is that the airline industry has already committed itself to emission reductions and they need to be held to that. they cannot be all of a sudden lifted out of those are out of those commitments because of the koran or various pandemic quite to the contrary least support that they will receive and then any other sector will receive her asked to be contingent on responsible environmental management because if we don't do that the trillions of dollars that could go all the way from $10.00 to $20.00 trillion dollars of bailout and recovery money that is going to be injected as fresh capital into the economy that if that
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goes to high carbon acids in high carbon industries then there is no way that we will be able to meet the climate crisis that is orders of magnitude worse than a pandemic conversely if we bring these 2 together if we converge the solution to the climate crisis with the solution to the power to the health crisis and do both of them to gether with the same injection of capital then we actually can harvest a silver lining every call go your friend richard branson about that he's in the news here because not only of course his history of suing the national health service as regards health care he's saying he desperately needs government money for his airline and i actually thought airlines were going to become less a vision because they had me do a have social distancing on on their huge jumbo jet planes yes well i did read that he is requesting support for various in australia. that is our own and by some of his other virgin companies to us plus others i don't think that makes them any
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different from our from the other airlines that are requesting support but i do hold everybody to account and that we cannot afford the luxury of addressing the immediate acute crisis while being blind to the longer term chronic crisis so everyone corporates government. financial institutions we have to actually see that we can and we must do both at the same time the arguably the global pandemic has revealed what kind of prevail sions were endorsed by the world bank the i.m.f. the people use standing around with its its illuminated quite how horrific the privatization of health care in the global south has been you say in your book ultimately the most important action is politics and you you highlight extinction rebellion how can extinction rebellion protest against climate change on earth day
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when they're all locked up in their houses well outrageous for a future fire drill fried is that on the extinction rebellion summerize norman i'm all right or we're all hiding out behind our the 4 walls of our home and yet ask and i have to say that i have never seen more capacity to reach out and to touch other people's lives to demonstrate that yes we are behind a wall but that that ball does not stop us from interacting with each other from exchanging views from making each other's lives better and for those activists that are used to taking to the streets they're actually also taking this online and doing a lot of the pepper terry work for an even stronger demonstration on the streets as soon as we can all get out sell and i would call it prep time your book does
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emphasize civil disobedience why do you think civil disobedience is key to saving the planet as opposed to democratic politics and voting in elections i know you say both but you him for size civil disobedience not not a bang the law yes civil disobedience as long of course as is peaceful so very much in the gandhi tradition of civil disobedience now. history shows is not there has hardly been a major social economic political transformation that has not benefited from civil disobedience whether you think precisely about the independence of india where you think of suffragettes in the u.k. civil rights movements in the united states and now climate change you can see that civil disobedience plays a very important role in democracies and it is of voice that that has to be heard
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and that is heard and the other the 2nd last and that is very interesting when you study this is that actually you don't need a 100 percent of people out in the streets once you get 3.5 percent of the population that civil disobedience already is strong enough to be able to to turn the curve and it would not surprise me if as soon as we can come out of our homes the preparation and the further outreach that is being done now while we are all are sitting in front of our screens if that is going to lead to a surge in civil disobedience in almost every country 3.5 percent of the viewers of this show they better take note of what you just said you mentioned gandhi of course your book though and this may surprise some people talks about churchill of course who described the gun the in not to exactly glowing terms you talk about obama who is known i suppose in africa for destroying africa's riches per capita
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country libya why this emphasis on these figures in your book when today amidst coronavirus it's cuba that appears to be the shining example of sending tens of thousands of doctors around the world cuba which is of course been persecuted by nato nations huber of course is doing really well in on environmental goals as well apparently. yes while you may is not a very interesting cases an addict as it has been doing pretty well on environment and has been doing exceedingly well on health there is decade long investment in the health sector in cuba and that has been not has been known and has been experienced by many countries around the world for a long time. but what they're demonstrating right now is not only that they haue the help expertise but that they're willing to to share it is it this is not something that we have to turn their foster because we are not quite seeing the
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international collaboration yet that we need for the development of a back scene for that vaccine to be made financially accessible to all countries for it to be universally applied and let's remember as long as one person has the virus we are all threatened by the virus so it hurts to be just a collaboration well you know i mean i've got it as the husker vitally there because you measure all these people in the world that advocated for intellectual property rights as a fundamental part of neoliberal capitalism do you think after this pandemic the main part of the pandemic is over in the sense that we can start going out you'll be able to talk to the kind of people you were talking to during the bears agreement setting up of that and say to them we need socialized health care we need the end of intellectual property rights for vaccines well you know there are 35 countries that are that are investing right now into the development of the back
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scene actually quite a halt to all dogs the business served of solidarity that we have seen all over the past month is going to carry in to the the 2nd part of dealing with the crisis and yes i do think in fact my own country costa rica has already made a proposal to the world health organization to ensure. or are the odds that both the testing as well as the vaccine is universally our acceptable accessible to everyone and it has been the puzzle has been met with out with quite a bit of enthusiasm so when we don't know there's no guarantee but i'm quite hopeful that we have all suffered so much and realized so deeply that we're all in the same boat. this is going to be one of those cases in which we rise to our
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better selves because trying to figure thank you. thank you very much that's it for the show will be back on saturday 9 years after we hear leaks globally release classified cables detailing u.s. torture in guantanamo bay and its founder julian assange has today is allegedly said to death by u.k. authorities at the coronavirus truck prison the london deal that people judge by social media wash your hands and don't forget to join me on the ground on your twitter soundgarden scrubber facebook. style bananas is to put on a chain on the western kenya little spark that sent me a inching up at your one clip association with money i don't own that i desired to know. but i know there are some golf but i've got a local just in atlanta and i was going near them she told. me about show was still
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up because i. use them or push at them can you just put sample. new put it's not just on posts almost and you will not only know the full not so there is to stop and it takes to get the shit when i see you over or just. plain has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs the people who are chronic pain patients believe that their opioid prescription is working for them in the remedy be certain to. price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that
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the long term effects might not just be absence of benefit but actually that that it might be causing long term. but over $100.00 frontline health care workers reportedly dying in the u.k. from covert 19 medics not to complain online about shortages of protective gear and testing kits counting out wage. the n.h.s. has a consistent record all. of them the reputation of release those before clinical concerns and safety issues. question doctors say they have successfully helps treat coronavirus patients by giving them transfusions of blood plasma from those who have recovered we visit one of the hospitals using this technique. blood plasma with crew.
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