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tv   In Question  RT  April 22, 2020 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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we. will see. hello there i'm bill and chad you're watching in question broadcasting from party american national headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers the across the nation and all around the world here are today's top stories 1st president trump has instructed the u.s. navy to shoot down any a rainy and boat that harass american ships meanwhile iran launches its 1st military satellite into space we'll get to the details in a full report and then from one conflict to another venezuela is now slamming the west after its millions of dollars in that country's central bank funds and then handed it over to the opposition group we'll get you the details then u.s. attorney general bill barr now threatening legal action against state governors who
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have ordered coronavirus lockdown all right it's time to boost your news i q. tensions are once again heating up in the persian gulf after a brief confrontation on the seas between the u.s. and iran which resulted in president calling for the take down of iranian gunboats that come too close rachel blevins us following the story she's joining us now from the news room with the details to this rachel what's happening there well manella president trump is now arming the u.s. navy with the shoot down a new stronger order after a close encounter with iran has increased fears of escalation in the persian gulf trump took to twitter wednesday morning writing i have instructed the united states navy to shoot down destroy any and all iranian gunboats if they harass our ship.
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see his warning follows an incident last week in which the us claims 11 vessels from iran's revolutionary guard came within 10 yards of u.s. navy and coast guard ships in the gulf near kuwait while the navy released footage calling the incident dangerous and provocative iran also released footage and a statement in which it accused the us of presenting a false and agenda filled narrative of the encounter the i.r.g.c. claims the u.s. walked the path of one of their ships on april 6th and ignored warnings as a result they said they increased maritime patrols in the region which is what led to the confrontation with the u.s. navy in response to trump's latest comments a spokesperson for iran's armed forces said quote today instead of pulling others the americans should put all their efforts toward saving those members their forces who are infected with corona virus the confrontation also comes as iran releases but it's showing the launch of its 1st military satellite the news is increased fears over whether iran has the technology to create ballistic missiles as one of
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the countries that scrambled to save what was left of the iran nuclear deal after the u.s. pulled out and 28 seen a spokesperson for germany's foreign ministry expressed concern over the new development. in our view that the iranian rocket program has a decent. on the region and it's also an example. our european security u.n. security council resolution 2231 of 2000. calls on iran to refrain from activities involving i with the committee that could carry nuclear war . while allies in europe have attempted to act as a mediator between the u.s. and iran washington drastically increased tensions when it targeted and killed iranian general qassam salomone in january the shocking move spark concern over how iran would retaliate and if it would flex its power to. goes off axis to the strait
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of hormuz a vital waterway through which 20 percent of the world's oil supplies flow every day but if iran didn't close the strait of hormuz analysts had predicted it would make oil prices skyrocket sending them over $100.00 per barrel almost immediately so that your forecast is all the more important after all prices fell below 0 for the 1st time in history this week raising questions about how the state of the oil industry is playing a role in u.s. foreign policy reporting in the newsroom rachel blevins 8 archie. a mile long gas lines are now a familiar scene in that across the us well a gasoline shortages rage in a nation already embattled by sanctions and economic crisis now an estimated $342000000.00 in funds and assets from the venezuelan central bank held at citi bank here in the u.s. have been transferred to the u.s. federal reserve this following the authorization from the venezuelan national
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assembly and the self declared president one guy doe in order to protect the assets he says this is a move that's being widely condemned so joining us now to discuss this professor richard wolf he is professor of economics and international affairs and co-founder of democracy at work now professor the central bank was really quick to slam this move as a fraudulent seizure and venezuelan foreign minister jorge arriaga he tweeted this he said the central bank of venezuela denounces the vulgar dispossession the donald trump in complicity with some lawmakers from the national assembly in contempt order regarding the net the nation's financial resources which had been blocked at citibank now professor the venezuelan central bank had been blacklisted back in 2019 so what is the legality of the federal reserve. and foreign assets do we have precedent for this. and it's clearly are not there are attempts
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in the middle of a global pandemic to range the kinds of sanctions that you're imposing i would hope for people that either and people like pope francis and others around the world have said that this is a prime to reduce sanction in the interests of global health and here is the united states not only not we do sing them but making them worse it's an embarrassment frankly of those of us in the united states who watched it so as to reach out of the it's a question who will regal step that was taken in the 1st place took block counts of the sovereign government here in a bank in new york of this city bank of new york it's a further step of even greater questionable notice in legal terms of from the federal reserve basically to take possession of another country's assets when a romp on me like that group of legislators in their country quote unquote
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authorizes did i mean try to think with me just for a moment whether what we were doing at the rump group of legislators in france or ireland or spain or mexico started ordering movements of money belonging to the government that they weren't in charge of a missed him a do or a whether you like him or not if the elected leader of venezuela this is an extraordinary step. that's right professor i mean can we imagine a scenario where where nancy pelosi says well i don't like trump so i'm the president now and then all the money and all the america's assets get flipped to mancy palosi i mean what would happen then right so i mean that's that's basically what we're seeing and i don't so now. what about the people on the ground in venezuela we've now seen some gas shortages people standing in long lines to get
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their basic necessities met let's listen to what some of they had to say. because if we have to urgently go out with a patient there's no public transport at night there's a curfew a family member is going to die in the house waiting because we don't even have to transport them or to a medical center how do we transfer them. now professor there has been talk about making some of this confiscated money available to the national assembly government to provide aid to face the coronavirus for these people will the citizens be able to see that assistance you think. well you know that would have been created an empathetic an old rule of christian whatever word you want wait you have dealt with this or for some 80 maybe even you lose a part of the money in the account that's dubious goods it's really their money but this is not a time to make life more difficult for the people of venezuela this is an attempt
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to impose terrible sanctions at a time when they are already suffering if you remember that venezuela is also dependent on wheel and the price of oil is now virtually 0 they are being squeezed at that point it seems a transparent effort to overthrow that government from the united states which has been trying to do that for years i don't think it will be successful anymore out of the air earlier efforts but it's painful to watch and lastly professor imposing these unilateral course of measures against and calling the moderate regime calling for regime change they've been criticized obviously by by a lot of different countries including with saper according to sleep or u.s. sanctions against minnes well i have caused up 240000 deaths in just 201718 alone and that is preplanned demick so what do you think is the final prognosis for venezuela given all of these harsh sanctions people are dying anyways from normal
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things that people die of that the sanctions are impacting and now you have this pandemic. well i think it's a terribly counterproductive even from the point of view of the united states what you're doing is telling the people of venezuela that their enemy is the united states that in this time of need now having your money taken away in this time of beginning exactly no help let me compare it to china which has done the airplane loads of medicine and special routes to it will reach in england all over the world the difference between their response and the americans using an already troubled country is not lost on anybody and will i think make them a durable government stronger among its people are rather than the reverse all right we'll leave it right there professor richard wolffe always appreciate your expertise thank you. thank you very much. the origin of the
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corona virus has been a politically sensitive issue for china and a point of contention between democrats republicans and president trump who were for to it as the chinese virus now one state has filed a lawsuit against china accusing the country of lying and covering up the virus when it 1st appeared back in late 29 teams so for more on this let's bring in our team is far from that ferret this could be the 1st of maybe many states following suit that's right manilla missouri's attorney general eric schmidt he's leading the case and after talking with economists at the university of missouri the state is looking to get upwards of 40 $4000000000.00 that's with a b. now missouri is the 1st state to file suit against china and to seek damages in this way and it could be the 1st like you said of many states doing this now according to the lawsuit it reads quote during the critical weeks of the initial outbreak the chinese authorities deceive the public suppressed crucial information arrested whistleblowers denied human to human transmission destroyed medical
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research and had millions exposed to the virus and hoarded protective equipment causing a global pandemic that was preventable well today the chinese government called missouri's lawsuit absurd. lawsuit is purely malicious vexatious litigation which violates the basic legal principles according to the principle of so for an equality and international law so for the actions taken by chinese government at all levels in terms of epidemic prevention and control are not subject to the jurisdiction of the us schools now missouri saw hundreds last week manila protesting the stay at home orders the state has in place according to johns hopkins university more than 6100 people are confirmed to have covered 19 in missouri and $229.00 have died now according to legal experts the lawsuit faces an uphill battle because china is a protected is protected by sovereign immunity but missouri's a.g. says that he's counting the chinese communist party as a non-state actor which he says fortifies his legal argument manila. now speaking
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of attorneys generals. and lawsuits you have u.s. attorney general bill barr firing off saying he is looking into suing the state governors right and this is all over clashes milla between president donald trump and state governors on how exactly to respond to the coronavirus now most if not all states are locked down and both trump and barr say businesses need more freedom to operate and trump says that some governors have gone too far listen to bill barr here. want to govern or something. fundamental. constitutional. there bounded by. those situations are emerging around the country just as much. and i think we have to do a better job of making sure that the measures that are being adopted are properly targeted. now bar says some of the restrictions governors have put in place and friend on the constitutional rights of americans but he didn't give any specific
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examples are also says one way that d.o.j. might act against governors is by joining in i'm lawsuits brought forth by citizens or businesses over these restrictions as well reporting in washington fair. fronsac . and other news making headlines today calls for a vote by mail have intensified across the nation after 7 confirmed cases in wisconsin have been linked to april's primary election day according to state health officials the cases include 6 voters and one poll worker and they expect those numbers to grow now the governor of wisconsin tried to delay that primary if you recall but got overruled by the state supreme court. and you may soon be able to check if you have code 19 right in the comfort of your own home that's because the f.d.a. has just approved the 1st in home test kits the f.d.a. recently gave emergency clearance to lab or for those nasal swab kits which will 1st be made available to health care workers and then in the coming weeks those
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kits which run about $100900.00 will be available to the public. and new revelations in the case of julian of songe claiming a spanish firm went to great lengths to spy on the wiki leaks founder including targeting his china where it was a runaway win for one team in the chinese professional baseball league of europe back. when almost seemed wrong. but old rules just don't hold. any. you have to shape out. come out to. and in detroit equals betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart if we choose to look for common ground. the world is driven by a dream shaped by phone person with those words. the dares thinks. we dare to ask. has changed american lives and pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs the people who are chronic pain and believe that
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their opioid prescription is working for them and the remedy be said to. price that they pay closer dependency in addiction to opiates to long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term. $94000000.00 that's how much money the australian government will spend to began building up a stockpile of crude oil but that stockpile will be stored here in the united
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states the government says the move is intended to confront australia's fuel insecurity which may arise from major events such as military conflict and the federal opposition criticize the plan however calling it bizarre as the reserves will actually be held overseas. and speaking of australians it is a tale of blackmail spying babydaddy switcheroo and of course american efforts to off someone deemed anomie of the state were of course talking about julian assange and today the world knows the name of his fiance and mother of his 2 sons as 37 year old stella morris now ms morris revealed her identity just days ahead of a spanish court they were expected to do so because of the court case against a spanish security firm you see global for more on this we will go to former u.k. m.p. and friend of julian us on mr george galloway so 1st george allow me to say how disgusted
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i was learning the details of this sordid and 6 story because as a mom to a baby similar in age to julian's boy gabriel who was being spied on you see global was let's explain to the viewer the security firm guarding the ecuadorian embassy during julian stint there not only did they secretly taped julian's movements in his quarters but they also began to grow a fascination with little baby gabriel now julian and stella were clever enough to have an actor friend named stephen who bring the baby in to the embassy for a visit posing as his father but then. did a deep dive on mr hu as well and figured out that gabriel was not his son and was in fact julian son so george why all of this.
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well now when the history of the united states empire comes to be written and when it's all over it may be that this will achieve iconic status rather like nero fiddling i was wrong burned all the the partiers in pompei before. the book in or are up to it is semino. must represent the lowest form of spying that the united states has ever been involved in because it literally involved combing through the contents of the baby's nappy or diaper you call it and only when the company was informed that d.n.a. obtained from a nappy and the contents of a nappy would not succeed in a paternity case then hatched a plan to steal the baby's dummy its pacifier so that they could from the saliva
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there on a stop blish the child's d.n.a. i know i know that the united states doesn't like julian assange but didn't really hate them that much to require their agents to get so down and dirty because let's make no mistake about this mr maher outlays who's on trial now in spain was an agent of the united states government he traveled every single month with the videos taken from the illegally secrete it secret cameras that were filming everything that julian our sons did and it turns out even stealing sex for 2 graphs of an ecuadorian diplomat who is known to me. very intimate private photographs stealing them and taking them to the united states this is just about the dirtiest story outside of porn lab to be found on the internet today.
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and george speaking of him david morale is so the viewer is up to speed the he's the owner of global he's being probed by the spanish national court right now especially because he's also spying or was spying on stella maurice's mother who lives in catalonia and it's now been revealed as you just said morales attempted to use have to photos of an ecuadorian diplomat as blackmail so that the embassy would not cancel their contract with his firm so what do we know what else do we know about this man david morel us who is he. well nice guy hop the most important thing you need to noise that he was you were serving your government not the president but the state of your dumb this was an entirely fictional contract he had the ecuadorian embassy it was not protected by
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him it was bugged by him and every movement julien's on lawyers were having to meet with their client in the women's lavatory in the embassy which is a tiny embassy i don't want to have the idea that this was a big u.s. style embassy it was a fly in a tenement building and the lawyers used to meet julian in the women's lavatory and more alice was going on them there are as i've told you before even pamela anderson having a leak was filmed by this man and all of those videos every single month were taken to the united states without fail the flight logs make it clear the entire i 10 arrays are available to the spanish court so nice guy you had working for you i must say hey it wasn't my decision george i mean if it were up to me i would say that this case be thrown out because of the breach between he and his lawyers that
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should be open and shut and fortunately i got to leave it right there george i so much to unpack with this case as always george galloway thank you. and to nova scotia canada where the death toll from the mass shooting over the weekend now stands at $22.00 that rampage lasted 14 hours and ended after the 51 year old gunman was fatally shot by police authorities say a motive has yet to be determined but they do confirm the gunman knew some of those victims. and this year we celebrate earth day unlike any other because of the pandemic and the earth while it's getting a chance to breathe a little bit less traffic on the road less human activity means less carbon footprint clearer skies are reported throughout the world in fact experts say los angeles saw some of the cleanest air of any major city in the world followed by believe it or not india and china so fittingly earth day 2020 is calls to action
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this year is share your hair. all right let's head over to regina hamm at the sports h.q. but you know it was a blowout game over in taiwan between 2 professional baseball teams and that's the best fans are going to get here in the u.s. because we're still waiting for baseball but the chinese freshly baseball league is the only one for now playing their regular season games and for the year president lyons they took a beating during the home opener for the guardian's 1st inning with an absolute doozy a little lions pitcher upon wound that's not a guardian. but the infield single off the mound to open up scoring guardians up to all this time. to let feel free to run double. by the cell with a. lead live in the 2nd their guardians that's were on fire the 1st time a 21 homer to right field from di payphone home team finds themselves now the big 60 lead next inning wasn't much better 2nd another 2 run no run this time to center
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field and the lions are wondering how they ended up in this 80 hole. that would be that top the 4th line then able to really get anything going to see a while striking out on the net. and he did it again with a nother shout this time to catch it when you leave the bottom of the 8th this is a duty it is a nother to run home or guardians or another putting the icing on the cake to win the game at $13.00 to $2.00. the football world was shocked simply shocked when 6 time super bowl champion tom brady left the new england patriots for the tampa bay buccaneers now there's even more of a shock as one of his teammates aside it it's time to come out of retirement the new england patriots agree to trade tight end rob brown koski of the buccaneers reuniting the 2 former teammates it must feel pretty good for them new undersea as a 4th round draft pick in the 2020 n.f.l. draft of the bucs receive a 7th rounder in addition to the 5 time pro bowler for those unsure how he actually came out of retirement was able to be treated the patriots still held on to his
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rights he'll play the try to a season on a one year deal worth $10000000.00 and has already passed his physical flying colors previously committed to being part of the w w e and most recently won the 247 title during wrestle mania 36 so. i think that's his end of his wrestling criminal back to you maybe maybe not you never know all right thank you for that regina ok we'll have a lot more news coming up for you at 3 pm facebook putting more than $5000000000.00 with a b. dollars into india's geo tech company a lot of cash to dole out clearly showing mark zuckerberg interest in having a big influence in one of the most populated countries on the planet we're going to talk about that with our friend ben all that and more coming up at 3 pm and that's at the right now make sure you keep up with everything in question at all i'm fine downloading our brain you free at home portable t.v. from catch up on the news 24 seventh's and all the shows that you might have a camel a chance to back. is
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your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. tyson nation full community. are you going the right way or are you being that. guy who would. want to. wash his face. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. hey
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folks dennis miller here next on dennis miller plus one we're going to talk to a fascinating woman i chatted with her a little before the show and also read the stories unbelievable every palm porous she has a new book out it is called becoming bulletproof and she knows of which she speaks served 4 presidents in the secret service and also has a bravo series that played literally in new york was fun fascinating spiking.


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