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tv   In Question  RT  April 23, 2020 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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hello there i'm manila chan your watching in question broadcasting from the national headquarters of our team america here in washington d.c. welcome to our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are today's top stories 1st up president trump doubling down on his threat to open fire on iranian boats that harass american ships but now iran is firing back and as those drums of war beat even louder between the u.s. and iran and adverse other adversaries today we ask does the world really need more war during this pandemic we're going to discuss that plus advanced technology can now keep tabs on social distancing here in the u.s. is this a slippery slope into the kind of open government surveillance that we see in china
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we're going to discuss all right it's time to boost your news i knew. the right directly tween the united states and iran is heating up even more today threats are being volleyed from both sides after a close encounter at sea for more on increasing fears for a full on battle breaking out between iran and the u.s. our teams rachel blevins is joining us from the news room with more to this rachel well manila does not appear that either the united states or wrong is backing down following a dispute in the persian gulf president trump said he stands by the order he gave to the u.s. navy and if any iranian vessels get too close to an american ship he expects the navy to quote shoot them out of the water we don't want the room. in our budgets
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and traveling around our boats and having a good time we don't want him anywhere near a bus and say you know the order it gave it all they got to say it again but i've given that order it's a threat when they get that close to a vote and they have guns they have very substantial weapons on those boats but will shoot them out of the water. now in response to terms of warning the head of iran's revolutionary guard fired back and said his forces have been directed to retaliate against any american forces who threaten the safety of their military or nonmilitary vessels. will he tell you we have ordered our naval units at sea in case any warships or a military units from the naval forces of america's terrorist army wants to jeopardize our commercial vessels in that selection or that they must target those warships or naval units. while the u.s. accused iran of dangerous and provocative maneuvers in the persian gulf last week or ron has argued it was forced to increase its patrol presence after the u.s.
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fell to follow protocols iran has presented the dispute as an issue of national security noting the proximity to their country's border iran's foreign minister took to twitter writing quote u.s. 6 forces have no business 7000 miles away from home provoking our sailors off our own persian gulf shores the latest conflict also follows the launch of iran's 1st military satellite pentagon officials were quick to argue that the launch was evidence of threatening behavior claiming a secret military space program could be a step towards creating ballistic missiles. i don't tell you exactly what the intelligence is because that's classified information but what i can tell you is that when a very long way if you have a missile that goes a very long way. whether or not to put a satellite in space or not i won't go into those details but it would a very long way which means it has the ability once again to threaten. their neighbors or a large that we want to make sure that they can never throw the united states while
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u.s. officials claim the launch violates international law reports of noted that satellite launches do not violate iran's 2015 international nuclear accord which the term been astray she pulled out of back in 28 team after removing the u.s. from the deal trumper. target are wrong with increasing sanctions attempting to cut off the country's oil sales altogether but now that oil prices are historically low iranian president rouhani says his country is not hurting nearly as much as other countries because their economy no longer relies on oil exports meanwhile oil prices are on the rise again with the global benchmark surging nearly 40 percent on thursday after hitting a 21 year low earlier this week this reminding the world of the power that comes with even the prospect of an international conflict as it remains to be seen whether the latest exchange of threats between the u.s. and iran will develop into a military conflict reporting in the newsroom racial blevins r t. in
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a confrontational tweet president donald trump is ramping up tensions between the u.s. and iran when he instructed the u.s. navy to shoot down and destroy any iranian vessel that harasses american warships along the persian gulf now this amid the coronavirus pandemic with u.s. numbers nearing a 1000000 and iran leading the way out of the middle east still the persian gulf remains a tinderbox just one move away from a flare up so joining us to discuss former u.k. m.p. george galloway george we know that trump is the 1st politician to use twitter for diplomatic relations or i guess in this case diplomatic but now even his former national security advisor john bolton is doing the same thing he's weighing in on iran yesterday tweeting this he said quote iran's launch of a military satellite is proof we are still not applying enough pressure deterrence has not been restored and coronavirus is not slowing down the ayatollah iran's goal
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remains i.c.b.m.'s capable of carrying nuclear weapons they cannot be trusted now george people thought once bolton was removed from his post that things went with iran would simmer down apparently not now well. no definitely although it could all be just a ploy to drive the oil price up and if it is it's working. president was very clear that he would do anything to rescue the us or learn gas business so driving up the price is a good way of doing that but on the assumption that one slip can let loose the dogs of war it's a very troubling time and it contrasts completely with the call by the secretary general of the united nations right at the beginning of this demick and the. guns should be stilled sanctions should be lessened instead
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sanctions are being ramped up and guns are evermore ready to bark and indeed are barking in other theaters but in the persian gulf the clue is in the name manila the power of 7000 miles from the united states where the u.s. navy is provocatively patrolling the most likely spark that could lead to a very big conflagration but the u.s. has forces in colombia maneuvering on the borders of venezuela you wouldn't be surprised to wake up and discover that military action had begun and i was shocked even i was shocked when the ancient treasure of palmira in syria one of the wonders of the world was actually bombed by israel this very week israel is still bombing syria even in the middle of the corona yeah so it sounds like the
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u.s. and israel have very similar plans going on during coronavirus but george why do you think president trump has this i don't know how to describe it except maybe a fascination with iran is it because his predecessor. president obama had a breakthrough with that nation or could there be something deeper than that and also george i realize that boris johnson has just recently recovered from coronavirus but we haven't heard america's allies speaking up. no i think the british and the europeans are very anxious about the ramping up of rhetoric trumps behaving a bit like dr strangelove correct area or rather the man that got astride the rock and headed for russia in the epic who brick movie of that name so i don't expect you'll hear much support of rhetoric coming from europe because people
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are worried. you know one ward one slip and the dogs of war are unleashed and cry havoc and what i have or it would be the straits of hormuz well 30 percent of the world's oil passes through this geostrategic. i think president trump is obsessed by president obama's breakthrough on the iran nuclear deal or a but i also think he's actually cracked on much really close to saudi arabia and people in his own family even more close and i think the iran with a vengeance because saudi arabia does too. and lastly george looking back at american history since president jimmy carter 1st accused iran of state sponsored terrorism virtually every american president who followed has told that same narrative why is that. well the united states could not have been closer
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to the lee shah of iran the greatest tyrant the middle east has ever known and there's a lot of competition for the title since he was overthrown and the united states was revealed the revelation was necessary to have been up to their neck in. friending says people rose up in their millions to overthrow. the picture has been as bad as it could possibly be between the united states and iran ironically it isn't people really love america they really love america they would like to be more like america but every time the united states is the screw with more and more sanctions the danger of more and more war in the middle class the young people that would otherwise be quite cruel america. because i've been surprised. how people actually would much rather have good relations with america
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rather about those dagos drawn all the. time believe you hit it hit the nail on the head there george i will have to leave it right there george galloway appreciate your time today. but you're. right there is no doubt the u.s. economy is in peril the latest unemployment numbers are out bringing the total number of americans out of work to 26000000 meantime many americans are still waiting for their government stimulus checks to arrive all the while there are reports now that dead people have already gotten theirs are to spare in front i can joining us in studio she's been following the story so far and how i don't fill me in here how is this even possible dead people getting checks right so on the surface it looks really bad but there's actually a whole thing going on here and what that is is that dead people yes again have already gotten their stimulus check the government has even admitted to this happening but it's a double edged sword because the i.r.s.
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is trying to send out these payments as quickly as possible as everybody is suffering but each state keeps track of death records which are that reported to the i.r.s. but while the coronavirus is killing tens of thousands of people there's obviously going to be a time lag and that is ultimately another development. boy do we know how many how many deceased people have received money so we do not know that number right now but we do know that the i.r.s. has issued 80000000 payments and ultimately some 170000000 people will be getting paid but unfortunately this is not the 1st time that we've seen this little fiasco happened back in 2009 during the great recession we had 52000000 people they got a check for $250.71 of those people were dead which was a good 17000000 dollars and one percent of those payments given out now you do have president trump saying that you know hey sometimes you give the bad check to you give a check to the wrong person we're going to try to take it back but then you have legal experts monella saying that if you were alive when this stimulus plan passed
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and then you die legally you are entitled to that check so it would go to next of kin maybe possibly this is all new territory fair and i know so ok since we're on the subject subject of checks there are alive people that are also not getting their checks so what about those unemployment numbers so it is not looking good at all the dow jones actually predicted that last week there would be 4300000 new jobs our new unemployment claims it was actually little higher than that 4400000 now you can see by looking here at this chart the only good news is that last week there was a decline of 810000 but that still it's $4400000.00 that is would be the equivalent to everyone in the entire city of chicago and phoenix filing for unemployment now the department of labor comes out with their new rate calculation in 2 weeks but it's projected to be around 23 percent the rate during the great depression was 24 percent of the grand total over the past 5 weeks 26500000 this has protesters
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continuing to take to the streets in some states not following the social distancing rules and calling for the country to get back to work arguing that these stay at home orders are destroying the economy by employers let's have those go in those upper stored in the capital work. we're struggling because we don't have the other half of what i'm looking to help with friends and family members that i know that have been impacted by this. thing their business is on the verge of can't sustain a story longer so i have friends and neighbors know these businesses that are dark they're dying there's a lot of businesses that will not be able to reopen. now the house is expected to vote and approve the $484000000000.00 corona virus relief bill which the senate passed on tuesday so it's not the house that will be sending it over to the president's desk which president has promised to quickly sign it now this bill is geared toward small businesses and hospitals and another big ad is the
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$25000000000.00 for coronavirus testing in manila this bill follows a similar one approved a last week however that one actually ran out of money so fast it was scooped up mainly by restaurant chains and national hotels so that resulted in this latest bill having to be put forth through the house still a lot going on there in france i thank you for filing that report. right so can advanced technology solve our social distancing problems and how much of your privacy is at risk on this so we're going to talk about that with our friends one coming up and then at sports regina ham brings us an update on the penalties for the boston red sox that. people are really remarking that 2020 is
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a mirror image of 2008 is the exact same problem banks over leveraged blew themselves up in are now demanding a bailout at the point of a gun from the fed and other central banks and except this time the dislocation in the economy combined with the coronavirus is so great that we've tripped over into medieval ism so messed up this. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the dares thinks. we dare to ask.
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is you'll be via reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. tyson nation will community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura made in the shallowness.
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tech geeks are thrilled over a wall ways release of the mate pad 10.4 chinese retailers like j.d. dot com and the mall the company's official we bow account have already listed the phone on their sites mobile phone tech fans are talking up the phone slim slate high density pixel resolution support full h.d. plus display and of course the slim bezels surrounding the screen looks pretty cool . and with millions of americans on the verge of returning to work for the 1st time since the start of this nation wide stay at home order many businesses will require employees to abide by the 6 foot social distancing rules but how do you actually enforce that while technology of course and her eggs start up company landing ai has created a workplace monitoring tool that issues an alert when anyone is less than the
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desired social distance from a colleague so joining us to discuss the mess co-host and investigative journalist ben swan so ben how does this social distancing detector actually work. yeah it sounds like a terrible way to work doesn't mean the way this works is one side you have a live feed essentially of people going about their work working inside of a factory or work inside an office on the other side of a monitor you have essentially a different screen that is monitoring how close those people are from each other in a soon as somebody comes within 6 feet of another person the screen goes from green a little square around them from green to red and it shows you that they're too close to each other and this is already being deployed by the way in certain warehouses in a certain factories including foxconn you know the big developer of i phones the ones that actually manufacture and make i phones in china they are now instituting this is well as companies like amazon which have their own version of it where they
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are monitoring employees to figure out whether or not employees are in their words violating social distancing orders amazon has warned employees that you can be fired if you go within 6 feet of another employee oh no my word ok that's a bit much but ok i guess they're really trying to take this seriously so a number of companies are also buying thermal imaging equipment to screen workers temperatures maybe when they're walking in or what have you how much demand is there for this kind of technology right now. well it turns out there's actually a lot of demand there's 2 companies one called clear systems the other one is called seek thermal incorporated and apparently both of them are struggling they say to keep up with the demand right now for those thermal imaging cameras which again would be inside of office spaces and warehouses monitoring people's temperature as you walk by the cameras essentially looking at you and trying to determine whether or not you in fact have a fever and you're running
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a fever and by the way some of these companies you know as i mentioned amazon says that they're now employing thermal imaging cameras so they're not only monitoring it for social distancing amazon's also putting in these thermal cameras they have not said who they're using for this technology but those 2 companies i just mentioned fleer and seek thermal both of them saw that their stock price rise dramatically after amazon said they 'd are employing this because as amazon goes so goes so many other companies and then one step further on this as a chinese startup called rowe can i think develop some thermal imaging glasses since they launched in 2014 and we know how that's going to be used or they can be like like the google glass that nobody wears. well this is a little different than google glass but this is essentially thermal imaging glasses they say paramedics can there are these police officers can wear these and you're essentially wearing a thermal imaging camera on your face as you walk around and as you look at people you can determine they say whether or not that person has a fever but i want to remind you you know miguel it's very important to remember
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with all this insanity that's going on that so many people who contract coronavirus or cope at 19 are asymptomatic which hands you don't display symptoms so thermal imaging cameras will not tell you or someone is carrying a virus it only tells you if someone has a fever and i also remind people that just because you have a fever does not mean right you have coronavirus absolutely you might have a normal flu or a normal cold so given given this fact that i mean if people can buy these special glasses or. the technology to scan somebody just walking by them how does this impact our invade our civil liberties or does it invade us when if you're working for amazon is that a private company so therefore your liberties go out the door your sense of privacy and personal space. well so your your civil liberties don't go out the door because you work for amazon as much as jeff bezos might like that idea but here's what here's what does happen so under the $88.00 you kin be questioned about whether or
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not you're sick you can be sent home from a workplace if you're sick but you cannot be terminated for it you cannot be fired because you have a virus or any kind of illness you can't be fired for those reasons so under federal law that is not allowed however what amazon can do again is they can monitor you would watch you or in the case of someone like that warehouse manager who organized a strike a few weeks ago for amazon and then you violate the 6 foot rule so they say all of us and you can be terminated and so what you might watch out for are you know you're violating company policy because you're too close you're violating company policy because you came into work when you were ill and so you might have some of those issues coming up but you know the bottom line is again a lot of this is for lack of a better term stupid when you consider that so many people have already contracted this virus and again are asymptomatic or it's already run through their system the idea that this becomes a new normal or a new way of life for people i think just seems insane all the future futuristic x.
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ray vision glasses type thing that we're going down then a little creepy and i say yeah well leave it right there ben swan always appreciate your taking q. in the thanks. i let's head over to regina ham at the sports h.q. regina it looks like golf might be making at least a sort of quads i one day return yeah and we're totally going to get to that you know someone who might enjoy those x. ray glasses the boston red sox. scandal involving the boston red sox and he said astros shock to baseball world now boston finds out what punishments it has in store for major league baseball 2800 series champions are stripped of their 2nd round pick in this year's amateur draft for breaking video rules during their tipsy then and only commissioner rob manfred concluded red sox replay system operator j.t. . watkins revised science sequences for players he suspended out pay through the trying to a post season barred from the replay room and this carrot here for red sox manager outscoring he's also suspended for the 2020 season for who left houston for the
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boston job after the 27 season usually parted ways with the red sox in january after he was implicated as a key individual in the astros stealing. and there is a big shakeup over an english soccer world it's one of the few that many might have actually seen coming in with women's soccer team head coach phil neville is stepping down from his post as manager will leave after his contract ends in 202143 year old earned england's their 1st she believes cup title in 2019 and reached the last 4 during the world cup in france however never faced a harsh critics back home over inconsistent performances no word yet if you will coach the linus's in the now postponed tokyo olympics but one thing is certain a new head coach will take the reins for the us european championship which is now moved to 2022. and the p.g.a. tour is it set to start up its season to lease june and likely without bans in attendance however 2 of the biggest names in the sport will be hidden in the links
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for one day and one day only for a very worthy cause 15 to i made your winner tiger woods having a rematch of sorts with 5 time major champion phil mickelson some time in may the match champions for charity the duel will be joined by 2 of the biggest names from the football world peyton manning and tom brady you want exact date have not been released predictions put the event somewhere in florida where the state's governor supports having it on his land however the p.g.a. tour actually its reprove the event which is players participate in it's only one of the few roadblocks to hosting the tournament but if it does go ahead as planned a quartet of superstar athletes will donate all money to benefit coronavirus relief it's a pretty good thing tom brady's doing right there given money and manila this match is actually been in the works for a while they've been talking about having these 4 goats of their game come together but current. put an impact on that now seems all back on well you know you opened with a burn ancora burn here is tom brady you know that he can't deflate golf balls he
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might he also should know he can't walk in people's houses he did that in florida he actually walked in the wrong house today today so yeah but on 2 a roll tom brady he's getting used to his new territory all right we'll leave it right bear regina ham thank you for that and we will have a lot more news coming up for you at the 5 o'clock hour now with a coronavirus pandemic the u.n. is warning that the world is on the brink of a different pandemic this time a hunger pandemic then over in new york new data suggest thousands of infections weren't documented for weeks before the 1st case was actually reported so this as antibody testing is ramping up all that and more coming up at 5 and that's it for now keep up with everything and question at all times by downloading our brand new free app and a horrible t.v. every 24 seventh's told me on twitter atlanta i will see you back here.
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i mean this is to put on the chain on the list and could you let that stand. up but your point was to show. that it isn't enough. but much older. just a little earlier she still believes yes we'll simulate show we're still up. puts them on you put it's not just on thoughts. so there is to stop it.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic developments only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public
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was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court be. shocked shocked as far as society we feel. we don't know she'll share just for the. end of this trial unfortunately you. will still not know what childress. readings and sell you take. on a previous episode of watching the hawks we cover how the united states.


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