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tv   In Question  RT  April 23, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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hello there i'm manila chan you're watching in question broadcasting from the national headquarters of our team air of the year in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are today's top stories 1st as a result of coronavirus the united nations is sounding the alarm warning that the world is on the brink of a hunger pandemic and then over in new york new data suggests thousands of infections were not documented full weeks way before the 1st case was actually reported this as antibody testing is ramping up there plus high tech surveillance cameras can now keep tabs on social distancing could this be
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a part of the solution and defeating covert 19 or just another excuse to invade our privacy all right it's time to boost your news i q. the world could soon face food shortages of biblical proportions within the next few months the dire warning coming from the united nations food agency who point to cope 19 as a major part in the global problem here's our alex my highly bitch with a closer look at the impact being felt in north america. it was not the news that world leaders wanted to hear at the same time while we're dealing with govan night event and addressing the un security council the executive director of the world food program david beasley made it clear $135000000.00 people around the world are headed toward starvation with the coronavirus potentially taking an additional
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$130000000.00 down that path and or stationary we could be looking at famine and about 3 dozen countries and in fact one of these countries we already have more than $1000000.00 people per country who are on the verge of starvation in a number of nations that already have difficulty feeding their people it's not only covert 19 that is making things worse but also locusts from africa to south asia swarms of the destructive insects are disseminating crops millions of acres of vegetation have been left barren by the bugs in 23 countries and it's thought that the current locust population could grow up to $400.00 times its current number by summer potentially spreading to new areas. add that to the strains of covert 19 things do not look good for these already hurting nations you know other parts of the world the question many are asking is can covert 19 affect food supplies in
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highly developed countries like canada and the us this is what the u.s. secretary of agriculture had to say last week it's govan one thing is impacting food processing facilities as you know for americans to be maybe worried about access to good food because of this i want to assure you the american food supply is strong resilient and say this week however things don't seem quite as certain work in at least 7 major u.s. meat plants has been halted this week in iowa tyson foods pork processing plant that employs 2800 workers was closed after at least 180 of its employees tested positive for covert 19 approximately 20000 pigs a day are handled at the iowa location and combined with a tyson plant that has shut down indiana together they account for about 18 percent of the u.s. has hog slaughtering capacity. a usa today investigation found that $150.00 of the
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nation's largest meat processing plants which includes pork poultry in beef or in counties where the virus is spiking when it comes to beef the u.s.d.a. has said that production is down 19 percent from last year at this time meaning that there will be less beef and that it will be more expensive adding to the problem 2 out of 3 of canada's biggest beef processing plants were suffering from covert $1000.00 outbreaks when combined the 3 facilities push up 95 percent of all of canada's beef the country is looking at cutting exports of meat to the u.s. to boost its own supply the u.n. says while time is running out if we put our minds together and act immediately a global catastrophe can be avoided for r t m i like smile of it. and the un is also saying the looming hunger pandemic will bring the worst humanitarian crisis since world war 2 now even before
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the coronavirus pandemic $821000000.00 people around the world were already experiencing chronic hunger while another 135000000 on the brink of starvation so here to discuss is the editor of pan african news as it go away i mean we always good to see also what the i.m.f. warned last week that the global economy was likely to be hit as hard as the great depression that the global growth would contract by 3 percent this year blaming it on the coronavirus can you expand on this for us and who you think will be most impacted by this. well of course it will be our working people it will be people from oppressed nations and nationalities particularly and now the united states and canada we already see the impact of it 26000000 people have filed
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for unemployment compensation in the united states over the last 5 weeks those are people who are able to get through on their computers on their telephones many others have not been able to reach the unemployment offices to file their claim some have been able to father claims but they have not been able to sort of fire their claims and therefore have not received any funds for a month right now so yes this is a serious problem and as you mentioned before without break coronavirus disease in the meat production industry. protests much for developments over the next few weeks in the next few months in the united states and indeed or what. and also speaking of that era the experts also say this will be the worst humanitarian crisis since world war 2 where the number of people starving expected to double so how can this huge dramatic rise be explained and is
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there any way to flatten that curve. where there are other variables involved in the food insecurity issue. first of all we've had tremendous instability and now a certain geo political legions of the world who look at the southern away been pronounced learn a lot of the it's many scientists say the locus infestations are resonating from there that have spread to of africa and least africa we also have to look at the question of global warming how the impact of the flooding. disproportionate to the rain. and this of course contributes to the infestation of locusts it's also with the economic crisis that is been thrust upon us right now in the west as well as in the other regions of the world that of course too will
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limit demand as well as our supply because he corporations that control the international love food industry will not produce less they're guaranteed of making a profit so we have in the united states right now they're not. being destroyed because the markets do not exist in the restaurants in the schools in the universities another institutions will have been closed it was out of the code 99 pandemic so it's a real crisis of both supply and demand. absolutely i mean there's obviously problems we're experiencing currently with an artificial shortage here in america and we haven't even bit been hit the hardest just yet and obviously the world food program names yemen venezuela south sudan and nigeria as the countries they expect to also be hit the hardest but food insecurity isn't really far away
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it's not a far away story like in africa being hit by locusts which i would presume is a natural occurrence it's happening right here in the u.s. even prior to corona virus but the pandemic is also going to intensify hunger here so where do you see this going and how do we solve that we've seen photos of dairy farmers having to dump the milk down the drains what is happening with the supply chain. well we live in a capitalist system and the motivation of those who control the means of production is the maximisation of profit. so that's why their 1st instinct is to lay people off as opposed to providing out incentives for people to maintain their jobs it is a question of who actually controls the food supply and it's a agger business interests that control the food supply worldwide
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even in africa for example when you have cast crop production as you do have to change and other countries the production large depends upon the demand at a lot of the man is not necessarily domestic but also international so if the demand in the united states or canada or other western countries the crime as a result of joblessness as a result of the dislocation of people either in the west because of people camping rents they can't pay their mortgages we're going to have a huge spike in homelessness here in the west as well then there won't be any motivation for farmers both domestically meaning the united states as well as internationally to produce for export so it's a very vicious cycle that we're entering are right now but what needs to take place is greater ever national cooperation and we're not saying that coming from the
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administration in washington for example last week with the suspension of funding to the world health organization this cannot come at a worse time because right now what we need is cooperation between countries all over the world now to address the 1000 pandemic yeah doesn't look like that's happening and certainly not any time soon we're going to leave it right there abbie i mean has it a way of pan-african news always appreciate your insight thank you. thank you. now to the latest corona virus numbers worldwide there are now 22600000 infections and 187000 deaths nationwide there are 856000 infections and 47000 deaths due to the virus and over in new york the epicenter of the outbreak here in the u.s. there are 270000 cases of infections and more than 19000 deaths in that state alone
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and today governor andrew cuomo announced a probe into the state's nursing home facilities after more than 3500 residents have died from coated 19 this as new data suggest there were thousands of infections actually that went undocumented for weeks before the 1st case was truly even reported archies trinity charges brings us the latest. today corona virus antibody testing in america's hardest hit state underway it wouldn't surprise me if that is why and how i we have probably close to a 1000000 new yorkers who have. to cope at 93000 residents from 1000 counties across new york and 40 different locations asked to participate as they came out of grocery stores the results over 2700000 people statewide nearly 14 percent of residents have antibodies for corona virus that's about 10 times more
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widespread than previously thought is it gets even more complicated because in california they're now finding deaths that go back to last december or january. that they believe will cold breed related. and people didn't even know about covert at that time this as new data from northeastern university suggests that there may have been more than 28000 infections in 5 major cities across the u.s. before the 1st case was reported on march 1st a nearly 11000 of those hidden infections in new york city it on the 1st day they are called for testing for new york city from the federal government january 24th is on that day the federal government had acted for new york city for york state for cities and states all over the country and god knows the testing in the beginning of february this entire scenario would have been different. out of 263000 confirmed cases and more than 19000 deaths in the state of new york city hit the
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hardest accounting for more than 43 percent of all cases 2501000 new cases identified in new york city yesterday 320 deaths yesterday in new york city the virus taking a vicious toll on latino african-american and other minority communities it's like a battlefield behind your health. nursing homes among the most vulnerable. the governor launching an investigation after 3500 residents died to ensure facilities are complying with state regulations the nursing home is responsible for providing appropriate care if they cannot provide that care then they have to transfer the person to another facility and this as a governor unless the help of former new york city mayor michael bloomberg to help create a so-called tracing army that will find people exposed to govan 19 and get them into isolation the state currently has about 225 tracers with almost 500 here in
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new york city and its suburbs now the mayor cuomo has offered few details about this but says bloomberg can sure be at least $10000000.00 through his charitable that nation and he will sign the program meantime the state department of health will be partnering with bio strategies a global health organization and together they will provide operational and technical support for this soon to be true scene program reporting from hall in new york trinity java's r.t. . ok so can high tech surveillance cameras solve our social distancing problems and is our privacy and greater risk because of those cameras are going to discuss that next and then over at sports radio ham brings us some surprising news about the english women's soccer team stay tuned for that.
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people are really remarking that 2020. 2008 is the exact same problem. blew themselves up and are now demanding a bailout at the point of a gun from the fed. and other central banks and except this time the dislocation in the economy combined with the coronavirus is so great that we've tripped over into medieval ism. with good reason public discourse is focused on addressing and finally each containing the cobe in $1000.00 pandemic the focus is on devastated economies we're in a recession will it morph into a depression will the recovery be you. were in l. .
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the use of americans on the verge of returning to work for the 1st time since the start of this nationwide stay at home order many businesses will require employees to abide by the 6 foot social distancing rules but how do you actually enforce that while technology of course andrew ng's startup company landing a guy has created a workplace monitoring tool that issues an alert when anyone is less than the desired social distance from a colleague so joining us to discuss co-host and investigative journalist bence one
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so ben how does this social distancing detector actually work. yeah sounds like a terrible way to work doesn't the way this works is one side you have a live feed essentially of people going about their work working inside of a factory or work inside an office on the other side of a monitor you have essentially a different screen that is monitoring how close those people are from each other in a soon as somebody comes within 6 feet of another person the screen goes from green a little square around them from green to red and it shows you that they're too close to each other and this is already being deployed by the way in certain warehouses in a certain factories including foxconn you know the big developer of i phones the ones that actually manufacture and make i phones in china they are now instituting this as well as companies like amazon which have their own version of it where they are monitoring employees to figure out whether or not employees are in their words violating social distancing orders amazon as warren employees that you can be fired
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if you go within 6 feet of another employee own my word ok that's a bit much but ok i guess they're really trying to take this seriously so a number of companies are also buying thermal imaging equipment to screen workers temperatures maybe when they're walking in or what have you how much demand is there for this kind of technology right now well it turns out there's actually a lot of demand there's 2 companies one is called fleer systems the other one is called seek thermal incorporated and apparently both of them are struggling they say to keep up with the demand right now for those thermal imaging cameras which again would be inside of office spaces and warehouses monitoring people's temperature as you walk by the cameras essentially looking at you and trying to determine whether or not you in fact have a fever and you're running a fever and by the way some of these companies you know as i mentioned amazon says that they're now employing thermal imaging cameras so they're not only monitoring it for social distancing amazon's also putting in these thermal cameras they have
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not said who they're using for this technology but those 2 companies i just mentioned fleer and see. thermal both of them saw that their stock price rise dramatically after amazon said they 'd are employing this because as amazon goes so goes so many other companies and then $1.00 step further on this is a chinese startup called row kid i guess they've developed some thermal imaging glasses since they launched in 2014 and we know how that's going to be used or they can be like like the google glass that nobody wears. well this is a little different than google glass what this is essentially thermal imaging glasses they say paramedics can there are these police officers can wear these and you're essentially wearing a thermal imaging camera on your face as you walk around and as you look at people you can determine they say whether or not that person has a fever but i want to remind you you know miguel it's very important to remember with all this insanity that's going on now that so many people who contract coronavirus or cope at 19 are asymptomatic with hands you don't display symptoms so
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thermal imaging cameras will not tell you of someone is carrying a virus it only tells you if someone has a fever and i also remind people that just because you have fever does not mean right you have corona virus absolutely you might have a normal flu or a normal cold so given given this fact that i mean if people can buy these special glasses or this technology to scan somebody just walking by then how does this impact or invade our civil liberties or does it invade us when if you're working for amazon is that a private company so therefore your liberties go out the door your sense of privacy and personal space. well so your your civil liberties don't go out the door because you work for amazon as much as jeff bezos might like that idea but here's what here's what does happen so under the 88 you kid in the question about whether or not you're sick you can be sent home from a workplace if you're sick but you cannot be terminated for it you cannot be fired because you have
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a virus or any kind of illness you can't be fired for those reasons so under federal law that is not allowed however what amazon can do again is they can monitor you would watch you or in the case of someone like that where house manager who organized the strike a few weeks ago for amazon and then you violate the 6 foot rule so they say all of a sudden you can be terminated and so what you might watch out for are you know you're violating company policy because you're too close you're violating company policy because you came into work when you were ill and so you might have some of those issues coming up but you know the bottom line is again a lot of this is for lack of a better term stupid when you consider that so many people have already contracted this virus and again are asymptomatic or it's already run through their system the idea that this becomes a new normal or new way of life for people i think just seems insane now all the future futuristic x. ray vision glasses type thing that we're going down then a little creepy and i say yeah well i'm going to bend swan always appreciate your
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take thank you. in haiti our house of worship turns into a house of horrors after a children's home run by a us based church goes up in flames the incident took place back in february killing a lot of kids some as young as 6 years old but it hasn't been until now that haitian authorities have begun to investigate the event as possibly criminal investigators could soon determine if members of the u.s. church bible understanding should be held responsible. and the trump administration plans to invest around $12000000.00 and new aid. projects in greenland according to officials the move is aimed at tackling chinese and russian influence in the arctic now this news you might remember comes less than a year after president trump expressed interest in buying greenland which is part of the danish realm greenlander say they welcome the idea but the $12000000.00 has
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to come without conditions. are you take a look at this researchers have finally mapped the entire surface of the moon this is the 1st time in human history have this paves the way for more effective future moon landings for other nations looking to take up that challenge the images were put together by the u.s.g.s. astro geology science center in collaboration with nasa of course and the lunar and planetary institute. or let's go over to regina hamm of the sports h.q. we're going to national women's soccer team is about to find themselves without a coach and i think some fans of the team probably were expecting a but there were is going to be a big shake up over in the english shocker world and it's one that fans and spectators might have seen coming england's women's soccer team head coach phil neville stepping down from his post the linus's manager will leave after his contract ends in 21 the 43rd old earned england their 1st she believes cup title in
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2019 and reached the last 4 during the world cup in france however neville faced harsh critics back home over inconsistent inconsistent performances no word yet if he'll coach the lionesses in the now postponed tokyo olympics but one thing is certain a new head coach will take the reins for the way for a european championship which is now moved to 2022 and check this out one long time miami resident say the chance to do what a lot of us wish we could do walking the beach lifelong jogger robert kraft not to be confused the owner of the patriots has given the been given the green light to jog on the beaches of miami dade county the county is still under lockdown due to the current a virus kraft says he's been. running 7 miles a day on the beach for 40 years has had to transition to pavement are in quarantine neighbor saw that he was struggling to start a petition to help him get back on the stand and that was granted with a special permit you know he's doing what all of us wish we could do manila being on the beach sounds pretty nice right now speaking of another florida man tom brady things he can enter houses now and go to parks with special permission and he
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tweeted out you know welcome to top of brady so we'll have to see well you know he's told brady so he thinks he can do stuff that's what happens you know to be fair if i was tom brady i would think i could go on the beach and workout parks too so yeah but he's not like the other bob kraft. you know not even running for exactly he did it the legal way and he's probably not a multi-millionaire like i don't think so. good on the other bob kraft a great think you are that regina and don't go anywhere we're back at 7 pm with a lot more news for you today oil tankers are parked along the coast of california in an amazing display from long beach all the way up north to the bay area and scientists make a breakthrough discovery that could save dying coral reefs from different parts of the world all that and more coming up at 7 so that does it for now make sure you keep up with everything and question at all times capital to be. my.
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i mean any friends of his size is that once you got infected and you'd get a nice one with any mean response and said that. philosophically protects you against me infection or not was fine with this new crime the boss is sad it's
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a very cold case a training in many patients you get mild disease any and bodies. is you'll media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallowness of.
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the community. it's enough. when you put yourself in the shoes of the patient and the patient hears there's a potential donor and all of a sudden this potential donor has just gone disappeared.


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