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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2020 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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and. as the month of fasting and prayer known as ramadan starts muslim communities the world over find them sounds on able to assemble in mosques shut down by the pandemic. the u.k. enjoy some lovely spring sunshine prompting many to ignore stern government warnings and flounce knocked down flooding the country's parks and beaches. also a record number of americans claim unemployment benefits in a week as the pandemic batters the u.s. economy bringing the jobless total to almost $30000000.00. pounds creature comforts with many struggling in self isolation and zoos have gone online to give people a chance to pet that animals are correspondent visits albuquerque. a
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very good morning to you from all of us here in moscow this is our 3 international with mina karen let's begin with the latest figures on covert 19 the global pandemic is still raging with 2700000 cases now confirmed and the number of fatalities has the past 191000 but if it were over 750000 people have recovered. muslims around the world are going to celebrate the holy month of ramadan in isolation with most mosques closed and religious services suspended muslims are unable to participate in traditional press artie's large gouty have joins us now to
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explain how typical ramadan practices have been adapted to cheering the pandemic my good to see you at tell us how are muslims adapting to ramadan or adopting ramadan well we're talking here about a quarter of the world's population 2000000000 muslims and this is a very very different ramadan what they expected what everybody thought was going to happen because obviously we're in the middle of a pandemic and ramadan is it's a very superficial thing it's a community think and people are now preparing for a run the gun under lockdown. with public gatherings banned during ramadan including communal prayer speeches and so on remember to continue your prayers and devotions in self isolation a little. it may seem odd that you know the month of ramadan the holy month.
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is a community was social thing you would have thought that you know anybody can trust . can fast by themselves on their own but ramadan is much more than just fasting for example it's about families waking up together and praying together before the sun's up it's about communities entire neighborhoods thousands coming together jaring the evening meals when the sun's down to break us together to pray together ramadan is about charity it's a huge aspect of it it's the rich and those with the full plate in life can experience what it's like for people who don't have a full plate in life who who go hungry who stuff that is about charity it's about giving you time you'll you a little bit of money maybe even food to the poor and those less well off in life
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and for ramadan to be observed under lockdown under quarantine it's unprecedented in living memory. right the adams family monk is known for its strict fasting is that tradition going to be kept up to thank. well and in some aspects it is in others it isn't look muslim wasn't scholars muslim leaders they understand that this is a very difficult time even even the most orthodox leaders there the stance that the way things used to be done even last year that that is no longer acceptable just like every other sector of society they're trying to salvage and save what they can while adapting to new realities we must accept ramadan as a test sent to us by allah we lived and sometimes forgot about who gave us hope of life wellbeing and work today there is an opportunity to think to look at the past
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and into the future. especially important topic here in russia there's a very straight self isolation locked out in a texan russia has some 20000000 muslims which pales in comparison to some other countries but every nation seems to be seems to be establishing an order to things how this ramadan is going to be run by a toxic certain said professions are being exempt from observing the fast for example nurses who are working in tremendously stressful conditions wearing personal protection that which is you know it's the hydrating it's very tiring work it's very stressful work and they conduct for to make mistakes so religious leaders all over the world exempting nurses and doctors entirely from holding the fast the
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pregnant the in the sick the elderly they're already examined by religious law so there is the understanding that this is a very different and very difficult ramadan this is a test bed so far religious leaders and leaders in muslim nations are law. mosques and they are saying that you know observe what you can do it don't go overboard if a doctor asks a person not to foster as it might affect his immunity then the person has the right not to fostering ramadan workers in the health sector also have the islamic right to choose not to fostering their rock days. as i say ramadan in the middle of a pandemic 1st time in living memory all d.c. it is going to be very different it's going to be very difficult because remember it isn't just about fasting refraining from jury today it's also about refraining
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from and detainment for not watching television snooping. and new swearing is there's all sorts of things we're going to make people who are already important to you in the law that. much more irritable this is going to be. a testing ground of that. thanks for bringing us that report. record number of americans have filed for unemployment benefits in the last week that says over 3000000 lost their job since the outbreak of coronavirus almost 30000000 people in the u.s. have signed on and it's fit this number will keep soaring in the coming weeks despite the government dumping up funds to help businesses retain stuff but the u.s. senate majority leader has questioned additional spending on benefits pointing out that it would add to america's national debt. that's what it is very carefully
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because the future of our coverage terms of the amount there were no is a matter of genuine concern what you're seeing is the worst collapse of capitalism in the united states since the great depression of the 1930 s. in the united states and in most other countries political leadership sailed to prepare in the same way that they failed to prepare for the coronavirus and so now we have 2 crises on top of one another an unprepared for viral pandemic and an unprepared for capitalist downturn because the downturn is worse since it took 10 or 11 years and because we have this virus it is it extreme collapse of capitalism and no one at this point can tell you clearly how bad it will get or how long it will
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last. well the u.k. is enjoying a spell of sunny weather ordinarily a welcome thing but now it's a concern of people visit parks and beaches flouting the nationwide lockdown let's go live to our u.k. correspondent shaadi ed with starting up a shot i did to see you just can't resist a bit of sunshine can. now absolutely not and although earlier this week we were hearing a glimmer of hope that the united kingdom is hamas the peak of this virus region is by no means out of the danger zone but despite that as you say the u.k. is witnessing a growing number of people have been caught out in about breaking these lockdown measures that of course of the been in place now for well over a month and that really is the concern going forward as the weeks are turning into months people of feeling isolated and cooped up but plus quite crucially at this stage the weather is significantly improving across the united kingdom we're
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witnessing some of the hottest days of the year quite normal and uncharacteristic for what is usually quite rainy days in this april season but it's sunny and we are now seeing many people are yet again flat in these lockdown measures now these breaches actually come as the death toll remains quite high across the united kingdom the latest figures show that the numbers have cling to the 20000 mark just in the last 24 hours alone we've seen 616 deaths now as we know in the united kingdom the government's policy has always been led by the medical experts and the science experts on the field who say that if we relax these measures too much too soon we could even see a resurgence in this virus in fact a leading government science experts even anticipates that social distancing you know that 2 meters distance will have to remain in place indefinitely until a vaccine is available. in the long run the exit from this is going to
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be one of 2 things ideally one of which is a highly effective vaccine in the variety of ways vaccines can be deployed for and or highly effective drugs so that people stop dying of this disease into we have those and the probability of having those anytime in the next calendar year incredibly small and i think we should be realistic about that and we're going to have to rely on other social measures. well while maintaining a distance might all be well and good opposition party leaders think the united kingdom's response has been actually quite frankly too little too late that comes amid as i already mentioned huge death toll persistent reports of a lack of preventative equipment the stuff that hospitals and care homes must testing are not enough transparency on what happens next what does the future look like present these are really serious and very pressing issues for many people across the united kingdom and the opposition leader the new opposition leader
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secure started off the scathing attack on the government saying something's going very wrong indeed with the government's policy and something's going wrong on this a pattern emerging here we were slow in to lock down slow on testing slower protective equipment are now slow to take up these offers from british. well one of the biggest issues a star mentioned there is this lack of testing for the virus that dominic wrote who's the foreign secretary of course the man standing in the forest johnson you know himself is fighting off 19th well he has denied that the government has been too slow and even insisted that he was confident the government reached the target of 100000 tests a day by the end of this month which is by the way itself imposed deadline but as we have ever closer to the end of the month in fact it's just less than a week away that they can seems really really way off the united kingdom a president only has a capacity 240000 test
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a day just over half of that number actually being carried out latest figures just around trips 2000 so we're still around 80000 shy so it really does seem highly likely that that target will be missed now as we know all of the effects of this virus having catastrophic impact also on the economy now the bank of england warns actually of one contraction in centuries it's of course no surprise that economic activity has been completely ground to a halt but the key question is how does the united kingdom recover not just financially but physically as well so idea thank you for that report. but look down taking its toll many are in need of creature comforts or better than than a group of friendly alpaca. got up close and personal with the adorable animals albeit via video. so it's friday. why the way it's quarantine days 795 full disclosure i'm
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a big i pretty much only subscribe to dog accounts on instagram animals are amazing because they're loving that entertaining and they help to reduce anxiety and depression and let's be honest be cooped up for weeks on end and solve isolation is sending some people stress levels through the roof now i don't have a pet to help me through these tough times but i found the next best thing i was actually is all over the world giving you a screen tired with your favorite farmyard creatures off just minutes donkeys goats cows pigs you name it you consume of them at a price well i obviously did my research and your animal caught my eye i give you. the humble alpaca. going to work. for the on the.
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mall to success i've not done much interaction with benny one for several weeks calls like this have been a huge hit hundreds of animals have already crashed conference calls online casters because that's fun big break up the monotony of corn too much and they never spirits but crucially that lifeline of his trucking business says unlike restaurants museums places like zoos can't just shut the doors and wait for this all to end they have mouths to feed and out of those are expensive they need food veterinary care as well as constant attention. on the way we work according to the plan but without visitors it makes it difficult because when people come it helps
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us to move forward both financially and in other directions the our park is a what attracts people to our farm people come they watch and talk with the animals and go to our store where they can buy our products it's all linked to each other all together it brings as income 'd. with no revenue for visitors so using johnny for example have appealed for public donations and of asking for a 100000000 euro bailout from the government the situation is so dire that one still in the north of the country said in a worst case scenario it might have to feed animals to each other because of the financial pressure india the alpaca farmer says he's trying to be proactive and use this time off wisely but it may. others will not come out of this crisis quite as well. if you take off farm for example and we have a relatively good situation the land is our property and despite the fact that there are no visitors we use this time to repair or build something new people who
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rent let's territories they physically have nothing to do or improve there they are in a worse situation maybe some will even close them and i feel sorry for the animals we have the opportunity to stay with them all the time while others for example in zoos cannot so maybe next time you have a spare moment pick an animal any animal not to soon and then to medical business a helping hand and just feeling the stress fade away and if you don't think you can handle not want to might not for everyone that make a potty out of. most of us coming up after the break.
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with good reason public discourse is focused on addressing and finally each containing the cold in $1000.00 pandemic now the focus is on devastated economies we're in a recession will it be our page where depression will the recovery be you the. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the debt. or a made in the shallowness. come back european nations led by germany are pushing for a coronavirus tracing app to be rolled out the system is aimed at containing the spread of the disease by alerting us that if they've been in contact with infected people apple and google are developing the up but berlin and paris are unhappy with it because apple's privacy policy won't let them access uses personal data they've lost the tech giants to resolve this issue and thereby speed up the roll out of the out across europe. good peace of mind for you and your family to community driven
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context tracing trace together helps contact traces notify you quickly lose contact with the truth at night in this whether or not you do since. there's a handling has been at the core of the dispute between governments and the tech firms germany and others have opted for a centralized approach meaning that the registered data will be stored on a government run server but apple and google insist on keeping sensitive data on private devices meanwhile scientists across the world have raised concerns over privacy they think germany's approach risks that kind of mission creep and could promote surveillance we are concerned that some solutions to the crisis may via mission creep result in systems which would allow on president it's surveillance of society at large. well i've learned to yaya cohen social media lawyer and the author of the book the net is closing birth of the police welcome to the
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program it's good to see you now mr cohen do you think the tech giants are right to resist governments on this issue. it is very difficult to tell because everyone here is going to draw interest of course the real dispute is about how mobile telephone telephones going to communicate with each other and who will be able to obtain in my daily in-store bill east of contacts so what a government that we want to have we want to have a full east stuart of content so that we can go interest people and find who they are who been good things we do and a mobile phone provider saying well you know we want the data to be more in control of the individuals so people can just just. accept all or do you know i. linked to. be
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subject to surveillance in this way so what are the hazardous off government essentially collecting passionate data. of the i think the issue here in the east of here is that people are worried about the creating of effectively a fascist state. all across europe where governments will be able or central central government will be able to trace movement of people in of course nice use the technology in order to find out where people are with their up to perhaps someone might be using the information fool for political advantages and so on and so forth that is really of the concern. then you think that stemming the spread of coronavirus should trump any concerns about privacy. yes and no because the problem with these things is that once the technology is
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there once the genie is out of the boat to you cannot truly put it back there so once it acknowledges there and once government is getting used to. driving people in trucking the behavior there might 2 be another emergency or so-called emergency . in the future and they go and governments will say hey you know we've got these technology now and we would like to carry on using the tracing of the trucking and effectively know exactly where everyone is without those people giving any consent you know i come in social media law and talk with about the net is closing but of the police thank you for your time. and special platform to inform on paper violating the lockdown in new york have been suspended and i thought it was bombarded with names and prank.
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now it's as simple as taking a photo all you got to do is take that photo and put the location with it and bearing send a photo like this and we will make sure that if for some comes right away comrade citizen reports all suspected anti distancing activities to friend the new york ministry of social cleanliness. reports what is theirs. for. start flooding their reporting tax number was this fix.
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thanks for joining us here on r.t. international and wherever you are we hope you're safe and well web back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines with you that. shouldn't somebody. in the kitchen let me see it i guess. i was on the floor something's in my basket you know trying praying
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. even when i. mean once to you there's time for western thought words i was having children fever i didn't have any sense of taste or smell i mean the most you can draw would you. recently she was under his orders you to. comment on the sounds of the research. i have to. push myself a couple of traditional mean the 5 very vocal. one almost chose seemed wrong. but almost just don't hold. any you won't get to shape out these days comes to advocate and it gains from an equal to
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trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart when you choose to look for common ground. oh you can do so if you both visionaries needs to find one of the most ancient inhibit inside our head once again proven we must take them seriously what is the nature of viruses and why are they there and she messed with us well i asked
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professor john nichols clinical professor of psychology at the university of hong kong and has been studying the horn of viruses for 25 years and he's a leading expert in that field. danny pearl square her faster anthology at the university of hong kong it's really great to have in with us so much to talk about now how come to us one of the at the centers of sars epidemic back in 2003 and he were right in the middle of it being the key members of the team which actually has led to the virus why do you think the world hasn't learned the lessons of it and where we are right now ok well. we did learn the lessons in 2003 and we learned the hard way because we in terms of we were prepared i think none of the world was prepared in 2003 or dealing with such a severe disease and so so the society has learned about things like social
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distancing about the use of. face masks and also for the preparation within hospitals having special wards which could cope with these emerging diseases which were transmissible and which had a high mortality so. we learned so lessons the hard way so that's why when the outbreak occurred and the general this here we were well prepared so it was like ok it's it's on tyson's again so it was hong kong was. not the wars that stopped the elective. missions and that will just. around the mosque and that seemed to work. ok so you're saying that hong kong actually drew lessons from sars and is doing ok but i'm thinking of up the entire world because when he has sars it was
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a letter i was terribly expressly for whatever it is that we're having right now. we see both hong kong and singapore because if i was hit hard by soft in 2003 we were well prepared and so even though we couldn't the mechanisms we did let other parts the well no i think the problem was a still this lack of people so if you would have their own countries if they look at hong kong and china and in singapore and indonesia so what was going on i'm totally i think they were probably prepared for dealing with the boss meets their own countries and that's why i think some parts of europe and in america that's fine they had most of it is ace they also accurate help but notice that actually the karen team measures themselves in homecoming are less strict than here phrased in that restaurant are open if i. correctly get the number of cases and that's from.


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