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tv   Eat the Press  RT  April 24, 2020 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the official british after weeks in coronavirus quarantines c.n.n.'s chris cuomo leaves the basement says it's what he's been waiting for but was any out with his family on easter sunday i want some. blue service fac tirebiter is it all a c.n.n. hoax and blaming russia for the coronavirus well not quite but the new york times says glad to meet putin has encouraged the spread of deadly illnesses throughout the world will discuss and what has happened to the drudge report many say the once mandatory stop for conservative news junkies has changed we'll take a look chuckling and then we have some other chocolate here and finally let them
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eat chocolate we'll share a dessert that may taste great but may make you angry at the same time. oh. geez wish. they could buy. a report ladies and gentlemen c.n.n. anchor chris cuomo has apparently overcome the coronavirus and after weeks of doing a show from his basement he has left his basement they documented it on his show this past monday watch all right here is your fish british from the basement cleared by c.d.c. you'll swear you just work out and. this is what i've been dreaming of literally for weeks this is the truth just. to be back here doing normal news the problem
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is he was reportedly out of his basement on easter sunday and that's what we know about he was out and about he got into a confrontation verbal he with a biker and then he talked about that confrontation with the biker on his sirius x.m. radio show listen well. i don't like what i do professionally decides on i want some jack lew served fat tire biker. to be able to pull over and get in my face and in my space. and talk to me. i don't want to hear now the biker he's referring to is probably this guy the 65 year old claims that he was threatened by cuomo when easter sunday while cuomo was out of his home with this family at a new home still under construction the biker even filed a police report so what is going on here if chris cuomo was at his house on easter
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sunday what's this about him urging from the basement in and then seeing his wife and kids in the 1st time in this is what he's been waiting for it's pallone apparently and c.n.n. has to be in on this they have to know if this is fake news the worst case a fake news and fake news by omission ever and chris cuomo needs to own up to it he needs to apologize admit it or get the heck off the air how could anybody ever watch this man or trust this man again ever and then there's a.b.c.'s george stephanopoulos the new york post page one headline of mask hole which showed the g.m.a. anchor walking around without his mask led to his informing his audience that after being diagnosed he had beaten the coronavirus he's tested positive for covert 1000 antibodies and he's looking to donate his blood to pass 2 along to those to help other corona virus. victims nothing like cuomo now would we make
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a mistake here i need the press we'd like to correct it when possible last week i told you about a story and i said that joe biden's campaign had a chance to edit a story that the new york times put out on sexual assault allegations against him watch and the new york times editor did an interview with his own media writer and it made it did in berkeley i believe that the campaign he said didn't like a certain sentence that looked bad for joe so they took that say edited that sentence the bible camp down got to see the story before it went up to the press what is this well i said they saw and made the had it before this story ran in fact to get it to the sentence of the story was made after the fact still equally as outrageous but you have my apologies for that but you will get no apologies from these people blaming donald trump for the deaths in the united states due to the
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coronavirus this is what happens when you let the sociopath is present in all his worst qualities his mendacious this is his constant telling of the law as he used to laze isn't competences if your race has turned deadly dangerous and dangerous dangerous dangerous this will be something that's paid in human lives and that's an enormous tragedy do you think president trump is responsible for the deaths of americans what is president trump's level of culpability if you think there is blood on the president's hands considering the slow response there is staff after death after death that is on the president watch how much more. how many people have to die that video what was put together by the media research center funny i didn't see any video or compilation of the media blaming new york governor mario cuomo new york city mayor bill de blasio for the deaths in the state of new york or new york city interesting. i've
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a question for everybody out there in this day and age of the coronavirus in the pandemic are reporters who need or feel they need or want to cover a news story are they now free still free to visit the site of the story the crime of the event the occurrence or or might the people involved in the story or the store or the business or the corporation or the school in this case say wait a minute where are you from what state you might have the virus we don't want you in here there's a situation going on at liberty university which addresses this the university has filed charges against a new york times photographer and a reporter from pro publica and the problem is they say they were trespassing on liberty university they say they were covering the story about the university opening again although it didn't fully open again so let's discuss this and more with our media and legal analyst the one and only line know of litle media
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hello lionel hello steve great question love it yes so so that yes the white saw the way that reporters at a now operate when they're investigating a story going to the scene can someone now say at that scene no no no no you're not coming here and what about the 1st amendment and what about their rights to protect themselves. let me give you the best thing i can possibly give you this is the answer to every legal question that anybody will ever ask regarding anything the enter it always it depends and it will get you through law school through courts see less who's an analogy. freedom of religion the free exercise clause the courts have always said we're not telling you you can't be lever and something we're telling you you might not be able to practice this particular faith but you can believe what you want so we're not telling you steve you can't report on
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i discuss publish a newspaper or a website but we can limit your ability we guarding certain behaviors so long as number one that rule applies to everybody number 2 it doesn't target a particular type of behavior for example anybody who shows up with a microphone is limited as it were i think i think i know you're coming after me but if i say to you all not a liberty university everybody abides by this whether you're a doctor a reporter or are it doesn't matter if this is the ngo they're going to do now there also is the classic weighing in we were way we way the consideration to the government of a compelling government interest to limit this and so that's the mindset now with that 50 courts 50 different decisions there's no clear cut way to answer that question. this is going to be very interesting to watch and we will now let's move
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on if you think you have privacy when you are on you know facebook or twitter or any of these things your career out of your mind we know that already and you don't think that's why you're not out you're not at the mine either might not however twitter took it a step further net 20 or up for debate app maybe twitter took it up further now and you used to have an option to check a box which would somehow they say limit the information that would be given to advertisers well now they've eliminated that and they are selling reportedly your information even if you it for i think you don't have the ability to check that box anymore they're selling it because they say they need to make up for diminishing ad revenues and you know the consumer be damned. i know this is contrary to the civil libertarian advice or a badge of honor anywhere but if you think that somehow you going to this site this free site that doesn't cost you
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a penny if you think you're entitled to some type of privacy consideration you're out of your mind but steve there's an old adage when the product is free when disservices free you're the product you are it not it we think that all this is google this this is the twitter this is this is something i have some right to it no you don't this is bait now the interesting thing about it was is that i would venture to state steve that of the newer and newer models of humanity the younger folks who were born in captivity who don't understand $1000.00 unifor to still be in disarray steve they couldn't care less about this goes right to giza talking about that stuff i know i don't want a lot but a lot of a lot of geezers couldn't care less either on fortune i want to get this in lined up very poorly on a previous show you and i said what if what if the viruses started in russia what would the media be doing because they're protecting china for the most by what
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would they be doing to russia they'd be clobbering the us well now the new york times torn extent has as they haven't said it started in russia but they're blaming lattimer putin for years for decades of as they put it being against science they say putin's long war against american science and how who has encouraged the speed of not not the virus pacifically but deadly illnesses it just never ends fight some finally somebody picked up what we were talking about steve if you look at this article as an indictment and you're saying tell me who what when where why i would be able to dismiss this indictment for failure to state a cause of action the reason i simply this. please read this the respective whether it's boehner or xi jinping or doesn't matter read it it's not even conclusion they make a statement that everybody knows it's almost i say well as we all know for years a they spread disinformation and also they they they spread dissonance send an
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argument which is kind of what we do we do it it's our whole life we we stir it up but steve they never ever i defy anybody to show me where the connection is now if you had somebody who said listen i used to work with the grammys were with gordon this is what i get i was given the task here in my mind you orders this you know spread disinformation that that might suffice but there's nothing it's conclusion at best that it. ever but when when we saw it there we said be a lie no one would be the guy to talk to about this and you know what that proved to be the case the actual case just like decision on our part well i don't it is always great to talk to you my friend thank you so much stay safe. you too my friend stay well thank you steve. stay right where you are because coming up what has happened to the drudge report is it still the go to spot for conservative political junkies and nancy pelosi says let them eat chocolate ice cream don't go
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away the press continues. as the u.s. economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless. you can work 40 hours 'd a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of it we're not financially equality and the lack of affordable housing for a living minimum wage gave many people no choice. that's been a problem with the city knows turn around and told me stay away oh miss colton it's worth it if there is no answer because the records resource the most vulnerable were abandoned on the streets to become the invisible comes. with good reason public discourse is focused on addressing and finally each containing the coby $1000.00 pandemic is now the focus is on devastated economies
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where the recession will it morph into a depression will the recovery be a u. d. or an elf. in the alps have some interest in keeping its citizens locked up. all day maurice will go by this rules and restrictions will remain i think it's. governments of the world very much interested in lifting this restrictions bought they are evidently and presumably scared of doing this institutional way is to provoke not the waveforms in such not we should one. on calming the level of sports that will be faced by. still the question citizens and both keep on falling off.
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this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters i'm sorry. the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court the . shock shock smar office i feel. we don't know killed just for the. end of this trial unfortunately you. will still love no chill just.
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well as the daily presidential coronavirus press briefings continue it seems to be serving as any initiation and fodder for late night host an anti trump celebrities alike are to use natasha sweet as more it's no surprise the hollywood elites are targeting trump's supporters but at what point does it become threatening language that's closer to what they consider to be hate speech back in 2017 how can we forget when the talented rapper eminem called out his fans saying they need to either choose between him or supporting the president in any fair and a mowing who's a supporter of his i'm drawing him to say in the law you read the former against then if you can decide who you like more in your split on who you should stand beside i'll do it for you with this. and when seth meyers play this
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clip on his late night show he also decided to echo eminem slanderous views and thought it would be popular among his lefty fans. and i was inspired by that so tonight i say to any fans of this show who are also big fans of donald trump it's time to make a decision actor alec baldwin has a bit shy about his hate for president trump and his supporters in a recent tweet opery voting advice to trump supporters referencing the state who measures as a result of the current pandemic baldwin says just stay home you know in your heart that he is an incompetent idiot and self-seeking punk say you were sick say you were scared don't bother voting in stay home and all that alone would give any trump supporter even more ammunition to get out and support keeping america great hollywood has gone to another level of hate what is all of this you see that are for every these liberal elites upon normal folks like us and others for sport well
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the movie the hunt was put on hold it's now in select theaters you may recall the plot consists of liberal elites 1000 working class conservatives for sport was there ever the thought like we've gone too far and then was the thought let's go for it. i think that the feeling was let's go soon let's go super far from the job and see if anyone tells us to call back on saturday night live a recent skit displaced from supporters as not only brace just members of the ku klux klan he's going to take our economy from here to here. is your unconscious politician he says look i'm thinking. all the media has a tendency to pay trump as a racist they seem to forget he's married to an emigrant and in case hollywood forgot trump has been an avid supporter of any and employment for african-americans and also women reporting from los angeles for in the press i will talk to sweet.
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misinformation disinformation we've always had it but right now in the era of the coronavirus and the pen demick it's more important than ever to be able to tell what's true what's not true and sometimes you really just can't tell it all so joining us right now is technology expert lawyer and also drone author c.e.o. of v.f.p. solutions and a member of the forbes technology council wayne la and steam wayne welcome aboard sir thank you steve pleasure to be here today well you wrote a piece for forbes asking the question if there is any way any definitive proven way to tackle the problem of misinformation and desist from a should i read the piece but i'll ask you to let's summarize let's work backwards is there any way to to to any proven way to combat this. well who i've been studying social media since its advent and most particularly live
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streaming sure interest yes however her it's going to be a little bit painful because the very concept of social media means that it's short pithy you know 18280 characters which basically means that headlines are the only thing that gets read and there have been studies out there that say 80 percent up to 80 percent of content that shared on social media is shared from a headline a wholly without any cause concern or examination of the facts or body of the content so what does that mean that means that we're into an instant viral spread. that people are not thinking critically so how do you balance that well it's a combination of things 1st of all you have the pressure the social media companies are eyeballs right there by you know how many views how many people use it so if you get to go point of saying well you know i have this many eyeballs do the social media companies really consider what the eyeballs are doing no not really i mean
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you're starting to have to come to that fact the other part is how do you correct it and there are some proven methods one of which we actually he has a patent on which is a real time rapid response tool especially on live streams where somebody says for example the world's coming to an end we instantly can pull in 500 streams every 15 seconds and put a message into the stream that jet stream and say go to the c.d.c. here for information about the realities of covert 19 or go to the lancet so yes there are tools you make a great point in the piece that it's not and i'm not for censorship but i want to make that plain i know you're not talking about censorship either want to make that clear to the folks but you make a point that it's not enough to if you could like and someone says the world's ending tomorrow it's not enough to just wipe that on. a and get rid of it you need to present some kind of alternative to it because if it disappears then people who
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did see it come away with that impression and they you know they don't see it anymore and it's only going to make the misinformation and disinformation seem more real to them you know actually i coined a term called digital half life i actually wrote on it so if you think that the half life of uranium 238 is like 5000000000 years when somebody is left with an impression on social media and the standard take down what the social media companies louisville just remove it well they were already exposed to the virus the contagion of this information so what we do is we put a lot in the chat box to the legitimate news factual source but also when a link is taken down it shouldn't just go away there should be a screen up here for example saying go to c.d.c. dot gov to get factual information on co-writing 19th who i was there you look at me with the impression yeah yeah all right let's move on
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a little bit here and by the way you need the platforms to cooperate with this and you're probably never going to get all the platforms to to to come band together you point that out of the pieces well let's move on to drudge real quick here the drudge report that used to be my go to place i mean because he had so many. tens and tens and tens of links to stories from all over the place but now it seems when you talk about mis and this information in my opinion when i go there i mean there are links to other stories don't get me wrong it's not like drudge the drudge report is right or writing these stories but the links and the headlines i guess they make the headlines for the most part and they scare the heck out of me what's going on with drudge in your opinion. well in my opinion if it bleeds it leads so you know you have like cases cases life in a bubble all these things but notice what's going on here steve is the advertising agency so according to rasmussen earlier later in 2019
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he was going to announce i don't know if he ever got there that there was a change in ownership drudge which would make a lot of sense and from that respect you can see drudge is good use of a use in terms of clicks in terms of internet traffic their rank in the world what way down into the 802 and they were of the top when they started to change i did some research on the strategy not the strategy the click activity on drudge the more hyperbolic the content in the headlines without any content the more the clicks are going up it's all about a.a.s. fallback clicks at the end of the day it's all about money yeah well speaking of which i want to real quick 30 seconds people obviously are spending more times on apps 20 percent more time now social apps tick-tock is at the top of that the charts we see a graphic here. so that makes sense during the people the fact that people are are
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trapped in their homes right absolutely here's the risk how much you pay to use yep picked up pays 0 you pays your used to doctor where's picked up from china ok where is the room from a lot of the programs are in china very poor security the world was not ready for free after when you get something for free on the internet or online it's not free steve we've thought about this a 100 times your privacy time under scrutiny there been many news stories about the concern about tick-tock and and other apps as well waylon stan we thank you very much always good to talk to you my friend thank you steve stay safe no word. so did you happen to catch house speaker nancy pelosi on c.b.s. is late late show this is this is something you can get in the mail ok run out and share with all police do madam speaker.
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while other people and after some other lakers chocolate and we have some other chocolate here very impressive super expensive ice cream sitting in a $25000.00 refrigerator freezer. i enjoyed it i like it better than anything else and i don't know why but it seems to agree with me i have a lot of energy and we just got to restock the ice cream easter sunday because. we say enjoying i don't know when i would have done it ice cream and not invent it i just wonder now i agree i don't know who i am without it. and that led to this drop campaign ad nancy antoinette let them eat chocolate they have recorded chilean dollars in 28 hours and i don't think so because the what are you going to share with us from your hard time thinking and
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the thousands have been forced to wait for hours of food banks all across the country this is. plain and we have some other chocolate here we just got to restock on the ice cream and so what do you think the gals of the view think of all this last night you know whose campaign launched an attack ad blaming the one person in particular for holding things so this is just another distraction you know ok it doesn't look good maybe i mean she's got an expensive refrigerator i call let's go to trump tower and see what kind of refrigerator yes this is an effective attack out and she's talking about the quarter of a chilean dollars that she is holding up 1st small business says you know that's just manufactured i think fox news outrage and republican outrage you know they're talking about but her freezer but her freezer just as you might have expected everyone except megan mccain had no problem with what nancy pelosi did now could you imagine if the 1st lady or the 1st daughter had got out. a late night show and
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done the same exact thing all heck would have broken loose i will tell you one thing though this dessert has made me hungry i'm going to go get some chocolate chocolate chip ice cream nothing fancy though nothing fancy and that's the press for this week make sure you tune in again sunday morning 1030 eastern time and you can watch it all over again and get the order poll dot t.v. app you could watch your episodes anytime anywhere anyplace until next time i feed her stay hungry stay curious on meet the press. has changed many american lives but pharmaceutical companies have
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a miraculous solution. based drugs talk to people who are chronic pain patient and believe that they're ok prescription is working for them in the remedy to be certain to. price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term.
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greetings and sell you taishan. as another week comes to a close and a new one begins here in the early months of 2020 the year of coded 19 i think it's important we kind of take a moment to see where things stand is as of the taping of this broadcast around the world covert 19 is in fact over 2000000 people as quickly closing in on 3 resulting in close to 200000 deaths that we know of and if that wasn't bad enough now david beasley the head of the united nations world food programme told us on tuesday that covert 19 has exacerbated the hunger problems around the globe and that if we don't prepare and act now to secure access of void funding shortfalls and disruptions to
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