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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  April 24, 2020 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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them it takes to be here. welcome or attacked in the night this is a comedy show or americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents i have some good news through their greed incompetence and hubris are us government or a corporate slimeballs with times on are speeding up the end of the american empire and empire that has bought brought death and destruction around the world i know that doesn't make a pandemic any more fun you know this is just look at it like high school it's miserable boring you can't get laid to save your life but after you're done with it you know to be in high school anymore. or maybe that was just my experience i don't know even that fairly mainstream media like the independent in britain are
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now saying the us is losing its world superpower status due to its failure to lead on the covert 19 crisis and this time it might not recover the american oligarchy are showing the world something as this hits the fan there's showing everyone that they can't be trusted to lead to help to facilitate to organize even just to secure the short term future of humankind they're demonstrating that they can't do shit but steal killian's of dollars i'm lie about it asking the american empire to help you is like asking a beehive to do your taxes they can't they won't they don't even know what they are talking about and they might sting you just for asking meanwhile other world leaders are doing the exact opposite the u.n. general secretary antonio good terrorist called for an immediate global ceasefire
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in all corners of the world the us on the other hand has called for more war economic war on venezuela and iran bombing in yemen and afghanistan and more they consider it to be essential work to perpetrate and list war against countries that just want to be left alone to read what one would want to take a 2 month vacation from our death and history we're back in so many countries we're just making up new ones the bomb yeah because i've drawn by the people's republic of volcano on and off the coast of sudan what's that so dan doesn't avocados well bob the country next to it so that it has a coast changes i've got to think of every day. meanwhile china is sending medical supplies and assistance to 89 countries as part of its health silk road it is ignoring us sanctions by sending drugs test kits and supplies to iran and venezuela
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god damn you china flouting our authority by helping dying people you know helping people what's the one thing the one thing we won't stand for other than a food source that doesn't offer a deep fried option. but china is not the only country helping other nations cuba has sent brigades of doctors and nurses to italy as well as venezuela nicaragua jamaica suriname and granada well you can't throw i know he's dead but he probably put something in his will saying just piss off the americans keep helping sick people after i'm dead you know but this gruesome assault of helping does not stop with cuba russia has also sent medical supplies to hard hit countries like italy you know you know something is super evil if
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russia is doing it so clearly sending a medical supplies is the equivalent of napalming an orphanage of children who are one day away from being adopted by a loving family so let's call it what it is russia bombed italy with medical supplies you bastards and it continues france germany and britain have sent medical goods to iran through instead they work around to export gird goods to iran that bypasses us sanctions they're helping iranians even after we put up roadblocks to stop them from helping iranians so i you get a great idea of what would you help or audience. look at. syngenta have you ever seen something so below this especially the little one. haven't you heard the propaganda we've been reporting about did they they say they would sacrifice
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children did go do this or something i don't remember ok it's hard to keep everything straight when you're making it all up again with which actually was the new york times original motto they only change a couple years ago i like the old one better and even venezuela suffering from a u.s. economic blockade and threats of a military attack is sending aid to its neighbors including ecuador and colombia even though gone be a has joined the us in threatening venezuela ok hold on so russia china cuba and venezuela are helping other countries around the world well then we better increase our anti helping offensive we better start going around patients on ventilators and just punching them in the face or we're sitting on their chest or some. well actually that's not far off from reality canadian prime minister trudeau expressed concerns over reports that medical supplies
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originally designated for canada have been shipped to the united states and we've done the same to france and germany as well according to the guardian the us has been accused of modern piracy after that diversion of masks meant for europe you hear that modern pirates pirates are sexy nowadays they're the cool kind of thieving and raping and pillaging raping and pillaging they're like trump's wheel house he was doing that stuff before he was even president all right all we need is for a drunk to start where and guy liner and some gold chains then i think we'd be the coolest country on the planet. but riddle me this much of our mainstream media our corporate media will tell you the truth about trump's response to the crowd buys right i'll tell you his he's a ministration as has been incompetent ignorant paddy narcissistic incompetent fool already anti-science corrupt did i mention incompetent cell if that's what the
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trump administration is when it comes to a pandemic why do those same corporate news shows tell you to fall in line for all the pro-war pro death and destruction foreign policies coming from the trap and ministration well look the behavior of our ruling sociopaths during this moment and the media that supports them spells the and for the empire back to patrick cockburn at the end of panda gas his name is cockburn and i'm a bob commenting on it i think. he said the u.s. may be reaching its chere noble moment as it fails to lead in combating the coronavirus epidemic as with the nuclear accident in the soviet union in 1906 cataclysm is exposing systemic failings that have already weakened us hegemony in
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the world whatever the outcome of the pandemic nobody is today looking to washington for a solution to the crisis no one is looking to us for leadership in dealing with a global virus and dealing with the economic crisis in foreign policy and domestic policy and how to not smell like rotting swamp rat policy all of it no one will get us nations around the world are scrambling to do the opposite of anything the united states does and that is our empire winds down it's time for us all to become a rational science based global community that lives for equality and sustainability instead of greed and aggression. but if that fails at least we have deep fried oreos however why should they see the belly debases redacted i.
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welcome on late campanella take the news from behind many states have continued trying to lightly encourage whole newspeople to move along seattle a city very hard hit by the virus recently destroyed many homeless encampments look i've said it before and i'll say it again the homeless in this country more so than any other group of people ever few have just livin it up and since the rest of us are out and about that means the homeless get the they get to enjoy the whole world to themselves while we sit on a dirty couch eating nuclear blast resistant not joe cheese off our sizeable. screw you homeless why do they get the world right now and clearly this
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goes to show how important our police officers are when we're not in the middle of a crisis you know in the middle of a global pandemic so many of us we take our police for granted we just assume they'll be there when we need them like a like a like a spare tire or that ex-boyfriend you know will always take you back you know the break the glass in case of emergency boyfriend forgive my annoyance but i think at some point in our lives every band has been that guy. well jokes on you sha day i don't want you i don't want to do with you. or about that. unless you're one of whom date sometime you know you know it's just to catch up on old memories. if you got a few minutes. back to the police we take them for granted but then a crisis hits and thank god they were there to destroy the tense of always people even during
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a pandemic those heroes are out there just think oh well just to get those tents had remained up remain in place people were thought it was ok to go camping before you know it tents would fill the streets they'd be in the public fountains they'd be piled as high as skyscrapers society would shut down because we'd be drowning in tents. anyway while our police are doing the important things like making the homeless just a wee bit so much more homeless pittsburgh is wasting their time and money on try telling matters like removing their lead pipes so people can have clean drinking water apparently pittsburgh's water has been tainted with lead for the past many years when my water is filled with it's toxic. or 3rd world problems on my right. but this pandemic crisis is no time to
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secure a health and happiness of your citizens what now now now now now now now this is the time to give trillions to corporations they need help more than your red headed children besides having lead play their kids is good to stop the 5 g. from getting piped into they're not going to but yes corporations need to help more even the small corporations need our charity who's going to bail out the doggy yoga studios the stores that sell homemade tibet and wine bottle openers to be sold to people who can understand what they say the fidgets penry kiosks or their neighborhood anal bleaching parlors we must save them 1st or else we'll all have gnarly colored anuses and after we save the businesses then then you can have your lead is to drink
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a bowl tap water moving on i think one thing we can all agree on is that no one no one could have seen this crisis coming it was it on it was as unforeseeable as the pushback against comedian geoff johns' jose the how the peano character no one could have noticed people would view that as racist. and no one had any idea a pandemic could happen in america other than those who wrote the pentagon plan to deal with the threat of a novel influenza they anticipated and the consequent scarcity of ventilators facemask and hospital beds but they were out that way bracken $27.00 damian 2070 we were we were young and naive then we were still riding around on horseback eating the warts off which is noses because we thought it would terminate a pregnancy it does not just create so very ugly baby we were
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completely different bag and 2017 but the warnings go back even further than that the former the former head of the infectious diseases and countermeasures division at the defense intelligence agency or i just got the app for short said the intelligence community has warned about the threat from highly pathogenic influenza viruses for 2 decades at least at least they have warned about the corona virus for at least 5 years 2 decades we've known each for through decades and nobody get a goddamn thing of it that deal with that because a day wasn't profitable because the big banks didn't give up. you know i blame obama i blame obama more than trump because obama has no excuse trump does trump
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can't read he couldn't read those reports even if they were shoved in front of them at a golf course now if they put the information in a puppet joe then maybe or maybe body painted it on a playboy bunny maybe then it would have gotten attention oh my god. this all could have been avoided thousands of lives saved if the c.b.c. had just used jose the holiday nyo to warn trump there's no way he would listen to a racist prophet i mean here's a racist puppet of course he'd listen to his own kind. anyway we have to go to a short break but if you might be sitting home this means you have time to watch my free standup comedy special at leat camp american dot com that's right my stand up comedy special is free for the 1st time ever also grab the new r g america app portable t.v. at portable dot tv a slash download our i beg a lot more this is
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a story about what happens on astra stray bullets kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida you know the mother daughter is very serious and terry is really in this is with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pen this than him and what happens in court the. shop smart. to do. we don't know she'll just from the. end of this trial. with you. will still not know who killed just.
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the derivatives became so huge in size over a quadrillion a door this size of the actual stuff to the point where the stuff is meaningless and only did derivative matter and so the best on the derivatives now are increasing so as to rivet is on top of derivatives and this is how you get to a place of negative prices on oil because when you trade oil derivatives are not trading oil you're trading purely on the direction of a price based on a derivative that's based on another derivative or there is no underlying toys. welcome back i'm still lee camp it's probably no surprise to you that all of us will soon be tracked in one way or another to assess our risk for getting or spreading coronavirus but some of the companies handling our sensitive info are much better known for the countless ways they've jeopardized our privacy for more
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we go to our truth bomb now when we go. to visit was already a fleeting thing before the coronavirus and now that millions of americans find themselves trapped working from home among their families it seems like this man could they do thrown for the most viral work from home interruption technology kills viruses in just one would you no doubt hold it least he only had to cover up a stop path and not his bottom but physical privacy isn't the only thing to be concerned about after lindsay barrett an attorney with georgetown law school's institute for public representation told the intercept the c.d.c. and state and local governments are reportedly using location data from advertisers
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to track the movements of people they suspect of carrying covert 19 not only can the government track you as if you're in a game of sam's but now they know you took your smartphone from your couch 'd to your toilet and didn't wash your hands. but the use of location data is just the tip of an iceberg filled with companies and agencies hoping to cover up their past invasions of privacy while expanding potentially irreversible privacy invasion in the name of covert 900 data collection a practice that privacy expert and activists will be crystal refers to as ovid washing. but the term covert washing does explain why the company palin tear is getting praise for using its surveillance technology to track covert 19 infections for the u.k.'s national health service even though palin tears c.e.o. finally admitted to using that same technology to help i support undocumented
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immigrants and why spyware company and so group is partnering with israel's defense ministry to use mobile phone data to track infected citizens even though in a cell group is under an f.b.i. investigation on suspicion of hacking u.s. residents and companies and gathering intelligence on governments over why a customs and border patrol commissioner recently tweeted facial recognition as a touch free hygenic way to validate your identity as well as protect from exposure to covert 19 and other germs at the airport jesus if they thought * tweets like that were convincing than mike bloomberg might as well tweeted stop and frisk is a great way to educate youth about careers along foresman but another democrat the coronavirus begs the same question posed to any one peer pressured into playing the game never have i ever why wouldn't you want to sacrifice some of your personal
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data for a greater good it was the same question our government asked us after the september 11th attacks except edward snowden pointed out that government surveillance programs intended to stop terrorism were not only overarching but as successful against terrorism as your bandana is at protecting you against the coronavirus. yet that hasn't stopped the government from becoming steve urkel that's been waltzing him through with a locked door without permission to our data for years and just like the winslow's privacy advocates have been trying to shut it ever said and when was a blowers like edward snowden pointed out that our intelligence community violated our civil liberties the best response u.s. intelligence leaders could muster for the public was. so when it comes to the question why wouldn't you want to sacrifice some of your personal data for greater good the key word here is some because we can't leave the door open for
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irreversible privacy violations and i doubt any of us want our data in the hands of silicon valley companies and government agencies that have already proven veil abuse it because there's no way to know they're only using it to record when we're . reporting from a. sorry about that reporting from my apartment is that again we kill we're back to the night all right thank you natalie i now have a new segment for you a little chat on other important news that we haven't yet covered it's with correspondent anders lee anderson thanks for joining me what do you got for us me
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one of the big problems with this pandemic is the response on a global level the lack of international cooperation you have the cost of p. e. skyrocketing and things are all all countries all over the world and that's because of controls they're putting on supplies to prevent them from going abroad and we've just been stealing them yes is that a lot of that works well right that we're doing we're able to do that but countries like the central african republic they have you know pop there are a few notches back on aren't there pirates off the coast of africa couldn't get there so they're right in the middle there my luck so they've got to you know blow up some more neighborhood you have pulled out neighborhoods create coasts right it's important they should do something because right now they have 3 ventilators for the country for millions so it's the exasperate yes 3 seasons they're going to have to share them or something i don't know distribute them north south middle but the solution to this rather than you know doubling down on nationalism in isolation and controls on these things some of suggested the economic historian jamie martin
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in the new york times suggest that we look to world war one which not a great cause i don't endorse world war one yet you don't endorse it out there you could call it and yet it's a really dangerous path you're taken there right it's still can digest issue some parts of the world but something they did back then is they the allies found that their economies were being destroyed because they were still competing even though they were fighting on the same side so by the end of the war they started making joint purchases they started working cooperatively to make sure that resources are allocated based on need and not which countries are in the most debt hold on you're saying countries working together. to do things together you blow my mind that sounds. well but it's communist sharing is caring it's almost as if we have global problems that aren't just isolated within the span of borders that's a good aspect of world war one we also killed each other with chlorine gas so i'm going to write some bad ass but right this was the silver lining that we then did
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anyway so. a lot of good lessons are what else we got going on. well right now there is a bailout that was part of the latest stimulus package it included $50000000000.00 in loans and grants for the airline industry but unfortunately not a lot of strings were attached which is pretty key thing in terms of climate change really just firing $50000000000.00 at some of the grevious bastards in the world didn't pan out well well it's goes you know they have the turbine and they just wanted to see all the money shoot out of it hard to resist that as a judge but you know the airline emissions are going up there went up 26 percent in the last 7 years and they're predicted to triple by 2030 so we really have to do something original a in the bill there was a provision that if you're receiving money if you're an airline receiving federal money you have to work on reducing emissions that got taken out. i remember one
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tearing that like britney spears would send her private jet across the country she'd be in new york she'd send him to l.a. to get the coffee she wanted and then it would come back and deliver the coffee to her in new york are you saying we'll have to stop that kind of activity i think we should carve out a britney spears exemption you know i mean the airline industry is pretty powerful but i think hers might be a little more juice here but unfortunately it is it is toxic that that way of transporting goods something we have to work on and this stimulus package was an opportunity to do that but unfortunately the environment was not considered right you'd think if there was some. time that you could attach strings to something it's when you're giving billions of dollars away to executives that would be the time to say hey also you need to do a b. or c. right they did none of that they were forced though because of the airline union to protect workers and the union right now is trying to spread that nationally to make sure other industries are protected as well but they don't have the strength right
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now to demand environmental protection thank you so much anderson appreciate it yeah think serving. and here are your headlines from the future in 3 months you'll read it as empire ends america tries to find a loving home 470-0000 abrams tanks i hope they find it and in 2 months you'll learn joe biden names coat rack he's been talking to his presidential running mate ok that's exciting that's exciting news and this wednesday you'll hear. in order to decrease the spread of the virus state governments ordering the homeless to be homeless via skype or zoom that should help that's our show but i've been doing a lot of web exclusive videos because i will extra time there youtube dot com slash redacted tonight and my new book is that leak camp book dot com you can grab the
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digital virgin for just a few bucks so go do that until next time goodnight and keep buying. as the u.s. economy was booming gaining numbers of people made homeless. you can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of we're not financially equality and the lack of affordable housing for a living minimum wage give many people no choice. that's been the problem with the city knows term limits and told me stay away almost. it's worth it if there is no answer because yes that requires resources the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become invisible cops.
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has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs the people who are chronic pain patients believe that their prescription is working for them in the remedy be safe to do with the price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates the long term use that really isn't scientifically just now study actually suggest that. the long term effects may not just be absence of benefit but actually that they may be causing long term. your fish british after weeks in corona virus quarantine c.n.n.'s chris cuomo leaves the basement says it's what he's been waiting for but was he out with his family on easter sunday i want some. blue service fac tirebiter or is it all
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a c.n.n. hoax and blaming russia for the coronavirus well not quite but the new york times says vladimir putin has encouraged the spread of deadly illnesses throughout the world will discuss and what has happened to the drudge report many say the once mandatory stop for conservative news junkies has changed we'll take a long chalk line and then we have some other chocolate here and finally let them eat chocolate we'll share a dessert that may taste great but may make you angry at the same time. oh. you wish you.


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