tv Keiser Report RT April 25, 2020 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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max kaiser this is they rise or report you know we've entered into a new dimension it's chorus strength area believe there's 11 dimensions overall according to some quantum physicists wavin shamelessly exploiting the 3 to 4 dimensions here in this reality but we're now in 567 and 9 states yes we have gone through the looking glass you know we were telling you here years ago that it all really started not only with 979 when we went off the gold standard and there was nothing hooking our financial system our economies to anything real so fantasy could erupt we could have a fantasy economy around the world and then it started to really hit the peak we
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went so deep through the looking glass that we had that fracking with the red queen centrum right 1st of all they were never making any money but they had to keep on drilling faster and faster and more and more just to stay in the same place now we're through the looking glass and the totally at the end of it in the past 2 years and all that is beyond that is a black hole and spaghettification because right now you know when we got to negative interest rates when time had no value that was one thing and we told you we were shocked we were like alarmed by this then now we have the negative in the negative cost of of energy so like does equal mc squared any longer. yeah i see where you're going with that and you know looking back at the history. they can omics i guess you could say you know 1st you had stuff like agriculture and then you had factories and then you had capitalism or they're going to try to
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underwrite the cost of these big factories by using limited liability corporations then you had to rivet which would be a way to make bets on the value of that stuff and then starting the 1980 s. or so they started to remove this stuff and just leave the derivatives the derivatives became so huge in size over a quadrillion they wore off the size of the actual stuff to the point where the stuff. is meaningless and only did derivatives matter and so the bets on the derivatives now are increasing so as derivatives on top of derivatives and this is how you get to a place of negative prices on oil because when you trade oil derivatives you're not trading oil you're trading purely on the direction of a price based on a derivative that's based on another derivative where there is no underlying oil so
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the real economy disappear long ago in 2008 it formally came to a dead halt the global economy and from 2008 to 2020 it's been an attempt by central bankers to even replace the hollowed out hole a gram of what was formerly called the global economy with the riveted to a more absurd and obscene level this space time continuum have been broken and for you to the audience out there i know you're very confused by the new set out but we're innovating here we're trying new things for this new normal that is going to emerge from passing through like shattering the space time continuum you know we are freak of nature of the universe something's going on you know there are anomalies out there that break the laws of physics and that few periods you know when you look out there and you see things going faster apart than they should be because you know gravity is that's a poet together maybe that's like some advanced humans out there that did this they
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created some derivatives that sent the universe exploding well i have my own fair idea about this i believe going back to the ninety's and the seti project the s.t.t. i for intel extraterrestrial intelligence this was a coup to try to cobble together the world's computers to create this huge parallel processing machine that would sort through potential radio signals from outer space and anyone could download this to their law to their computer i did it when i was working in los angeles and i was part of the seti project. and why they believe that no contact was made but i believe there was contact made but the contact was so subtle that if they came in and came in through our collective unconscious right i believe that the and that this intelligence from outer space once they sensed this said he project our or our earth was immediately red flagged
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as trouble as a place that needed to be cleaned up well this episode needs to be cleaned up so we're going to return to this this notion of the space time continuum being broken via derivatives breaking our real world one of the things we saw is like the sudden realization that everybody's going through at the moment for example that hey those wall street 1000000000 years you know that we were celebrating as heroes back in 2008 they were not the heroes it's all of the a sensual workers who is essential to our economy we're finding our the lowest paid now that is through the looking glass that's the mirror image of what you think should happen the other thing is once in 1971 we went off the gold standard and we went on to a u.s. dollar standard well we were no longer able to measure wealth and to create wealth and to understand how our capital was being deployed whether it was being done
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efficiently and the best use of capital because it was now all fia so what's the opposite because members were through the looking glass max we removed the gold standard we no longer have know how to measure wealth well what's the opposite of wealth what's the opposite the mirror image of wealth creation it's wealth destruction so look at these derivatives look at the private equity model look at how private equity operates it attacks any semblance of wealth a pension fund and a cast on the books and it descends on and rips it apart and swaps it for debts. the space time continuum had been broke found out who the essential workers were and what's the opposite of wealth creation because member we've gone through the looking glass so i have to be the opposite has to be the mirror of what is supposed to happen in the real world and the textbooks of the economics of natural law it's supposed to be wealth creation you're seeking instead we're seeking wealth
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destruction and that's what you've seen from negative interest rates to negative or oil prices to our private equity model the entire thing we've gone through the looking glass you can make money on wealth destruction if you're on the right side of the trade now up until recently the amount of money you could make destroying while this was somewhat limited because society tend to hew toward wealth creation and be the limits of growth on planet earth were solved on known. particularly at adam smith's day makes no mention of the limitations of the ecosystem it's assumed that there's almost a virtually infinite amount of growth possible but in 2020 with the climate now shutting down in huge areas of the globe due to over capacity. or under capacity is the case by bay over exploitation we're seeing limitations to growth so the people
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who were in the wealth creation business now understand that there's more money to be made destroying while destroying the ecosystem destroying society destroying populations as margaret thatcher said during the reagan factor period there is no society right so she kind of set the stage for this idea that you could make as much if not more destroying society than building society and so what we have institutions like private equity which are the opposite of what was done during the . robber baron curry where those guys built she's universities and libraries and situations now we have people like black rock and other private equity groups that are known for their destruction basically what's prompted this conversation is the negative price on oil it had gone down to $37.00 as we were talking about was josh crumb the last episode and you know this is defying all laws of nature right natural laws our economies especially based on this so we're trying to understand
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what happened and it's really complex and has really deep as deep as this conversation you know on this new design of our set by the way. this is a great look at this boy but i want to tell you you know the information is out there for you and i want to before i get on to these next few headlines here i do want to tell people before i forget because i have a short term memory now lost because we're through the looking glass right so there's hash tag 000 t. t. and it's really interesting because these are actual it's called the organization of oil trading tweeters so these are for the most part you know it's all online is twitter so that some of them could be trolls and fakes but the fact is that they're for the most part real former oil traders and they understand the ins and outs of oiled technical jargon delivery jargon all these trading jargon in the futures and they're really good at explaining rather than tuning into the mainstream financial news so hash tag o.t.c.
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because a lot of the information is there for you in order to understand these negative rates but i want to look at this one tweet here from this is a woman who as a journalist of bloomberg experts say it could be a matter of weeks before there's no more room to store crude the result would be oil prices near 0 in many parts of the world and in some cases they could go negative continue and not just this one off everybody was trying to buy the dip and pick up the dip by buying an e.t.f. which i'm not even a name because it's i don't want anybody to like it you know just saying words often prompts people to go out and buy some. even though it's like not suitable for them to buy this structured product but nevertheless they're seeing that we could have a negative rate negative oil prices in june july august as i was saying earth had its carrying capacity its exploitation limits there's now no more room even to store the oil and wiser so much oil because it was funded with an infinite amount of free money yes that's negative rates funded the red queen and now because of
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that we're through the looking glass right there negative rates davis negative price on oil because there's more money to be made destroying things then in creating things i think there's an indian god a goddess who's the goddess of destruction kiva something like possibly like an elephant maybe with a bunch of different arms anyway it's a fan of hinduism by the way the fact is fracking the factor is the price you know they have of them they weren't making any profit at 70685840 at 30 at 20 you know again when we were on the gold standard you could not do that you could not afford to lose money the price signal was telling you that you as a business do not work the natural law you do not work within that and they're still pumping out. ok but who is making money there is one group that is making money and that is the wall street banks who are selling the junk bonds that underwrite the losing frack or worse than shell oil industry right so the wall
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street banks are the shiva are the god of destruction they are financing and the times because it's more profitable to bank on destruction than there is in banking on life so the petrodollar went negative and from mentor today keep along says today we saw that well without the ability to store it changes that well from an asset to a liability bonds will experience something similar one of these days rates at 0 and repayment and debased my. he changes the bond from an asset to a liability again we're all about wealth destruction now we're loading everybody up with risk liabilities there's no assets anymore there's no wealth and there's nothing left delhi is the goddess of destruction that's probably the name of the extraterrestrial intelligence that slipped into our universe b b the seti project but when we see
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a galley kelly we see you show yourself down. in the meantime we're going take a break and when we come back it's nothing but aliens. don't go away. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led. direct. what is truth what is faith.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida no mother daughter is buried in a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court b b b i am shocked shocked as far as i
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feel that we don't know she'll just screw up on. the end of this trial unfortunately you. will still not know what childress. welcome back to a geyser report imax keyser time out of cern to abraham cambridge of the sun exchange full disclosure i am an advisor to this company abraham welcome back thanks guys came back max as you were doing well and looked around so just to review what you guys did go down there on south africa there are schools and hospitals and other such institutions that need to fill their energy budgets every air so you come in and you say we can help you crowd find your energy budget by
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installing solar panels to meet your budget and then anything that is collected energy wise above the budget we're going to distribute to our crowdfunding population in the form of because i'm that one of the main drivers is to reduce the energy costs to organizations and essential services such as school supermarkets hospitals especially now in a kind of post at 19 whoa operating budgets can even further constrained and these kind of organization which we would need to persist moving forward and the great thing about this is that the decentralization of the energy network means that individuals around the world from that desktop computers now phones can now an income stream. providing electricity to organizations and emerging markets now is really what we set up to achieve is enabling individuals to come from soda wells with neighboring organizations to go solar no cost to them so we can kind of build
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a marketplace to connect those that want to be solar powered people that want to produce so let's talk about this crisis that's going on in the oil and the oil market so you've got negative oil prices a lot of chaos in the oil markets obviously that's energy kind of in the energy bill. how has this impacted your business model for solar if at all in some respects it's actually helped the solar industry obviously whilst the dumond on an energy used is reduced so you has the cost of solar panels and more to the point the supply chain disruptions of happened around the world really alludes to how important it is for energy independence now once you've got a solar panel installed on a building you know no one no longer needs supply chains you no longer need chang's of trucks to collect and deliver energy sources or feedstock into an energy plan power station now the sun provides to the feedstock and therefore having
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a solar panel on the roof of the supermarket means that a supermarket now has a secure supply of energy for the next 2530 years so i think the disruption in the energy markets just prove that this old outdated mode of getting a fossil fuel out with ground from one place and building up is very intricate supply chain that it's actually very fragile to get that fossil fuel to another place and is from the 19th century and we've got to stop it we've got the technology now we do not need vost well destroying supply chains to do this i mean one really interesting fact which i realised today is that the coal power stations in south africa actually cause 3000 premature deaths a year from the air pollution those those co power stations produce a solar panel doesn't even make a noise let alone pollution so the importance of taking the african continent. down
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the fossil fuel is an amazing opportunity so that if the one great thing that comes out of this devastation is happening around the world is actually we end up with a more financially resilient and energy resilient and vironment to follow up at that point south africa is a coal based economy both as a producer and a consumer nearly 70. 70 percent of its electricity comes from coal versus 36 percent for the rest of the world kind of belies the image of south africa's being the sun sun worshipping spot apparently there's a huge coal burning pollution problem but to get back to this idea that basically you are turning sun shine into bitcoin these of a a solar panel that's helping to power a hospital a school a shopping center i can't think of a more. sustainable you know it's
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a logically fantastic and i get my it's very simple page if people want to claim they can go to some extent to start adding a bit point dividend by helping our school i mean it's a same sikat sex all the boxes i'm surprised no major celebrity has come out in a divorce then just because it would make them look good whereas teller swift and all this especially in this day and age when most millennial rules and gen z's don't even own their own property they're living in rented apartments all rented houses and these individuals what they want to see the well going slow but they don't even have a roof to put solar panels on and now this problem that we've built people at the click of a button now in a solar panel is located in an optimal place for on a whilst providing energy to a very worthwhile woman as asians and may point out again that in this. the not the finances on things like hospitals and schools are going to be even more constrained because governments have decided to ban allow banks and not support schools and
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hospitals so the people that really need the bailouts can be feeling the pinch even more especially when you introduce the inflationary aspect so what could be happening with the coins to be easing is not coming into place now big coin is and you can write in a stronger currency so if i'm to people now big going well is providing a lower cost and then she too will win as ations that will be around in the i was quite a bit well i think it's up to the paramount that people get behind organisations and get involved with things like this and of course of bitcoin the cost of sending that coin to people's wallet is frictionless as virtually 0 and so you capture a huge percentage of that you don't pay intermediaries are not paying credit card fees you're not paying you know western union face you're getting out of virtually 100 percent of that money goes right into your because as you point out the wall that's now embracing it. store a value to compete with gold and gold is becoming scarce and people are starting to
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move that safe haven money into bitcoin you know i've been talking to a fair few to you for a few years doubt just recap a little bit about how this has been growing because last i checked you were that the number of actual panels that you've got up and running in this and this operation is becoming a static what are the current roth numbers if you're momentum sure you do that i'd see kickstarted sun exchange on on your platform stop joint back in 20152016 i last appeared on your show 6 months ago and just then which would hit our one gigawatt alan mockable interest you produced which is $1000000.00 units of electricity i think about point with bill around just under one megawatt solar panels in 6 months we doubled that so we doubled what we did 6 months ago we've now approaching 2 gigawatts hours of electricity in just a. means of i'm british so i like working in cups of tea is measurement that's enough energy to boil water for 50000000 cups of tea which is giving everyone in
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south africa one cup of tea so that's just kind of just gives you an idea or the amount of energy dust being produced whilst also doubling the amount of solar panels that are now deployed through the problem and 6 months now our goal is to is just complete compete complete that transition to solar power so there's now targets but by 2050 the whole of africa could be solar powered creating millions of jobs and because solar power is now cheaper than fossil fuel electricity burning coal is now more expensive than generating electricity from solar power and that transition is taking place so you mean we're not going to stop doing what we're doing until we've completed that that transition to solar i mean that the mission of some exchange is to connect the world to the sun so once we're done with africa we could be doing projects in latin america in southeast asia areas which our mud. debt is expensive when the the people that really need low cost energy literally
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can't afford it or can't access to capital to go solar what we had to do is deliver affordable solar power to the places in the world that need it most yeah i believe it was up buckminster fuller who noted that the amount of energy earth's receives from the sun is about a 1000 times greater than any energy with that we would think of expanding on any given day so certainly there's a surfeit of. energy and now you're on a previous episode. abraham and we talked about prepping for mad max now that we've got a mad max world there it seemingly everyone's hoping things return to normal all but you know philosophically speaking is normal dead i mean is there ever ever ever going to return to where we were or are we have we just taken. a new road into a new direction and there's no going back if the normal is running off fossil fuels
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and relying on the currency was producing emissions which are destroying the world's climate i don't want to return to normal i think we've got here is a is a completely clean open canvas to create in curator the world that we want to see and if the new world is one that's built on decentralized deflationary money like big coin and decentralized clean passive solar power with distributed ownership but doesn't rely on a centralized institution to secure fossil fuels and deploy it over decades rather instantly deploy clean energy into housing markets last the well that we want to see i won't be the new normal and not be outdated so let's not even go back to where we were let's create a better weld and we literally can do that no one knows what the future holds no one knows what the future will look like i was coded so let's build the world we want to see. now some people are speculating that the petro dollar is now dead and
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i guess at this place and say that wider question about the global markets and the way they've been for a few decades is the path toward dollar do you think that's dead if we're transitioning to clean energy systems such as. with batteries which is cheaper and burning a fossil fuel from a centralized location and transmit take across transmitting that energy across continents then really there's no need for that and especially as the dollar itself i would now seeing trillions of dollars of of q.e. bailing out not just imus but other entire industries now the dollar is going to become worth less to even worthless and petroleum is going to come because of the cause and the airplanes are also going to become electrical powered because they're going to be absorbing and storing cheaper sources of electricity from solar plant is also happening there the writing is on the wall i mean even some of the
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world's leading economic factor is now testing electric acra rather than fossil fuel across i really mean you can see this in the markets and the dive at the divestment of capital from fossil fuels into clean energy started a decade ago and some like 7 trillion dollars worth of capital has now been pledged into clean energy so the fact that the oil prices now so suppressed is not as it is of no surprise really and it just means that the oil companies are having to cut their operating overheads to cover the cost because oil is now worth not as much because people of a moving away from it ever around here like the elon musk of solar incredible well thanks for being on the kaiser report from thanks very much max they see you keep well. that's going to do it for this episode of the kaiser report with me back as our states air but like to thank our guests abraham cambridge of the sonics. if it let's get in touch train a psychiatrist park the next time buy out. the
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hello from rhode island where i live because we're all stickin close to home these days but the show must go on and on this week's show pandemic in your pocket book we'll talk about weathering the coronavirus cash crisis but 1st while we're all trapped inside our 4 walls what's going on outside in the rest of the world and does this crisis make it more or less likely that we will go to war with each other let's ask longtime pentagon oficial michael maloof who during his years of their work.
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