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tv   The Big Picture  RT  April 25, 2020 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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hello from rhode island where i live because we're all stickin close to home these days but the show must go on and on this week's show pandemic in your pocket book we'll talk about weathering the coronavirus cash crisis but 1st while we're all trapped inside our 4 walls what's going on outside in the rest of the world and does this crisis make it more or less likely that we will go to war with each other let's ask a longtime pentagon official michael maloof who during his years there worked
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directly with the secretary of defense and what the old chinese curse calls interesting times michael take us inside the pentagon at a time like this what's the mood there. well there are still interesting times and right now everyone's on much greater alert today we just saw this just in the gulf in the persian gulf with the buzzing of u.s. naval air u.s. naval ships and so but i also think it's a time where countries may start taking advantage because of the focus of the united states on the coronavirus the the breakdown of bits of the entire economy and the need to get back to work and and people's jobs and people are focus inward and meantime other activities are going on we're seeing an uptick in syria the israelis have begun intensifying its amin's in the in syria
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against their iranian and as bala targets and we're seeing it israel now trying to coax the united states to. instigate act actions inside of iraq and order to. get a response from iran and and then we see this action of the of the threats from pump a 0 to ship and the president really to shoot out. to shoot out the small naval naval ships so it's and of course we've got china and we've got we've got $2.00 to $2.00 carrier task forces moving into the into the south china sea and probably in response to the coronavirus and the and the comments that it's china's fault and and so it's a show of force as well as a right of navigation but it's it's meant to show that the united states is on
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alert now this this this coronaviruses have been an impact on. readiness somewhat because what we saw with the. with the teddy roosevelt. carrier a whole ship taken out of out of commission there or for a time. this and there's also concerns that this could happen on other ships warships that are trolling the various oceans when they took out the captain of the roosevelt how does something like that resonate with our men and women in uniform. but they didn't like it i mean he was very popular he remains popular there's talk of him coming back. the. the. chief of naval operations has a decision to make he's got to decide whether he wants to reinstate. the captain
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who is popular with the with the sailors. however president trump is going to have something probably to say about it and he did just a few days ago he blew some cold water on that idea and that could have a bearing on the ultimate decision by the. chief of naval operations and and i and i think that they need the telling thing for the secretary of defense and the chief of naval operations as did the captain's chain of command. a. respond appropriately to his concerns initial concerns about what was happening on board and the indication is that he did that they did not and in fact you had the they commander of asia pacific. order in the roosevelt in the vietnam as a show of force and to show the flag notwithstanding the fact that it was already known that grown
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a virus had given up in the northern portion of vietnam. you know if we can't go to movie theaters or shopping malls to your earlier point i can just imagine how several 1000 sailors on a ship is just a petri dish and you mentioned the president recently he tweeted i have instructed the united states navy to shoot down and destroy any and all iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea is this matter of shooting down boats to some skeptics surmise the president's attempt to spike oil prices which are in negative numbers for the may futures and did rise up a little you think there's anything to that conspiracy theory. well i think that there's something to that it did it did jack up just a little bit the price of oil and for other reasons but i think it's part of a coordinated effort right now along with israel too and the fact that they now
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have a so-called unity government they want netanyahu wants and he's going to be the next prime minister for the next 18 months and under this arrangement and he really wants a legacy and that is to have regime collapse and that's the term i've heard being used and you see a lot of interest groups jewish interest groups in the united states really pushing hard for regime collapse inside of iran and so naturally iran's going to be. really concerned about something like that as well as the fact that you have. naval war vessels 7000 miles away from home orts and cruise in their waters but you don't necessarily but you don't see a rainy and bustles in the gulf of mexico do so i think of the tables were turned there would be a much greater reaction from the united states and that's probably the point of iran what are the in the world are you doing here doing maneuvers out off of our 'd shores when we're not doing anything to you and that's a that's
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a legitimate question but it's beyond that now it's all political it's been. driven by geo political consent and strategic considerations by the west in light of the fact that the western economic system is near collapse frankly and there's got to be an effort to try and gooey up the western system in competition with what we're seeing from iran china russia which which are trying to set up their alternative world order and all of this is help accelerate. in that direction regime collapse you've coined a buzzword which if there were still georgetown dinner parties would be bouncing around georgetown dinner parties a minute ago when you ticked off a list of hot spots the little voice in my head was saying this is a worldwide pandemic aren't these countries themselves all hunkered down but you actually see increased activity correct. yes yes we're seeing it now we're seeing
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it now we see as i said south china sea off the coast of iran in the persian gulf the fact that russia and and saudi arabia have their differences over the over the over the oil pricing that's all hammy having a cascading effect due to toward greater uncertainty in the world order western world order especially and now we're seeing the united states and saudi arabia beginning to have marital problems if you will because of the price of oil and the fact that both saudi arabia and russia have been trying to. take out the u.s. . shale choice shale oil industry because it is more expensive then by lowering that price it is having an impact on our ability to. produce oil and right now it's at
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a negative effect as you well know the saudis just try to bring in 9. tremendous amount of oil into the united states and the united states turn them down so you've got you've got this huge surplus of oil on the world scene and the nowhere to store it we are speaking with long time pentagon official michael maloof who has an amazing rolodex and michael you're talking to people all over the world all the time so i'll put you on the spot a crystal ball this for me how does this saudi rochelle oil war shake out where we go from here. i think that it's we're going to see a neck and negativity until. at least until the end of may i think that i think the russians will return certainly renege on on any cutbacks in oil they cannot afford to cut back on oil too much oil production because of the impact it
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will have on their ability and capabilities internally to to actually. begin to drill and to and to bring up the oil they have to they cannot of they and they cannot afford for the price to go below $4550.00 a barrel and the saudis cannot afford for the price to go down below 75 because of what their economic ambitions are for 2030 so i think that we're going to see continued. cooling off in chile in between the united states and saudi arabia especially on the oil issue the in the the russians can handle it better they have seized me they have a lot of. sovereign. ability or they they have the a built they have a tremendous amount of surplus of. sovereign funds if you will they can survive and they just might have to dip into that they have they have billions and billions of
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dollars worth of gold and what have you so they can probably afford to cut back and not a lot the saudis have a different problem and that also then has a cascading impact with the other oil producing countries in the g.c.c. or they go cooperating in countries that also or are oil producers. michael pretty much at a time so i'll ask you for the super short answer but because you are talking to people all around the world all the time and the president's daily briefings have seemed to generate into him chastising persistent reporters is this a good look how does this play around the world give me about 30 seconds. on having people of fact i heard from people this morning who were just incensed and couldn't believe their ears when they heard about him suggesting using distant injecting disinfectant they wonder what's what's wrong with this guy and and i think that
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that is having a very serious impact on just what the credibility of our leadership in the united states is today particularly in the face of this and demi and and i think that it's going to and i think that you know the alternative is not much better so it's really. people are really wonder and that is and thinking that this is going to create even greater international instability in their shoes not to not drink the lysol or the clorox please thank you again general joining us from home and stepping into the big picture. coming up pandemic spells panic for millions of instantly impoverished americans during the shutdown what are your smartest money moves right now and how will the new normal add up you're watching the big picture on r t america. this
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is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the street. what happens to her family and daughters in florida the other daughter is buried in a cemetery in healing this is with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pen this than him and what happens in court be. shocked shocked as far. as i feel. we don't know still
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just from. the end of this unfortunately you. will still not know. this. by now if you qualify you should have received some dough raimi from uncle sam and if you get a paper check you'll see. the dear leader's name in the lower left hand corner but is this page out of a mixed blessing and what are you most prudent money moves right now and how will the new normal add up let's ask the founder of strong mark business development consultants hillary ford which who is also quarantining hilary thank you for
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joining us again good to see you. good to see you to remotely there holland. as i understand the definition of recession we're not technically in one yet because it's 2 consecutive quarters of negative g.d.p. so let me give you a multi-party question is it inevitable and what is the technical definition of depression and how inevitable might that be. where you're totally correct roland about recession and recession is a widespread spread economic decline that last or something like 6 months whereas a depression is more like several years but i don't think that we actually will go into a depression because the underpinnings of our economy are not that of an economic shock in terms of that underpinning as long as the economy can rebound and we get back to work and we open sooner rather than later and we do get critical industries
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back to business a lot of this though one of the problems their predictions are having is that you can't predict psychological impact of things correct right so for example you know we all know we all had grandparents and we all knew people that went through the depression they never ever changed about their cautiousness with regard to money and behaved very differently with regard to the stock market my mommy meticulously lots of us our generation our parents went through the 2nd world war so they reacted differently to many things like not throwing away food because there was food rationing what we can't predict holland is how the consumer is going to behave . and that is going to drive demand or not this is been a demand shock not like a normal depression or recession which we usually do to fundamental underpinnings lacking in the economy we had them before this it is going to depend on the consumer i'm glad you put it that way because all of the cheerleading about real
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opening businesses is about the supply side in terms of demand who's going to want to sit in a movie theater so on right. yes it's going to change and so i mean there are things like predictions for example with regard to the airlines are all the airlines going to have to remove the middle seats that is going to change their return on investment drastically what are we going to see some of the things we've heard about are that for example after 911 that's actually something we can look at in terms of how our world changed t.s.a. as we all know for those of us that used to get on airplanes that used to be like getting out of the bus or a train or getting in you know rob for that matter you just popped on a plane everything changed dramatically in terms of the screening one of the predictions i read in my 100 percent believe in is that we'll never have probably a massive event again without some form of testing there's been talk of drones that the talk of temperature testing even disney the c.e.o. disney is talking about having screening for everyone that does go into disney world when they open next year in terms of temperature testing i think that is what
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will change all and that is almost a certainty they are the republican national committee and else that their convention is game on and it's hard to imagine being in an arena with tens of thousands of people. some of these ideas came and swear getting godhead. no i was going to say you're right about the arena you're right about that but one thing i do think that's interesting that nobody's really talking about holland is that if you look at how many car park car deaths are on america 38000 americans died last year in car crashes we didn't stop driving you know 67000 americans died of drug overdoses last year we didn't stop the opioid crisis that certainly wasn't taken seriously as it could be by leadership but more importantly $300000.00 americans die of obesity every year have we stopped and banned ice cream and everything sugary and everything fattening and shut down our fast food restaurants
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to stop obesity gets no and you know how many people does bogey it is nearly half a 1000000 more than 480000 people we haven't to begin cigarettes in our country so i do think that we need to look at how dramatically we're really reacting to this and a lot of it is because it's new york centric and that's where the mainstream media is headquartered and they're being affected more drastically than states where for example out in the midwest where they've had like one death in certain states and yet they're having to quarantine. yeah and to a point you made earlier about our folks growing up during world war 2 in the depression and everything i think one of the silver linings coming out of this is something i have felt when i've braved the supermarket with my face mask on and my clubs is that i think there's going to be a new frugality you talked about leftovers i think we're going to be smarter shoppers as a result of these circumstances and at least we've got some dough to spend these relief checks that they're sending out are being called monopoly money because it
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is not as the conservative right terms of giving us back money confiscated in taxes this is uncle sam personally with his sleeves rolled up during the printing press day and night one small business owner i know calls these donald dollars historically recessions have not resulted in inflation but the velocity that we're printing money now that doesn't that tempt inflation in the new normal. well i think you're right holland on one regard but i would say that you're right that normally printing a lot of money would tempt inflation absolutely going back to the point i made earlier with regard to a demonic shock the consumer is going to behave very differently and i agree with you about the triviality or people being more fiscally conservative i tell you a generation that i think it's going to be drastically affected by this is not necessarily you know a sort of 40 year olds it is those that are basically millennial say i have
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millennial children and they have never that generation has never experienced a tragedy they didn't go they don't remember 911 very well they they were young they did not go through the vietnam war they didn't go their own have their parents you know we didn't go through the 2nd war they will be dramatically affected i don't know that they'll ever be the same i think that they will appreciate the job opportunities that they have more that's a silver lining i think that they will be more cautious and i think they'll be more fiscally conservative which will be sensible as well. millennial investors have never seen a bear market and with life changed so abruptly now it's only natural to panic but there's forbearance everywhere and here in rhode island where i live our governor closed the courts and told us if you get any veteran notice throw it away because it won't be adjudicated soon but if you can't pay your rent please don't stiff your
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landlord and t.v. ads from banks are cutting borel words some slack automakers commercials are offering 84 months interest as we rearrange and rearrange and rearrange that stack of bills on the kitchen table hillary which bills have to still go on top and which can we hold off on for a while. well we know that food is going to be bought and we know that medical supplies the definitely going to be bought i think what you are going to see is a fundamental shift and that's going to affect bill payment and it's going to affect the way our economy actually operates i think of there's going to be a psychological shift to more remotely i think restaurants people are going to people are becoming used to things we are human beings as humans we are creatures of habit creatures of habit do the same things we're now getting used to ordering from restaurants takeout i think a lot of people are going to decide you know i can drink more at home i can drink more reasonably if i buy my wine and take it home and i can get that same delicious
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food delivered to my house so i think there are that's what's going to shift i think people will spend their money differently they will pay the bills food obviously it has to continue and it will be in our homes so i think the sort of businesses that will succeed of those that can adapt just like in retail those retail stores that have gone online have delivery services those ones have a thriving and in fact booming during this crisis so that's what we will see a fundamental shift in the way we live and i don't see that changing anytime really soon of course a vaccine will make a lot of difference and though we cabin cabin fever that people want to go out and do things again i think people are going to be more likely to want to do things or people they know and they can put the considered healthy versus the mass it's something that's the very very sad fallout is that 50 percent of chinese restaurants have already gone under and actually in new york city and ordering service that i know people that live in new york they say there's only one chinese restaurant even remaining delivering in their neighborhood i think that that our to do with the bias i think at one of the others over linings i think if anybody is
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a saudi or a radia they must be very happy now because they were sort of out of favor by americans ever since $911.00 and now unfortunately it's the chinese so i think that's another different well i would say. you know we're talking with straw mark business of elements consultant president hillary for which a small business people are many of your clients be observant viewer will know. that here in rhode island barber shops have not been deemed essential businesses and even if they were polly says he can't figure out how to give me a trim from 6 feet away but meanwhile akhil sam is bailing out cruise lines whose ships are registered in panama and liberia and places like that they don't even pay taxes and you know this pandemic got such a running start on cruise ships that the irony is stinging so it's hard to imagine pent up demand there hilary when the dust clears a crystal ball this for me who will be the winners and losers in terms of business
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categories i think any doubt about it all and that is yes any business is able to adapt you have to adapt to the new normal which is the psychology of your clients is going to be what can you do remotely so that's going to be doing which is already gone through the roof obviously netflix stock has also done very very well since the online services so what can your business do to deliver the products and services you did before remotely or in a distance manner that is going to be the key you have to look at the same content because you have your offering and how can you different to deliver it in a different means that people consider safe that is going to be the key for every business every business should be analyzing that right now. well i appreciate your succinct answer to the extent that you give me 15 seconds left so because i consider you financially savvy what's your advice to the individual investor who is for instance dollar cost averaging stay the course. yes stay the course you know
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why because overall if you you could pick and choose now but who would have ever thought it would plummet we didn't know we didn't know this is going to stay the course but a little bit the key 'd is what is your age right now if you were elderly and you need to have that money in secret i mean you could behave very differently if i was a millennial buying every oil stock every oil stock that is out there elderly people i ain't anything but even of the top 5. and you heard it 1st here from one of the experts hilary ford which it's great to hear your voice and see your face today safe thank you for joining us and thank you for watching the big picture if you see us somewhere else you can see our t. america live on you tube dot com slash r t america if you watch directv we're on channel 321 pluto t.v. channel 279 and by the way if you're creeped out with cabin fever there are nonstop james bond movies on pluto t.v.
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where else channel double 07 if you have the dish dish we're channel 280 and if you haven't yet you simply must download our super cool portable t.v. app you'll find it in the app store and there are thousands of shows you can watch there and if you'd like to see some of our greatest hits we are all archived at youtube dot com slash the big picture r t m holland cook at home in rhode island and i hope you're staying home and stay and say we'll see you back here next week in the mean time. be cool.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led. by. what is true what's his face. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. something man is used to put on a chain on the stone to continue a little spike that same day and. with nothing to him that i desired to know. how much all those. vocal just to.
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