tv Americas Lawyer RT April 29, 2020 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT
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huge clusters of workers have become sick with the coated 19 meat processing plants in the united states because some of the largest corporate food processors failed to implement any kind of safety precautions for workers joining me to talk about this is fair and cousins editor of the trial lawyer magazine you know as i look at the story and worse yet is a look at the graphics there i don't want a mate but you know this story really i think we're going to survive even without meat for a while people have alternative protein but the thing of that bothers me about this is it just got so little attention you know these workers were going in without any protection they're working 4 feet apart basically no protection at all that the sound is so loud in there that to talk they have to get face to face era to era or whatever it just screamed out for problems especially and people started leaving in not coming back because they couldn't come back they were sick right and one of the
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things we're finding out now too is that the management at many of these plants tyson foods j.b.s. foods and smithfield actually encouraged workers even if you're sick you still have to come in we're a vital part of the economy a vital part of the food chain they said so even if you're sick if you're showing symptoms we still want you to come in one employee described it as unless you were in a casket they expected you to show up to work the next yeah it was their call of their work but their their work while sick policy they actually had a policy to work while sick policy you know i can't i can't avoid the irony this is crazy smithfield as you know the biggest meat packer in the maybe in the world is owned by the chinese doing business right here in the united states so smithfield probably had some of the worst policies across the board in smithfield of all of them. had every reason to know very early some was getting
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a hat good red happen but they provided no masks they provided no gloves they've no separation because they just i guess they look at these people as man expendable thousands of these people working in the same client right and they do view them as expendable i mean we have seen this you know for all kinds of different corporations the workers come and go you know if somebody drops dead on the assembly line you simply replace that person you know goes back to the old as best as memo if you've had a great life working as best as one not die from it yeah and that corporate mentality has not changed in over 100 years at this point so what we've had with these workers in addition to being told come in sick we had the businesses themselves smithfield j.b.s. tyson told the federal government told osha ok we're going to implement these new standards and the new standards are you have to wear a mask you have to do the social distancing and then the cording to the workers it took weeks after they promised osha everything was going to be ok before the masks
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showed up it took weeks before they were actually told to distance themselves from one another at least 6 feet so the corporation tries to tell the government listen we're doing everything right we we've made these new policies but the workers are saying they may have told you they made these policies but they never implemented them until of course it was too late they didn't get their masks that many of these plants until about a week and a half ago so we're right now more than 3000 of them are sick the workers are sick more than 20 are dead and so the point is this it's workers compensation you see that's different from being able to sue the corporation that worker their only relief generally is going to be through workers' compensation so as a corporation to make an assessment how much does this worker compensation go to how much is going to cost us if we lose joe over here because if he's got coronavirus they you know they do the they do the math. and when they do the math
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they say well we're going to do a lot better just business as usual joe's not going to be that expensive because it's workers' compensation big deal when you've got the trumpet ministration right now and mitch mcconnell as of yesterday morning announced he was going to be working on this while trying to come up with some kind of immunity for corporations so that when they have outbreaks like this you can't sue them at all and what that's going to lead to is that's going to lead to even fewer safety precautions they're going to think well we don't have to protect our workers because we're mewed now it's going to be this horrid slippery slope of mass infection mitch mcconnell says working with anymore relief packages and instead he's back on focus on getting corporate judges approved for lifetime appointments while this is this is this is so bothersome on so many levels ok let me begin with something you and i have already talked about and though this is a topic you. may answer pelosi caves absolutely just absolutely caves in the last the last negotiation with mitch mcconnell and she's
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thinking well i'll get it the next time the next package that we do on covert relief i'm going to build in all of these things i've promised my constituents i want to build them because she totally caved on this one well it wasn't she did she caved she got out it was sold by mitch mcconnell how do you get out hustled by the turtle and you tell me well mitch mcconnell you know he had worked with palosi and schumer and even minucci and was in on these and you know that they wouldn't let the democrats get anything they wanted in the legislation which would have included according to what democrats say they wanted more money for american workers instead all it did was it replenish some of the money corporations and taken out of the small business loan program they gave some money to hospitals and which is nice certainly nowhere near enough and then that was it but democrats thought ok well don't worry mitch mcconnell says he's going to come back on may 4th. he's synods
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back in session we're going to work with him we're going to get this thing in mitch mcconnell the day after they pass this piece of legislation he tells hugh hewitt he says no we're i'm done we're done with i'm not what are they talking about i'm not doing in other areas of legislation my only priority is conservative judges and that's always been his pride and interview somebody that people know we do this and they send me interviews on the you the signs that this is an interview with. jake tapper in nancy pelosi and so so do jake almost like he's like a 4 lauren child he looks like a child talking to mama that's where there's looks like so tapper is asking her well why did she give up so much why did you do this and all come down it was like janet you're an idiot calm down i have this under control well the truth is she doesn't have it under control she's already been outmaneuvered by the republicans on this and there's nothing like i mean again how do you get outmaneuvered by the
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turtle how is that and you just say oh yeah i'm just going to wait till the next time there's not going to be a next time or if it is it's going to be a long time from now right and that's exactly what mitch mcconnell's been doing every single time and it is shocking that these democrats are getting out flanked by mitch mcconnell but even schumer himself we have talked about this maybe 18 months ago schumer cut a deal with mcconnell in the senate because they wanted to go on their winter break at the time and he said i'll let you fast track 13 different judges but we need to adjourn it's christmas break let us go home so they told yes house he made the deal to fast track judges from this point forward and mitch mcconnell has taken full advantage of it because chuck schumer is worse than useless at this chuck schumer's been worse than useless for a very long run and that's why we both had hope with bernie we thought ok maybe bernie can bring some new life to this you know to a progressive movement it's a disaster. or in this is
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a great example of that disaster. the terror read stories threatening to take down biden's campaign but the media is still refusing to talk about it why why ok so we know here the give me the facts that came out this week we know that she told her story to her neighbor contemporaneously with when it happened she told the next people who hired her to also be a staffer about it and that person had to assure her that kind of thing doesn't go along with this politician that the larry king so give me your take on this what what is it with the me too movement what is it with progressive that are so idiotic and tribal in the way they see the world they're we're going to treat this woman differently with this over look if i was in trouble with this fax there's no question i would win the trial but the c.n.n. morning report story right and c.n.n. in fact actually went back to their archives and they deleted removed that old
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larry king tape from their archives online so you can't even get it anymore if you didn't already have it so c.n.n. is actively trying to protect joe biden for whatever reason it is that makes no sense either but here's what we're going to hear this is what we hear all the time oh well don't you want him instead of trauma oh yeah how many bad stuff we do bad stories on trump all the time but we got to call balls and strikes have you know it's not only that it's almost like the guy's cracking up i've said this before and i'll say it again i don't think he will make it to the election i really don't the last ad that i saw was was an ad it was of a video where his wife is doing all the talking and he's looking at the he's looking at the camera like he's got brain damage and so so why are we why are we protecting this man that we know we know did this there is 0 question in my mind right in this with these facts. any jury would come back and say yeah come on joe
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and this was this wasn't a minor issue he penetrated her he penetrator with his hand reached down her skirt and penetrated or and then said oh i thought you really like to me when she pushed him off well how do we say that's ok it's not ok for trump and it's not ok for this cat one that's what people don't understand it well wouldn't you rather have this than traum the answer is why do we even have to choose one of the other exactly what we had a much better option before the establishment came out and made sure that biden got it there are other parties that are not democrat or republican that are running candidates hopefully about to pick some better candidates than what they've got but this is not our only option and that's the trap most people fall into it's either democrat or republican it doesn't have to be but we have seen all think obama knew this oh absolutely don't think obama knew that how long did it take obama this is a guy he's been with him 8 years obama knows the guy there's he knows the guy has
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dementia and he knows this stuff is existing but at the end of the day he pushes bernie out of the way obama and the d.n.c. he makes this telephone calls we have to stop burning he's going to kill our party and now we're left with this knucklehead that's where we are right now and that's the d.n.c. at work again right 0100 percent we've known this but the big problem with this story for joe biden is that even the people who say well isn't biden better there now in light of all the new facts that have come out last 5 days they're now also saying whoa listen her story does follow the same other stories we've seen in the past that all turned out to be credible the telling of friends the telling of parents the telling of neighbors all of those people coming together to corroborate this story almost verbatim from what tara read said even the doubters have said that is what typically do. what what is the message you see doing with the i don't
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even watch it and what are they doing my i don't watch them either but i haven't i haven't seen people posting clips that's not to say maybe they're maybe they are maybe there are but i'm not seeing it through the social media that i go through and i follow a wide range of ok and here's my point here's my point where we're at a crossroads right now we have a chance to do something there's an entire movement i'm not sure who's behind the movement but it is to stop by best that's it you know stop by and let's get somebody else in there that has a chance but you know your theory has been that the republicans have known about this for a long time right they've they've they've held it back they're going to launch it later right so you're telling me at this point c.n.n. went out of their way to make the story disappear at least on their in their venue is that right they've deleted it from from their archives and so that also shows that they do see it in knew they had this right they may have forgotten about it
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but there were people at c.n.n. who knew this existed they knew right where it was they knew how to get rid of it in a pinch and that's exactly what they did so maybe maybe see it in was the one planning on releasing this later down the road. that all of us c.n.n. has a love affair with the d.n.c. that that i'd say this is a mess because c.n.n. the only reason they're still alive today is because people tune in to see a stupid thing trump said they get rid of trump they're going to lose half of their already horrible ratings at c.n.n. so that's a lose lose situation on their side but again biden is the merger guy you know big corporate guys who he's going to take care of their parent companies going to the home with him if somebody see course as the comcare right already they love him as a music loves him because comcast loves him because he's going to make sure that there's no they don't mess around with the monopoly that comcast is is building and joe biden made of promise he says i'm not gonna let that happen right yet nothing will. really changes you know binds words but this is a real story this is
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a credible story and if i were going to talk about it i could say i didn't drop out now about my time i am there i invite the knucklehead tribal progressives who don't understand how bad this is that we're looking like them a lot what's her name a little less of a lot of can you imagine this this woman goes after everybody on this and stay silent about this what does it do to the me to movement i think it had some credibility problems and it's going to get worse if they don't come out and talk about right. big banks are in the spotlight for prioritizing the wealthiest of their clients when doing taking p.p. the loans it giving into big businesses and ignoring the little businesses and they're doing it for a very direct reason that more when we come back. because
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there's survival guide books to see just like all the stores. that are all. the. repatriations to look at the us to 70 years. bill is that president gore. economic system known as capitalism has generated more wealth than any other system in history in many ways it has defined maternity itself hundreds of millions have been lifted out of poverty however capitalism has also witnessed growing income inequality bust the appeal of socialism currently on the rise can complement.
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go to work so you straight home. 4 of america's largest banks have been sued in federal court over their mishandling of loans under the government's paycheck protection program artie's rizzi the santos joins me now to talk about this regime to which banks are being sued and one of the allegations that are being made against them. the banks that are being sued are wells fargo j.p. morgan chase the u.s. bank and bank of america they're being sued by
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a group of small business owners for allegedly approving paycheck protection program loans for wealthier clients before processing those forgivable stimulus loan applications for less lucrative business is now the small business administration which is administer ng this program requires banks to process applications on a 1st come 1st serve basis but the true small business owners say that they didn't get that chance and they weren't given a fair chance to apply and by the time that their applications actually got through the money had already run out because it was already allocated to those bigger customers some banks also even reportedly denied applications from borrowers who had never worked with those banks before. you know when i see the names will. you think of america you know there's something hinky going on i mean it's almost been doing this for so many years and i've seen the same thing play out. with the same banks in so there's no surprise here but what it is obviously is it has to do with
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collecting higher fees doesn't it banks collect higher fees for larger loans in because of that they're the ones that get all the attention is that going to what's happening it's all for profit ignoring the end to this legislation totally. that's exactly what they've got to try to make a profit these banks it's not a secret that each borrower pays it processing fees based on the amount of their loan and banks obviously earn more money by giving out those larger loans reports from the small business administration revealed that applications were approved 3 days earlier for bar were seeking over $150000.00 in loans which does back up the plaintiffs argument that smaller businesses were initially ignored the plaintiffs are now seeking class action status with the lawsuits and they're likely going to achieve that because so many people were left high and dry. you know was so bothersome about this regime is both democrats and republicans knew this was going
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to happen there's no question they knew this was going to happen it's not a fact there's an indication they anticipate it was going to happen they could have done something to put a priority payment on it they knew the people making these loans were going to gallop as much money as they possibly could they knew it was all they had do is look at the history of wells fargo look at the history of j.p. look at the history of the bank of america they of america they knew what score all had its own president trump and congress is have agreed on a new funding package to provide even more money to small businesses but with banks playing favorites don't you think we've seen enough and it's time for them to legislate and say no more and actually do what the intent of this type of money giveaway should be for what is your take on that. yeah of course and unfortunately i don't think anything's going to change with this new round because at the end of the day while the s.b.a. outlined those 1st come 1st serve policy is for the forgivable loans it also gave
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banks a pretty long leash in determining which loans to approve you know many wealthy businesses and people have good personal relationships with their financial institutions they're tied into frontiers based on how much money they actually have in the bank like gold silver platinum so once they get to those higher tears they absolutely expect that concierge treatment at all times especially during a pandemic and the entire stimulus process highlights and magnifies just how bad economic inequality is in america the government has millions of dollars in cares act funding to wealthy publicly traded businesses and even private institutions that don't need the money like harvard or leaving so many people who truly need that money out in the cold and as he said this was done by design you know some of the wording in the bill actually says a small business is defined as a company that has $500.00 or fewer employees per location so if you have a big corporation that has a different locations that's one loophole and that's how
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a lot of these businesses are getting around that and all the democrats had to do if they really wanted to push back against the republicans was to change that verbiage but of course they're hand in hand here. yeah it's the same talk we hear coming out of schumer palosi that we're we're we're there for you we know what the democrat what the republicans do it's predictable we kind of know what they're going to do but you know we kind of want to have to hold out hope sometime for the democrats in this is just another example of the futility of that thank you for joining me ok. any time mike businesses that are suffering from the statewide stay at home orders are quickly learning that their insurance policies aren't covering the economic slowdown even though they were supposed to join me to talk about this is scott hardy the president of class top class actions scott you know you have your pulse on exactly what's going on around the country the 1st time we started getting calls at our law firm where you'd have
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a business and tire change business you know large chains calling us and saying we have this business policy and they're telling us there's no coverage and then we look at the policy and this clearly covers clearly coverage tell us what business interruption insurance is in what's happening with this right now during the shutdown. sure so business continuity insurance business interruption insurance is to cover these businesses if they're shut down due to a natural disaster like a hurricane a fire or a pandemic and so when these businesses are shut down this insurance is supposed to cover their payroll it's supposed to actually cover their income even pay for their loans pay for their rent so from the time that they're shut down to the time that they open back up they have money to cover their business and pay everybody so that way you know they don't go bankrupt. yeah ok so here's the here's what we're saying
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already and tell me if this is consistent with what you're seeing out there we'll look at a policy in the policy will say it will be ill it will be all covered spot. there will be no question they're not even making exceptions they're saying this is an all risk policy but then they're telling them they're telling the folks that make the man who have been paying outrageous amounts for the insurance companies for decades they're telling all no no we did it we didn't mean that it was not what it means you're going to have to fight it out we see that and then we see policies where they say that well there is a clause here that says that we're going to it's glued loss for bacteria we see that a lot but they don't put in their bacteria and virus viruses the pathogen it's very different the pathogen you should have coverage for and so there they have these talking points that they're telling everybody to discourage him from making these these types of claims are you saying that same thing. yes we are just like you
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we've received thousands of submissions from business owners around the country that are suffering the exact same problem where they have been paying for this insurance a friend of mine called me on the day he was shut down and said scott hey i've been paying for this insurance for years i finally say great it's finally i'm going to use it he calls his insurance agent says hey buddy we put friends for years when pena i need this to pay out of his insurance needs and said oh sorry submit your claim but we're just everything. and so as you said when you look at these insurance. go ahead go ahead i'm sorry go ahead. so when you look at his insurance policies just like you said it's it's very cut and dry from it's it my business is shut down due to something beyond my control like a magical disaster i should be covered for my expenses be able to pay my payroll
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and still have that income come in so once things are not shut down things open back up i can get paid but insurance company. after the sars outbreak of h one n one tried to add some clauses in there so they wouldn't have to pay which is what you're talking about there right. yeah exactly so what we're saying is always make the assumption for even if it you got a different issue here if you're watching this program and you have coverage that they're denying understand there's a couple of issues that you need to be aware of one of it one of them is that the civil authority issue where the civil war the government has said you must shut down because of public health crisis that should be something that you consider when you make your claim that should work and should work to your advantage the 2nd thing is is as this is this litigation develops you're going to find that there's going to be interpretations of these policies that are going to be widely varied
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you can have some courts that are going to always rule for the insurance companies that are going to say look you know if i look at this if i look at this we just have to find if we weigh everything we certainly should weigh in favor of the businesses paying all this money for coverage what are you telling what are the attorneys that are you that you're working with what are they telling people right now scott about how to proceed. they're saying submit those claims get those letters send those denial letter send your claim policies into the attorneys they need to review those because just like you said there will be a lot of different ways that they're attacking this you know the insurance companies are sitting there and saying hey we can't afford to pay out all these claims but in 2018 they took $1.00 trillion dollars in payments and after paying all their operating expenses paying out all the claims these insurance companies still cleared a $60000000000.00 profit in 2018 so how can they not have money to pay these small
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business owners that are trying to get 50000 bucks county $5000.00 they owe them you know we've got it right we have to go but i'll tell you this. we saw the same thing with hurricane last we saw the same thing with b.p. last here on the on the gulf coast it's the same game they play all the time don't give up if you have a policy do not give up hire an attorney who knows what they're talking about who will jump in and fight for you thanks for thanks for joining me scott ok. thank you for your appreciate it father and i had some good news a federal court last week ruled that the environmental protection agency can't continue to ignore toxins been released from paper and pulp mills when they said the mission rules the e.p.a. is required to review emissions from corporations every 8 years and then to use those set to set limits on what's acceptable and what's not but ever since that rule was established in 2001 the e.p.a.
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has never factored in the missions from these pull mills these poll mills are dangerous they put out dangerous amounts of toxic chemicals like dioxin and mercury right into the nearby environment and for nearly 20 years the federal government's been pretending that these emissions don't exist at all. but thanks to last week's ruling these dangerous toxins must be counted long term exposure to mercury has been linked to a normal brain functions and structural changes to the brain that can lead to permanent disastrous alterations and personality exposure to dioxin even in low amounts can severely disrupt the into cry and system alter hormones and destroy a person's reproductive system and these are just a few of the many adverse to effect that these chemicals have on the body last week's ruling might be a couple of decades too late but it could prevent severe health problems in the future maybe that's good news maybe that's the best we can expect these days that's
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all for tonight find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's a lawyer you can watch all our t. american programs on direct t.v. channel 3 to one and also streaming live on you tube be sure to check out our city's new portable app where you can watch all your shows anything you want to watch on that might happen tony and this is america's lawyer where every week we give you the stories that corporate media is ordered not to tell because of their political connections like you heard tonight because their advertisers won't let them have a great night. geysers
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financial survival guide liquid said those that you can convert into this quite easily. keep in mind though as it's been to places. where. live from the world headquarters of our team america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez and i load everybody i'm rick sanchez to all be watching us from all over the world whether you're watching on regular t.v. well on your provider or on the app portable t.v. we're so glad that you're here with us within the past 24 hours the united states military has begun what can only be described as a major move with the transfer of its f. 35 joint strike force team 54 jets and more than 1000.
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