tv Watching the Hawks RT April 30, 2020 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT
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that was simon he was on the grounds of the rovers. didn't. push myself to do this for me in the 58 go to. go. this is like a horse race it's like the marathon there are $200.00. countries we're doing there are just events in this marathon and the question we should take any place now to save lives and companies because it's a matter of saving both. greetings
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and sal you take. on a previous episode of watching the hawks we cover how the united states was running a wild west style smash and grab when it came to securing valuable medical supplies during this pandemic germany brazil and other countries around the world were claiming that the united states government was either swooping in and out bidding them after sales were already finalized or the us was just playing down right stealing or as we like to call it here confiscating everything from face masks to ventilators as the item sat on the tarmac in china waiting to be shipped off to the country that rightfully purchased them well appears that there's no holds barred loop grab perpetrated by the united states bedroom government as of correspondents way back home yes multiple state officials and local health groups from
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massachusetts to illinois to texas have been sounding the alarm the various federal agencies have been scooping up shipments of personal protective equipment and other valuable medical supplies for quite some time now according to a letter published in the new england journal of medicine by a medical doctor andrew artin steen with the bay state health of massachusetts 1st up. spending valuable time just trying to convince the f.b.i. not to confiscate his shipment of k n 95 respirators and facemasks he was then soon shocked to learn that the department of homeland security was still considering redirecting his pee pee only some some quick calls leading to intervention by our congressional representative prevented its seizure others my friends have not been so lucky remember back in march massachusetts governor charlie baker revealed that a shipment of 3000000 masks were seized by dorothy's and then later the beginning of april in new jersey freeholder director chanel robinson announced that
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a shipment of 35000 masts had been scooped up also by federal officials. these actions by the fed seem to fly in the face of the great brand name us president battle drums continued orders from up on high for states to be responsible for securing their own medical supplies and not reliant on the federal government. was how can you do that donald when the federal government keeps out bathing or outright stealing from them with no real explanations as to why so it was a good time to start watching the hawks before you know the feds come confiscate all of us. if you want to go on a cd you st. leger so let's see this is joyce state. rice grace suggests least systemic deception is to late show which. some don't.
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welcome everyone to watching the hawks i am sorry robot inter-island so major they are just snatch and grab and go across the country now the last 2 months or so have salie 8060 really crazy but when you see it in action it's a whole different level governors are trying to protect their their p.p. equipment trying to make sure that they have what they need especially those in blue states because a president trump has announced that he's really not trying to help them and and i think that you know what we're seeing happen in real time is something that we haven't seen in this country before especially not in pain to make times and then maybe even in my home state of illinois we've seen j.v. pritzker actually announced that he was not going to share any information it was something that was leaked but he definitely wanted to make sure the illinois residents were protected and he knew that he couldn't count on the federal government so he actually got supplies from china and thinker and they were secretly flown into the state to make sure that the top administration wouldn't
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compensate them that's incredible would you have governors like secretly flying in supplies just to keep. as for from stealing them and then the crazy thing is that the feds haven't given really many good reasons as to why they're doing it they still when confronted it's kind of like well you know all the middle of the state got what it needed to over here after the fact or whatever even confronted at the international level as to why we're suddenly scooping up as we kind of don't really get any solid answers at least i haven't seen any of the research i was doing today in the trying to find a good answer from the feds no way were absolutely not getting those answers and we want the other problem is that the federal government has pushed back in many times that the request that the states are having super member of the ventilator requests that came from new york all of a sudden we hear no they don't need those ventilators they don't need this p.p. equipment somebody somehow is at these hospitals p.p. equipment so they want to deny those requests so what does that leave states to do other than to try and find this stuff on their own and the problem is the states don't get the luxury of the federal government they can't create money to buy
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things they can't just go to the fed and print to subsume more money you know the states can't do that they can't deficit spend it's a lot of times in their very state state constitutions that they can't do that so they're dependent so when they're being outbid or having to outbid the feds or other countries or whoever that's all coming out of that state budget that they can't get back you know and that's what's really bad colorado was in the process of buying ventilators when fema swooped in with them and just took them away governor jared polis declared either be in or out either let us know what we're going to get and when we're going to get them or stay out and let us buy them you can't play both sides and that's exactly what trump and the federal government congress and all them are doing right now because no one has put a stop to it and the governors have spoken about this and they've sounded you know loudly that they are not in a position to compete with the federal government in the open market for the reasons that you just stated you know and journalist david wall as well as actually wrote in new york magazine he really kind of sum this up i think really good in
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that article he said we don't know where these supplies are going we don't know on what grounds they are being seized or threatened with seizure in the absence. of an explanation it's hard to come to any conclusion other than that this is simply a mafia government exerting control for the sake of control and that is a scary thought in a time of crisis that that's how far this country is falling and that we have no real recourse what happens when the government is actually the federal government is actually putting the states in a very tough spot because they're not supplying this material to them at all they're ignoring the requests they're ignoring the requests for funding as well and the states have to go on their own but now you know the federal government is jumping in and stealing things from them as well as some other countries you know what for those of liberty and the like you know for those of the liberty of those who lean on the right and go republican this is something that you should be up in arms over this is something that you should be screaming at donald trump and congress in the middle saying why are you doing this the fed should not be coming in and doing this whatsoever i'm a states' rights person you know where all those people sounding off against this
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i'm out here and get out there let them know where this is not good they choose their protests this some they chose the wrong one this is per true. while kobe 1000 tests remain in short supply and funding for virus treatment is dismal at best president trump and conservative activists across the country want to open america a.s.a.p. and who better to kill to carry the message and tow the line than trump's favorite crony attorney general bill barr falling under the weight of his ill informed commander in chief and crazed conservative activist barr is now threatening legal action against state governors the attorney general of the united states is willing and ready to encourage enjoying lawsuits brought on by upset citizens over the business restrictions put in place to save their lives meanwhile the top administration refuses to accept its all culpability in ignoring coronavirus alerts from the world health organization china doctors and scientists leaving america behind in preparedness and relief but rest assured trump found someone to blame
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china and the president's minions in conservative states followed his lead missouri attorney general eric schmidt filed a lawsuit against the chinese government tuesday accusing them of lying and covering up the coronavirus we might be in for the longest election cycle ever as the blame game for corona virus and economic fallout its cause rages on joining us now is our team america correspondent. thanks for having me guys always love coming on always a pleasure. so what is this lawsuit and why now so it's interesting so as you mentioned. her attorney general eric schmidt he is leading this case after talking with economists at the university of missouri where the state is actually looking to get upwards of $44000000000.00 now missouri is the 1st state to file against china and to seek damages in this way and it could be the 1st of the many states doing this now according to the lawsuit it reads quote during
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the critical weeks of the initial outbreak chinese authorities deceive the public suppressed crucial information arrested whistleblowers tonight human to human transmission destroyed medical research had millions exposed to the virus and hoarded protective equipment causing a global pandemic that was preventable now today the chinese government called missouri's lawsuit absolutely absurd saying that it's purely malicious violates basic legal principles and that the chinese government has sovereign immunity because you can't sue an entire country now this lawsuit will face a number of a whole battles because of that but the missouri a.g. says that he's already one step ahead of this arguing that the chinese communist party is a non-state actor and that it is what gives him the legal argument that they can sue china because the amount of states and loves its frivolous lawsuits. was a steve 1st of many lawsuits coming down the pike great question tyrrell and you know what actually it was announced this afternoon that at the time of this broadcast the mississippi will actually be also filing
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a lawsuit their state's attorney general saying that they too have suffered because of this outbreak but now you also have both missouri and mississippi say geez they're calling on their states congressional delegations to back a new bill put out by republicans tom cotton and dan crenshaw that would amend the foreign sovereign immunity as act to create this narrow exception and to allow people to actually sue china people suing china now this bill is modeled after the justice to get sponsors of terrorism act which allow. americans to file civil claims against a foreign state for any injuries or death and that was passed 4 years ago with 97 of the 100 senators saying yes to it. that's a lot of attorney attorney generals and lawsuits you now have bill barr saying d.o.j. is looking into suing state governors right and this is actually interesting because this is all over the clashes between president donald trump as you mentioned trying to open up the states and the state governors saying no and how kind of to respond to the whole coronavirus most of it you know with most if not all states are on
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lockdown and both trump and barr say that businesses they need to have more freedom to operate and trump says that some governors have gone just way too far actually even accusing governors of keeping their people on quote house arrest now we have the cd see who is as far as we that's who we look to as far as you know seeing this research and one that's going to peak as far as this outbreak but there's a new surprising coming out that it's a for a form of national defense scientists at the los alamos lab in new mexico now these scientists they consistently beat the c.d.c. when it comes to forecasting infectious diseases in particular like the bird flu ebola unfortunately these scientists go all the way down to the hour of when a virus is at its peak for new york state alone the forecast says that there is only a 60 percent chance that infectious infections have peaked and they also forecast that major populated states could be on this quote house arrest all the way until the end of 2020 they're even forecasting you know schools are going to open this
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fall so it will be interesting we're in for the overall you know it's interesting to look at the chinese lawsuit there just to touch the really quick but i am fine if we were going to have the ability to sue other countries than the united states we can we we have to but allow other countries to sue us for our actions while we can and you know we can't have it both ways we can't be good oh ok you know but if the iraqis bring a lawsuit against us for all we do. in the iraq war no no no no no no we're not going to consent to that. you know it's absolutely ridiculous but man alive really more lawsuits that's what's going to solve this problem and you know what's interesting is that you know china has come out saying that there is absolutely no way with these allegations the w.h.o. you know they could actually take china to the international court of justice but here's the cabbie out here people you have to consent to go to court who's going to want to consent to go to court you know you've got a traffic ticket and they say get it to court me show you can be like really have
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to go that's kind of the old think it's also them to is it's like i'm tired of the scapegoating you can't hold china accountable for our employers structure failure you can't hold china accountable that are you know health care industry was a mess that our economy was a mess that all of these things were a mess that then led us to the state that we're in today you can't hold them accountable our initial really slow response to that was of the intelligence community and many other people had said even the americans working at the show said even all the way back in november that they were telling us. and congress that hey this thing could be coming down the pike might want to prepare for it and speaking of coming down the pipe you know not just these states and possibly the idea of you know american citizens suing china you also have germany now that is wanting to file suit against china for all their wrongdoing and they're asking for $162000000000.00 and it's kind of one of these things again china has to consent so it's going to be dead on arrival most likely yes you know it's going to be hard to
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bring a lawsuit don't want to thank you as always for coming up on is it always a pleasure all right as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on demand through the brand new portable t.v. which is available of smartphones through google play and the apple app store by simply searching portable t.v. or you can stream us to your t.v. by downloading the portable t.v.'s apple t.v. and the portable. the yes this app will be available for devices coming soon and. coming up here on watching the hawks it appears that there was always time to rattle a few sabers for war and former cia agent whistle blower john kiriakou joins us next to discuss what could be the next big u.s. war during the pandemics watching the. weekly.
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used to do most of their slogan move it before sneakers or a supreme being who legal bird. migration of go where you just load you the shit out explode out just like it was going to get it. you're definitely walking into a word all in a we no longer know what we're working until. march if you wish it was a nice new break she hit back. not. you lisa he is a nurse. who shows possible sensible stuff. we
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go to work so you straight home full. time after time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay in her manner in more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless. dissolute the. kakadu to congress models and got to do something companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is a canal this must be going to an even and i'm a new mother steep mountains isamu and news limited window nieminen i'm stymied seemed to be based on that understood look to the one in the.
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you want me to produce your war that immortal line delivered by dustin hoffman in the acclaimed film wag the dog still rings just as true today as it did back in the late 1990 s. when the film was originally released why does it ring true because the culture and public relations around us motivated warfare today in the air of donald trump and nancy pelosi is the same as it was in the era bill clinton and newt gingrich it's a pageant with heroes theme songs and massive amounts of audience manipulation all for the purpose of distraction number one to distract us from the business and
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reality of why we go to war but also to distract us from problems here at home and the tomb of wag the dog is still being played at various levels to this day even this very week when u.s. president donald trump yes the brand name in chief tweeted out on wednesday morning i have instructed the united states navy to shoot down and destroy any and all rainy and gun boats if they harass our ships at sea and so donald trump like past presidents before him when confronted with major epic problems at home does what every good u.s. president has done for the past 50 years aimed to start a war abroad joining us today to discuss this latest way the dogs of war and u.s. foreign policy is author and radio show host a former cia officer and whistleblower john kiriakou thank you for coming on john. happy to do it tyrone thanks for having me so jon we are facing a some area in the persian gulf war against iran is a real possibility taking taking place during this pandemic or is this kind of the
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way of the dog scenario of just trying to bang the drums award of the strike from the crisis of the whole. i think the latter probably and what it reminds me of is the bill clinton administration when bill clinton ordered the bombing of the shift a pharmaceutical plant in sudan ostensibly as retribution against al qaeda for an attack but it just so happened to come on exactly the same day that the monica lewinsky story broke this is what this is what presidents do wag the dog was was a true to life film president seek to produce their wars and and plan them for the most convenient time i hate to say it but you know we need to watch very closely what our government does in the persian gulf versus iran in venezuela in cuba and elsewhere because i think they really really wanted to strike us. and
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john does this potential ex escalation with iran fall on the actions of the iranian government or the actions of the us government and president trump who's causing the escalation at this point. or i think the trump administration is causing the escalation for a couple of reasons 1st. we've been in the persian gulf militarily for a very long time and we've had multiple ships in the gulf for decades you know the iranians and swift boats to harass our ships to take photographs things like that it's happens all the time so why is this episode different why does this episode necessitate the president of the united states threatening to start blowing things up unless it's to distract the. american people from a bigger problem so you know i think this is largely occur for full of american making it's unnecessary. you know we're it's interesting too because at the same time as
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we're just talking about the previous segment we're also seeing this incredible pivot from not only president donald trump but democratic presidential nominee joe biden to kind of cast all of the blame for the issues of the viruses caused in the u.s. on china i hate to say it but is this also more about kind of wags the dog style tactics of distraction you know don't blame us for your failed health care economy we can blame china i hope by and the means for you to hey just don't look internally. yeah and to shows you the weakness of the democratic party's presidential nominee or would be presidential nominee this is all he can come up with is just to point the finger at china the cold war is not over if it's not russia gate and then russia gate narrative falls apart now it's going to be china you know when when joe biden finally comes out from under his rock once or twice a week to say something to the to the media because the guy's almost impossible to find in the media what he chooses to say is about china you don't have anything
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else to say about p p e or about vaccine development or about increasing financing for the c.d.c. or for the national institutes of health you want to talk about china and blaming china like he's never heard of the seasonal flu before this just seems to be really bad politics to me. there's no question that joe biden is going about because the election cycle the wrong way but john as a former analyst and case officer for the cia do you think congress and the administration excuse that they didn't see this coming old water in your experience of what kinds of intelligence they're regularly briefed on oh no no this doesn't hold any water whatsoever the cia is on china like white on right. and it has been since the 1960 s. we're earlier just like the chinese are all over the united states buying on us we're completely in each other's business we've always been in each other's
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business and pandemics are in intelligence issue frankly you know if this is going to bring the entire country to a halt if this is going to practically bankrupt our government this is an intelligence issue and when we hear reports in the washington post in the new york times the intelligence community warned the white house and warned the congressional oversight committees as early as december we have to take that seriously i know in my own experience at the cia and i was there almost 15 years that's exactly what the cia did they did warn the white house they did warn the congressional oversight committees when things like this would happen when i was still there it was some hours i mean the cia was all over sars reporting every minute development to the appropriate policy makers i can only assume that they were doing the same thing in this pandemic so this is truly a failure of u.s. policy because to best prepare this country i mean that's really ultimately where
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the blame should lies and. i think that's right tyrrell i think that you know every administration has policy failures but this is one for the history books i think we've really blown this in a big way. it is truly staggering when you really look at it where do you see this going john with your expertise as a former analyst you looked at the world you looked at how countries are reacting where do you see this pandemic going in terms of the political ledger and how the world will kind of stay together if that's possible at this point. well you know that would be an easy question to answer if donald trump were rational actor and let's face it he's not any other president would be trying to reassure the country would be diverting money and attention to vaccine development would have all of the the greatest minds in the country standing next to him and he would be he would be talking to the american people from the heart and he would be convincing us telling
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us that they're doing literally everything to protect our health to protect our safety and to try to defeat this thing and that's not really what he's doing sure he's got anthony up there next to him but appointing his daughter and son in law to a committee to reopen the economy prematurely i might add and then tweeting few days ago or on friday and saturday to liberate michigan liberate minnesota liberate virginia and then encouraging these right wing demonstrations and marches on state houses that include flying the the defeated rebel flag in some cases the nazi flag well that's not being a rational actor that's not instilling confidence in your government a true in so if it truly. truly isn't john that's 40000 lives and climbing i want to thank you so much always for coming on john always
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a pleasure so my pleasure thank you thank you. pretty incredible when you hear john break it down like that at the end of the day you know when you hear you know someone who was in that business literally say like elvis was a total failure on every front absolutely i can't think of a more credible person to offer up that type of analysis no because john john is known as a whistle blower he's always going to step forward and tell you the truth as he sees it me i mean that it's sobering when you hear it now people are paying attention all right everybody that is our show for you today remember in this world we are not told that we love them up so i tell you all i love you i'm tyrone but interest and i'm in the circus keep on watching all those hawks out there thank you for watching us have a great pay and i forgot it. was
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the u.s. economy was booming. growing numbers of people when they need us. you can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is we're not financially equality and i'm not comfortable housing or living minimum wage give many people no choice you know that's been a problem with the city knows turn around and told me stay away i don't hold his. hands against the requires resources the most vulnerable and abandoned on the streets to become the invisible cops.
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i. this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss i'm french born in washington. following dismal numbers for u.s. economic growth europe has followed suit taking a major hit as the overnight outbreak continues to weigh heavy plus as we discuss the impact of the pandemic on different sectors how are sports fairing we do a deep dive on the subject we have a packed show today so let's dive right in.
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