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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  April 30, 2020 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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the era not the eatery then i will go into how big businesses are taking small business support good news for people who like breathing and how the virus is remaking the college process college education process but 1st let's go to that interview between camp and. the super shot thank you so much really there. i'm a big fan of your writing you wrote an excellent article recently in which you said during a pandemic the private sector austerity model has fallen apart we've seen such a tremendous collapse of the capitalist state institutions that are supposed to help people during a crisis the guidelines for what to do have been all over the place the medical gear is not available the hospitals are overwhelmed that the tests still aren't widely available in the u.s. can you talk about why it is that our institutions have failed us so it thoroughly . you see you. really. should buy the
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budget or government how do you know what is gallus legal austerity should actually be called auditors or the united states government since the financial crisis of 2008 has deeply cut into these areas the area of education and social. which is why on the one side there was no preparation for the emergency on the other side you know you have a relatively hallucination driven political class just not science you know they don't actually have an understanding of reality it seems to me so right. that the world health organization they've led a group endemic donald trump and alex is expected 3. try to convince the public that this is not a big deal this was right up to my to lead and so when you have a hallucination driven political last certainly not going to mobilize whatever it
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is sauce with the book and because of austerity there are very few indeed you would try to mobilize these resources of course they didn't they did nothing this ad only hands and now they're back. yeah it's a great way to describe it a whole use a nation driven class that that that political class that the ruling wealthy class you've said they are their world order is kind of crumbling the neo liberal world order is crumbling under corona shock can you explain. yes you know i mean it's 2 different things on the one side i think people the general public have come to understand that this austerity model has left populations otherly unprepared to deal with. endemic and there will be more up and it's a little bit more emergencies and if you're not a bit slow it's certainly not going to be for the next one unless you change things
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whether that link to this is you know the language of essential workers and the idea that medical workers nurses doctors that janet do ambulance drivers except. it's actually news to this because there's been at least 2 of the union busting against nurses against evelyn strivers and so on so i think there's a general understanding in the lack of resources lack of respect basic respect of these workers and when things are no longer an emergency will be remembered that i think that's a very important i believe that the memory of being in a crisis and seeing these essential workers must outlive the crisis itself linked to this of course is move seemed the biggest general strike global general strike which should now reveal to people that it's a liver that creates wear and not a bridge nurse and once you remove leave work in the billions from the economy
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everything collapses it's labor that creates well this is a valid issue marx's major work in the 19th century you have spent you spent time in many countries you also study many countries and written about them how is how is india dealt with this pandemic has it been different in different areas of the country. india is the mirror of its i mean the indian government has this sort of new nish all as the words you know these kind of events and it has been. you mean it spent hundreds of millions of workers migrant workers on the road some of them i mean to walk almost a 1000 miles it's ridiculous that mean but it had to be pockets where you see a completely different act in the indian state of get a little resistance in the southwest it's ruled by ionas lived there the government science based approach it was a lot of public action the state more or less resources exerted were moving under
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the tricon only institute for social research which you're the director of you put out a platform of 16 steps to confront this crisis i wanted to just talk about a few of them that you are said the the state must assume the cost of the wages during the korean team the immediate socialization or nationalization of hospitals and medical centers so that they're now worrying about profits and the immediate international cooperation amongst them to find a vaccine an easier testing and then the abolishment of intellectual property in the medical field can you talk especially about that one because that is something we hear nothing about on our corporate media airwaves. you see when a crisis in woods is governments come in with trillions of dollars of big money to bail out the private sector if you're building out of the private sector you're sensually king it could be in the private sector why not just you know why would you build it out and then we drove basically in that piece of the medical field and
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you know pharmaceuticals of presidents and you see pharmaceutical companies drugs where there is dissipated profit in other words for. that rich more than that this is just a limited capitalism that's what a promise or a little governments do they all stoop would go back to on their drugs and therefore the price of the drugs a very high i wonder if you look at this carefully but most of the research for raw . heather battle is done with money in the united states the national suitable government gives you know of finance university if their primary research which results eventually in a drug back to did by a private company or private company doesn't dilute any benefit to the government for the kind of money that it used in developing that drug because of that
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essentially this happens or intellectual property rights x. private companies it doesn't predict people we need to ask what critics people that should be the primary focus for humanity is what's best for people who know what's best for profit yeah that's a great point that we're it's our tax dollars that fund the research and then they exploit it and. won't allow people to get access to it without spending our own money to get to have to buy back the vaccine or the medicine we've created the platform also includes the suspension of the dollar as an international currency why is that important right now. we've seen what happens again in a crisis and you know crises ready because they've demonstrated what's normal in a room all of this crisis began and it looked like they had you know generally. a lot of rich people around the planet played really nice and came to the us brought
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forward all those abandoning of. this creates a big problem around the world do you what's happened is because the united states dollar by and large is used to settle. outside the united states the u.s. government essentially ruined as much money as it wants without having to bear the cost of leases you know essentially exporting inflation at their best and this is ited states government it's not good for the rest of the planet and you know we have a sort of international currency or the standard drawing rights we just use by the international monetary fund but since the i.m.f. international monetary fund is essentially controlled by the u.s. treasury department the i.m.f. cannot make the s.d.r. distended growing rights an international currency in fact they've just rejected an application by the government or in his will to have access to it all understand it
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or grow rights or just sitting in washington d.c. so their own money they're not able to access this means we don't have the ability to have i don't see outside the dollar the dollar that having the dollars and us are suitable for the american government it's to go to wall street but it's not so good if you live in calcutta yeah but i'm glad you mentioned venezuela one of the other planks on the platform is to end the economic sanctions economic war on various countries and the u.s. is doing exactly the obvious and where we're amping i'm up we recently announced like a $15000000.00 i think bounty on president maduro has had to which is basically unheard of for a country or. ostensibly not at war with can you talk about venezuela and why the u.s. is so eager to attack it well you know just when the bennett was developing the un security or the un secretary-general and only we did it has made a very important point he quoted her global ceasefire he said no law was let's
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focus on dealing with this global pandemic well the united states has been at war with and it will it's not a conventional shooting war but it's what we call a hybrid war it's an inflammation or it's an economic or diplomatic well it's sort of what is in store and why it is going to have to venezuela is an important it's not a recent issue this is goes back to the election which i was in 1990 and the opening of a cycle of governments across latin america that for essentially for their resources to be used for their own you know right of the child is going to elected the head of addicts who are which is one of the worst lightest mining companies in canada the head of this company mr that's rude all inch i was addicted to why this show is if he did it because he was going to prevent bad of gold or treating venezuela like
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it's all property he wanted to and it's really people who see him and his will as their sovereign property imagine that you kind of live in your own post the slightest batting order is concerned if you live in your old house during it yeah there's nothing more horrible to the corporate titans than the idea that a country might own its own resources and give the profits to their people. you know the thing and things are very grim right now for a lot of people grim for workers grim for the environment grim for those of us who want peace where do you see hope in your in your work here you're studying so many of these issues and seeing this crisis unfold where do you see hope. well you know there was a very lebanese marxist by the name of the animal who was assassinated in 1970 in one of his writings you know he lived in beirut lebanon or one of his writings but the devil wrote as long as you are resisting you have not been defeated and i
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actually think that's almost a talisman real resisting their call we have not been defeated therefore history isn't who you know it would like to be an extremist the things you say are crazy or whatever but that has no bearing on me what suffering is such that our resistance is essentially in fact moral and the very fact that we're assisting means we're not being defeated it means you know we're all for the future we want to create the future and this cynicism is of no consequence to us it doesn't bother me or i agree and thank you so much i know you're always writing i think you have something like 30 bucks really you should work a little harder out there where working people keep up with your writing whether they should go to the trade going to mental or also very much book lead when my next book comes out it's called washington blitz with a preface by evo morales oh yes it will come out of the lockdown ends and i'd like
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to come back and talk with you or washington bullets that sounds great thank you so much thanks arrests we have to go to a short break but if you're stuck at home looking for something to do check out my podcast alien or versity and check out the free r.t. america app at portable that t.v. slash down line we'll be right back.
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we go to work so you straight home. you've heard me often speak of the black hole of debt that is where all the debt in the universe ends up after a blames a central bank balance sheet and it's a cosmic force pulling the g.d.p. of the world down our at the white goal of debt as i am fellow straining with this white piece of cardboard the white hole of dead is on the other side of the black hole of debt and in an era of negative interest rates and negative oil prices we have to colorize our concept to death toll from black to white makes sense and of course not. to do most of the fools who pursue a supreme being we were who we could prove. shit
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out. going to get it. cleared definitely walking into the word gone and we no longer know what we're walking into i can't see march you know what she needs to break she met up with that. not. you lisa he is a nerd. who shakes possible sensible so. you shouldn't. yes let's see yes. i was on the floor some things in my basket and you know trying praying. this time for us to die were i was having children fever i didn't have any sense of
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so you. know she. would you. recently she you know sometimes you just you. know. didn't. push myself but it is for me in the face i'm going to. go. welcome back i mean we care about me the government set aside almost $600000000000.00 to help ailing small businesses but large and some troubled
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companies got bailout money in the small business loan program 10000000 dollars of small business money went to shake shack. shake shag you know that old neighborhood haunt created mr shape and his wife miss shack i just love their original take on frozen crinkle cut fries the l.a. lakers one of the richest franchises in the n.b.a. receive 4 point $6000000.00 of small business funds yet such a small business sometimes le bron james has to clean the stadium he's just so good at getting those hard to reach places treasury secretary stephen newton the leader of the program and robot annoyed by human existence responded to the confusion over who and what qualifies as a small business certain people on the p.p.p. may have not been clear in understanding the certification so we will give people the benefit of the doubt we're going to put enough a q. out to explain the certification finally and f.a.q.
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what are the questions like number one do you want to identify as a small business do you say like shake shack have about $6000.00 employees are a publicly traded franchise and with a $15000000.00 net profit and pay your c.e.o. $3800000.00 a year then no you're not a small business you might have low self-esteem but if you're a big business you really are and believe in yourself after some serious backlash the l.a. lakers and shake shack pledge to return the money to the government so to 14 other publicly traded companies of which some have c.e.o. pay higher than their multi-million dollar relief packages now what's in the government's plan for all that money that went into the wrong hands while. they're going to ask we're. so so mr secretary are you going to request of those other countries obviously she was not alone in being
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a big company that got money in this region. you're going to ask them to return the money yeah yeah we're going to harvard it's going to pay back from what. they should be taking harbor it's going to you have a number of them are going to other things harvard has a $40000000000.00 in down and i feel like they were just taking the money and make sure some businesses go under steve maneuver lay down the law if you pay back the loan right away you won't have liability to the s.b.a. and to treasury but there are severe consequences for people who don't test properly the certification there are severe consequences i don't know what they will be right now but they will be bad. and then he said oh no not this that big companies should apologize for taking small business loans now you go to your summer home in the hamptons with your mistress and you think
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about what you've done on that jet ski. a trump donor and multimillionaire monte bennett who own several hotel companies $1006100000.00 in their paycheck protection program loans and runs he said he given the money back the loans were originally intended for employers to continue to pay their workers when they're shut down that's why it was called the paycheck protection program and companies wouldn't have to pay the loans back of 75 percent of the loans were spent on employee payroll but monday isn't paying its staff partly because of the distribution of loans have been outsourced to big banks who collect fees for each loan they make but don't have to monitor whether the recipients use the money appropriately on monday when the fed injected another $300000000000.00 into the fund computers crashed but it's likely that money will go just as quickly but our nation's mechanical father stephen nugent admires the speed with which this program was
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carried out we launched a brand new program and incredibly short period of time and the fact that we ran out of money just goes to show the success of this among the applicants for loans from the small business administration stimulus is freedom works a conservative operation that advocates small government and made its name opposing bailouts. see they hate free money except when it's for them when it's for you that's dirty socialism now a story for people who like to breathe after many realize that high air pollution increase coben 1000 death rates european cities would like to get rid of some cars even if they are fiat's milan is to introduce one of europe's most ambitious schemes re allocating streets based from cars to cycling and walking in response to the crisis the city will turn 22 miles of road over to cyclists and pedestrians what is italian culture going to be like with scooters and i got. the
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pandemic has forced colleges to a vic their students and put all operations online but the problem is that students are still paying full price to ition some students are now suing their schools including california state universities the lawsuits claimed it was unfair and unlawful for u.c. to keep fees to cover the cost of certain on campus services which are no longer available to students paying exorbitant amounts of tuition for learning ancient greek must have felt like a scam before but now paying thousands of dollars to log on to your colleges version of you tube must feel extra scam me if you want to learn animal husbandry through videos staying home at your parents you want applying to college and now that creepy professor is extra creepy because he's not wearing pants people are starting to worry will anything be the same or will the only businesses that
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survive be the places that can afford to create its own patrons like this baseball club in taiwan that has cardboard cutouts of fans and that's all the insanity i have for you today we now go to redacted correspondent natalie mcgill with some mind blowing old news. unless you know of a peloton by a corps an indoor track in your house you remain find it hard these days to get rigorous exercise without fear of catching the plague that's what might be hard to believe there was once a plague that actually increased your cardiovascular exercise. until your heart gave out it was called the dancing plague also known as dancing mania a phenomenon in europe between the 14th and 17th century and which break outs of spontaneous dancing were spurred by just one person before afflicting thousands of
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europeans one of the 1st recorded occurrences of this literal boogie fever was in germany and 1374 when describing the scene in germany just this hacker author of the 888 book the black death and the dancing many a road they formed circles the band in the band and appearing to have lost all control over their senses and continued dancing regardless of the bystanders for hours together and while delirium until at last they fell to the ground in a state of exhaustion. actually that sounds less like a plague and more like a bachelorette party in new orleans as silly as a dancing plague sounds it was a real health problem and unfortunately in the 17th century treatments were as medically sound as a game of operation played on an active fault line. but this lack of medical know how it was apparent during
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a notable july 1518 outbreak of dancing plague and straw which is now modern day france author and history professor john waller told the b.b.c. that in search of a solution 'd authorities were convinced that the afflicted would only recover if they danced day and night basically it was turned into an episode of soul train except will likely weigh less rhythm or coronation and if you're having trouble picturing this just remember that soul train minus rhythm and coordination equals most dancers on american bandstand. even though the dance mania started with one woman dancing in the middle of strongs bird the number of people who joined her grew so much that by the end of august 1518 about 400 people had experienced the madness not until early september did the epidemic recede after many of their hearts literally stopped beating it works just as important as the strange
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compulsion to dance is the mass hysteria the fuel to give in the dance and played in $1518.00 occurred during the prolonging period of famine and disease while the $1374.00 dancing playing coincided with another and much more infamous plague called the black death which killed up to 200000000 people according to waller it is much more likely for someone to enter a trance such as a never ending dance when your mental and physical health is under attack and here in america we've been known to embrace mass hysteria it's the reason why mccarthyism still exists today and why y2k panic convinced americans the stock up on top go on me because the world could end on january 1st 2000 and it also explains why we currently have thousands of people across the us who feel compelled to yell outside their state capital because they literally want to die for
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a decent man a cure and a night out at red lobster. but before coronavirus came along there was still plenty of widespread hunger and preventable diseases in our developed country to suggest that swamps of america should have been afflicted by the dancing played by and. oh no. oh no it's happening oh god also the library how every why is music playing. on a. reporter from a temporary discotheque. that would kill to redact it's night and that is the show thank you for joining us watch out for a brand new episode of redacted tonight tomorrow night check us out on you tube dot com slash redacted tonight or the portable t.v. also you can check out my podcast fail university a podcast where comedians talk about academic subjects the best they can and no it's not a real university it is
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a scam but perhaps not unlike most universities right now thanks for tuning in good night and keep fighting at home with. as the u.s. economy was booming growing numbers of people when they don't. you can work 40 hours in a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still is the land of opportunity the reality of it is we're not financially equality and the lack of affordable housing or living minimum wage gave many people no choice. that's been a problem with the city knows turn every turn and told me stay away almost. requires resource the most vulnerable are abandoned on the streets to become the
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invisible cops. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development the only place i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. i. i.
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i . law of from the world headquarters of the r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez. and i everybody i'm rick sanchez to all of you who are watching us from all over the world rather you're watching on regular t.v. or on on the app that's becoming so popular portable t.v. we are so glad you are there the friction between the united states and china has just reached another milestone in this one is much more tangible than the accusations that have been going back and forth about who's to blame for the coronavirus let me tell you what's going on for the.


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