tv In Question RT May 4, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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hello there i'm an election and you are watching in question broadcasting from r.t. america's music headquarters here in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world streaming us and online and on are you after a little t.v. so here are tonight's top story the number of coronavirus cases continue to decline in part hit new york but there are no immediate plans to ease restrictions there meantime video of a new york cops hunting for violating social distancing rules is drawing a lot of outrage nationwide protesters took to the streets in major cities with lock down measures due to the pandemic they're rallying cries demanding governors or reopen those states then over to canada now banning assault style weapons
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following the deadliest mass shooting in that country the prime minister not mincing words about that move and often. let's be honest our with the lobel fight against coated 19 today the worldwide pandemic now tops over 3500000 cases with about 249000 reported deaths now about one 3rd of those cases here in the u.s. in the nation there are now over a 1000000 a confirmed cases with about 68000 deaths so let's take a closer look here based on the data from johns hopkins daily confirmed cases are still up here in the u.s. meaning the nation is still battling to flatten that curve while other countries have seemed to decrease their numbers a few cases meantime in hard hit new york governor andrew cuomo. oh says while he's
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aggressively thinking about opening the state it will be a very careful process artist trying to chavis has the story. today the number of coronavirus cases in new york are declining health officials confirming statewide hospitalizations due to the virus are at their lowest levels since the month of march still though governor andrew cuomo being vigilant about reopening america's hardest hit state taking serious precaution when you go to restart the reopening. now knowing what we know it's more nuanced you have to be more careful and again no one has done this before no one has been here before governor cuomo outlining guidelines saying regions must have 14 days of decline in hospitalizations and deaths on a 3 day rolling average with no more than 15 new cases of the virus or 5 deaths during that time each region has to put together the leaders in those respective
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areas. no. system and monitoring system literally on a daily basis the number of new covert hospitalizations and incompletions are down the number of deaths still horrifically high sunday alone saw 226 deaths due to the virus meantime in new york city the epicenter of the outbreak the n.y.p.d. issuing around a 100 summonses to people who violated guidelines to stay 6 feet apart there are some instances where the rules are not being followed that requires foresman but over the weekend a troubling arrest the n.y.p.d. launching an internal investigation after this video surfaced showing the arrest of 3 individuals allegedly violating social distancing orders on saturday oh my god it was. and as the weather warms social distancing is becoming more difficult for many thousands seen in central park in close proximity and in groups few seen wearing
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face coverings while in neighboring new jersey where there are more than 129000 coronavirus cases many residents taking to the beach and filling parks and it is the day that new york is part with 6 other states in the northeast region to purchase a lot of heated p.-p. easy bowl this as new york is mandy ospital tell a stockpile of at least 90 days worth of protective equipment to prepare for a potential 2nd wave of the virus reporting from home in new york tradition others are taking. part of that was just one of many incidents that played out at state capitals nationwide this weekend over coronavirus restrictions now for many americans stay at home orders have become too much of a burden they say they can no longer obey that are disparate project is joining me in studio with more on this affair and there were some cases of. fully armed
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protesters what's happening so now we're talking protests all the way from california through the south the midwest and reaching the east coast the biggest protests happening though in california michigan and illinois and now you can see all the protests that happened across the country there on your screen now heading over to manila's hometown of southern california protesters voice their objections to the closing of all beaches after governor gavin newsome allowed beaches to be open last week but then scolded people for not adhering to social distancing rules once he opened them well then at the state capitol there was also visible police the civil police presence and many of the protesters were not wearing face masks there despite quite a number of protesters in attendance local news reports that there were no arrests made now you also mention the mission michigan governor governor. gretchen whitmer actually said in her press briefing that she was very disappointed
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with these protests what's that mean so at her news conference she said the protesters in lansing they were actually wearing swastikas they were holding confederate flags nooses and automatic rifles and she said that does not reflect who michiganders or take a listen yesterday's scene at the capitol was disturbing to be quite honest we are not out of this crisis and it is important that we do. we do the next right thing and it's going to be driven by the data and it's going to be driven by medical experts not political pull so not political pasturing and not political maneuvers like you saw yesterday at the capitol well what mary went on to say that she did understand people's frustrations and that she was working to open up the state soon but it's not going to be like flipping on a light switch and then how do you know my hometown the same message also being i could buy illinois governor j.d. pritzker who came under fire last week after it was discovered that his white blue to their vacation home down in florida all while implementing
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a state why. locked out in only necessary travel this only added fuel to the fire and chicago i'm following the cold of cases every single day and as you see a broad brush over the entire state and it is wrong small businesses are going under and the manila closer to home here dozens of truckers they park their vehicles outside of the white house here in washington d.c. on saturday and protest of low transportation rates with drivers blaring their horns truckers say that these low rates are putting them out of business in manila these truckers say that they plan to stay parked outside the white house on constitution avenue until monday may 4th we'll see how long they stay all right thank you for that update from front to back. and canada has introduced stricter gun laws after a mass shooting took the lives of 22 people in nova scotia now the nation's ban on assault style weapons follows example other countries doing the same thing but
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leaving many wondering why the u.s. with much higher gun violence rates choosing instead to protect gun owners our day's alex the highly bitch brings us the story it was the worst mass shooting in canada's history on the weekend of april 18th 22 people were killed in the province of nova scotia by a lone gunman in response the canadian government implemented a new firearms ban prime minister justin trudeau not mincing his words canadians deserve more than votes prayers today we are closing the market for military grade assault weapons in canada we are banning 1500 models and variants of these firearms by way of regulations these weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. canada is following the lead of countries like australia and new zealand which have
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also banned a military style to assault weapons it took new zealand just 6 days to announce changes to its gun laws after a gunman killed $51.00 people in 2 mosques in march 2019 by the end of the year more than $56000.00 prohibited firearms were taken off the streets in australia after a mass shooting in 1996 where $35.00 people were killed the country's government also almost immediately implemented a ban on semiautomatic an automatic weapons the killing which happened nearly 25 years ago was the biggest and last such event in australia's history in all 3 countries mass shootings are very rare but nonetheless after going through the horror the nations reacted quickly implementing stricter gun laws it's very different in the us. was. there were $418.00 mass shootings in the states a mass shooting defined as any incident in which at least 4 people are shot
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excluding the shooter looking at gun violence in general when comparing the us to canada new zealand and australia no one comes close to america check out the 2016 stats number 2 behind the states is canada with a gun homicide rate that is more than 7 times lower even with the grim statistics the us continues to have some of the most permissive gun laws on earth in fact there are over 300000000 guns in the hands of us civilians some point to 2 main reasons for us gun laws remaining lax the 1st being the 2nd amendment which provides a constitutional guarantee of the right to bear arms but even with that there are still some gun control policies in the us to the chagrin of the 2nd reason the national rifle association the n.r.a. is arguably the most powerful lobby group in america and what some believe. to be the biggest hurdle to stopping gun violence won't stop until we beat the n.r.a.
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. and it will not stop until we ban kill or assault weapons. into a whole gun manufacturers liable according to gun violence archive this year the us has already experienced $98.00 mass shootings and if history teaches us anything the nation could expect more. that's right you don't like australia new zealand the country hopes that introduction of stricter gun laws will bring mass shootings to a. not really for this year but for many years to come for. my little bitch. and elsewhere around the nation the white house is blocking dr anthony family from testifying before a house committee investigating the response to the coronavirus outbreak white house officials say it's counterproductive to have individuals in the task force to be involved in congressional hearings at this time instead they will hear from the former director of the c.d.c.
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dr tom frieden. and also happening here in washington the u.s. supreme court is breaking tradition amid the pandemic announcing it will be hearing 1st arguments by phone in an unprecedented move oral arguments will be heard by teleconference this month among those cases the trump administration's changes to the 2010 health care law and trump's legal battle to keep his financial records sealed. and julian assange has extradition hearing has been delayed until september that decision made today in a london courtroom mainly due to keep witnesses unable to travel to the u.k. because of the pandemic also not in attendance due to his poor health the u.s. is seeking to extradite the wiki leaks founder to face 17 felony charges under the espionage act for publishing national defense documents. and over to puerto rico once again rattled by another earthquake over the weekend a $5.00 quake knocked the power out there forcing the relocation of about 50
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families several buildings were also damaged residents on the island are still living in shelters from previous quakes earlier this year and the governor says those families that have to relocate will not be placed in shelters because of coronavirus concerns. and joe biden donald trump in the race to the white house these 2 men with very. our political views have one thing and common both are accused of sexual assault but is the mainstream media treating them equally we're going to discuss that and then over at sports regina hamm takes us to a thriller of the game and the chinese professional baseball league will be right back.
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you can't be both with me yeah you know what. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision little sheltered lives every one came to a complete. the day that i was raped to be instructed you know told to shut up or they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life many screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing curia if you
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take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished don't be offended i had an almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. all
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right ahead of joe biden throwing his name into the hat 7 women came out back in 2019 to say that the former veep made inappropriate moves on them that left them feeling quote uncomfortable now these women's accounts surfacing months before his most prominent accuser tara reid's account of actual sexual assault but it's the media at the center of our next discussion as left leaning outlets scrambled to soften the blow to biden as the right to shout foul comparing how they treated scotus justice brett kavanaugh so here to weigh in larry king host of politicking so larry tara reid is this former hill staffer and i want to give a warning to the viewers here we're going to use a little bit of graphic language she says 27 years ago then senator joe biden assaulted her in the basement hallways of the capitol building that he did it only
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penetrated her and then within days she claims she was fired why is the media handling this so differently than the way they did with justice cavanaugh where everybody assumed that you know he was this teenage rapist. well a story broke when. her mother called my old show on c.n.n. 27 years ago to say that a prominent send there had seen use the word attack a forget the words she use but she didn't name the senator and then later a candle light that the senator was by the mother has since passed away a daughter who is making the charge is the media treating them differently and probably a little less me too moment though has captured everybody. i feel sorry for everybody involved that trump with his 20 accusations biden with now this accusation i think
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it's the b. 2 movement you know on i'm a supporter of the me too movement because sometimes it can go too far in this case they'll be a full investigation i think that joe biden will have to open his senatorial records completely there on file at the university of delaware what was that me your question was was the media treating boldin really the answer is yes. is the media more liberal than conservative the answer is yes. then a fact the 2 media that covered it quickly was your it was our duty and fox who's a fox news to me is an oxymoron calling it news but nevertheless we're going to jump on this i think r.t.s. treated fairly and now the others have come along or they way yes. and larry how about the me too movement. you know they started out they said believe all women but that doesn't appear to be even narrative now that it comes to joe biden it
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appears to have shifted to this old ronald reagan i don't know i maybe some said i don't think that me 2 men said believe all women i think they said take every woman's charge seriously and investigated you can say believe all women were you know a lot of women either being angry at their ex-husband could make charges yeah yeah sort of we do move one can go too far but i think it's certainly going to take joe biden would be the 1st to say take women seriously and joe biden was late in responding to. he didn't respond until 56 days later after the story broke about her mother appearing on my show. it's you know we live in a different age. it's a it's a sad time in the a i just finished woody allen's new book up for parole of nothing but it's a great book and his whole less less 100 pages that devoted to the charges against him and he could not get work he has
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a movie i was only showing in europe and i was how far does this pendulum go and the wiser people in me may have the answer do you know or do you know i know in the actuarial gosh if i had the the answer to that i think i'd be a more prominent name across this country but but you know one prominent name is actress rose mcgowan and over the weekend she tweeted out a video where i mean she is literally crying because she found me she was one of the the faces at the forefront of me too and she was at every march every rally every women's march and she expressed her disappointment with the movement and she says she's reconsidering because she thinks that they're not that me to was not taking joe biden seriously or covering it the way they should now given that larry if if the situation heats up for biden later this summer do you see any possible scenario where the dems might have to replace biden on the ticket at the convention
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i mean that's never been seen never been done who would it be given it's possible. first there's no there have to be proof for that to happen there would have to be definitive proof with with the people saying she told him i would have to be somewhere in the senator's notes that's that's way over i would think that we were near happening you biden would have somehow removed from the ticket logically it would be bernie sanders he ran the 2nd he win the 2nd race to biden well i mean of will have a convention i don't think will have a good mentions in the normal sense the world has changed when the. everything is changed and the me to move. when it's changing. now we've certainly seen a shift in you know a lot of voices are showing disappointment and some are saying they're staying on track so we'll have to see how this shakes out and like you said i don't even know if we're going to have
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a convention larry everything is turned on its head so we're just going to have to wait and see how this shakes out and i'm drew yeah. no one in the future it will shake hands again that's going real way you know sure i'm out of minutes because my fist bump elbow bump. this this claim that too close to the hand oh yes ok i'm for the want i'll stick with that all right we will stay on this show. and. now that my other i figure this way all right larry king always a pleasure to hear your insights think you need a new. and other news room around the world of suicide bomber targeted a base belonging to afghan special forces just outside of kabul killing 3 civilians and wounding 15 others a spokesperson for the interior ministry calls it a crime against humanity the taliban is claiming responsibility for that attack and
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raising more concern that a peace deal between the u.s. and the taliban might fall apart. oh giant hornets now here in the u.s. the giant hornets were 1st found in the u.s. back in december which was confirmed by the state of washington this 2 inch beast is said to generally not be harmful to humans but it does pose some serious risks to honeybees these hornets apparently enter what experts call a slaughter phase which draws them to decapitate honey bees and destroy the entire hive. all right let's head over to regina at the sports h.q. things are starting to heat up over in china in their professional baseball league season they've got one they've got one south korea's about to have one we would like to hear but while we're on that topic baseball is in full swing with all those puns intended and it was a dynamite night for one slugger in the game between the rackets and monkeys and the china trust brothers bought in the 1st brothers found themselves in
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a boat to hole after a fastball turned into a 2 on a homer off the bat of outfielders land. they wouldn't be down for long though at the top of the 2nd encounter you got to him hoff with the 2 run long ball of his own to tie that game all off it to the 3rd there will be a full count 2 on ground out a 3rd off the bat of lynn and u. turns into a double play to get the monkeys out of the inning bottom of the 4th q you said that the c p b l record for the quickest of 10 runs in a season just 51 it bats putting the monkeys up for 2 but no defense from brothers rest of the games bottom set a solo homer from la again putting the home. i'm up to 63 and later in the 5th. puts the monkeys further ahead with this to run single gets thrown out trying to advance a 2nd but no sweat off his back on the 6 the monkeys just hammering the lead home this time an r.b.i. single off the bat of the lin you can put them up $9.00 to $3.00 and that would be
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all she wrote with the win the monkey's take the last game of the 3 huge series against the brothers. 146 running of the kentucky derby is postponed till labor day weekend due to the current of ours pandemic but that means organizers have a chance to round up some of the greatest race horses in history for derby be a little bit of a different sort of 12 past triple crown winners were turned into virtual forces as churchill downs took the 1st saturday in may all why 1977 triple crown winner seattle slew come around the 1st quarter mile turn as 1973 triple crown darling secretariat falls behind into secretariat push into the pack at half a mile sending a world away and as the jockey pulled him into 4th the 2 trade leads as 201512 overall 7. winner american barrow falls from 50 to 60 and secretariat makes a final push in the last stretches of of the race it is almost a photo finish here follows
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a big exciting and this is the 1st ever virtual running of the kentucky derby with secretariat taking it all chestnut horse had $72.00 odds in all no betting actually took place money raised goes to cohabit $1000.00 really is a series of cod then during this quarantine due to the corona virus everyone's worried about fitness but more likely we're finding ourselves sitting on a couch binge watching t.v. so maybe we need a little inspiration what better way than to see the newest deadlift world record this record was set by have to bjornson what are known as gregory craig and the mountain from game of thrones. successfully dead live a whopping 501 kilograms or for those of you in. the imperial system if you want to conversion 1104.52 pounds it was his 3rd attempt and that he's now looked at more than any other the sport you're in sync competed and won the 20000 edition of the world's strongest man competition and has placed 3rd in every event this 2012 he's been sharing his training regimen online leading up
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to his record breaking lift it be interesting to see if he does go for another if someone else can challenge his numbers either way what inspiration manilla i i think i would watch my legs and arms fall off at the same time and i would just be staying or going we tried can i just say i want to give a shout out to our graphics guy rick for bringing to our attention that half the war or 4th or as i call him that that may not actually be a record because it wasn't official wasn't during competition i mean i'm sure to him he'll set a world record but when he was just showing off you can't take that away from him he still did it he did he did so you know good kudos to him but you know try it in a more official capacity next time i know we'll see how that thing shakes out because there are some people that are not cool with that we'll see all right thank you for that regina and we'll have a lot more news coming up for you at 7 now hundreds of americans have hit the streets in protest saying the coronavirus lockdown restrictions stripped them of their freedoms are they correct or are they just really out of touch with the risk that the virus poses i will be back at 7 with
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from rhode island where i live and where the astute of you are may surmise that barber shops have not been deemed essential businesses and sadly there are other businesses that right now even in this crisis are trying to rip you off we're going to hear from attorney author professor and ace scam buster steven j.j. wiseman he'll be here in a few minutes with a scam alert you won't want to miss but 1st cabin fever setting in you're not alone how to cope let's ask the author of among other books the power of off the mindful way to stay sane and a virtual world psychotherapist nancy collamer.
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