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tv   In Question  RT  May 4, 2020 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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hello there i'm going to watch and you're watching in question broadcasting from r.t. america news headquarters in washington d.c. i want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world watching us on satellite streaming online and of course on our brand new app portable t.v. so here are tonight's top stories nationwide protesters took to the streets in major cities with a lockdown measures still in place because of the pandemic there rallying cries demanding governors reopen those states and the number of code that 19 cases continue to decline in new york but the number of deaths still very high meantime video of a new york cop punching a man for violating social distancing rules is drawing a lot of outrage and over in venezuela they say they have boiled a mercenary attack just one of several attempts to remove nicolas maduro from
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office we'll tell you who is behind this latest scheme all right it's time to boost your news i q. sorry that was just one of many incidents that played out at state capitals nationwide this weekend over coronavirus restrictions now for many americans stand home borders have become too much of a burden they say they can no longer obey them are despairing fronsac is joining me in studio with more on this affair and there were some cases of fully armed protesters and to what's happening so many we're talking protests all the way from california through the south the midwest and reaching the east coast the biggest
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protests happening though in california michigan and illinois and now you can see all the protests that happened across the country there on your screen now heading over to my. hometown of southern california protesters voice their objections to the closing of all beaches after governor gavin newsome allowed beaches to be open last week with then scolded people for not adhering to social distancing rules once he opened them well then at the state capitol there was also visible police the civil police presence and many of the protesters were not wearing face masks there despite quite a number of protesters in attendance local news reports that there were no arrests made now very you also mention the mission michigan governor governor. gretchen whitmer actually said in her press briefing that she was very disappointed with these protests what's that mean so at her news conference she said the protesters in lansing they were actually wearing swastikas they were holding confederate flags nooses and automatic rifles and she said that does not reflect
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who michiganders or take a listen yesterday's scene at the capitol was disturbing to be quite honest we are not out of this crisis and it is important that we do. we do the next right thing and it's going to be driven by the data and it's going to be driven by medical experts not political pull so not political posturing and not political maneuvers like you saw yesterday at the capitol but what mary went on to say that she did understand people's frustrations and that she was working to open up the state soon but it's not going to be like flipping on a light switch and then how do you know my hometown it's a message also being i could buy illinois governor j.d. pritzker who came under fire last week after it was discovered that his wife their vacation home down in florida all while implementing a state wide lockdown in only necessary travel and this only added fuel to the fire and chicago i'm following the cold of cases every single day and pritzker is using
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up broad brush over the entire state and it is wrong small businesses are going under. and then manila closer to home here dozens of truckers they parked their vehicles outside of the white house here in washington d.c. on saturday and protest of low transportation rates with drivers blaring their horns truckers say that these low rates are putting them out of business in manila these truckers say that they plan to stay parked outside the white house on constitution avenue until monday may 4th we'll see how long they stay all right thank you for that update our and for more on these protests our panel today over a michigan conservative radio talkers steve gruber and over here in the d.c. metro area attorney robert patillo way and now gentlemen before we began i want to remind you both to keep this on topic i want to play this throwing shade game that we see on other networks our aim here is different we want to hear different perspectives on various topics so with that said steve i'd like to start with you
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we had you on just a couple weeks ago about the lancing protests when those began those folks are back at the capitol of the state capitol but this time governor and gretchen whitmer says those folks who are clad in stars and bars and even sporting swastika as so is this protest movement being co-opted by a more sinister group. terrorizing the government is missing the point were aimed at her as a sign of protest there you have bad days and i'll give you that however to say that they were klansman or nazis or whatever you want to say is beside the point i will however i will agree with my liberal friends of the other show the alledge and far as open carry is legal in michigan it is in jail you can get some out about it right on the state capitol grounds in the capitol building without violating the law having said that it's in bad taste in the problem with that is that we've seen all of the coverage of being about the 5 or 6 or 10 guys carrying rifles and not about the real protest which really is about quarantine fatigue people are tired of
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it you just saw it from california to new york to l.a. it's in michigan people are tired of the lockdowns and now that we've seen the numbers they realize that the. but 19 pandemic is not nearly as dangerous and deadly as we once thought it was going to be $67.00 weeks ago we all knuckle down the our going to do be on lockdown for weeks possibly months but the numbers continue to come out we're past the peak in michigan we're past the peak of new york and california elsewhere and that's why we look at states like florida and georgia states that are opening up and going back to work and people in michigan they want to do the same thing and this governor has been very restrictive very divisive as you know and so when she comes out and tries to say it's swastikas and nooses i think that's off the topic unfortunately and robert we have seen these protests aiming only growing in popularity across a number of states like steve mentioned even in left leaning states like my home state of california large groups of protesters popped up on long the huntington beach pier protesting the statewide closures of public parks and beaches so do you
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think the demand to re-open states is now becoming a bipartisan sentiment. well one say it is never appropriate to have swapped just caus or mrs any political protest in america that one of the most disgusting points in american history but world history and the you know you having to stay in your house for a couple weeks 'd to nazis. and the reason that's become a bipartisan protest because you missed you were getting from the column people are tweeting. me a cohesive message which is so shit with doctors in the middle of the bill that you're going to tell 'd people who think that this is not this is not a serious issue i understand what they mean michel projection who felt she had done the birth birth stood well at the white house briefing and the march that if we did everything correctly by all of us which it was over 100000 it it is ringback may
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already have me bells and so we're going to blow directly past that number so there's this concept this somehow is not as bad as we thought it was going to be and that we thought it would be could all benefit so might sit there 1200000 solve all of your evidence so i think that you'll see there will be people protesting to go outside to go join them this is the public health crisis public health emergency and one side of the aisle seem to think that this. and have both of you i mean to that point robert the c.d.c. has has revised those projections and they're modeling of how this virus is spreading and how many people might die of it some argue that these forecasts are changing because these social distancing guidelines are in place others say this is the natural impact the natural curve of the virus independent of any legal measures so which group is right. what we're seeing is that the initial projections were that if we did everything correctly socially shift and we'll get to around 100 just by august right now we're on pace for that because we have social business so
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because it is marking now people want to sit on don't get them to and we did nothing at all 'd we just continued our daily lives who would be over a 1000000 casualties as a result and george and george are removed there are. a number on. we we want from 802-1500 casualties there 'd period of time so why would you want to do something once you clearly in the interim you owe it to poor people and stimulate this emergency instead of simply doing what we're good at doing the americans stay in your house watching it not so it's not that hard now to say what is your take on that i mean do you do the reopen protesters or are they taking the rest of the virus seriously. of course they are and let's be honest about the numbers if you're 40 years of age or younger the chance you becoming seriously ill from this virus is almost 0 sweden and other places did not lock down florida we were told it would be worse than new york it's nowhere near that the reason florida
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and georgia have reopened is because it's relatively safe that we defend the vulnerable in long term care facilities and defend the volatile world that have i mean a deficiency disorders and challenges with their immune system we can do this correctly there's a reason that people like those in quebec in denmark in sweden in australia in austria and israel are reopening their schools because it's terrible for children to be locked up in their homes the incident of domestic abuse child abuse drug abuse alcohol abuse and suicide is skyrocketing across the country everybody knows that the long term impact of locking people in their houses is more divorces more violence more drug and alcohol abuse and the long term damage from locking everybody down will be a generational of that cold night he is going to come and go and yes you could look at 100000 people but originally thought she and his friends predicted 2200000 would die imperial college in london put out that number then revised it down and down again and we know now looking at numbers in brooklyn new york for example 43 percent of the people living in brooklyn are believed to have had the girl and i
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was already the point being is that we have close to herd immunity the virus did spread far and fast probably before we realize it was even in the country and the point being is it's far less deadly than we believe initially at that point one percent is about where we arrived today and now guys last question to both of you is there such a thing as a happy medium between reopening states and still maintaining some sort of social distancing guidelines robert and then i'll give you the last word things. well you have to look at what happened in 1800 you have the 1st wave of the flu people start the social distancing measures then you have a 2nd wave of the 1919 which will forward believe the 1st wave of the flu even though in that sense what it is 99 percent of people will say well that's great this will kill nearly a 100000000 people so we have the spirit in there can't wait hoping maybe we're already. we have the fall of the midwest or 2 i was in that state real quickly last
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word. thankfully i live in 2020 and that 918 we're not at war around the world we don't have trench warfare going on back and forth dysentery and other medical problems and we could worldwide population we live in 2020 where we have advanced medical equipment all around the world we have ventilators we have b.p. and we have a chance to beat this thing but hiding in our homes and hiding under our beds is not the plan we need to go back and deal with this because this virus is going to be here by august by december by next year we need to learn to live with it and we do that by defending people in long term care facilities and the most vulnerable but not by just having the curve what's been happening is our economy and we do know this poverty kills all right we'll leave it right there steve gruber robert patella thank you both. for them. and of course the pandemic continues to make a worldwide impact with over 3500000 cases reported with about a 3rd of those cases here in the u.s. new york continues to remain the hardest hit state but with may now here and the
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warm weather that comes with the month what looks like lockdown fatigue from the public governor andrew cuomo says he's aggressively thinking about now reopening his state parties trying to chavez has the rest of the story. today the number of coronavirus cases in new york are declining health officials confirming statewide hospitalizations due to the virus are at their lowest levels since the month of march still though governor andrew cuomo being vigilant about reopening america's hardest hit states. taking serious precaution when you go to restart the reopening . now knowing what we know it's more nuanced you have to be more careful and again no one has done this before no one has been here before governor cuomo outlining guidelines saying regions must have 14 days of decline in hospitalizations and deaths on a 3 day rolling average with no more than 15 new cases of the virus or 5 deaths
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during that time each region has to put together the leaders in those respective areas. who put together this system and monitor this system literally on a daily basis the number of new covert hospitalizations and in keep patients are down the number of deaths still horrifically high sunday alone saw 226 deaths due to the virus meantime in new york city the epicenter of the outbreak the n.y.p.d. issuing around 100 summonses to people who violated guidelines to stay 6 feet apart but there are some instances where the rules are not being followed that requires foresman but over the weekend a troubling arrest the n.y.p.d. launching an internal investigation after this video surfaced showing the arrest of 3 individuals allegedly violating social distancing orders on saturday. and as the weather warms a social distancing is becoming more difficult for many thousands seen in central
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park in close proximity and in groups few seen wearing face coverings while in neighboring new jersey where there are more than 129000 coronavirus cases many residents taking to the beach and filling parks it is the day that you are going to start with 6 other states in the northeast region to purchase a lot of needed p.p.s. . this as new york is mandating. a stockpile of these 90 days worth of protective equipment to prepare for a 2nd wave the. of the virus reporting in new york tradition. i we have a lot more news coming up. the
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world is driven by a dreamer shaped by one person those with. things
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. we fear to ask. if.
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the venezuelan government says mercenaries supported by the u.s. and colombia came by speedboat about 30 miles out of caracas no evidence of fighting was reported in the capital or anywhere else in the nation but there's a lot of talk about who is possibly behind this and what's next so joining us now to discuss daniel mcadams he is the executive director at the rand paul institute. a retired american green beret by the name of jordan goudreau came clean about his involvement on twitter let's listen to that real quick. 700 hours a daring and fabulous raid was launched from the border of colombia deep into the heart of caracas our men are continuing to fight right now our units have been activated in the south west and east of venezuela ok you heard him right there he confirms a number of other active operations across the country but the u.s. state department discounted this report of this coup attempt what do you say to
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that i mean they say it's not a u.s. state operation. well we recall certainly of the $961.00 bay of pigs and that's been humorously referred to but probably accurately as the bay of piglets this this operation because it seems to be pretty bungled and botched from the beginning it seems a pretty likely in pretty impossible that the u.s. government would launch such a half baked idea but then of course when you look at the kinds of people that unfortunately president trump has directing his latin america policy you have decades long history of launching such boneheaded schemes that would be laughable if so many people were being killed let's not forget we're talking about elliot abrams being in charge of our democratization plans for venezuela abrams himself of course lied to congress was facing felony charges for lying to congress has a long history of a long and bloody history in latin america so i wouldn't put anything past elliot
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abrams now speaking of mr abrams obviously he's been spearheading this i mean it's not even a hidden thing it's a flat out removal of the duros what he wants but just last week he promoted a democratic and peaceful approach so as he calls it to this new government in venezuela so i mean what gives i mean is this is this a coup just kind of dressed up differently. well i think mr abrams has a different view of the democratic and peaceful than you and i do mellow his 2 of of peace. is peace through bloodshed but you know it's clear that he's grasping at straws is this was his last hurrah he was going to bring democracy to venezuela it's been a more than a year of absolute and utter feel your corruption on the part of the venezuelan opposition who mike pence decided was the president of venezuela it's been a long history of really
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a bungled policy unfortunately president trump is not seen through the filter of these people so abrams is is if it's a failure and venezuela obviously is denouncing what they're calling both u.s. and colombian involvement in into this plot but this isn't the 1st time there has been a failed plot to overthrow the little we remember you know as he was giving a speech on stage you know there was somebody trying to parachute in and there was a bad drone attack i mean what's different about this time. it goes back before more duro remember hugo chavez in the cia having him in in their sights through the use of the national dolman for democracy and others to overthrow him and he was successfully overthrown for a couple of days the u.s. is wanted to destabilize and overthrow the venezuelan government for many many years if this is the latest scheme i don't know maybe they're shopping at a low rent place because it doesn't look like a sophisticated plot to me you know in this in this case and lastly there's there
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are some reports floating around out there that there are ties between opposition leader one why go this latest incursion into venezuela with this. do you know anything about that and does it stem from any of that money that they recently received from the u.s. for using that as well as money from citibank. well i think the opposition is good at spending money that's not there it is actually our taxpayer money that they're spending there's also some speculation as to whether the large u.s. business. interests are involved in this maybe they're hoping to get a big chunk of the action when it's overthrown but which probably won't happen but let's not forget the unintended consequences of u.s. interventions foreign policy is that this bungled attempt actually makes me look a lot better certainly to his own to look through it here's a guy who could take care of these these yankees coming down to overthrow our
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government here's a guy who could protect us so once again we actually have the opposite effect a new concept the opposite effect of what they claim to be doing if there wasn't actually real lives at stake in actual blood blood that could be shed this is almost comical daniel we just gotta leave it right there don't you mike adams of the ron paul institute thank you so much. and other news from around the world a suicide bomber targeted a baseball long into afghan special forces just outside of kabul killing 3 civilians and wounding 15 others a spokesperson for the interior ministry calls it a crime against humanity the taliban is claiming responsibility for that attack and raising more concern now that a peace deal between the u.s. and the taliban might fall apart. and join us on his extradition hearing has been delayed until september that decision made today in a london courtroom mainly due to key witnesses being unable to travel to the u.k. because of this pandemic also not in attendance due to his poor health the u.s. is seeking to extradite the wiki leaks founder to face 17 felony charges under the
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espionage act for publishing national defense documents. and puerto rico once again rattled by an earthquake over the weekend a $5.00 quake knocked out the power there forcing the relocation of well about 50 families several buildings were also damaged residents on the island still living in shelters from previous quakes earlier this year now the governor says those families that have to relocate will not be placed in shelters because of coronavirus concerns. and students at more than $25.00 colleges have filed lawsuits against their schools demanding partial refund on tuitions. and campus fees in their suits they argue the quality of these online classes to the pandemic are far below the classroom experience colleges though are rejecting this idea claiming students are learning from the same professors and earning credits toward their degrees and among those colleges being sued brown columbia cornell michigan state and purdue. are let's head over to regina hamm of the sports h.q.
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we're doing the kentucky derby usually marks the beginning of the triple crown season but this year it's slightly different and you can thank the current of our show that because 146 running of the kentucky derby is now postponed to labor day weekend due to the pandemic but that means organizers had the chance to round up some of the greatest resources in history for a derby of a different sort of pastoral crown winners were turned into ritual henri's horses as churchill downs the 1st saturday in may. 937 triple crown winner seattle slew going around a quarter mile turn as 1973 triple crown darling secretariat falls behind into 5th secretary for pushing the paddock half mile setting world away into 5th as a jockey throwing him into a 4th the to the trade to leave 20012 triple crown winner american pharaoh calling from 6 to 6 not a good showing for him there in secretariat and making a final push in the final stretch is all the little reason he takes the 1st ever
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running of the kentucky derby the virtual chestnut horse of 72 hours while no betting actually took place money raised goes to cohabit 19 really. the u.s. women's national soccer team is locked in a battle for equal pay with the u.s. soccer federation now in a stunning development it seems that squad is now finding an uphill battle u.s. district gary klausner created summary judgment for u.s. soccer saying the u.s. . couldn't prove they were legally paid less than the men's team in layman's terms that means the judge didn't agree that the lawsuit filed back in march of 2019 worn . going to trial judge clawson argued the the u.s. women's national team worked more from 201521000 therefore were paid more overall during that time frame parts a lawsuit pertaining to claims of unfair travel accommodations and staffing were allowed to move forward the setback was condemned by some of the team's biggest stars including mayor pino alex morgan who said they intend to keep fighting for equality in sport u.s.
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women's national team plans an appeal of the decision in future and you know that was kind of big news for a lot of fans of soccer especially those who have such support for the women's team considering they just won the last world cup so off to see what happens from there we'll keep you updated here in sports h.q. that fake kentucky derby if you hadn't told me that was fake i just don't like what i know it's very hard and that's the magic of graphics right you can make a thing like that oh that looks so real i mean it looks like a really at a racetrack the spectators look like they're real people i mean did they use real people in the footage for the suspect you know i was just i'm sure maybe they had to build them that way it looked too real i mean i mean look that looks that looks good it looks crazy that's amazing and it was a lot of a. pretty cool i was there that all right thank you for that regina and that is it for now make sure you keep up with everything and question at all times by downloading our brand new free app at super bowl portable t.v. to watch there 247 i'm going to see it.
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as we've said from the very beginning russia is a hoax. there is no evidence to prove. what explains troops on the. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military and the decision little sheltered lives every thing came to a complete. the day that i was raped to be instructed is you know told to shut up or they'd kill me and i see how i would destroy. any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he raped me this berthing area if you take into
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account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished them the offender and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or a one. time of the time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important it's accelerating the transition to sustainable prize board sustainability space where man a more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely
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harmless. us. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something else this was the point in even us i mean look. since i'm in a museum we do want to. underscore the.


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