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tv   Documentary  RT  May 5, 2020 5:30am-6:00am EDT

5:30 am
in my country unilever it's the claim that they use 100 percent sustainable. but i'll try it there are thousands of sustainability and quality labels but then known relevant liguori going to nations for this business that has a turnover of 37000000000 euros a year companies and as has he ations in all branches invent certification labels as they see fit standards are usually completely opaque. my . little resemblance in all those things on those days isn't but they want to base an idea once into scientists done
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kindly is professor yeah i know i'm less intense in austin on kansas and i'm cynical and also if that's not the most cantons only dishonest examining on muslim holy land. i am or ought not to musea. the phrase in dire straits covers statistics to say it is because the wind in an hour you can buy the stocks and make it more environmental friendly and more fair but but then i look at the labels you are in most of the labels are fake they say oh it's green it's right environment will friendly it's what they were and it's a fake label the company itself invented i'm with you that at some level. it's overwhelming there's so much noise about. what's right and what's good feeling good let's not forget even organic and by the law just is ok to eat good as well.
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or how it was made or anything about it do i know that it's healthy well you know it may have high levels of it i mean but let me again has it been transported so long that some of this is decayed you know what the hell is going on so even with just very basic questions we are both empowered to make individual consumption decisions and given so much information that you don't know what the hell's going on make smart decisions people look here's information here's a pamphlet and we've even shrunk the information you need down to the size of a postage stamp we'll stick it on and so it'll say fan trade. friendly you know locust composable recent you know all this that and so you're reading something that looks like a long list. but you know this is not fat and you're like it's not fat it's not fair to ask everyone to become experts in nutrition and dynamics and climate change in uncles aunts petition law and labor law and an ecology and that then when you
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see this you know this package on the shelf you can interpret it even if that was telling the truth which it isn't. because already you've reduced this to an individual consumption decision and it shouldn't be that i mean is like exaggerate coffee but i buy fair trade coffee because the alternative is cost of coffee you know it's costly that exploits children and you don't want you want in on exploitative things why is an option why is this something that you have to choose to do why you have to choose not to exploit people why do you have to choose not to kill dolphins when you have to choose to all of the so why isn't this something you don't have to worry about why isn't there something just a basic threshold of legislation so that it's not an individual choice but the only way you get there is by organizing it you can't shop for those individual choices to become law so farm years. for someone who aren't at definitely need to buy some
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stuff but it would be for me. to trick to go through all this into findings of a rich would be ok. i'm going to be unkind and say so what you're saying is how do we keep things the way they all but change everything. in the book again like going to the store but do you want to be sure that when you pick up that pack of pringles it's organic and sustainable bungles as opposed to. earth will be the alternative maybe. i'm look at it another way no treats i'm just saying something made by procter and gamble in order to make pringles sustainably the price of pringles needs to go up for 5 times at least and probably more.
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to it all to having to fork over something doesn't appeal to me even as a child i didn't like that everywhere there are products that key from hot air shouldn't really exist at all to destroy all types of products for a toy. for any child household appliances electronics for communication and entertainment and taste of course all. right now in our year we've got a 4 america yeah i've been around in the morning and. can read thinking of. that on the air for so rich is not. nice for you because you're not taking it return i suppose you know they stand on their version and you don't mind you know the new john because sort of is this just trash as far. i'm concerned you know. us there is just like they
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don't really make anything that's worth keeping anymore now it's all plastic. you know there's nothing i mean you know you go buy a new a new and it's not going to look like an old family all fans are heavy duty model you know junk is the good stuff. and. they're. in there because the trunk i begin to realize that our system is a buy. and 3 all right in the middle of it by purchasing products we play our part in the destruction of the planet. if we are lucky. in order to prevent us thinking that such products shouldn't exist corporations
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constantly talk about sustainability. the end of coca-cola that's it. sustainability is absolutely critical to our business survival and to our growth. the head of ikea does and to. sustain it mean that it is a vital part of our strategy everyone said to me in a way how we are using resources in a sustainable manner becomes increasingly important i'm confident that we can create a more equitable and sustainable world for all of us we can create value safely and sustainably it's about creating a culture of sustainability students and this is the guns i'm willing to move through in the 1st place this is the 1st the concert to merge didn't use them in this is happening up on the end of those 2 lessons lessons. to 2 of the season's not so mazel keep. menander to him.
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mum wasn't. even in rio he was bruised as donda there's a. rookie it's. going to come and deployed addicted to him to go yeah but just on my lady in the navy they still don't was my good lord just. let us go isn't us we have a they just give you some you can skin all the slaves give us numbers a month ago says he was there and he they get to see it that and these are it does a salmon and does it just as i ask you know is are we doing this is it just getting going in really does that mean it didn't mean i. missed on legislating lizards has a take this is that these goons and when does that all stand it when dismissal god . and i just a scandal of it has got yeah this is a child this is done in libya and i must say.
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this is there is going to all of us doesn't is this good man and good must just last 2 must respect and kindness only that he did not this is then he does all of that good that there's none of that that's that is under this i used to hold up a little. money on its own. ears and to numbers as medicine and also mentioned you know little things taking the most mechanism of them between 9 and this is 2nd all of this let's keep going down a minute i made what is good news is that when you assume a dinner and i'm a man and i'm stunned seemed i mean. so when in the room with these it was this guy's messiah displacement indium one son plavix does does it answer how morris is still does and a name an awful disease i can conflict and i will and she does on the most conflict and a man was privileged enough able and demand me an example which haven't been doing it. and that's against my understand as most business mitten some and to
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some and. it makes me really a furious when corporations maintain a tale responsibly with people at nature that we find out the opposite. i'm afraid stedding the textile factory fire radioactive contamination after a reactor accident the notion of to break into them often mining company there's no end to it. hey this guy. is have to assume he's much. more slim. so as engines have to. satisfy him.
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because i still know the board the horizon the pause the rise and does the gear yes it was something around a speed field designers need to be. in here at the ice into something else when investigators. undiscounted cmos was dissolved into losing its nominal. camp counselor class needed $100.00 c. i deduced that since the amount of the things any additional on tuesday covered isn't. missing just to cover this is not just to go i just an announcement. i had in fashion and am. now i think the answer to news to give you the most online . at c.n.n. are you in movies to. be on this all your modeling is going to be done it's to do this is to reduce. this site wasn't meant as an it was a company move on. he was supposed to duck some was meant to movement thing done
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some. nothing. this is minute move undone see i need to add into the house cuts it's fine of you and all the time does a company must on hans act be on control. this kind of money. so not in a. month it's now. just and just hope to shaft him just to see his exists and didn't have to listen to suv all clinton.
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thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military the decision a little sheltered lives every thing came to a complete change the day that i was raped and i'll be instructed you know i'll shut up what they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in you can my arm and he rape me with his birth and if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen . here. veterans who suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely
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to get the victim punished than the offender behind an almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. join me every thursday on the alex sullivan show and i'll be speaking to a guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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i still remember vividly how stunned i was found deep room 28th 2010 to training rick's deepwater horizon exploded in the gulf of mexico and 11 people die. every day more than 3000000 gallons of crude oil gushed out into the ocean for 87 days straight the oil slick was equal in size to the us state of new cheney and. in cases like these it is routine from all to nationals to shift the blame on to test some contractors in subsea czerny's. the piece c.e.o. at the time tony hayward to distraction this was an iraq for them this was a drilling rig operated by another company it was that people systems their processes we are responsible for the actions of but we are responsible for the oil and for deal. with it and cleaning the situation up. after to catastrophe to
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see off b.p. tony hayward resigned with a severance package worth millions and i'm going to see things continue as usual b.p.'s response efforts in the gulf of mexico were unprecedented in scale we took responsibility for the cleanup immediately b.p. can help by applying its distinctive skills capabilities and technologies and demanding areas. this is why we intend to move further into harsh remote and complex geographies. 3 years before the sea to be p.t.s. to be finished. and if oil can still be found it must belong to someone else they say. nice to meet you're. going to the beach yes throw down and see what nature is deposited on the beach
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today we'll look at it under the naked eye and then we'll turn to evie light onto it and see what course of spectrums will come off of it what color. we found a lot of tar balls the day i touch them i would suggest using gloves because we found the marbles themselves are many times more dangerous in the dispersal self because it's full of debris a will not expect serious flesh eating bacteria and other words the tar balls how your carbon selects are the real villain if it gets which means they kill most of the others but the neighbor still lives and we have problems with that rio in the summertime because once it gets in the high numbers you get infected with. your leg or arm in each editor you can die from the and thanks. its and that's what we're seeing down. in is this there is scientific technical document. polished in period
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the journals that are proving this ok. what is it to be doing trying to build a science and control the signs on to say it's all good now it's all good that's right it's us all of course there's no evidence that you're not looking for our if you're looking for it in the wrong places they claim that there's no or here because there's nobody that's been able to sing or print their oil so i'm going out here looking for evidence that we can say this may be b.p. oil what needs to be teal oil different what they've hit it with the dispersant inside the dispersant there are glide calls is see only introduction of the glycol that we know about and so because we know that if we find the glycol zz that's typically the dispersed oil the only one that we know that used to dispersants expression on the scale of a 100000000 gallons so that corrects it so to correct that that's what we have to look one way to find out the day of the light on it and see if they fluoresce will
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kill those lights. and that is the oranges that we're looking for. you know oh yes it's 5 on it's 0 point don't walk don't walk right here let's not be a big brands let's lessen the child's footprint you see where they're walking back and forth and these are the things that i'm employed and i knew that little kids but friends walking or i buy this stuff walking through some of these puddles. so these are some of the things that we're seeing and seeing phone pools of water that are floor assaying are ings the car not harm awls and children's feet right now on that level and so those are the things that make me say somebody is going to stand somebody has to do some things.
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just. stuffed. mind model. good. good. i'm a kept. meaning to. move to some of clinton's seems to have been for fear to. come up. this. this is the same dishonest. as clearly missed
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in the damage in decisions. he's digging against on this list and all this is good. to see him. doesn't sound real like sign. on something i asked him. this is a sin does not signal to want any missile calvin's hazmat contests how much can also. very important to accelerate transition to sustainable transport it really really. really is. this is this is really important for the future of the world. we have record high c o 2 levels. we recently passed over $403.00 parts per 1000000 of c o 2 in the atmosphere you can see the chart and it looks like a burdock alive and. still quite
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a bit so ted turner dressed. up what. we call the super passer by. this is attention to the end of the 2 posts on this guy because his name is by the individual as again as rational as bashan is fine and just had implanted with bags got mixed. on the do good a deck winder and disinvite up on the planet let us discuss. changes islam doesn't did and. doesn't a see him in this yet in doesn't just last i can to this day still was me ask before the opening lead in what does gay get as this latest edition of venice is that alice let's just want to save the slashed. buns and then give those who does did most women flash bust a dog out of the dysphoric one of the. elect hog does come the best is much and it is obvious and ignores one busy extenders out his gun and i'm listening to him and
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with him go bald who doesn't include excels in all schools was college is man said in the evansville ball does indeed time is a dummy of the deuce is all but might as well just i'm blessed with a star doesn't denotes a lead soon. does neuer add to the load goldman sachs is. going to be soon good luck absolves isn't the blimp too good to be true inside the scene in the i'm going to need to know until the war is less of the vastness of all of the ashton didn't climb down on did indeed in just last segment just as is had emerged a man lie in and then dished indian sci fi editions has sought moment now and i would say little do you know about the number who was stopped and then what i used as i'm not a small suzette's isn't shodan i'm good this is news to me as does is that of all only goon in loser good films and yes i saw that list also had a much looser to be in my inbox as i listed at gift full sized years useful as well as i was doing today cause. one last thing. this is
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a must for you does need to lob bond with. his meds they get. is as it is is it the immunity deal is done as is saw yet a solid by lone a highly desired alibi consumed on a higher than a solid by law an odd and doesn't make you doing it on your delusion to evil is one of the good and be at we won it and so much as little this is because according to newton. car at where decisions usually show beautiful landscapes we are heading to the place where we think the car. is sitting corner over the safe soon.
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pick up today in. god's mind. and is to him no mother shall have consented almost fire and soon learned to sew on assumes is also and this is the close off in the corner time to all the lights went. on so tsotsi also doesn't listen and sukkoth to sosnick oldest told all the time just as most men couldn't so sign the do does is saves didn't she exits to plat super shoes and this in just the time a woman said i list down mine so dang him can use apt get us to enshrine in and around them bonded classless romance i mean in the man or legion on to ed this is dick. ave. it does 12 months on
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a dream does it cool you good day in terms of planet of internet and in them it's all short as much as this one i am and again to see an invite is camshaft an emmy a corner as is and mr one up to bring in we're going to talk to see who was in all those as i installed last season in some corner cool society guns again at next at conklin did in the blue bun sucked so there's a lot to feel you can work on good piece lashley needn't. have i in fact liked your input into doing much else on suicide to. pull cast magazine team as well and this doesn't wimp out and blown call it cast that gives eyes came to the side room i'm partially nevada's was there isn't going to be able more intimately isn't. honest to get markham to get into the bunny or get him going to. where you know he is was between and the court says so at my toast confessed i was
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angry him and lemon is edwards who gave. you some don't kirsten so it's my intent. smile and. two's good. companies are making hefty profits from the mains environmental destruction. some corporations are richer than entire come chris. i think ron to china will hand gate and the saudis are trying to
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disrupt the american shell and destry oh my god imagine that they're trying to disrupt the american shell industry. we go to work you straight home. is you know media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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high salacious and full community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. directly. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows.
6:00 am
it's not a competition between them. but the most urgent shared endeavor of all life is its day's headlines marty international and world leaders pledge of a 7000000000 euros to find a vaccine for corona virus but there were notable absences from monday's virtual summit to. italy takes his 1st steps into life after the world's longest lockdown but it seems you ready to rush outside of the times. you know it's because of the space and times that you just push for most people it would be. at this point despite as you can see there are you know so many .


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