tv In Question RT May 5, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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when so many find themselves worlds apart if we choose to look for common ground. hello there i'm a military and you're watching in question broadcasting from r t america's national news headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here are your top stories 1st coronavirus economies the u.s. and u.k. push forward now with trade talks seeking to bounce back from the pandemic we'll discuss this with our panel and then n.b.c. news chief andrew blacked out the media company calling it a corporate restructuring and a full report of closer look at what that reported phrase really mean and lacks personal attacks whose theory that works then a new report finds disgraced financier jeffrey epstein we quitted harvard and even
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had his own office after his 2008 secs from conviction we'll discuss that it's time to boost your news i.q. . president trump has long made trade a major stumping point of his administration and according to u.s. trade representative's office american trade to the u.k. was at a surplus of about 5 and a half $1000000000.00 and today both countries are heading back to the negotiating table to hammer out what a new trade pact would look like in a post world coming just at the end of this year so for more on all of this we are being joined by our panel george galloway former u.k. m.p. and of course our presidents one co-host boom bust or a gentleman george i would like to start with you some $300.00 trade personnel were on the 1st round of video chat the u.s.
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trade representative robert lighthouses are announced a number of objectives last year which included full access for u.s. agricultural products it was very. beg not sure what that means and reduced tariffs for u.s. manufactured goods so how receptive will elizabeth truss's team be to this ask. i think so pretty receptive not least because we've alienated just about everyone else the united states is the last board of call but of course the. alliance in this very week the alliance of britain the united states and the former soviet union crushed. the end of the 2nd world war bouts not a small thing by any means so the result. a good deal of history and so i think people in britain are. above some
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looking forward to a new future will we grew closer to the. hague george i mean i have to stop you right there i bet i want to switch over to you because george going to try to fix your connection and try to come back to you for more on this so ben there is one major sticking point that the brits our star are really bothered by and it is that we have a very sad state of american food standards here in the u.s. so i don't want to mince any words american food is full of hormones and additives and chemicals do you think we will see a change in this if the u.s. does broker a different deal with the u.k. . well according to the u.k. we will definitely have to see a change because they're saying they will not compromise that's the word they're using they will not compromise environmental standards or food safety standards so
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the question becomes what does that mean ultimately for food manufacturing in the u.s. does all of that change to only certain segments of a change in order to appease the trade deal you would think cost effectively it would make sense to change a lot of things not just a little bit in order to get that over to the u.k. the question really is going to come down to manila how truthful trade representatives from the u.k. are when they say they will not compromise because it really comes down to will you stand your ground or not i think so far what we have seen from boris johnson and kind of his administration and what he's pushing is that he seems to stand pretty firm in what he says he says he's going to do it so far it seems like he's going to and he doesn't seem to posture quite as much as president trump they're similar in a lot of ways but he doesn't seem this to coster as much whereas trump will say one thing and then kind of back off of it and pretend he never changed his mind yeah yeah exactly our president has a little bit more bluster then then his counterpart in the u.k.
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but but then how do you predict the coronavirus impacting all of this because obviously we never saw this coming a few months ago and now this right shift at the objectives when it well i think it does i think it absolutely shifts some because 1st of all just a few months ago we're talking about maybe in february and late january the u.s. was very excited the u.k. was very excited about putting together some kind of a deal and they were excited about getting that done before the election here in the u.s. obviously trying whether that is a feather it is kept out the problem is of course coronavirus changes everything and one of the things that changes is the timetable for getting things done how do you get things done in the most expeditious way possible how do you move this thing forward as quickly as possible in order to help the economy certainly in the u.k. they want their economy to do better here in the u.s. . not only do we need the economy to be better but we have a president and in the ministration that politically needs the economy to be vastly better in a very short amount of time so is the u.s.
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more likely to give in in order to get a deal done in order to help jumpstart the economy i think so because i think that in the position the u.s. is in the political timetable has a huge impact very good point and i understand we've got george galloway back there you are george. ben's point there the u.s. economy is at a weak state now because of coronavirus how do you predict coronavirus shaping these talks george. well i think ben is absolutely correct both countries need this trade deal more than they did even a few months ago when this he said everyone was quite excited about it we've left the european union we've eliminated china we've eliminated russia we badly need a good trade deal with the united states ditto the united states and economies no unemployment for example a higher percentage of unemployment than the how during the great depression of the
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1930 s. saw i don't think anyone will let anything fundamental stand in the way of concluding this trade deal me i'm waiting for my ford mustang which i have. lovingly wished for all of my life and i'm hoping to get one when we get the trade deal on really is that's no joke. no joke at all for my life wanted a ford mustang hoping it will be much more affordable once the trade deal is come close to it and now george as we were working on your signal ben and i were discussing the sad state of american foods you've been on the show you minced no words you say we have chlorinated chicken and you definitely don't want that over in your country real briefly can you touch on the food standards and how. much america is going to have to change before you can broker that kind of agricultural deal. i think sure and that would be a good thing as ben said for economies of scale you might as well improve food
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standards for your own people the same time as the food you're going to export to rank us i promise you nobody in britain is going to sit down to claude a new to chicken and lastly ben another unique aspect of these trade talks that they're going to cover is ai artificial intelligence can you break down for us how technology is going to impact this meeting. well i think that's one of the big kind of key elements here and especially when we're talking about removing tariffs the technology is a big part of that and ai is a big part of it remember the u.s. is essentially in that in a race with china when it comes to trying to outpace china but it's not the u.s. government you and i have talked about this silicon valley in the u.s. versus china and the government of china the u.k. is behind on that certainly and so they're going to want to kind of piggyback off with the u.s. is doing as much as possible but i think we have to be cautious about that in terms of the general public because a i as we're seeing right now with corona virus surveillance and contact tracing
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has a lot of potential for mass surveillance and it can be rolled out in a very very short amount of time and real quick before we go i just want to say that automotive parts and automobiles are also a big part of this is george is not the only one in the u.k. who is looking his lips hoping to send one of those hardy american cars so that could also be a big boost for american auto manufacturer could be good for american autos post pandemic so we will say our fingers are all crossed for everybody is economy george galloway ben swan thank you both. the chairman of n.b.c. news andrew lack is set to step down at the end of this month amid what the network is calling a decision to restructure their leadership but after decades in the mainstream media lack is no stranger to scandal and in fact it's kind of become the hallmark of his career artie's rachel blevins is joining us now to discuss this salacious happening so rachel what do we know about why you stepping down while you and your
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lack has been with n.b.c. off and on for nearly 3 decades so there branding this is just a way to restructure and saying that they want to focus more on news in this digital age that we're in now but here's the thing the timing of this is incredibly notable because just last week m s n b c host chris hayes became the 1st primetime host at the network to address. yes the sexual assault allegations against presidential candidate joe biden which were made by former senate staffer terror reid now he's simply presented the reports and did not give his opinion but the fact that he addressed the allegations at all resulted in hash tag fire chris hayes trending on twitter now the network has not responded to this backlash however and we see and then miss a may see are known for really changing things up and using this restructuring method any time they run into a scandal. about scandals what are some of these that are tied to black well
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he is known as a fixer which is to say the m s m e c n n b c would bring him in anytime they needed one of their scandals adjusted any time they needed some new public relations in new ratings if we take a look at his time with the network we see that he was hired as the president of n.b.c. news back in 1903 after dateline was caught faking in this explosion in a story he then made matt lauer the anchor of the today show in 1994 black then left and d.c. in 2001 and later returned in 2015 after the network's primetime anchor brian williams was caught fabricating multiple reports now during his time as chairman also kept journalist ronan farrow from publishing the details of his investigation into harvey weinstein now when run in farrah left and b.c. he revealed that not only was lack accused of downplaying those sexual assault complaints against matt lauer he was also accused of sexual harassment himself from
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female employees who said that he was a predator in the workplace and so who's going to fix stuff for the fixer right but now andrew flack also had beef with this very network he had beef with r t tell us a little bit about what happened there he was briefly the c.e.o. of the broadcasting board of governors which is a government agency that supervises media and during that time he had an interview where he compared archie to a terrorist organization. now he was quoted as saying we are facing a number of challenges from entities like artsy which is out there pushing a point of view the islamic state in the middle east and groups like boko her wrong now the fact that he included r.c. in the same sentence as these 2 well known terrorist organizations raises a lot of questions and also makes one wonder why he was in charge of a government agency but that's just the beginning of questionable decisions that were made by him and some of those decisions were actually referenced by our late anchor ed schultz take a listen to what he had to say. i think the clintons were connected to the lack
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connected at the hip i think that they didn't want anybody in their prime time or any any were in their line up supporting bernie sanders i think that they were in the tank for hillary clinton and i think it was managed in 45 days later i was out at m s n b c. now on all when we look back at the career of andy lack we see that there were a number of questionable figures he covered up in a number of scandals will remember that he was hired specifically to come in and fix it and i wonder what's next for andy lackland guess we will see very soon rachel blevins thank you very much thank you. other headlines making news around the world today 3 family members are being charged for the shooting death of a security guard over a facemask dispute in flint michigan the security guard was reportedly arguing with a woman for not allowing people to enter the his store without wearing a mask after the argument 2 men later came to the store and shot the security guard
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the woman her husband and her adult son are now being charged with 1st degree premeditated murder and on gun charges. and then over in california they have become the 1st state to borrow money from the federal government to pay unemployment benefits but golden state borrowed $348000000.00 in federal money after almost $4000000.00 people filed for unemployment tied to the pandemic california approved to borrow up to $10000000000.00 until the end of july. or it turns out jeffrey epstein became a harvard man despite his sex conviction he even had his own office on campus to discuss that next with our from lidl and then over at sports we're going to ham shares the big return of baseball in south korea we'll be right back.
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a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. directly to what is truly what is great. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time
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time to sit down and talk. i. write as expected news surrounding jeffrey epstein once again making headlines this time involving another high profile university this time it's harvard in the hot seat the late financier was often seen sporting a harvard hoodie you might recall even though at steele never attended the university he also often hung out with the famed harvard harvard professor and attorney alan dershowitz who is now embroiled in a legal battle stemming from his own ties to epstein and he also gave a lot of money to america's so-called most prestigious university so joining us to dig a little deeper are our friend legal and media analyst lionel is here so lionel let
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me ask you this how can harvard not be held to the same account the same standards that any organization that uses money from somebody who's been prosecuted for like a criminal enterprise. that question answers the question because you can't miller what if he had been the head of the class and area nation chop all over what would anybody have said i think the harvard alarms would say wait a minute don't you do a little bit of vetting and manila here's the thing we're not talking about somebody who just gave money we're talking about somebody who was actually there who set up shop who had keyless entry in code somebody who a stone simply held himself out as being a member of the harvard faculty family so then this trend send somebody who you know has a you know a dorm deemed out for them but understand the the idiosyncrasies of this man this
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is a guy who loved to hang around people who were considered to be as scientifically inclined as with the blue ribbon and when he was at dalton school this is this is a very prestigious private elementary school or school here in new york he didn't even have a college education didn't have a degree and he t. math and physics so all his life he has exhibited this desire to be part and parcel of not the fraudulent credentials but it being near i could deni and the like so this is part and parcel but remember they basically endorsed him yeah but how did your donor but as a member of the family well why don't i mean how can harbor claim ignorance i mean it sounds kind of ridiculous on its face right how do they claim ignorance to death what have they said about this. everybody in new york new i mean
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you've got you've got a group of people there who basically have this name this prestigious name milla they have security at levels you can't imagine they would have even you don't even have. to vet anything the idea that they would do this knowing this and after this thing blew up to continue this relationship it just goes to show you is it now this is we're just doing you know psycho drama here is it because the the the feel . pervious to this that that they don't have to to check the scenes i don't know well why don't they perhaps then now after his death could they then perhaps be held as coconspirators for accepting this money or not you know i don't know if they're supposed to report it or i mean i don't know how that works as an attorney could they be coconspirators. you have to think about coconspirator for what
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exactly you have to be they have to be alleged to be a part of something but when they in essence aided in the creation of this image created or aided in the the proliferation of this man as being a legitimate man with science you have to ask yourself if you dig deeper what else did they endorse that's what i want and why don't i mean i have seen it was a convicted sex offender if that didn't disqualify him from not only giving money to these types of institutions but they're around a lot of younger people and then on top of that how many other epstein's might there be out there that are looking for institutions like harvard or mit to cover up their misdeeds. and you also have to ask is of the question how many what did he
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do in their name or what did he do did he hold himself out as a member of the curriculum of the staff is one thing to be i'm just here in some kind of a kind of an assistant mode right like i don't or represent them when they could be then vicariously liable where he becomes almost like an employee or somebody who acts in the name of so believe me they're not going to be coming out and say oh look what we just uncovered look at all the things he did in our name but something tells me as the litigation commences it will and it is you're going to find an entanglement that could very well prove even more problematic and embarrassing oh i'm sure a lionel you and i can bank on this that the epstein case is just going to continue to unfold and the creepiness is just choro i know a lot of media my friend thank you. very much. thank you stay safe.
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and other news today russia's victory day parade is this friday and the country's air force is already rehearsing showing off their skills and speed these jets flew right over red square leaving a trail in the form of the russian tricolor a $210.00 military aircraft will participate in the upcoming air parade including both jets and helicopters. and millions of children are at risk of missing their polio and missile backs nations that's according to the un's humanitarian branch unicef officials say this is all due to cope with 19 restrictions about 70 to 80 percent of shipments have taken place which cut off crucial supplies to dozens of countries including 5 that experienced measles outbreaks just last year they say the $26.00 countries most at risk include no share to take a stand cambodia mongolia and solomon islands among others. and back here
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stateside republicans and democrats joined together to keep the pressure on iran urging secretary of state my pompei o to take quote increased diplomatic action specifically they are asking pumping to continue the un's arms embargo against the persian state which is set to expire in october the us legislators made their call in a letter which was signed by 384 members of the legislative branch. ok let's head over to regina ham at the sports h.q. we're going to another baseball league in asia had their opening day to obviously empty stadiums but it's still live sports right yeah it's all fair the united states we are hungry for the start of the season but they have a chance over to what they're whistle in korea with the start of the korean baseball season it was opening day for the 10 teams that make up the korean baseball organization and the world was watching the k.b. alevi and the season with a match in the s.k. verner's and the huddle at eagles an inch on. part for no fans in attendance but stadium staff placed cardboard cutouts of absent fans throughout the stadium and it
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was so quiet you could hear cheers and shouts from the dugout and the even the occasional fast ball echoed throughout the stadium it's just strange but baseball's top brass announced it would start the season families and eventually open up games for the public depending on the coronavirus pandemic the still devoted baseball fanatics they gathered outside of the stadium to listen to the games and the start of the season and if you're on their favorite teams the k b o finds itself with a new audience too as the games will air live on e.s.p.n. . and speaking of baseball america's pastime has some of the greatest means of the game be ruth hank aaron and who can forget willie mays so today let's take a step back in the past for a tuesday edition of this day in sports history in 1606 there was a go giants center fielder willie mays hit his 512 home run breaking the record set by mel at 1926 he went on to hit 660 home runs in his career and during the whole thing in 1079 it is the seventy's the 99th running of the ticket every night 73
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secretariat with a record time of one minute 15 seconds that record still stands and he won the triple crown that year 45 years later in 2852 year old jackie mike smith the 3rd justified to victory in of the 2nd derby 1st myth and the 5th for trainer bob baffert. and you won't want to miss this great baseball moment all need a little happiness in our day world asher willing at his dad cory had a proud father son moment his 1st ever 6 home run he was just 4 years old pretty great bat flip there too and actually cory is really excited for his son he's up and around. the bases with ash and might be even more excited than the 4 year old of the best part to go hug her dad right the end is a pretty sweet. home. i don't think i've ever heard someone so excited a lot and this has gone viral on social media people absolutely love watching it and it is simply fantastic in a time of coronavirus so we have some bad news oh my god how q. is that and can you believe he is for sure years old that's not t.
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ball that was pitched yeah that was a probably a slow pitch but yeah penn exactly and you know people are saying he's next up and comer the clip is gone everywhere twitter instagram facebook he had a little round and it's extremely impressive and speaking of baseball yet you are a baseball fanatic these games in south korea that we mention that will be live they are airing at 1 am on e.s.p.n. and 5 30 in the morning so you know if you're a baseball fan american you really want to get your game fix you're going to have to stay up d.v.r. folks d.v.r. it's could be a bad a gesture and for the folks in south korea doing that. audio track of an audience of it screaming yelling actually fine enough i watched the game last night and they did have one see it maybe makes a difference whether you are i paid you for that regina we will have a lot more news coming up at 3 pm a large scale repatriation of workers in india is about to go into a fact that while nations across the gulf raise sharp eyebrows over what they say is india's as long a phobia we're going to discuss that and
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the politicking on larry king president trump now says the u.s. death toll from cold at 19 could reach 100000 others are saying higher this is much higher than he predicted just weeks ago the same time his administration is stepping up its pandemic related attacks on china we'll get into all of this with former senator joe lieberman he also ran in the 2nd slot in the 2000 democratic ticket that ticket was by the way elected it was defeated by the supreme court 5 to 4. agree with you more or better. ok recent polling rooms joes show most americans disapproving of president trump's handling of the virus what do you think. yeah it's a mixed record it's kind of surprising because 'd leaders tend to go up.
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