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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 7, 2020 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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you know with going on the shores of the earth some russian police force in the us hold. hello and welcome the cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle the underlying narrative some call it a myth of american foreign policy is the country's exceptional position on the world stage this is the bipartisan consensus however reality is very different the global pandemic has demonstrated the u.s. should focus on its own exceptional problems at home.
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to across this and more i'm joined by my guest and we got him some late jackson he is the executive director of the wrong call institute for peace and prosperity and in budapest we crossed to george samuel weeks he is author of bombs for peace nato is humanitarian war on yugoslavia our journaling rostock rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was preaching ok let me go to daniel 1st unlike jackson one would think logic would dictate that experiencing this global pandemic if you want to place the reaction of the united states in the entire array of countries that have experienced this is pretty much pretty mediocre even on the negative side in some respects here because of america's or about unique medical system. but there's still this perception that the united states is the most exceptional place in the world that it must die but it hasn't. guided during this
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pandemic nor has anyone actually asked the united states the guy it seems the this myth about american exceptionalism is his kind of lost its way because reality and facts on the ground believe that when you think. yeah there are means to be seen whether if we go back to the new normal or the old normal will what will remain but certainly it's been shown to be a hollow shell and many of us thought that all along aside from its obvious military strength the idea that if the us doesn't meet the rest of the world everyone will run around bumping into each other has been shown to be absolutely false when in fact if anything if we've learned anything from these past few months it's united states and its in its hundreds or thousands of petty bureaucrats who've been running around bumping into each other no one seems to know what to do issuing orders getting a reissuing more orders so in it it really does expose a hollow center of what's passed as american exceptionalism over the years you know
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it george is as every country has made efforts to flatten the curve as they say well that may be true in the united states depending on what state you want to refer to but certainly the middle class and working class people have been more than flattened ok and at the same time threatening military action against iran venezuela sanctions against this country sanctions against that country it really is quite amazing when you see the the the economy crater in the united states there are still these global ambitions where it's hard for them to cough up money for working people but more and more money has to be put into the military because in china ok not russia china i mean again it seems to me that you know these people in power live in a bubble they could care less about the condition of the average american and the whole way have is these these ambitions that if the last few decades of is an
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example always end in failure in misery go ahead george. that's right but american exceptionalism the has never meant america as a model of good governance or america as the provider of government services or america as a place of equality or anything like that american exceptionalism has always meant america the right of the united states to interfere in they'd attack sanction other countries. at will and as you point out this is going on right now at this very moment they're still doing this i guess threatening war on iran and frightening war on this well or no one sanction is to be lifted the case anyone anyone you know people are just dropping dead. left right and center and no the sanctions must stay in place so that's that's that's what the u.s.
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policy is now as far as. the america's mediocre performance yes but america has always domestically been a mediocre performer even at the height of the american supremacy during the cold war or even in the uni polar world immediately after the cold war i mean it was america was always redell with gross inequality terrible social and economic problems racial problems so that has never been the course of american power in the back and power as the military power and of course the supremacy of the dollar and that that hasn't changed except really the way the dollar has been used as a weapon is actually devaluing the dollar left in white and very quickly by the way very quickly here you know danny one of the interesting to things too is that you know a part of this exceptionalism is at its core it least if society is democracy but
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we just had new york cancel a primary just cancel it ok i mean it. and what you see is this rule by fia ok because it never is about democracy and yet they used to use it then they still do for abroad and no one doubted it at home but ever since 2016 to the present even democracy itself is in doubt and civil liberties the net and i've been following you with great pleasure on facebook about your trials and tribulations and where are you living i mean where you can walk how you can walk when you can walk somewhere with oh you can walk i mean again you know exporting democracy quote unquote it doesn't apply to the democracy of the united states of america. no it has exposed that the tyranny unfortunately even down to local officials you know we have a a 29 year old harris county judge harris county is a county in which houston lysa 3rd largest city in the united states she's not an attorney she's 29 years old and she issues
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a decree that harris county shuts down and that's it if you open up you go to jail and in fact a little while ago she issued she issued another proclamation that you better wear a face mask if you're outside you get a $1000.00 sign to go to joe 6 months this woman is not in the legislature she has no power or authority to make laws in this is true throughout the country you look at california when governor knew someone who is a real tyrant so you can't go to the beach california says screw you or go to the beach they went to the beach and he threw a hissy fit and put on another commission that sent out a bunch of cops you know there are a bunch of cocky dressed as you know military type who dressed capitol in sacramento there were snipers on the roof for a peaceful protest how many mothers were arrested i think about 14 mothers or arrested by these thuggish cops really the the brutal nasty core has been exposed
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in the united states and i would say this directly relates to our foreign policy i agree is when you have a foreign policy of murder. and mayhem overseas eventually it comes home to roost and that's what we're seeing right now in the u.s. i will tell you we are in a pretty revolutionary a pretty civil war situation us with people who are protesting increasingly armed increasingly desperate increasingly hungry against tyrants like new some in cuomo and whitmer and many other so it's a very dangerous situation to us right now you have been george you're just trying to protect the people you know it's like you know they had to invade iraq you legally in occupied illegally to help the iraqi people ok and american troops must day interact to help the iraqi people what are they going to stop i don't think the iraqi people. as it was or any was absolutely right when we have regime change and the change playbook abroad has come home you know in experimented on the american people in the 2016 election was there there was there for winning page ok to show
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that when they can do in iraq in syria in venezuela they can succeed at home they had to salute absolutely and what will we have learned. during the past week as there was a clear conspiracy within the deep state to oust. the elected president's national security adviser general clint i mean they it's there it's in black and why they wrote it down the way we are going to get out of office who are these people these are essentially just secret policemen i mean they're you know working in the f.b.i. you know the domestic intelligence i was very you know this and this is the worst kind of you know plotting and yet it's now out as accepted as perfectly the juggler then you get the media defending of what is essentially a coup i mean here it is if i don't know you know what it's about george you know i did get away with it because lee abhorring the electric they abhorred them made us
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think they find no value with them whatsoever. or it's really extraordinary here you know and there again they're joining it for her own good ok i have very mixed feelings about donald trump believe me i've made program after program about him both of you have been on those programs but you can't have it both ways either you have a democratic process or you don't ok you can't have it in the middle you can't cherry pick daniel and that's exactly what they're doing and the more they cherry pick what our rights can be when they can't be and who can represent as the more they have their devaluing it and make it and people and that the most common word i've been using the last few weeks of my program is pitchfork ok because this is what people are going to start thinking ok when you have a you know the. presenter on c.n.n. living in his basement you know and then he comes up like lies or it out from death you know but he was outside he was talking with people going on
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a real estate run ok to buy expensive property and then they present this fraud on television people notice this stuff ok frauds rule over us. thank you rule over reson hypocrites rule over us you know over the weekend i went out to a local dive bar kind of a biker bar that has been closed down by the authorities like all restaurants in texas been closed down she says i'm desperate to write my last check my account is empty i want to open up to people who want to come here and enjoy themselves and i'm going to do it in defiance of the state well the sheriff the next day gave her a warning will arrest you if you do that or something extraordinary happened a group called texas open carry showed up with about a 100 or so automatic weapons and surrounded the property and guess what she was able to continue serving her willing customers the rest of the day i'm not endorsing this kind of response when i'm simply doing is saying that people are desperate and they're taking things into their own hands and i quite frankly am
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a super comfortable with guns in many ways but you can see the desperation in americans faces like this woman like this businessman well at the same time what about the big box stores what about the well connected executives the huge corporations oh you can open you can do all the business you want so it's really a divide you're right that despising of the electorate the spicing of the middle class the working class is now laid bare for everyone to see. you know you know george one of the things about exceptionalism that is really quite interesting is that if you question if and we're you know were good were considered you know. beyond the pale doing this program for even mentioning it even doubting it because i just look at it and they holdouts take ideology it doesn't presume produce results i mean results driven person i might daniel ok i mean if it works well let's consider it ok but i don't i don't have ideological blinders ok but if you doubt exceptionalism you are beyond the pale. you know though that is absolutely
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right and the response to the pandemic is a very illustrative because while the united states has the in droning on of the. building of nato expanding nato let's bring in this country and that country and let's russia let's in russia all of that is completely irrelevant because the want to legalize there's a lot of doubt we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on exceptionalism state with r.t. . thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military a decision that has shattered lives everything from. a complete.
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be instructed. told to shut up what they kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me any mimi come in and grab my arm the right means is birthing if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing. happen but i've never seen trauma like. women who are veterans who suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and the offender and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an hour in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or woman. join me every thursday on the alex salmond
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and i'll be speaking to the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness. welcome back to cross now where all things are considered i'm cuter labelle to remind you we're discussing american exceptionalism. let's go back to george before we went to the break and we were talking about the nature and definition no exceptions and one of the interesting thing is this 22 years ago when maps now the. secretary of state albright said that america stands
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in them because because it stands tall or it can see further i've always found it really quite remarkable that she's a very short woman that you could make that statement but. the interesting thing is that if you're an indispensable country indispensable country going to means all other countries are spending will mean just by definition and that has a meaningful knock. with the end of the cold war the. seeding of the unit whole moment and this pandemic is an example you have where european allies are saying why isn't what do we need this for ok you want to dictate our trade our energy relations we're assigning us enemies. and on top of that you'll sanction us ok if we don't do what you're told i mean the indispensable country is really making everyone else oh. yes yes and exactly the case so you get the united states which through its aggressive policies is creating headaches
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for its its so-called allies in europe the instability that is created in north africa in the middle east led directly to the mass migration which led to political upheavals throughout europe and it's always the case united states spreads chaos but the cost of the chaos up picked up by others whereas something like this pandemic and the pandemic was entirely predictable and for pandemics are as old as human history of self i mean but it's always been around there was a pandemic in 2003 the sars epidemic so it's not like this came as a complete surprise and yet no preparations have been made so while you know i say it was messing around in iraq you know completely ridiculous invasion why it's been threatening iran for no obvious reason why it's been circling and antagonizing
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russia it's done no preparations whatsoever for something that was entirely foreseeable and now again everyone this time the americans themselves are having to live with the consequences you know the you know daniel you spending 700000000000 dollars a year in the military but they can't make a medical masks ok i think that really says a lot right there ok and with this pandemic what we've seen is the. pounding of the little. class and working people there's still no serious thought of infrastructure whatsoever i have traveled the world i have been different very many places and i'll tell you the infrastructure in the united states is the parasail now embarrassing for the indispensable country ok and it's not even on the gen deck to do this ok and and helping the working class people in small businesses was an afterthought and it still remains an afterthought i as a conservative don't like injecting money directly and i think the tax code is
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that's what that's or but in this case this is an exceptional situation and if you want to have an economy you better save the people that participate in it because this financial ization of the economy doesn't make anything it doesn't make you say ok and all it does is it did it destroys the real economy around the world ok you can't run a global occur economy just on financial ization because there's no underlying foundation of it and as we mentioned in this program earlier it's destroying the value of the dollar the dollars of value is destroyed the empire comes to an end very quickly go ahead and well you know the rule should be 1st do no harm and when in fact with the measures that the u.s. government has taken to this point are really a kick in the face of the middle class if you talk about injecting 6 trillion dollars into the economy of course to the well connected to the banks to the big corporations none of that money trickles down if anyone doubts that they should ask in small business who has tried to apply for
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a little bit of help with that money does of course is dilute the value of the dollar is going to be huge inflation acts on the working in middle classes so that is the real problem what could be done well there's a lot that can be done but the real danger in the u.s. and what we're seeing so clearly from this coronavirus and demick suppose it came and then it is a merger of the corporate and government structures the corporations in the governments are even more closely tied states. gov starting to feel some heat about protests a they call of zuckerberg hey you got to you got to kick these people of facebook they can organize protests what are you talking about boom they're gone don't leave and don't let doctors tell you there rick they're professionally an experience and knowledge don't let them do that either ok i mean that is extremely just extrapolating what you're saying keep going down no that's true in the end they may be wrong they may be right but we should be able to debate writing for exceptional we can at least debate and use our brains but here is the next in this coming down the pipe which is a food shortage in the united states what can you do to solve the problem well
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here's one here's one problem that the us has we have a very very few extremely large corporate meat packing companies a corner of the entire market and that's because they collude with the u.s. government to keep out the small guys well what could you do for example thomas mesereau republican from kentucky has a bill in to simply relax some of these ridiculous onerous regulations on on solar houses and meat packing companies in allow the small guy the little farmer to processes food and sell it to refer to the people in his neighborhood in his state in his community whom the problem the crisis is gone but they don't want that they want a crisis because crisis means our. you know if it's very interesting george is that one of the things that's going to happen here like in 20082009 is a consolidation you're going to have again this this middle sector of the economy wiped out and you get in the ones that are still viable attractive they're going to
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be eaten up and they're going to be absorbed into these larger which so what we just continued monopolization of the economy which of course you have more limited choice there limited choices higher prices and and it's a form of control and and by design or not that's going to be the reality here again you know what they want to spread these free market ideas and democracy around the world that they're all being you wrote it in the united states itself and you have this liberal media cheering it on cheering it on wife because they don't like the orange man in the white house rules in big boons they are ok their jobs are protected i need a haircut but if in most places the united states you try to get a haircut you give you arrested and or a barber is going to be arrested ok i mean a simple choice is that becomes a political issue for these people here this is a wake up call and i think this time around unlike 20082009 when this pandemic finally were in its wake and we got to see the damage. because people are focusing
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on that nearly enough and when that landscape becomes apparent then it's going to be who's going to have the power how's it going to be used but i think it's be quite nasty because i've asked many times in this program what we have of you or l. recovery most people think in el go ahead short yes no that's absolutely right and as you say they the money is flowing to the wealthy to the corporations it's not flowing to the ordinary people what's $1200.11 live somewhere in big set it's $100.00 what's i going to do you say you know stay all the way up and with that georgia paid or not get a bank that it's not going to be produced. ok i'm sorry hon you know that's right and and then it's not like you know rents are going to be cancelled for 34 months so all of that will suddenly be due for most people they're not going to be able to afford it and so you know as as happened in 2002000 and they'll be massive
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exceptions but the landlords will be doing extremely nicely. and so this and i know you think of all the money that's now being caught into the pharmaceutical companies you know on the search for the vaccine. against order people are going to benefit from this this is going to be the giant pharmaceutical companies that are going to you know make a make a killing on from the government money and from you know if they do develop the vaccine the interesting thing george too is that you may not have a choice when it comes to taking a backseat or not and i'm not taking a strong position here but what i'm what i'm trying to stress here is the issue of choice ok and that is being denied if you are rapidly running out of time daniel it it's very interesting here is that acception alyssum may have a new lease on life because of course everything is trying to stop about 3 what 4 months ago was always russia's fault now everything is china's law china took all our jobs no johnnie didn't take one job away from the you know what ok it was the
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elites that you have that hollowed out america and they did so when you have adam schiff who says he wants an investigation about how all this happened i would like to see you know is of america to sit down in front of the public and explain to them why they hollowed out the economy i'm not saying that china is all this and this i don't know one way or another but i see an enormous amount of also knows how without the economy after we see this economy slack for working people go ahead and well it's a bipartisan thing as well biden says to trump you're soft on china trump says no you're soft on china it's just so so idiot idiotic the entire debate is but one interesting thing peter is that this. coronavirus pandemic has really smashed all the stereotypes no lucas shank has the last dictator in europe this be his perfect chance to consolidate his control he says ow go drink some pot can go to a sauna you know a conservatives in america you sweden as a socialist hellhole what does this government do your business oh we don't want to
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destroy the economy so it's been a great destroyer a stereotype which is not a bad thing dyspepsia believe and while the interesting thing is don't use it they have no answers for anything anymore ok except except we need external enemies ok that's why the health care in america is so poor that's why we were so unprepared because somehow the chinese did it in the end you know which added to it the russians are backing them up and you know what their greatness its eram i mean it just goes on and on i'm not sure you have an aircraft carrier that has to leave service because it is infected with corona virus ok i mean no prob conscience no thinking about the average person here i don't know if that captain has been reinstated he should be he did the most important thing is take care of his his sailors they're going to georgia to be the last word here we're going to go from here. well that's a very good question and you have to then wonder what happens in the november
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election because i think that if trump is defeated. by then and that's quite a lot of it quite likely i mean it's not an impossibility i think that there will be an armed uprising in the united states i think that there will be a feeling that this was a presidency that was destroyed from within and there and therefore this is you know that any buying this victory will be seen as illegitimate and that's only words if it happens only i can say is you know be very careful with my words who are these people are so sloppy ok roshi gate their research findings here of a handwritten notes are these people are sloppy begin to do this they better be careful for the reasons you just said that's all the time we have gentlemen thanks to my guests and lake jackson any budapest and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are you see you next time remember.
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you cannot be vulgar with me yet you want. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability spain over man at a more equitable and sustainable well. they claim their production is completely harmless god does need the. libby kakadu to compass my models and got it done designed to busan companies want us to feel good about buying their products while
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the damage is being done far away this is 2nd eldest doesn't want any minutes i mean look at. the sun moves and news limited on time and i'm studying them to be based on that understood look who is going to. do good to bad in the in 80 or will they go please do you think. that we're not rationing or dying why are some of the wealthier neighborhoods it's been far more contained in the numbers are much lower than some of the foreign neighborhoods to start he said he didn't get anything we're working with can source outside of state because they're just so 'd if they're here. so i get out of this.
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small seemed wrong. but old rules just don't call. me new world that is yet to shake out disdain and become the educated and in the game trade equals betrayal . when so many find themselves worlds apart if we choose to look for common ground the. cliff the boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss. in washington coming up.


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