tv The Alex Salmond Show RT May 7, 2020 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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in a public health initiative and offer a way out of the coronavirus crisis coming along don't be eased with a test trace isolate policy implemented today we are so highly barton's the professor of global health at the university of strathclyde to estimate where we are in finding a route through the crisis can detail what the tiny fate of islands where the vast far they've got the virus beaten only 2 cases remaining and no fatalities as of something in their approach which can give a lesson to the larger countries round the world but 1st the glass good to meet with your tweet surely avails of your messages. thank you alex last week we discussed the psychological impact of course at 19 and one of our guests was t.v. psychologist in mckinney to him david sales emma well said on the show you couldn't have summed up the wealth of lucian ships working practices and mental health
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better at lived by those words and thoughts always touch him a kindly replies what a lovely treat to receive p.l.r. says mental health it's one of my major concerns during the lockdown field an emptiness our worst enemies if we understand that we are useful and that we're all working together towards a simple we will feel much better susan says the psychological tsunami is not inevitable let's choose a situation to pivot our collective consciousness powder ties english and ships plea and presence david mcdonald says isn't that a very realistic possibility that if the world doesn't get back to work soon that the lockdown is going to end up more damaging than the virus not to see that the should be some lockdown at this time louis says i would be for those who've lost their partners under isolating alone and grieving alone james burton says and it's just scotland our heroes and many many others out there good on them how lucky we all are to have them all here here jean's last week we also discussed the rising
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domestic violence figures cheating this crisis to which allison says men are also at risk of domestic violence please let's not ignore this also it is the least reported a lot of white says i hope all families to have lost loved ones will be getting assistance with funeral costs the $1.00 seems to mention the city hall when people are under financial strain then they have the worry of additional financial costs louis says the economic divide is causing a huge problem when the world health organization told countries and watched the test test test some dead and some didn't those who followed the voice or heard of the viral curve those are dead wish they hugged. i'm not joined from from glasgow by professor harvey barnes a professor of global health at the university of strathclyde and scott and former chief medical officer professor bombs this week the u.k. and indeed scotland have announced of
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a ton to the test trace isolate strategy how difficult will that be now that the the violence has a substantial grip even if the peak has passed according to the authorities we need to meet hastings and routine thing it's far from being is it really just to scare you know that some of the story people with critical is in this that suggest you have caught it the go to when it leaves and hopes that there are a fair to. go actors that we will that who people use or in their total probably happen at their same home to isolate read families for me the other members of the family and sorbent victims and then you're tested its legacy. and i'm seeing that i'm hearing those stories from g.p.s.
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and from our colleagues and read just don't seem to have a grip of what we need to do how useful well the new up the smartphone technical device b m assisting to create an effective tracing isolation regime their sadness and now that seems to be to use several weeks ago in other countries and eventually we are getting to the stage where we're going to be able to use it and i think it's going to be very important it's kind of virtual walked out if you like being able to do a number of things right where mosques know who you're interacting with and sort of it's a way of moving a summary from our know and still providing some sefton that you will be able to trace 'd the isolate the people who heard her crying the disease and i think it's important that we don't use it professor bombs professor of global health of
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university of strathclyde casting your i am to mash nollie which countries have empress to wear fela approach to the high level of violence were out there are many i think south korea because of its experience with mariners there was prepared in a way 'd that we clearly have not been period i think jeremy moved very rapidly discussing as i did last week with a group of jeremy colleagues their response they're taking the view that germany's getting a bit of undeserved credit they think germany could have done more but 'd still can't death 3 dead and they gave all. austria are switzerland these are places have managed this in ri that we clearly have not and that's that's a sign that we just have not got to grips with it and germany started the testing
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regime very aptly and we're able to manage this much more effectively i think how the bomb just breaking into some of the great city of glasgow whether something has been noted that even just a few miles apart because of economic factors and deprivation the can be dramatic differences in the long devotee and life expectancy of the i suspect that when we come to otherwise the empathic somewhat talented and covert 19 we shall see the same despite of these on adjacent populations i don't think there's any doubt that this will happen impact on their house in and mark how letty inequalities that we will see and now very irate duction in life expectancy in scotland. as a result of this and the biggest production methods they can see will be people who are ahead of the social scale that's that's mathematics that we will have to do
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this part of their their review of activity with this is all busted how bombs are the maybe grounds for optimism that when we are mad from this crisis that some of the public health messages that have successfully been got across will actually impact in a positive sense and long term health i think the benefits they see funnily enough will be in their way in which our economy grows people are looking to. local businesses they're helping them out that the local businesses are doing their leverage is that the start to keep things going themselves and i think after this we will begin to show a bit more care and attention in terms of our old and local community action inclusive economic growth as some as
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a policy that scottish government wants to pursue growth that include everyone affluent and deprived not just the wealthy the big international companies so i'm investing in local people local enterprise and keeping the money going in local communities and i think what we may well see is someone kidding society or settling for that's the case looking from the community in scotland to the global policy what a vest stance can we have done to fires to the great lessons from this global pandemic and what changes have acquired that and to last a level so that we are better prepared for the next challenge the top to my questions you know maybe less this lesson to the want health organization these are people 'd of immense experience they get to see what's happening in different parts
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of the valley on and they're much in this instance they have been much more on the ball than individual countries like the rupee like god help us the usa 'd where things seem to be spiraling up trouble we have messed up while i think for too long in the u.k. and you can see some impatience was in the scottish government the scottish government has jumped in and moved moved things are that faster. ready. the u.k. government should be moving across their area so the lesson is listening to what's happening look at the technology the other places and systems other places and use it to control it lend from them and implement as quickly as possible and finally
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select case looking at the pleasure others come to bear on the world health organization from a variety of sources of moving their finance into some sort of the pendle international basis for example or a tobin tax perhaps a bit of voting some of the finance for an international tax on financial transactions are some other means of putting that world specialty into a secure funding because of the the world as a village in terms of the ability of a virus to communicate world health organization should have the security and funding to be able to do the job in behalf of the planet added funding it not need heads of state withdrawing 'd funding just because the go i could lucian's there. the need for the funding but we need the support from the different countries and that support grams of expertise and so am i what
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a lot with the one health organization reduced medical officer scott and found them to be in names 3 reliable and capable and indeed and still a contact with some of them and who just cannot believe the way the u.k. has delayed in getting to grips with us professor had a bun from glasgow thank you very much indeed thank you nice to hear. join us after the break we'll find out which country has tested more of its population any other i'm so might surprise you join us. time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability it's very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability.
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more equitable and sustainable world. they claim their production is completely harmless. companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is just going to. the u.k. government london has announced this week that the isle of wight off the south coast of england will be testing ground its trial run for the new smart
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a mobile phones the site into a. renewed testing policy but should they be looking north rob. for inspiration on how to deal with this virus. at the start of this week the united kingdom of conducted the 60 votes and test for corona virus per 1000000 of its population germany a tested twice that number of the smaller countries norway and new zealand were on a par with germany but all of these countries are left feeling in the wake of the tiny pharaoh islands of a population of some 50000 they have tested and trace our own one 5th of the entire country under one roof mostly stump virus i'm no joined from the favors by former minister christina her force member of parliament christina half or so can i quote you back to march if when the fairway islands were confronted with in terms of your
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population the size quite a number of cases of cholera virus some theft in one day how did you set about tackling the violence and get to a situation where no you've got to almost eradicate it yes luckily it seems like the faroe islands are among the 1st nations to be able to stop the wire iris at the moment and it all comes back to our house started in back in the mid march and right away already when we only had 3 cases in the faroe islands and we chose to lock down so we had a very early intervention and i think that has spent crucial to the success now later on and we also put in a strategy right away to where implement extensive testing and to trace all the cases and to quarantine people who have been in contact with people who are tested
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positive and that of course this extensive testing showed how many people really have to coral iris and in our societies are people who are in a way quite shocked in the beginning because the more we tested the more we found and the more we learnt. in the end it turned out to be the right decision to choose the strategy because luckily we succeeded in tracing all cases in quarantine ing to the relevant people and at the moment we only have like 2 active cases and 99 percent of the $187.00 people who were tested positive for had a cohort so. right now things that we know that can change the customer if i arrived at a situation where you've tested them the fadeaway wins almost 20 percent of your population how does a small island group arrive at having the facilities to enable you to carry out
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such an exercise the reason that we have such a huge relatively few testing capacity is actually found in our shallow industry and already 20 years ago we had this huge weiners outbreak in the salmon industry and back then we chose to invest in their last laboratory facilities and since then we each year we perform thousands of wires tests in our selma to ensure that the salmon is healthy so back in january when we heard about on the on the white house and china and researcher at our laboratory recommended to the health authorities here in ferrets that we adapted a laboratory to make tests of wires as people so when we got our 1st case 3rd of march and started to test extensively we were ready we got the results within a few hours and that has made it possible to stop the spread of the white house
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there were fewer success in reducing the number of new cases to virtually 0 and were fully to live cases of covert 19 still under supervision have you been able in the phaedo islands to relax the economic lot of those. yes luckily we have. been successful in stopping the waitress and we had 187 cases and 180 pile of them and recovered to only 2 active cases at the moment we only had 3 new cases the last 4 weeks and all of those 3 cases were people who came from abroad and they were already in 2 weeks planting so it hasn't spread since then and that's why we are wary strict demanding that people who come to the faroe islands go into 2 weeks quarantine because in that way we can ensure that the wires want spread again so yes we have there been
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able to piece to restrictions and they can 2nd back to school day care has opened people beginning to go back to work so the only restriction we have stale is that you can't garner more than 50 people at one place and you're sure still tried to be 2 metres apart i don't understand though kristie that yourself and your fellow m.p.'s of offered to lend their expertise to the west the mail ins of scotland your neighbors your nearest neighbors almost over the atlantic i know there have been there connections between the scottish government and the fairy areas government and i just hope that there they will also get some positive results because i think it's very important if we could help each other through this way difficult times and etc i'm aware of. the fadeaway islands
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along with a number of countries but a fairly select band like new zealand the taiwan the fair while and so be male one of the best cases thus far in the world of demonstrating how to confront and tackle. and suppress such a deadly virus the things that we have in common is that we have all told some of this early in the wrench and that we went where early and would lock down the parents we only had 3 positive cases where we lucked out and secondly that we have traced all the cases found the people who have been in contact or people who are tested positive and that we have put people into quarantine that has made it possible ot for us to reopen after such a sale in much faster and hopefully also usa the long term damage will canonically but also in other ways because it's not healthy for people to be in lock down too
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long because they are half us in the fairway islands thank you for joining us today stay safe and well done for your strategy thus far thank you very much and thank you for having me and we should all the best and stay safe. u.k. government is piloting it's facing up on the isle of wight but the hill in year the local member of parliament brendan neal says the scottish government should be piloting its facing policy on the hebrides i'm now joined from the beautiful island the bottom by i guess mcneil welcome back to the alex simon show angus a great place and alex thank you now you have from christina hoff and from the fed a while and about the systems that they've employed in these islands is that the sort of thing you want to see in the in the west the miles up saluted the 50 system has been remarkably successful when you consider that they are going to taste test
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and have done the cases they phoned at that with it looked at those cases even more so this weekend when we find it to him i need a guy like sky that at 54 kisses of a a covert 90 proof positive that and that is more than a 3rd of the city decent of a 3rd of the city says i don't subsidy astonishing i want to have it kind of up of course from the following the sort of u.k. system of just close a finger short for the best of it all locked out my ticket waiting for the virus to go weak and that will happen so that's a serious outbreak and i'm nothing home and put 3 in the eye on the sky is that emphasis for you if it was needed that island communities i mean north sense is immune from the spread of this virus absolutely and the only thing that can it limit the viruses and think if you and i sort of showed it proper policies and i guess i'd be chasing the virus that's left course without a pilot it might stitchers it in their genetics to eat basically what the fate of
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others have done and what i said to john and that is when we find somebody positive we go and look for all the contacts test them quite empty them and make sure the virus is not going to be further setbacks with doing and when for the virus to come knocking at the do it means you will find pockets of $54.00 cases of. once in the last week the u.k. government and london have announced a pilot scheme in the isle of wight in the just off the south coast of england for their new intelligent for up to assessment face saying is this what you mean for scotland or are you thinking of something more encompassing i wish them well and i don't quite i was tired and i think that forced to be one of the best is one of the areas of england when the bases don't test the out but i think when all's said and done the opportunity so far we need something bigger and better than the bigger better thing this to test to taste attack where the focus is exactly what if either one incident and they've even been kind enough to offer us the head of the success
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it's both from government level and from private company level to ensure we have the capacity to achieve this test to this attack of the virus and i think that's something that we should be grateful to them for and i would have from the fin a while and certainly adapted their testing regime for for salmon farming to find salmon violences and use that rather cleverly in an elevator fashion to give them the the testing facility of a choir and to track down call that 19 is this what you've got mine firmly west on the islands or 'd do you want to use one of the army more bell units like the one that's been sent to sky whatever comes we need to increase the capacity of and we should firstly be congratulating the cities on the engineer at the end of south started we haven't sat back and wait for somebody else to come and do 6 i have a health board that sitting back at the moment and quote our wheat and guidance and
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we gave it presumably from the central government policy to change agenda so what is there is the technical and are we to do the testing what isn't it it's a political lifting of the pain to change the policy now live able and to do so or indeed even the demand from the health board to achieve that as well. this is part of the log jam as far as i could see it went in within scotland i'm going to why did you care i think we need more autonomy but surely the scottish government as indicated that they are moving back to a past trace and isolate policy cut may have been these just wait for that to be rolled out over scotland why do we need a pilot scheme in there and the hebrides well it's certain that man can tell you that neither tighten up tight and don't think that man can tell that the movement of a virus either we have to be lightning quick and you know to be indicating we might do something at some point to stand really isn't good enough when we have the capability to do it you know so i think things need to be
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a bit quick and we can together the movement of this by this epic sky shows 54 people are doorstep i positive all of a sudden it's just this could have been us flaps and just slight change of circumstances that i should quartering from scotland's national point robert bubbles but shouldn't you be giving us pals the wisdom from some galaxia from bob well i think you're getting the perils of wisdom of the moment in this interview and i hope that the i see the not really my kind of wisdom been the out the perils of as of the world health organization when i spoke to that if you use health minister this intuition i said what did you do it said quite simply we just followed the world health organization guidelines it's not very difficult just do that and you do it well and that's what they've done and that's why they have a team just at the moon this moment in time could only put us indeed iceland in new zealand and many other jurisdictions done that as well simply based following it good advice that was given not trying to reinvent the wheel which is what happened in the u.k.
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post march the 12th i guess by mcneil from the wonderful island the but thank you very much for joining us today so welcome thank you. there are many things about corona virus we do not yet fully understand however some things that we do know we know that this virus attacks the elderly and formals we know that people of color are vulnerable we know that is highly infectious we also know that those countries which followed the world health organization advice to test a trace to isolate ahead of the virus curve those who didn't are still lot and it's deadly embrace so when you see when the iceland site the those countries which have handled this virus well people say ah but the small countries and the islands but taiwan is not a small country and gemini is neither an island not a small country in any case small countries by definition the resources of small countries where the
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a been successful is because they followed international best practice i've adapted the resources of hobbes to meet the challenge in the fairly while and as we have here the if used a lot of trees they've had for testing for salmon viruses to come to the help but need of the human population the larger question the much larger question as one of those countries which failed in march to implement tracing and testing can lead reintroduce it as a means of escaping from the ruinous economic law and can this be done before letting the virus loose once again of one thing that can be absolutely sure technical out through smart phones may provide a useful addition to a policy that in themselves they are no substitute for boots on the ground or at least passed now manning the phone banks and implementing a proper policy of testing tracing and isolation and so forth has made them myself and all of the shoal as stay safe good bye for now and we'll see you next week.
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he said 2 of the cores are so you need for good in each. other than the human russell but if. you saw that on the better side of the dad the book at least was all that business and just. consider. me emotional learning t.m. months ago if you will still be stuck or your muscles from the course of your knee which mrs jenner of option mr slope could fall from the coach feel that the truth. is missed. that. we think you minds be soviet soldier because off the boots he's wearing. your child on the shore stuck in the summarizing the police force swindlers holding.
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its day's headlines from odyssey international the european union says it's heading for the worst recession in its history with any fragile recovery period threatened by a potential 2nd wave of infection. in the hunt for how the virus took hold in france coming up we speak to a man whose dog. i learned i had. only 10 days after. the doctor called me and said. you were lucky. today. everywhere.
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