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tv   Eat the Press  RT  May 8, 2020 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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hello everyone let's take a look at today's menu to see what we're serving up on the press to dr if these missteps are not put in place to prevent 2000000 people dead in united states c.n.n. sends a cease and desist order to the trump campaign over a 7 2nd sound bite they call inaccurate nobody is not ready to let's ready well chris cuomo continues to perpetuate the myth of his self quarantine. he just can't stop talking about it we'll show you and you lack is out as the head man at n.b.c. news in m.s. n.b.c. his departure comes as reports say new york state is investigating the network for past sexual harassment allegations natasha suite has
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a full report i say that you're terrible reporter who wins in those coronavirus battles between the president and white house reporters i think it's a very nasty question we'll discuss with talk show host steve gruber and sean hannity and the new york times battle it out while diamonded still gore apparently done at fox news will be here to fill us in and for dessert did c.b.s. news air a fake news report on coronavirus testing at a health facility in michigan. well the project very tight says yes i'm steve. the press. oh. jesus.
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but i. have you heard the news yes indeed c.n.n. has sent a cease and desist letter to the trump campaign you see they use a short c.n.n. clip in a 62nd trump campaign ad which depicts how the trump administration handled their response to the coronavirus watch my administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat they're still going to follow the americans of all these are accurate that these missteps have not been put in place you could have been 2000000000 people down the united states yes yes c.n.n. says that the clip 7 seconds was false misleading and deceptive way to me doesn't that better describe cnn's own chris cuomo and that whole self quarantine fiasco that we told you about a couple of weeks ago we showed you how cuomo we emerge from his basement supposedly ending his more than 2 week or on a virus quarantine but he had been reported to have been out and about on easter
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sunday well before the stage drives from the basement and he had a run in with a 65 year old bicyclist he took to twitter recently to say it's a lie i was passed quarantine. when confronted if you were passed quarantine why did you stage your emerging from quarantine 8 days later and tell dr sanjay gupta 2 days after easter that you had not gone the requisite 72 hours without fever so he now says he was passed quarantine on easter and it was ok to be out and about with his family without a mask by the way but watch this conversation with dr sanjay gupta 2 days after easter sunday in order for someone to feel like they're at home and have been tested positive there's 3 things that clear that the docs really look for to see if you might be able to stop isolation no fever for 72 hours without tylenol and i know you were trying to do the 72 hours with that and see if you had a fever they came back and i was cut to keep my fingers crossed we talked over the
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weekend how did it go we had to go 72 hours you know i got close so who was cuomo lying to us or dr gupta by the way unfortunately his wife and his son mariel did catch the virus it's unfortunate maybe maybe chris should've listened to his brother the governor you could literally kill someone because you didn't want to wear a mask i mean how how cruel and irresponsible would that be and then this doctor found who cuomo brought on his show just this past week i guess he was looking for some self gratification narcissistic compliment of some sort watch and you have been calling me out of personal concern to make sure that i'm ok my wife was ok that my son was ok 11 o'clock at night later waiting for my show to and saturday sunday morning that rare time you have with your family why because he loves you
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chris doesn't everybody you know chris cuomo is like a virus he's now infected doctors found she and gupta who are either willingly playing along very deceitful ie i might add or they've been duped by. cuomo into this whole quarantine fiasco i think c.n.n. needs a cease and desist order against chris cuomo and finally n.b.c. news and m.s.n. b.c. have said goodbye to their chief andy lack this comes as reports of an investigation by the new york attorney general circulate so says former n.b.c. producer rich mchugh that is true i'm aware of it i have been looking into it for a story. it was the new york attorney general's office civil division so you know it's not we're not sure if it could lead to anything criminal but i do know that they've been looking into this and interviewing employees over a number of months artie's natasha sweet will have more on the andy lack story later in the show. you know many times over the past few weeks we've looked on in
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the will diminish as fox news has kind of changed moved to the left the president's tweeted about it and we've discussed it here this week we take another look at fox on many levels and are they becoming more like c n n n m s n b c and what about people trying to blame them for deaths due to the coronavirus here to analyze all that with us is my friend and yours legal and media analyst lynell of litle media my friend welcome aboard sir thank you sir all right so let's start with this over and out fox news the very entertaining duo of diamond and silk has apparently been unceremoniously dumped by the networks pay pay you know service fox nation i think they call it and supposedly for making controversy remarks about the corona virus for one they've been accused of calling it not a pandemic but a plan demick implying
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a lot of things which they claim they didn't say watch. it was not the not the need to let inform susan. we didn't say it was a pandemic we asked the question what if it a man dammit that's what i want to go to 0 he's all right so your take on you know on diamond and silk disappearing from from fox station well steve this goes to a bigger issue you know since time immemorial those of us who have been in the business have always questioned the official account of government where there are a death count of vietnam war correct whether we were winning in vietnam or iraq we always ask are we being told the truth now for some reason or another we've now traversed into this new lane that will get you immediately squashed squashed and removed if what you're asking is a conspiracy theory and is
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a great deal of analysis and not a conspiracy theories i'm a conspiracy analyst so assuming they went in said is this plan is they are the numbers bogus and by the way as we speak now and for the next week or so these questions are being asked by a multitude of everybody but here's the bottom line steve what they said was so tepid so dilute compared to what other fox member said laurie ingram surely tucker carlson who has been calling into question everything every aspect of it from hydrochloric when do you name it well if it's good enough for tucker why aren't they accorded the same blanket protection that he is but steve for some reason i don't know why if you say if you question. not whether coronavirus exists or not but whether the reaction is correct you can be immediately show because if i didn't know better it would appear that somebody would say you are not going to question this this planned reaction and if your reaction is one of incredulity or
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skepticism that does not comport in your acts and of all people from fox. yeah well that was that's were that yet and of course the president has maintained his his admiration for the pair i want to move on there's been an effort underway as you and i have discussed to blame fox and some of the hosts for the some of the corona debt's ok now misinformation sean hannity he is demanding an apology from the new york times because they did a story which he says put him in a bad light blame him for the death of one person in particular who took a cruise and he threaten a lawsuit against the times he wanted a retraction and apology and the times said no way basically the times story like i said has a fox viewer watching had a knee and then deciding to go on a crew was based on something hannity might have said i don't know and then he wound up dying so this had to have a case here if he since that time said no way can he actually sue them and have any
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chance of winning anything. i do want to give you the old and the age old answer of 2 they said what it depends but also yeah you can too bikini when look see that you told me siva years ago that we'd be having a lawsuit over this and even example years ago there was a guy dr robert out into came up with the atkins diet now it's called the kido diet is it that and very it's iterations there of people would say all the time i get you're killing people he wouldn't have sued if i succeed you don't understand you're killing people if you tell if you tell women that such a such a you're killing people we said this all the time it was considered perhaps hyperbolic a bit over the top not know the question is this hannity think literally that that's what they said it and did they really say you know that and if he did if the new york times said yes hannity you said something which will lead to the death of someone else. well it's this this takes the whole notion of journalistic
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license and opinion and it just blows it apart now by the way to be fair these are all this is all posturing i send a letter to you you send a letter to me i'm threatening you read it there's no lawsuits of obvious just you know we're just posturing and it gets to be beefed up and to play on your show at night but steve what really should bother everybody is that. i can't believe i'm saying this and not for the lawsuits let's just talk about the i but please go at each other you have got shaun's got the biggest bully pulpit to use it that's what i'm saying. yeah well it's great publicity because as you correctly pointed out we're talking about it how many times that we mention hannity or sean hannity but in this little segment like no as always my friend thank you so much thank you my friend my post i want you to stay right where you are because up next is the media attack or are they all on the attack radio talk show host steve gruber both join us
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and weigh in next right here on eat the bread. he says to add to that he so he can each other than those. who want to. make it on the better side going to the brooklyn system so let me just. consider. me emotional i mean months ago if you will still be stuck or your muscles need music but if i should. feel that the true. compassion that. we think he minds be soldier to peace off the
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boots he's wearing. which to the soul looks like to move the opposing opinion with you i'm going to sure stuck with summarizing the police force swindles hold. because the report never fails to deliver the good seed and we've been saying now for a few years that ultimately they're going to $100.00 trillion dollars japan's already down a percent debt to g.d.p. on their fed's balance sheet kuroda their center. banker has already taken their central bank above 100 percent of g.d.p. in terms of debt that's fine a lot of junk. america has 6789 trillion dollars they've got another 60 trillion to go the globe is set to go to 100 percent g.d.p. debt to the balance sheets of the central bank.
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is the. police this is. the core of operation in dying water some of the wealthier neighborhoods it's been far more contained and the numbers are much lower than some of the more a neighborhood to start a city that's been the scene we're working with can source outside of the state because they're just sort 'd of here so i think you have. now as we mentioned in our appetizer segment andy lack the boss of amisom d.c. and n.b.c. news is now the former boss of n.b.c. news in m.s.n. b.c.
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stepped down earlier this week and there's all kinds of talks whirling around of an investigation being done by the new york state attorney general into sexual harassment allegations against n.b.c. news here to sort it all out as somebody who's been following it all our own natasha's suite n.b.c. chairman andy lack is suddenly out as the investigation surrounding sexual harassment claims which started the me to make continues but is there really a cover up culture at the network like some former employees claim more than a dozen women are being interviewed by the new york attorney general's office in an . to cation alleging sexual assault claims at n.b.c. former today show anchor matt lauer is reportedly one of the main targets of the probe this all coming to light one day after chairman of n.b.c. and a missing b.c. and the lack is fired former n.b.c. employees alleged lack tried covering up the harvey weinstein scandal before it finally broke over the past 6 months officials have been interviewing current and
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former employees over the scandal regarding harvey weinstein the movie mogul was jailed after being convicted of rape former today show host making kelly was confirmed by her reps to also be interviewed by the purported weinstein unit although they would not elaborate on her involvement former n.b.c. host 54 year old linda vester who says she was sexually assaulted by a former n.b.c. nightly news host tom brokaw was also interviewed extensively bester stay in the network has a quote cover up culture during which she called her several hours long interview with investigators in a statement bester saying that lack was one of many in orchestrating a cover up on fox news to her carlson confirms the ongoing investigation with former n.b.c. producer and investigative journalist rich mchugh that's that is true i'm aware of it i have been looking into it for a story. it was the new york attorney general's office civil division make you left
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n.b.c. after he was told to stop reporting on the harvey weinstein scandal by then chairman andy lack of though lack deny mchugh's accounts calling it lies in an op ed mchugh says the more reporting we gathered the more nervous they got but lott wasn't the only one trying to get mchugh and ron and farrow to go silent about their findings on harvey weinstein n.b.c. news president no open haim was also very vocal about it and is still at the network as tucker carlson points out how can and you act be gone but no oppenheimer still there do you think you'll stay. it's a good question and looks like this move has taken some of his power away well mchugh says he believes in b.c. has already caught wind of this 6 month investigation of the harvey weinstein unit in b.c. has not publicly acknowledged the attorney general's probe and now the head of telemundo will take the place of lachlan has declined to comment
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a 72 year old was expected to retire after the 20 twentieth's election reporting for at the press natasha sweet artsy. part folks have a question for you is the media currently under attack from the likes of president trump and others or are they on the attack well that's an interesting question maybe the answer is both here to help us sort it all out is radio talk show host steve gruber steve welcome aboard glad to have you sir steve good to be here thank you so much for the invite all right well this comes up at least in my mind because andy lack now the former head of n.b.c. news and m.s.n. b.c. penned an opinion piece talking about how journalism in his view is under attack in various ways the coronavirus he cited the confrontations with the president and reporters at his news conference just like this one with n.b.c.'s peter alexander watch that americans were scared i guess really 214000 who were said
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millions as you witnessed who are scared right now what you say to americans who are watching you right now who are scared i say that you're a terrible reporter that's what i say if you're president we're just i think it's a very nasty question and i think it's a very bad signal that you're putting out to the american people the american people are looking for answers and they're looking for hope and you're doing sensationalism and the same with n.b.c. and con cast. without being specific steve to this particular alter cation lack says the media is winning these confrontations with the president what do you think . you know you ask if the media is an attack or the attack is the other way around i think it goes both ways the president has made a career of going after the press in a significant way it's where he has had he's been very successful in going after the press time and again is something that his base his supporters really seem to like and others identify with as well you know you have to look at
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a question like alexander is there and it's a good example you put up there steve because what i see when i see an exchange like that as a reporter the trying to become the news and you know the old adage don't become the news as a reporter you're supposed to be there covering the story not becoming the story and i see this all the time grandstanding by the reporters and i don't see them do this nearly as much with previous administration in fact we've never witnessed anything quite like this with previous administrations it just seems to me that reporters one of themselves famous and i think that's the difference today the big difference today is that it used to be that reporters were blue collar the reporters were a working class it was a trade and now it's about i mean you saw this when you came to the ranks i just want to be a news anchor the young people say i just want to be a news anchor well if your whole focus is to be a celebrity are you really doing your job of being a reporter which is to find the facts ferret them out be evenhanded we all have biases i get that we all come from somewhere we have preconceived notions about
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things but do the job in the job is to ask serious questions when things are serious and the matter is serious be serious about it and honestly just do the job . yeah well i want to skip ahead having said i want to skip ahead to liberty university and jerry falwell he's the president very full jr he wrote a piece blasting the media for their reporting and their coverage of the school's handling of the coronavirus they said that peeps good students were coming back etc etc he wrote over the past few weeks the new york times c.n.n. the washington post politico and other left leaning media outlets have subjected liberty to baseless and relentless attacks and intentionally misled the public about our response to the coronavirus crisis they accurately reported cases of the virus in our campus community without verification and misrepresented the course of action that liberty university is taking to prevent the spread of the virus unfortunately for america the media are no longer fulfilling their obligation to
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maintain strict impartiality as their as a core tenet of their professional ethics the private americans are real news reporting from a reliable press so i think you hit it right on the head again specific to liberty university and in general. well you know you look at the some of the outlets that have been you know obviously the most talked about that being the new york times the washington post have you ever seen a time in your life when anonymous sources become the focus of so many stories i'm not i'm a sources say this anonymous sources say that not real sourcing not being transparent but anonymous sourcing liberty university is an easy punching bag of course for the left and the media the way they're driven that way because they don't care for jerry falwell or jerry falwell jr or any of them for that matter it's a conservative christian university that they'd like to see you know expunged from the face of the earth many of them because they have no use for that sort of thinking they would probably keep people like hillsdale college the same way if
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truth be known so it becomes an easy punching bag but i go back to how many rich tractions have you seen that we've seen that we've all seen and again i go to the new york times the washington post c.n.n. and m.s.n. b.c. don't even bother anymore fox as you noted in your earlier segment started a trend in that same direction and it concerns me frank right when you have so yeah trust in the media which today the trust in the media of the united states is a low as it's probably been in my entire lifetime walter cronkite is long gone folks he's not here anymore and yet it's you and me steve and of course and of you just you and me steve and steve and of course with so many and so many more most media outlets that for the trust to be solo it speaks volumes steve great to talk to you great to hear from you thank you very much thank you. what do you suppose might happen if they t.v. news crew were dispatched to go do a story on the long lines at a coronavirus testing facility and nobody really showed up to take the test that's
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reportedly what happened at the cherry health medical center in grand rapids michigan recently where according to an insider who spoke to james o'keefe in project veritas the c.b.s. crew and the facility staged a fake news event you're telling me you're 100 percent certain that c.b.s. news c.b.s. . yes news corporation national staged a fake event they fake the news they fake the reality and broadcasted that to all of their audience last friday on c.b.s. this morning. and that was confirmed by a site supervisor. want to. know why they knew this. and others including a pair of nurses said they knew about the fake lie. that i did say. that all its place. and i'll.
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look busy. and might have and for the few legitimate patients who did show up well o'keefe source says they were kept waiting in that phony line is this the the fake lines. so the people in the cars are are not patients. who want to go. christmas morning. so they have made a bit of a line of cars with with with medical personnel on the cars as opposed to patients and the viewer does not know that now for their part c.b.s. news issued this statement c.b.s.
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news did not stage anything at the cherry health facility any suggestion to the contrary is 100 percent false the allegations are disturbing we reached out to cherry health they informed us for the 1st time that one of their chief officers told at least one staffer to get in line no one from c.b.s. news had any knowledge. of this and as for cherry health they issued a statement tasha blackman the c.e.o. of the facility also claims to be unaware of c.b.s. staging anything nor did she instruct any staffer to get in line for testing so she says it will have much more on this story next week on the the press. that's our show for today stay curious stay younger because of course the show rehears sunday morning 1030 eastern time and you could also watch full shows right now on portable t.v. through our portable t.v. app downloaded right now from your app store i'm steve balls 1st see you next time
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on the press. we go to work so you straight home. is your media a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. so join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. if . you skip the you mean you got you could only get you to go we just told you if you could get. things. to kill someone that's all it's going to dismiss you want to. thank you for your means less
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belief and with. just the cure is not. something you see if there's no one almost law must come to you. just when you push. the hotel i'm sure you don't mind me i'm coming from you might be getting afforded to you no more.
12:00 am
hello and welcome the cross-talk where all things are considered on peter lavelle 75 years ago this scourge of bashes them was defeated in europe the soviet union and its western allies were big tory what is the meaning of that victory today what explains recent efforts to rewrite history and what it pounds for the efforts to diminish the sacrifice made by the peoples of the soviet union.


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