tv The Big Picture RT May 11, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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we will welcome back the etiquette advisor to the stars lisa gushing from beverly hills manners but 1st coronavirus coverage who's news kenya be lieve and we'll news coverage itself survive the pandemic let's ask dr margo who heads a masters program in journalism a digital storytelling at american university in washington and as boast guest jussi on most cable news talk shows are these days she is joining us remotely margo welcome back. thanks for having me holland. you bet it's good to see you and if there's a slight delay it's because we're operating in remote mode here but 1st things 1st professor i want you to grade both parties the president and the press in those daily white house briefings that are on again off again and generally during this crisis well i think you know i guess it depends on
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which political party you're coming from the grade that you would give and it's hard for me to be an objective ject of observer of this presidential administration when for years now they have continuously tried to deal a jet in my eyes and marginalize news reporters for doing their constitutionally protected job and so i would say that in any environment when you're up against you know someone who's continuously trying to batter you i give the press corps in a. and i have to say there was a little part of me that chuckled when the white house new press secretary started her her briefings and said to the press corps i won't lie to you which was almost a signal that gets one i'm about to give you unleash i'll turn it in facts you know for her tenure however short that may be. yeah arguably she did fave about 15
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minutes after making that statement but you know as we channel surf domestic cable news there is a kindness to the commercials we see often with solo piano music in the background sometimes touching black and white stills of strangers helping strangers and big companies helping the little guys and then after the commercials it's back to the old red versus blue arm wrestling and social media is rife with misinformation and disinformation what advice do you have for the folks watching us about news consumption who can we trust. well i think that's a really great point and right now you know the world health organization had to come out in march and say that not only are we facing a pandemic in the world but we're also facing what they called an info demick you know misinformation that is you know information that is false that's just
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spreading for whatever reason and then dissin from asia which is purposely put out on to social media to try to sway public opinion in certain ways so i think that news consumers really need to vary their diet i think one thing that's also important to know about is that it is changing so rapidly that news consumers have to expect that information that they may read or watch today may look very different the next week when you know we see the payoffs from social distancing or we see how numbers in italy have have declined or dropped or what's happening so i think that news consumers need to understand and be flexible that the news is not going to look the same every day as it doesn't in any other story so i would say that they need to rely on trusted news sources and i would say those include pro publica is doing some incredible work the washington post the new york times these are names that we always hear in read trusted news sources and if possible if time
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allows to try to complement those trusted news sources with government sources like the centers for disease control and prevention and the world health organization to try to get a full picture of what it means for their lives and i come at that saying i understand my part of my job is to read a few hours a day not everyone has that time especially if you're home schooling or working from home but it is that important to get into the have a note of trying to vary your sources. you make a great point about how quickly this story is changing because here in rhode island our governor was begging people to keep it kosher over passover and easter weekend no more than 5 people in the room 2 weeks later hospitalizations spiked because people were fudging so you really got to keep your eye on the ball and margot i thought of you instantly when i read a new york times piece management explaining that in their words the
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pandemic has caused us to rethink the way we produce traditional elements of the news we report and in particular the structure of the print newspaper for instance the times has suspended 2 popular and until now profitable sections in the sunday paper sports and travel no games no travel that makes sense and they've introduced at home which is a new section lifestyle section for the housebound that sure is number but the times may be a typical of newspapers these days i've read that less than 60 percent of their subscription revenue comes from print just 16 percent of their $5000000.00 plus subscribers pay for our copies and i love that dollar a week digital subscription which is so popular now our pandemic lifestyle has really accelerated a bunch of trends that were already in motion e-commerce teleconferencing and
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margot when you and i 1st met it was a couple of years ago on t.v. here we were already seeing cities as big as new orleans and pittsburgh go without a 7 day a week print edition and now the tampa bay times is only printing on saturdays or sundays and now that we are wary of touching things do you think print newsprint is going to go from obsolete to extinct. yes i do think that it will and i say that with a degree of sadness i still subscribe to a sunday print new york times and i still try to make time to sit down and read the sections and like you i when i saw the sports section wasn't there it was almost felt almost disoriented you know that this is certainly something that has going to that cold it has quickened the pace but this is not something that we didn't see
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the writing has been on the wall in terms of digital movement the wall street journal the new york times are seeing increases in their digital subscriptions i mean that means advertisers are getting more savvy at how to target the readers of those newspapers and print just isn't isn't cutting it anymore so we're going to see a digital only landscape i think very soon in the next 5 years if not even sooner than that and you know in terms of profitability you know news organizations have had problems for years and you know cope it is again only a strengthening those problems at a time that is at a time when we need objective solid news coverage and watchdog journalism more than ever and it is just terrible to see these 2 things happening at the same time. yeah i agree kind of old school but with this advertising money moving digital it's
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going to be pretty easy for newspapers to line out the extreme expense of newsprint running the press running the trucks around with the elves etc we're speaking with a journalism professor margo from american university in washington and the way we are speaking this remote broadcasting you're seeing a lot on t.v. now this kind of a rough cut skype quality to it and t.v. stations are discovering that they need fewer square feet of expensive real estate margot do you think that this new aesthetic or lack thereof is going to be the new look for t.v. in the new normal i have to say that i think that you know what it will change for for working environments may be that. you'll see people maybe zooming in to meetings in ways that they may not have had to before you know i only live 7 miles from american university's campus but it still can take me an hour to get to work
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in rush hour traffic so i know for myself if i'm only going to go for one if i only have one meeting on campus i'm going to ask in the fall semester to zoom in that said i think that the production of news and you know this just from the r.t.c. studios you know the lighting the audio the technicians all of that work that you have done the great journalism that's being done i think we're going to miss having that in place in terms of the production so i think t.v. news will will be back in a studio in a in a pretty pretty soon after i think that's that's my prediction on that but i do think it's going to change the way many of us. zoom our skype into meetings in the future. you know after all this time at home i am eager to wes see you again in the studio in washington after the show i never want to wipe off the makeup. hey some have called for government assistance to newsmedia the government's printing money
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money for everybody else is that a slippery slope. yes it is a slippery slope because one of the core tenets of the society of professional journalists journalists code of ethics is independence and it worries me whenever someone says we should get some kind of bailout or handout from the government i don't know in all of that red tape what the restrictions might be how does it reshape things like the freedom of information act or public records which we're already seeing and tracking at american university how that's being affected by cove it so yes i'm concerned about that i don't want the government involved in the independent press in the united states it's bad enough that we have corporate owners that already are you know guarding newspapers i think we don't want to be beholden to corporations and the government. amen hey i'm down to just under
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a minute but i got to ask has a you announced the plans for the fall it all ended up pretty much on line everywhere have you finalized what college is going to look like for the new semester. we have and i am very i have a lot of faith in president sylvia burwell who is a former health and human services secretary under president obama so i know that she understands data she understands public health in a way many other university administrators may not so my faith in her is quite strong we will be open in the fall semester she announced this week and we expect by june 1st to have an announcement about what that will look like whether or not that's a hybrid in online or in person environment so all of us are eager to get back to campus but we're going to work you know just as hard whatever that environment looks like as i'm sure you know every workplace will as we emerge from you know emerge from these last couple of months. i'm glad to hear that american university
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has a great school and dr margo suster i do look forward to seeing you again in washington thanks for your time tonight ok thanks so much allan appreciate it. coming up as we emerge from home confinement will social distancing continue and what are the new rules for the new normal we will talk with lisa ghosh a from beverly hills manners dot com next this is the big picture on our to america . divided the in. please do you think. that we're operation in
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dying why are some of the wealthier neighborhoods it's been far more contained in the numbers are much lower than some of the flora neighborhoods in star city. we think we're working with can source outside of the state because they're just so 'd if they're here so i think that it was. true descriptions sound up to tell using even for the owners so how to choose the pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sound last name was necessarily good for the pet turns out that food may not be as healthy as people believe and we have animals that have you know diabetes and arthritis they have auto immune disorders they've got allergies we are actually creating these problems it's
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a huge evident. the problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problems of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it to $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. we've all been feeling a little claustrophobic lately in the very 1st place i'm headed when we get the all clear is to my barber my hair was short of in this 1968 but were all locked down and meantime we are socializing virtually which has its own protocol or lack thereof and what should we expect the new normal to feel like let's ask the author
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of beverly hills manners golden rules from the world's most glamorous zip code and etiquette adviser to the stars she may be appearing remotely but we always find her approachable lisa gosh a welcome back to the big picture thank you so much holland and wonderful to see. lisa when all this is over and we get to leave home will we customarily shake hands or is that history. well i definitely think that for now seeking hands is something that people are guarding as a taboo so we need to absolutely had to adopt what we're calling news new forms of touchless greetings and if we look at what other countries have been doing for ages you know rooted in respect and rituals there are lots of other actual choices that
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we can do that can hopefully become to feel more natural and organic for us so whether that be you know a simple wave hello or a nod or somebody's actually bow waiting to greet one another the nama state has also become popular and of course just a simple hand over the heart but i would say no matter what reading choose i think when any any kind of gesture is done with a beautiful smile then that's the part that really let someone know you're happy to see them. you know it's interesting even as we're walking around with face masks i can tell when people are smiling when we had you on a while back it was as the holidays were approaching and you gave us some really useful advice for keeping the facts and thanksgiving and what family doesn't have
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a crazy uncle or a tipsy art who turns that event into a minefield but that's just one day can you give us some advice for this extended claustrophobia we're all experiencing. right and as so we are in tight quarters and we are not used to being amongst one another for all hours on end so the best thing that we can do is extend the simple courtesies that we would sometimes for a lot of people to others before their own family so we want to really look at you know who are the people we're sharing this space with and how can we wake up every morning and again put a smile on our face reach other nicely offer to help one another whether it's cooking breakfast or making lunch or helping somebody get set up to start their workday or their school day giving each other the benefit of the doubt and certainly keeping us you know we talk about social distancing when we're out in
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about what we want to also think about allowing people in their personal space at home because those that are in particularly close quarters i mean i'm lucky i'm here in los angeles in california where we can be or feel quite spread out but in some of the more urban cities where they are vertical it's really hard to do that so the only thing we can do is to be as courteous and as time and as patient and as loving as possible so that we don't want to strangle one another because we don't know how long this will last in certain cities and towns and states and we just you know we have to stay helpful and wake up every day with a positive attitude 'd earlier in the show professor margo talked about all these assume meetings that were have while were in virtual world and zoom as the new conference room and you tube is now full of bloopers you might see in this one
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but if you haven't let's have a look where one coworker thought the meeting had ended. do your aunts. who. didn't call. don't want to go on. the going to the good. part of mexico will pictures of the. oh. ringback they didn't. so funny is not the only one who was not the only one who was caught literally with his pants down one of the more popular versions of this is an a.b.c.
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news correspondent who swears they were shorts but they were just short lisa give us some tips about these virtual meetings. exactly none of them will spend any sort of. writing exactly and it's the one area that everyone can identify with and i'll tell you in my luck i had you know before we were all zooming a chapter on skype and video conferencing that just talked about how everyone looks like hell when using these sort of tools from home especially and so what we want to remember is that our presence matters just as much when we are using these technological tools online as when we are in person so we want to think about things like showing up even sitting up enjoy dressing up and you mentioned about how you haven't had an opportunity to have your hair done a lot of us are in that same boat but just washing your hair putting on your game
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face and these little things help to make. the way that we present ourselves much more polished and come across confidently especially when we have these small periods of time whether we're in a a meeting or a certain amount of minutes with someone or getting on as. one of those cocktail hours it's just a matter of trying to at least put our best effort in putting our best foot forward . and be conscious that you're not the only thing being seen in the background matters a lot to write exactly the same conceit here i have made a little bit of effort to have something present a bill in my background so you want to look at what is behind you want to keep things clean if you have an opportunity need to put in some fresh flowers or when you arrange a painting definitely also notice your field of depth so you have your whatever tool your news in your template or your computer and noticed how why is it where is
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the spring actually focusing so that if you were in the middle of the meeting or conversation and you had to accidentally get up or move a little bit that someone wouldn't see you that you noticed dressing from the waist up and that you had a totally different outfit on in the waist down so these are all ways that we can sort of check ourselves before we record selves. i must say that all these t.v. commercials we're seeing now which are pandemic pertinence strike me as tasteful i gotta tell you i am pleasantly surprised at how little profiteering seems to be going on what are you advising your clients in terms of imaging their companies these days. well i would like to say that anything that we do that people can take pride in that will make a company proud that is where we want to have
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a focus it has to be relatable it has to be heartfelt you want people to identify with it so anything that would be the opposite of that would be something that would either pelling or that would feel awkward and really unsavory during these sensitive times so if you look at something also that happens to be humorous and has a part of tugging a little bit at the heartstrings that actually is a wonderful combination i was just noticing the i think it was the wall that had this wonderful ad that talks about how parents are 62 and shows images of parents homeschooling their children and this image of you know wanting to pull their hair out because it's not like it was years ago it's really difficult for some of us parents to school our children and so it spoke to that and then it had this beautiful ad at the end that you know gave a wonderful shout out to the importance of teachers so it's things like that that
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really make a difference in these times yeah i've read some research not only about how well the applause for the heroes plays but i have read some research that says people really like the ads where the company shows you how they're being good to their employees with these unemployment numbers through the roof and and so much uncertainty lisa gushy beverly hills manners dot com thanks again good to see. thank you for having the time being well. you bet and thank you for watching you know in the future there is going to be a movie about right now hollywood will tell the story to people who are too young to have experienced what we're going through so that they can see the inconvenience and the claustrophobia and all the characters in this movie are desperately going to need a haircut but there are silver linings all around us for instance your fixed rate
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home mortgage with uncle sam running the printing press day and night with these relief payment that are mine are probably money you gotta think that inflation is going up so the biggest investment you've ever made will turn out to be the deal of a lifetime another benefactor of the status quo is mother nature fewer flights up in the sky many of us are not driving at all and there is nasa imaging that shows stark reduction in emissions if you are in los angeles even new delhi and you look up you will see a blue sky and maybe have seen the news footage of jelly fish swimming in suddenly pristine can now in venice italy i think we're getting a preview of what the green future could be and while we're all cooped up at home you know who is loving this dogs because we don't leave them every day and
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right now we should be playing with our dogs as much as we can because we miss them when they leave us. and that is the big picture next week steven j. j. wiseman will be back with another scam alert we had in just a couple of weeks ago and even since then the wise guys are dreaming up new ways to rip you off bookmarks scam aside dot com if you see r t america somewhere else where at youtube dot com slash r t america direct t.v. channel 321 dish t.v. channel 280 pluto t.v. channel 279 and the super cool portable t.v. app is in the app store it's free and it's screaming i got to download it we have thousands of shows there and all of our big picture shows are on demand at youtube dot com slash the big picture r t m holland cook stick in close to home here in rhode island hope you are to stay
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couldn't use it there's a little on the sly. just for you to. give through the. venue for me my siblings sort of the beautiful. child's seemed wrong. why don't we all just don't know all. the world yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and indeed from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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cigarettes are coming and a lot of people say well you can't go negative on a reserve currency they also said you can never prints a negative oil futures contract they said you can never print and negative interest rate on a sovereign bond that's already happened and i think about warren buffett for a 2nd i mean i pity him at this point because he says he doesn't like stocks and he's hiding out in cash but his cash is about to go negative returns but negative interest rate on his cash is going to be losing money on his cash pretty soon and he said i would never own gold and i would never own big point so the only 2 life boats for warren buffett at this point are bold and decline and he's out of pride he's going to stick on his negative interest rate and he won't buy stocks so he's already underperformed the s. and p. for 15 years. he's going to his career as basically a glorified money market fund that was around to nowhere that everyone will just forget it.
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greetings and sell you should. welcome back my hawk watching friends as we begin a new week in the age of 19 here in the united states of america recent brought us a tale of 2 protests one featured american sprawl walks of life joining together to take on a corrupt system of oppression that is robbing people of their livelihoods and liberty in a time of crisis the other featured lots and lots of predominantly white people and very well armed americans throwing temper tantrums over not being able to go to the store.
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