tv News RT May 12, 2020 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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he's already under from the s. and p. for 15 years. has basically a glorified money market fund that was around where that everyone will just forget to. put in announces and russia's non-working period. the spread of the virus for the president for size restrictions will not be lifted quickly. trump administration releases a video tribute small king the 75th anniversary of victory over nazi germany and while it praises the joint british american tyranny it fails to mention the role of russian. protesters clashed with police in germany's crowd demand
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a complete end to the lockdown. risk of infection. on the right. good morning to you thanks for joining us of course this is r.t. international. well let's begin as is usual now with a quick update on the latest global coronavirus figures the total number of infections that is now above 4200000 287000 lives have been lost and more the 1500000 people have recovered. so let's start in russia where the non-working periods brought in to fight the rapid spread of covert 19 has officially come to an end the news was announced by
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vladimir putin during a video address but that doesn't mean an immediate return to life as normal the number of new cases reported in russia this morning stands at 10899 more than 43000 people have recovered in total however 2116 have died as more on this now from our correspondent. just take us through what was announced what exactly is this going to mean for people in the various parts of the country. while in recent days of course we've seen how many european nations have stopped the very delicate process of easing that way out lock down and it seems that russia feels confident to do the same so on monday in a televised conference call rajma putin said that indeed the country would start slowly and carefully. really getting back to what. is doing that sort of almost from the 12th of may the national nonworking period will end the entire economy for the fight against the epidemic will continue we must not allow
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a breakdown or backsliding a new wave of the epidemic and the growth of cases with serious complications the lifting of restrictions will not be quick it will take a considerable amount of time. now some will say isn't it too early the number of cases is still rising yes that's true but really that's a result of white testing so russia conduct around 170000 tests daily the more crucial number is to see how many patients are still being admitted into i.c.'s and of course the death rate that continues to be either stable or slowly going down still is on the back of that information and of course the advice of medical professionals that it was decided that that 6 week non thoughtfully paid period that started at the end of march would end and that such cool sectors of the economy stuff like construction and agriculture would start running again obviously this means that mass gatherings are still cancelled people do need to at mosques and clubs and up hold strict sanitation standards as well as social distancing
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probably unsurprisingly the news was pretty well up and down the country people breathed a sigh of relief finally they can get back to work also means they can leave their apartments and not just to throw out the rubbish or walk the dog house. or they're unfortunately clearly having some troubles with the connection says the perils of reporting from home but that report. with the latest. stay in russia because 5 patients suffering from corona virus have been killed this is after a fire broke out in an intensive care unit in st petersburg the tragedy occurred at the st george hospital that had been equipped to treat patients with covert 19 all of those who died were on the ventilators the fire has since been brought under control 150 people had to be evacuated to safety but the report suggests that the
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blaze may have started to an electrical fault in one of the ventilators. another pandemic in russia force the postponement of moscow's world famous victory day parade this year marking the 75th anniversary of the defeat of nazi germany but that wasn't the only thing casting a shadow over the historic celebration the white house failed to mention the soviet union's key role in the achievement in its special video tribute clip on these bogus the effects of the story. every year a little more about america every year and a little less about the u.s.s.r. on maybe $8945.00 american great britain had victory over the nazis america's spirit will always win in the end that's what happens the pentagon coming up with a revised history of the 2nd world war one where the soviet union didn't seem to play much of a role in defeating hitler one where fronts bore quote much of the brunt of the
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fighting it was only natural it would come to this they've been at it for decades your theory. your. executives hollywood officials have been conditioning the public to see russia as the enemy red dawn red menace and of course how to spot a communist. or communist physical appearance counts for nothing if he openly declares himself to be a communist we take his word for it if a person defends the activities of communist nations while consistently attacking the domestic and foreign policy of the united states she may be a communist but it wasn't always like this there was
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a brief period when america needed the soviets when it couldn't deal with the problem and it soon with its allies that problem was hitler and that time was the 2nd world war the cataclysmic event which changed the entire course of human history. in the walls of the kremlin you'll learn the secret of the russian power the spanish the nazi time over 3 years hollywood pumped out blockbusters one after another they consult. that with the soviet embassy and what russia names to use in movies song of russian mission to moscow the north star. the white house needed the public to like the u.s.s.r.
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back then because it was the soviets fighting and dying instead of the american public if i read too much i am i've come here and i am on the eve leak on that one time you list more for you i'm about to become a guerilla fighter of the soviet union i take fish shamo i will not play down least i'm sick of the last 5 years just driven from on line to make this nice. to make a fever or call me no matter how the white house or the pentagon oh hollywood try to rewrite history the numbers cannot be a racist 8 out of 10 nazi soldiers who died were injured a surrendered did sue at the hands of soviet troops 8 out of 10 the eastern front was an unimaginable horror with $45000000.00 casualties compared to a total of $9000000.00 full sides on the western front they understood that then
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for the sacrifice they praise the u.s.s.r. and film and song and even put stalin on the cover of time magazine non of the year mr davis i'm happy to know you the great pleasures are also considerable of a surprise i believe so that history will record you as a great builder for the benefit of mankind we feel modified and lead toward the government of the united states than any other nation but then it ended the war was over they didn't need the soviets. and even if. they try to forget it communist 7 attempted to inject their propaganda into the motion picture they have failed miserably we will never permit them to succeed a year later they were well into getting the house un-american activities committee went to town on hollywood with so trials and purges blacklisting everything that even looked communist axes and directs is reputed each other to authorities over
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the tiniest things it was a witch hunt and they were proud of it i personally certainly do believe that the communist party should be our own not an expert alex but the reaction would be i had my way about it they'd all be sent back to russia or some other like. 75 years have passed since the end of the war 75 years of historical emission and with vision and refreezing all of it just so they can pretend they want to rule themselves. in germany thousands of protesters were taking to the streets demanding a complete end to the lock down despite the fact that there has been a gradual easing restrictions in the country over the past couple of weeks and now there are concerns over possible new surge of infections peter oliver explains. while germany has received international praise for the way in which it has handled
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the early stages of the corona virus recent figures concerning the rates of infection in the country have raised concerns over the weekend our number as it's known rose from 0.83 on friday to point 13 on sunday what that means is everyone infected with the virus has passed it on to more than one other person it's written back on for the 1st time since coded restrictions were loosened. experts worried if we see a trend towards an increase in the long term about a week we should seriously consider whether the loosening is premature or discipline has deteriorated significantly while germany's health ministry and the public health body the robot corkins the jews are paying close attention to the our number they are too concerned while the number of new infections in the country continues to fall. we'll take it seriously that the reproduction rate has increased
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again the robert institute said it will monitor the situation we cannot conclude that we are dealing with an art of control outbreak what did get out of control at the weekend were demonstrations in cities across germany against the remaining coronavirus restrictions that remain in place. i. i. i. i. the demonstrators have been made up of a disparate group mixing a whole host of fringe and extreme organizations on the far right and left. of politics with conspiracy theorists and academics worried about the economic
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implications of corona restrictions. on what our governments have been doing since 58 which is now weeks ago is not use of public health concerns what is being done here reminds me of that you know from the cinema the hunger games and i see this lockdown as the staging of hunger games every day germany new tributes and rules are a senseless lockdown in which every day for the hundreds of businesses go bankrupt and the jobs that are lost and dylan merkel spokesman said that the high levels of aggression shown in these demonstrations were worrying but insisted that the vast majority of the population continue to act responsibly the chancellor will get address the bundestag over corona restrictions on the web and state angela merkel has been preaching when it comes to opening the country up and should the rate of infection remain high for a significant period of time and we see
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a rise in the number of new cases of covert 19 then corona restrictions could well make a return peace river r.t. berlin. italy has been one of the worst hit countries in europe clocking up more than 30000 deaths the hospital struggling to cope with a huge influx of patients an alternative idea was put in place to use hotels to quarantine infected patients must take a look. it was going to be one of my we have 50 guests but only 24 cold 19 patients were sent by the health services. elevators and consequently cofee under 30 people come and have to go because the member needs.
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to get rid of them out of a moment ago it's more of a problem if you go to the supermarket everything is controlled we're not a risk if you want we don't have to see them their partner and the stairs the elevators are sanitized continuously i would say we couldn't be safer than that. the people i miss my family distinctive bothers me the most is not seeing my family i have a daughter who's expecting a baby so i would like to be with that. the
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welcome back israel's putting into practice it's plan to return to normality with schools and kindergartens beginning to open the doors but concerns have been raised after the country's prime minister proposed a controversial measure to track children's social distancing by microchip in the. and you both should. i spoke with their hands of technology in order to find measures israel is good at such as sensors for instance every person every kid i wanted on kids 1st would have a sensor that would sound an alarm when you get too close like the ones of course the prime minister's proposal received criticism especially from cyber security experts many of them question the legality of chipping people head of cyber studies at tel aviv academic college pavel believes that it will allow criminals including kidnappers and paedophiles to track children. might be kind of fraud
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mind roadmap to disaster and it can harm kids from wide range of aspects since the information of the physical presence the geo location of the kids will be on the net it won't be able to be able to hack to breach those kind of geolocation it can be. criminal to kidnap those kids it can be pedophiles it could be also terrorist because if i you know a target can track his children. or harm is children the consequences may be as far side of very dangerous. of the government's counted as that criticism claiming that no information will be kept on databases around the technology is just designed to keep kids at a safe distance from each other and claimed no privacy laws would be violated and the chips would be optional tower powerful again believes that it could quickly
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become mandatory. it may be voluntarily today it may be mandatory to morrow sue once again when you all put the door and someone enter the door and suggest that it would be voluntary today it will be mandatory to morrow and the consequences may be harmful we see so many cases of bleak database at the end of the day lot of data gathered find the way out it's invasion to our privacy invasion to our perhaps i don't know body the problem is that we live in error in the digital era in which our borders our borders or for privacy or for anonymous to you all for all and freedom is getting narrower. day by day. with coronavirus restrictions being eased back around the world means people can start to embrace the great outdoors again the decision to wear medical masks or not has become not only a health debate but also a political statement in the united states the decision to don the facial coverage
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seems to be split along party lines with a recent poll suggesting democratic voters are more likely to wear masks compared to republicans over 30 states including new york and connecticut. face covering requirements in public areas however the use of masks has become a bone of contention in many other states and the government's own guidelines merely advise the use of simple cloth coverings president trump himself has sided with a more relaxed approach. i just wear one myself it's a recommendation they recommended it's a vanity thank you think is the president of the united states you would have the confidence to honor the guidance that you and getting others in the country as he should have on a case met 1st announced that everyone would be required to wear face masks when retail opened and then he reversed yourself it became clear to me that there was just a bridge too far that i think it's disrespectful of people not to wear masks i don't
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want to cover people's faces jim that's the image of god right there and i want to see it in my brothers and sisters media analyst lonell explains why he thinks the issue of mass wearing has become so polarizing. the mask apparently seems to be considered by many people as a capitulation to tyranny to the illegal confiscation of our individual freedom this is by some people to other people the mask is a sign of health and cooperation the real translation is that if you are for the mask you tend to be nobody uses terms progressive liberal anti trump those individuals who tend to be pro trump republican conservative those individuals who always talk about the constitution the rights that we have under the various amendments. they tend to be against the
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mask they see the mask is being hand cups is a form of subjugation so in addition to this symbology of the mask we've had these schizophrenia changes in direction where i'm asked don't wear a mask stay home ghost don't stay home herd mentality so right now indian ited states nobody knows what to do there are no rules it's the wild west something. dare i say as simple as how to stop an apple epidemic has been viewed via the prism of what your particular ideology. and i'm from texas with the red disease cannot get to one of the only clinics offering him a potential treatment because it is in russia with his condition deteriorated he's hoping to catch a breath fly to still exists between the us and russia by grammy and then usual
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disease called inclusion by scientists it's relatively rare probably somewhere around maybe 7 to 15 people out of a 1000000 have it although inclusion by my own side is is. slow acting disease when you get to a certain point it begins to accelerate and i hit the point where i have gotten. relatively worse since i started talking to the lincoln berm in the middle of the word and their point is that although they know there is no treatment generally they believe what they do make a difference and are willing to give it a shot. the disease that alan spencer suffers from is a progressive muscle disorder it causes burning pain in muscles followed by weakness and atrophy and it's still unclear what causes it the medical center in
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the russian city of pm near siberia is known for its expertise in dealing with complex diseases center that studies around the lymphatic system which roughly speaking plays a vital role in our immune response he spoke with the clinic see links alan's disease with the lymphatic system and believes that they know how to treat letter dr chilo. with the spencers come to our clinic with inclusion body most scientists which is indeed a rare disease research that this is an auto immune disease meaning the immune system starts attacking healthy cells it's hard to tell about the mortality rate from this disease as there are too few cases but what we can say for sure is that the little fact that system is involved excessive protein synthesis which leads to muscle out trophy should be normalized by the live fact exist in the very system that our clinic has been working with since its foundation so mr spence has come to the right place. and is not the only american seeking medical help in russia
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a retired plumber from ohio visited the clinic last year with chronic leukemia and received what would be classed as an alternative treatment and it was one that helped as i went round and round reverting to doctors. attempted to treat the symptoms as opposed to looking for carmen. to my problems i don't know her. a clinic in perm russia that took a holistic approach to health because the very 1st thing i was concerned with was the leukemia and they showed me how even the heart condition and the other conditions work together to feed the leukemia so they attack the core issue and state of dealing with symptoms ok thanks for staying with us here in ati international as we continue to keep you informed through our website on various social media channels and of course live broadcasts from the state is right here in
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moscow as well as london and washington d.c. . good food descriptions sound up the even for the owners so how to choose the pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out food may not be as sophie as people believe and we have animals that have you know diabetes in
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arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems and it's a huge have a demick of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets streets to larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race and of his off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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one else seemed wrong but. just don't call. me that he's yet to shape out just. absolutely. and in again. the trail. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. a little bit oh i'm max kaiser this is the kaiser report possibly the best news one could ever imagine has dropped and personally. gobsmacked i don't know why but i am i shouldn't be but that's the way it is what's
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going on stated max not only has the have been eating or the having just happened this is a very important event had only happened 2 other times previously in bitcoin history now we have the having of the block reward we're going to get into that in the 2nd half a dent held but here we have of course having so that's the hardening of money the hardening of the people's money in a time of hyper softening of money of infinite fia it and who steps into the rink into the big coin rink with all of the arguments that we've been making for the past 09 years about bitcoin here on the show well paul tudor jones buys with reminder of gold in 1970 s. maclin besser paul tudor jones is buying big coin as a hedge against inflation he sees coming from central bank money printing telling clients every mind him of the role gold played in the 1970 s. he says quote the best.
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