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tv   Americas Lawyer  RT  May 13, 2020 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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it's about possible insider trading don't go anywhere america's war starts right. betsey davis and her department 'd of education are being sued again profiling the law by collecting on student loans these are loans that she's been told that she cannot collect but that hasn't stopped or joining me to talk about this is fair and cousins editor the trial lawyer magazine what's not one what memo isn't she reading i mean the law is very clear i mean it came under the chairs act right the special law called the carers act and the carers act said while this pandemic is working its way through what all you have to do betsy is just not collect on these defaulted student lower delinquent student loans just don't take the money that's all you have to do for just right now actually prohibits the act itself prohibits
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her from doing this right and she came out on i think it was march 25th of this year and said ok my department is not we're not going to garnish wages we're not going to collect on these the lincoln debts we will not do any of this we will 100 percent comply with the law and then fast forward a month later she still garnishing wages taking money from people who are struggling right now so they have been forced to file a lawsuit to get the education department to stop doing this i hear the defense the defense is well it's a big bureaucracy many people didn't get the message but this isn't the 1st time this is they've already been put on notice that devos is an idiot ok so any warman ignores all that right and she knows that the act itself i do is read the act and when you read the active says no collection up until september 30th of 2020 right right and you know you brought up a really great point there you know when you're looking at any kind of you know criminal prosecution you. to try to establish that pattern of behavior so all of
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her defenses right now are one it's a big bureaucracy it's taken a long time number 2 we're trying to contact all of these debt collection agencies that we've contracted and oh gosh they just can't seem to get it done but then you look at her history she has done this repeatedly in spite of being held in contempt of court one time well in spite of being sued she did it with the students from corinthian college still garnish their wages which she had been ordered by 2 different courts to not do it well i mean is she just not there is it. i'm amazed that this is a 10th grader could read this act and say betsy you can't do that but 285000 people in the u.s. are now serving this problem right and the department of education very easily could go through their databases they know who they've contracted to collect which student loans it's a matter of e-mails or phone calls they have the capabilities they're choosing to
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not do it. m s n b c views are therefore areas that chris hayes actually discussed allegations against joe biden and they actually want crits face fired for reporting the news because they're saying hey rachel maddow is not talking about it joe and mika they're not talking about it chris nobody's talking about it he didn't even say he didn't give any opinion he just brought up the topic in these numbskulls that are the real problem these people are just i don't sometimes i think about what goes on in their head what can i get this this trump hatred syndrome that makes him crazy they hate trump so much that they do stupid stuff like this this kid goes on the air he just talks about biden that's all he did and i mean look chris hayes is a news of the day program this has been news of the day for all. for
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a month at this point he finally decided to just as you said talk about it lay out the story say this is what we know this is what has been alleged this has been biden's response or lack of response up to that point and that's it that was the extent of the depth of that coverage he did not say one way or another that terror read is absolutely telling the truth or that she is a liar none 6 of that you know and the audience freaked out because they really they they like to think of themselves a smarter and more well thought out than the fox news viewers but when it comes to the tribalism they are no different what i love just on the debates what i love about it is they like to think of themselves is the in lightened one right right there not down in the you know they're not down in the in the sewer with the other folks the deplorable the brain dead dull brain deplorable is is you know really likes to refer to him they're not like that they're enlightened they're educated they have good jobs their member what
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a joke because when you think about this it's like this dull brain disease that they can't understand he edited even say anything but imagine the city of course is so tied up with biden they have this love affair with biden because of comcast right right comcast made a deal with biden don't mess with us if you become president don't go after and you know they don't sue us from anomaly let us do as much as we want to do is an expansion so they have this deal let's talk about the bigger story in the all the you know the numbskulls come in and so how dare you talk about biden he's our only chance no he's not our only chance we have time to do something right now we can get another candidate look it happens all the time i think back 972 he were humphrey right hubert humphrey wasn't even in the play but at the convention hubert humphrey comes up and. all of a sudden we have
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a new candidate in 1982 these idiots that don't have enough sense they don't have enough historical basis they don't have enough education these people who think they're so enlightened they don't even know that history we don't need biden get rid of and come in with another candidate but oh no we've got to have biden you know it's what is your take if you just infuriating to me very well what's funny right now is we are seeing joe biden. kind of put on this facade right now because last last friday i believe it was may 1st he sends a letter to the secretary of the senate and he says ok secretary of the senate if in fact a complaint from terror read against me exists you have record of that please do all you can let's release it and let's see and people said oh wadia see if there was a complaint we would be doing that but the secretary of the senate had to come out on monday and say. i wouldn't be allowed to do this even if a complaint existed and to me it got me think of a man who was in the senate for 36 years he knows that exact he knows that she
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couldn't release that. is a red herring right it's a red herring just like when i did you watch the interview with me and joe biden i saw a clip of that it was agonizing i want to say good god almighty make up though after this guy but she can't and joe can't and chris hayes can't end it rachel maddow can't and nobody on him s n b c can't because phil griffin that little twit that runs a mess in d.c. and the lack that also runs n.b.c. is tell him don't you dare go after joe biden look look at the facts right now the facts are overwhelming and all this defense that i heard from him all well she her story has changed dramatically this i did her stories change that's something a defense lawyer does in a trial a defense lawyer tries to make it sound like all this witness change no she hasn't changed her story and she she talked to people right after the incident talk that
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there's people that say yes she shared with us what happened joe biden in this story in this story one is a thug we need a candidate that can be trouble right we don't need him now and there's plenty of history to say abandon him go into the convention let's get a new candidate. 30000000 americans have lost their jobs in the past 6 weeks in the payday lending industry is taking full advantage of these desperate workers wow if you spray what is that the the amount of markups are almost 800 percent just a couple points below 800 percent but effectively 800 percent per year for these payday loans and the problem is as you just mentioned $30000000.00 americans and the number is going to go up tomorrow 30000000 americans in 6 weeks have filed new jobless. the real jobless number is much higher than that but these are the people who have to turn to these payday lenders and even though banks have lowered
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interest rates credit cards have lowered interest rates the banks actually did a decent thing for once in their existence payday lender said nope we're still going to do a base rate of about 600 percent and on the higher risk folks you're still at 800 percent we know you don't have a job we know you can't pay for anything and as statistics show once people take out a payday loan they get trapped in a seemingly endless debt cycle having to take out other payday loans to pay off this one then another $1.00 to pay off that one and they're trapping young people they're trapping minorities and it's getting so much worse during the pandemic and there is no signs of the slowing down of congress is no nothing on congress you hear useless say have absolutely avoided this topic the trump administration has done away completely done away with the only agency who have the ability to go in and do anything and when they started when you saw that agency the agencies go in and say you know this is crazy we can't charge 800 percent under any circumstances
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but when the agencies went and he did away with agencies and then congress they were silent congress was silent on this idea that it's ok to spend it to have a company that is charging 800 percent on a loan right and part of the problem too is you know when you go out there and you say well why isn't congress done anything a lot of people do respond with well it really falls under the consumer financial protection bureau is jurisdiction ok well it used to but we know they are now useless and that is the point when they refuse to enforce that congress does have to step in but instead you have the senate that only cares about confirming conservative judges right now and you have the house who nobody even knows where they are because now he says you're not going to work yeah there's the house neither say i have a whole host of ever going to hell i'm polite here's polos his plan don't bring them back. spent all this time under this mania attack from mania to it's going to kill long people always say already saying well i'm back at work you know it's in
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a different setting and i i don't agree that we all 'd ought to be back at work by the way but but they are the point being out there in the public they're saying what is what is the house fair and cousins thank you for joining me thank you for coming up the issue of police brutality against minorities is still very much 'd at our doorstep despite being buried by daily headlines about the quote of virus in states planning to open businesses how deeply is this racial violence still imbedded in law enforcement that more when we come back. the. descriptions sound up the even for the owners so how to choose the pet food
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industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out picked food may not be associate this people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders these type allergies we are actually creating these problems it's a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to a very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats to larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research.
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but is the. police do you think. that we're going rationing dying why don't some of the wealthier neighborhoods it's been far more contained and the numbers are much lower than some of the more a neighborhood thanks start to see if anything we're working with can source outside of the state because they're just 'd so it's so unlike anything that it is . a new viral video reveals that police brutality against people of color in california continues despite years of internal investigations into documented abuse several lawsuits now accuse local cities of fostering a culture of violence among local law enforcement parties bridgie joins me now to
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talk about this rashida you know the 1st thing that comes to my mind is that kind of thought these these stories i thought maybe you know after all this rash of stories that we were doing literally every week that maybe this problem had gone away but your position is no it had gone away it's just the media doesn't have enough sense to report it. former democrat presidential contenders kemal 'd harrison ewing kos castro they they they they brought national attention to a video capturing a white police officer in rancho rancho cordova i think it was my memory they were brutally assaulting an under-age african-american male walk me through that walk me through that story i just have bits and pieces that that actually did come out in the media. sure the footage shows a rancho cordova deputy pinning down a 14 year old male child and punching him repeatedly as he screams now in
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a statement the police department seems to be supporting the actions of this officer they say the deputy saw what he believed to be a handstand exchange between an adult and juvenile that the deputy attempted to detain the young man on reasonable suspicion that criminal activity was occurring now the police department claims that the boy resisted arrest and was found to have gotten a cigar from an adult which is illegal so they decided to respond with force now the rancho cordova police department has now launched an excessive force investigation but so far it does seem like it's standing behind the actions of the officer based on multiple statements that they've actually put out. there we're going to show there's still they're standing by the officer who do we know at this point that there was an exchange of a cigar is i mean well they say the really believe and i'm going to because they found a cigar on this kid afterwards and they believe that's what was exchange that's all
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he had on him and you know the the response absolutely does not match what the alleged crime was there. ok another lawsuit was filed at the end of march accusing sacramento sheriff's deputies of using excessive force. again there was only bits and i mean our follow this type of thing every day and still we even with this there were only bits and pieces of the story can you tell me about that case. sure the rancho cordova police department is part of the sacramento county sheriff's office which also faces its own allegations of deploying excessive force against civilians and the march lawsuit was filed by an african-american professor named dr thomas civilians he says that sacramento sheriff's deputies deployed excessive force against him and his brother after a white neighbor accuse them of breaking into their own home the police officers who responded to the call reportedly showed up drew their guns threw the williams
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brothers to the ground and proceeded to needy and elbow them in the head and face one of the brothers says he was also placed in a choke hold the deputies only realized that the men were actually telling the truth about living at their own house after they beat them up when they then checked the brother's driver's licenses you know they could have started there but of course they don't. well you know beyond california your position and you've been following these stories is this is this is really all over the country we're seeing reports of the n.y.p.d. officers using social distancing measures is a precursor to violence in this pandemic how have we seen in forstmann of these kinds of problems during this pandemic as it has been you know let's let's engage with violence let's send the message let's make it clear the rules can be broken what is your take and not list move from california listen nationally and say overall how has this worked itself. well at police across the country i don't think
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much has changed that the difference now is that people are starting to ask themselves you know where is the line between protecting public health and safety. civil liberties and authoritarian governments and police force you know this week and my e.p. the police officer was recorded on video hitting a man and brandishing a gun in an attempt to break up a group of people who are ported leave violating social distancing rules but the officer himself was a whole so in violation of the new york city rules that require everyone to wear face coverings and public so now people are really starting to see on a national scale what's happening to people of color also bleeding out into other aspects of life and unfortunately it's going to take an incident where somebody who is white gets treated the way that a lot of these people of color get treated by police. well are you i think after the rash of stories that were virtually every week about this type of violence there were conclusions the training is bad the recruiting is bad the education
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level of the police officers is bad the culture is promoted from the very top these are the people we're looking for the old you know it's kind of like a bruce willis kind of you know everybody wants to be bruce willis they want to be the baddest cat on the road and rather than doing it simple by the m.m.p.i. revenue and personality profile of these folks before they get a gun and before they get a badge there's ways to solve this problem and it's it doesn't sound solve to me i hate to think we're going to be covering more stories like this but thank you for joining me ok. thanks like. the coronavirus pandemic has left millions of americans financial devastated leaving them to look towards hopefully lawmakers for relief phone. but reports show that senators have been raking in huge profits from trading stocks this is about glee story in so much money to and they
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just wanted it they just want all the money so so ok lay it out for us how does it happen they have this information right thought that it was only a couple right was it 20 satellite images can really nonpublic information 27 democrats 21 report something like yes one republican 27 democrats 21 republicans one independent so everybody's covered right right you know socialist not a partisan the you are the now so i guess created equal opportunity and knows no political boundaries but 1500 stock transactions worth up to 158000000 between february and april this came as a result of a report by campaign legal center they did an analysis of financial disclosures of what these senators did and when they did it and it's so interesting when you look at some of the connections like a georgia republican senator kelly lefler her husband is the chairman of the new york stock exchange. could there be a connection there. but what's interesting patterns what you now are talking about here it's going to be most experts are saying it's going to be difficult to convict
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them and prosecute them richard burr is the big one now senate intelligence chairman richard burr he's been hit with a lawsuit by wyndham resorts are selling 150000 of his died because he was getting his intelligence briefing back in february he was like i was watching c n n c n b c yeah and there are reports on health and science coming out of asia into my own critical thinking skills i just started selling i know that you know what the problem is any time you hear the department of justice saying all this is so difficult we can't go after this this insider we can't go after this wall street phone. anytime you hear that that is like a red flag to were afraid to do it if we do we're going to get too much political heat now think about this right it's coming from the department of justice there said oh you don't understand how this know it's not difficult yet do your job is a is a prosecutor right if you lose you lose but the truth is this this started out you know investigations into richard burr right as you say kelli loffler now is
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feinstein it's 27 democrats yet and 2121 republicans and one independent right and here's what's so remarkably ugly about it right now we don't even know where the house of representatives is palosi has said stay at home they're doing nothing right so they make this big cat this big cash grab and then they go home right on the average american out there is wondering how can i pack in to feed my family how can i pay rent if i hear one more time the f.b.i. or the f.c.c. or department of justice or investigate all this we're investigating but this is just too difficult no it's not no in the carolina they're terrified to go after these people here and there are the multimillionaires and another thing that came out of this study was that most of the about hurting there like i will hurt tomorrow after i sell off them are stocks but financially these people are already
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very wealthy and so when you start getting into the nitty gritty of some of these laws there's the law that applies to all of us including members of congress it was rule 10 b 5 is basically the one that says has a special role don't let this one was just for everyone hey guys you can take private information insider information if you will and use it to cash in it's illegal including you to congress but they were doing so much that they had to come up with their own about a law and that was the stock that stock act of 2012 and senator gillibrand is the one who helped write that and vice recently followed up with her about her reaction to this in a slew of sales that. you've seen of stocks involved in all these members of congress and she just was saying how basically appalling that it was that if and very transparent obvious to her that they were taking so they have insider information so she wants to tighten it up even further but how else do you have to make a special law so that congress had to obey the rules that the rest of us write and they are we can't trust congress to the fact that we have to tell them this is your special law this is written for you because you're
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a bunch of congressional phone and so so now this is the thing to watch on gillibrand gillibrand going to come out and she's going to make these public statements watch what she does behind the scenes right she to sell stocks do you know should i go sell stocks but it's going to be she's going to solve sell the idea 27 democrats 21 republicans. there's there's too much political impact that's right with those kinds of numbers for the department of justice to do anything not just bar i think i mean this is very typical the department of justice right the prosecutors these lifetime prosecutors they're fat dumb and happy right in their position they don't want to take any risks unless it's low hanging fruit you watch this case which is usually the average person it's the average the average guy i don't want to hang who has no nobility and there are parts of the theft and watch watch on this this is exactly what's going to happen thank you for joining me thank you have. been filing tonight some good news the
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texas 14th court of appeals rejected a petition by facebook last week where the social media giant tried to claim that they were immune from a group of lawsuits brought by victims of human trafficking in 3 separate lawsuits women claim that they were trafficked by individuals who lured them in by way of facebook and the women were suing the one we're suing facebook for not policing this kind of behavior we've seen these lawsuits many times but but facebook thought they were above that in their petition to the court facebook argued that they had blanket immunity for anything posted on the site and they cited the communications decency act which was a gift a gift by bill clinton in 1996 it was a political exchange this act does protect internet service and platform providers for being sued for posts that they have no control over but the judges in texas said that this new law doesn't apply in this instance this was an exception this is
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one that bill clinton did not give this huge gift to the industry they didn't get away with this in my prediction is they won't this is a huge victory in the fight against human trafficking many victims have been learned by contacts on social media and it's time for these social media companies like facebook to either do something to crack down on this problem or suffer very. very severe penalties for their failures they know exactly what they're doing here it's all about the dollar that's all for tonight find us on twitter and on facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all our t.v. america programs on direct t.v. channel 321 can also stream i'm live on you tube and be sure to check out our tease great new portable app you're going to love the set because you can watch all of your favorite shows in any area of the work for. you and this is america's lawyer where every week we tell you the stories that corporate media is ordered not to
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tell because their advertisers order them not to tell those stories have a great night. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. you cannot be both with the yeah you like.
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we go to work so you straight home. already know how to recruit some good you have on little people where you can keep borrowing i'm going to member i think that at least we could probably. buddy him to create earth week and i was ready to keep each. business which was a muslim president. and was that of
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a mean you just the your new goal post ask yourself how are you going to survive how are you going to protect yourself a little bit deal cools off your focus go up with the flu than the old local one and if you and it will look at what a few of you to do in the cloak local are a lot older missiles or not it is a pirate ship that will go down because it is worse it is going to move. where you have it will use later. is known as using technology where they've been able to me x. used people's private information on the cell phones and see what you've seen if you have crossed offs with somebody who is positive and turn on a virus and if you are if you had they need to be seen to misuse to cause ponza somebody just wasn't a tease you must be and i mean tina. but i think that morsi interesting thing is that all the people around him or. the
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states it's a state. live from the world headquarters of the r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez and hello again everybody i'm rick sanchez it's time to look now at something that's very important to all of us recovery numbers how are adjusting how we're getting out of the situation both by the way at the macro level and at the micro level in other words what is wall street getting and what is the average worker getting look whether you're a carpenter in berlin a plumber in new delhi or a house painter in detroit this is going to affect you so let's go over to the wall .


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