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tv   The Big Picture  RT  May 15, 2020 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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i know it's a lot of money and coming from you my siblings what do you do for a place and put it all sick not. a lot from rhode island where i live as we're broadcasting remotely during the crisis this coronavirus pandemic is an assault on public health is also an attack on our freedom let's ask the author of battlefield america the war on the american people john w. whitehead is founder and president of the rutherford institute a nonpartisan nonprofit group committed to the principles of the constitution and the bill of rights john you're in florida and during the shutdown we've seen
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a lot of news footage of crowded beaches what's the mood there now and are people walking around wearing masks well not many of the places that i've been no more is a little different the action has been a lot of places. you know people here going to walk around some are mass. some of the restaurants. are going in. well. here were too much now a couple weeks ago but it was. to the extent we can believe anything we're hearing from the government in china they tell us they're over the hump and clearly they got there with some pretty draconian measures that would never fly in the usa correct. i'm not sure about that as i've argued so my common series and in my books right now we're being licensed
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psychologically reconstructed we get you through this kind of a feedback that you have police now using chinese made drones that cross the boundary of crowd control and so i think. it's you know it's it's a serious way of scammers everything is the thermal imaging surveillance cameras in are being set up in different places across the country there are developed cameras with the lens your heartbeat so they notify you or your heartbeat they will need facial recognition of a fire you so many of the things that you've seen in china are already coming here in china has been used as a model by a lot of the corporation counsel of valley life who will google has a mouth that is partnering with. many major nations across the world and they're developing your location data and your so will media so if you travel anywhere or whatever across the world or whatever in the future everything that
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you're doing thinking whatever is going to be known to god let's there and i would say that we're looking at the future than if you read the order or well 19 eighty-four it's very very slow slow or go see it happening and. the other thing is kind of disturbing to me is that a lot of people now it's. people are calling 911 when they speak people copy your people coffee and they're all grow they're walking out the front yard we're all in the police we're seeing them swapping race relations that kind of stuff so it's very similar to former regimes that i have written about such as nazi germany where . one thing happened and people were happy with it as long as the so called enemies and who are the enemies in these situations it's we've become the enemy and you said something very important. well who wrote our bill rhinestones manager said we ought to mistrust all those in power can certainly agree and we've got to hear
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what information we're being granted because a lot of the information we're being then is coming from the government who is working with the large corporations in developing all this technology and they're making a lot of money off a minute ago when you said social media the viewer might have thought twitter facebook etc but it is a very different meaning based on what's going on in china where they're carrying government issued id cards and we're reading that there are some 200000000 cameras set up with facial recognition and all of this data is getting knit together to the extent that citizens are scored by what they are allowed to do how close are we to that here given all of this surveillance you just mentioned . when i saw the color coded thing i thought oh well you know under the obama
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administration of our homeland security actually announced they were going predecessor on american homes across the country they went wring their rent when i saw i'm sorry for going out and well we get it from a chinese. or who shot you know whatever is not a good line wireless security been doing that since the obama administration and now the company restoration inspired the power and fear corporation who last time crashed into say whatever he developed a contact tracing app with will lead to an immunity pass for basically on your phone so you will not be able to enter buildings or whatever in the future if this goes forward and they already have the funding to do it. who is already here with a color coded system is already here that we're seeing in china and it's very very dangerous slide away because you have people from a distance of numbers aging looking at you and saying oh they didn't do this they
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didn't do that so there are a yellow or they're red yeah here's the danes all 8 now the swat team rays are very angry in america and police have that information and somebody in the end correct when they have that information they see your rant you know there was the case of the young men lived in maryland who got shot is banned for weeks because the police said he was a sentimental advocate all that it was shocking to live there when it was their own frame and his parents were friends with a 1000 dollar fine a 5000 dollar flyer in the year and you know they threw them for house and broke them so we're already seeing some of this problem and it's good programs like part of you go to c.n.n. programs like that no hear anything about. yeah you know this color coding is something michael moore warned us about years ago after 911 it's a way for big brother to yank your chain because they can keep changing the color
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and i think that that has us at least mentally hunkered down that night. you know it makes you feel young people feel a lot of you know ya'll are being lost and all that but you know the one thing the american government's done very well is very sneaky is they have a whole mission much of this this stuff and just again you don't hear the mainstream media talking about the ground books like mine articles by other people out there who are running by and what i'm trying to get people to do is watch good programs on television informative program we're watching all the b.s. you see a lot of this stuff and get educated by reading good articles good books and you can see the future of this because. people are the type of people who are local governments it's not some of those crazy stuff that we're seeing and pushback against the underlying wrongdoing hile whatever next leader is walk in and if you if you resist the people who you might like an animal in them or you work
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with them are going to be labeled read our good rant and don't know what's going to happen radke because cambaia was nice if you wanted. well under the present circumstances with this pandemic the rationale for surveillance is a term that we're going to be hearing a lot lately contact tracing meaning. they're going to figure out who test positive and find out everybody they've been with who may have infected them or whom they may have infected and we're going to show a quick video clip here that demonstrates how your phone does that. you can see clearly that device activity spikes during the 2 week stretch of early to mid march corresponding the spring break no surprise now using an analysis called a spider query we can actually track the movement of these devices over the maniacs of march seeing where these devices went after spring breakers left the beach. as
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we zoom further and further out it becomes clear just how massive the potential impact just one single beach gathering can have in spreading this virus of course our nation. that is pretty impressive technology and we volunteered for it the phone is right in our pocket john after $911.00 congress gave us the very patriotic sounding patriot act which really whacked a lot of our freedoms but we are assured that big brother isn't actually listening into our phone calls that they're just tracing mehta data from millions and millions of phone calls looking for patterns do you buy that and does this pandemic make it an even slipperier slope. is a lie. you say downloading at least 4000000 phone calls in your world in the middle of their washing or in your case that was counted.
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as well who work for the f.b.i. . will know you're watching everything you're doing you and i are both holland you know everything we're doing i mean you're ringing doorbells walk you recognition software everything you're doing you're not a good listener. so we live our whole lives on a slice and if you want to look at well read and read all well or all here already and here's the key phrase the lock was in the class and iran said people don't realize what's going on. in their environment and we know what that is because we're not really. in. the building and making our actions against it and the only way in washington d.c. is not to listen to you but your local member and you want to light it was great you know and know why some of these things were always great he was being raised
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you know you're getting you know we're always getting shot over over stuff when they're in the wrong route sometimes so when you're younger you are in. the. yeah yeah it's quite an irony we feel safe because we have the ring doorbell but we are volunteering all that data john i'm down to a minute but you mentioned the f.b.i. and i've got to ask because i got chills when i read what you wrote about n g i d the f.b.i. is next generation identification database i need the quick version but what's that all about getting that huge space recognition database both you will realize the n.b.a. gives your basal your photographs over the f.b.i. they have all that information so when a crime scimitar you anywhere you're based what it means is we live in a suspect society you're watching everybody and i am not in your shoes in trouble with the wrong model will want being right or something like that but they're watching your face you're a suspect and you're they are walking you you're in
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a line. john thank you not only for your time tonight but for the work you do when i would urge our viewers to follow what john's writing at rutherford dot org coming up nothing says summer like strolling the boardwalk at the beach may we mr atlanta city joins us next and we're going to have a coronavirus scam alert update this is the big picture on our to you america. that's right there it's a i r is the ticker symbol for hair it's a closed end fund and you can buy all of the hair. that we feature here on this episode of kaiser report it's currently trading at
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a market cap of about $3900000000.00 but we're expecting the fed to come in in front run the market and take us up to a much higher capitalization possibly a 7 or 9 trillion dollars. descriptions summed up to tell using even for the owners so to choose this pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out and may not be associated people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in our stride they have auto immune disorders they've got allergies we are actually creating these problems it's a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less
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treats the larger corporations are not very interested. improving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it to $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. until they get the all clear to resume broadcasting from marty's broadcast center in washington d.c. i speak to you from rhode island where i live rhode island is the ocean state where we are taking social distancing another pandemic protocols super seriously the hash tag here is save the season and just down the coast beth is an iconic summertime destination at atlantic city new jersey where you are
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about to meet the morning mayor for years and years on radio there harry hurley it's about time welcome to the big picture holland thank you for having me on your program and to all of pollens many many of you are. one of the most important mentors in my career thank you for everything you've meant to me how. you bet pelle and we radio talkers are all in the debt of larry king who taught us an important lesson that great talkers are good listeners and you're talking to people every morning and throughout the day in your travels give me some adjectives that describe the life there in atlantic city of the people you talk to. and especially because recently governor murphy extended the declaration health. resolution his executive order for another 30 day period so people who thought they were going to get out of being all pent up now know that it most likely will be going on for
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quite a while although governor murphy did prove we opened our 6 and golf courses during his last executive order so i've been trying to just keep people's spirits up and tell them that the executive order is extended for a lot of reasons and that does not mean that other things won't come back to normal so disgusted holland is an adjective our our listeners yeah our friends our sins they've been staying at home for almost 7 weeks probably a little more than 7 weeks now as i appear on our once program depressed they don't know if they're going to have a job waiting for them they're hearing stories now that the furlough could be turning into permanent job elimination over 33000000 americans are out of work right now i mean these are numbers that are staggering by any comparison greater than the the great depression anxious but also some positive things appreciative
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appreciative for family respectful newfound respect for nurses doctors police fire e.m.'s so just like with life it's the full gamut ups and downs feeling good and optimistic one minute that's another word optimistic and then feeling very very lost and keep in mind when you don't and you know the solid and we've been able to work through it but many people they haven't put a suit on in 2 months their routine is completely disrupted they don't even know if it's monday or if it's friday so there's a lot of feelings and also religious people have found faith in god so it's the whole gamut. yeah even though they can't go to church which is tough on a lot of people your state and my state are the 2 most densely populated places in america where use to being around other people so the silence can get deafening and i know you're in touch with gov murphy there the really opening that we're all
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looking forward to has been agonizingly gradual i will share with our audience that back in the day when you worked in the casino industry you work for none other than one donald trump so you know that business inside and out and you know that guy who hands of a slice of pizza over the counter on the boardwalk how quickly once we get the green light can all of that open up again and do you think that this extended shutdown for a couple of months has done some permanent damage to the economy in tourist destinations like yours and mine. i would say not permanent but if you remember the great recession 200-2009 took a decade to get past the casino city atlantic city we had the highest unemployment rate in america we have the highest home foreclosure rate in america permanent no
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lasting yes when you look at the. the process to scale it all back up it will take 2 full weeks from the date that governor murphy says casinos can reopen before they really can reopen this was 24227000 employees about 8 weeks ago that's going to take some time here's the other very challenging thing and i believe governor murphy has done a great job he's taken a lot of heat because we're 21 counties let's take it when a county where i live and where the casinos live 245000 people there are about maybe 260000 people we have 54 fatalities due to cove at 19 which you shut down a state 265000 people for 54 deaths probably not the true the tricky part for governor murphy is yes to thread the needle this cannot be
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a binary choice of either stay shut down forever or let it rip i'm a defender and a believer in the middle ground we prudently open up what we can open up we open up golf courses but only one person to a cart we opened up parks and other playgrounds and things but if people didn't observe social distancing they lost the privilege and governor we took it back in some areas when we get ready to open up the casinos holland get ready to see for the 1st time in history a blackjack table not full with 7 people but with 3 people want to 1st base one order base not all look at cards being cleaned every hour it's going to be up something it's never imagined. the new normal will not be the old normal in harry there is so much negativity on talk radio i know your listeners appreciate the glass half full way you wake up every morning harry hurley from w p g radio in atlantic city come again soon well yeah. thanks for the good
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imitation my friend congratulations on all your recognition and hard work. thank you harry now let's welcome back attorney author bentley university pro fessor and ace scam buster stephen jay jay wiseman steve you were with us just a few weeks ago shocking us with what the wise guys are up to preying upon us during the corona virus pandemic and even since then there are new schemes out there some of the stuff you write about on your website scam aside dot com is diabolical and while we're all watching so much t.v. while housebound i guess i wasn't surprised to read your report about pirate videos streaming services how does that work. you know we've all been sitting at home in the endemic in the corner watching b. enjoy watching a number of different streaming services i don't even know if that tiger and i
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think it may be the only one in america. but but. 'd yeah a few people are looking for free services and this is not anything that's a really new or unusual and so the scammers a scam artists are right there taking advantage of this so they have constructed a number of different phony streaming sites where you can get for free all of these 1st run movies that you may be otherwise missing or television shows that you might otherwise not be able to get so this is the this is the draw this is the attraction but what's happening is when you go to these. services these pirated services what you're doing is you're setting yourself up for either becoming a victim of malware you're going to click on something and download ransomware onto your computer or it's going to lock all of your files and unless you pay
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a bit coin ransom in 48 hours they'll destroy it or they'll steal information from your computer and turn you when you a victim of identity theft and making it worse if you're looking for one of the services you might go to a search engine like google and gets put in free so free streaming services what comes up is not necessarily legitimate the bad guys are very adept and manipulating the algorithms used by google and other search engines so you think it's legit because it comes up at the top of a search but in fact what you're getting is the scammers and it's dangerous it's dangerous just to even go to these sites so bottom line is you've got to stick to the sites that you know are legitimate if it sounds too good to be too for the free streaming service is generally it's going to. you know one trend i think that will survive this pandemic a lockdown where n. is delivery because we've gotten
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a little accustomed to the convenience of bringing it here instead of me go getting a pair but fake out artists are using delivery to fool us now. yeah and this is something you know i agree with you my wife carol that gotten very used to having most of our shopping done just on the computer and boom it comes to the door the next day so this is again a problem because what the bad guys do is they're able to send you e-mails or text messages in the e-mails that they may send you it will appear as if it's coming from better express u.b.s. it's very very simple very easy to phony up a logo and since everybody is getting. it's deliberate if there is a question about having it confirm information or to click on a link to check on the status of your delivery all of that can once again download malware onto your computer download it now where onto your phone so here the
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solution is easy because how can you tell when it's legitimate are not and the answer is you can't tell and so you really can't trust any e-mail or text message you get it wants you to click on a link to download an attachment or provide information but the simple solution is if it's from federal express you go to the federal express website and there you can get the information on your delivery from yes you go to their website you know this is something we've been saying for a long time with free coupons on line they look terrific but what happens is you wound up becoming a victim of identity theft or malware so instead you just go to the company you go to their website and all the legitimate coupons will be there. save you have earned quite a reputation warning people about identity theft and these quote you all the time saying there's a reason they call them scam artists and i want everybody who's watching to
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bookmark steve's website it is scam aside dot com and he's got a tab right at the top of the page for scams that are proliferating now during this pandemic lock down because these guys stay up day and night trying to rip us off steve i appreciate you keeping in touch with us and we're going to have you back soon and again i hope everybody watching will bookmark scam aside dot com thank you what tourney author brett lee university professor an ace scam buster stephen jay jay wiseman. and thank you for watching the big picture if you want to see us somewhere else you can also get r t america live at youtube dot com slash r t america if you have directv we're channel 321 if you have pluto t.v. which is the free t.v. streaming service you can trust were channel 279 if you have the dish dish it's
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channel 280 and if you haven't yet yeah gotta gotta gotta download our portable t.v. yeah it's so right and there are thousands of shows you're going to watch there and if you've missed any of our shows live when they're on r t america they are all archived at youtube dot com slash the big picture r t m holland cook in rhode island where we'll be back at you next week meantime stay safe. and question more. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport does this i'm show business i'll see you then.
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you can be both with the yeah you like. and you have a lot of people. worried i'm going to remember that at least. you could probably. body in the. earth week that was really gross the beach. business.
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resident. mean you. will ask yourself how are you going to survive how are you going to protect yourself a little bit deal cools off your focus go up with the flu than you have not got one and 2 and in a few short you do you want to call for a little about all the little school. stuff is it was or is it just going to say what i want when you get it will you save. these moments using technology where they've been able to be x. people's private information on the cell phones and see what you even if you have crossed paths with somebody who is positive and to run a virus and if you are if you have a meeting your message because part of somebody's positive piece you must be in a mental home. but i
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think that there was interesting news that all people are or are in the same situation. welcome to redact into the night this is the show we're americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents it turns out there are some positives to a pandemic and no it's not that a lot of people are dying what do you think i am freddy krueger jared kirshner fun fact about jared cursed. he absorbs the corpses of all of his victims into the tar like black substance it is retinas know the positive of this pandemic is that the worker power movement is growing it's getting bigger every day which means now is the appropriate time to sound like dr frankenstein and it's a. it's an. op.


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