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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  May 15, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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think that was the interesting thing is this. the same situation. welcome to redacted to ny this is the show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents it turns out there are some positives to a pandemic and no it's not that a lot of people are dying what do you think i am freddy kruger jared kirshner fun fact about jared coaster he absorbs the corpses of all of his victims into the tar like black substance it is retinas know the positive of this pandemic is that the work or power movement is growing it's getting bigger every day which means now is the appropriate time to sound like dr frankenstein and it's a. it's. the
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vacant remedial hacks on your corporate news shows make sure to all boyd reporting on the growing worker movements you know the jake tapper's anderson cooper's but i understand blitzer's end. and that one woman too but don't go too hard on these hacks. for they not know not what they do they have so much plastic pumped into their cheekbones that it causes their brains to congeal into a new good substance which mixes well with peanut butter all of this recipe so even though they won't report on it according to payday report dot com which tracks strikes across the country so far we've identified over 175 wildcat strikes that happened just since the beginning of march that's right los angeles mcdonald's employees san francisco costco workers tracy california amazon
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employees pittsburgh sanitation workers that's right pittsburgh once had sanitation workers in 50 restaurants across florida chicago arby's employees dallas postal workers carlsbad nurses san diego transit workers crack dealers in cleveland and black market baby baby salesmen in black sea the workers are fighting back. that's just a small portion of the list of workers who have gone on strike or halted work in order to have their demands met over the past 2 months we have learned something we have learned that the navy the lowest paid workers in a company are often the most essential even if they aren't the most celebrated is kind of like at a wedding the bridesmaids in the groomsmen get all kinds of attention all the pomp and circumstance but they aren't the most essential they aren't the essential of
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all the guys cooking up the pork chops and then delivering them to your tables are the truly can show workers without them the wedding gas would begin killing and eating the slowest and weakest amongst them within 30 minutes or so the only thing between civilized society and barbaric blood soaked chaos on a cheaply decorated dance floor is an underpaid 18 year old with a grave about you know it i know it. besides the wildcat strikes popping up many are now calling for a general strike which seems more feasible now than perhaps ever as kevin zeese and margaret flowers wrote for popular resistance the goal is to ensure that those running for office those in office and those who make policy including nonprofits corporations and the media cannot ignore the movement as we demonstrate our ability to make the country on the gov ball make the country on governable
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until they meet our demands i mean i guess we're also already halfway there we've torn the country into 2 so-called sides that don't agree on anything except for the fact that we all love voting against our own interests at least we have that in common. but no according to popular resistance there are 2 main requirements to kicking off a general strike one create national consensus for our demands and to involve enough people to be a mass movement that cannot be ignored so 1st we have to decide what our demands are things like a living wage safe working conditions a rent moratorium health care as a human right perhaps a cap to the amount c.e.o.'s can make and finally if you work at mcdonald's you should be allowed to stick your head under the mic florrie machine and pump cookies
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and cream straight into your upper respiratory system until you have a mc cardiac arrest you work all day you're entitled to at least one to make cardiac arrest it's only right but that 2nd requirement on the general strike list is a little bit harder involve enough people that the movement cannot be ignored one way to do it as popular resistance states is to build a movement of movements by reaching out to people and organizations who are working on workers' rights health care racism inequality housing poverty and other issues we need to understand how our issues are connected so that together we fight for all of them a movement of movements common together working together getting weird with it letting the hands of wander making out with each other just keep your masks on wall you do it if you choose to $69.00 each going to need a 2nd mask. but just picture
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a movement of movements no seriously take take a 2nd to picture millions from different movements working together to change things seriously close your eyes in pictures never mind open your eyes or view because it hurts our nielsen ratings but with your eyes open imagine all the worker movements coming together and demanding a new world putting differences aside it doesn't matter who you voted for it doesn't matter your race or gender or sexual preference it doesn't matter what do you work in an industry that i personally don't like now is the time to appreciate our shared humanity and work as one unless you work at a hedge fund you should probably jump in front of a train and castrate yourself not in that order to get a boat done do reverse do the reverse order so you can do both but it's not only
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workers striking people around the world are calling for rent strikes cancel the rents car caravans have protested in 40 cities rents were already what you to live again with even before the coronavirus the average american could hardly afford the monthly cost of their apartment even while renting the bedroom out as an air b.n. b. posting the attic space on craigslist and sharing the rest of the place with a roommate who didn't give their real name likely because of a murder charge in a neighboring state that was what remained of the american dream both for the pandemic now the people don't have jobs they can't pay the exorbitant rents and if the federal reserve can give trillions of dollars of guaranteed loans to the fat cats at the banks they can do the same for american citizens bail
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out main street you must now always go do it all always here go go do it now always. well i won't really write because i'd be bad for our nielsen ratings but do it anyway we the workers of the world are not going to die for your hallowed unfettered capitalism your cherished economic disaster is we are not the expendable that was sylvester stallone and golf longer or some were better than them to go to payday report dot com learn about the strikes happening around the world and support the striking workers many from washington d.c. the belly debases redacted tonight.
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welcome only can no mistake the news from behind our bloodthirsty u.s. government continues their efforts to overthrow the country of venezuela last week won why go the u.s. backed self-proclaimed president and assortment of stuffed animals he set up in his bedroom did what he does best fail at creating coups he is good at it this time and the help of the u.s. and colombia it's a flotilla of small speedboats filled with up to 300 paramilitary units sailed from their training ground in colombia heading for a port near venezuela's capital caracas from where they were aiming to kickstart insurrection can i just stop the story there for a moment and say i am very concerned about the behavior of these heavily armed testosterone juiced paramilitary coup mongers they were on a small speedboat clearly not social distancing what kind of example is that for
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the kids you know children look up to see fairing steroids brained mercenary soldiers and now they're going to think it's ok to be stacked chockablock on a small speedboat during whatever paramilitary actions toddlers are involved in these days. furthermore did these venezuelan cooper betrayed or even have their pure well with them i doubt it so when they stop to decapitate the dockmaster as a arrived in venezuela there's a high likelihood they could give that beheaded dockmaster coronavirus doesn't he have a nothing to worry about luckily they never got to see the doctor master the mission went spectacularly wrong almost immediately as they were intercepted by the venezuelan navy who reportedly killed at least 8 in the fighting at sea capturing many others you've got to admit this is kind of sad
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a poor group of lowly militants paid by drug lords working with coup leader one goh i doze instructed and financed largely by american vomit to splash bags like my pompei oh and they never got to live out their dream of making money for killing people they don't know i believe in dribs i still believe. no matter what happened there. but it wasn't just venezuelan deserves involved jordan goudreau and green berets and the owner of a large private mercenary organization in florida came forward to reveal that he organized the coup attempt boudreau produced a signed a 200 $12000000.00 contract drawn up between him and why though where the venezuelan would pay his company nearly a quarter $1000000000.00 for strategic planning and project execution services but
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a good role was in announcing this out of shame he was proud of his attempted terrorist attack on venezuela he was only coming forward because he hadn't been paid home. how many blues songs have been written about that situation like like that one that gave me the money you owe me for trying to collapse your country into civil war for you know one of my favorites if i'm not mistaken that was muddy waters the best you know nothing makes me proud or to be an american than to know that despite a pandemic sweeping the world that economic crisis distorting billions of lives our peabrain belligerent evangelical government overlords still take the time out of their busy day to try to crush the struggling people of venezuela or iran or north korea or wherever they point to on
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a map that they think is venezuela or iran or north korea our leaders work so hard they're burning the candle at both hands meaning the face and the both on fire at all times it's due to an unnamed sexually transmitted disease but still it means they're working all the time because they don't sleep because of the burning in their. moving on to other important news the hard gospel this is here and the heart although it does not mean all the cards are dead in fact it means the opposite it means millions of hards have made the exceedingly rude and dangerous choice of remaining alive well it wasn't really their choice but the day of reckoning don't mind for industrial livestock farms oh dear lord how fast go v.r.e. like a pig not executed on time several factory farm processing facilities
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have had to suspend business because their workers were all infected with covert 19 which creates a major problem for the nation you see normally we take over 2000000 pigs per week and gently grind them into an indecipherable sandwich matter that is often served using an ice cream scoop by a guy who's baked out of his mind one smithfield plant and sioux falls south dakota that closed accounted for as much as 5 percent of the nation's ports supply putting tens of thousands of hogs in limbo these plants can process upwards of 20000 hogs a day but don't be grossed out by the word processed not what you think processed is a technical term that actually means to stick through a blender so that people don't realize they're eating rectums. when the plants close down the hog stay alive this is bad because the farmers don't actually want
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a live hawgs they want the sacks of money they get for very dead hogs and no point to someone who runs one of these big meat corporations think to themselves we kill 2000000 are the weak in this country 100000000 a year are we out of our minds i think genocide yeah they don't they don't say that they do not care at all how disgusting these plants are and that's going to go over none too well when these dogs take control of the planet and you know they will because they are everywhere they're in our farms they're in our food dick cheney was vice president for steak and since we've so much pork we can't deny that each of us is about 50 percent pig right now i probably am too even though i don't eat meat i mean they likely found another way and they're clever like that clever like a fox hog fox point being there are tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of pigs that were supposed to get the death penalty and now are just running around
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tragically own lives the farmers have begun killing some of them and just burying them dumping them in landfills well i got a better idea you've got a 100000 hard you don't need i happen to need a 100000 hawgs run around rampaging through small american towns in a comical way we're a perfect match you give the hogs to me i will then set them to work getting in the way of everything just to get the benefits they'll eat the garbage on the curves they will cause funny traffic jams those scare them out of dogs and old people and they'll serve as a food source for the tribes of feral toddlers i'm sure will soon be roaming the land in the dystopian post pandemic era where lady gaga lords over us all while we murder each other for the last remaining face twit google time tokens. i think that prediction is pretty common sense. when you go to a short break but you can get signed up for our free e-mail list just by texting
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the word redacted 233777 completely free also you can go watch my standup comedy special for free at least camp american dot com i'll be right back a lot more. max keiser and more of my guide to financial survival this is on. my issues by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to the. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get informed because your 4.
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go to work. straight home. welcome back i'm still leave camp the house democrats' new 3 trillion dollar relief bill includes money for fibro $1.00 sees six's which you may know as corporate lobbyists which you may also know was an insidious parasite on our government putting business interests ahead of peoples to talk more about this we go to the only person on capitol hill right now redacted correspondent i only care of on e. mail me thank you ling leave we've got to face it asking for money is an essential service grifters got to grift the revolving doors got to spend and you have to appreciate personal grow when lobbyists went to congress to ask for money on behalf of exxon mobil that looked inward and asked why do i want asking for money on behalf of a polluting industry is not an essential service where in that pandemic the group
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america's health insurance plans worth $62000000.00 have a tough time convincing all lawmakers that medicare for all is an absolutely necessary that's why the lobbyists on behalf of lobbyists the american society of association executives along with strip clubs sued for small business funds who lobbyists have that much in common with strip clubs well i guess they both pay attention to polls they both operate in a legal gray area and now they're both good money grabs. fair point but there's a lobby for lobbyists my head is going to explode well you should get that checked out head exploding is a symptom of corona and yes there's a lobby for lobbies you know want they should probably get a lobby for the lobby of the lobbyists on going to lobby for a lot of me after this that that would be a good name for it look even though there's a boom in the high class begging business right now there's
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a lot of losses in addition to small business loans the mother lobby demanded $25000000000.00 for canceled events and other lost revenue from the coronavirus pandemic that adds a whole new challenge you can see the lawmakers face to face and manipulate them with that coveted invitation to the lockheed martin christmas party you get to come in a costume of your favorite dictator whose country want to air raid. and we usually read democracy i think we are like the dictators i also think that lobbyist can work from home they don't need help they don't need help well now leave they're reduced to harassing lawmakers by phone that's hard work and that's why nancy pelosi named the bill the heroes act it's the heroes like the ac a international the group that represents debt collectors those lobbyists made sure that those debt collection companies never felt what it's like to 0 thousands of dollars and have to flee the country by the way i'm not in d.c. i'm in new zealand right now i got in
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a lot of debt thanks to my investments and cruise ship entertainment but can you tell me why you lawmakers did this makes 0 sense to pay the people that are trying to buy their influence ok well the lobby of lobbies the lobotomy claims in a letter to congress that lobbyists are important conduits of information these organizations are already relied upon to help coordinate federal resources so lobbyist basically said to lawmakers we write laws we do the research the reading the writing and lawmakers were like yeah we don't want to read plus senators get jobs later as a lobbyist so they're investing in their future employment it's a good investment is exactly it lobbyists are and on elected shadow government of d.c. smoothers and it should be illegal for the government to pay those there's no ban on asking for money right now so by the way you never like $2.00 or
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$3000.00 i have an idea for a maritime musical going to go right up thank you naomi thank you. all right now it's time to delve into some headlines that may have slipped through the cracks which we then get to hear so ridiculous bonnano a bill that only what's in your cracks. you don't want to know now so yeah so it seems like a trump initiation basically keeps asking itself. just how much can i get away with while everybody is distracted by the corona virus and now the answer to that question is floating factory farms so. actually has this new executive order called promoting american seafood competitiveness and economic growth which is basically their excuse to put cages in the ocean and pump the ocean full of chemicals because americans cannot stop eating fish therefore we have to create more fish which the fish head from probably isn't going to eat unless it's in a fillet a fish sandwich so i've always thought the real problem with factory farms is they
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weren't aquatic enough. to be the most disgusting seaworld of. that we're going to shut down immediately not because they abuse the whales but because of that. oil and gas companies are clearly freaking out because their money because of coronavirus and so the federal reserve actually expanded this emergency lending program called the main street lending program that the watchdog group public citizen said could allow 'd failing highly indebted oil and gas companies to borrow money at lower rates i love the idea of bailing out the oil companies considering we are causing our extinction with fossil fuels so this would be like if someone's got the sword like halfway in their chest and they're like calling for how can you come help fund the completion of some words through the chest was well actually what's really messed up about this is that there was an original rule for borrowing this money that said that businesses could have no more than 10000 people. to get
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bailed out again to get the bailout money and then they did the fed up to 15000 people and this particularly benefit this company called occidental petroleum because they had 14000 workers right inside a pipeline going like the entirety of the united states has like 7 workers once it's completed so number of workers is not what should be decided for bailout yeah and it's. ridiculous and so this actually in the case of occidental petroleum there's a big time trumped owner named carl icahn who has a 10 percent stake in occidental petroleum so big surprise big surprise yeah help and help out the old trump buddies. yes so this is pretty good news for anybody that's like still part of the yang gang so there's a shot for us yet there are people out there might be like there are things i like out there that i don't carry out of the race months ago i'm hanging in there though
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i don't want people that are. going to scam no matter what but this is good news for some of the people who are interested in any type of universal basic income we're u.b.i. so now senators barry sanders and markey and center kemal harris are pushing a bill that would give americans $2000.00 and adults 2000 dollars 2000 dollars per kid and it would be retroactive for march and april. think it should be retroactive to the 1980 s. . like for that. is a good step forward for us to realize how. full is a couple as well the good thing is now you have more as evidence that it's better because i don't know if you heard about like that program in finland it was like a 2 year program where they were expand experimented with universal basic income and they actually just released the results of that program and surprise people were last depressed people relapse that people felt more confident and they also
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ensure they also gasp don't work less were a lot of oh it's got to make everybody so lazy you know they just choose different types of work exactly you know as a result of what's going on in finland scotland is considering it now spain is considering it now we're probably never going to consider it i mean at least the rest of the world. may be catching a cold well thank you so much thank you. here are your headlines from the future this coming tuesday you'll learn following tofu plant shut down millions of tofor ads run free in middle america wreaking havoc. and next thursday. trump senior adviser steven miller concerned his racism toward colleagues has slowed due to see the see recommended race fighting facemasks
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and finally in one week you'll hear. why and why don't begins work on a new scheme to train an army of fish to attack president maduro like in his favorite movie aqua man that could very well work that's our show but don't forget to grab the free r.t. america app portable t.v. at portable dot tv slash download and my new political comedy book is at least camp book dot com you can grab the paperback or the digital version right now you can't book dot com until next time goodnight and keep fighting. international memorial awards are now open for entries all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global news platform to participate published works in video all written for much
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go to award dot altie dot com and then to now. are some 3. and you have a little. blurry i'm going to members and at least. 2 prolific. buddies in the group. that was really grauer speech. business. and then. ask yourself how are you going to survive how are you going to protect yourself. if you do what you do in the.
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where they've been able to move x.'s people's private information on a cell phones and see what you mean if you have crossed offs with somebody who is positive and corona virus and if you are if you have a meeting seen your message across parts of somebody who has tested positive please you must be in our in tina home. but i think that there was interesting thing is that all people are or are in the same situation. hello everyone let's take a look at today's menu to see what we're serving up on the press i was struck peggy by the cynicism of the answer did n.b.c. show up tired purposely added an answer given by a to.


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