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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2020 6:00pm-6:25pm EDT

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all. in the same city. the failings of the u.s. health care system exposed by the outbreak former house officials warn the things will only get worse if the government doesn't bring about drastic change on doctor told us where it's all gone. is that we don't have a universal health care system in the united states and that millions of people have no health insurance at all and our health care system is really based on profit and not based on the people. under the vonda americans protest against down violating the basic rights that this
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facebook has fuel to the fire are moving one of the biggest communities in line with government policy. and the u.s. press calls for no one to trust the house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff ever again after those who feel that he lied about the trunk brush occlusion investigation. thanks for joining us here on r.t. . let's begin with a regular check on the latest global coronavirus numbers total infections stand above 4700000 vitality surprising 312000 all the number of those who've recovered has risen above 1800000.
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the united states health care system has been inundated during the pandemic not just with patients but also criticism over the way it has struggled with the crisis now the former head of a key lab working on a vaccine is one congress if the government doesn't make rapid changes things will only get worse our window of opportunity is closing if we fail to improve our response now based on science i fear the pandemic will get worse and be prolonged there will be likely a resurgence of code 19 this fall and we greatly compound it by the challenges of seasonal influenza without better planning 2020 could be the darkest winter in modern history meanwhile donald trump says the country's done a great job in battling the coronavirus and claims it's only the media saying otherwise we talked to pediatrician and health care activist margaret flowers she says the pandemics put the spotlight on the many failings of the current system. 3 major drawbacks that it has exposed is that we don't have
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a universal health care system in the united states and that millions of people have no health insurance at all it also has exposed that we don't have a centralized health care system it's our system is very piecemeal and bureaucratic and disorganized and because of that there's been no real leadership coming from a centralized institution telling people how to behave telling health professionals what to do making sure that we can get resources to people who need them particularly our health care providers and the 3rd thing is that our health care system is really based on profit and not based on the health of people and so instead of doing commonsense things that would have enabled us to get tests out to people to get supplies to people we're seeing this whole. scurrying of various corporations trying to see how they can profit from this situation. u.s. nursing homes have been hit particularly hard by the crisis we've talked to been in
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he's lost relatives to the virus including his father who was in a new york nursing home. one week. 5 deaths for the my uncle 3 cousins 4 of them. 3 of them god it is nursing homes so. i'm sure that the fact that they didn't have enough people. got people infected but the bulk of them with the patients being forced. with the virus they had no idea whether they had it or it's something that should have been known. prepared for by like federal especially the states it's all regulated by the state and local govt. they talk about having a pandemic plan early march the elected officials. how could you not have a plan for our most vulnerable those that we have to honor those who are parents.
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in the situation with nursing homes has come to sharp focus after it turned out many had been reporting the number of deaths there is claimed more than 30000 fatalities from america's entire virus death toll happened in nursing homes in long stay care facilities relatives who complained of a lack of testing and the number of cases of no one informing them that their loved ones actually had covert 19 before they died we talked to american health care representatives about how they see the situation. the government could have a 1000000 rated the extent to which so reduce the extent to which residents were affected i think you know unfortunately the federal government kind of ignored some of the signs of what was going on and was very very slow to react and just generally and even more so in respect to nursing or what we're hearing from families sometimes is that families don't even know that their loved one had covert nights he until the resident has died so the person there were taken to the
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hospital and it's too early we're hearing too often of residents and family members finding out that their resident had a roomie and that person was coping 1000 and they were separated in time and then their loved one also we can cope with 1000. you know we're hearing about people not getting access the hospital because there were some you know because of their age because who did this ability fortunately not seen as being worth treating we have about 1300000 people in nursing home in the united states and i would say about a 3rd of those are over the age of 85 so it's a very large very vulnerable population people don't realize that a lot of people die in nursing home but if you just look at new york city if you say there's about 30000 who die i think after they do
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a good job of counting guided nursing home it'll be 60 else maybe if there's about 80000 who die that number will double and i think it will be about 200000 people in the united states right now only 30 states are reporting but that's still 20 states that are been unwilling to count the people who are dying and nursing all. those numbers to their lists and i think some of that is political right the nursing homes are scared because when the word gets out about how this is there it's about what that does to their image the governors are scared because it makes them want but finally everybody is coming around to realize that we have to know the right numbers so that we can deal with this correctly. republicans controlling the michigan legislature claim that the state's governor gretchen
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whitmer trampled their authority with stay home orders another restrictions that has hundreds of armed protesters defied the governess policies outside the state capitol they called her a witch nazi and even the virus itself. the media. protests in michigan's capital on singer been going on for 6 weeks already friday the local prosecutor's office said a man was charged with making credible death threats against governor whitman michigan's not the only state where people are challenging look down policies in minnesota protesters there of rejected the governor's measure claiming they've caused the state to suffer even more harm with heightened suicide rates due to the economic impact of the shutdown we spoke to locals from both those states i. think americans need to realize their freedoms are being taken away if they don't be in that position right now there won't 7 be any freedom to see you know.
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how many businesses in this country even can afford to stay shut down for a couple 3 months and not many i know well. there's no strategy right now the whole thing is just a stalling game the only strategy so far is stay home. that's not a strategy for. give us radians on how well it is said on the 1st week we're at any last week right indeed so maybe he just off i don't have i'm not enjoying if i don't know why now anyways and so i better let me receptions that we're not doing in any way and yet he still didn't open up the churches which of their 1st amendment rights. the governor was picking winners and losers because he opened a candy store allowed 250 children and they're already run that right the very
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scouts put out my eggs and the cemetery of our veterans are passed through him. or earlier in an unprecedented move facebook removed a 390000 and he locked down community of michigan this is they acted in violation of the state order to stay at home however in the state of wisconsin its supremes quarter outlawed the lockdown so it's still unclear how the social network will react given the differences between states facebook stated that events opposing the u.s. government's social distancing policies will be banned from the site sin issue we decided to put up for debate. as a private company facebook can do whatever to ones even if it's a morally wrong idea and the situation like that the fact that facebook is shutting down political debate is taking it one step too far time and time again that the arab spring was organized on base so the base book allows massive revolts in
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foreign muslim countries but not in america where they're based where they get massive tax credits where they were handed in with the government where they get a free pass on everything these companies are it's not it's so simple as a private company like you want to kick someone out of your bar i mean they get way more complicated than this and so they'll look at a group like the ones that are being shut down and say these people are dangerous they're going to upset the stability of what's happening when really is often just people who love this country love this constitution and really don't trust the government and the government doesn't give as many reasons to to trust that you have the right to choose to work rather than to choose to follow an idiotic government directive the solution is for people to voluntarily say look the government has failed to handle this at every level they have created a medical shortage where we never needed to have one they don't know what they're doing they've lied to us they've changed their story many many times so we need to do this on their own and many people will voluntarily as has happened in those days
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that have reopened will voluntarily stay at home we slowly reopen if we protect the people who are most vulnerable yeah of course you have some work cases you're not i don't think you're going i'm going to help but it doesn't seem like you're going to see a massive spike you can always look at countries like sweden that never shutdown so it's come to a point where you've got suicide you've got mental health issues you've got drug overdoses that are skyrocketing i think we're seeing real problems with with what the directives have done to shut down this country we've gotten occur that's what we were promised now it's time to. author and socio economic write something. that people should think like a collective and consider others. the our collective who creates the cover and right now for the safety. of people collectively it's necessary that we kind of shelter in place you're not allowed to put my family and myself as well because you just you want to just go out and take those type of chances with
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a virus that's nontrivial it's not ok to use facebook to go into a group and say hey we need to hang the governor but that's exactly what was happening the page was shut down because it raises some unity guidelines of facebook which john allow for in inciting by weren't towards other people but the people who were protesting came with armed weapons a k 47 s and military style weapons to stand in front of the michigan house of representatives and protest what do you need a gun for who are you shooting call the 19 is a virus what are you absolutely brilliant gun to a protest over by a stay at home arms or what are you trying to accomplish who are you threatening. if you think the coronavirus pandemic has put politics on pause think again a case in point is with the united states where the leading figure in the so-called
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russian solution saga and i'm shift has been accused of being economical with the truth the charge surprisingly comes from the wall street journal which traditionally doesn't have much sympathy for team trump scott taylor explains. once upon a time when i was told washington looked a man named adam schiff from his tower on the hill he spent years trying to say dryden don't trump but then one day himself and it up saying i am wants to hold the truth to release correctional testimony shows that adam schiff spread full food shamelessly about russia and double trouble for 3 years even to his own committee gathered contrary evidence he misled because he repeatedly on an issue that consumed american politics no one should ever believe another word he says as chairman of the house intelligence committee she fled to russia trump collusion probe back in 2017 of the 14 months 50 plus witnesses 6000 pages of
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testimony the contents of which has now come to light and guess what no conspiracy and our attention just lost these freshly really strands gets revealed that top intelligence officials who paid for question who tore holes in 6 savage head of the conniving kremlin tramp for example remember when george got the doctors the jail we have some breaking news out of washington former trump campaign aide george papadopoulos has been sentenced to 14 days in jail well apparently even back then the f.b.i. director wasn't 100 percent convinced. his comments didn't particularly indicate that he was the person that had had it was interacting with the russians also who could forget the islamist steel dossier used 5 russia gate as far wide as secret proof of madeleine when you look at just what has become public some of the public information is very much in line with what is reported in that dossier and of. well
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as i tried to explain before there's a lot of information in this still reporting we've not been able to prove the accuracy of all the information in fact that my. ssage from the transcripts is overwhelmingly obvious i never saw any direct and perfectly evidence that the trump complain or someone in it was plotting or conspiring with the russians to meddle with the election i don't recall intelligence that they would consider evidence to that effect that i saw prior of conspiracy prior to my departure obvious to everyone apparently except c.s. who continued to hop from t.v. channel to t.v. channel weaving tales he already knew what true we do know this the russians offered help the campaign accepted help the russians gave help and the president made for use of that help the bottom line is did the russians intervene in our election and the answer is yes i did they make outreach the trump campaign and the
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answer is yes and it's not just that she actively misled the public it's that she even tried to hide the evidence most of the transcripts were ready for release long ago but missed the shift of the refused to release them off he became chairman in 2019 he only released them last week when the intel threatened to do it 1st i mean he did make good use of that time he had the transcripts even managed to squeeze it in impeachment a tad waits just like his previous loser proud liberal court was a bust let alone to that heard the president feels vindicated so with trump kicks back in the oval office he's probably pondering the irony of ship's words the truth will come out the truth. will come out. i think it's just an absolute or a political earthquake there's no other way to put it over 3 years we see top officials including intelligence committee chairman adam schiff are the head of the
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n.s.a. at the time the. head of the cia all of them knew that there was no rush of collusion yet played along as if there was that it was best to geisha and they gave or tasia and they say appear. in an all too willing 'd media shift claimed he went on television and claimed that the russians offered to help drum trump knew the russians were offering to help he accepted the russians offer of the russians got it but into office he said all of those things when he knew for a fact based on all of the interviews that he did with the people that were there and involved you knew of that it was absolutely untrue yet he continued to say it anyway and essentially the attempt was to overthrow a duly elected president the united states whether we like america is immaterial this was a coup or 10 and now we know what we suspected all along that it was all made up and they knew it was. starts free antibody testing for the threat of the virus as
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a moles lifting restrictions in the city now this comes as much of the global media is simply not buying russia's official statistics show a relatively low death toll from the forests a full story after the break. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the day or thinks. we. ask.
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here h a i r is the ticker symbol for hair it's a close. by all of the hair. that we feature here on this episode of kaiser report is currently trading at a market cap of about $3900000000.00 but we're expecting the fed to come in and from the market take us up to a much higher capitalization possibly 7 or 9 trillion dollars. the free antibody testing for the corona virus for all residents of the russian
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capital they've results are expected to help the government decide whether to ease the existing restrictions or to extend them now the number of new cases reported in russia today stood at $9200.00 that's the lowest in several weeks but experts say it's too early yet to say if the situation is improving when $63000.00 people have recovered in total but 2537 have died he has more on the antibody testing and the current situation with 19 in russia. so what the russian capital seems to be trying to do right now is that it is trying to figure out how many people have been under on carriers of covert 19 and how many of those might have immunity to this new coronavirus disease and so far more than 2000 people have already sees this opportunity to find this out now when it comes to russia as a whole while it is up there when it comes to the total number of those infected well it has shown some very very little mortality rates compared to the total
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figures and that has come into focus with some of some mainstream media outlets for instance the financial times it has claimed that russia has some 70 percent more deaths than it is reporting officially the new york times in turn has speculated that well there are more than $1700.00 of extra deaths in moscow alone but bloomberg well it has gone further than all of them because it has released an article titled experts demand to know why coronavirus hasn't killed more russians and this wording well it hasn't been perceived well here because a lot of people have seen and this almost a direct demand of more deaths here in russia and so much so that bloomberg even had to rework the initial outline but brushes them back to london has commented on this judging by your reports russia's response has been to manipulate with figures
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at home and to spread disinformation abroad with the government act in inefficiently and doctors have an inadequate protection this distorted picture requires a refutation even by most pessimistic accounts russia's before months in terms of health care system capacity and death rate is among the best of all major countries your article carries inaccurate statements coupled with an unacceptable and unprofessional one sided narrative now this version has been corroborated by the world health organization who have said that russia. as board its health care system time by reacting early to this new pandemic and when it comes to 2 facts coming out of moscow the had dr of what is seen to be as russia's benchmark hospital for treating over 1000 patients dennis percent co he has in turn to explain what allows them to save so many more lives than in other countries especially the town an example has shown us the seriousness of the situation what percentage of cases in russia is here in the capital half of them so all that was
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happening in eataly allowed our system which took half of the patients to get ready our hospitals don't decide who needs a ventilator who can wait because we have enough of them here there isn't such a problem in moscow because we did manage to prepare but it's always easier to ignore this pardon start claiming your statistics are fake well one of comes to all the fuss in the western media russia's former ambassador to the u.k. says that well they just hate to see when russia does something better than their countries the choice between the economy and human lives will leave its mark on people thinking worldwide for a long time the values of any society could not be questioned more acutely and it is no coincidence that this problem has caused such a rise in undiscovered irritation in the western press and the public's opinion assessment of so-called western values will have a practical assessment in terms of how many lives have been saved and the west and elites will have to answer on this soon enough and foresee the pandemic has shown
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another dimension of the crisis.


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