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tv   Dennis Miller One  RT  May 18, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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the whole fight out about poison will find out what he's doing during the corona because the cat is in the main category he's diabetic number one so he's got to watch himself but walt because brain find out all about bret michaels right after this on dennis miller plus one. hey folks welcome to dennis miller plus one i'm excited here because the cat and i come from the same place almost sees around 50 miles up the road but they're p. i am from pittsburgh you know bret michaels brett's the lead singer of the multiple 'd multiple platinum rock band cloisonne i did not know this 45000000 records worldwide you get into serious serious territory there is a new book out called bret michaels and auto scrap augur if it will dig into that after we talk
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a little ball my life scrapbook and pictures and stories it's available online in stores now mechanicsburg best friend michael sorry brother. i'm doing awesome my friend thank you for having me on and we are pittsburgh natives i'm just a little bit go a little bit up the road on route 8 in butler. around 50 i think it seems like around an hour to get up i can't remember exactly but i've been back in a while but i do remember when i saw butler p.a.a. it's funny brett as soon as you see somebody who's from the burg or the environs of the burr you kind of know they're drilling away or at least i do i go ok i know this cat's hard drive. absolutely and i figured it out too we have may say we have pittsburghese our own language like you and me before we even get on the air we're talking going back and forth my parents could say in one single like 3 wore jeans going to the stillers and that meant the entire day that at. what time to be there
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you knew everything you go in southside you knew exactly what restaurant where you were go when that was it really simple work is it and i said this too when i went out to los angeles we lived behind a dry cleaner a back half of it a dry cleaner that wasn't doing real well obviously and we slept in sleeping bags 3 years and growing up in pittsburgh just grounded us and like i was laughing about before we got near i said my signing day my big big record signing day we were an independent band here was a good news we kept all of our publishing there's no one wanted it that was one good reason then and you know a long note if think about this every rose has a story to talk during nothing but a good time somebody's been but here was a crazy thing our signing day else a gun to california in a way or a house on the floor setting shrink wrapping albums that was our shoe shine a game and you're an independent and trying to make it out of that was
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a look at the cataract and coming out of california. brother that is a gift from god the music gods to have your own catalogue ownership because i'm reading a book right now by john entwistle the ox and the even the who comes out of this at the beginning nobody was coming out with their publishing those 1st 5 years that's quite a coup you right there. you read piece like in the autobiography or are my orders from arthur ph those stories every bit of it of coming out of there what your mind's going through what i did is made a diary like a scrapbook diary so it was really just the real stories of those moments impact what happened before what happened after and what you're going through to people you know there are certain times when you do an autobiography don't want to talk about this time period of your life that's it you got signed you had record you want on the road and i said this thing covers it all and it's in bali and so it can stay relevant it can state what happened just now recently all the way back to
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earth which i haven't mentioned yet i was born but cheeks 1st that is the 1st thing is all the light of day was my butt cheeks i really did tick that pushing back up my re attempted it a 2nd time and breech and i figure can only get better from here but it's good being from the bourke well listen i don't know he's heard man now i understand it comes from. i think c.b.c. television that last night what they see is that that's the great sam kennison. yes it is they always come in and he was it was funny since he was alternating little while betis weeks which i couldn't quite get a view to have there are times i'd think this is the wow diskette i ever met and then there are other times i get he's almost look at a way like he self-effacing in a weird way. dennis i just want to say this you just said something it's taken me 30 years to say you just figured out for me he is the nicest guy makes me laugh
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harder than any i'm not kidding when i say makes me laugh i'm talking hears rolling down your face and there's a part of him that's complete wild man and enters a 3rd chipper that is almost as super shy guy and anybody turn around to be the most out of control him and sam i was hanging out with him one night i couldn't even remotely keep up like i could even i was i thought i could i could party i wasn't even in i was in at 1st base and i just kept on rolling him and him and said we're so friggin funny together and like i said he had a self-effacing part to remind me of farley i know people find it hard to believe but farley would call me mr wadsworth go chris what do you do it work we work on a same show but he would always look away and something you could tell that the other wild man cluck the cat who musta got poked fun at what he was a young kid maybe c.c. had some of that to we're talking to bret michaels' his coworker seed bills from
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the great band poison over 45000000000 records worldwide he brushed up against this theory for the auto biography twist called auto scrap auger a few my life's rap book and pictures and stories so when they get to spread i assume it's like some sort of collage man did you keep a keep a complete picture a history of your trip up the ladder or tell me. everything what it did is i go back deep into this stuff and i take it i wrote it all out i hand took and i even had a couple pictures of what i would do i would take it right out and i would take an starched tape the old polaroid pictures right one of them to be in the book and i just went piece by piece and really really dove into the stories and i'm talking back in mechanicsburg off of old hollow and sleepy hollow road i have buried this it's like a ghost of a memory that i brought back up when you write something like this on how a gun point at 16 years old with 3 of my buddies partying on an abandoned road off
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an old hollow road and then these 2 guys thought we had robbed their house and you know 34 guys back there listening to music argue no over whether skinner's better than sept wayne or russia's better than yes all those arguments are going on and they literally held us a gun point it was and i negotiated for my lights i literally knew they were it was a 36 and a shotgun and i knew this was going to go bad and we just sat there and i negotiated demi not telling us showed him the trunk of the car where there was some less than reputable p.b.r. is that we're warm and that was it we didn't steal anything when we got to live and i'm here to talk to you about it but those moments in the book it goes through the highs the lows the the craziness that's happened me being diabetic since the age of 6 and it's just a deep dive in every bit of this every bit of it has a picture to timestamp go with a ton of photos. bret michaels and once again it's audio scrap biography my life
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scrapbook and pictures and stories listen we've got i got jack lambert over my right shoulder he was sort of them will buy a ticket price for that it was a no b.s. town my man was 64 and 215 go see his bust in can i think his bus weighs more than 215 but the guy his leg a truck you never over celebrated remember klyce cliff harris at religious rel on the head to super bowl when he missed a kick lambert went over and splattered whom he said nobody intimidates us we are the incentives so you have that pittsburgh mindset but then for a young boy in butler 6 years old to find it in your diabetic one. boy you talk about getting handed a that's something to work through my friend tell me how it's guided your life. 2 things 1st of all at the start i just want to say this with jack lambert that moment defining moment in my life is the there's memory i had that picture right and from the super bowl when he came back and was here so i believe that tap drill
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on the head right and all of a sudden lumber for absinthe throws him on the ground tells him get it he was ready to take on that team look i get chills thinking about it this is how i want to. look at it's i'm going to kill you that's up and down you're right it changed that defining moment in my life change jack labor has no idea to this day how that changed my life i was a diabetic my body was a cowboys fanatic and got us a man i get it everyone could use a team but i was born black and gold i believed it and i go and that moment in the super bowl changed my life when he did that and it just showed we get it done and that willpower will the steelers to win that super bowl he he was so fired up they can even run up the middle they could even get there was no moon after beautiful stuff now listen when i see pitchers you play and you're always playing your right hander and so i know your calloused on your left hand work in the frets but i'm
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assuming as a diabetic one from 6 on you have to prick your right hand like every it's quite a thing to be visited on a young boy has got enough on his mind to begin with tell me about finding out tell me a few how you treated it devastated are too young to be devastated tell me. here's exactly what happened i got really really sick ages 6 and they thought i had the flu and so they were my dad and mom not know when they're giving me cokes you know giving me ginger ale when ginger ale was the you know so your stomach wasn't upset and i was going to complete you know acidosis which is deadly and so i would drink it and you're in a drink it you're an 8 and then i got really sick i collapsed morning to ketoacidosis it took me a hair's hospital they diagnosed me instantly and my mom and dad were. obviously beyond devastated but they never they never let me settle one state
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knew i was going to be able to it was a lifelong disease they they said to me look let's have no self pity let's farm what we can do we know you love sport as we do you know then i'm going to animal minibike you know a lot and now came the challenge it's a fork in the road i tell everyone else you can either choose the road a victim or you can choose the road you're going to take control of it and not have self pity and do something about it and that's the road i chose and it's played off in the rest of my life and truly thank my mom and dad for that they helped develop the 1st harrisburg i bet a youth camp there was no other kid in my entire at that point it wasn't an epidemic yet there was no other kid taking 4 'd and 5 injections a day and my fingers you know i don't want to there to this day besides the glucose monitor my fingers to this day left or right hand jacked up but i'll take that any day because i what it is it gives me a chance to be here and and play music and tore 'd and i look at it with gratitude
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. we're joined by bret michaels we're going to talk to him for another segment bret michaels' auto scrap augur feet my life scrapbook and pictures and stories is available online and in stories now and i hate to play dr freud but when a young boy gets diabetes wanted 6 years old and has to prick a spangler it would probably lead a guy to write an incredible song like every road that's of our you know we'll talk about it we'll talk about poison going on his show 45000000 records worldwide and we'll talk about all of it with bret michaels right after this on dennis miller plus 1. 100.
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we go to work so you straight home. you are no offense but you no longer a young woman in fact you are one of the last living survivors of the nazi else asked i'm aware of it. for a day. all your life. and you can never forget america now al-shehri it's was really like to be in hell because he would never believe that blunt and human can do too as a copy of a course for 2 years ago for the purpose at all seems a lot over by the time you're
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a kid. when i get out on the farm saw you know what it's like ma song to her next meal so he can listen and hopefully he can bless her heart her experience. folks welcome back to dennis miller plus one my man bret michaels we're both pittsburgh boys coming up with his charitable child here invented by the great myron because. i'm telling it what he wore out is 6 years folks and the 2 years we didn't win that 1st year might have been the greatest team i ever saw they shut off 6 opponents in a row but then i remember. franco and rocky got hurt in that call game and we weren't the same against the raiders but it was fun time started talking inside but when you were the brother from pittsburgh you got to talk a little inside. inside foot before we split bret we're talking about you know i love that song every rose has of its moorings and i always think now that you talk
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about the diabetes i don't know maybe maybe it's maybe i'm reading too much but it's a weird way to go for a song that's that poignant about something that might have been hard you know life right absolutely and again that diabetes having it then right up until now. i say this no doubt it has its moments it's a struggle but i try to keep a positive attitude about it we do it time with my life rocks and asian we raise a lot of money we don't need a lot of money and send tons of kids to camp and that's what saved my life is you have to have a mental attitude to 0 to achieve it in order to physically be awesome you've got to have that mental attitude of well it that you're going to do whatever it takes and i'm not saying it's easy but i work with a lot of people and i think adjusting that trying to stay positive sounds crazy but it keeps some blood sugars in control and being from pittsburgh i'm just saying myself i treat every day like
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a kid i'm still out there thrown football baseball riding dirt bike i take my kids out we're just out race and you know once i got past the quarantine part because i was on the road when this whole coronavirus came down and i got made sure i was safe i was good i was in the highest risk category so were out there just today riding dirt bikes and having fun and and i think a lot of that has helped me especially in my music career is it is what i love to do and i just i said people this if they remember anything about me i gave a 1000 percent i'm passionate about what i do and grateful 'd. we're talking to bret michaels and he has a new book out it's called bret michaels auto scrap much speeding through that maybe you can hear me it's called the auto scrap on griffey my life scrapbook and pictures and stories like that approach to it it's available online and in stores now well let's take a let's segue from the diabetes deploys i'm i'm wondering bret i listen if you're
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a rock god on the strip at that time in history it was all coming at you like the end the 2001 man but i imagine somewhere inside a you had to know that you couldn't really party as hard as some people write it would just quote you when it up you're exactly right in what he did his mind was balanced because don't ever get me wrong. i think my dad may even help to invent tailgating at 3 rivers when it was there we had a good time i love i love to have a good time i love the party but i've learned as i go along being diabetic i'm a great host to in other words i like to treat people great party and end but like c.c.m. them and bobby him and ricky when we get completely off the deep end i can party for a bit in the next day i'd be up 1st thing i do in the morning is check my sugar i check the blood i'm taking a syringe of insulin and then i'm working out a little bit no matter what the. matter what the hangover may or may not be to
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take care of the next. yeah the the heartening irony of somebody in the rock world using a syringe to save their life is and certainly it's the twisty thing you've had brother over the years it's a very it's only narrative man and you look hard felt and hale and fit so it's come out the other side great patel me about poison how do you guys hook up by blizzard up on the strip where do you meet because i'm always amazed that the stories are guys bump into each other eventually. i can give this to you exactly how it happened grew up in pittsburgh and moved to central pennsylvania my dad was in the navy we moved to the inland naval depo mechanics are and that's why i met ricky i was at that time i worked as a fry cook in a busboy 'd but i just continuously play music met ricky was playing
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a drums we were just go down there and jam and then all the sudden we found we found bobby dall bobby lived there him warmly i'm so pena and bobby kuykendall and and now now officially bobby dall da l.l. and he and we started playing music and we're looking for a guitar player we found a guy named matt smith and we played every club we say b y o p it was every drunken frat party every club shake your heinie the piny of iran you know play in 5 sets a night start like dinner till 3 in the morning you moved it and you're literally your dresser in the same bathroom they used to be used to go to the back and you just live with it we made a great show we put every penny we made back into our show then we just decided one day we up and moved to california our guitar player then name as matt smith had a very personal situation happen had to move home and we auditioned 3 guitar
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players one was from joe perry span from aerosmith the other was slash from guns n roses and the other was c c and this may give you some of the irony of the fistfights i mean c.c. i'm taking responsibility bobby and ricky chose these day who was a great songwriter an amazing player and i went with slash and so 'd that that was all that may have been c.c.m. these headbutting but it's also now we are the best of friends poison is when through everything together and then this summer when it's safe to go back on the road with the again i say this for the fame. dance it's healthy for the fans the bands the crew everybody will be back out to do that stadium tour 'd that sold out everywhere especially in the burbs quickly in milwaukee was like 42 minutes 2 nights ago and way it's going to be awesome. and you know what the way i look at
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a man it's a classic half full half empty kind of in slash was easy it could have been the 3rd cat probably you never tell you know what i mean is just absolutely going to tell to you things happen for a reason slash went on with x. so when guns and roses and g.n.r. and amazing amazing music poison without c.c. without ricky without bobby myself together that chemistry worked and we're still here to this day june our work and and i'm just saying things happen for a reason and it all turned out awesome we laugh about it today and it's incredible but all that stuff happens for a reason i used to do a joke about the cat of that kicked out of guns n roses where i said what god's name do you have to do to get kicked out of guns n roses what what do you have to retreat not return axels casserole dish from the thursday night potluck dinner what we got. we got some rules here boys were good. tell me about the story of the stadium tour i love
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it so you go on out with i love the fact that it's sold out in the burg like that and tell me tell me give me the give me the roster man. here's the roster it's amazing you got def leppard you got poison motley crue joan jett it is a summer party of nothing but hits an every single day and we're all friends but we're all 'd competitive to put on an amazing show sound great play great and the fans when it's i go out there again i'm friends with everyone out there i have an amazing time but when we get out there we know we're playing against great people joan jess incredible leopard motley it's going to be an incredible show i think i'm not going to say a word i'm hoping it will go one more safe i don't think it's ever going to be denied me mate who knows it may be delayed a little but people going to be safe and healthy 1st that's number one when it goes
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i will backpack to the 1st gig if i need to get eric and mater i would be there ready to play it's like the world's hippest battle of the bands man you gotta get in there and every night not that a lot off that you at motley crue mag get their heads right back and that's it great bret michaels and once again these poison stadium tour with motley crue def leppard joan jett in the black cards currently scheduled to kick off what we don't know at this moment but they have 31 dates booked and i can't wait. i can't think of a more funny thing this celebrate with when you guys get back out here with us brett . we've got a whole bunch of social media questions when we said that you were going to be on that chilly poisons fans lit up the board mind if i ask if you my friend. absolutely ask away i'm right here. live got j. o. d. ary on facebook i'm curious what his thoughts are performing live now poison was
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said to tour the summer when he still do it how long until he thinks the live shows will be back we just sort of brushed on this but i guess what you're saying brad is let's not push the chips until it's time to push the chips and then let's push them all right here here's my thing number one would all of us love to play and i'm going to speak for myself. i'm in the highest risk category being diabetic and it's the person the c.d.c. said but the 2nd and i mean the 2nd we can go and we know it's right it's safe and everyone's in agreement i told you this i'm not kidding you i will be on that stage and again for me it's not just about just the music it's the being able to me and hangry people 'd i'm at the front of that ross suite with poison we play talk dirty to me or look at the catcher again for 5 minutes while i'm up front just bam bam slap in hand same with people dragging people on stage i wanted to be amazing but
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will do that as soon as the time is right hey i'm sure there were times during poisons more fractious days when bobby was encouraging you and c.c. to spent 6 feet apart from each other. absent. you couldn't with go with boys or you got something great you got it was like combining a great show with pyro possibly a prize fight i mean we knock each other out at the m.t.v. awards that's hard to do i mean that was that was classic stump that disappointing wrestling site cindy crawford and in both of us are just the man and then the next day we laughed about it it's it was good times. well listen brother if you do another one of these grab bag or fees you gotta call it wrestling next to send it crawford because i think it's some books that step with. victim are pushed mckeown on facebook says tell us what your time on the apprentice was like looked like a lot of hard work indeed i loved it it was you know i was in the middle of you know
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we're touring and i was doing rock a lot when we're on our 3rd season iraq a lot of we've signed on to do a show someone to show i have some mechanical skills being from the bird i grew up r.v. so i said i'm going do the show called rock my rb that we co-create on travel channel and then the opportunity came up on apprentice and i said i want to show people that you may get lucky once you may get your foot in the door but genesis if it's anything i could ever say get your foot in doors one thing stay in error at that party is a complete other thing and i want to show people there's a reason that just your humble put put your nose a grindstone you know get in air and do it and that's what happened on a process that i'm showing people and no one people were going to come in that me why this was happening but i want to get in and show people i could do it or not it was tough and i loved it but i'll tell you what i just i never let the i don't
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throw people into the bus that's not my style that's not the way i want to weigh in and so i just went in there stuck to my guns and ended up when in that city. did you ever think you'd come to a point in your wild life that you would have an r.v. that had a bumper sticker that said if this r.v. is a rock and don't come a knockin because i am renovating in here. we had the other part of the sticker we never had the right of asian art art was a thing an internet. corporate event and. you guys are like horny scooby doo that we're just going to take bills. robert miller on facebook says what song comes on the radio that you still listen to all the way before getting out of your car take it outside your great catalog and tell me what soggy here were it's a skill i abstain until this is over. the i will give you that song instantly and i
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think everyone knows this about me now every solo show every question show i can wage a song in ac d.c. thunderstruck i don't know what it is about that song but it gets mike my heart didn't. i say it i can i can't move i hear it and i'm immediately going i'm doing the angus. it gets me pumped to me it's been fun talking to bret michaels he has a new book out called bret michaels auto scrap augur iffy my life scrapbook and pictures and stories it's been a hell of a life and a good cat what he got there is that it hold it out let me see that i just want to show people during the craziness of his fight it's real the pages look at all them pictures it's unbelievable it's that i'm telling you those you should put some it's a real you should put some coffee cup stains on the outside of it it's already on there you kidding me it has if it has a yes sir it is again sir copy staying right there. i write that man goes read
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up your room good to talk to you. thank you i'm going to go right up there were might now. all right bret michaels' last one thanks folks. says stand there while there are 2 united states there's been the unbelievable winner of the global geographic macroeconomic gambling casino sure with the world reserve currency and really smart intelligent financial engineers and software engineers but that. has run up i'm just my thought is that this pandemic has exposed incredible wallner abilities in the united states and the united kingdom and that's going to be painful it's going to be a very painful next 10 to 15 years. hello
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there i'm a military man you know watching in question broadcasting live from r.t. american national headquarters in washington d.c. i want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world today here are your top stories 1st rising tensions continue between the u.s. and iran and 5 iranian oil tankers are now making their way to venezuela despite us thanks a full report and analysis straight ahead plus the world health organization is renewing calls for global solidarity in the fight against company 18 this as a deadly way cho chain promises an independent review of the organization's response to the pandemic and then 5 months after a shooting rampage at a florida it may well be.


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