tv News RT May 19, 2020 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. of the shallows. made the headlines today several french schools are forced to close again just days after reopening as new cases have been detected. as the world health organizations decision making body meets to work on the next global efforts to tackle the pandemic now threatens to permanently x. its us funding. belgian health care workers. in protest over the government's handling of the pandemic there but the country eases more measures we speak to one of those medics. at this location where the prime minister was. sure we disagree with the way the.
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medical sector. slowing there are still problems. what is. with this fighting talk from a u.f.c. world champion urging caution for his fellow citizens especially with the end of ramadan coming up this week. my father is in the hospital his condition is very severe i've personally had over 20 close relatives hospitalized many of them are no longer with us please. don't accept yes. good afternoon from russia life martin to nationals will do center here in moscow is kevin all we need for the next 30 minutes with this latest round up great to have a company around the world 1st getting children back to see. cool to see mixed results
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in europe e.u. education ministers held a video conference on monday to discuss the impact of the break and said that there hasn't been a significant increase in transmission in the 22 countries where classes have returned but a number of french schools have had to close again after only a few days because of new infections reporting next from paris about charlotte due bensky. children had only just started to head back to school in france but after only one week of classes around 70 having to shut down once more as cases of covert 19 have been detected. it is probably a virus that was contracted before returning to school after exiting confinement but you will see what the analyses say. this is what many teachers and their unions had warned about they import the government not to reopen schools fearing that they could become a hot spots for the transmission of virus parents had also been raising their
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own concerns they've been asking us if we want to send the kids back and you know you have mixed feelings everything just opened up so we're actually sort of continuing as we were a few weeks to see what happens in the next 3 weeks i personally think we're going to end up back in lockdown i don't feel like everything's opened up though because the danger is gone i think everything has opened up because financially they can't afford to keep it closed and because people are losing their minds and i think it has also opened up because now if a whole lot of people get ill they're out there and ventilators though many measures were put in place to stop the virus spreading it appears that they just weren't enough the government insists the schools that are closing down again only a small percentage rule and it says the consequences of children not going to school are more serious however while the number of children who contract it could
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be going teen is relatively small there is another alarming trend that's been emerging last week france registered the 1st case of a child dying from a rare complication linked to coronavirus not focus on to the child presented symptoms resembling cow was sakhi disease. magickal tests done within the pediatric i.c.u. unit indicated that he had been in contact with the coronavirus without developing the symptoms the prior week it's a rare inflammatory disease that normally effects children under the age of 5 but since the code pandemic children across the world have been showing similar symptoms in france they have been more than $100.00 reported cases since the beginning of march at present parents in france can decide whether or not to send their children back to school but even with these new cases of
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covert $900.00 scented around reopen schools and the surge in more complex cases involving children many parents just may decide that it is still too risky so what do you can ski auty paris. president trumps renewed his attacks on the world health organization threatening to cut u.s. funding for good now he's written to the head of the un's health agency with a 30 day ultimatum to make big changes or permanently lose the united states membership trump accuses the w.h.o. of mishandling the coronavirus break and kowtowing to china. but of jonah. china centric to put it but they're a puppet of china we help fund the world health organization we use it like everyone else does they gave us a lot of very bad advice terrible advice they were wrong so much always on the side
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of china china paid 40000000 dollars last year and we've been paying $450000000.00 a year for many years somehow that doesn't work out too well. trump says the w.h.o. it made several inaccurate and misleading claims about the coronavirus and accuses the agency of moving too slowly he described his letter as self-explanatory of though it doesn't specify what the agency's actually got to do to maintain white o's funding the letter just calls for the w.h.o. to demonstrate independence from china more than 100 countries are calling for a probe into the w h o's coronavirus response i spoke about this with peter all of it just a bit earlier. but this is all taking place against the backdrop of the 73rd united nations health assembly taking place perhaps the most important one of those gatherings albeit even if this one is taking place virtually that there's ever been on a global stage and while it would seem like the perfect opportunity for nations to come together and work collectively to try and establish
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a vaccine to get aid to those nations that need it most what's it's being used for what this platform has been used for by the united states as an opportunity to point the finger of blame firmly at the world health organization and accuse them of essentially letting this crisis spin out of control there was a failure by this organization to obtain the information that the world needed and that failure cost many lives in an apparent attempt to conceal this outbreak at least one member state made a mockery of their transparency obligations with tremendous cost for the entire world the u.s. president has suspended funding for the world health organization amid this pandemic. his critics say that he's using them essentially as a scapegoat for his own administration's failings in dealing with the covert 19 pandemic saying that if you look at the united states having the highest number of cases around the world the highest number of fatalities as well and also looking at
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the spiraling unemployment figures in the united states china for their part of the world health organization of the night vehemently these claims that are being made against them by the united states from beijing's point of view they've pledged money to countries that have been hardest hit by the coronavirus they also sent doctors and aid to africa and other developing nations china will provide 2000000000 u.s. dollars over 2 years to help with the covert 19 response and with economic and social development in affected countries especially. developing countries of the world health organization has said that there will be an independent inquiry into how whatley they responded to the coded crisis that director general says that yes there were some things that slipped through the net but that they've learned from them and he stood vehemently behind his organization while it's also being calls
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for unity and a unified approach to fighting the virus from 2 of europe's heaviest hits as cynical new news on the full only food joint forces will would be disciplined damning and we need the w. we true because of its irreplaceable coordinating role and here we have the opportunity to provide a unified response to the pandemic that is free of complacency and unfounded accusations that now country can solve this problem alone we must work together the great show is replaceable it needs and there is the resources to provide support to developing got a truce which must be our greatest and. we have as strong as because all systems of the world health assembly continues on choose to be looking for more of a unified approach to fighting the fire a sin less of the the fingerpointing that we saw on monday. belgium is further easing its lockdown which includes seeing schools museums and beauty salons open
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their doors once again the number of active infections and the death rate there is decreasing there were fewer than $300.00 new cases and $28.00 fatalities reported monday that said though while jim currently has the highest mortality rate per capita in the world and that's prompted criticism over its handling of the crisis at the weekend health staff brussels hospital protested during a visit by the prime minister turning their backs on the motorcade as she arrived she was there on a bridge building mission calling her visitor a message of appeasement to all spittal workers but they say their efforts are not being properly acknowledged and they've railed against and qualified staff being brought in as nurses now. we found at this location where the prime minister was french government was the right occasion to show how we disagree with the way that seating the medical sector over thirst. it's all of this that are working under seems under starts and load of work. work to every this
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was our 1st. big disagreement with. it enough the words that all health care system should be fine and it's sort of if you can work from. there so that everybody. can get the same level of treatment it's a bit difficult with the way that was. so we want change on those. as well as p.p. shortages in hospitals and health centers medical staff for dogs for the government over what they say is a longstanding lack of recognition given to the nursing sector the demand the wide ranging improvements in belgium's health care system after the pandemic and urging caution to the country opens up slowly once again. building which is true only what you have a 1000000 we've got 9 ministers for the health so i mean like. and that's just a crazy number and they're not even able to get something right and so it's. other
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ministers to take care of the most of the population so now it's defense which is going to take care of that so we're wondering what what went wrong and how come you can do that so many how can you get it so wrong i think if they do take let's say radical changes in this i'm coming who knows you might change our vision but it's not the case for the moment that's for sure once coverage is over where we'll be in streets. here in russia promise to become a shoestrings been discharged from hospital and is now back to work after his covert 19 treatment it comes as here in russia the daily rate of new infections has been showing a welcome decline over the past week but that said some parts of the country a still struggling to contain the outbreak as daniel hawkins reports next. brakes of that curve of new infections in russia are overruled expense real growth has been slowing down and reaching that all imports a plateau that's been trying to cross moscow and many other russian regions and
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just on the road the trend seems to be going very much in the opposite direction with information coming out of the region which is quite boring that if not addressed the very soon things could be on the brink of a medical emergency this is something a president who is an address and a video conference with officials staying in the situation has done is proving difficult new cases of the sickness continue to be reported with serious complications. now as in most places the cloven montini infection a spared no one in
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a video conference with president putin the region's top cleric the man of the law and said he was actually funded for a holiday we received self-will still ill still suffering from cope with 90 unequal on the president an action that cyclists warring trends in the republic household names in russia as well as the u.f.c. champion m.m.a. fights. about a went public just over the last 24 hours old updates on his father's health condition is of course been taken as a leap from. surgery heart surgery which has now been to be linked in some way to cope with 19 as well and be said that his father is by fall fall from the only sad about but to be affected by this terrible illness i can see. i'm in the heart of my needs my father is in hospital his condition is very severe we pray to a lot that he will return him to us i personally had over 20 close relatives
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hospitalized many of them are no longer with us the elderly have a hard time dealing with this virus in a few days it will be our religious holiday our authorities are pleading with us not to go out to pray at home they say please don't visit anyone and don't accept guests it's a muslim majority republicans mind and very deep historical so tradition as large families and bolts will generations living under the same roof and often a sort of mistrust of wealth or what you know luck since to follow orders but meanwhile specialists estimate that the primary reason for severe complications suffered by those in the region you are late call is for medical help as well as self medication at home people he said overwhelm medical medical facilities and a shortage of testing kits is what is the shortage of facilities to process those tests it's on the proposed start with a shortage of protective equipment but since i'm led of course those
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disproportionately high debts among medical staff in the region so the spotlight now is very much on dagestan but me i'm pleased to sort of the building of what extra military hospital facility to house specifically a covert infection infected patients as well as sending actual results is to the region in terms of soft material and medical resources so multiple efforts now on the way to try and stem this tide in dagestan which is very much been going against the overall trends over the last few days in the country. proud to be broadcasting from russia around the world and to be with you through these tricky covert times thanks for watching this is our to international add we talked to the director of the stockholm international peace research institute about the dangers of terrorism while the will is busy dealing with the outcry. i'll talk about that i'm kevin oh and by the way kid just about 90 seconds from now.
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the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the dares thinks. we dare to ask. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy foundation let it be an arms race is often spearing dramatic to follow the only closely i'm going to exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time
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time to sit down and talk. imax keyser one more of my guide to financial survival this is fun it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and we're just adding more and more to them. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a while because we've put. a tease khalid a hot tip international memorial awards on. now open for entries all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global news platform to participate in the show published works in video or
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written for. go to award dot r.t. dot com and enter now. by a good afternoon if you watch the clock 2nd 90 minutes past the hour now our attention is may shifted almost exclusively to dealing with the coronavirus of the moment that doesn't mean other dangers are going away i'm sorry to report it's thought there's something else to worry about the terror groups are working on their next moves while governments have busily diverted towards the health crisis at the moment it's according to the director of the stockholm international peace research institute we asked him whether the world is likely to become a more violent place once whenever this pandemic is over. while the power changes many many things it doesn't change everything doesn't necessarily change the goals of political actors or armed groups doesn't change
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either their short term all their long time objectives and islamic states and others around the world in different places maybe seeing opportunities for themselves in the way that the pandemic might be weakening their ancestors or at the very least distracting their investors and should have other priorities. and if the armed group is going to pay them and they're going to be able to use some of that remuneration to support their own families then quite often that is enough of a motivation for people to be risking their lives and leave and also getting involved and really atrocious actions so obviously the worse the social and the economic conditions the more all that are is a pool of that kind of recruit for isis and other such groups to to draw so therefore one has to look very much on the social and the economic effects of
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abandoning and they are hard to back for it's conscience extremely difficult to battle over countries and i'm afraid that can be almost devastating and impossible for war torn in conflict it's actually junctures. in some sense that you could say everything worked out for us there will be less international cooperation because countries have been closing with doors on each other and blaming each other for the spread of the virus and ways for chair just unhelpful for all sorts resulting the problems that arise that you know is to say it's going to get worse because the pandemic is going to have this potentially very destructive social and economic impact on the especially in the most vulnerable countries and the only other hand you can also see. that there are many ways in which for example more and more people are getting the oil more and more institutions i think you can governments just well i'm getting to the point you really trots all these problems well out of
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it so you have to work together and if there is more coherence and cooperation amongst especially that the hours but also the media outlets but then there's also a better chance as a result in the uk and some other it may be that the local level that people realize that well the distance the disease for success is no reason for the fighting to be getting worse and so it just makes us war of them more and more weak so i think you can see tendencies in both directions and at this point where we are now in the development of where we are now in the trajectory i don't see. the destination the end point is fully maybe worse and maybe better it all. got a. little story grabbing attention in belgium now away from a pandemic kind of a former miss belgium finalist and her pick kitten are at the center of big old after police showed up with a hygiene official to kill the cat they claim model slinger ali smuggled the animal
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in from peru bringing with it the risk of rabies offices in fact can't even find the cat now and a quarter said to decide what happens next let me tell you more so literally was working as an intern in peru where she adopted the kitten which is called lee now the pandemic forced a very quickly to return home and she brought her new feline friend whether peru carries a high risk of rabies whereas most of europe is free of the disease so taken a tough line to keep it that way the belgian authorities not only want the cat put to sleep they're also demanding a fine of $5000.00 euros for every hour that said cat isn't handed over or 1st off lawyer told this is not the animal's fault it official should concede that they have caused some confusion. so now the discussion is how can the life of this get be saved we agree the rules are being followed but it was impossible to follow the rules because there wasn't
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a bit wish or the belgian authority says you should have left the yes. but there was nothing in there there was nobody to take care of the the belgian law also says if you leave an animal unprotected you you can even go to prison but they asked her to do was to commit a crime to leave to get the belgian of their it you know is very angry they want to kill. and they don't give the possibility to prove there is does not have radius and they are i have thousands of euros per hour so you you understand this is one more than 100000 euros. you understand that this is. intimidation this is intimidation and this is what by problematic. the string can swing support online a petition in the scott 50000 signatures so far and moving up the flanders regions
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animal welfare ministers also weighed in but all that said bolger's pet immigration rules clearly state that animals need to be microchip vaccinated for up to a month before being brought into the country and the government insists that euthanasia is now the only way to prevent a potential rabies outbreak. 10 years ago 2 cases of rabies were diagnosed in our country when symptoms appeared in the animal that seemed healthy until then months later emergency vaccination and an end to serum had to be administered to a total of nearly 100 people who came into contact with their animals that is why we're doing everything we can to avoid a new similar situation in belgium it's like in our session we want to kill the cats and it is simply only reasonable and not necessary at all but according to europeans that. it is all still an option the possibility to hold the jet quarantine what we want is we are still so belgians send
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thousands of emails to the responsible minister of the belgian thruout agency to ask him. for it this would be i mean we'd be humane the problem is now that the belgian for security systematically gives an. enormously risk i mean it is exaggerated you see they don't believe that the reason of solution that can be humane. well the transfer of the story about you know what happens i finally for this hour sports events are slow resuming in several countries much to the delight of millions of fans have been denied their fix during the lockdowns they're not able to pick out the stars just yet of course because of social distancing so while the south korean football clubs found some say unusual substitute supporters and it's left a lot of people rather red faced to.
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plastics has taken on a new meaning. and should be treated with respect to. the way things are looking so far the 19th of may live from moscow these times of course continues to be with you updating on social media from our studios and teams around the world as well we appreciate you taking the time to check in with us all of us. stay safe and well. have a great day. 'd
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it. looked a. little bit. to the machinery of a little seducer looking only for the local office. that just happened on. this film all. the stuff the films or the slides the fake pics to force you to put stinky to go do we know it's a way to. see if we are more. or less did you realize through my proximity.
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to the bank leading the police in the. streets actions should put up a little. extra little. this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss unfair montecito got in washington coming up positive news for a potential corona virus vaccine sparking a rally on wall street but how long could it last and as a pandemic level trade in supply chains kind of may.
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