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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2020 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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yet to. come after. and it. equals betrayal. when so many worlds apart we. are headline stories this hour with the u.s. health care system being pushed to its limits by coronavirus we hear the story of a mom who claims the deaths of both his father and grandfather were to share negligence. just. because he was like you want to basically. just.
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for longer more than $1500.00 primary schools and they didn't oppose the government's plan to reopen classes next month amid safety concerns. but it certainly could be very dangerous they say the virus doesn't affect children. we all know that certain viruses can be carriers we didn't. know all eyes in the sky is a court police in paris from using drones to keep a lookout for all. starved into action tensions reach boiling point in the chilean capital with the military moving into protests over food shortages surging on employment all along.
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just after midday here in the russian capital a very warm welcome to our to international unity a with this news hour. we begin in the u.s. the country hardest hit by krone virus recording more than a 1000000 and a half cases not claims about the health care system being overwhelmed and not able to help all those who need it are not going away we heard from one man who lost both his father and grandfather to cope at 19 and say it's done to sheer negligence . but. then the next day we found out that he tested positive for corona virus saying data he was put on a ventilator my father my mother most of the lips were dry cos my dad has a fever starts a craze chest high so we take on the boma. back there for oh it's one half hours he
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comes out we're just charged paper stating that he just as bronchitis so out theories later steeper goes up so arguments so the lady had to try to see one hospital so he's better off wants to reassure every sore take some to the back again my dad is there for 3 hours comes i say discharge papers so i really i just pushed him out the door weeks later raw april 6th 1140 my grandpa the. hospital 'd oh and so i go to sleep and rouse 630 the next morning susan one of my brother troy calls screaming that dating away. well keith gambell believes if his dad had not being turned away and was tested he might have survived after his father died his mother then developed a high fever but the local hospital also refused to admit her so he took her to another one where she finally tested positive for a covert. also has a prescription drug she got her heart doctor to get says the co virus the lady
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looks at the piece of paper gives it back from mom so my mother that there's no other dishy to do forward at the hospital could look forward to go home x. is if you have to cope at night because more likely you have it ma'am is what they sell it or more likely you have 'd it but go home because there's nothing we could do for your drinks during tylenol take tylenol for your fever come back if you can't breathe in the city of detroit or a case of his family live has experienced a disproportionately high krone virus hit rates amongst the black population making up a to out of every 10 deaths from the virus there keith gambell again thinks the authorities need to be held to account. just feel like my dad was close to the back of the line was given a test because he was black like he wants a basically hospital an all white neighborhood just looked out the door to go home a dark lever was in control of my day when he went to the hospital i feel like she should be the person that's supply for his death then look at him enough to tell
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him or to give him a chance to get noticed. and then the government is well why were we prepare for this virus if you guys are certain season stays down at the economy down why don't we have enough just to get it will test the border virus if it's that big of a. while our. it's all to come back to the hospital if you need to later. when the government although your system really feels the american citizens. well let's turn attention to the united kingdom where the government's plans to get some children back into the classroom is facing further resistance more than 1500 primary schools in england say they are against throwing open their doors from next month forcing the authorities to threaten sanctions breaking down this story and the ramifications are tee shot at which the. as
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schools across europe begin to open their gates the united kingdom doesn't want to fall behind in class in a bid to get britain moving again boris johnson the prime minister want to try and get all primary school kids back in the classroom in less than 2 weeks time while the virus is still out there though boris johnson and number 10 maintains it's safe enough to get kids back on track the best way of protecting children the best way of giving them the best opportunities in life is actually to have been coming back into school for some parents it couldn't come soon enough as school hours would be a complete game changer for mums and dads going back to work but many you are working from home say sending military ones back would be bad parenting in fact over 80 percent of parents are refusing to send their children to school if they reopen in june on safety grounds and over 60 percent say they won't set their kids in until the new academic year in september at the very earliest and certainly could be very dangerous and they say the virus doesn't affect children too much and
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we all know that some viruses can be carriers with. sometimes attention dangerous but children could carry the virus amongst themselves to other people who could be vulnerable in school and. my daughter was 5 when she. so she when she wants contact in concert with a lot of friends. get to know them again and. it could be potentially dangerous it was one of the reasons why and she was near advocated for. closure of schools quite quickly when the crisis started however the u.k. government is ringing the school bell and trying to persuade parents is the right thing to do by showing other european models other countries have succeeded in making him return skeete safely other european countries like denmark don't want countries like denmark has less than a 1000 deaths the u.k. is hurtling towards the 40000 mark deeming it the worst affected in europe and 2nd highest number of fatalities in. world and it's not just parents of
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a hesitant in the face of the push to reopen teachers do have a legal right to stay away but many schools have never even shut so it's a lockdown some have been teaching a handful of peoples of key workers and others which has already seen 36 teaching staff die of cope at 19 and you can sit here and guarantee that no teacher is going to catch coronavirus as a result of going back to school the only way ever to ensure that you never catch coronavirus is to stay at home completely and when it comes to social distancing and keeping our numbers low teachers ferro be nigh on impossible to keep kids apart not to mention making sure the spaces say well maybe an office has to protect you. for. stuff. and. not risk. of. protective p.p.h. an economy. using short supply. in the care homes rightly so you know
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there isn't and. as things stand teachers do have the backing of their unions plus the u.k.'s leading body of doctors unions who also it's far too soon to go back to the classrooms early and they're not even hearing any concrete evidence to prove otherwise until we have got case number smushed lower we should not consider reopen in schools how many councils are rebelling against their heads including liverpool heart people in greater manchester or levels of this inspections are the only way those that i'm not about risks with children with stuck with 3 children professionals like those but for now the government says it is safe to reopen schools though not everyone is convinced if i if i had such children of any age where they were expected to go on the 1st i may not be standard but i don't think it has the right. tell members of the population what you should do in regard to
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deceive the well being of natural. parents. so much the good news. they have a reputation for telling lies i'm sure parents believe. the teachers and the unions and medical profession rather than the government the trustees so as the government continues with its class act its own set of rules and no reassurance of safety when schools do reopen all the teachers can try and do is place hygiene at the top of the correctly then shut out with daschle r.t. london. european capital parra says are in the sky efforts to keep tabs on lockdown violators hers being grown did that after a court bum the use of drones in the french capital for such surveillance across the story for us charlotte tube and square. the view from above drew's sweeping
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across cities in france is part of police efforts not only to keep an eye on things but also to get a message across. that message during lock down from the drone loudspeaker it was a reminder to all that they needed permits to be outside all non-essential travel outside the home is a prohibited bellowed the drones had other uses to alerting the police to any unusual gatherings perhaps a more efficient way to monitor the streets or as george orwell once described it it was the police patrol snooping then began the fight back human rights groups had warned of
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a threat to personal privacy they took their case to court and they were. the drugs were effectively being used illegally this initiative was carried out by the police without any preliminary consultation the national commission on liberty and information and the state council therefore the council has eliminated this flaw in the police system in order to take all necessary measures suspend the use of drones for now. well at least here in paris france is highest administrative court ruled that aerial drones can no longer be used here to track people flouting social distancing rules during the fight against 19 government officials and the paris police it's all good that they weren't trying to identify people but simply watch so that they knew where to send the patrols. technology. helps but it's not enough human presence is the key thing the drug is
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not going to replace a police officer. but that didn't wash with the court given the risks of use are contrary to the rules for personal data protection the implementation of this private data processing on behalf of the state characterized as a serious and manifestly illegal infringement of respecting private lives in paris the drones have been brought back down to earth with the not so in other big cities such as must say nice where they are still in use but the human rights group behind this when i say there could be other challenges. do you really want to acknowledge called police to monitor our beaches can france live without cameras flying over the beaches this is an issue that in my opinion should be put up for public and parliamentary discussion i repeat this practice is implemented with no prior consultation. many liberties groups might also hope that this case can prove
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a starting point in other countries to where the use of drones to monitor the public during the pandemic has become normalized. it's a win for right now but it could soon be overturned it's still within the government's power to issue a decree outlining the conditions of how police drones could be used in the future if that then gets approved by the national data privacy watchdog big brother will be not just observing from this tactic surveillance cameras were all used to but from the heavens see and you may never. even though they were watching the show the
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table skee. paris. authorities in palestine threatened to quit all existing agreements with israel and the us comes after israel outline plans to a jewish settlements in the west the palestinian president mahmoud abbas called for international laws to be respected. that it is israel has to uphold responsibilities before the international community as the occupying power in the occupied land of powers start with the entailed commitments according to the geneva convention of 1989. we hold the u.s. administration fully responsible for the oppression of the palestinian people as it is a major partner to the occupation government in all the oppressive decisions and measures against our people. let's find out what all this means with ortiz paullus. reaction when exactly come as a surprise as
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a. it certainly hasn't and that dramatic statement by the palestinian president mahmoud abbas came after an urgent meeting among the top brass of the palestinian leadership yesterday he said that the palestinian authority was cutting off all arrangements with both israel and the united states and at the same time this comes in light of the annexation plans and now by israel some time after july the 1st now what we're hearing from the government in israel is that they plan to annex and makes their territories in the west bank and jordan valley the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is particularly voiced his optimism and support for this. these areas of the country or the places of the birth and growth of the jewish nation it is time to apply israeli more to them and to write another glorified chapter in the history of zionism. now the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei a was introduced him last week where he met with the israeli leadership and he told
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them that the whole option of an exaggeration was a decision for the israelis to make there was however going to be ongoing consultation in private but tween the 2 sides the the whole question of annexation is part and parcel of the peace plan that was announced earlier this year by the us president donald trump now it in visaged conditional independence for the palestinian state but it has been severely criticized by both the arab world and european leaders the european union issued the following statement. we strongly urged israel to refrain from any unilateral decision that would lead to the annexation of any occupied palestinian territory and would be as such contrary to international law. now the palestinian president mahmoud abbas has accused israel of being an occupied part now he says that the united states is a partner in this and that he holds the united states fully responsible for the
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occupation of the palestinian people so to put it mildly no love lost between the palestinian leadership israel and the united states. paula thanks for breaking all that done for us is our lot for we're back in 90 seconds but much more stay with international. the world is driven by shaped by one person. who dares thinks. we dare to ask.
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marti's khaled el hotep international memorial awards are now open for entries the media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global news platform to participate send us your published works in video all written for much go to award dot altie dot com and then to now. just come up to 20 minutes into the program let's start back in south america where the crow virus pandemic is taking
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a dramatic turn in chile where tensions are rising over food shortages on all employment caused by a lockdown military forces have been deployed in the capital amid clashes between locals and police it comes as increasing numbers of people say they're going hungry they're desperate for help. i don't i mean you know i have 3 children i don't receive any help from the government because i have my own business so they don't help me there's very many people here who are small entrepreneurs do not get any help from me and now i am
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a taxi driver i can make a living because which passengers can i pick up and what does the government give us. how it's not because of the crying scene we mean how crude it's food that people are asking for a now. with the word hunger has been projected on goes most iconic buildings chileans there are denying the government's perceived lack of health making matters worse the pandemic has led to a spike in food prices large parts of the country are placed under lockdown as the virus took hold despite the president promising 2 and a half 1000000 food parcels to the needy the move has failed to come tensions latin american studies professor dunghill shore believes the leaders lost his sense of reality. the shortage of food was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back and people came into the streets and one of the slogans was will respect the quarantine but we're not going to stay here and starve so people came
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into the streets in what has been in the neo liberal cabinet do insuperable pinochet as style instead of offering food as services and what the people need they offer up got to be nettles the infamous military police more repression water hoses and tanks which are not going to solve the everyday problems in santiago de chile in the other oppressed communities across chilling sebastiaan the mediator somebody that they do not identify with that has never had to suffer the way that the everyday people of chile do so we could see this come to a common eating head in the coming weeks. i want to bring you a story now that's got a lot of people talking here in russia a woman in the capital has been left shocked by some locked on fine she's been receiving arena card bluff of a story has been gaining traction online the muscovites is currently bed ridden
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with disabilities but apparently she's been in breach of self isolation twice. it wasn't only the lights you would see plenty i was diagnosed with a viral respiratory infection that i signed the self isolation barring me from going outside so for me it is very easy to survive in self isolation on the 11th of may i received a fine for breaching self isolation what is self isolation are those behind the apple where what it means for someone with 90 percent margins abilities to receive a fine for breaching self isolation is not a spit in the face the authorities asked me why i hadn't stole the ask a trite basically my samsung phones ok but the app wouldn't install i didn't know it was such a big deal given that our regularly got calls from the health care hotlines they asked me about my symptoms and i was honest and always answered them. lorraine as initial phone was eventually canceled after much media attention but then the 2nd
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one came her way local authorities blamed a computer glitch. at 1st i thought it was a prank that i thought it might be fraud i decided to search on the internet and i found out that many people had received similar finds logged on to the public services site to make sure i had been fined and i had i started calling all the hotlines for more information you know people with disabilities have a huge advantage we are stubborn and patient the president asked us to be patient and we are were able to wait until the end but do not treat us like cattle and i'm wondering why the worst of the character of our constitution of the president are discredited by our citizens some have been paid after all others have reported back about money which has been allocated to them. that arena you are not alone other people in moscow has of also found themselves falling victim after serving to
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install the op the tech allows the authorities to monitor people with covert 19 in quarantine home authorities say anyone mistakenly following large a complex. love is the way things are looking so far this wednesday may the 20 of these times are to continue of course to update you on social media from our network of studios and teams our role in the world do check in with us when you see you 30. the collapse of the russian hoax has exposed yet again the unprofessionalism bias of the corporate looking the same media consistently project their own claim values . and even the truth conspicuously in their news reporting.
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'd it. comes. ringback down. to newton she. says you do said you can. look up on. the show. was faked. if you could think.
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up. during the vietnam war u.s. forces neighboring laos there was a secret war. and for years the american people did not know. how much the mouth can rebound country per capita. human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this small agricultural country jordyn wieber. even today kids in laos full victim to bombs dropped decades ago it is the us making amends for that tragedy and. help to the people need in that little land on .
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afshin rattansi we're going underground as boris johnson's u.k. government faces questions of pm queues over a misstep after misstep in regards to the launch of a contact tracing strategy that allows westminster to track the movements of millions without any guarantee their data will be deleted once the coronavirus pandemic is over but 1st as it dawns on people around the world the extent to which covert $1000.00 will continue to affect their lives long into the future especially those in the worst hit countries like the u.s. and the u.k. one of the world's most famous philosophers has written what is arguably the 1st from his offical interrogation into what the pandemic is doing to all our lives deals with communism surveillance and state control of our minds and bodies in
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pandemic covert 19 shakes the world he joins me now via skype from the briana thank you so much summer for coming on i'm going to get to the book right in a moment but and they said it could be the 1st stir book on coronavirus i've got to ask you for some practical advice 1st for any of us who are health care workers key workers or workers furloughed at home or billionaires on private islands what films should people be watching right now during this period when there is a lockdown i don't think there is a universal that i just don't think you need. you can get it legally for free or you would you. know escape any whatever for an hour or salute or a famous cold war or. talk about a couple of pages or about a trip dollar or do words where in the real world you can bait.
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dr drew well here in the alternate reality what i want to say is that we are now i think in a similar situation contrary to my friends who claim listen now it's your medical health care safety problem forget about. it that now precisely those in power and that are offering different knew well basically while still not overseas need even if 1000 die it's not the capitalist bashing that the way we know we have to be mundane it's just what they call it. but then we can't just go let's think that you're not that the opposite of that which i think no less. andrew cuomo and any could meet so recent weeks each.


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