tv In Question RT May 20, 2020 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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even today kids are full. drunks decades ago is the u.s. making amends for their tragedy. to the people need in that little. hello there and here in france like you're watching in question broadcasting from our to america's national news headquarters in washington d.c. we want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and around the world here's the stories that we're working on for you today 1st amid the pandemic all 50 states they're pushing to reopen this holiday weekend but is it too soon next we'll tell you what the c.d.c. is saying and what new york is actually doing to ensure safety on public transportation plus china now vowing to retaliate after the u.s. secretary of state offers warm words to taiwan's president during her inauguration a full report next and finally in iraq it launches military operations to track down isis as the terrorist group is apparently using the pandemic to plan
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a resurgence will discuss that all right so tight it's time to boost your news i.q. . and we start with covered 19 is cases continue to grip the world globally cases now topping 4900000 with 324000 reported deaths now here in the u.s. alone the number of cases at 1500000 with 92000 deaths taking a closer look at what's happening in the nation the c.d.c. has now set guidelines for reopening america only to be shelved by the white house claiming that the guidelines were too specific as a result the c.d.c. quietly releases a revised shorter version of the guidelines on its web site instead now this as all 50 states are in the process of reopening just in time for memorial day however in the hardest hit state of new york agency heads are still working out their kinks and. or plans to reopen today chavez has more now from new york. today new
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developments as state agencies work to reopen new york and get people back to work safely the m.t.a. says it has a plan to ensure public transit riders can travel safely without a fear of coronavirus the agency unavailing and ultraviolet light pilot program to get rid of coke at 19 the agency will roll out between 152230 ultraviolet lamps on select trains buses and agency facilities starting next week the devices flash u.b.c. lights capable of eliminating all the viruses they see the race so strong they cannot be used while people are on board but as areas of new york start to slowly reopen the virus still holding a tight grip on many areas within the 5 boroughs the bronx being hit harder by the virus than any other place in new york city and within the bronx almost no place has suffered more than co-op city. i was a combat medic in vietnam. i was is fearful it's actually enough to me
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my wife my kids my grandchildren the virus killing more than 4300 people in the borough compared to the roughly 2800 deaths and manhattan data showing at least 155 people living in the zip code have been killed by the virus will be 9. people for half the world. building 6 of that up in that area over there we had that one of my friends breath away. the brutal nature of the virus taking a vicious toll on the city's elderly many of our residents here are a group of very hardcore pity or as you know surgeons so it's been trying for them and going understandably so new data published in the lancet says that most elderly coronavirus patients put on ventilators at new york hospitals did not survive as of may 3rd more than 4800 people have died from the virus in nursing homes i think we need to start thinking about a different future i think we need to think. about
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a time where more and more of the care given our seniors is given to them at home according to the report which is consistent with clinical findings in china and europe shows that advanced age is the greatest factor for severe outcome especially when there are underlying health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease now that is that if you watch them are going to do it and you probably know everybody you know that the older you get the weaker your body your body gets your system becomes weaker the virus also wreaking havoc on new york city correction officers so far nearly $1300.00 have tested positive for the virus about 13 percent and at least 6 have died along with 5 other jail employees and 2 correctional health workers one rikers island correction officer seeing his lowest point when both he and his wife got the deadly virus and his wife begged him to make sure that she was not varied in a mass grave like so many others had to be as a result of the city's mounting death toll reporting in new york treated each other
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as r.t. . as tensions continue to increase between the u.s. and china over the coronavirus pandemic the u.s. is moving forward and pursuing relations with taiwan like pump ale became the 1st u.s. secretary of state to officially congratulate taiwan's later after she secured a 2nd term party's rachel blevins joins me now to discuss these latest comments rachel a lot coming out of this so 1st things 1st what did pump aoe say in his latest press conference well pompei o start of this morning's press conference with very harsh rhetoric towards china he claimed that beijing has been hostile towards what he called free nations and he also doubled down on this claim that china has intentionally withhold information about the coronavirus he then went on to congratulate taiwan for reelecting their democratic leader take a listen to what he said. congratulations to present sign or not duration the democratic process in taiwan has matured into a model for the world despite great pressure from outside taiwan is demonstrated the wisdom. of the giving the people a voice and a choice. now the u.s.
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has sold taiwan billions of dollars and weapons over the years so the island can defend itself but it also recognizes taiwan as a territory of china and president trump actually broke protocol back in 2016 when he announced that he had a phone call with taiwan's leader that along with the ongoing trade war has made china extremely skeptical that the u.s. is pushing for taiwan's independence so rachel how did china that respond to pompei of his remarks because one trumps out at they were not happy about this time it was about the same thing this time around in a spokesperson for china's foreign ministry spoke out and he condemned pompei o and he also said this is evidence that the u.s. is specifically trying to interfere in china's internal affairs here's what he said . we warn the united states that taiwan's independence is a road that leads to death and he can give it some more support for taiwanese independence is doomed to any damages or china's core interest in any interference
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in china's internal affairs and we bigger asli counter-attack. beijing is now calling on washington to adhere to past agreements which state that there will be no official exchanges with taiwan so we got us to china what is taiwan said now well in her inaugural address the leader of taiwan called for peace and stability with china but she also said that her government has no plans to simply fall in line with beijing's political demands to close note she said. here i want to reiterate that where it's peace democracy and dialogue we will not accept the beijing authorities use of one country 2 systems to downgrade taiwan and undermine the cross-tree status quo we stand fast by this principles when she says now in the past beijing has said that taiwan has no right to diplomatic representation so it remains to be seen if that stance will change especially as the u.s. continues to ramp up its relationship with taiwan all right we'll see if there's
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any more fallout with all this going on our rachel as always thanks so much for that report thank you. one of the mill you bullet points on the trump administration checklist was to get rid of isis and pull troops out of syria while the numbers did go down during the 1st half of trump's administration and troops were starting to leave syria the question of what comes next in the region has been overshadowed by the global covert 1000 pandemic but one of our contributors former pentagon official michael maloof tells us that isis is making a comeback and he's here to talk more about it welcome michael maloof great to see you we have discussed before whether the u.s. pulling out of the middle east and rapidly diminishing the number of troops there you yourself in the past have said that this would create a vacuum of some sort is that's what is that happening here now and why is this all happening right now. where the number of factors and. isis is reemerging at this time probably taking advantage of the political unrest
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that exists even in iraq. even though the. brantley the new prime minister is trying to. bring bring all the various factions together and trying to set up a united front against isis he talks openly about going after isis using the acclimatisation forces but what i am beginning to suspect is that the united states actually is somewhat encouraging isis in many respects in order to justify its continued presence in that country. even though it wants to hold out because it wants to hold on to the oil in. iraq and have some some say over the sales because all of that those transactions are in u.s. dollars so and also to watch iran so the united states has been. really are i mean in some areas and and bring in in north additional forces into
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sunni controlled areas at a time when isis is beginning to launch attacks there sporadic the popular mobilization forces are trying to hold them off and you have a brand new prime minister who claimed both ends against the middle looks like he wants to be friends with the united states but also with iran so he's walking a very delicate line and isis sees that our vacuum if you will that that that that flimsiness control that exists and they're good and they're taking full advantage of it so michael you know it's one of these things where there's a lot of different countries in that region when it comes to isis now kind of making a comeback as if for lack of a better term who is to blame here and is it russia is that the united states are or who is it. well again a combination of factors you have the u.s. pushing against a very fragile government in. iraq you have the
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political turmoil that has been existing in syria and a lot of the isis folks who are there have moved in back into anbar province which is of the the western most portion but they're also launching new attacks north of baghdad in ceremony province in another provinces that are predominantly sunni control so this is. laying a foundation and there's concern that they could return as they did in 2014 in mosul and these are areas that are still up in the air in terms of security by by the central government so it's it's a very delicate problem. for a new prime minister has to deal with deal with the internal problems that he's having to cope with in balancing all of these various factions now michael i'm glad you said dealing with the problem because in the past president i'll trump he has
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threatened to put the responsibility of isis on to other countries to solve the problem so and your expertise what does the future look like is this another reason for the united states to go back over there already think the trouble actually put the responsibilities on the other countries like you sad. well i think again personally i think that the united states is taking advantage of the presence of isis and encouraging their their their their their presence there because they too the united states also is developing bases in those predominately sunni controlled areas which means that might might potentially give them access to weapons and what have you again it is to try and offset the the op limit was ation forces which are predominantly shia many of them under control of iran and as a consequence you're going to you're seeing this this effort to try and create this
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kind of turmoil for the united states to remain in there while the new prime minister is trying to deal with all of these problems which appear right now to be almost unsolvable all right well thank you so much michael maloof former pentagon official for your expertise on this topic i'm sure this isn't the last you're going to say that thanks. no but you. jump in the number of covert 1000 cases and deaths in brazil it's putting neighboring countries on high alert now colombia has militarized its border paraguay will keep its border closed in argentina is considering similar measures according to the latest data brazil has 271000 confirmed cases the 3rd highest in the world. but here in the u.s. protesters are expected to gather at the michigan capital again today to protest virus related restrictions in that state and this will be the 4th protest so far last week are protesters held a demonstration criticizing governor gretchen whitmer is decision to keep
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businesses closed during the pandemic berbers are also joining in that fight by giving free haircuts on the capital lawn. and check this out in new york's domino park white circles on the lawn are keeping sunbathers safely distanced from each other the circles have been set up exactly 6 feet apart after an influx of new yorkers just flocked to public spaces because of that warmer weather and talk about bouncing back got a lot of this restaurants in maryland they rolled out these new bumper tables that will allow people to keep 6 feet from each other while dining well the device features a hole in the middle for participants and wheels attached to the bottom inflated 2 tables made their debut at fish tales in ocean city kind of looks like an adult very. well venezuela is suing the bank of england for refusing to return the country's gold amid the pandemic we're going to discuss that with our guest next and up in sports a birthday girl regina hampshire has a runaway baseball game over in the cave and also remember to keep up with the latest news and for anything that you might have missed download the portable t.v.
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app or you can actually watch us now 24 seventh's stay tuned we're back in 2. i like it when the hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and moan and react to that answer a folks dennis miller here i've got a new show. on larry king question listening learning you know i've always said i never learned anything when i was talking it's important to a list of. questions and more. i've seen the
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horrors that arise with money and evil. corporate criminals who express countless lives there just one more dollar to their billions. they threaten they bribe they'll do anything to keep their crimes in the door but the people they've heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on america's lawyer. listen stumbling on line algorithms dictate what you get to want to go to portable dutch t.v. slash download to get killer television it's completely separate i'm talking award winning comedy awesome sports coverage inside so fresh still tastes like raspberries on a spring day take so hot they'll burn your face off thousands of videos more added by the hour did i mention 3 it's a yes 3 go go get it portable t.v.
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. i'm holland cook i invite you to climb with me of the mainstream media empire and from that higher fan to each to glimpse the big picture question more. i. saw venezuela's central bank is making a legal claim to try to force the bank of england to hand over $1100000000.00 worth of gold so that the government of nicolas maduro can fund its coronavirus response now this claim follows a request that venezuela made back all the way in april to that bank to sell part of its gold reserves there and send the rest of the united nations to send the rest the united nations to help with the country's coronavirus fighting efforts right now the bank of england and the venezuelan central bank they are not commenting on
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all of this but one person that we know who well former m.p. george galloway george thanks so much great to see you again so george why is this all happening and why do you think both sides it's mum's the word for both of them . well the font on the value of our come into money especially if it's gold remind me not to deposit it in a british bank but it is completely devastating to the security of other people's finances and to the reputation of the bank of england a sovereign government with a seat at the united nations recognized by the great majority of countries in the world cannot get its goldbach when asks for it and so any country still lodging of their sovereign wealth in london would be very well advised to find somewhere more dependable to put it but yes there is
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a fair bit of secrecy and mystery are around this gold of the well reports last year the bank of england had actually allowed one go i don't know. your venezuelan politician or kind of backbencher access to this sovereign wealth on the pretense that he was the legitimate president of venezuela know you how it might promptly or proctor ling or marilyn are in the show above the importance of democracy in taiwan but evidently nor in venezuela where not only has the elected government been directed nies but the opposition to the elected government are no reportedly getting access to millions of dollars of the country's sovereign wealth fund almost unprecedented in history and there's
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a lot of marquee history between the north on the south but i've never seen anything quite like this and you know it's interesting george because you know you brought up to one quite oh and now we actually had nicolas maduro back and power and actually the bank of england are executing. britain doesn't recognize him as the president of venezuela so if the bank of england had the option to take this money from venezuela somewhat knowing this why did they take the money in the 1st place and why did why do you think venezuela went with the bank of england is there something with the bank of england that's more you know attractive versus anywhere else. well everywhere i go in the world i find people with rob our over inflated sense of fair play and fair mindedness in britain it's as if they didn't know the history of the british empire is remarkable of venezuela to its gold in the bank of england i can't think of many worst places
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to put it and anyone else who's got gold there should get out very quickly indeed because when the wind shifts in washington it would appear of the so-called independent bank of england shifts with it no the only way you can resolve this spot on is the united nations as the repository of international law recognizes the i'm a dual government as the official government of venezuela and therefore the custodian of the sovereign wealth of the country and therefore for a bank in london to refuse to give it to them back is not only as i said disastrous for the reputation of london as a financial center but it's a not to all crime it is actually theft of a number of countries sovereign resources now george selling off the country's gold
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reserves has become one of the material administration's only few option that they actually have to raise funds due to u.s. sanctions now the collapse in you've got the oil prices and the coronavirus quarantine that has further hurt as well as already taking economy do you think enlight of this pandemic the bank of england could and should make an exception of an us whale or will they do you think. well definitely yes i mean this money is being requested for corona virus fighting measures for saving the population not model but saving the population of venezuela from the deprived asians of disease which is no laying waste to brazil its neighboring country. for the united states and britain to be intensifying sunshines on a country that is struggling to cope with the existing sanctions on the coronavirus
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at the same time it's really a very big crime and one that we should be an absolutely ashamed of well there mum's the word but like i said you are not mum the word thank you so much for your comments today george we appreciate you and a safe out of there. all right and other news around the nations $10000.00 people in central michigan where they were forced to evacuate after a nearby dam breached look at that authorities say it's a result of several days of rainfall now this is the 2nd time in less than 24 hours that families in that area were ordered to leave their homes for now where the u.s. air force confirms an f. $35.00 lightning 2 combat aircraft crashed during a training mission overnight looking at the file video of that model aircraft military officials say that the pilot did object safely luckily the crash comes days after another military jet crashed near the same airbase get this american women are having less babies now according to the c.d.c. the u.s.
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birth rate hit the lowest level in more than 3 decades last year data shows that in 2019 there were $3750000.00 births now that's a one percent decrease from 2018 and the lowest since 1985 and while birth rates among women of most races fell the data found the contrary with native hawaiian and pacific islander women at birth rates. among hispanic women remained the same. over italy dark smoke and ash could be seen a top of mt etna officials say that eruptions have been affecting the mountain summit crater since last september and the mount is actually known for its frequent lava flows and is located in sicily and is the largest active volcano in europe standing at 10922 feet tall. standing tall today because it's her birthday regina hamza's at the sports h.q. regina if fans want baseball it's time to stay up late for the k b o 1 am 5 30 am get to get your breakfast get your afternoon snacks whatever you
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need to sit and watch and i'll have enough the thais 3 major league baseball and the korean baseball organization are actually pretty strong a prime example tigers are managed by matt williams who also helmed the washington nationals and the oakland athletics so it was no doubt that williams tigers faced off against giants and it was going to be a wild match thing started bottom the 1st. comes up for candidates is to run homer to give the tigers an early to nothing lead at the 1st of the season and 6 r.b.i. for the left fielder the 2nd tigers shortstop part time hole with an r.b.i. double on a ground all right center field all the way to the warning track that will score the tigers 3rd run tigers are on an absolute hot streak bomb of the 3rd inning is going to be more of the same deal or not as you want with a 2 run double left field both runners waved around 33rd base tigers have an absolute commanding 5 nothing lead 3rd night r.b.i. has even for $35.00 i was in a hole bomb 6 didn't get any better spectacular solo homer to left field stand up
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about it on to seal the deal. 6 nothing brings a record $7.00 and $7.00. it's it is spring time it's only appropriate that baseball should be dominating the headlines so if it is hump day edition of this day in sports history let's take it back to one of the greatest pitchers to grace america's past time 1984 boston red sox fan. roger clemens on his 1st game in the majors against minnesota twins clemens also pitcher the red sox al rival the new york yankees and the 2 time world series champion is 7 time cy young winner 992 on this face everybody knows them chicago bill bulls guard michael jordan earned the n.b.a. m.v.p. he was one of 5 and the p.c. to rack up during his career and 6 rings for the championship during the 1990 s. and 200-1000 there was a sad moment for formula one as it was one of the greatest drivers niki lauda at the age of 70 the austrian won the f one drivers championship in 1905 in 1987 with ferrari and again 1904 the clarion in 1986 he was badly burned when he crashed
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during the german grand prix but made an absolutely shocking return to racing just 6 weeks later in fair and that is absolutely incredible that is one of the most widely known comeback stories in racing history is the fact that 6 weeks later he's walking back into the same sport where he almost lost his life i know that's insane now i'm a push on the spot really quick oh boy we're talk about michael jordan little boy who's better michael jordan to le bron james and i like m.j. better i've just never been a little bron fan i didn't i also i'm a middle of the biggest n.b.a. fan however i grew up watching m.j. everybody knew grew up watching m.j. if you don't like him you can here's a door go out the bulls thanks so much gina all right so don't go anywhere because we have a jam packed 3 pm show for you today on tuesday we told you about johnson and johnson ending all sales of its baby tell powder in the u.s. and canada following thousands of lawsuits from cancer survivors but what about the sales of the products in the other countries across the world is it even legal
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we're going to discuss that next but for now that's it to keep up with everything in question at all times down will be portable t.v. app where you can watch us now 24 seventh's laugh it's free which is even better you can always remember to follow me on twitter at fair and balance we'll see you back here in 30 minutes. we go to work see you straight home from. the collapse of the russia gate host has exposed yet again the unprofessionalism in
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bias of the corporate looking media the same media consistently project their own claimed values think political preferences and even the truth are conspicuously absent in their news reporting. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. high salacious full community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows.
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a folks that a similar plus one the home game still and hope you're all doing well out there coming up we're going to talk to well i'll say arguably because i like a nice argument but at my mind the arguments are subtle the greatest. female basketball player ever nancy leiberman go back and look at some of those videos from old dominion way back when and she was the state of the art you're watching m.j. in the last dance well she was the m.j. the female basketball world nancy lieberman right after this dennis miller plus one . hey fellas welcome to dennis miller plus one this is exciting for me were joint as
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