tv Watching the Hawks RT May 21, 2020 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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greetings and sal you take. as i've stated before sometimes it takes a life or death crisis to reveal someone's true colors especially when it comes to our political leaders take us senate leader mitch mcconnell who this week showed us just once again how little he cares about the plight of the american people on a recent conference call with house republicans discussing the you know the latest 3 trillion dollar code 19 relief package politico is now reporting that the corporate job will himself promise that beefed up unemployment benefits and acted
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earlier this spring will not be in the next bill and then mcconnell said that republicans are going to quote clean up the democrats' crazy policy that is paying people more to remain unemployed than they would earn if they went back to work in other words promising that the unemployment benefits keeping millions upon millions upon millions of u.s. citizens afloat during these times of crisis will be no more by the end of july essentially forcing you back into the low paying workforce to face the distinct possibility of death by cove it breather you and your loved ones thank you mitch but fear not because mitch did reveal that he has some heart left in that in that in that husky calls a body his heart is just not very you according to common dreams on that same phone call mcconnell continued advocating aggressively for the inclusion of corporate liability per. texans in the next stimulus package in order to quote shield
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corporations from legal responsibility for workers who contract code 19 while on the job so basically the plan is to financially starve you in the back into your low paying jobs of adventure and servitude but if you can then get sick and die from being forced back to work you cannot legally hold the company you work for accountable financially or legally or you or your family members well being. welcome my friends to the real new world order of the united corporations of america and their boot licking political sycophants like senate majority leader mitch mcconnell so let's start watching the hawks. on a cd. player so let's see this is joyce state . great city this least systemic deception is
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show which. brings up the old. welcome on watching the hawks argument i robot and i'm a me so lots of true colors being shown this week we want to take away your unemployment sends you back into work and you have no 'd legal recourse if you get sick just work work work and if you die well you know so be it. out i want to say that obviously aggravated by it but i'm not necessarily surprised that it happened the pressurization here is that a lot of individuals who will be faced with going back to work and not having any recourse are also individuals who don't have sick days and whose offices don't provide them any type of health insurance benefits so we're talking about your you know your restaurant owners or many of those that are closed bar where thinking about a lot of the
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a lot of the barber shops and things like that these are typically lower wage workers anyway and now they're going to be thrust into a system where there's really no way out for them no there isn't because if you cut those unemployment benefits benefits we're taking away someone's docking someone's pay like $50.00 or 75 percent there once you take that away and that's ridiculous to me it's like in a time of crisis we should be helping the american people we should be trying to set up you know on countries around the world should be doing this and many are you know i've always said 2 to 3000 dollars a month for coverage on health care you know plus a freeze on rent and mortgage and then. like that and people don't want to believe it that's possible well guess what most european countries are able to do that most other countries around the world are able to do that for their citizens were like the last when it comes to actually providing any financial help during this crisis for the common folks for america to have always may consider the nation to follow and this is one of those issues of many but definitely where we continue to fall behind and i say that because you're right the majority of the belle of the world
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has bigger out a way not only to work through this crisis where their citizens are getting monthly monthly stipend their citizens are getting housing assistance a lot of things are happening to be able to kind of ease the blow 19 america is basically telling its workers bigger and out we need her tales to get back to the office but you know who's not who's who's definitely not for you when the blow of covert money apparently the billionaire in a new analysis released by americans for tax paranoia sam the institute for policy studies of all places titled it's called tale of 2 strikes is billionaires again as workers feel pandemic game and they found that between march 18th and march and may 19th the number of u.s. citizens piling for unemployment increased about 38600000 over the same 2 months the wealth of the united states billionaires has surged $4434000000000.00 an increase of teen per cent that's a massive number i mean we even recently found out was that the kanye became a billionaire during the corona crisis and he wanted to remind you of just how many
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billions he had once one magazine reported incorrectly off by $3000000000.00 the most interesting part about this is that there are always people who are going to make money off a crisis right now we're seeing that the billionaire class has taken off it doesn't matter what's happening with the crushing of the middle class the way deep poverty that we're seeing across this country and the children and families that are living in it the billionaire class seems to always sit still and keep going even amidst one of the most disastrous things that needs to. and we've seen years in this country we saw david geffen right at the start of the lockdown of the state home orders to do that wonderful little instagram shot from his big go in the middle of the ocean i mean when they ask us like to have sympathy for them it's hard to it's hard to but let's and you know the next time you see like the walton family or bays . he's been the torrijos lately which he got about a 48 percent rise in his wealth during the last 2 months they're always out there tweeting like oh we need freedom and we need to open up the economy and all this
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well yeah you guys are suffering but you guys you know why you want the economy i mean the they're making so much money it's insane that they then would want to feed people to the to the grill you know feed people to the meat where again that is covert 19 the other interesting thing to note the corporate europe observatory is now reporting that corporations are just fighting to put you back to work they're also now looking at being able to sue governments around the world for any lock down orders or any covert 19 response that kept them from getting profits how was that to see i find that aspect completely enraging because there are protections for the corporations and we see those being created almost on a daily basis and they're not going to go under they're not going to have any they're not going to take any real blows but for the workers themselves if you are to go back and you are to fall ill and asked to go with kobe 1000 it does not matter there is nothing that you can do not only to protect yourself but also in terms of a recourse should a business open before they have before they have all the steps in place to open
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safely it's crazy i mean the corporations are using this kind of little known system that goes by the acronym. it's investor state dispute settlement and it's when you have basically trade agreements between different countries the corporations get this backdoor loophole the observatory ports the quote in a written alerts and webinars law firms are pointing their multinational clients to investment agreements vast protections for foreign investors as a tool to seek relief and or compensation for any losses resulting from these state measures this is. absolutely disgusting and i hope that we don't see corporations suing because governments were trying to keep their population safe. all right everybody after seeing their season and playoffs cut short things to cope with 19 many and be a fans have had to turn to n.b.a. 2 k videogame you tubers like click productions to keep them virtually entertained but that doesn't mean that there isn't any n.b.a. news worth covering in fact probably pegs to the virus rooting the destruction of
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the playoffs in the finals journalists have been able to uncover this recent gem regarding n.b.a. and or n.b.a. owner tom gotos whose portfolio not only includes the detroit pistons but also apparently makes significant money get this off the prison industrial complex joining us now with the stories are to america sports producer regina regina thank you as always there when our bad news every time i come we're like well you know what's going wrong in the sports world today because i feel bad talking about this because it's not like michigan and detroit hasn't had enough problems in recent days let's add to it. detroit prisons or in some gores is a billionaire who owns a sports team so you know normally nothing else really matters were girls gets his money from a company called was it secure technologies many of these guys and many of those incarcerated or after you know security acknowledges provides
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a phone service to something like 3400 person get wrecked about 1200000 inmates have access to this so gore is the guy you know he's the best he is worth about $5700000000.00 and he is part of that class to talk about that don't have to worry about getting thick because all tests all the time so he makes his money through platinum equity bad for the company portfolio and securest technology is this under that umbrella and it's actually one of the biggest money makers for him so what happens is in prisons prisoners do make a wage is not a livable wage by any stretch of the imagination and so when they make a phone call using carrots technologies. they are charging exorbitant fee upward sometimes of $20000000.00 sorry see me $20.00 or 1015 minute phone call they're not making that kind of money in prison so that other you get his money he's been touted as a wonderful guy by bloomberg but you know maybe take that with a grain of salt but he's been touted as helping the city of detroit recover he's a pioneer for calling capron it of all people but the hope obviously is he's trying to promote i'm this good guy image gave money off of african-americans hispanics in
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prison. which is the one of the things that happen it is fighting against so how can you be in favor of someone like this who makes money off of the suffering and sometimes false imprisonment of african-americans hispanics and then you know say oh i totally support this guy i'm behind his reasoning it's it's illogical it is pretty logical absolutely i like that you point those things out because it shows that you know there are 2 sides of the coin that is of course and at this point i don't think that he's somebody who can stand by calling kaepernick or anyone who is fighting against criminal justice reform when he's someone who's profiting off of it so that in he is also profiting beyond just the jail system in the prison system in terms of the phone calls he has been to his company has been awarded nearly 800000000 in contracts from customs and border patrol so he's actually making what exactly and that's the shocking part is that this is a sports owner we like i mean obvious for its owners they have make their money from other places just in the sports and we all know that it's a common factor but when you look and you pull away that veil and you pull away
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that shield as the time with those sports now allows us to do you're seeing these guys aren't as great you know you have mark cuban as dallas mavericks he is a rare example i'm sure he has some not great things in his past as well but he's a great example of how to be a bennett a champion for not only his team but also his work on those people paying his workers during this furlough during the time there is no sports is a great thing i don't think morris is doing that start and now if he was he's going with money of that he was a blood money is not blood money but it is you're getting that money off the backs of people who are suffering and as a sports owner you. i want to maybe take a step back look a lot of people on my team in the n.b.a. owner are black i am now getting money not only from prisons where there is a lot of effort here in population i'm also getting it from customs and border patrol which has been questionable lately for what they do with illegal immigrants and it's almost time set back if you're a shareholder in a sports team do you want to look and i want to be associated with this they were going to layers to me i was once a blood money because we're looking at what's happening in the prisons there are
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a lot of people dying and being mistreated every day and we know that those who have been taken into custody at customs and border patrol also are dying we have those numbers so i would definitely say that do you think that government organizations team owner should be able to have this type of relationship with a government organizations where they are profiting significantly off of our taxpayer dollars and government institutions that's a good question too because they're also the ones who go to the government and say please build a store stadiums all the l.a. lakers actually get some that protection money from the government. they give it back but they still got it bad part of the problem and you're seeing sports organizations like this is a tough time for everybody we understand we're all suffering financially but to be able to be like you know i mean over the government for help here not you and then have owners who preach i am a champion of my people you know i'm champions of our fans of our players some of who are hispanic african-american nonwhite players and you get money from government that pretty much don't align with what you're preaching is hypocrisy and
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they should be taken to task for it well i mean hopefully he does overly overly he sees the error and you know when you see the news reports like this i mean this is pretty yahoo and other major publications and news like hopefully you will see that in the pushback against that from the community if that happens and the n.f.l. players coalition oh you had this not forget about that too yeah i forgot about the n.f.l. players but we have to get absorbed in the time we were given the n.f.l. next we know they're bad news for next to no n.f.l. is not doing good either but. i want to thank you so much for jim always a pleasure having you on thank you so much thank you. all right as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the ox on demand or the brand new portable t.v. ad which is available now on all platforms and coming up we are joined by author d. walk ins to discuss his latest piece on highlighting the life and times of a very interesting to say the least corrupt cop in baltimore you do not want to miss this conversation stay tuned to watching the hawks.
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tough and and another one of the highest in my town the way the both of us who. barely could still move to get out of closing this way got to dog it's really hard not to think of the mother disappeared this woman the 1 o'clock that hour and i don't think it's still up and if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. to. the floor you can move the food without a visible facility and i'm. going to give it a box with a helmet on the. what i think is this is the fund that is what comes into.
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your money just like to raise your children you know when that should. do. you straight experience a corner in the way it's an experience we have no experience of cornell and sing about what you have to. baltimore maryland is known for its diversity both an n.f.l. team and produces one of the best t.v. series a modern history the wire. baltimore is also home to america's world renowned johns hopkins hospital but despite having many great traits the city has been plagued by scandal drugs and violence the police relationship with the black community is fractured at best gun violence has overtaken much of the city and the black and
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blue divide couldn't be greater common ground or shared experience aren't typically things that come to mind when you think of black kids growing up in the hood and the white kids who grew up to police them but dig deeper in a much anticipated new article 2 men from baltimore's rough and tumble east side one a young black man and the other a white cop crossed paths in an interesting way in his latest piece only a mile and a big world separated us author of the walk ins outlines his baltimore experience juxtaposed with that of discrete baltimore police officer danny. joining us now is author and editor at large salon dot com. welcome. why don't we thank you for having me there you're always a pleasure to. so your article delves into some of the gritty it's parts of your life and upbringing in baltimore it paints a picture of life at the center of the world drugs what that environment was like for you and how you view how you were viewed by the outside world and you just
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suppose this with her soul who grew up not too far away but had what you described as a system that traditionally rewards mediocre whiteness yet he had a tragic downfall where you excelled what do you attribute this to. the system you know everything that had it against me he kind of the head on for him soul you know so my son my son a fair street one side of history could argue over you can go to jail for. up in that on the street and on his side. if he was going to jail or if you got if you got a lot that a lot of times people go to prison. discipline you where you have a clean record and then when they do you can be a lot guys like me. you know it's interesting because because i think just so people understand is what kind of a guy was her soul was a colleague what was he charged with what was he convicted of like who was this guy
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. so as crazy because talking to his family and talking to his friends i think that he was a regular police officer type of police officer who wouldn't knock a couple of people off and before people want to streets maybe studio $50.00 maybe to $100.00 outlets but it wasn't something like that with these guys probably going to trace task force and then he started working in a way teaches that you are. actually still real money if you will from a knock you over that in 50 type we've got a guy who was looking 410-152-0000 i was so easy like a he's showing directed to your need to be a part of a criminal enterprise they hid behind a bad to use the bass to go out and commit crimes in the christening of up to the backlash. aftermath of all this is a lot of people said oh this is that it was bad it was and as i always say if it's a few bad apples you know where all these great cops out here scene with their
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friends are doing and i said anything to the feds that then you know there's like i decided to go through great pain is a scriber so a former baltimore police officer turned convicted felon you humanized him in many ways in the our you know in the piece you also outlined the abuses police regular pose they're threatening behavior as you mentioned they are lawful searches at one point you mention a cop telling you that you were nothing nothing how did the other system that was personal how did this experience has shaped the lens with which you saw and in choosing to write this article and what you saw or sort through. you know screens even if you accept because i could not write this article early in my career oh god now though i've been around enough i had a lot of conversations with officers billions for thai officers i got a chance to really look at my old life evolved journey through the lens of a guy you know i just went down i go you know i'm out and stuff so looking back at it i think that. early in my career what i wrote about
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a police officer is i didn't even think about the human side because they were human they were human because of how to introduce me and are friends now that i'm older and i have more experience as i have the room has. to say to the way things happen to meet their force needs to make bad decisions and do bad things it's kind of similar to saying things that happen today force them to make bad decisions or do bad things it's like i've gotten a luxury of being a scholar of these different books and traveling to all these different places and studied different things maybe if and i'm not i'm not send he gets a pass for what he did because i still feel like it's a terrible person but maybe academics. if he was to be able to have some of the experiences that i've had it then maybe the way he put their black the way he looks at black people would be different the way to look at is joe i mean himself in the
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context of what he's actually here today will be different and you probably want to be in general know. andy i've read this piece now probably 3 times and i think why reveal a new it's amazing quite revealing and you didn't you weren't speaking for like that out of out of corners you dug deep speaking about your own experience of participation in the drug game what was your motivation for including that part. because i think as a narrator it gives it gives me more credibility to being to talk about you know i'm not perfect i'm not a perfect person i can sit on my perch you know because i sit back and i work with these young people and i do just really good work i can't sit back and act like it i've never done the wrong things so people need to know what i overcame well he's made mistakes and he realized the error in his ways and he works really hard to change that and. the difference between being a person is that he still he's nice he's
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a gentleman right now still writing letters to the local newspaper the baltimore sun some of them that he's innocent even though the mountains and mountains of evidence a lot of which are south are he's guilty and that's just a difference of people need to know what i was coming from and. so he can really understand why i'm qualified to make these are you know we get a little bit of time what poor person was arrested the entire family based on a young you tube video he used his power to attack the black community unlike most cops he actually didn't get away with it as we mentioned he was convicted and sent to prison for schemes to rob people and cut drug deals and other crimes was this a level for police accountability was there any accountability that came away from from his arrest and incarceration. absolutely at the for the very bottom of the consent decree so this is like the big huge federal police reform that you put into cities to be to change to bring about change and herschel actually join you kind of
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the country's taskforce where he learned how to steal money and over time in a more effective while we were on the consent decree so they absolutely positively marked nothing. while. he did this in reform. one glad that you pointed that out because a lot of people assume that once somebody gets arrested if you can get to that point where there is a conviction when there are you know crooked cops out there that that is something we should hang our hats on because that is a move towards accountability i like that you pointed out that there are still some significant issues associated with that as well. what do you feel is that they're going to be moving forward to where does all this go forward. as it as it stands right now and there's no way for it to go forward because the same system is continuing to eat a self we have the same leadership speak and use the same one he would see still saying things like oh wow cops are mostly good there's bad apples and no you know
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because the great comedian chris rock if you were going to the airport and he said most of the pilots a good descent of bad apples that can't really when. you know some jobs you can't have bad apples and people are really and then i would approach in the truth and end up thinking about the chief and the truth is the department is the best and needs to be. the change and until you dig up the roots of those problems you're going to continue to see the same thing and that is that is a lot of our i've already got breath already principal reason i was from is out and already that's not just baltimore that cities across the united states of america thank you so much for the good work you do d. it's very important people learn these things always a pleasure sir. thank you you guys have a blast all right everybody that is our show for you today remember when in this world we are not told that we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you are relevant and i'm amazed keep on watching those hawks never great day and night
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a lot more we see if we more. or less dipped out your life. with the politically good news of the bank leading the police in the uk and i know the answer is i can eat shit shit shit shit put up a little. extra. and i need another one of the highest in my town sway or both the food. bank itself more to see about. closing this way got set up for hard luck the thing. i don't have to decide this you know but the work of a coward and i'm not going to start then if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights in his own way.
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the floor you can talk the 50 miles out of this will persuade you that you have all of the ability to put the death penalty on the. books but i think is this is the found that is a constant thank. you. you notice in your restaurant that they blow up patrons are consuming anything the solution according to the policy makers would be to make them blow up consumers bigger like inject more you know helium or oxygen instead blow up and that will somehow improve the situation they're not taking into consideration of their dead still lifeless that they can consume just like the money's velocity number shows us that for now a couple of decades has been dying and recently the money velocity is pretty much.
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hello and welcome to redact it's night v.i.p. i'm naomi caravan and guest hosting this week and i am totally not going to cry i'm not lonely you're lonely you know what i never like to go before but now i would just love to have a spirit from the other world on my home i mean i've tried inviting them i tried to board candles pentagrams but i could never hear any creeks or bones or chains rattling starting to wonder and my scaring the ghosts away well we.
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