tv Dennis Miller One RT May 27, 2020 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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what i think is this is the fun that this. was. hey folks coming up well let's see you know from northern exposure you know as a nun as opposed to mr big on sex in the city you know i'm from the great indie had my big fat greek wedding i know is a great musician and one of my best friends in the world right after this john corbett dennis miller plus one. hey folks welcome to dennis miller plus one joining us by remote today is mike to blow. up the corps you're. always drawing near curve
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what in there l r you were jotting i'm feeling good my friend this is the original johnny carson made for slogans in way in a park this was my dad's jacket and when my dad passed he lived in bell for her through his closet and gave most of the stuff to goodwill were the same size were both 6 foot 5 to 20 and i kept a couple of these johnny carson jackets and neckties. you know it's funny john is you're such a handsome guy you can actually wear that look good evil with the lou wasserman arc welder glasses and a pink pocket prove you somehow managed to pull this off they will what is it over your shoulder by the way is that you fighting where you a key grip on jobs i think i see you fighting bruce the shark back or something that's me fighting a shark the great billy ray cyrus t.v.
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show called still the king a couple years ago and i guess they're down about 5 times and i was this really wacky kenny chesney type country entertainer big star whose house was filled with pictures of himself doing things like that and when they got it delivery from u.b.s. billy said beauty of the oil painting of the fighting sharks there it is. certainly that of all my friends one of my dearest but also one of the quirkiest senses of humor i've ever encountered in my 66 years is the dear john corbett john do you remember there was like it was or 2 to 3 year period or all you put up on the internet was drawings of john cougar mellencamp or a who was who you were putting up all the time. those are fantastic drawings of the one really jon bon jovi. here's i did for 2 years.
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or that if for the last year i am into on twitter i don't reply i know look at the replies i found out that was my downfall reading the who like my bon jovi's and who didn't so for the last year roughly once a week i'll put up now i'm jim morrison now and as you morrison i'll put up a jim morrison tattoo on someone's back or arm or leg or chest i'll put up a great drawing of jim morrison or once in awhile but are actually cool live are a black and white photo real photo but it's mostly tattoos and drawings for the last year of j.m. there's probably a 100 on there now and i'll do that now for the rest of eternity i know just the other night i was listening out and i got this great speaker little speaker but it must have a subatomic woofer in it because it really plays and i've been hooking it up and
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just going through and it's almost like eating dim sum you know a little bit of this i picked up jimmy morse an absolutely live from philadelphia the other night and it is such a groove have you heard that live album lately no i'm not a jim morrison fan. what do you know. what. i think. i know if you think you morrison's. going to the roadhouse give the whiskey i know a few doors jim morrison songs i like the idea that it's like led zeppelin i like the photo as the. poses a jimi hendrix and robert plant and cool jim morrison but i'm not a huge fan of the sound they make but i love the imagery i'm more of
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a kiss guy kiss styx kansas the cheesy kind of stuff journey. yeah. all right it's been when you were a roadie ferrario speedwagon a mistake and my legs are play. too if i was i wasn't ready but i worked in the county for the capital music hall in wheeling west virginia when i was 16 in kansas came through they did tonight spreadin sarat a 7 o'clock and 10 o'clock show both nights and i was 16 i was just supposed to watch a door so the people didn't come in from the outside a fire escape but i had up having to be there go there you know there go over for 2 days i hung out with these jews now little did i know they seem so much older but little that i know they were 2223 years old when i was 16 now looking back and i
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got to hang with these days now this is right in the heat of carry on a wayward son dust in the wind those songs were they were still probably number one on any top 40 radio so it was so cool to hang out hang out with those guys and as a matter of fact. i guess about 5 or 6 years ago they were having like a 40 if anniversary of them being a band no probably a 50th and they had heard me tell the story one time somebody from their camp and i got to make a video that they played in our hometown in pittsburgh of a big concert that they did where i got to tell this story briefly 30 seconds long many other people you know john i can't imagine a 15 or 16 year old kid in west virginia that must have been at that point probably the most exciting 48 hours of your life up to that mall musta wet your whistle a little to give it a try yourself right at least singing acting something what sent you from the
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beautiful hills of west virginia to hollywood way. you know i graduated high school 79 and my mom and dad's we lived in oxnard california until i was 2 and they split up so we took the train back to west virginia to live with my grandma and when i graduated from high school my dad i was going to go to college my dad's was a well there he said come on out and i'll put you to work in the boilermakers union and i did it i drove out here with some buddies i didn't know this guy very well i only met him a handful of times since i was 2 for a week and each time about every 6 years and his name was john also your ears close and he put me to work in the steel factory man and i was 30 miles south of hollywood. and i got hurt quickly i got hurt in 84 i guess i hurt my back and i went to junior college sri those junior college and i i met some young actors there
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who were 18 years old right out high school named by me to a class i fell in love with that i'd never even seen a play at that point my life i'd never been to play like watching movies like most of us but that was it never in fact in those 6 years i had gone hollywood to times once with my girlfriend to go to shakey speak further and walk around look at the stars in front of the other time somebody gave us some free tickets to go see family pew with richard dawson the only 2 trips 30 miles out in 6 years. and johnny was the 1st arms you get when you go in a so you're 30 miles south you never even go up except twice and i have met if you're going to have shaky speech and go see dick dawson those are 2 reasons ride into town well how do you get the 1st the 1st break which the extra parts are what happened. i got how did you know that i signed up for this central casting extra work and i started getting invited to be
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on sets like ships i was on ships i'm on now cagney and lacey and you know what it was like being on television i would call my mom and say mom tonight i'm cagney and lacey a guy gets hit by cam and there's 3 people looking out in the street and i'm one of a. it wouldn't be as if i had a guest starring role on get me and lacey the family would come over a very is very is he's looking down oh my. and i did after about a year i did silly i did extra work i did it silly movie con hamburger the movie that i'm in a lot i mean i mean it is more than some of the at some of the real paid actors as i was it was a cheapie we did it out at some college and not in hidden hills and what else that
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i do i did a movie with called tough love with bruce dern and jason patrick's 1st t.v. movie and one with lindsay wagner and peter coyote i mean it was just crazy. i'm gone from a from a steel factory out in san bernadino to i'm on a set with the 6000000 dollar lady the bike woman it was and it was intense man and i watched and learned and i thought i want to i want to have one of those parts where i get to talk to them by on it woman and i so i start taking acting classes and one little littlest things you get your you get your 1st thing where you're not just an extra you're featured extras that you and 2 guys and see helping somebody with clothes and you know these little it is you know these little steps everybody says when you get to 1st break there are. our little breaks even after even after 30 some years that was in 86 i'm going to distil i just got a new t.v.
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series that we're going to search shooting where this whole crowd of things over code rebel with the cigar man that's another break that's another little break this could be a whole it could go away quickly or could be a whole new chapter the ruben's up there you're right read johnny it is it it is all about incremental ism except in very few cases and you happen to be in love now for many years so it's one of the people who went from off the pad to. outer space it around the space of a weekend so yeah for most people it is the incrementalism i want to talk about the 1st big toehold i will do it after the break with my friend john corbett obviously might have started out and some cheese that he gets into one of the hippest t.v. shows of its era the vibe de mille you the writing northern exposure steeple still have such a flaw in place for today and we will talk about northern exposure and the fact that my friend as humble as he is and as goofy as he can be about his achievements
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i've gone to see him saying and rock in my man as an actor we'll talk about music we'll talk about northern exposure all that right after this with my friend john corbett on dennis miller plus one. we go to work you straight home. every single culture on earth has prohibitions against. at the same time
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virtually every culture on earth will reward you enormously if you use killed the right person in one setting it is the most horrendous damaging thing match in the world and in the other setting is a little wondrous thing that they will give you a medal for that people will vote through you because of that the people will mate with you because you're good at doing that sort of say. oh nick idea let me pick up a and they give me too much of this did they call couple gets lithium he said. just that hung out that. there's enough lead time i'm old but i'm also the most amazing us i've been a good who says if they had up ways not emotional when i meet. his
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compass he must get almost home pianist you know he goes from didn't you notice continues to be she has put oh you little difficult. in my thumb and i'm going to hit it safe enough and i've also seen it in a little few i don't like kind of them is goofy a. little kid is he kills him medical do. efi constant always stay in this one did of them in the bottom or to your list to see into a number on it so to see humanity as a moment because he. knew the was. going to be. available. or all of. a focus welcome back to dennis miller plus one we are joined by one of my dear dear
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friends and i love with all my heart in both truly. i would well like i said my words so a little this core unseen although heavy on the heart for our fellow citizen ray i know you're up there playing like lauren graham down blocker michael leonard personnel roberts and laura hop sing throne and just taking care of the ponderosa on a day to day basis are yeah i'm doing it all i mean i'm not there. fixing split rail fence. i'm out there doing the. weeding of that i do this this beautiful i've spent about a week building this beautiful white oak desk to get the very desk and move up and down ok i'm going to order one of those maybe i can make it i guess most of the round here in the barn. by the way john you can but also with the very house get
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a very chair the moves in tandem with the desk so you're always seated no matter what happens now what your day to day like to get up at 6 in the morning you're out in the fields your. stuff up to. your doctor or hills. wow dogs get out there about 7 o'clock who makes some coffee i get out there we have 3 horses feed the horses i get in there muck the stuff she goes and makes a little breakfast i am out about 11 o'clock and. we've got a garden going we have about 16 tomato plants going how i get out there i water spray. i have some seedlings growing too that i'm going to plants. and then i'm going to out all through them all for a little bit give the ones a little exercise then i'll start walking around seeing what i got to do and since we had so much rain here it's a ton of weeding i get out we have about 10 acres i guess something like that. i
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get on at that lot i'm over about 2 times a week 2 hours i'm on that thing doing all the yard in there in the fields i mean it's you know there's no we really don't have any help we have a pool we've got a great who you know fifty's on the pool guy i stay on top of that we don't have really one person that comes in and helps us do thing i didn't do it all you know all the women on the grapevine who said aiden's on that in smaller class one that i am turn again they tune in and you've got that c.p.a. suit coat on from the sixty's and you're talking about weeding and driving your mower around all day it's quite a. quick to differ from what way they were perceiving you before they. let's talk more than exposure johnnie because when i look back on that show very infrequently to somebody change the meter and the mill you weren't so corky
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remember 30 something had some 5 like that you know show didn't come around periodically they just sort of break the template what are your memories of getting northern exposure when it becomes mega hot tell me about the run my friend. life changing i was the one in the auditions who had 0 on their i did one up so the wonder years in 1988 little guest star nothing else on the resume and this is 2 years later i was really close to giving up acting because nothing was happening and you know you have to make a living and i was about 27 years old i guess and i and i did a jack in the box commercial and somebody from universal saw me on it called me in and for callbacks later i was on a plane i was living in interleukin lake a little apartment i was on a plane to seattle to live for the next 14 years i mean it really that one audition changed my life we we got up there they put us in these little boat.
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you know houses with you know dishes and forks and knives for the 1st season so we all lived together through a fish and sea apartment and we really got to bond and know each other robin morrow jean turner ameri corps bennett john cullen well i mean we're literally next door to each other and. and we're all of you know none of us knew seattle's who were all of any outskirts of seattle about 45 minutes outside of the city and it was just a great where are our studios in an old shoe warehouse that they converted and nobody knew what this thing was you know we were trying to figure out i think the 3rd episode and we kind of realized it was a it was a dark comedy you know he cuz. it was just so weird and quirky but raw market was playing this doctor so straight and nobody was really going for laps it was just it was. when people responded the way they did it sort of blew it so hey you know
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people liked it as much as we certainly do because i happens in this business now i know it happens that you do things you do pilots that you love and just think everyone's going to love and it's just thumbs down so you know it's very cool for a goalie yeah headquarters the rhythms and i always thought of you at what i see the office and i watched the great comedy actor and seems like a cool guy john is his name presence here because in ski that cat you were sort of the that guy. time because you always came off with such a a cool manner when i used to watch the show here's the thing i want to get this cats like you seem so cool and it was a huge hit but i think it burned pretty brightly but not for it wasn't a it was a gunsmoke run was it johnny how long. we had 5 i think with 5 seasons but to the seasons really episodes each and the other 2 were probably 20 episodes so. you know
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a prado know maybe under 100 shows but here's the reason why you'll never see it again because of the music the music. there is so much music in these shows they can't afford to play it now because they have to pay so much you know in those royalties even the videos they put the videos out and they just put all stock music on was turned ruined the show because part of it another character like the 5th beatle was the music that they that they picked for this show is fantastic and that's why you know he was no time how come we don't see in reruns that's the main reason that's one thing about hollywood ascap all those things they keep tabs that if you wrote it you're getting paid somewhere along the way even if it was 20 years ago let's take it over to the you must think i don't know what happens after that solver but maybe or think i don't know do i get a big plate appearance again and then an even bigger thing comes like sex in the city absolutely huge yeah so the exposure ends in 95 then about 5 years past and
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nothing really happens i do want to do pretty bad t.v. movies and i'm still living in seattle some way from the business and you know get a little older i guess maybe 36 or so now and. i get an offer to come to new york and be on the show with sarah jessica parker who i liked. from watching as an actress but i don't like the show they sent me a couple those be ok sets and you know it's all the jokes and this is not something that i was into i know it's on the air and people are liking it but i didn't like it so i said no. i wasn't interested. in being part of because my mom at that time was everything i do that it was slightly embarrassing and i had to be naked in the 1st episode and i just passed and they said fine but then we claytor they said look sir just you wanted to come to. see her just going to come new york just she just
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wants you to meet or take a trip to new york it's a free trip 1st class on them so that's what i get i have some friends in new york i said ok i'll go do that and i showed up at her house and she was with michael patrick king and i believe derren star was there down in the village and he talked me into it because she was so charming and it was it would have been one of my biggest regrets if i said no to that thing so it just it was a pleasure man it was so much fun to be in new york and now i'm on this show that is not about the you know the outback and i couldn't be here for you know i went from a to z. and now i'm just you know in the greatest city of all of them on the greatest show at that time that's 2000 that you could you know talk about saturday nights must watch it was crazy you went from aden and i tell you what it was a good move for your brand john because i remember one time we were up in twin falls member we were escaping that forest fire and we did. 20 falls and we stopped
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at a sonic i remember we went into the counter and there's like 5 young ladies workaday you know just gals bit gals of all of a sudden all you hear from the back is. i just remember thinking boy that is a role that's going to stick with him for a long time and yet was providence attended i've taken it thank god sarah was so charming out so charming i got a free milk shake out at sonic 2 i remember chocolat. i love her pastor. that that girl is what he if you want to talk about. entertainment tonight and behind the scenes in who's got egos and who doesn't who's a diva she is a working hero of mine that chick on that show was 1st there in the morning after work and we all at home should go to a studio and do you know she she did monologues voiceover over all those episodes i
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mean she worked so hard she ate lunch with the crew every day which is unheard of for you know if you were going to movie there's a big star there say like tommy lee jones you'll never see that do have a lunch with 100 people she was just the greatest. well listen nerf raid that tommy lays and that the crew table because people might think the caterers brought in dodger dogs for lives you never know. let's take some social media questions jay burt we got a bunch of them on we said you were coming on. on facebook as i can't predict this answer because sometimes the biggest thing to you is not the biggest thing what's your favorite role over the course of your career it's a role nobody ever saw me do i did a little play it's a reader community college called here's this little impulse when i was just
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figuring out all about this acting and we probably played it you know 25 times for 200 people and it was just a great great play i've never been able to i'm never been able to grab. out of the ether those feelings that i felt when i did that play from from any role but if i had to name one that has been filmed it would definitely be the movie tombstone even though i have 3 or 4 lines in that movie i got to spend 4 months out in arizona with bill paxton who became such a good friend and carranza like you over most of the movie and sam elliot jason priestley thomas a church i mean just it was we were 4 months in 1992 the summer of.
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1902 in a holiday and in tucson arizona and it was the man show. who is in the show and a couple other girls but it was holiday and bar after filming every night and it was probably like. me it had to be like that and it was crazy you guys you must of may the rat pack looked like the town elders from footloose i can't even imagine you know i love you johnny you're my man talk at assume will break bread when this thing is over thank you buddy i love you all right captain my captain the great john corbett this is dennis miller plus one.
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ah no no crow. no shots. actually. going to blow struck both of those 2. points your thirst for action. problem drugs don't always come from scrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we see me very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids oids invented america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying
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to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so who's to blame patients don't do this manufacturers all the governments are. part of something is better than 100 percent of nothing and so losing money as is part of the money laundering model as a model of business model and we look at these unicorns the startups and silicon valley like the ones you mention we work that way fair guber. we were left there all losing money exponentially so many after the aster's stuff well maybe the model is to lose money and so who is laundering them. money laundering the money.
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live from the world headquarters of r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez well again everybody i'm rick sanchez to all of you who are watching us from all over the world on this very special day whether you're doing it on regular t.v. or on the portable television app we are so glad that you are there the mayor of a major american city today is saying that it should not be a death sentence in america to be black those are his words that's a remarkable statement from an american political leader and it comes on the heels of 4 police officers being.
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