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tv   Americas Lawyer  RT  May 27, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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papen tonio this is america's lawyer last week a dance failure in michigan led to the catastrophic flooding and now dow chemical tells us that their waste products have been mixed in with this floodwater we'll tell you what this could mean for michigan residents who are now dealing with a double disaster also tonight economic recovery from the pandemic has become a top priority for getting this country back on its feet but with sweeping deregulation of business is what did this cost us in the long run and then later in the show investigators clamp down on texas air base shooting and provide new insight into last year's pensacola naval base attack and they're linking both of
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these incidents to terrorism don't go anywhere americans were starts right now. floodwaters in michigan last week and ended up maine galing with toxic chemicals from a dow chemical plant i have fair and cousins from drill our magazine to talk about it this is pretty disturbing article i mean if you're a resident or a farmer around that plant you're in big trouble right now but i'll tell you the take on it was it was so odd to me the take on it was well the federal government's responsible no the federal government's not responsible for what happened here they've allowed the infrastructure to fall apart and they've allowed alchemical to do everything they wanted to do with their toxins in that middle america that nobody to blame but them i really don't see anybody to blame but no right and this is a you know we're suddenly dealing with this issue but these were failures that were set up for decades. as you mentioned the infrastructure the superfund site the dow
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chemical was running or or you know not cleaning up basically they needed to clean up the infrastructure there to protect it the walls around it needed to be higher because they had already predicted both the government in the company that this thing was susceptible to floodwaters that was a failure they'd known about it for years the infrastructure at the dam that failed failed and caused the flood itself they knew that needed to be fixed and repaired an updated the company had actually already lost its license for failure to comply for years so we're talking about catastrophic failures across the board state federal government's corporate you could not have had a more complete failure from every player all ok look i think that the detroit the water problem in detroit same kind of analysis infrastructure failure state government does nothing about it but now this cat was named jacob carter
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scientist for a union concerned scientists comes out well this is a federal problem no it's not a federal problem it's partially a federal problem but when you are in the state and you know this karami and this is one of the most corrupt chemical companies on the globe i think everybody would agree with that their corruption is there's no into it they allow because this is where they are this is their headquarters right so they're allowing this chemical company to devastate the environment local people are doing it state people are doing it people that are so when they try to bring a lawsuit the courts make the make the lawsuit disappear and now they're sent all the federal government's responsible for this the administration's response now this is just a bunch of numbskulls that have allowed out chemical to do anything they want to in that area at the same time that their infrastructure disappear right and the infrastructure is why. the federal government comes in but that's not
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a sudden thing that's not just a trump thing that is a trump obama bush clinton thing you know any one of them could have stepped in over the years and said i'm issuing an injunction this has to be done now this is priority but no overall this goes right down to local leadership to state leadership they've known about these problems the companies have known about the problems nobody decided to act in so suddenly these residents see a flood headed their way a wall of water coming their way and then they find out a couple days later that water also was contaminated. luggage alike surprise oh oh this is a big surprise well when we look at detroit it's the same that the last governor in michigan lost the race because of this new governor comes in she says i'm going to change all this and does nothing about it has been all the infrastructure has been the problem forever she has allowed dow chemical co she get so much money from dow chemical to do whatever the hell they want to do it right there in the backyard of
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the state and she's being talked about as possibly the number one pick that would be to work as a bad move bad move i got to tell you that is that's a deal breaker m s n b c's rachel maddow has been sued for defamation after her russia obsession with a little bit too far look i looked at this case of analyze as best i can she she really should win this case here's the problem she has though the judge on this case is in a very difficult situation the judge has been asked as a matter of law without a jury make the decision that there's no case here there is enough information here to go to a jury here's the problem she has if it goes to a jury all of that rush attack that whole hysteria that not just her it was phil griffin filled the work yet the whole network in miss n.b.c. thought they could make some money. on the whole rochelle hoax the whole hysteria
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so they tell rachel they tell all the players go this is you're talking point now if this gets to a jury if this gets to a juror in a it should get to a jury again my opinion is it's not a case it's winnable in front of a trial in a jury trial but the problem she has is all this other stuff she's been talking about it was like hysteria that's all in front of the jury right and the issue here is you know you have the one america news network which is full blown right wing problem and it's a terrible network you know the writers went on on the air and said they are literally a russian funded propaganda exactly that ok. and so that statement is factually incorrect there is no truth to that statement and she based it on a report from the daily beast that there happened to be somebody working at one america who was also working at sputnik so they were working 2 jobs getting paid
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for both and she tied to that one person getting paid through sputnik to somehow the whole network is funny it's this is beneath rachel rachel maddow who used to know yeah i used to do i used to do radio with rachel maddow it's not just rachel maddow i mean you can't blame this all on rachel maddow right you can blame it on leadership at m s n b c that says hey we got this we got this great story we got this little freaked shift whatever his name is and california we can bring in all the he can talk about the russia hoax this is going to go a long way now we're going to get criticism because we're on our to america well look at our if you look at our product you'll see it's anything but proton proton so the but the point man is i look at this case the biggest threat she has it's actually 2 threats one is the judge dismisses it if she does if the judge dismisses it it goes up on appeal my call is it comes back down for a jury trial because there is a question. of fact the question of fact is was she stating
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a fact or was she stating an opinion was it satire or was it serious and when you look at all the stuff that they asked her to do you know she is a brilliant woman rachel maddow is a brilliant woman but but i know how the politics of him as n.b.c. works i saw it with their friend of mine and she was at you know you've got to push this story so now they're stuck with what could be a $1015000000.00 jury verdict if it gets to a jury because when they bring in all the other stuff that m s n b c has been trying to do in this rush of hysteria cuz it's so you know it sold advertising mess what it was about sell advertising and it did the russians hacked of course they did there's no question that they hacked did it mean hillary will it was the reason she lost of course not she had these morons running her campaign the pedestrian brothers that bobby moved how do you how do you lose to trump but they
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had to have they had to have a fall right and what rachel had said here the whole comment that sparked this lawsuit that shows the whole thinking of this you know more moderate establishment democrat type any time you disagree with them any time you're not on board with them your russian file we're going to do is what happens on social media all day long he you know if it's there go to argument and rachel i think she's so used to saying it now well you pay she falls into the trap a $1000000.00 a year ok the little dorf phil griffin what i think is you know he's a door comes in and says rachel this is a story you have to do ok so so she does it she's a brilliant she's a brilliant moment she knew better yeah but she might have got a bit too far on this one the karada by says a majority of americans calling for more corporate nationalism which and i got to tell you it might not be a bad idea if what i mean here is t.p. . if he had hillary won we would live with t p p t p p it was a it was
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a job killer it was a consumer killer it was an opportunity killer it was a shift of all of america's best parts all over the world and you know what this this story to me lands exactly where it should what do you think no i agree and i do think we need this big push to bring manufacturing back to the united states to bring these companies back and yes to make the us more competitive possibly possibly tariffs i'm not i'm not sold 100 percent on that we've seen how bad that is but overall bring the jobs back bring the manufacturing bring back you know incentivize companies to build their product in america and that's what we have seen pushes for that for years and years and years but the u.s. chamber of commerce has stepped in every time and killed every one of those buy american initiative how about that really i mean can you think if you destroy
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a buy american initiative ok why do you do that because the chamber of commerce they want the 1st of all they only represent 19 companies 19 of the biggest multinationals in the world they don't represent mom and pop so they want to ship jobs overseas they want you know they want the cheap labor. in the process we have lost our heart when it comes to manufacturing in jobs that should stay right here in this country and so as i watch this whole thing develop nafta a disaster absolute let me tell you how bad tell me tell you how it's affecting the e.u. people don't even know the story in the e.u. this globalized notion of global plod to politics in the e.u. if you're in italy and you want to grow oranges in italy because that's what you've done for generations the e.u. says to you can't grow and sell oranges because that's reserved for portugal or wherever it may be they're actually told what they can sell what they can't sell that's globalization here's the other part of globalization when we when we have
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environmental rules in the united states we've actually had china come into the united states in sue taxpayers for our environmental rules because it interferes with the treaty process under nafta so i mean it's a disaster where again it was canadian oil companies have taken us through the wringer on those environmental lawsuits through nafta too so yes we do we've got to bring it back here and it's sad that it took this pandemic for people to see hey maybe we shouldn't be making everything overseas and then having to ship it back is it contaminated is there a risk with it what happened if the pandemic was only in china and that shuts down a lot of american manufacturing because all our stuff is made over there here's here's a we're waking up to it but. what you've done. your great writer obvious to you have followed your writing for a lot of years travel lower magazine you just turn out great stuff and early on you were writing about globalization you talked about nafta you talked about cafe you
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talked about c.p.p. that was all invented by the democrats it was invented by bill clinton who said we have to bring in we have to bring in wall street in order for us to win elections now the republicans you knew they were already taken as many wall street dollars as they could stuff in their pockets. and then they would deliver whatever wall 'd street wanted but then bill clinton comes along and says hey you know what we want to play too and that comes nafta there comes calf to an almost t.p. which is a frigging disaster for the american consumer. president tropp is now tasked with helping american businesses back on their feet after suffering tremendous losses from the pandemic but could a fast track approach to fixing the economy in the hurting us in the long run that in more when we come back.
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backstabbers financial survival guide. housing bubble. oh you mean there's
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a downside artificially low mortgage rates don't get carried away that's cause report. tough and the full interest in my town the way you go through a food. bank itself movie theater i. was in this way got to talk so hard not to think of the mother disappeared this woman the work of the day i was and i know mr martin if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. through our you can call the fee on this bill frist wouldn't have called given at
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the time of. what i think is this is the fund that is a constant. president donald trump is signed an executive order directing federal agencies to waive in a limit they all regulations that impede economic recovery from the coronavirus and i have bridges santos to talk about the story rizzi to what can you tell me about the corporate friendly order this this is like over the top this is this this is why if we need another president if we have to get rid of this is exactly the reason why lay this story out for so. absolutely a federal agencies have now been directed to exempt people or entities from any
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rules that they deem unnecessary on a temporary or permanent basis if they and they have it economic recovery and recovery now mike early on in the pandemic you and i covered the cove in 1000 related to regulations at the e.p.a. but now these exemptions have been rolled out across all regulatory agencies potentially giving corporations permission to get away with things that they wouldn't have been able to get away with before now of course people want to get back to work and daily life we're all concerned about the economy but throwing regulations out the door absolutely puts public health and safety at risk. what you know here's the point i mean out of all the stories that i've done this year so far when i look at the story that says ok this is the story that makes it very clear that we have to get rid of 12 this is the one i got to say this is the one because this affects consumers it's expert consumer health it affects the environment it has the chamber the u.s. chamber of commerce in wall street in charge of american politics this is the
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reason we need to get rid from unfortunately the dysfunctional d n c hasn't even given its anybody to work with i mean this is this is a sweeping reason why we got to get rid of him but the character we have is supposed to get rid of him just isn't there this is important stuff. and is that is our look at it this seems to be getting worse by the week almost where they're allowing wall street to do more and more of their ugly little things the flying monkeys are off of wall street right now just doing everything they can to take and take advantage of consumers during the covert gries is what your take. yeah i think that's absolutely correct now the problem is we want to see evidence you know is there evidence that these regulated deregulations are going to boost the economy and they're claiming well when it comes to social distancing rules you know there have been worker reductions across federal agencies so some of the rules actually might need to be relaxed to account for those things like removing tariffs and
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supply chain barriers that prevent health care supplies from getting to the people who need them and allowing doctors to temporarily use their personal phones for tele health services but other proposed regulatory cuts require a lot more scrutiny there is no evidence that allowing the food and drug administration to relax the process for approving vaccines in treatments is going to boost the economy especially without adequate testing and data on the safety or efficacy of such treatments you know could actually do the opposite and harm the economy if more people get hurt from these things without that testing but we do know that when regulatory agencies give free rein to corporations we tend to see negative effects on public health and safety the trump administration has long periods weeping deregulation. and we know this wall street's wall street's meeting with trump regularly the u.s. chamber of commerce is meeting with from regularly and they're saying look we want to take all the things we've accomplished in the past with obama and clinton and
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bush and we now want to put all those great accomplishments on steroids i would love to say that there's a huge difference between the parties and how they regard this type of deregulation issue and how they regard wall street but they're. and i got to say out this is what i do for a living i try cases against corporate america and both both parties have been so active in taking away consumer rights but this is over the top this is absolutely over the top because they're saying this to wall street they're saying it to health to the health industry they're saying it to the environmental industry do what you want to do just just do what ever you want to do him no matter how sweeping it is do what you want to do and everything's going to be ok did i overstate that isn't that what this legislation really is geared towards. now to have think that and as he said you know sure the democrats may be a little bit better but overall we do have
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a corporate party both parties that the corporate party and at the end of the day they do tend to agree on letting corporations get away with things that harm the public. as we look at this the deregulation are supposed to boost economic activity and growth ok so where's the 1st thing they're going to start really deregulating they're going to start with environment then they're going to go to health and help the health care arenas then they're going to go to wall street all the s.e.c. need to really back down because it's going to interfere with the advancement of our economy it's going to touch all of us and the only thing we can hope for is that the democrats show that maybe they are a little bit different from republicans and actually step up to the plate in stop this whole thing rizzi to thank you for joining me ok. thanks. week a gunman attempted to drive into a texas naval air base but was stopped by a sailor who was wounded at the scene the f.b.i.
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is now investigating this is an act of terrorism and has also released details about last year's pensacola air base shooting it's all been linked to terrorism i've got legal analyst molly barrows with me to talk about it. this story is troubling on so many well right laid out for so good all right so this is the latest shooting happened last week in texas corpus christi n.a.s. naval air station corpus christi and man from corpus christi his name is adam sahi and he basically tried to ram run through the gate he had a car he drove through he shot a security guard that was there a woman and she managed to roll over and hit a switch that basically brought the barrier down so it kept him from getting on to the base and perhaps causing more damage and then he in turn was shot and killed by security so the f.b.i. isn't getting a lot of details about it happened they are saying they're investigating it as terrorism related no matter what we thought and the essence of the d.n.a. is pensacola story hits right at home brain we have friends that work their ass rain put their pilots who train. question one isn't it absurd that we're training
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training pilots for the royal family of saudi arabia braggin with ok that was the shooter and that was the shoe member of the things actually came up through the ranks and but we're doing it because mcdonnell douglas wants us to because boeing wants us to because they're selling in this equipment and then we have to train the pilots in n.a.s. injured 8 people killed 3 people yes and just close to home i've got a relative who actually trains pilots out there so very close to don't direct terrorism a little red direct to terrorism you know here's the other part of the story we haven't talked about the yes tim cook ok apple c.e.o. they they finally got the phone from the terrorists that killed these people in pensacola yet tim cook comes out and says we can't help you cia or f.b.i. unravel what's in that phone as if they were is if they were taking some some some
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high ground he's a fraud apple's a fraud tim cook is a fraud they have more information in that phone. already saving lives no doubt right but tim cook her. have apple says oh we can't help you f.b.i. find out what's in that terrorist phone who's killed 3 people and injured 8 people right here in pensacola yet now the rest of the story is what what do we so what do we see apple do all the time basically they allow people access when they want to give them access so they have this music and movies alou whatever they need to do but in this particular situation it's also bringing up the fact that our own government immigration vetting failed because ronnie the shooter in any aspects of cola he came over he was the evidence that the other from the phones that they had to hack themselves because apple wouldn't go in hack it for them that basically they found that he had been radicalized as far back as 2015 so he was allowed to come in already having been radicalized so in one respect our own government
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betting immigration that he needs to do a better job as well but when it comes to getting this evidence it's been an ongoing battle with apple for years that looms up here and was actually you know here's what's 201520 the same thing happened in texas killings in texas they go to apple they say we think this phone can help us figure out who other terrorists are tim cook under the leadership yes it says no we can't do that but at the same time tim cook puts all of our information out there if an advertiser wants to know what movies we buy if they were advertiser wants to know what music we listen to what apps we use tim cook. make it available but he has the audacity he's a damn fraud and this is a disgusting story especially when it hits so close to home and you realize those people they gave i mean you know you had officer lost his life in the line of duty here that everybody involved in that story was doing the right thing and all we want to know is what's on the phone tim cook says no we can't let you know that's
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right and there is a case in 2016 in san bernardino which was another terrorism related case that was actually going to court before the f.b.i. or the department justice managed to get access to this particular terrorists found and so again that case was. dropped but they were almost to the point where that i guess they were and allow the court to decide the issue of how much access the government had found but you're exactly right and said of him would say that he's the victim and that we aren't fraudulent it is just absolutely so fraudulent thanks for joining things happen finally tonight some good news a lot of appeals ruled last week that the environmental protection agency wasn't doing enough to combat the spread of air pollution across state lines the clean air act has a section referred to as the good neighbor provision which says that the federal government has to and they must enact the national standards for air pollution since pollutants in one state can travel across state lines the states of maryland delaware sued the e.p.a. after the e.p.a. refused to do anything about the out of state pollution that was traveling to each
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one of these states both states 'd had filed petitions with the e.p.a. to investigate the matter but the e.p.a. flatly refused to do their job as usual the court of appeals ordered that the p.a. start doing their job finally something that the agency has never been willing to do certainly in the last 15 years but even the conservative supreme court has said that the e.p.a. can't get away with ignoring the clean air act so corporations have to buckle up and get ready for a new round of enforcement that's all for the not find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all our t. america programs and direct t.v. channel 3 to one also stream them live on you tube and be sure to check out our team's new portable app you can watch all the programs any area that you want your favorite shows on that might have been tony and this is america's lawyer where every week we tell you the stories the corporate media is ordered not to tell because of the political pressure and because of advertisers telling them that they
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don't want the stories told have a great no. we go to work see you straight home. cold war $2.00 targeting china is off the ground is gaining momentum some see china must pay for the endemic well others play in beijing is an existential security
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threat to the washington centric world still others say washington and concede he lives in a. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies too in every state in the united states we seem very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids it invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers or the government.
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this is the one business show you can't afford to miss branch of war in washington coming up the e.c.b. is forecasting a major hit to the eurozone economy due to the cope at night outbreak and this comes as the european union is i a major stimulus package to save the region's economy and if it coronavirus continues to pound brazil as the latin american giant is now the new epicenter of the virus we breakdown the told the disease is taking there and around the globe and later. a new era of private space development.


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