tv News RT May 29, 2020 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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if you look at the way i. see the way yes. the. yes. thanks. thanks thanks thanks to. a 3rd night of under arrest in minneapolis sees a police station torched by protesters as fury about the death and police custody of a black man spreads across the united states and. france will further relax its lockdown starting june a 2nd to easing restrictions on count days park and travel inside the country. and a new study shows a surge in prescriptions but antidepressants in the u.s. with doctors raising the alarm about the risks of addiction.
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to. the warm welcome to you from our team here in moscow this is r.t. international going to new the day's top stories from around the world now dominating headlines protests over the death of george floyd who are being detained by minneapolis police have raged for a 3rd night late on thursday night a local police station was set on fire. the place a protest as forced their way into the building and set it on fire personnel had been evacuated from the precinct the full height of the city of minneapolis via social media but there were unconfirmed reports of gas lines leading to the building had been cut and advises people to leave the area the protests calling for justice for jules finally to have spread from minneapolis to other city.
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we can go live now to watch he's alexy his witnessed similar events unfold in baltimore sun alexi good to see you well know can you tell us about what's happening now in minneapolis well they got have to tell you that everything happening in the united states these days for the last 3 nights at least is somewhat of a groundhog day when it comes to the protests against police brutality in the u.s. turning very very violent now in this particular instance it was spawned by the
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killing of george floyd a 46 year old african-american man who was essentially killed by a police officer when that officer kneeled over his neck and the man suffocated later died now for 3 nights minneapolis the city of minneapolis has been on fire there have been protests all around the country and you may ask yourself what's the reason for this throat. it's not just the killing but the fact that the 4 policemen who were involved in this unfortunate event in this death of george floyd. indeed fired by the minneapolis police but the people in the streets they demand that they should be in jail. nevertheless the situation is very serious it has reached the u.s. president and the authorities and let's listen what they have to say. this attorney general f.b.i. and the attorney general to take a very strong look and see what went on because it was a very very bad thing that i saw. the department of justice has made the
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investigation a top priority and has assigned experienced prosecutors an f.b.i. criminal investigators to the mountain. it's not just president trump and the authorities who are reacting to this this nightmare whole happening in minnesota right now but also different celebrities justin bieber you know many many other pop stars and different socially important people are reacting to this the united nations even had their say on what went on in minnesota this time so it is causing a lot of attention but as i've mentioned before this is all reminiscent of what i've personally seen in 20142015 even the last words of george floyd when he was killed by the police officer i can't breathe is a direct you know direct relation to the words said by aragon another man killed in the hands of police that happened in new york city a long island in 2014 in july later on there was also
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a case of mike brown in missouri i went there in november 24th the whole town was on fire it felt really scary to be out in the streets and you know the buildings were burning there was gunfire heard all the across the region all the cross the place and even the fact that the 2 notorious african-american gangs the bloods and crips lines together in the streets of ferguson against the police that speaks volumes about how intense the situation was the same the same story happened in baltimore which is just next door to washington d.c. in 2015 an april when another african-american man fred to gray was taken for a rough ride in the back of a police van so hard that he's had nearly fell off and that caused even scarier protests in the streets of baltimore i remember when you know riding into baltimore and the firemen of the policemen tell us do not go into the south and part of the city because it is on fire it is unsafe we walked in with saul national guard in
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the streets at some point we were filming at these to camera and. we even saw a national guard you know a national got soldier pointing a gun at us thinking that we were. i don't know luke bandits or anything like that so you know this is happening all over again you would think that by this point the police would think about their actions which side to prevent things like that from happening again but we can see it all over all over and it's and golfing the country again we see protests in new york we see protests in denver we see a rest sendek sayings and attainments off of people in those protests so you only have to wonder whether any lessons have been learned from those things happening 656 years ago. and that the thank you for those details out. now former minnesota governor jesse ventura told us that one is difficult to look at minneapolis burning he understands the motivation of those protesting where you
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she the rioting take place on lake street many haha that's my old neighborhood i'm all for protesting the figure that you got to remember as a white person still can't understand what these black people are going through and let me give you a quick example i have a friend who's a ph d. he's the head of the sounds of blackness or grammy award winning musical group and he lives in minneapolis he said before he drives he's a black man before he drives his car at night he puts his license here his insurance here he puts his car registration here so he doesn't have to reach for anything i looked at him and said are you kidding me i've been driving in minnesota for 50 years and i have never vats has never even entered my mind that that's what the white people need to understand we don't get it because it's never been part of
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our lives like it is with these black people. the 4 officers involved have been fired the one who was pinning floyd to the floor has been identified as derek chauvin he was previously investigated of another death a fatal shooting in 2006 as well as over other shooting incidents in 20082011 another policeman identified in the video tow tower has reportedly been sued in the past over excessive use of force activists michele gross told is the police think they can act with impunity is essential that these that these are the source face murder charges. and sack their all that much just today face murder charges but they should be arrested right now one of the reasons that people the community are so upset is because these officers are still roaming the streets and these are dangerous man and they're running the streets and they have been arrested and it's any of us and the videotape monitoring america we will all be in the jail waiting
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for our trials and we're not going to be able to cop the community down. until we see that these officers are arrested these officers really have a sense of you know impunity that there's nothing going you know that there will say no consequences for their conduct and that's kind of their usual feeling is they have a sense of impunity he literally was smiling for the camera as he was need mr boyd in the next you respect me smiling for the camera knowing that people are regretting him he had no problem with that because he was more than certain that he was going to get away with it because that's been the history in minneapolis. the french government says it will further relax the country's lockdown starting in june the 2nd it's been 3 weeks since the korean team was 1st these down things are looking up according to health officials the number of covert patients requiring intensive care has reduced significantly of late chocolatey bensky in paris explains what new freedoms away the french. positive signs of front said the french
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prime minister edward felipe as he announced the next phase of the deacon find the plans before august. during the 2nd phase to insist on this element which is important freedom will finally become the rule of the band will be the exception so what will change for this next phase will 1st of all the 100 kilometer that's around 60 miles limit for which people could travel from their homes will be scrapped so people will be able to travel all around france however the borders with other european countries will for the moment remain closed we know that balls restaurants and cafes and parks will also be opening across the country and cultural and sporting events will progress if we start to take place so from next weekend scenes and theaters will be able to open and by the end of june sporting events should be able to also take place in the city of
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bordeaux there was relief at the new measures that have been announced if you're busy so you're happy to welcome customers again it's nice to know that we can work on the quite acceptable conditions given the situation. we've rearranged the tables we've marks on the floor for customers and we've got a lot of hands on the wounds just don't work sure. we take out food lifting of self isolation and may the 11th does not change much but i think people will want to go outside and do the work that it's not choking back to normal here for life in front groups of more than 10 people will still remain from in public spaces not so in private spaces such as people's homes and the measures are not completely uniform across the country either paris is a now what's considered to be an orange showing meaning that the virus is still spreading at a higher rate of circulating at a higher rate than in the rest of the country and as
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a result of the. while bars and restaurants and cafes will be able to open them only be able to open if they have terraces outside to serve their customers the government will also be launching its storm could be 19 up patient this is a controversial app for mobile phones to help let people know if they've the news something has had virus or for people to let the new government that they have symptoms it was passed by parliament tear in this week but some have suggested that this application is a step closer to total surveillance by the state here in france but the application will not be mandatory. complement we have wanted to provide the french people with an additional tool is the mobile app store. it is not a magic weapon against the pandemic but it's new additional tool which enables us to fight against it and fight against it even more flexibly in the near future. the
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french prime minister also talked about the economy which is in a dire state facing a record recession here since the end of the 2nd world war a levy was nailed to the post this week with the unemployment which paints a grim picture for france they're at a record high the highest they've been since 1996 almost 25 years with some 4500000 people now out of work so france may be emerging from its chrysalis of a lock down but it is a country that is still far from ready to fly. demand for anti anxiety and anti depression medications has risen significantly in the us and recent studies suggests every 3rd american show symptoms of anxiety depression or both were heard from psychiatry is the other leg who explained this rise in numbers. the nature of the pandemic has increased people's desire
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to campaign as i had a depressed patients and that's because of the virus it's worry worry about getting infected and also financial worries we've got a new global economic crisis people are worrying about how they're going to pay their bills i think another maybe more amorphous aspect to it is that patients or certain people are suddenly discovering that they have very little structure in their day the structure of workers they used to rely on is no aren't there and lack of structure is a major trigger frames i didn't approach isolation and kind of too much contact and both of those can create current went to depression the latest data indicates that the number of prescriptions that pick nif a country and recent month the number of antidepressant prescriptions alone rose 86 percent in march and april compared with january and february has prompted doctors to raise the alarm about the risks of addiction among them out of them co. really important for people to understand that medications in the benzo days appealing
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class like a xanax vallium caught up in are highly habit forming that's really just a gentler way of saying there are very subjective and patients even patients who are taking those medications for bona fide has that 80 disorders can become dependent on and addicted to those medications which is why we strongly recommend that patients don't take them every day and don't take them for more than a couple of weeks and many patients come in specifically asking for certain types of pills as a little bit of pressure on doctor to prescribe those who are to have the status by customers i also think it has to do with you know some aspects of american culture in particular that people just expect to be happy and are willing to take a pill in order to try to get rid of any kind of one comparable notions it's sort
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the right person in one setting it is the most horrendous damaging thing that match in the world and in the other setting is a wondrous thing that they will give you more medals for their people we're both through because of that the people want to mate with you because you're good at doing that sort of saying. back nursing homes around the world seem to have been particularly badly hit by the pandemic registering some of the highest death rates in some cases it's believed that negligence has been a key facts a one woman in the us told us why have family is suing the nursing home her father died in. i lost my father due to negligence at
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a nursing home. i have a lot of people that i know endured it took him my father so it's actually a nash that i know i. mean there were times. i was able to see my dad on his last day and told him that i loved him very much but he couldn't respond because he had an oxygen mask all writs face so those were his last hours of being here the way said goodbye to my dad and in the last 3 elections on video. a father lived in glen haven health care in glendale california the ministration there says it's extremely proud of the song going surface when we talk to the founding attorney who say scant haven cut up its negligence. instead of proactively protecting. their residents and staff. glen haven covered up the fact that they were allowing
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a nurse or been exposed to the coronavirus to work there they refused to allow their staff and their nurses to wear masks and specifically forbidden so at a time when. everyone needed protection and these are the most vulnerable people they owed to him said. fail to take appropriate measures to protect them or the opposite corrido they minimize the significance of the coronavirus and then tried to pretend it didn't exist and that doesn't work we need responsibility we need accountability so that we can protect the public in this doesn't happen again new york state so i have a 6000 people die and nursing homes and i don't have facilities and that doesn't include deaths in hospitals the state governor facing scrutiny for his handling of the crisis and insists no nursing homes were forced to take in kind of patients.
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the obligation is on the nursing home to say i care take a covert positive person i'm too crowded i'm too busy i don't have enough people whatever the answer is doesn't matter is if they say i q take the person they take the person the last box of backlashes earlier in march the new york department of health released an advisory on nursing homes in which it was stated that they should not deny residents admission in case of confirmed it 19 infection well into this controversial directive over 4500 patients recovering from corona virus was sent to new york nursing homes but according to the health department the real number could be far higher we talked to money her last a lawyer and former candidate for new york city council she say's nursing home shouldn't be blamed for following guidelines you know i think this is really one of the worst decisions made in this and then. it's not rocket science i mean why would
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you say barbel seniors actually were very sick are where it's you know it's an environment where the disease are all higher you know and why would you do that. you know so i think that you know me. you know pretty pretty generic and i. want answers from that also it's really disingenuous because now you have lamey nursing homes. for following his own interactive you know if you're going to lose your license has just your chances aren't. really going. to move to defend his country's health care system the italian ambassador to sweden has criticised the nordic countries state epidemiologist for saying stockholm should have done better than italy. we had really thought that in a modern wealthy society in sweden we should be able to protect our elderly we
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thought it didn't need to be like china and perhaps even italy where they have less resources for this but that we shouldn't the society be able to manage this better the challenge of good 19 is not a football game nor the losing turns in the stone soup of the victory of the team it is a common generational challenge to guarantee everyone's health since the start of the pandemic sweden has chosen not to impose strict lockdown measures shops restaurants bars and schools have remained open while self isolation and social distancing are encouraged but not enforce so far monk nordic states sweden has been hit the hardest in terms of deaths per 1000000 meanwhile travel bans across europe are set to ease by summer persuade may end up being excluded from the so-called northern european travel bubble sweden's labour's all declared strict lockdown measures in march and are concerned about reopening their borders to sweeney i
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certainly do not believe that it is the case that one should wait to open the border to germany until just consider just a fireball to open the border to sweden if it is not safe to open the border to sweden let the swedes stay out but let the germans come norway denmark and i seem to have managed to stabilize the situation in sweden the situation is more worrying . norway will allow business travelers from other nordic countries including sweden to enter from june the 1st the inclusion of sweet locals worried when you think about how long the whole situation. kind of fair in my opinion to at least keep it close for some time i don't think they should be to come in here you know because they do have a lot more corona and they're not as careful as we are some sort of way going on a lot of us i think it is important to take care of ourselves 1st and the number of those since that to distil house with him i think it is good that we keep the
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border closed for a while. lose good on that i think about him i just talked to a friend in sweden yesterday and she told me that their only going to start was working from home i was surprised because we are opening up now so therefore i'm a bit concerned devote opening of the border right now. punch ups in the us have seen a surge in demand for private firearms during the pandemic many of the customers appear to be 1st time buyers but shooting ranges are closed meaning there's no way to practice the legal basis for firearm possession is rooted in the 2nd amendment of the us constitution however gun control remains one of the most divisive issues in american politics with regulations varying from state to state federal laws that few limits on who can buy a gun r.t. spoke to a gun shop owner in new jersey he say's the recent level of demand is unprecedented . people are afraid of of
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a breakdown societal breakdown so there's a stronger to manage the present time people want to make sure that they obtain a firearms before the restricted in any way nothing has been like this this is unprecedented in this field and now it seems that the people on the left the liberals or the inside firing people are getting more and more into the mode of buying firearms or preparing to buying a firearm because they see that there could be a societal breakdown due to what they see in the newspapers what the media has been saying and also mass release of criminals from institutions onto the streets and people are of course fearful for their families a lot of these people they come in and they almost want to say it feels like you know it's the end of the world. society in general such as hollywood
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and of course the mass media a lot of books magazines articles show a lot of movies and a lot of stories of society breaking down pandemics zombies if you will and people love a good story and they actually see some types of parallel with this they see the. the actual virus as being so highly contagious and you know it can in some of the if so fast and they can they can see it playing out to the end. a lot of people that come in to buy a firearm from us or other gun shops are rather surprised when they can just come in and buy one and walk out the door we informed them that the actual process to purchase a firearm could take anywhere from a month up to 10 months i think a lot of people in the left going to realize that it's a lot more hard to purchase a gun than ever thought it was. i thought joining us here on r.t. and national and you'll stay on the day story by following us on social media and
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leave your comments that we're back in 30 minutes with the latest happening. is you'll be a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation the community. are you going the right way or are you being so. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the debt. or a mate in the shallows. 54
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jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to heal some air force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area rush up. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on this story for you to. right here on the news with as where you know as we always
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like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again. and i mean i'm on the phone and i use to my tongue huevos to assume. bandicoots old movie theater i. was in this way got to talk so hard not to think of the mother disappeared the moment the look of it and i know just how much and i think. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way to. the floor and the feet look out of this bill frist wouldn't have given a lot of. what i think is this is the fund that is
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a compliment. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we see me very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids oids invented america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments of.
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