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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  May 29, 2020 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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greetings and salutations from the assassination of john f. kennedy in watergate to the attacks on 911 and w m d's in iraq generations of citizens both here in the united states and around the world have been witness to lie after lie cover up after cover up that into the mix the echo chamber of social media the rise of youtube prognosticators and an entire industries built on cultivating public fear for personal financial gain and fame and is it really such a surprise or wonder that today when global world changing events take place many around the world do these events through
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a well earned skepticism so that leaves us with a very important question when does healthy skepticism turn into paranoid delusion and who ultimately gets to decide what is the important difference between the 2 since the onset of the covert 19 pandemic there has been a steady diet of healthy skepticism as well as paranoid delusion from legitimate questions regarding the violations of privacy that could arise from the mass implementation of contact tracing to the lunacy of questioning whether the virus is actually real and while many of these skepticism are a healthy response to potentially dangerous need jerk reactions by public officials or corporate stooges looking to make a buck there disaster capitalism others tragically are not instead they would fall into the world of snake oil salesmen looking to squeeze some fame and profit off the paranoia and fear a crisis can bring and it's out of those crossroads where controversy is born and today nothing appears to be more controversial. all the words and work of dr judy
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mccovey it's and can have been widely whose new book plague of corruption restoring faith in the promise of science has shot up the bestseller lists of the new york times and amazon while at the same time inspiring the flames of skepticism and paranoia on both sides of the coded 19 and vaccination debates so today let's take a trip down to those crossroads of controversy and start watching the hawks. if you want to go on a city street you want to. see the rise this. state. great city displays systemic deceptions so much. so joe welcome everybody to watching the hawks i tire over and i don't know and joining us today is the authors of one of the most controversial books released in the time of covert 99 plague of corruption restoring faith in the
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promise of science joining us today is jodi dr judy mccall but some come back and lively thank you both so much for coming on today i'd tell you guys are been a swirl of controversy a maelstrom i can't imagine what you're going through at this point. there are many. and can did you have any idea going into writing this book with that the make of it that the book would end up being published during the height of a global pandemic and become a hot selling controversial book. never imagined that never imagined this 1000 epidemic but. and we finish working on it basically in july you know this actually we released in november so getting released in april during the height of the ep and that was really remarkable we knew our book would be controversial and you know this is our 2nd book together or a previous one was published in 2014 it was. very popular but no reaction in the
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mainstream press really thrilled that that has gotten this kind of reaction and we're hopeful that we get people to read science and i you know that's the thing is i want to when i was able to have you both on the show and were able to get you on the show you know you guys about a lot of critique so i want to ask you about some of those things that people have laid at your feet saying hey this is not true or have accused you of essential reading up and causing problems in dogma coverts in the book as well as in the interview for him in every did for the documentary terror documentary plan demick one of the many viewpoints that a lot of medical experts and publications are taking issue with was your assertion that wearing a mask can get you sick in the film plan demick they are quote you are saying wearing the mask literally activates your own virus or getting sick from your own reactivated coronavirus expressions and if it happens to be sars cope to than you've got a big problem now as i said many scientists doctors and media outlets have unequivocal he stated that there was no evidence to support your claim i want to
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ask you how do you respond to their criticism. the act. that is now critically starting with hiv it's not just your various coronaviruses that you may have. i way of vaccines over over you and i as as they may be used to grow the back. down annual flu vaccine. around and you also have 80 percent of your viral is indigene is late leaping dormant byron says and when you immune suppress the mask immune suppresses media it suppresses your memory. responses their publications on mash it causes a after wearing a while like. lactic acidosis you're breathing actually back your c
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o 2 you're depriving yourself of oxygen and this is immune suppressive activates those dormant viruses those 8 percent and your return to work or your very sight in time storms that are attributed to these stars coronavirus to. point on. the mask and the immune suppression the lack of vitamin d. i respond that there's decades of science supporting what i said and many investigators around the world since that time at provided me published paper after paper saying you're exactly right after this. thing that would like i mean is that something that could occur you know when someone just puts on a mask to go to the grocery store and back or is this something that could occur over a long term i mean you know is there like a time frame he was that's it's pretty incredible if you where this thing is going
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to stick or you know is that something people are going to experience just going back and forth to their store when they do put on the mask or is this something that like over time you're going to see something like that. not only not. over. you know in young people. or. very people who are among the grim. in. been. tracked down. or in the worst or 4th in. the area who. is still watching the grim act. or think. they are. right. along the border.
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but like for our. children. in america have as i have. i know. where men are insisting. that. all men yours is. the man who got you. can your book and dr mike of its claims have been used by many in the key one on movement and many supporters of president trump and other politicians to excuse major political failure and actions that allow kobe 19 to claim so many lives should people be using you and dr make it work to excuse the failures a politician. you know i really don't know how to answer that what we try and do it is follow where the evidence goes and you know as far as it being that coming from the political motive i just point out the fact that robert f.
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kennedy jr it wrote the forward to our book so you know i kind of say you know there's nobody more democratic than robert f. kennedy jr judy is compelling it's holly area it's lean on political i'm tend to be more conservative but this is certainly like and everybody on board approached i know i don't think that it's the left or right but i think it's just trying to get to the truth. or imagine and do about it cause us that they're going to see a lot of people kind of jumping on saying like oh i want to take what this person is saying and kind of politicize it in the moment is to excuse x. y. and b. you know that's why you know you see that happen a lot across the board in here you know it's interesting one more fascinating parts of the book article which you accuse the age or just the d.o.j. on the f.b.i. of destroying your career and your reputation how exactly did these agencies tarnish you and your work and do you have the evidence to back up this because things. that we have on the nuclear or $401.00 can say that in.
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our opening scene in the opening where i was you know falsely arrested for refusing to cover up the raw data data proof of our surgeons over you know our work of the past decade showing how heavily contaminated the blood supply was with mouse related and contagious cancer causing viruses monkee cancer causing viruses dosed papers were published piece the publications be inflammatory those cytokine storms we see in kobe those career of more than 50 patients spirit being exactly the mechanisms of how these things because diseases so that they carry out and when i did. or cover up we suggest explain these data the journal science has literally went on a 2 or 3 year which on to 1st of all i was falsely arrested in november of nov 18th
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of 2019 whereupon the next day the science while i'm held in jail with no bail with no possibility of bail without a lawyer without any due process for 5 days here is the journal science publishing on november 19th 2011 that in fact there were no warrants i was arrested on felony charges of being a fugitive from justice and nobody could identify a local agency either in ventura where i live or any existed in reno nevada where supposedly my crimes occurred and they that the journal reported correctly that the warrants must have been submitted by some federal agency controlling this nobody ever had a warrant yet it and i from that time on an international answer institute i was held on those it said if i stepped on and i are in a laboratory to propel arm the studies replicating our work that i would be
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arrested so i'm retore to have performed those studies to have not been able to replicate my work and in fact it's it's a character assassination and those agencies the warrants were there 2065 years later they were still there it says i'm not felony fugitive from justice and i shouldn't same warrants i should j. say those baker false charges on which my career and my life disk growing and i think there's more poor we're back in one. corner and if i can just if i can john in their own beds so i have some attorney and so you're on thin on judy's case for 10 years and. and the 'd thing that has been amazing i was at her turning but i spoke with her attorneys i've looked at all the evidence and her arrest in 2011 as without any cause you know her booking form and ventura had
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no charges and the warrant was just like he said it was she was a fugitive from justice but you have to have an underlying crime like even a parking ticket nothing like that it wasn't signed by the judge or a stamp by the university rather arena which where which where some very powerful people had previously an employee junee so and you know what we also have to say is that you spent over half a $1000000.00 on legal fees trying to get it in court her claim was how under 0 for 3 years by the by the state of nevada she has met with the f.b.i. on multiple occasions given them all the evidence has asked them to prosecute so this is not somebody who is i mean she is such a straight arrow i've known her for 10 years and you know she was the most honest person i've ever come across and i sometimes i think that i think the thank you and
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i thing i think that i got to say thank you so much for coming on today i think anybody you know people should go out check out the book make up their own come to their own conclusions but you always have to read the book 1st before you jump to conclusions the same with anything that you hear in the media supply do very much again there's a plague of corruption restoring faith in the promise of science started dr judy mike of it's and can happen live we thank you so much for coming on today. thanks for having us and. art as we go to break remember you can also start watching the hawks on demand through the brand new portable t.v. which is available now on all platforms coming up on how you bring us the latest of the nasa space x. a lot of gentlemen chavez as the latest information on the race for covert 19 vaccinations they are watching.
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we go to work so you can stay home.
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counting the cost and charting the future we depend on the good appearing to proceed it is time to assess the economic damage as the crisis and change the global economy and if there's going to be a recovery what kind. and are there lessons to be learned. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe.
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isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallowness. baltimore maryland is known for its diversity both an n.f.l. team and produces one of the best t.v. series a modern history the wire baltimore is also home to america's world renowned johns
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hopkins hospital but despite having many great traits the city has been plagued by scandal drugs and violence. the police relationship with the black community is fractured at best gun violence has overtaken much of the city and the black and blue divide couldn't be greater common ground or shared experience aren't typically things that come to mind when you think of black kids growing up in the hood and the white kids who grew up to believe them but dig deeper in the much anticipated new article 2 men from baltimore's rough and tumble east side one a young black man and the other a white cop crossed paths in an interesting way in his latest piece only a mile and a big world separated us author of the walk ins outlines his baltimore experience juxtaposed with that of disgrace baltimore police officer danny her joining us now is author and editor at large salon dot com the walk ins welcome. they want to thank you then you're going to have me thank you always
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a pleasure being so your article delves into some of the gritty it's parts of your life and upbringing in baltimore it paints a picture of life at the center of the world drugs what that environment was like for you and how you view how you were viewed by the outside world and you just suppose this with her soul who grew up not too far away but had what you describe as a system that traditionally wards mediocre whiteness yet he had a tragic downfall where you excelled what do you attribute this to. the system you know everything that had it against me he kind of the head point for him so you know so my son my son a fair street one side of history could argue over you can go to jail for. up in the street and on his side. if he was going to jail or if you got if you got a lot done a lot of times people go to prison. discipline you where you have a clean record and then when they do you can be. like me. you know it's interesting
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because because i think just so people understand is what kind of a guy was her soul was a colleague what was he charged with what was he convicted of like who was this guy . so as crazy because talking to his family and talking to his friends i think that he was a regular police officer type of police officer who would knock a couple of people off and before people want to streets maybe studio $50.00 maybe to $100.00 of us but it wasn't something like that with these guys probably going to trace task force and then he started working on a way to teach is that you are. actually still real money if you want to knock you over that he. was looking 410-152-0000 i was so easy like a he's shown your record. to be a part of a criminal enterprise the hidden. kind of bad to use the bass to go out and commit crimes and the christening of the backlash in the aftermath of all this is
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a lot of people said oh this is that it was bad it was and as i always say if it's a few bad apples you know where all these great cops out here seem to friends are doing and i said anything to the fed statement you know there's a good side to go through great pains describe ursule a former baltimore police officer turned convicted felon you humanized him in many ways in the our you know in the piece you also outlined the abuses police regular pose they're threatening behavior as you mentioned they are lawful searches at one point you mention a cop telling you that you were nothing nothing how did these exams that i was personal how did this experiences shape the lens with which you saw and in choosing to write this article and what you saw. you know screams even if you accept because i could not write this article early in my career oh god now though i've been around enough and a lot of conversations with officers millions from thai officers i'm going to
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chance to really look at my own life evolved journey through the lens of a guy you know just when. you know i'm out of stuff so looking back at it i think that it. early in my career what i wrote about a police officer is i didn't even think about it here because they weren't here many were because of how to treat me and are friends now that i'm older and i have more experience as i have to really have to realize that. the same way things happen to me they're force me to make bad decisions and do bad things it's kind of similar to saying things that happened to them to force them to make bad decisions or do bad things it's like i've got the luxury of being a scholar of these different books and traveling to all these different places and studied different things maybe if you know that i'm that senate he gets a pass of what he did because i still feel like it's a terrible person but maybe academically if he was to be able to have some of the
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experiences that i head then maybe the way he put their black the way he looks at black people would be different the way to look at his job in himself in the context of what he's actually here to do would be different and he probably would be in general no. andy i've read this piece now probably 3 times and i think why reveal it and it's amazing quite revealing and you didn't you weren't speaking for like that out of out of corners you dug deep speaking about your own experience and participation in the drug game what was your motivation for including that part. because i think as a narrator it gives it gives me more credibility to be able to talk about you know i'm not perfect i'm not a perfect person and i can sit on my perch you know because i sit back and i work with these young people and i do just really good work i can't sit back and act like i've never done the wrong things so people need to know what ok well he's
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making mistakes and he didn't realize the error of his ways and he works really hard to change that and. the difference between a person is that he still he's he's a gentleman right now. still writing letters to the local newspaper the bottom of the sun some of them that he's innocent even though the mountains and mountains of evidence a lot of which are south are certain he's guilty and that's just a difference of people who need to know where i was coming from and. so he can really understand why i'm qualified to make these are you know we got a little bit of time what with her so was arrested the entire family based on a young rappers youtube video he used his power to attack the black community unlike most cops he actually didn't get away with it and 20 or 2 years we mentioned he was convicted and sent to prison for schemes to rob people and cut drug deals and other crimes was this a level for police accountability was there any accountability that came away from from his arrest and incarceration. absolutely 0 at the for the very bottom of the
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consent decree so this is like the big huge federal police reform that put into cities to be needed to change to bring about change and herschel actually join your kind of the country's taskforce where he learned how to steal money and over time in a more effective while we were under consent decree so they absolutely positively marked nothing. while. he did this in reform. one glad that you planned that out because a lot of people assume that once somebody gets arrested if you can get to that point where there is a conviction when there are you know crooked cops out there that that is something we should hang our hats on because that is a move towards accountability i like that you pointed out that there are still some significant issues associated with that as well. what do you feel is what they're going to be moving forward to where does all this go forward. as it as it
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stands right now there's no way for it to go forward because the same system is continuing to eat a self we have the same leadership speak and used the same way with the still saying things like oh wow cops are mostly good there's a bad apple. no you know i guess the great comedian chris rock if you want an airport and he said most about pollen and good he does have some bad apples you can't really want it. you know sometimes you can have bad apples and people aren't really and then on approaching the truth and not thinking about the truth in the truth is the department is the best and needs to be. done and the would lead to change and so you dig up the roots of those problems you're going to continue to see the same thing and that is that is not also our i've already got breath already present police officers from is not a man i am not is not just baltimore that cities across the united states of america thank you so much for the good work you do d. it's very important people learn these things always a pleasure sir. thank you you guys have
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a blast all right everybody that is our show for you today remember one in this world we're not told but we love them up so i tell you all i love the robot and i'm amazed keep on watching those talks have a great day and night everybody. you cannot be both with the yeah you like.
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you know what's a clip of shoulders you know yesterday. i was good but the way it's always at the k. it was a historical moment. not so you need a new media was helpful today they can put us in the movie at the point put up by the smithsonian national news open to get into the computer at the iowa. city they have a yes long the. e.f. up. ah no team no crowd. no shots no. action to help speed up. when the wells dry
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no arrests were. points your thirst for action. has changed many american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. based drugs the people who are chronic pain patients believe that their opioid prescription is working for them on the remedy be sent to the price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isn't scientifically justified and i'll study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term.
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arrest if you have a problem figuring out where you're from mere trump and you ain't black they don't have to do a job that i have to do with the fact i watched big sure my community former vice president. by racially charged damn a radio show and wait until you see how one prominent media member has excuse the remark because it was held out in. their head that 1000 people died and all you did was try to help your friend the president a full scale blow up and meltdown and see n.b.c. squawk box to co-host british their respective boiling points and the overflow is.


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