tv Eat the Press RT May 29, 2020 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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he will start freaking out in t. he will let us bring him anywhere near thousands of breeding dogs caged in the interview lane conditions on the phone i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. because you . know it's 2 kids. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even giant a good businesses are involved like ogling mom santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with
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dogs don't buy dog. hello everyone let's take a look at today's menu to see what word certainly go up on the breast if you have a problem for going out with your for a mere drop and you ain't black they don't have to do a job it have to do with the fact i was not big for my community former vice president joe biden who makes a racially charged gap on a radio show and wait until you see how one prominent media member has excuse the remark because it was a proposal to help out in full down their head i said i understand that 1000 people died you know and all you did was try to help your friend the president a full scale blow up and meltdown on c n b c squawk box as to co-host british their respective boiling points and the overflow is a must see jeffrey lord joins us to discuss the president signs an executive order aimed at ending bias against conserved. as on social media actor and producer kevin
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sorbo will weigh in people should not be walking around with masks were the mask mask basque yes it's all about the mask the media wants you to wear them but what happens when one of their own is caught masculists biggest say they're just around nobody's where and i'm nobody's ever going to government yeah. i'm steve malzberg let's eat the breast. oh yeah oh. yeah but. all right folks you could add to all that coming up on the show the arrest of a c.n.n. reporter while he was live on the air we will get to that a little bit later now you might be wondering what might have prompted a presidential candidate former vice president joe biden to make his you ain't
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black remark well never fear emma said he sees andrea mitchell has his excuse campaigning for his basement or back of course has its drawbacks to nannying by the retail politics he relishes and he can get dressed to go like this miss to help with lady i was shot i mean the crowd last week if you have a problem figuring out where you're from mere trump and you ain't black yes you see he was rusty that's all that thing to see here can you imagine a president trump had said something like that oh boy they never stop now on thursday the president signed an executive order he issued it he's trying to he says stop big tech and social media from the bias that he believes they exhibit towards conservatives i will have more on that coming up but have you been keeping up with the president's twitter tirade if you will against m s n b c host and former congressman joe scarborough. well the president wants an
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investigation into the death of a scarborough in turn back in 2001 the coroner had ruled the woman had passed out and hit her head and then died now none of this is sitting well with the media some of whom can't contain their t d s mr president i have you seen the letter that was written by her husband begging twitter to delete your tweets talking about how hard it's been for his family for hannah i hear what i'm sure that ultimately they want to get to the bottom of it and it's a very serious situation and as you know there's no statute of limitations so it would be a very good death very good thing to do. he doesn't have the guts to say that because he is just a little man despite his girth and size ok now you know that you expect that from anderson cooper i guess but doesn't buy the cooper or anyone that back in 2003 when m s n b c hi joe scarborough by the way full disclosure i was scarborough's filin on scarborough country for a year there's a by the anybody that he was yucking it up on the radio with imus talking about the
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murder of that in turn watch would tell me what i do you think will know you're doing great damage don't be afraid to be funny because you are funny and i was a virgin and i ask you why you want to congress your son did of sexually in turn and how to kill one i mean this of russia you know it's pretty risky just because you couldn't do it where do you go to do well did anybody write letters back then was the family upset then when the wounds were fresh nobody said boo and she just what you would expect and then this past wednesday there was a monumental blow up and smack down on c n b c squawk box co-host joe kernan and andrew ross sorkin who are at the opposite ends of the political spectrum weeks of differing points of view during the coronavirus and how it affects the economy let's head this go i just i'm sorry now you're not no you're not joe i'm sorry ok go ahead with the news you panicked about the market panicked about kovi panicked about the ventilators panicked about the
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p.p. panicked about never going out again panic and you need to turn to back to normal so if you didn't panic about it what good it was it really didn't help how can people jockey their head i said i understand that 1000 people diageo and all you did was try to help your friend the president get about i don't think arguing to go sell your stocks you know as if i was how you have back people's lives we understand people's lives and who gets a hold of a pandemic news i'm begging you to do the news there is a global pandemic in you and we now by any standards that. was wild and that was a long time coming. and joining us now is columnist commentator former reagan administration official and author of swamp wars jeffrey lord jeffrey welcome back sara you were of course a contributor at c.n.n. and you've been around a long time now how does a confrontation we just saw on squawk box right. man i've seen i've seen
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worse than that but that was that was just not good and you know i have a column that's going to come out at news busters tomorrow and andrew ross sorkin talks in there about the 100000 deaths you know what they're not talking about apparently he's not talking about it what the media is not talking about they're not talking about all their predictions back in march that millions of americans were going to die millions i mean i've gone back and looked it up anywhere from 500-0022 point 2000000 the new york times the washington post c.n.n. ran a story on this on and on and on they went well now it's hit the 100000 mark which suffice to say i mean it's horrific but is it 2200000 no but they're not going to mention that they just do you know down the memory hole yeah and they've been waiting it seems to me for this 100000 plateaus so they could now blame it on trump
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officially and they are doing that but let me move on to something on friday you know we go to the killing here of joy of george floyd in minneapolis and the riots that took place on a thursday night on friday morning police actually arrested c.n.n. reporter omar jimenez and his team while he was live on the air watch. why why am i under arrest. hard. to believe ok. all right well they were released an hour later the governor of minnesota apologized to c.n.n. parent lee the police say that they were asked to move from that location and did not what's your take on that well i quite obviously he was in the middle of a live shot and you know i i have this thing about freedom of the press call me crazy but that is very disturbing to see police officers like that arrest
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a reporter a journalist period let alone in the middle of a live shot when it's perfectly obvious. you know what he is and what he's doing is just totally totally unacceptable i mean it could be c n n today it could be fox or somebody else it could be used even i mean this is wrong and you know good for the governor for apologizing but you know there's something going on in minnesota i don't know what's in the water there but you've got these cops that killed george floyd who had a considerable reputation according to fox news for all kinds of problems in their past why would these people still on the police force and then you see this kind of thing i mean whoever is running the police whether it's the marrow of minneapolis or the governor of minnesota they need to get a grip on things all right and sticking with c.n.n. for a 2nd your old home i want you to take a look at c.n.n.'s brooke baldwin john thursday she was interviewing a city councilman from minneapolis and about the georgia floyd death and she broke
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down watch how would you know there are so many emotions as i'm sitting here listening you know i'm having my own i'm surprised at my own how motions along on t.v. with you but i have just as a as a white woman aware of my own privilege in this country i am so angry. and i can't even being can. forgive me. ok we've got less than 30 seconds she lost on the white privilege i mean if you're going to get emotional breakdown over what you saw in that video but throwing in the white privilege what do you think yeah i would disagree with there i know where i sent her a note when she was when she got the virus she's been cooped up but i just but yeah politically speaking certainly i disagree with that comment no question yeah all right jeffrey thank you very very much i appreciate it as always good to see you my friend you bet steve stay well. yes you too
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i mean the cost in charting the future would depend on the computing to proceed it is time to assess the economic damage is the crisis change the global economy and if there's going to be a recovery what kind. and are there lessons to be learned. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies too in every state in the united states we've seen very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids. invited america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes at their dose after dose if your dose and really became his
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drug dealer so who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments. and welcome back you know a week ago president trump proclaimed that it was time for churches and other religious institutions to really open immediately also said he would override any state that refused his directive as you might have expected the media was none too happy about it not at all and artie's entire week is here to show us the proof. yes steve i mean to be frank the mainstream media's coverage of president donald trump calling houses of worship essential was nothing short of disgusting from saying prayer doesn't work against the virus to say the move was only political the media had a heyday trying to tear down the president. during this historic pandemic the
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president made a declaration colleen for churches to reopen some governors have deemed a liquor stores and abortion clinics is essential but have left out churches and other houses of. worship snow right and in a present. in any was defending the president against a room of reporters attacking the announcement of the president will strongly encourage every governor to allow their churches to reopen and boy it's interesting to be in a room that desperately wants to seem to see these churches and houses of worship stay close to see if it's not safe because the president is going to occur that the president talked to remarks to the people we jeff it is safe to reopen your churches and you do so in accordance with the guidelines which are laid out and miss in b.c. highlighting a doctor who not only insults the president but faith as a whole the correspondent even snickering take a listen constitutional law specialist sense scrambling in figuring out how exactly he can override individual state governors the fire is not only just it was
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fun to play the amateurish. here c.n.n. of course also jumping on the bandwagon immediately with a panel of never trumpeters when let's talk gloria about why the president is doing this and why he's seen political opportunity here and this pandemic if you're trying to make this into a faith based. plan here versus those who have no faith that's absurd but something gloria must have forgotten while the 1st amendment does protect freedom of speech as the president clearly celebrates via twitter the 1st amendment also protects freedom of religion c.n.n. also questioning if the move would essentially kill people i have not heard a single public health experts say this is a good idea and that this will not result in people getting sick and dying now you would have thought the president was closing churches not asking they were open by
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all the negative coverage steve but then when he put himself in danger of taking the drugs he couric when in the eyes of the media they blasted him for putting himself in danger and by not going to church that saying he's keeping himself out of danger he just can't wait to touch it thank you very very much appreciated. ok we now welcome in actor director producer and co-author of a great book true faith there it is on your screen kevin sorbo also has a great new documentary before the wrath we'll get to that later kevin thanks for joining me very good to see you sir it's good to see you again too stephen thanks for having me on appreciate it. my pleasure before we get to the church i think that the touch we're just talking about that's a huge issue i just want you to weigh in i know you're from minneapolis and what's going on there with of course that the tragic death of george floyd and i want you to watch this video of the c.n.n. crew being arrested today while live on the air here it is. why why am i under
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arrest. charged. over time can go on what's your take on that in particular you know it's it's ridiculous i mean no matter what news crews it is what if they're not in the way if they're doing their job let them do their job for crying out loud so you know my home state i tell you it's getting worse and worse and become more want to choke or new all it's time to get the craziness that states the craziness of the mayor they have the right now but governor i mean it's just sad to see that state so far left and so crazed with the way they're treating people in the way that this mayor is now reacting anything to what the riots going on and you know god bless them sammy i mean that man those police i'm sorry those guys have to go to jail i mean everything i've never seen more proof of violence towards anybody black or white and but obviously at this hour and yet and us turn into something that's really horrible it's really sad. i'm a p.b.
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a man of the year have formerly a new york city i'm proud to say and i've i've never seen anything like that are let's let's move on comment when you see the media reaction to the president calling for the reopening of churches or religious institutions you know there's a political story claiming it was all about falling poll numbers here c.n.n. claims he's talking that the base it just never ends what you said earlier doesn't matter what he does or what he says if he even does things that the left would even agree what they're not going to be with and on ami air the media wants to control everything with this whole ayers thing going on as well it's all about fear it's about controlling us controlling everybody and they're doing a darn good job of it aren't they and then they're closer just who cares of the churches are all over the churches are not going to be idiots about this why is it safer to go into a grocery store to go in to have targets are going to walmart wise and save for their i mean do they think they're going to attack the churches so it's so soul that they want people to get sick of course they don't you know we were turning
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into a total secular a gnostic atheist country let alone the world and that's sad to me you know because you know the churches have done wonders for everybody around the world little america you can think of pretty much every hospital they sent from church to from people who are in space and of course the liquor stores are open but the churches can't be open let me let me let me move on to this is the president signing the executive order that he hopes will end discrimination against conservatives on these these platforms on social media this after his tweets on mail in ballots were flagged by twitter they also flagged his tweet after the riots thursday night late friday more friday morning i want to go to i just want to get your opinion because you're you're very big on twitter you tweet all the time. you know what are they up to what does twitter think they're going to get away with here. well you know as well as i do it's all about control once again and it's the hypocrisy just bleeds
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through but they don't care and we're just like politicians they can lie and say whatever they want they do not care it doesn't matter what they say and what comes out of the mouse they'll just tonight later elicited at me as sailors and certainly twitter and facebook i've been banned from there for things i posted and you me you'd be shocked at the things up i think i posted one time that i went to israel had a great time and i got banned 3 months despite that so i'm going. to go after people that they know arks are conservatives you know right leaning people it's and it's blatant it's obvious you know up there in soccer or as guys can say all they want but they want to control everything out there right now i'm not saying we have to worry about the election coming up as well because they're there so there's. you know there's going to be there's going to be a lot of a lot of illegal voting go on our i couldn't agree with you more and the president as well i recently you tweeted this speaking of twitter what the hell is going on
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in our nursing homes and you know i just want to you showed a video of a 1 of the people getting punched it was a case in detroit where somebody got a 20 year old with a virus was in the nursing home planting a 75 year old patient in new york governor cuomo let order that sick people with the corona virus go into nursing homes we've got almost 6000 dead in new york nursing homes that he have blood on his hands or is he going to get a pass through the media on this governor cuomo yeah and cuomo as a republican in the conservatives he would be he'd be out already they were got him out of that office already once again the hypocrisy is there and it's it's horrific what's going on there is forensic that these beatings are going on. these people to rush to court as well been brought to justice and you know we live in a very i mean with the virus going around you look at the riots going on many outlets right now this has more to do than want to happen to that poor man. i mean what happened you know what was unforgivable but you see that i think the 2 loot
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and to destroy the public and private property as we saw this and this is happening for you know baltimore and ferguson has happened before we need to get a handle on them one percent of cops are bad most cops are good people we know that but there's bad apples in every business correct and it's unfortunate that ass things have to happen but you're here and you're a hero we are. and when you hear people like don lemon and others blame trump for the death of george floyd what goes through your mind they're going to blame him for everything it's it's it's so it's so petty it's so childish these people all of these people deal in anger it's all they deal with they i look at all these writers out there and i think the vast majority of them don't have an opinion either way i'm sure they've i hope they feel bad about what happened what happened to to this gentleman but it's sad to find out that so many of these people just have anger and their anger issues are directed towards whatever the virus right now that maybe
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they don't like their lives in the way that i just turned out but there's a much hate monger out there right now and this is their way you know probably dining out that frustration but destroys people's businesses destroyed people's life or tries people are saying this is going to be the virus and now that we're going back in self defeating it it's their own neighborhood and it's going to ruin their neighborhood they did it it's crazy you have a documentary out you narrate it here's a short clip from the trailer of before the wrath. because there were some of the people putting up little bits and pieces of this again there's got to be a better. the bible talks about it as being a mystery but why does the rapture have to happen what's the point to it all the galilean would have understood that perfectly clear that he felt everything in this town i never thought i would give my life. this is the moment found calvary in human history kevin we're going to have to leave it as a tease where can people go to see that documentary. because of the wrap dot com go
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right down there and check it out they've got to go to amazon it was the number one documentary i was on for 3 straight weeks it's amazing documentary serious occasional for what's going on in the world right now this is a documentary that well really light a light that breaks faith and hope and redemption to look at because we need those segments of our lives right now ever. sort of oh thank you so much thank you very much you just caught me at a workout i just finished working out sorry i wasn't dressed up as good as you are yet you know what a great you look great like hercules say every much they care. and folks as you practice social distancing while wearing your mask remember the mixed message messages that we've received over the past few months right now in the united states people should not be walking around with masks you're sure of it because people are listening really you know closely to the right now people should
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not be what does no reason to be walking around with a mask. and of course that message to change that now master required for most activities in most places like at this grocery store on staten island in new york. and that was this past week as was this criticism of president trump on a.b.c. i mean also continues to not wear a mask in public he's out golfing his campaign is sending make america great signs along beaches where it's hard enough to keep people apart this can't be helpful do as i say not as i do is a very very useful to reinforcing what the doctor just said ok now notwithstanding what you just heard the republican governor of ohio has this take on masks this is not about politics this is not about whether you're liberal or conservative left or right republican democrat we were the mask and it's been very clear what the
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studies are showing you where the mass not to protect yourself so much as to protect others but really isn't it always about politics for the media and how c n n's dana bash couldn't stop talking about masks but she interviewed joe biden who's trying to belittle you are wearing a mask making it seem like it's a sign of weakness a tragedy but wearing a mask has become a cultural and political flashpoint and the president is involved in that even stoking that same wearing a mask projects strength or weakness. and then there was this beauty on m.s.n. b.c. so other people there just not worried about it calor they now were. about their own personal safety. i haven't met anybody who is i can say they're just friends nobody is where i'm nobody's ever been they don't clearly government. pepper spray king images cowper airy cow thank you very much their own camera man wasn't
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wearing a mask and she never batted an eye and take a look at virginia governor northam posing for pictures at virginia beach last week and with no mask a day after urging his constituents to wear masks and 3 days before he planned on mandating it but perhaps the most hapless mass story of all comes from one of the biggest hypocrites of all although in this case it appears to to be a case of pure dumbness activists and media darling alyssa milano debuted the knitted mask complete with plenty of holes allowing all possible droplets infected with covert 19 to both enter into and exit from her face she is a sheen yes and folks that that's our show for today i want you to stay curious and say younger because the press reports sunday morning 1030 eastern time and you can check out all of our shows right now on the portable t.v.
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ad go download it right now at your app store or i sneak walls work stay safe and i'll see you next week on the breast. go next idea. because they give me too much of this did they cope with this flu is human and we said. just at home i was thinking. there's an awful lot in common i'm old but i'm also the most companies you know so i've been a kid who says you know. when i meet. his compass he will get almost came in nobody goes from getting notices to see he is pro-u. . someone down the liquidity for nothing i've also seen
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you can't be both with yeah you like. a low end welcome the cross not we're all these are considered on you love else counting the cost and charging that you sure we demand any comparing to receive it is time to assess the economic damage oh has the crisis changed the global economy and if there's going to be a recovery well crime will be and are there lessons to be learned.
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