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tv   Documentary  RT  May 30, 2020 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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gerri thinks. we should ask. in the long you know norm we can protect them with the. new free shipping them in. one of her fishy for sale and. they have a not so for the moment on the plus on any of us want and i'm going to have to have been but i mean that's a big part of. that there's a product which i could assess. this is the only thing that we do is the music and
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it's really really good it was amazing because everybody it's a long way. off and i mean i was going to die is the mcconnell so when you're both successes 5 because of anecdotal morduch to it i. was in this way down to it all so hard luck the thing and the love the diesel paid to sit there with the rock like they are. in such animals along the coast to stand by the folks decide i'm going to be a total public comment also the county. kind of in most of the time none of us to
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have said. let's stop. this war is a bit more but on that i'm not going to do that mike and i'm not. like that once i'm sitting there going on the kindest way. says i did it. because i have all the troops of the bubble to the back so it doesn't that i'd limit on the night that they've been this bad unless. it was some time ago that the day group chose this square in which to dance but this is a pair particularly challenging simply 10 up to me say i'm a guy but syria is different even in latakia where there was no street to street fighting during the war people seem to have conflicting feelings about performance place like that. no not because they're on the game it's easier to face with the numbers of various jobs market canal street because it can get
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a name like dogs or foreign firms up saying look i'm i'm going about libya and i'm pretty sure it was me trying to let you know when caught in the wouldn't believe me and d.c. is very very successful investor mr. miller will ask to be in the center of the 1st of 3 homes or must be those about either of them that there are about the new theory or the others of who are going to sit up for them to see that. the last time i just did it was the sign of the listed in a moment to call in the end of the lesson time and. i'm all boy i said i'm just some other corner and. i want to laugh and point. out that the finale on
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the see this is. just one more frightening stuff on the power of. course about the whole and none of this may be listening. to see on the high in a pub on a massive. been mislead the lowest common niceness you find when it's a scot it implicitly sponsored by you know lebanon was a lot of and this is on a lot who can help us with school missing i'm about to head to head plasma school and they could. be cool enough to sit on it at somebody and they could finally see . how long was just to be that a time with my dad is here. how those who didn't work on couldn't no one pass out here that we. were born with has made a stand with my eyes and say that's pretty. candid.
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says i had this is that i. musta had no one must seem out of debt ceiling listening to you seem a bit too young i need acid in the. distraction the 1st 3rd video that we made this is. a lot different from the 1st 2 would stir just like dancing in the streets and the fact you the video is mostly about the journey of growing up of being a more mature and i see that this guy is actually my favorite character of video because he's not fighting against external thoughts he's not fighting this idea as much as do the fighting and so the ideas that have been planted in his head if you look at those 3 i think you don't get any same is not actually the same today say it is just meant anything you can see here and when they go if they sell through mash. this saw. it's like you know.
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the name that is that's needed so then by oh no. it's a matter but it's as if. it's about yourself to do with you alone through what the site is or what the other people think is the every one of us has a dream like. i want to do this but what would my parents say what would the scientists say what would they everyone say so we always have this idea in mind that no matter what you want since it go ahead and do it this is. at 1st appear
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before the society is a day to actually need to take the 1st step. and. this is an evolution the thing that i think it would. get this is. the focus. of the body the idea that this is the. and then the money that is he says. that he has he met because he that he and. that's the nickel on the head is this a but they did. the on the on the high.
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school mostly economy. is on me on. this issue. the one at the soldier and his around the same became famous for the sculptures and frescoes they created in the tunnels of east that were recaptured from militants he works in live sprites here and the chip on neighborhoods which saw the fiercest battles to control of the capital city. and those over the how do. you move. the server. let's say from home when the man on the floor will be civil. and. all.
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3 to have the powder. up there before you have been wrong before next what is the concept. that it's in the. museum and how to believe it would all come out of a paul a gun from us a look into the hood of my 7 year old woman sitting. there she will be up there and if you fall a little bit up to cut them up above the muck let them alim a city. to. me you. did the deed and. the bonus with. the reality of the feet the cliff you met the defeat the cure for. all the lincoln much. better for love only in the last week of this week massaging. yet we do the
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little show and say i am a faulty as she used to sit and watch as you started to see. the cliff and met the anyone. in the cafe while he's off by someone in need of it at the movies would do that and that deals with the rule of law. that are not at all clear at least my. i love the last. 3. i'm doing doubt that need a fitness that made an official hobo you know it would be a month before the annual a shipping month and ship last. i don't want to go through my last movement also settles and then the scheme of every day. has allowed a month but i mean we'll be out of food food nor eaten she dead yet before it's all but
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a day. nor are there to be if you don't want to clean my mouth when not going nowhere . at all that the neemo can suffer you but does minimal assistant. i know i had that much for a while and. then been in that sense and fairness of all false comfort and emotional referred to as to them to look at that to them and had cemented and i meant it away it will demand just enough of the want of of will to show the use the main to be someone to. be i think it s. not downside i not resume them in their position if then it was only then that i left most of the. snow on and off this month not. bad montanus my mom be addicted and it was all my lay no. doubt that highly in the opinion of a dream she told me and out of. her stomach i made it off with a. mark. my death and had to endure it all from so that i'm going to start going
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also for the suit and faced with the following shredder i could live off of. a set of hard to see. and about that it will settle at the let me say that at least the shaft of the said it a season more a character than me because i don't keep. books. that make me yes no look you ladies you are not new in your shoes but they get the full sun from moon and no income and then you're down. on a dime and you know once you have the money in a dump that all of them can said plus with them at the top of prosecuting for no way would get done $1.00 that began in senate last kerry packer i'm. not. going to run from this analysis but i will need to learn how my gun.
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is going to look nothing like that of a whole people who want to get it i'm going to talk with. mr. jimmy from school system how much it's valid to give me a sense of how sort of sense you want to i'm not a big list of boston. montes khaled el hotep international memorial awards are now open for entries all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global news platform to participate in sunday published works and video all
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written for much go to award dot altie dot com and then to now. live in live give me too much fuss did they call a couple good lithium and we said. just that. out loud. there's an awful lot in common i'm old but i'm also the most companies he knows i've been a good who succeeded their ways not emotional when i meet. his compass he must get almost home pianist even though he goes from getting notices to c.b.c. has put oh you little trickle. in with them and i'm going to hit a thief honest enough to see livin in the middle you i don't like kind of the most beautiful. little kid is he kills him medical confit always stay in this hell
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bundle them i'm not going to tell your list to undo no money shoulder you can see it says no no men because here. we go to work so you straight home.
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so couple before they. was like he was there was like gulf oil would. they put. there were times over he's it's close they're real after that's so it's like. it's like living on bits. you had several is a dense happened with acquaintances and even the friends they were convicted they
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were. they were also a lot of money to to get them back most of the cases they were killed. after that saw i mean. you have a mutiny and you don't want to or. you don't want to listen these stories anymore because it's hurts his you deep inside and so it's it breaks the things in your soul you reach of time you don't point because everyone has been into even the people who were there were cops all bits and body language in a different level. i was married for like 10 years and my life was going very good or very beautiful and in one day everything. it has destroyed. ok it's not very i raised as you can see living in the now by myself you have days for months all over the place.
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to have and we have fallen missing. you know on incidents that's happening and stealing and the feeling was spread all over the place so my wife wanted to ask for travel outside and. i didn't want the last thing i thought of or about as you see is the working 11 months after the 5 years you know that it's. nothing when nothing would. i have tried to close your eyes travelled through levanon couple of finds fulfilled her. actually i don't blame her. choice for self to be safe and she wants to live another life i want to stay here what i think is this is the time that is our country needs us.
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around my. biggest void the very best of it is not you because it is. all over this of course now we are trying to fix everything it was very difficult for us most of us have been what it would be. and just when you lose it looks like curtains and when it's down there isn't actually eat it we have enough lost all our friends would like good getting all things. if you get out all right. well actually the problem that we have in if we have to have. to replace some
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pieces because and if we have some broken. parts of it i have to build it here in syria actually there are some companies they don't sell they apologize as a story we have sanctions and we can't sell. the manas hardly ever it's after teaching at the institute in repairing instruments for the operatic he has to go into 2 different fashions keep pace with 2 orchestras under 2 bands so there's hardly ever a musical event into mascot's without him involved most of the instruments i have made i use it in my my concerts this is my what are called my personal sound just so this is i've done it like it before 2535 years. this is a little called used for building you know all those things. as
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a little bit. it has a bit. harsh and aggressive sound. but it is a matter in 2 parts in drama and the door is the main his main job is dog. for a. living for a living and that might be those it plays only that he loves music or the. movies his own project is working music. well it's just. that the world's.
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only think that we do is music and it's we could just go to music because everybody fights this way. because of what we get or the area is i was going to the number so. this is my palookaville i'm on there now is conducting the jazz syrian state and jazz orchestra it was a massive area traveled outside because of the the situation in syria and then he came in fact very few. of us had a white guy and i had most to get on to magic thomas and that companion the comment
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that muslim got in a stand notice out of south as also the good health and. washington post i. mean please move. the. ball about 234 to you on the plans to set syrian cotto license plates but the countries face just one concept since before the war began. on the frequent on a war between my own. cards one took to know what i'm sure you know if you're in the water you know woman. you know we were shown.
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around can the whole thing make it. to the modern was a. good way to lose it. the focus of a movie is going to kill. us yeah he erakat tough. thinking you're here because of the beaver filmmaking and that becomes a little bit so if you think it's just you can also expose how. it's going to school girls look like. the physics of oral. sex got a mocha thought it and counting the. about of tell me how it's law. can it with us if i have been the best. hockey mom of the it would be i mean if. she had to not part of the mother was the last minute of. how that got about them i
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was someone who would have to be i mean is it. about those the support of my own way of going into my shoe at home is a cause i have to. give them as i'm trying to get their minds behind it might be him to see it be him. so if not then i wouldn't use of the like but then none of us would just tell us about if we would then we must move still and i doubt. that how about i would be had them a guy that had no end of tips after the stuff and the battle was out. of the lead. and i actually didn't do. that what the digital camera oh and no no and you leave it only to ship them on. what logic to you in the 909 making that the dog.
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is a has a child on the admission of this or vision of my mom you're still really cool who will become the llama goose you don't need to know how to have had enough so i had one month and then if so. then let's just see it come show either you bought. this not see if it happened and the feeling woke up. with nothing but i couldn't let you know most in all the sequel most in the as in gee there's just one little bit when we don't know the range and the almost of the soup and i will shine but only for power lines that lies in me don't think. they could only show that he had the mittens them around on the feet had a thought of. well i was in love and he had a long life i should both i wish both of them are there because i must always survive and know very little was going to square that i love the south if i should
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barack. obama isn't he if he is yeah i mean i think the island he put there to hit it had to start the fia president to share. the same. and you can talk the coffee out of his will pursue whatever. you have at the outset think about. what all of us want out of a montalban album accounting that's a big step to part of it and then i think that the product was a step. in a bigger. scheme.
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it was a clip of sold more useless. but the my it's always at the k. it was a. moment of the late. not something you. see in the media this happens today take a look. at the close to that. at the camp with the clinton that at the way i. see the. yes. yes. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air
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force base in alaska where is that to say come on i'll show you what's the reason for any type of enhanced u.s. military presence in this area russia. what is it suddenly about the south china sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have nuclear weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so that's why we're going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly it's time to do news again.


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