tv News RT May 30, 2020 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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or join us in the depths. or immediately shallows. violent confrontations with the police and buildings torched and saluting across the us as americans vent their rage for a full day over the death in police custody of george floyd. was that we got to look at the case they don't want to give us justice and they're not going to be any priest we don't hold your partner accountable this is just a. little trying to find an executive order intended he says to protect freedom of speech online as twitter flocks one of his tweets is misleading and hides another glorifying violence. from dallas to strip hong kong
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a big special status as china imposes a new security in the on the region designed to quell the protests their. pound the pandemic triggers the biggest falling global energy investment in history with more u.s. shell companies filing for bankruptcy will find out just how big an economic recession the u.s. is likely to face. hello and welcome it's 11 pm here in moscow and you're watching r.t. international with me the key aaron. now civil unrest is spreading across the u.s. as anger over the death in police custody of george floyd escalates amid looting torched buildings and protesters clashing violently with police the governor of the city of minneapolis where floyd died has announced the full mobilization of the
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national guard something that's not happened since world war 2. if they don't want to give us justice and they're not going to be any peace so much go we are tired his name was george floyd. i want i want change oh we all want change. we got white people there can still work national buildings in the state in the country's capital where yours but if they see us with a rock they can shoot us in the face with rubber bullets if they see us anything that looks like a good they're going to kill it on a daily basis. this
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is what you get when you don't hold other cops accountable when you let them kill other people when you let them kill us we don't hold your partner accountable this is it this is. on thursday night protesters set a police station in minneapolis on fire they demanded the arrest of the officer who nailed on floyd's neck before he died something that's now happens on a charge of 3rd degree murder the fate of the rest happened on the monday 3 other officers stood by as floyd was pinned to the ground by need a full most 10 minutes mr mayhem a friend of george floyd's family ses people want justice. people don't know but this is like our maybe 4th police killing in our community you know we've been peaceful you know and right now we're just we're fed up this anger that's been boiled over multiple deaths in our community so i was surprised by the reaction
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from this debt they tried to you know implement a curfew for us didn't work at all we're still angry with the angry behind that you know up 1 there were more buildings that burned down after we found out about. the 3rd degree charge it's is is it was it was definitely intentional there's actually 4 officers that's that that's involved in this crime and this act of murder we want to all to be charged with murder at least 2nd degree murder intentional because when you sit there and you have down on a man's neck for 10 minutes you know and they're screaming and tell you that they can't breathe you know what i mean. you know you're intentionally killing this mean you know people don't know they both were you know. big floor it was a bouncer at a same place where this guy was doing security at they know each other well you
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know this guy this is like his 3rd 2nd or 3rd homicide as a police officer as a peace officer you know we want the right charges to be you know present. we're not going to stop. this is not going to stop you know you can you can implement all these curfew rules this martial law all we're fed up this is and it has been well over 6 years and years and years of anger behind the senseless deaths you know we've been getting murdered in cold blood by the people that are supposed to protect us. you know what i mean. it's not it's not going to it's not going to end well you. have the fact he says he's in the us i've seen protests. on the street because he's upbeat and posted in various cities across minnesota but also in denver louisville and portland and the national gods have been pulled cold and in a number of states now looking at live t.v. william lyman f. ing us journalist he's at a protest in brooklyn new york now
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a well what's the situation like where you want. the protesters gathered here incredibly quickly i was here at the scheduled time is supposed to start with the corner of prospect park in a traditionally african-american neighborhood and within the space of minutes a crowd of what started out as hundreds suddenly expanded soon definitely well over a 1000 if i left the camera now you can see just off i stepped out of the crowd a moment to get over see a better incidence it was very noisy and and in terms of the people that we have here we have a march to germany being led as near started off as being led by members of the african-american community. in terms of the people making up this protest we have people who live in new york showing their solidarity. the police presence here at this time is relative you know i don't know if you can see but there's a there's
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a line of police just behind me there have been there's no signs of violence yet. the crowd here has every intention of marching there just giving us a series of speeches at the moment. the atmosphere here i would say is one of anger there is also a. sort of balance the of people coming together and saying enough is enough throughout this speech is that i was just listening to people who are calling the neighborhoods to push the police out calling for racial unity and all those sorts of police violence for the. people taking power in their own hands not relying on the government when it's going on that i would certainly say is the mood of the day it's people taking power for themselves. situation in new york for us as well and whiteman freelance journalist speaking life from brooklyn new york. now direction even the now former police officer who penned george floyd
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down has been arrested he was charged with 3rd degree murder charge there supplied when no intention to kill is suspected well let's cross and live to our guests now louis plays and abdul rahman walker activists from minneapolis say it's great to see you both thank you for joining us now you both took part in the protests can you tell us more about that experience. yes but before that before i'm going to speak to the people really. black lives matter. you matter. black. when i say black lives matters not to disintegrate in the other race because it's only is just to show a different colors but all because we live in different lives and we are have lives and we are. black. you see black and brown people for some reason have been
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treated different we could take it back to the 16th century we are being shipped overseas see there was this man who spoke to me in my drink he told me to follow the drink go create a skein to prevent another day it seems and that's why black last matter i mean would it matter to you if people you easily compared suki down around you similar think if you can. tell me you won't try to take this thing i'm not racist are 2nd hand and make a brain understand we both are woman in a black. because they just killed another brother again. completed check mode ready to attack those one secret say we don't matter we're not allies who matter pussy i will read a little get in the fall apart from hate. though it is a shame that i mean either way i hate every word in this home i want to watch at this moment. i want to watch some of my own people don't recognize that all of the
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mentality i have to get some cheese even if i have. you see i had a skiing in this manner my drinks only to create. another life as being it's akin the way or not to like book the way and that's why black last met a look at the day in our seats and the news. to all to tell us about the protest play kiki tallis how intense. disrespect because me i've been in a procession of protests you see the protests why don't the protests if you see. me there why is because i'm a descendant of slaves i don't witness this i don't read my history i see 400 years the protests obviously you see people are hurt people are angry people are traumatized burning you know what do i think about the protests i don't get don't know i don't get don't know me well like a police station is on fire but i don't go. i don't take it from our community you
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know but at the same time i don't could defend those people i do not to do them any party for what they are doing i understand the passion understand the great well what i do i take and i share what i just shared and you just cut me off while i was here in the home and i said last night it is disrespectful so either you got to think about yourself i'm sorry what a win in a circus is live television we're short on time with very interested in your methods hal is what needs to happen for these riots to end. everybody needs a breed i say the 1st link is to breed. let us all brain for. brain power think about our program. think about our passion. is no answer to how do. you know that is that's bigger than us but each individual out there each
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individual is waxen it's each individual this group in their life right now they need to think what is their true intent it's all about your intentions so is your heart here or is your heart and that is the answer this is a this is a fight between equally good is not color is not black and white it's not we don't we don't want to be controlled by the government there needs to be a balance between between. our college there needs there needs to be a balance between law and morality. we can't judge everything by a lot we need we need to have more rally to we need to have a balance between. what needs to happen for these to go with ok want to live like this anymore we don't want to live like this anymore the whole world doesn't want to live like this anymore any us anywhere doesn't want to be subjugated like this anymore. you know we don't we don't want thank you but you're going to stand on the
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last row internationally to me always and not to run and walk by the activists from minneapolis thank you very much to stay safe and many of the areas that have seen protests over george floyd's death have also seen significant looting he can see scenes in portland where people are emptying out an apple store. and anybody comes by over the water we know that you feel welcome and hopefully you know this will help so that they will come and destroy our property here. what is. the right way to do this to it right you know.
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pretty good stuff this so much we're going to go back down the river start a business to run it like that. but you got to see if you're going to do it you got to do it i mean marriage the civil rights attorney representing george floyd's family described to was a long standing pattern of police brutality against i think my own ethnic minorities in the u.s. . america's the deadliest police culture in the modern world there is no nation on the planet that kills in the car so it's more of his people we are in a crisis position tony ben crump and i announced this morning that we are taking these families the family of george floyd a model barry bianna taylor to washington d.c. and we want to discuss comprehensive police reform we're all screwed bringing this case before the united nations human rights council so that we can receive sanctions against the united states for its provisions and continual denial for basic human rights to the african-american community. which right now are met our primary goal is to show to ensure that the appropriate charges move forward and so
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we are not satisfied yet 3rd degree murder is an appropriate charge it means it was an accidental killing it like manslaughter the the the partner charge they they levy if i get in my car i get a drug that only intend to kill anybody but it's reckless behavior that could result in somebody's death that's manslaughter this 3rd degree murder but when i apply pressure for sustained period of time to a critical area of someone's throat. that's and it's all about foreseeability it's foreseeable that that kind of action will result in death or bodily injury so that's murder we're looking forward to speaking with the governor on behalf of the the family and encouraging him to activate the attorney general keith ellis to come in take over this in this case bring the appropriate charges and make the requisite arrests. when the family is very concerned about the safety of the public these people are standing up not only for george they're standing up for themselves is standing up for the community but they're doing so by standing up against begin one of the most brutal police forces on the planet and i don't mean minnesota i mean
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the american police force in general they only know 2 things incarceration and brutality and so they are concerned that when. interlopers come and break things and bird things that invites harm to other people's children they don't want to see that happen. protests of laos spread beyond the u.s. border with people gathering near the u.s. embassy in berlin where chanting slogans and holding signs with the phrase black lives matter it's unclear yet whether the protests was authorized another peaceful protest is being planned in london for tomorrow. nikki certain a civil rights activist says the current situation could be a spur for change. hoping that maybe with all of this able to create something new and start and so start over as much as you possibly can and maybe i'm hoping that some of these businesses that have been destroyed will be able to buy back our
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community because it's very important and. the divide finance the economic income gap in minnesota for the black families versus white families there i'm completely different scales so it's one of the worst places in the nation for african-americans to live as a result on all of the lists from anywhere of being one of the top 10 worst in the nation the middle east but a lot it sounds absolutely top 10 best places in america it's. high. earning places but it's not for us and so i'm hoping that maybe this destruction will help to level out and help bring us where we need to be in our own state and moving forward around the country because it's not just about minnesota i'm seeing atlanta i'm seeing all these other places and they're demonstrating and i'm hoping that they can create the same thing i'm hoping we can create which is the destruction and something new and something more positive and something there and reasonable where we have equity and assets and are able to inherit generational
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well so we can and this is some white supremacy that we living in. the governor of minnesota claim some of the violence is no longer about george flowing on this video you can see a man trying to burn the american flag in los angeles paul in atlanta a news outlet cnn's office was attacked by riotous. you're not in the newsroom this is from your christer job some people are laughing some people were videotaping or something on fire chris a firecracker you think you got fired. you're right you're ok the protests were dominating global media coverage on a scale of open looks at how bad coverage compares with the protests in both to more some years back. shocking put it has emerged that protesters breaking windows forging buildings and clashing with the police thousands of taken to the streets to protest against the recent killing of george lloyd by police protests have spread
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far beyond minnesota all across the country clashes are taking place across american streets. like. thank you. i thank i minnesota's governor tim walz has declared a state of emergency i am answering our local leaders request for minnesota national guard assistance to protect peaceful demonstrators neighbors and small businesses in minnesota. president trump has promised to seize control of
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minneapolis and says that there will be shooting if there is more looting the tweet was flagged and suppressed because twitter said it was more of find violence these thugs are dishonoring the memory of george floyd and i won't let that happen just to give new to mills and told him that the military's with. any difficulty and will assume control box when the looting stones the shooting starts thank you the u.s. attorney general has been deployed to investigate the actions of the officers who took lloyd's life i feel very very badly it's a very shocking sight bill and i were talking about it before it's one of the reasons bill's here right. because as you know we're very much involved and i've asked attorney general f.b.i. and the attorney general to take a very strong look and to see what went on liberal leaning american media as declared the killing of george floyd and the protests that erupted in its aftermath
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it into a long after no police brutality racism and the government ignoring the concerns of african-americans we do begin with breaking news we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and all around the world fires are still burning on the southside of minneapolis after protesters took to the streets to demand justice for george cloyd how do you raise your children in this america today i'm not sure there is an answer necessarily although. you point to angela davis who says it's not enough to be non racist you have to be anti racist however the same media seemed far less sympathetic in 2015 after baltimore lit up in response to the police killing a thready great. guy. in 2015 concerns of the african-american community to be the last thing the american media was concerned about while artsy was covering the protests c.n.n.
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was covering a fancy dinner at the white house the streets of baltimore are filled with protesters everyone's wining and dining and this is happening 5060 miles away so you can't ignore that now. you can't ignore that. and yet that it's important i do want to get to the red carpet da when u.s. media finally got around covering the protests that were trade simply violent crowds clashing with the police showing the protesters to be more less violent hoodlums a handful of protesters handful of criminals and thugs who who tore up the place isn't it the right word so calling them thugs just call them they just call them at least 15 police officers have been heard 200 arrests 144 vehicle fires that these are statistics the local place or put out 15 structure fires there's no excuse for
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that kind of violence right so what changed why is u.s. media suddenly concerned about african-americans is it perhaps that u.s. president donald trump is widely used to being racist those protests back in 2015 in baltimore did not fit the liberal narrative that iraq obama was leading us toward the post racial era i think if you look historically at the mainstream media and other things that have had. happened they haven't reacted this way and it makes you wonder just why are they giving this so much coverage in the way that they are it's the angle of the coverage and i think like many i believe that it may have a lot to do with elections and the political narrative right now and that's incredibly wrong turning this into something where we're allowing people especially these extreme leftists to come in and start fires i think we're actually feeding into a much darker narrative it's not about this man's death and that's unfortunate it's
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a battle actions while many are deeply concerned about killing of an innocent man it seems that powerful forces are not afraid to push their own political agenda it will mop and artsy new york protesters have also targeted to news channel cnn's headquarters in atlanta a big crowd gathered outside the building to condemn the channel's coverage of the current events there was a high police presence in the area early in the day former new orleans mayor marc morial long c.n.n. blamed foreign actors for the riots. we need to understand and we need to know because what they suggested i saw all because of a report we did our state of black america report with the russians did. if you're leading social media. donald trump took to twitter to comment on those accusations saying that the fake news media the media were up to their old tricks again george
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sunny when they found the global policy institute of london says it was inevitable russia would become a scapegoat. when it was entirely to be expected i was wondering how long it would say for the mainstream media to find a russian angle the people who are presenting this whole russia is to blame that event and they still haven't got over 2016 is still replay of the same. trumped russia collusion story for which there's been no evidence whatsoever in and on the country all the evidence is pointed against it traditionally when there are these riots public opinion swing still wards the law and order candid it and therefore there is a fear among the c.n.n. and s n b c called dissented that this will read down to the political advantage of donald trump and i think there is an attempt to earth would want to this suggest no no no
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i mean this isn't violence that's being perpetrated on the streets by black matter or by anti for no no no this is this is about all about russia and we know who russia is really supporting donald trump so therefore it's russia putin and donald trump together not to blame for the violence not black lives matter or energy for. just a recap what's going on right now multiple cities in different u.s. states a thing violent protests over the death of george floyd in place custody over the last few days buildings have been set on fire and businesses looted with protestors denouncing racism and police brutality and with clashes with law enforcement. thank you. i. was i was lucky that you got the call of.
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your board with my you know on the ground all those other officers watching. donald trump on twitter have locked horns on friday as tweets by the president about the riots in minnesota was hit and by the social platform and the tweets trump slammed the rioters in minneapolis saying the military support was the governor he also warns that if there was loosing it there would be shooting twitter's theys the post violates the it's rules about glorifying violet's don't
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court picks up the story. donald trump and twitter are clashing swords it all started with the president's tweet about mail in voting his claim that they could lead to fraud was slapped with a fact check labeled by the social media giant and now trumps dishing out some executive punishment what they used to fact check and what they choose to ignore or even promote is nothing more than a political activism group or political activism and it's an appropriate the executive orders targeted at major social media platforms and aims to trim down legal protections that have long let these companies censor content without liability however trump's liberal opposition seems to think the president is giving this debacle way too much attention trump is out there to do the good this morning conference of the treaty we don't yet know how exactly trump's order will make any legal difference but he's clearly sending a message that these social media corporations do not have a monopoly on truth strangely enough an unlikely ally has come forward to support
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trump a leader from the very industry that he's at odds with but i don't think facebook or forms in general should be arbiters of truth i think that's kind of a dangerous line to get down to in terms of deciding what is what is true and what isn't. and i think political speech is one of the most sensitive parts in a democracy and people should go to see what politicians say at the same time facebook announced it's now verifying the identities of important people in its war on distant from ation what a coincidence a number of democrats have already called zuckerberg out for what they saw as pandering to trump as far as it platforms are concerned they want 2 things from the federal government no regulation and no taxes and so they cater to the trumpet ministration all the time i think that my telco barrack's statement was a disgrace suck about this not worried about being bullied by trump he. more into
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facebook's p.r. operation is falling apart as it's exposed that platform relies on white supremacists and dissent from a should populace to be successful they are ignoring that protecting them the liberals are fighting a 2 front war though both against trump and twitter one of their latest weapons against the platform is a watchdog group called accountable tech it was founded by a former aide to the obama administration and another influential liberal activist they say the organization exists to combat what it considers misinformation and counting able to push for social media platforms to take immediate meaningful and achievable actions to better serve the public and leave up to their founding ideals at least republicans and democrats can agree on mistrusting social media criticisms of platform bias have come from both political parties these people are all democrats it's totally biased toward democrats if i announce tomorrow that i'm
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