tv News RT May 30, 2020 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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violent confrontations with the police of buildings torched and looting across the u.s. as americans and vent their rage for a 4th day over the lease custody of george floyd. that. we do. this to. an executive order he says to protect freedom of speech online as twitter flags up one of his tweets as misleading and hides another for glorifying violence. of its special status as china imposes
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a new security law on the region designed to quell the protests there. and the pandemic the biggest fall in the global energy investment in history with more u.s. shale companies filing for bankruptcy will size up just how big an economic recession the u.s. is likely to face. this is r t international i'm sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us right civil unrest is spreading across the u.s. as anger over the death in police custody of george floyd escalates amid looting torched buildings and protesters clashing violently with police and the governor of the city the mayor of the city of minneapolis where floyd died has announced the full mobilization of the national guard something that has not happened since world
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war 2. if they don't want to give us justice then they're not going to be any peace so much go we are tired his name was george floyd. i want i want shane broke we all want change. we got white people back here storm national buildings in the state in the country's capital which are yours but if they see us with a rock they can shoot in the face of the rubber bullet if they see us with anything that looks like a good they can kill it on a daily basis. this is what you get when you don't hold other cops accountable when you let them kill
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other people when you let them kill us when you don't hold your partner accountable this is it this is. on thursday night protesters set a police station in minneapolis on fire they demanded that the rest of the officer who kneeled on floyd's neck before he died of something that has now happened on a charge of 1st degree murder in the fatal arrest happened on monday 3 other officers stood by as floyd was pinned to the ground by noon for almost 10 minutes mr hamlin a friend of george floyd's family says people want justice. people don't know but this is like our baby forth police kill and in our community you know we've been peaceful you know and right now we're just we're fed up this anger that's been boiled over multiple deaths in our community so i was surprised by the reaction
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from this debt they tried to you know implement a curfew for us it worked at all we're still angry but still angry behind that you know 1 there were more buildings that burned down after we found out about. the 3rd degree charge it's is yes it was it was definitely intentional there's actually 4 officers that that that's involved in this crime and this act of murder we want to all to be charged with murder at least 2nd degree murder intentional because when you sit there and you have down on a mainstay for 10 minutes you know and they're screaming to tell you that they can't breathe you know what i mean. you know your antics of the killer just mean you know people don't know they both were you know. big floyd was a bouncer at the same place where this guy was doing security at they know each other well you know this guy this is like his 3rd 2nd or 3rd homicide as
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a police officer as a peace officer you know we want the right charges to be you know present. we're not going to stop. it's not going to stop you know you can you can implement all these curfews this martial all we're fed up this is and it has been well over 6 years 8 years 8 years of anger behind me since less deaths you know we've been getting murdered in cold blood by the people they're supposed to protect us. you know and i mean. it's not it's not going to it's not going to end well you. over 30 cities in the u.s. have seen protests while curfews have been imposed in various cities across minnesota but also in denver louisville and portland and the national guard has also been drafted in for a number of states as well we cannot cross lines william whiteman who is a freelance journalist who's out in protest in brooklyn new york where clashes with
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police have recently taken place as well thanks for being with us it's interesting under these circumstances of course what is the situation on the ground where you are right now. savor the moment things are relatively calm we've not read a bit said bank down flatbush avenue. just moments ago going out now we attacked by the n.y.p.d. and it was a difference in the and i grabbed the police people saying so far today has been a place that i. don't have their weapons drawn but an line of riot cops suddenly appeared out of nowhere and assembled along the side of the road and bad habits runs through and through and i and they. attacked a group of peaceful protesters who were standing in front of them having signs and with their hands out it was a. big crowd of shocking display to say the least and 7 things are definitely
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starting soon he starts off spaceman and then the other sort of banks and i've seen . such a response from the police is. better than. an intervention sank i mean soon i'm to see at least i can sense a 1000000000 and they have been through mine when the united states has a resume last night and i believe the. same after israel gets the nod which isn't that announcement. but she's a more components of. william white man who's a freelance journalist in brooklyn new york we know you'll say across the us or for us as the situation developed here and stay safe while you're there a place. all right after protest over night on friday the new york police department claimed agitators were at play in the city. we not just the
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police department but all of new york city suffered last night after professional and organized agitators cause havoc in the city resulting in violence injured police offices and the destruction of property respect to a protester in minnesota who was injured by a rubber bullet she told us that she doesn't care about valid so long as her message is heard i ended up getting to the front line of protest in a we were peacefully protesting it was kind of scary because the police were throwing flash grenades off of the roof of the precinct they were you know shooting people with rubber bullet people it was like a war zone out there i ended up getting tear gas very badly i got hit with a flash grenade in my arm in the minneapolis the police department ended up giving me a 2nd degree burns are peacefully protesting and i think the reason why everything escalated the way it did is we cause us as an african-american
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community we are high end of this fighting this same fight we've been fighting the same fight for a 100 plus years we've tried to process peacefully we need old everything we shared everything and people are at their wit's end about israel as african-americans every day we step out of our house and we are risking our life we don't know what's coming next. i place violence against america's black community has long fueled calls for reform and yet the country still sees a significant number of deadly incidents joining me live now is educator and activist atoki right thank you very much for being with us here on our team international. you come to us with some unique perspective your aunt was killed by police in 2002 are there any parallels to be drawn between that incident
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and what has happened in minnesota. absolutely since the year 2193 people have been killed by the police many in minnesota of those 19325 percent have been african-american even though african-americans i mean the 12 percent of the state only one person that we ever know of is ever actually been convicted and that was my home and work which happened last year in the killing just in sky believed from australia so there was definitely a pattern of protection. because you know police officers are held to a higher standard when it comes to the use of deadly force but there's also a great deal of protection that happens where the community usually doesn't get the information it takes a long time to get information and we usually there's no outcome that includes justice we live in a state where there's the idea that you move to this place that has more prosperity
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it's that you know it's a nicer place than where you may have moved from it's in the north we have a great deal of agriculture and a lot of physical beauty but we have the worst health disparities in the country we have the worst education disparities in the country when it comes to african-americans police brutality of the list goes on and it's it's minus of the state so we. deal with the violence you have in a person might be you neighbors that you are with or a domestic issue. we're dealing with the fact that our skin is asserting that people treat you differently and it doesn't matter if you are walking your dog in central park and you're a harvard graduate or if you live in boise idaho and you are you know whatever your background is long as you are in the skin you know some people call
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that the skin that you're in is the sin and so you're treated equal you're treated as equal and so imagine being a large black man being a strong physically strong looking black man. magically being approached. with violets. and it's just ongoing pattern of abuse you mentioned some of the statistics earlier over the more recent statistics but violence as a 1st resort we can say over the past 2 decades in the united states they've seen many cases of police brutality involving the black community do you still hold onto any hope that the situation there can improve and if so what needs to happen to make it improve i mean of course i have to have hope i wouldn't be here today if i didn't because the amount of pressure that black people go through every day you know people would be you jumping off a bridge every day if they had to live in the skin that we live in. but what has to
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happen is that police officers need to be held accountable for their actions we need to be and other police officers when they see wrongdoing need to actually speak up and say something is wrong. you know this code of silence that happens where police officers are not speaking up and in this case we see a lot of police officers in other cities speaking up but we really need to see minneapolis and st paul police officers speak up and say this. it's wrong because anybody with any kind of sense can look at that video and see that that is a murderer. indeed. rest today in the past few days is being compared to the riots that followed the police beating of rodney king way back in 1902 i'm going to ask you to go down the rabbit hole with me a little bit about the race divide in the united states to the presidency of bronco bamma. the country's 1st ever african-american leader did it
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widen the the racial divide in the country or did it just expose some of the racism that still exists in the country. i think if you don't like black people you don't like black people and if you have to see one every day and they're your boss you're going to feel a certain type of way about yourself and that's kind of what happened over the the presidency of barack obama. but what we have now is like a lot of fears are being stoked a lot of blame is being placed on certain communities of people and we have this divide and there's all of this news coming out about people just think about all of the conversation that we've had in social media on twitter over the last 3 and a half years that has all been racially driven all you know it's either i admit that there's a problem with race or i act as if race is not an issue at all and people are unable to meet in the middle and have a real conversation and dialogue and honesty or you know it really is about honesty
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and some people just don't want to be honest or are so in bold in to be rude. in violent in their language in violating their treatment of other. you know stop in grocery stores we see people. kids getting slammed on the ground at swimming pools you know this is an ongoing issue. not to mention just think about think about this how many of those police officers had masks on. in the middle of a pandemic. where the high capacity most of the hospital beds in the state are already full we're going through the middle of a pandemic and you're walking through a neighborhood infecting people. you don't even care if you attack people. certainly is. an interesting time to be either in the middle of these protests or
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to be a police officer or to be i mean the pandemic fuels the fire even further innocent think what we want to be protected we actually want to be protected we want to be safe. i want to have good relationships with the people that protect this that you can go around brutalizing us every day what about your reaction to president trump and his response to the killing of george floyd has it been adequate has it been lacking in talking a little bit about that. you know i'm sure i'm sure i'll get a bunch of messages about this and not be treated a certain type of way on the internet but how can you believe anything. that he saying. it's a valid question. what about on the governor level the minnesota governor has said that the violence is no longer just about george floyd's death are the protest being downplayed or getting lost as the writing grows in intensity. i think the protests are happening every day what you're seeing at
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night is a lot of people trading from other places and they're coming again causing violent acts to our community they're destroying our infrastructure that destroying our businesses they're making sure that we don't have food to eat and that we don't have places to go get clothing you know how many people are standing in line. trying to get a meal tonight. people's houses being broken into. my entire neighborhood everything i grew up with be a bird to the ground. an intense situation why why. because i would be treated like human beings. educator and activist atoki right thank you very much for helping us discuss this situation in a real way. please stay safe and. please stay safe.
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all right now the governor of minnesota has urged the public to stay home amid the unrest saying it is the only option to avoid the chaos. i just i am bringing out everyone whose voice in community is so much stronger than mine i'm bringing out lived experiences to tell people it is going to be incredibly dangerous we have trained professionals out there but the people that are there don't wear uniforms don't play by rules and don't share a values they will intentionally create chaos we will do our very best to preserve . ignaty rule of law but we have got to clear our streets we cannot show up patience for people who care nothing about anything. the mayor of minneapolis is also urging the public to stay at home explaining of that large crowds give cover to people intent on committing crime he also called the
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violent riots a domestic terrorism many of the areas that have seen protests over george ford's death have also seen significant looting here you can see scenes in portland where people are emptying out an apple store. and anybody comes by for the water you know so they can feel welcome and hopefully you know this will help so that it will come and destroy our property here. we're going to. the right we will listen to it right you know i'm. pretty sure is in your gut this is actually going to go back down there are certain people businesses are going to like them but you got to sit together do what you
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got to do. in his latest speech u.s. president donald trump slammed the riots and protesters while hinting that the unrest will end very soon. the mobs are devastating the life's work of good people and destroying their dreams right now america needs creation not just structure cooperation not contempt security not anarchy and there will be no anarky. my administration will stop mob violence. and will stop it cold lee merritt the civil rights attorney representing george floyd's family described to us a longstanding pattern of police brutality against ethnic minorities in the united states. america's nearly as police culture in the modern world there is no nation on the planet that kills in the car so it's more of us people we are in a crisis position tony ben crump and i announced this morning that we are taking
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these families the family of george floyd a model be on a taylor to washington d.c. and we want to discuss comprehensive police reform we're all screwed bringing this case before the united nations human rights council so that we can receive sanctions against the united states for its probation is in continual denial of basic human rights to the african-american community. which right now are met our primary goal is to show to ensure that the appropriate charges move forward and so we are not satisfied yet 3rd degree murder is an appropriate charge it means it was an accidental killing it like manslaughter the the the partner charged they they levy if i get in my car again i get drunk i'm only intend to kill anybody but it's reckless behavior that could result in somebody's death that's manslaughter this 3rd degree murder but when i apply pressure for sustained period of time to a critical area of someone's throat. that's and it's all about foreseeability it's foreseeable that that kind of action will result in death or bodily injury so
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that's murder we're looking forward to speaking with the governor on behalf of the the family and encouraging him to activate the attorney general keith ellis to come in take over this in this case bring the appropriate charges and make the requisite arrests. when the family is very concerned about the safety of the public these people are standing up not only for george they're standing up for themselves is standing up for the community but they're doing so by standing up against begin one of the most brutal police forces on the planet and i don't mean minnesota i mean the american police force in general they only know 2 things incarceration and brutality and so they are concerned that when. interlopers come and break things and bird things that invites harm to other people's children they don't want to see that happen. just to recap of what is going on right now multiple cities in different u.s. states are seeing violent protests over the death of george floyd in police custody over the last few days buildings have been set on fire and businesses looted as
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the governor of minnesota claims some of the violence is no longer about george wright on this video you can see a man trying to burn the american flag in los angeles while the latter was outlet c.n.n. to office was attacked by writers. you are not in the newsroom this is you know project you know chris work out some people are laughing some people are videotaping it or something on fire chris a firecracker like i or. you are right. a big crowd gathered outside the building to condemn the channels coverage of the current events there was a high place in presence in every area i can scale up in comments now on the coverage and how it compares with a protest in baltimore some years back. shocking what it merge the protesters breaking windows torching buildings and clashing with police thousands of taking to the streets to protest against the recent killing of george boyd by police protests
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have spread far beyond minnesota all across the country clashes are taking place across american streets. like you could could i think you. could could sleep. could you could. i i minnesota's governor tim waltz has declared a state of emergency i am answering our local leaders request for minnesota national guard assistance to protect peaceful demonstrators neighbors and small businesses in minnesota. president trump has promised to seize control of
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minneapolis and says that there will be shooting if there is more looting the tweet was flagged and suppressed because twitter said it was more of fine violence these thugs are dishonoring the memory of george floyd and i won't let that happen just spoke to governor 2 mules and told him that the military's with. any difficulty and will assume control box when the looting stones the shooting starts thank you the u.s. attorney general has been deployed to investigate the actions of the officers who took boyd's life i feel very very. badly it's a very shocking sight bill and i were talking about it before it's one of the reasons bill's here right. because as you know we're very much involved and i've asked attorney general f.b.i. and the attorney general to take a very strong look and to see what went on liberal leaning american media as declare the killing of george war and the protests that erupted in its aftermath it into a long after no police brutality racism and the government ignoring the concerns of
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african-americans we do begin with breaking news we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and all around the world fires are still burning on the southside of minneapolis after protesters took to the streets to demand justice for george cloyd how do you raise your children in this america today i'm not sure there is an answer necessarily although. you point to angela davis who says it's not enough to be non racist you have to be anti racist however the same media seemed far less sympathetic in 2015 after baltimore lit up in response to the police killing of freddie gray. was. in 20. concerns of the african-american community soon to be the last thing the american media was concerned about while artsy was covering the protests c.n.n.
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was covering a fancy dinner at the white house the streets of baltimore are filled with protesters hey everyone's wining and dining and this is happening 5060 miles away so you can't ignore that now. you can't ignore that. and yet it's important i do want to get to the red carpet da when u.s. media finally got around covering the protests that were trade simply violent ground clashing with the police showing the protesters to be more or less violent hoodlums a handful of protesters handful of criminals and thugs who who tore up the place isn't it the right word so calling them thugs just call them they just call them at least 15 police officers have been hurt 200 arrests 144 vehicle fires that these are statistics the local police are put out 15 structure fires there's no excuse
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for that kind of violence right so what changed why is u.s. media suddenly concerned about african-americans is it perhaps that u.s. president donald trump is widely used to being racist those protests back in 20 seen in baltimore did not fit the liberal narrative that iraq obama was leading us toward the post racial era i think if you look historically at the mainstream media and other things that have had. happened they haven't reacted this way and it makes you wonder just why are they giving this so much coverage in the way that they are it's the angle of the coverage and i think like many i believe it may have a lot to do with elections and the political narrative right now and that's incredibly wrong turning this into something where we're allowing people especially these extreme leftists to come in and start fires i think we're actually feeding into a much darker narrative it's not about this man's death and that's unfortunate it's
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a battle actions while many are deeply concerned about the killing of an innocent man it seems that powerful forces are not afraid to push their own political agenda it was martin party in new york. earlier on saturday a former new orleans mayor blamed a foreign actors for the riots while appearing on c.n.n. we need to understand and we need to know because what they suggested i saw because of a report we did our state of black america report with the russians did. if you're leaving social media donald trump and took to twitter to comment on those accusations saying that the fake news media were up to their old tricks again we spoke to george some moily from the london global policy institute and recheck a philosopher and analyst both believe it was inevitable that russia would be made a scapegoat.
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