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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  June 1, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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welcome to redact of the night this is a show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents for the 1st time we know exactly how and who either legally spied on julian assange every word and movement within the ecuadorian embassy when he was stuck there as a political prisoner we also know about other plans to possibly kidnap or poison him this breaking news is a sordid tale that has been revealed thanks to an in-depth investigation by the gray zone the story involves the cia 2 presidents of aqua door and israeli bodyguard and at least one billionaire sociopathic donald trump up a teenager whose name i won't say on television but it rhymes with
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sheldon adelson. now. blow daddles. let's start at the beginning join us on who was in the ecuadorian embassy starting in 2012 seeking refuge from political persecution you see it turns out that when you reveal the heinous true crimes of the largest empire the world has ever known empire no nike so astonished had to hide ecuador then hired a security form called u.c. global to oversee security in the embassy and to protect the signage the co-founder of you see global is a man named david morale is remember that name because it will come in handy in your head who gave the world's most important publisher over to a mob of merchants of death fantasy league. after a 2016 trip to
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a security fair in los vegas morale as came back to the company's headquarters in spain very excited and said and he came back saying that they were now in the 1st division when a co-owners asked what morale is meant he responded that he had turned to the dark side of an apparent reference to u.s. intelligence services apparently morale as was given an offer he couldn't refuse because like when you buy a k.f.c. male in the cashier goes for just a quarter or more will give you a super sized and the front of your body and you're like just a quarter. can't turn that down. well what do you think u.c. go global had to do to get that sweet sweet from us intelligence oh just hand over join a songe on a silver platter you see global was also offered lots of money ostensibly to protect a boat yes
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a boat the $70000000.00 yacht belonging to sands casino magnate an evil ball the sack of stinky flash sheldon adelson or blood and adelson i'm surprised he has a boat because i feel like standing up on solid ground is quite an accomplishment for that man given that adelson already had a sense stancil security team the contract between u.c. global and adult says los vegas sands was clearly the cover for a devious espionage campaign apparently overseen by the cia the u.c. global files detail an elaborate and apparently even legal u.s. surveillance operation and which the security firm spied on a songe his legal team his american friends u.s. journalists and an american member of congress you see global put new cameras and hidden microphones into the embassy hacked everyone phones and laptops entered the building and at one point tried to find out whether a baby brought to visit
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a saunders was his own child braless even issued orders to steal the baby's diapers to analyze the contents for d.n.a. at what point does it even a mercenary stop and go. is this really necessary sure i'll put depleted uranium in the soup of a saudi woman because her husband wants some alone time but. i still hesitated just before operation steel baby. spoiler alert the child does belong to us aand recently a songes partner stella morris revealed that she had 2 children with a songe while she was in the ecuadorian or while he was in the ecuadorian embassy but playing diaper fach is not where this spy tale ends sources also details a proposal to kidnap or poison a sourness luckily neither were carried out until he was kidnapped by the british police and is now being poisoned by the british prison system so thank the queen
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for that oh i know she'll tell you she doesn't know what was going on and she's just in over davie and that golden scepter is actually just a golden back scrubber to get the crusty dyke and off her exoskeleton yeah yeah i'll believe it when i see it. so you know i don't want to see that. but there is more you see global head morale as became good friends with sheldon adelson head bodyguard and israeli american names so harlow hobbs and israeli bodyguards slash spy connected to u.s. intelligence is our government literally getting ideas from adam sandler movies now . and. you. have to stretch before that
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what does adelson have to do with israel adelson is in israel fanatic who among other things founded in owns the most read propaganda rag in israel israel how yom he also helps fund netanyahu and helps fund someone else i haven't heard of this guy but i hope i'm pronouncing his name right don't hold to rump to donald trump adelson has given him and the g.o.p. hundreds of millions of dollars but back to the harlem half during the spying operation la hava work directly under brian nagel the director of global security for the sands casino a former associate director of the u.s. secret service and cyber security expert nagel was officially commanded once by the cia i glad to see the cia get their dirty little fingers into the pie in fact
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former cia director director current secretary of state and bloated chris farley impersonator might pump ale also has a lot in common with adelson both of them love israel pump a love did for a slightly different reason he loves it because he's an evangelical christian who believes that all the jews have to move to israel in order to bring about that in times. in which the jews will burn in hell i'm not getting what a nice chap that pompei oh it maybe i'll invite him to hanukkah throughout the black operations campaign us intelligence appears to have worked through adult sins los vegas sands a company that in previously served as an alleged front for a cia blackmail operation several years earlier the operations formally began once adolescents hand-picked presidential candidate donald to romp entered the white house in january 2017 so for a while it was just buying ecuador would not allow
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a song to be given up to the british authorities but then left wing aqua dorian president correll was replaced by neo liberal goon lenin merino in 27 team rayno was a trojan horse who knew he could sell julian a song for a good price he basically viewed a song like a mickey mantle rookie card if i find the right buyer for this they could be worth millions actually turns out a saunders worth $4200000000.00 with a big just weeks apart from allowing a song to be arrested by british authorities the international monetary fund approved a 4200000000 dollar loan for aqua door on april 11th 2019 british police raided the ecuadorian embassy and dragged us anjan to a waiting van it was the 1st time in history a government has allowed a foreign law enforcement agency to enter its sovereign territory to arrest one of
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its citizens sonntag god as one dorrian citizenship just a year earlier so doing this and still to this day recess resides in belmarsh prison in london as the u.s. tries to get him actually dieted to stand trial in one of our kangaroo courts where i'm sure he'll resist receive a fair trial absolutely america has a long history a fair criminal justice. dating way back to the salem witch trials and 16 when a group of women were hanged for agreeing just slowly failing to be married to men a songe is the most important publisher and journalist in a generation and now we have new proof that the u.s. government the cia and the us oligarchy have stage managed the violation of his rights and his continued persecution coming from washington d.c. the value to be sisters redacted denying.
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girls i'm late camp now is that the news from mine as you know many states are reopening whether it's safe to do so or not the ruling elite just want to keep the money machine churning along even if it grinds average workers into a fine pace that is then dumped into public waterways which clearly violates e.p.a. guidelines everyone knows you put the bodies in the barbecue pit not in the storm drain right common courtesy but yes cities just want to keep the gravy train going new york city wants to sell those broadway tickets chicago wants the money from selling started just and st louis once the income that comes from people buying bus tickets out of st louis so cities and states are opening up but many
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employers are not giving their workers appropriate protective gear amazon's whole foods since want to pay to protect their workers so instead they unveiled aprons that just had heroes on them i'm not getting and p.f. chang's has told employees that they should cover their faces with chunks of teriyaki chicken and if they see someone sneezing they should kill them with a karate chop to the neck. p.f. chang's is also now in a protracted legal battle over their racist assumption that working at p.f. chang's means you're an expert at the karate chop. i may have made up everything i said about p.f. chang's but they were thinking it anyway the states want to force people back to work because the states do not want to keep paying millions of people unemployment benefits because that might facilitate an evolution in which human beings realize that work we are not passionate about should not define our lives our very existence or our soul in our heart and that our post scarcity society has the
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ability to support us without endless life destroying meaningless work what if what if you didn't spend your day driving people around to do things they don't need to do for people they don't need to see you run businesses that don't need to exist for clients who are award winning. what if instead society covered your rent and you helped teach neighborhood children at a at a fan the flames of their curiosity and there's time for ice cream see the difference anyway if the states claim to be open for business then they don't have to pay unemployment ohio even took the next step of creating a fraud website basically a raft on your employee's hotline or website rather where bosses could snitch on employees who refused to come back to work because they felt their lives were in
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danger of. low level employees always wanting to stay alive who they think they are really honest joe rogan the scottie pippen. that's all the a lot of people i can think of right now. well an unnamed hacker has come to the workers rescue he or she or they created a script that sends junk data to the website thereby ruining its ability to actually nail workers who choose not to work this guy or girl or robot from the future is out there out they stop the riots they should be the one where in the special apron and now the ohio officials have taken down the website you go back or you show them who's boss not that you're into entrenched hierarchical structures like bosses i just managed to as a figure of speech like you the man not that you're a man or even that that's the preferable gender to be i would never support the
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patriarchy like that i have very woke i don't even now even see gender anymore i use the women's restrooms in public all the time because i don't feel gender yeah i'm still woke i've been maced on 7 occasions and even while it's happening i keep yelling eyes up or use the water or whatever gender you prefer i fired at pants on fire. moving on the race for finding a vaccine for covert 19 continues it's tough to figure out why though i mean coronavirus so all the perks of dying without the messy gas part. of never mind you might forget about that you might die but death can't be that bad look at how good it was for current cobain before death he was the least popular musician who changed all of music anyway the race for the medical answer to covert 19 continues and our government has
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a plan there on top of an ally grab bedridden our cheesecakes if another country develops the vaccine 1st our government's plan is to tell that country that they must share it with us because who would be so veiled in this that they hoard for themselves something that could save hundreds of thousands of lives oh i want to they psychopaths they must do like jonas salk did with the polio vaccine and give it to the world for free on the other hand. if we find a vaccine 1st then we'll hoard it all for ourselves. that's the plan. john c. demurs the assistant attorney general for national security said biomedical research has long been a focus of theft especially by the chinese government and vaccines and treatments for the corona virus are today's holy grail putting aside the commercial value
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there were there would be great geopolitical significance to being the 1st to develop a treatment or vaccine that she'll political significance oh he means we could use it for leverage to crush other countries for example venezuela or on who we hate because they have taken the rude selfish stance of not letting us steal all their stuff if they would just let us take their resources things wouldn't work out mugs better for them just like iraq and libya and radio shack they're all new and great. also keep in mind that when demurs says putting aside the commercial value he really means mainly we care about commercial value any time any and there's a lesson for life any time someone says putting aside the fill in the blank that
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thing is all they care about is an example when my accountant said to me putting aside the tax deduction you should raise 15 alpacas in your living room simply because rescuing animals is the right thing to do what he really meant was you don't save all but load on taxes if you can call your apartment an alpaca farm point is. i now own a lot of alpacas and they've eaten all my underwear other point is as people die around the world our government run by morally bankrupt human being like creatures only care about profiting from this virus and many other countries are trying to work together to solve this horror show well the u.s. government is working with no one and instead trying to use this crisis to grow their power we have to go to a short break but if you don't have much time to watch redacted tonight every week you can listen to it as a free pod cast called moment of clarity it's free every week on i tunes stitcher
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and spotify also you can go watch my standup comedy special for free leave camp american dot com other regular. it's seemed wrong. to me to get to shape out just because i get educated and engaged with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. is the united states hell bent on self-destruction attend demick a dramatic economic turndown and now massive civil unrest all point to decline
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could this have been avoided also targeting hong kong watch the field looking for species labeled indians are. thinking of getting a new book on the ones we got in here shows no problem was he didn't know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired coach we don't need a crate with him the wall just. freaking out into the wall when it's pretty much anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in the into lane conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. to continue . to get through chaos across the us cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies that are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even
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joined a group businesses are involved like the mom center there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to efforts to increase the sands of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs don't buy dog. welcome back i'm still e. camp in case you weren't already concerned about your local police beating your it turns out they'd like to track your indefinitely to the american sales branch of n.s.o. group an israeli surveillance company seems to be the theme of today's show is pitching us police departments on all the pros and none of the cons of their
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spyware for more we go to the person quarantining with all of our data natalie mcgill hello a little late now this seems like an unnecessary invasion of privacy but no not nowadays spyware for content tracing is essential when it comes to making sure none of my idiot neighbors leave home for unnecessary reasons i want all the backup i can get i call the cops on my neighbor the other day when i saw him walk to his door with arms full of bags from target. what's wrong with that chill out people get essential items from target no no they don't the average americans target bag is filled with 10 percent toilet paper and 90 percent they find dicking around in the bargain bin at the front entrance while they spread 100 percent of their germs so maybe n.s.o. group's u.s. sales arm westbridge technologies can slow the spread back in 2016 westbridge pitch the san diego p.d.
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on an intelligence system called bantam and after remotely hacking the phone phantom can siphon a target's e-mails text messages and contact list as well as track their location turn on the devices microphone and take photos with the camera. does does all of that not sound horrifying to you you want as we think a police department that once a tool called phantom would use it solely for good lee how was it a police department's fall if they want something with a cool name like phantom every new product needs a cool name to help you now want to watch the big bang theory if it was called for nerds in the hot girl in their building you and i both know that kind of title only does well on pornhub. it's kind of disturbing but also people who watch the big bang theory should have been disarmed ballad to begin with also natalie there is guaranteed to be little to 0 accountability of the cops using this technology leave going to look for edges and a so groups chance to make
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a new blueprint in the neck of crime and it's a little hard to get a fresh start with the name and as so group given that and as the employee abuse their phone hacking tech to target a love interest and that facebook is suing and so group for hacking what's that messages of journalists and human rights workers are you really going to make me agree with facebook for the 1st time please facebook can't after mark zuckerberg let cambridge analytical scrape everyone's facebook profiles he's lucky we didn't all revolt and resurrect my space. and i'm sure dane cook and everybody's roommates band were praying for that. very true so is this is this phantom tech unstoppable well senator ron wyden from oregon said he wants congress to investigate which local cops have hacking tools and when it comes to police surveillance in general why does a man who you can see is always fired up. or who just saw ted cruz's corentin beard but either way now that he wants congress involved do you know what
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that means. they'll see if they have any donors tied to this issue before they take any action being though but why are you so bummed according to days at this caving to your donors wants is the moral thing to do. and who hire the f.s.s. . believe they're with lockheed martin yeah that sounds about right thanks for joining me now and now let's get to the stories we didn't have time to get to so we'll get to them now i have correspondent anders larry here with me anders and what i want stories you got well right now there's a lot happening in minnesota right now of course there was a killing of another unarmed black man in minneapolis a memorial day and riots have have ensued in the past couple of days of course we don't want to like linger too much on what the guy was accused of but it really is pretty innocuous he had a potentially a counterfeit 20 dollar bill and that led to a police officer you know holding his knee against his neck on the on the curb
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where you have so i mean you know the debate you see on the mainstream is just should the cops be leaning on his neck which is right that debate i mean it's not even a debate and should not they should not have murdered him they should not something good people write to me that's a 3 2nd debate the debate that i want to have is should guys with guns be called to deal with somebody who's got a big 20 or a bounced check or you know someone's peeing in a fountain we call guys with guns and women with guns they're going to deal with all kinds of that they should not be involved yet so i've actually i've worked cash registers in minneapolis minnesota and the policy when somebody uses a counterfeit bill and often they don't know what's counterfeit that's very common in that area is just to not accept it that's it not murder that you know or order someone else to murder them easily could have been solved some other way but the officer who was involved this was the last named show ven derek chauvinism is named
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chauvin as in chauvinist right is this is not his 1st rodeo his 1st murder he's killed several people including wayne reyes in 2006 during which time shar was had been county prosecutor she declined to prosecute him at the time. good out of club which i hope she runs a v.p. with my man she might with a record like that a record like that you'd fit right in with she would i mean then there were 2 dozen other people who were on the police force didn't get in any trouble for killing people who died civilians and apparently cops are prosecuted for murder one percent of the time that they murder people and not even convicted almost all of those so one percent of the time do we actually even try to hold a cop in countable for their murders i'm surprised it's even that. i mean the mayor has said that he wants this cop to be prosecuted which is
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a step forward that's good but the full background on this is that the mayor of minneapolis his name is jacob fry another interesting last name there's a nickname people give to gentrify cation because he has been put on i'll give them a 7 for cleverness i'm ok with that right you can't not do it with that with a name like that but he is responsible for really pushing forward housing policy in minneapolis in the city council there is very progressive so they've i think forced him to do some things that he probably doesn't want to do but his goal is to really make minneapolis a place for the leisure class and for affluent people to move and that always involves more police presence and that's something that he's been advocating since they want to sing out people of color and so on those murdering them if you just have a light afternoon and not a lot of paperwork to do in your murder a couple right which doesn't doesn't look good so now he's on damage control but the root causes of these murders are policies like gentrification and that's
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something he's going to have to address or i would hope you would address if you actually have to thank you anderson the story yep thank you. and here are your headlines from the future coming up on. monday minnesota xoom riots ended 32 lab fires and on tuesday. and as n.b.c. anchor looks genuinely shocked to hear of racism in america poor lady and finally a week from now. you see global mercenary now just stealing soiled baby diapers to relive the glory days that's our show but don't forget to grab the free r.t. america app portable t.v. at portable dot tv slash download get the app to help us avoid you tube censorship and you can grab my new political comedy book and leave camp book dot com you can
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get the paperback or the digital version right now we can book dot com ok until next time goodnight and keep fighting. why bargain. well here are the bullet points for those of you keeping score. cities are on fire. 40000000 unemployed. in america. g.d.p. of the climb by 50 percent in the 2nd quarter. the velocity of money is dead. small businesses are dead. and jay powell said chairman says this is fine this is fine this is fun i'm so fine. you can.
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thank you because we need you to come the ones we got in here she was as he didn't know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired we don't need a crate with him he will just. freaking out into the wall when it's pretty much anywhere near. breeding dogs or caged in the interview lane conditions on puppy phone i mean 67 years you know they've been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. to get you. to get to kids. across the u.s. cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and most of the puppies are coming from these large scale factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a group businesses are involved like. there has been a shocking amount of the organizing opposition to adverts in.


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