tv Boom Bust RT June 2, 2020 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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this is the one business show you can't afford to miss. in washington coming up protests and heavy police continue across the country we'll talk to 2 state lawmakers about the inequalities leading up to this moment and bite and scratch and a global pandemic. in the green room with those pretty i will join us to break it down we have our show today so let's go and dive right in. we start off here in washington d.c. at the city joined the dozens of cities with mass demonstrations that are connected
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to the killing of george lloyd last week the nation's capital is once again facing a curfew ahead of more expected protests artie's outside the white house with the story fair and what do you see today. so sarah when we were here monday a lot of protesters here talking about racial inequality today it's a little bit of a different theme you're seeing more talks about the economy and big talks about religion all because of a controversial photo op the president had yesterday right here at st john's church actually in front of that sign you're seeing right there behind me now actually today there were 10 foot fence barriers actually installed yesterday 1st last night in front of lafayette park which is directly in front of the white house there is actually the barricade keeps shifting back and back and back farther and farther back sara now today what's going on actually is that you know we had crowds young and old black and white all saying that they want to peaceful protests not as much as that we saw yesterday but again it's this big photo. that trump did in front of
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this 200 year old st john's church near the white house the day after it was set on fire by protesters just before his big photo op actually spoke in the rose garden condemning that the rioting in the looting in the cities across the country that have seen and he's been threatening that he would actually deploy the u.s. military to major cities if he didn't stop now overnight protesters they took to the streets in washington with all things dying down around 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning stores of businesses they were broken into and you saw roughly the same amount of violence that you saw on sunday night except now you have more and more businesses boarding up their windows it's almost looking like the town is getting ready to prepare for a hurricane now earlier today donald trump and the 1st lady visited the national shrine in washington d.c. where they laid a ceremonial wreaths to mark the 100th anniversary of saint john john paul 2 birthday now the president 1st lady then went back to the white house where he signed an executive order to advance international religious freedom and that's the big thing here today you also had arlington county pulling out their their officers
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saying that they were not going to be a part of the movement of what happened yesterday where they said that you know d.c. police and the national guard along with secret service gas can or tear gas canisters and flash bangs at the protesters to get them out of the way so trump could come here and take a picture so today you had leaders from all religious faiths here you had catholic priests going through the protesters you know spraying holy water on them you had the moms of rabbis all praying together here in front of the church to show that you know they say religion is quote not a prop in defiance of president and his picture taken here yesterday so again sarah a lot of protesters here though still talking about the economy how jobs are gone but they're out here trying to make their voices heard so it's only a matter of time before that curfew had signed at 7 pm and it will last until 6 am so hopefully these protests will remain peaceful but as we've seen in the past couple of nights they tend to turn violent sarah sent back to you party correspondent there and fronsac please stay safe in the you for that report. a
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similar situation in new york city where riot police squared off with protesters throughout the night and now the city is looking at an 8 pm curfew throughout the week artie's at trinity charges reports. today in new york city bracing for more on restaurateur you are what started off as peaceful protests earlier in the day quickly taking a turn for the worst widespread looting and vandalism taking over the city monday night officers making at least 700 arrests chaotic scenes erupting outside of the iconic radio city music hall demonstrators trying to dandle eyes the landmark as others have broken to the iconic macy's store on 34th street brooklyn a few lammy luxury stores like chanel and rolex in manhattan's trendy soho neighborhood ransacked mobs of people rampaging down sidewalks starting fires and breaking windows to steal merchandise people are doing this so next time before
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they think about trying to kill another black person and we don't want them out here doing it again they gained a david than any other town their job easy a job easier now new york governor andrew cuomo calling the night a disgrace the n.y.p.d. and the mayor did not do their job last night i believe. second you have 38001 repeat the. people it is the largest police department in the united states of america. use 30000 people and protect property throughout the night clashes between demonstrators and police growing brutally violent including the moment one n.y.p.d. officer was viciously run over on a cross walk the officer motionless before being picked up by a policemen the officer now in serious condition and this video capturing the
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moment an n.y.p.d. officer was attacked from behind another officer then drew a gun pointing it at protesters the incident just one of the 6 that are being investigated by the department's internal affairs division i don't care if they're left right or center i am sick of people attacking the city of new york this as an independent investigation is underway into police misconduct after this video emerged showing 2 police cruisers drive into protesters who were pushing barricades against one of the cars and belting objects out police the incident just one of many that continues to fuel the debate about police tactics in new york and across the country reporting in new york trinity chavez party. for more we're joined by georgia state lawmaker erica thomas and former georgia state lawmaker dee hawkins hagler. thank you so much for joining me today d. a lot of unrest it doesn't look like it's going anywhere let's start with you many companies are coming out with the white text on a black background showing support for this racial inequality amazon was one of
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them they tweeted out the following on sunday they may say they stand in solidarity with the black community but the e-commerce giant has 0 black executives they also have a secret deal with more than $400.00 police departments there with home security brand ring that essentially allows law enforcement officials to access a portal asking owners to provide footage that's relevant to a criminal investigation not to mention they did fire an african-american last month a warehouse worker who reported health concerns over the chrono virus is about a bit hypocritical. i think amazon thank you for having us today so yes i think the amazon has to rise to the occasion they not only have to talk the talk with they have to walk the walk it is very disingenuous to say that you're in the fight against racial oppression or suppression or equality and then you only have very minimal people in the leadership in your company but amazon however they have none of them really senior management so they have to do
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a better job with that so amazon i see even though they did put out a statement which is more than most companies do they still have a lot of work to do especially when african-americans use amazon and presumes levels because i'm one of those people who sit at home as you amazon specially doing coke with my team because i didn't have anything else to do but to shop and although i think i think amazon has to do a better job with their well and they definitely need to come forward and raise their standards with salute lee erica prior to the pandemic minority communities that were doing better economically this was compared to previous years but they were still struggling to see significant gains and household income savings and even credit worthiness there's they've been more likely to hold many office or many of the public facing jobs as well that are on hold now due to the coronavirus will occur pandemic in this political climate is it just going to further illustrate this current divide that we're seeing or world will we see some sort of shift where
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public facing workers begin to to seek other forms of remote work. you're so right about those numbers and of course the african-americans are experiencing larger numbers that are at risk higher jobs that are at risk to this pandemic and i don't think that as of right now or in the near future that we're seeing any of those numbers start to go down i mean look at what is going on in the last couple of days we went from a pandemic to pandemonium and it has shallow shined a light that 40 percent of african-americans are less. likely to own a home you know even in our in where we live now in atlanta the average household income for a white american is over 84000 and the average household income for an african american is $26000.00 and so we have to make sure that with these protesters and with us standing out and letting our voices be heard that we are screaming these numbers from the right rooftops and people need to get upset and angry so that we
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can change this because in till we change structural inequality there will still be riots for years to come and i believe this is a an issue the both sides both the black community and the white community and you know a lot of other communities are part of that see this this criminal justice reform a much needed erica we're all in this together has become a popular slogan during the pandemic however we can all say we're on different boats here we're all experiencing this very differently a new report by the economic policy institute on race ethnicity and the economy showed the black community like you said experiences some of the highest rates of unemployment yet they also make up most of these front line workers that consists of one in 6 this is a pretty complex issue we're looking at here but how did we get to this point and what should happen moving forward. well just like you said we are the ones that are on the front lines and with that being said we are there pay needs to show that in
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these to reflect that these african-americans are on the front lines and maybe that would help with some of these inequalities i mean if they're going to risk their lives to make sure that they are grocery store workers that they're firefighters that there are people that are making sure that we get what we need for this pandemic then we need to show that and how do we show that by paying them what they deserve and some other reason why so many of them are are getting sick now the black unemployment rate was 5.8 percent in february that's near a 50 year low but it's still higher than the white unemployment rate it's. it's now after the pandemic at 16.7 percent this is compared to the white unemployment rate at 14.2 percent what needs to change here well many things need to change 1st of all let's go back one step one step back the reason why many african-americans take service related jobs is because they have not been afforded the same opportunities as many. as it relates to education and funding for school and so that
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almost often towns put african-americans in positions where the only job they have to take of those in the service industry then let's look at unemployment many african-americans don't have the luxury of working for jobs when they're able to work from home i mean that's a disparity even in that in itself because many of the people who have the education who are the have the where with all of the connections they're able to work from home because of the type of jobs that they have and so that only leaves those who are service workers. on the front line to be able to get covered night or to be able have to go we are lose your job because the type of job that you have does not afford you the opportunity to work from home but there is so much that we have to talk about every gars to racial disparities the income disparity that just look at it from the beginning of time many black people from the time they were brought to this country work for free you have free slave labor and we have never leveled the playing field and so when you want somebody to start off from not even ground 0 but negative 20 negative 30 it is very hard to overcome but it takes
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generation after generation numerous generations to try to over. to overcome that disparity and we have we're nowhere close with the policies that we currently have here in the united states of america it's been decades of seeing the same thing over and over again i do want to get one more question erica i want to show you some figures here you mentioned the some of the wages and the wage gap now black families and liquid assets have much more much less the white families and 20000 median household income for white households with 70 percent higher than for black households look at those numbers 70642 versus 41062 what are some of the biggest causes of this divide we have about a minute left. again just like the honorable the doc is going to say we are start starting from the ground negative 0 and so with that being said we have to hole sir ourselves just to even be able to get some of these jobs some of these higher c.e.o. jobs in the senior management jobs and so i would definitely say is that it starts
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even from the education in these black communities that is being given to us and so we have to make sure that our education system in the black communities is just as well as when you turn on the other side of the town in these white communities and that's where it starts if we have the best of the best in education that we we can we can go to the next a mic and make sure that we have the best jobs but it starts from the education level absolutely the education level the resources that are provided to both. black communities as well so hopefully we see some change it's taken too long and not not enough change has happened no changes happened we're looking for that change and hopefully these these peaceful protests can call for that hawkins hagler and erica thomas thank you so much for making time for us today thank you for having us here . time now for a quick break but stay here because when we return investors often buy a gold for safe keeping during times of recession and on the rest but we'll tell
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i'm chris hedges the corporate coup d'etat has destroyed our democratic institutions the commercial media has burlesque part of the reality show presidents expose the trivial lives seen on contact question more. seen the horrors that arise no money and evil. corporate criminals who trash countless lives to add just one more dollar to their millions. they threaten they bribe they'll do anything to keep their crimes in the dark but the people they've heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on america's lawyer. here thank you for finally changing it to your 'd understand you're tired of networks that learn new with you. during your. visit and.
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no matter what. you know me 'd i'm famous for my views 'd. yours truly scottie 'd nell hughes. i'm holland cook i invite you to climb with me all of the mainstream media buyers and from that higher fat age to glimpse the big picture question more. the past few months have proven to be unpredictable we've seen record volatility in the markets thanks to the pandemic and an unemployment rate of 14.7 percent and now out in mass demonstrations and wall street is still gaining back from march lows
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well joining. us co-host christi i kristie despite the unrest across america in every major city the equities market is up once again well this is very different than how the hong kong market behaved during their protests what's going on in the market. well thoughts are flat as a reopening bounces kind of losing steam and there is again that rotation that we've been seeing as loggers are coming back into line so that we might have largely ignored the unrest and said the focus is on the progress of the economic reopening so you have names like the airlines retailers and cruise lines getting bid up and i don't want to sound heartless but the market is blind to social justice because the bottom line of these publicly traded companies is not being affected most of the companies that are being looted most of the businesses that are being destroyed and damaged they are mom and pop shops not the publicly traded names so therefore the equities market is completely blind to all the rest sell at the end of the day investors are simply trying to make money so once again they're
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crowding into the stay at home economy and consumer staples names but right now the problem is that the divergence between stock market and economies a couple months have gone too exuberant and masters are still too overly optimistic that corporate earnings and profits will catch up and rebound and will recover once a lock down to lift it but historically that has never been the case so now policymakers are putting negative interest rates back on the table as a potential option in order to get the american economy back to health that's right a lot of small businesses have already been struggling because of the pandemic and now because of these these protests christine you asked them it's have been really saying that the coronavirus pandemic could cost the economy of $2.00 trillion dollars over the next 10 years what is this based off of. though this is a new estimate that through fiscal 2030 the kernel buys pandemic will reduce the real economic output by 3 percent from initial estimates so that would mean quite to almost a trillion over the next decade and this is issued by the congressional budget
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office and they base this figure on estimates from business closures unemployment energy demand and travel restriction so nominal g.d.p. is expected to be 15.7 trillion or 5.3 percent less than original forecast and right now despite the $2.00 trillion dollar care act already implemented congress is now debating another. they're a package that could reach up to 3 trillion dollars so this 3 trillion dollars package is meant to supplement and renew several of the federal programs are set to expire including a temporary boost to unemployment benefits that will lapse by the end of july so analysts estimate that the 2nd quarter is still likely to see the big g.d.p. drop in u.s. history while unemployment for may is expected me near 20 percent which is the highest since the great depression when as more commies are reopening as well that could also be in effect we have a minute left quick question as tensions continue between the u.s. and china under threats of decoupling what is china doing to prepare for this. so china has actually unveiled a package of special policy for hina and which includes scrapping import duties in
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an effort to turn this island into a free trade port in order to replace hong kong so this would dampen the risk of a decoupling with the u.s. this planet will also lower the income tax rate for selected individuals and companies to 15 percent which is the same as hong kong and relaxing these are requirements for tourists and business travelers imported goods will be terror free and that includes manufacturing equipment vehicles ships planes raw materials and consumer goods so this project to make an end to a regional trade shopping and shipping center has been in the works for some time now so it's no surprise but the blueprint of it has finally been released as a threat decoupling grows and the u.s. said last week that it plans to strip hong kong of its special trade status last week so even though it has all these new incentives and policies that are made to kind of mall into a hong kong 2.0 it's still going to remain a big challenge as currently main economic driver is providing basically winter homes for mainlanders looking to extend the cold its gross g.d.p. was only 530000000000 last year which is point 5 percent of the national total so
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it's going to take some time before you can grow into another trait court such as hong kong or singapore on and u.s. and china have been at odds for a while now hopefully this doesn't lead to something else a bigger than the trade war that we've been seeing with co-host kristie i thank you for the analysis. thank you. it's been a tough couple of days for gold and silver prices in global markets gold prices have fallen for the 3rd time in 4 days while losses in gold were kept due to china u.s. tensions as we just spoke to kristie protests in the united states and a weaker dollar spot gold was down 0 point one percent 1738 dollars and 12 cents per ounce platinum was a point 3 percent to 8 $150.10 and silver fell point 5 percent to $18.17 well joining me now to discuss them both co-host and investigative journalist ben swan and peter schiff c.e.o. of euro pacific capital. banner peter i'm sorry let's start with you let me ask you
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how much of the slowing of this gold and silver prices is due to the easing of the coronavirus restrictions and not just in the united states but globally. well i don't think it really relates that at all i think what we have had is a rally in global stock markets we've also seen a bit of a sell off in the dollar and some of the other safe haven currencies like the japanese yen and the swiss franc and i think that the gold got caught up in that a little bit as well as enthusiasm for the u.s. stock market but remember the only reason the u.s. stock market is going up is because of the fed we have bad economic news now we have the riots the looting which is making a bad economy worse and so the worse the economy gets the more money the federal reserve prints and so the more stocks investors want to buy but when the fed is creating inflation you're better off buying gold in the s. and p. $500.00 and we're looking at
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a possibility of some hyper inflation here with that speaking of the federal reserve ben there's talk that the fed is going to go to negative interest rates if that happens what kind of effect might it have on these prices for gold. or think if that happens we're going to see it be very good for gold because you know gold there are some analysts who are looking at it saying that if that happens gold it actually hit in the. all time high simply because of the fact that negative interest rates would have that effect on safe haven assets but again i think what peter saying is very true there's a whole series of issues they deal with the federal reserve and how the federal reserve has been conducting itself over the past few weeks and months and really years but especially during coronavirus i think what we're going to see is that the more moves the fed makes the better it is for any kind of safe haven asset because the fed continually demonstrates that it is erratic in its behavior it's not based in any kind of sound fiscal policy it's not based in anything that deals with the future and what future economies will look like it's all kneejerk reactions to prop
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up an economy that is almost on life support these metals seem to be a pretty safe haven but staying with ben silver is in a different space than gold because it is an industrial model and there are analysts who are predicting that silver is poised to go through the roof why is that. well because of exactly what you just said so silver is different from gold in that it is an industrial metal and it is used for industrial purposes so right now while silver is certainly cheaper than gold as we watch the economies around the world start back up again there are a lot of analysts who believe that they will see a huge push into silver from a lot of folks simply because there are actual functions for it in the industrial sector as opposed to gold where gold is more of the store of value precious metals so it's very possible some silver rise to maybe even all time highs on its own as a result of this peter what do you think do you see silver heading over the next few months where do you see it heading. i think silver is certainly bottomed out not only in dollar terms but in terms of gold you know silver recently hit all time
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record lows and priced in gold you could buy $120.00 ounces of silver for one ounce of gold that had never happened before i think in the history of mankind or at least since we've been keeping records right now that ratio is about 95 to one but that still means you get a lot of silver for one ounce of gold and i agree with ben i think the silver prize is going to go much higher could take a little while before it hits a record high i remember in 2011 it got up to $50.00 an hour and so we need to triple proximately to get up there now but i think that is going to happen it is going to be a general commodity bull market that's going to include a lot of commodities and the precious metals when we really start to see the consequences of all the inflation that the federal reserve is not only created in the past that is creating now but even more inflation that is going to create a future that is going to manifest itself in a sharply lower dollar against other feet currencies that's going to really drive the demand for safe havens like gold and silver and we're also going to see big
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increases in consumer prices whether we see negative nominal interest rates it's still a coin toss but we already have a negative real interest rates and that's going to get bigger and bigger because the rate of inflation is going to. going up yet the fed is going to be stuck in 0 because if they raise rates to fight inflation they collapse the bubble economy right and there could be a threat to a shortage of gold that's now we're saying well that was peter schiff on euro pacific capital and we'll bust co-host investigative journalist ben swan thanks so much. that's all for this time but you can catch us on youtube dot com boom bust our teeth. lead.
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small businesses are dead. and jay powell fed chairman says this is fine this is fine this is fun this is fine. you. welcomed on contact today we discuss how the covert 19 pandemic has exposed the weakness of american society and accelerated the decline of american empire with the author john ralston saul by removing the control of regional and national and even multinational got 2 or 3. things like you know work
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standards employment standards and so on it was part of the loop massively towards lauriston and it was done by rigging the hour of the national and regional governments it was very conscious it was very intentional. rigid taxes didn't break the protection of this citizens system it was just where was the lord move away for. the united. state its infrastructure economy and political system degraded and deformed to serve the exclusive demands of corporate power and corporate profit has been unable to cope with the stress caused by the current pandemic the us government has proven incapable of protecting its citizens from the ravages of covert 19 or providing leadership to the go.
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