tv News RT June 3, 2020 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. 8 protests against polio brutality in the united states in minneapolis where george floyd was killed the state's to investigate police. the risks of reporting the riots of more than 100 final ations against press freedom in 3 day media watchdog a russian news agency correspondent tells us of being fired up. and they start shooting you know. i have been. i mean. this is a clear targeting of journalists. and all the news coming up independent british
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investigators dismiss almost every allegation of war crimes leveled against u.k. soldiers in iraq citing weak evidence. you're joining us from across the world hello and welcome to our to international my names you know neal good to of your company. curfews and threats of a military clumped have done little to quell the bitter anger being felt across america right now which seen 8 days of protests over the police killing of george floyd in minneapolis the minnesota state human rights department saying will investigate police conduct over the past decade nationwide huge crowds ignored the stay home orders to continue venting their fury over police brutality. i
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i i i i. i i. well let's turn to washington d.c. 1600 extra troops were deployed military vehicles seen on the streets 2 people have been risking their rest defying a curfew the white house is taking no chances and security cordons being erected outside officers have reportedly resorted to tear gas rubber ball itself for
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protesters. meantime a brazen attempt at looting over the west coast. this forklift was used to ram into an electronics retailer in california up to 20 percent this is. sustained and since monday officials are blaming roving gangs who are. in new york stores are securing themselves wooden hoardings on smushed windows in the streets of prestigious shopping district some are going further like in this liquor store in the state of illinois. takes us through why loosing risks erupting into something more dangerous. here's one thing the protests against police brutality. i. however by. night the protests take
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a much more violent war. lyndall isn't moving and a tax on business owners many see this as an extreme expression of economic inequality obert. by looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country black men and women are die the looting of america has been going on for over 40 is the copra saw the ultra rich though some business owners are even willing to stand with the looters also properties are always can't be replaced but loss of life so no they're fully upset with the looting don't think that looting is necessary. but i definitely feel like something needs to be done you know to count up protect everybody says a large scale looting 250 buildings have been damaged in minnesota alone that
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prompted members of george boyd's family to call her home got this car stuck. on a 100 they don't know nobody i don't know why i cannot testify i was stuck trying to get up in the schoolyard stuff. right now. because i don't. trust us enough about the buy once breeds violence is the riots keep going the police response is gone as far as ramming cars and crowds amid this chaos business owners that decided to take their own security into their own hands in the most american way ok oh ok ok you run my. own you think i'm going to be i would you know no no no no no no the authorities have been openly suggesting store owners protect themselves with guns and if you try to break into their homes to still. to set fires i'm highly
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recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns armed vigilante groups are now patrolling the streets this is a take a neighborhood cops are out here the 2nd risers you know were repressed these are police saying we are all here they are 15 we are protecting our neighborhood this is how you do it all of this arrested for civil conflict across america. not everyone is on for themselves though this picture was taken outside a russian restaurant in san diego in california where armed locals lined up to defend the premises the owner is among those who felt the need to be armed in the current circumstances he spoke to us about his experience. first of all 'd 'd on saturday. heavy looting in the city of san diego it wasn't in our neighborhood but it was a neighborhood of loomis which was pretty close to us just maybe 6 miles outside of
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the town city limits where you know the the the protests started peacefully and then they started burning buildings i am in a low city and it pains me to see this piece which you see. young american young young black lives being lost or something stupid like this in the border and the fact that you know people are living doesn't help the cost that's that's just my personal experience my personal opinion you know there could be. could be better ways to go about this and then robbing small businesses because these people have nothing to do with it. and it's not like we're only burning large corporations or banks. they're breaking into a small businesses small jewelry stores and these people already. probably have no money after the 2 months of coronavirus and now the people could lose their entire savings and become almost. another aspect to all this history is calling for an investigation into the rough handling of a news team and while covering the riots in washington
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a correspondent on cameraman for 7 news were seen being assaulted while reporting live. began to read right. now there are. people to talk about the same thing oh the press freedom watchdog committee to protect journalists ses they're helping at least 125 violations against reporters during 3 days of the protests it also calculates that some 20 journalists have been arrested another media watchdog estimates a road and 90 incidents involve the use of tear gas pepper spray and rubber bullets in some cases at suspected that news crews are being deliberately targeted. by. police. came. to what they claim is that shoot something like that. i'm sorry
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a bed. in one of the last shots you may have heard there that was the murray can journalists saying press she was working for a russian news agency sputnik to hear the white house destroyed offices reacted knowing she was there to report on the fence. well that man has actually just like . i'm trapped and press and i was holding it right or and after and yelled i'm back and they start shooting me with a variety of stinger grenades i have been trying out on my side on my torso and on my back and i also got hit with a rubber ball in my path and then this did not hesitate to use their right skills
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to push us down to the ground they also pushed me to the ground and i slid along after all and had a lot of abrasions on my side. i they were very well aware that i was pressed and this is a clear targeting of journalists many administrations of united states governments have you know said about other countries that other countries don't have free press we are also concerned about the threats of violence against journalists which have a chilling effect on press freedom especially when they are not investigated or prosecuted we call for an immediate end to threats and for violence against journalists i hope the rest of the world will follow our press freedoms in the great things we do in the united states what i physically experience from yesterday is that the u.s. is all too willing credibly willing to visit violence upon journalists here and to try to silence journalists here and i saw again i saw other members of the press experiencing the same thing. more signs of the times a mark rising graffiti across the us where rioters sprayed police cars walls
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windows and pavements the town of a c. a b. is a drug a tree a can and aimed at the police while another numbered slogan is also trending right now it's a dig aimed at a drug crime unit r t america's rick sanchez say stretch police forces are really up against it. american politicians whether they're mayors or councilmen or senators or local officials or state officials or federal officials cannot get elected unless they say in their stump speech i will give you 10 more police officers for your city the next one i will give you 20 more police officers and i'm going to give them bigger guns and i'm going to give them more cars the days of when young children in america had people who help them not become criminals have given way to a society where we almost encourage them to become criminals so then we can arrest them because after we arrest them we create another job not only do we have now
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more cops but now we can hire correctional officers the number of correctional officers the number of cops in america continues to go up and you know what's interesting you almost can't even put this on cops i know it's an easy week to feel horrible about police officers and be very critical of them but we put those people in that situation right we told them all we want you to do is go out there and arrest people america has turned into a militarization zone a police state and we've done it with each politician who we voted for who decided to take them into school budgets all over the world all over our country and shrink them down to almost nothing so they can create more space for more guns and more cops and more cop cars why in the hell in the united states of america are our police officers wearing camouflage around us and. army uniforms as if we were the enemy and that's a big part of the problem this we are the enemy and they are the authority. amid
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the tension some uncertainty on the streets right now there are some glimmers of hope one protester in california run up to a police officer and give him a hug summer seems to in kentucky while in philadelphia several officers know in front of demonstrators national guard members to keep you. away from u.s. shores there have been solid giora the demonstrations from a stream to argentina while in europe rallies have been taking place in britain italy sweden greece netherlands as well. while a major rally protesting george floyd's death is underway right now in central london let's cross to their own our correspondent shot the edwards stuff in
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park shot the many miles from minneapolis but shared emotions at this time and there are reasons why it's resonating so much in britain aren't there. absolutely i was done didn't hide. thousands of protest they just wanted to watch for it of course at that. in these custody. police office and now. and none to. that live matches i think since and events across the united kingdom however here in central london we are in the middle of a knockdown scenario where this. is not a central park and no matter how the beginning of today's demonstrations all denies it really trying to. their best to maintain some social distancing but as you can see it's not on impossible to do got here today protested really saying the cause
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is you crazy to stay away they're also making connections with police brutality and . not just over in america but here in the united kingdom know that the latest statistics show that the metropolitan police are 4 times more likely to use excessive force against black people than they are white people so that's another message that we're hearing really resonating here today and while protesters want to make a connection with these brutality they want to condemn the violence excessive force in the states that's something that the heads of state here in the u.k. failed to do. i think what happened. in the united states was appalling it was inexcusable we all saw it on our screens and i i perfectly understand people's right to protest what took place so obviously i also believe the protests should take place in a full and reasonable way what i would say is that obviously as you said the
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footage of what happened to george was very distressing as has been the scenes across america of the rioting some of the violence we want to see the discoloration of all of those tensions in america come together thanks be to very much this is america's way to reach pressure points that are in the city they were met with the 1st think of and 3 things i've met those protesters and which thank you for them they were then met with the alleged police brutality here in the u.k. the campaigners are really running and urging the government to suspend the sales of arms to the united states through is that those weapons are then being used in the united states against those protesters if they were just mentioned like countless rubber bullets and even riot sure by its own or the u.k. cannot throw out such arms if it will be used for internal repression anywhere across. oh well it's a campaign is a raising of rights like that and that's something that the labor party has also
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called on the government to help. if this were any other leader in any other country in the world this is pension of any such experts is the least we could expect from the british government in response to their actions and our historic alliance with the united states is no reason to sure of that responsibility now. so the key messages here today are greater confidence to most to show solidarity with your work but also to raise awareness of what these protesters thank you. thank you was right thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you were to say i was. taking us through what's happening right now in the british capital shall be a edwards dush reporting from hyde park in central and.
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thing. we dare to ask. ok let's start by keeping attention on the u.k. a little bit longer because the number of deaths in britain from corona virus could be worse than the headline figures suggest by may the 22nd the government statistics office put the number at just over 40000 but when figures from health authorities and local governments around the u.k. around it then the number jumps to over 50000 fatalities u.k. government's long been under scrutiny over its humbling of the mic not least the
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hearo being told the breaks taken on care homes for the elderly almost 15000 residents are known to have died from covert 19 accounting for at least a 3rd of all registered we spoke to charlie williams charlie lost his father to the disease of a facility in the. us some simple challenges this cruel. in the room was told there's not we're not father's health deteriorates it a lurch it off family and we were told suspects it covered no one taking zoloft us bonds was and we can same they said we can't because it now transformed the 1st floor twice lation unit and then now receive in patients from the hospital we were absolutely shocked of hearing this we was never informed that it's a small piece a coming up it's s. he said they can't test him which we found dark they said no i will test in the
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moment but we insisted he must be tested with be tested immediately and eventually monday a degree for him to be tested a few hours later my father by a one day april 20th the manor care where vern attained williams died ses that had followed all the official covert 19 safety guidance charlie williams though describes his father's case as just one element of a major national scandal and say the government should act. you know we have no doubt its government is responsible all over negligence manslaughter of my father we have no doubt this is why we have to stop an official complaints and really drive to follow those complaints through is only a small part of the national scandal here in the u.k.
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where our government has sanctioned all those homes to take him earth issuance will not been tested. and burned we have no doubt it is how often a. book called it lightly my father being this is something that has to be served to my father we are stunned as is many many of the families. of contact me now. british soldiers are unlikely to face legal action for alleged crimes committed during their rock campaign more than a 1000 cases were being looked at by police and also the u.k. military's prosecuting authority but its chief has told the b.b.c. that all except one are being dropped citing a lack of evidence the fact that cases cannot be prosecuted whether i have
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a geisha is of criminal conduct for many years ago is because of better tension with this. well initially a team of investigators was set by the u.k. government to examine more than $3000.00 allegations of british war crimes in iraq which included murder and torture the group had been in operation for 7 years but its key solicitor was sacked for misconduct and dishonesty on the team was eventually shut down meanwhile the war crimes court in the hague opened its preliminary examination and concluded the allegations did have real grounds by the time the british troops in iraq had repeatedly come under scrutiny.
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the british government wants protection for former soldiers and veterans against historical allegations bill proposed 2 months ago what effectively put a 5 year limits on bringing prosecutions over british troops actions abroad beyond only exceptional cases would then be considered for investigation political analyst chris bambery believe serious war crimes shouldn't have any deadlines on reaching trial. i think there is considerable. mis feeling over this in iraq itself where it really is felt that the occupation was
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itself a legal the iraqis suffered at the hands of the occupying forces british and american and then themselves the this is a whitewash the united states of course is not prepared to let its citizens and its service personnel face prosecution so the voids it sort of way by bringing in this 5 year limit i think britain is begins go down the road of the united states and now be concerned that that's the divergence of the state of affairs of other european nato and our partners in other countries around the world serious allegations or war crimes can take a long time to surface or indeed the identification if the war crimes are serious there should not be a limited period of time in which they are pursued and could is does not fit with united nations. well we are back watching the hawks again in moments joining tyrrel ventura and the crew in washington in moments i'll be back right after the hour for all the news affecting your world today this is r.t.
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international. montes holiday international memorial awards are now open for entries all media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global news platform to participate send us your published works in video all written for not go to a war dot altie dot com and enter now. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a made in the shallowness. aha no no crowd. no shots. action just felt speak. no. quench your thirst for action. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics this list i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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rage and destruction fear and despair as the united states found itself in such a state of turmoil growing income inequality systemic racism or at least in politics a few big what is the difference between a protest and riot and is it accurate to say to us this because. it took millions of years of evolution to get to this place of a set of electability no need to become a mess how big how brave is that. duke millions of years of work to give you this big brain which functions with this many given now most human beings is suffering what is a magnificent machine human being to be a busy man affecting machine. greetings
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and sally you taishan. mark of the day on your calendars my friends monday on the very 1st day of june 2020 the us president burble lee declared war on the citizens of the united states of america or at least those citizens who do not support one donald trump's vision for america whatever that twisted necrotic self indulgent vision actually is the brand name and cheap emerged from a white house bunker on monday after tweeting tough and hiding. now most of the weekend after thousands of thousands of black lives matter activists took to the streets of washington d.c. to protest the murder of george floyd and the harassment unwarranted incarceration
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and killing of thousands upon thousands of black and brown citizens by u.s. law enforcement over the years standing in the rose garden our chickenhawk in cheapie declare that if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the united states military and quickly solve the problem for them because that want to be tough guy up there trying to act like he actually knows what he's doing but let's find out what does trump's law and order look like well apparently my friends it starts by deploying chemical weapons and state state sanctioned violence on peaceful protesters in front of the white house just so once again our chickenhawk in cheap along with members of his family and his administration could stand off quickly in front of st john's episcopal church with a bible in hand for a campaign botto up when asked if the bible was actually his.
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