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tv   Americas Lawyer  RT  June 3, 2020 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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might have been tony on this is america's lawyer the death of george floyd of the hands of police officers last week has now sparked massive protests and riots but are over militarized police officers have made the situation worse than it should have been so tonight we're going to talk about the problem in general also tonight we'll talk about exactly how the cops are protected from lawsuits arguments for granting them legal immunity for misconduct on the job may be headed to the supreme court later in the show amazon's been caught red handed in its latest p.r. stunt feeding sponsored news content to local t.v. stations across the country don't go anywhere america's war starts right now.
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riots in america where does it all lead how what does it mean for the next presidential election i have fair and cousins with me we're going to talk about this fair and you know this is this is complicated it's tough to do in 8 minutes to round all this out but as i was watching a couple of commentaries the thing that struck me was rick perlstein you and i did actually we interviewed rick perlstein my memory is who wrote nixon land and as i look at nixon land it plays right into what i see happening what is your take on it i think there's a lot of moving parts to this obviously you know we've got the the actions of the police officers not just the one you know who killed george floyd but what's been happening since then the videos of all of that the videos of people you know looting a target walking out with lego sets as if that's important to what's. happening so
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there's a lot of different angles to this there's a lot of different sides to it but i think overall for me personally the biggest issue is the death of george floyd the death of too many african-american men and women at the hands of these officers there's no justice for them hardly ever but this has evolved into so much more than that and i don't think a lot of that was intentional and it's i don't think seriously problematic i don't think it's intentional to put antiphon the streets ok that's the 1st thing there was no intent there i have a bill maher's opinion about antiphon you know you member several years ago he was very critical kind of describe the whole anti music movement as privileged white kids going to you know going to college board for the summer they dress up in black uniforms it's almost like they saw too many hunger games movies and too many star wars movies i kind of agree with him in that analysis of antiphon but the reason i
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raise the rick perlstein issue is nixon land to me is it tells the story of what i believe is going to happen here right now biden is slightly ahead of trump on the polls you're going to see that reverse itself and here's why it perlstein an external and talked about why did nixon win in the biggest landslide election in american history why did that happen and he analyzes it very well he says look it was a combination of people's fear they saw the weathermen they saw the s.d.s. they saw the black panthers in the street they saw the vietnam war protest they were aware of the counterculture of the left wing countercultural that was developing the drug scene in america all of these things scared the bejesus out of mom and pop middle america and you know who showed up at the polls mom and pop there weren't enough votes to balance out the fear factor another thing. and you
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know we talk about roger ailes a lot not roger ailes but lee atwater lee atwater who worked with karl rove engineers all that for nixon you know who's in the white house right now engineering trump karl rove right and you know there's obviously pearlstein is is phenomenal with that analysis but you also do have to wonder today you know when when nixon got elected because he was running as the law and order guy return to normalcy guy biden has now been the return to normalcy and that's what the whole establishment the democratic party's been let's get back to to normal see and a lot of people said yeah ok that i guess that just means a president that doesn't tweet so will they look at that now and say oh does that mean we didn't have a pandemic when we didn't have you know these these massive protests happening so is it going to turn against the incumbent because after all whatever happens when
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you're the president kind of falls on you so is the public going to blame trump for this or is he going to get things under control or is his attempt to get things under control going to make things worse you know if the military is released here in the united states that could be a whole different ballgame and we've seen it before we saw it happen in the early ninety's when george h.w. bush was president he did activate beyond the national guard the u.s. army went into los angeles when those riots were taking place bush didn't win reelection shortly after that was it related to riots came up in the election but we don't know if it played enough of that actor so there's so many variables it's going to be an astronaut what you think about what you just said the criticism of bush in those riots was he wasn't heavy handed in any way to to he waited too long he was a wimp that was the whole image the wimp ok. the difference here is the public
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loses respect for leaders that don't take action let me give you the dichotomy of that martin luther king incredible leader who understood that nonviolent protest works why was he so popular why was he so successful because the american public even mom and pop in middle america respected the fact that martin luther king was a saying we don't blow up buildings we don't burn down buildings we don't shoot policemen in the back of the head we don't build beat up mom and pop store owners because they're trying to protect their their business we don't do all that we have protests but they're controlled protests that's one that's one type of leader the other type of leader in here i'm talking about the public's development or respect for leadership on the other side of it though this is the ugly side the public says ok heavy handedness is ok if you gain control of everything that's what the
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pearlstein book was about that's what nixon land was about you had nixon who was up front saying i'm not going to tolerate it it's just like his speech and it's just like trump's speech in the rose garden yesterday right i'm going to call in the military i'm going to gain control of this why is he doing these things why did he clear out the peaceful protesters in front of the white house that was a show farren yeah it was part of the call rove. agenda is the lee atwater agenda all over lee understand lee atwater is the guy who started the reagan presidential race in philadelphia mississippi where there is the worst civil rights record in the country right because he it was a dog whistle issue this is not dog whistle this is trump saying dammit you know you guys are in trouble i don't you know the answer now you're terrorist we claim that you're terrorist we have we we have the military in the in the streets so there. 2 types of leadership and the interest in both that 2 wins and the
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interesting thing is the public respects both kind did both get a good result but we also have to keep in mind and in terms of the protests and the peaceful protests we had that for years and what that culminated in was trumped going to alabama and calling kahlan kapur nick an s o b so they tried the peaceful protests to raise attention to this issue and to be honest the they are still peacefully protesting they are not the ones going out there and burning buildings and spray painting and doing all that that is a different is the man to pick it up though no and that's the problem because the media is feeding into whatever people want to see and that's the other issue that we have today that we didn't necessarily have 24 seventh's and right you have if you want to tune in and just see video of cops being the worst people on the planet there is plenty of places to tune in and that's all you see if you want to only see people beating each other up that's available to so the the media is playing
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a huge role in shaping that know about question leslie donald trump's son an executive order allowing citizens to file complaints against social media companies to the f.c.c. ok. first of all. from a legal standpoint this might be d.o.a. but trump doesn't care right he sees a possibility with the f.t.c. in the f.c.c. both of them controlled by republicans right so if i'm going if i'm advising trump on this and i'm one of the lawyers work and i'm saying you know where social media is you know where to go after it is this when you had when you had twitter to be granted their license and they said yes we're going to follow certain rules the rules are this the rules are very clear they have to be an open forum they have to be fair they can have no bias this is what they have to sign into now if i'm going after him i'm saying the f.t.c.
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says you know what. what you've engaged in is unfair practice you've lied to us and if they win there you know even though it's going to go to the courts social media's got a problem here this cat i got to tell you something you know i know he thinks that this jack dorsey thinks that he's just this you know new mahatma gandhi i mean he's he's out there thinking i'm going to solve all this on the new gandhi when it comes to social media he's going to kill social media well yeah i've got no problem with dorsey me personally i think what he did you know with twitter putting the fact check on trump's tweet which is what sparked all of this that was overdue but they need to do it to every politician not just you know the one that everybody loves to hate at the moment but i've never been in favor of social media outlets you know d. platforming anybody right left anything that is an important part of the conversation and that is what i guess this order is designed to prevent because
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that has been an issue but again now you're starting to run into problems where we have other groups out there that have said well i don't want to serve or make a cake for these specific people and there's some similarities there but i don't think that there is actual malicious intent necessarily with these social media outlets facebook has said he's going to let it all fly he doesn't care at last he started looking like he's got a brain where it comes to saving social so i disagree with dorsey i think dorsey is if he wants to be the poster boy of what he feels is the high ground here dorsey is going to become the poster boy of government getting involved in censoring social media and i tell you i feel very strongly the avenue that i would take is the f. is i would i would use the f.t.c. and i would use that clause those clauses that they had to sign and i would hold them up for at least 2 years in court and i mean that's what he's doing it i don't
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think this wins i don't from a live. standpoint right i don't think this is a winner but from a practical standpoint the way he's going i think is effective well i do think twitter you know facebook all of those outlets they've got a problem with what's happening on their their outlets in terms of the hate but it in terms of the fake news you know or and the calls for violence we've seen so many of that that has to be braindead you can't just do that but the any kind of political statements even if it's fake news even if it's satire you have to let that go yeah you know we hate it we despise it we try to avoid it but if we can't avoid it or we choose to not do that is our choice and you can't take that away you know so it's a delicate issue i do not agree with his executive order and i agree with you that the courts probably aren't going to agree with i don't agree with it either i've got balls and strikes right jack dorsey will be the poster boy for all of this
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going bad and then everybody else in social media business going to be where thanks for joining me thank you coming up nationwide protests against police brutality have ironically led to a spike in aggressive misconduct against demonstrators but what would the supreme court say about legal protections given to officers that and more when we come back .
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we go to work so stay. home. no more secure but she will be no use to you. but the way it's always with the care was so good because through more work on the late like not so you need a new thing immediately. they can put us in the mood and get the curtains up by the smithsonian bush and if it can to get through to the clinton. city they rather take yes. the. yes. seemed wrong when old rules just don't hold. any new yet to shape
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out just being a constant adjective and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the supreme court might soon revisit whether legal should be granted to police you know all types of law enforcement who commit misconduct and who commit even murder on the job. is here with me now to talk about that. this even covering these communities stories one after another you know the governor wants to grant immunity to corporations that pollute corporations that kill and they're doing it they're doing it by way 'd of executive order from from troll tell me about the legal doctrine that gives police blanket immunity in misconduct cases.
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squad called qualified immunity which is a federal law that shields government officials from being sued for actions that they perform during their official duties the supreme court sided with police decades ago by granting them qualified immunity unless their behavior violated clearly established laws are constitutional rights but now it's undeniable there are so many police killings of unarmed civilians they're often caught on video judges and scholars across both political aisles are now starting to question whether police should continue being shielded from nearly all accountability supreme court justices are now reviewing over a dozen cases involving public officials invocation of qualified immunity which signals that the high court could soon be ready to change the rules now people are expecting to see something on the docket this week but that has yet to happen so we're all watching anxiously. so just to give the viewers some understand this qualified immunity means that if a policeman a policeman it almost has to rise to the occasion of intentional murder even if it
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even exceeds reckless abandon in the way that they conduct their job you know you almost have to get to the equivalent of recklessness that might be the same as a drink in a 5th of jack daniels and then speeding through a school zone and hitting 2 children maybe you're going to have maybe. the in court they're going to be able to get past qualified immunity with that kind of case but this just keeps this just keeps feeding itself i think i think though you might see a different supreme court analysis give give some examples of cases where police invoke this qualified immunity defense just put it in perspective for us. yeah obviously there are way too many to list but one of the most obvious cases in which qualified immunity should not have applied yet did is came from outside of dallas where 5 officers fired 17 shots at a man who was riding a bicycle 100 yards away after mistaking him for someone else while that man died in the officers got off after invoking qualified immunity even though their actions
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clearly violated the constitution now in other cases we see police shooting unarmed people in convenience stores or deploying tasers until a suspect is dead so many cases thousands of them. yeah so here's so you hear that you hear some discussion well you know you're not going to sue the police officer in a way you're not going to sue the department who hired and trained the police officer and really blew it but this qualified immunity as there is that agent the policeman is an agent of that organization whatever it is and so it flows right over to that organization this is this is a big obstacle for people who want to bring some sanity back to the way that that some. ringback would say this again it's not police departments everywhere obviously this you know you see these horrendous stories it's always the same same background somebody who was undertrained somebody that on an impi personality test
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would have failed because of their anger issues and somebody who is just way under educated to be able to do the job that they're asked to do i mean it's always this constellation of the same thing for particular police officers but it's not all of the point is this this is a way to. don't all the police officers go and say hey you know what you almost can do anything you want to how do courts determine whether an officer should be granted qualified immunity. well this is the interesting part the court typically rules that an officer has qualified immunity after considering whether police used excessive force in violation of the 4th amendment now if the answer is no of course they're going to go ahead and immediately apply qualified immunity and grant that but if the answer is yes the court then determines whether the officer should have known that their actions violated the constitution based on whether there is a legal precedent establishing that those actions were illegal and if they do establish that the answer is yes then they will go to trial but since 2009 the
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supreme court has allowed the lower courts to skip the part investigating whether officers knew that they were breaking the law in more than 50 percent of all cases now when it comes to the family of george floyd they might not see justice because there's no legal precedent from the 8th circuit court of you is the u.s. court of appeals or the supreme court establishing that it's unconstitutional for an officer to kneel on a handcuffed man's neck for an extended period of time and of course the president can't be established if the courts don't properly look at these cases which just creates this vicious cycle that's allowing officers to easily kill and hurt civilians with impunity. you know as amazing as it may sound they use that method of detaining detaining people is used all over the country it's training they get there's like the old show cold that they used to train that same thing let's hope some good comes out of this this disaster of you know of what we're seeing with the
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floor i can't help but feel 1st of all they charged me charged with 3rd degree murder i don't understand that you have been charged with 1st degree murder thank you for joining me bridget ok. after facing backlash over safety protocols for its warehouse workers during the pandemic amazones been so. applying news stations across the country with pre produced material to get the online retailer back in our good graphics so for me to talk about that is fair and cousins ok fair we've seen this happen before right government used to do this and in 1900 yeah they would send out these videos they're produced by the government they're all feel good everything's perfect amazon's doing it now amazon look this is a company that has a horrendous her render this history and the way that they treat their workers pick it up from there yeah amazonas facing a ton of backlash because even right before the pandemic they were engaging in a lot of union busting and that's when they had kind of crafted their plan would
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you and i discussed on this program we're going to smear the guy who's trying to start the union over a long island then the pandemic broke out in that same person they attempted to smear brought up the fact that we don't have masks there are no safety protocols you're forcing us to work you know right next to shoulder to shoulder basically there is no sanitation the virus is spreading we've seen it spread where 6 undersea will write that's the number the last number i heard right and so they were just saying do something clean it up protect us and that story went international so amazon understands why now we've got a real problem and our advertisements that we're making right now saying hey our stores or our warehouses are clean our workers are happy that's not enough we've got to tap into the last outlet that people actually still trust and that's local news you know what i thought about when i saw this story i mean these these boneheads that you're seeing right here read exactly what was given to them by amazon word for word and word for word and what it reminds me of is when kim jong
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own built a little a little city you know for reporters to come to north korea it was like pleasantville it was like the truman show come here this is how to treat our people this is this is an organization that treats humans one step. maybe one step above robots you know they don't have the right to use the bathroom when they want to they have to pee in jars if they want to relieve themselves their quotas are impossible to keep up with 600 people got the virus that's the last number i saw then after all of that after they're paying these people to go in and put their families at risk put themselves at risk from covert 19 they take away the actually for $2.00 that they were given them for that the has so this this bumpkin goes out they produce a video that these bumpkins say yeah this is what amazon really looks like it looks
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like something produced by kim jong un in north korea everything's beautiful to see how they have testimonials you have testimonials from their people well and when you're the world's richest man they let you do it because jeff bezos could walk into any one of these local news stations and say guess what you all work for me now yeah and that's what's terrifying to a already did it with washington post any minute that he could do it with these groups but here's the thing as i mentioned this is the last group of news outlets that most americans do trust they don't trust the cable news they don't trust social media news but what they do trust is their local news because they think whatever these people say this is a guy you could run into at the grocery store you know these are people these are your neighbors reporting the news you trust i'm right it's like sinclair right sinclair is anything but you know it's all it's all pre-fab news the the ownership of a singular wants out there what's surprising to me about this this was in one of the
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one the stations in t v jay own by n.b.c. there's no question the producers that give this information clearly know that this is present produced by amazon as a feel good piece they know amazon advertises on their station. they know the advertising the advertising dollars are huge they don't even disclose that when they tell the pre-fab story that amazon produced for him which is a delusional you know completely fantasy story about how well their employees there's no disclosure here is there no there is none and that's part of the problem too and it's also with the producers there's an element of laziness in it too because they know with each 30 minute program they've got 22 minutes they have to fill 22 minutes well amazon just gave me 4 so now i'm down to 18 that's all i have to fill now and they they don't disclose that they get lazy they get caught up in this and amazon is not the only group that has been doing this as you mentioned the
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u.s. government has done this other corporations pharmaceutical companies have done this tremendously we have it hovered that ad nauseum and so it really calls into question we know cable news is biased one way or the other but i think the bias at the local level is far more than anyone understands awful ferran thanks for joining me thank you ali than i had some good news donald trump's threat to veto a bill that would have reauthorized surveillance powers for the federal government was actually enough to get congress to put the legislation on hold thank goodness at least for now the legislation was actually supported by both democrats in the house and their sworn enemy attorney general william barr with both wanting the federal government to have broader powers to spy on american citizens to spy on you but after trump said that he would veto the legislation no republicans were willing to vote yes on that legislation regardless of your opinion of the president this is
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a very good move powers have been abused by the federal government for decades and decades and after a broad expansion of those powers following 911 it's it's a way past time for the government to be reined in this is absolutely an abuse of governmental power. that's all for tonight find us on twitter and facebook at facebook dot com slash r t america's lawyer you can watch all our t. american programs on directv channel fleet to one also streaming live on you tube and be sure to check out our tease new portable app where you can watch all of your favorite shows anywhere in the world i might happen tony and this is america's lawyer where every week we tell you the stories that corporate immediately ordered not to tell because of their political connections and because their advertisers order them not to tell those stories have a great night. you
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cannot be blown with yet you. i don't have faith in this government official of president i don't have faith in the system i still have god it's all up until the broken system is not designed for people like me who move. there as bloggers. refer to people who are here for different reasons but also job we also have.
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most people in philadelphia are only about 2 paychecks away from homelessness. the world is driven by shaped by one person or those. who dares thinks. we dare to ask.
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this is boom bust that one business show you can't afford to miss on fairmont and washington coming out to protest against racial injustice continue across the united states and now all around the globe will discuss the dumbest. but economics professor richard wolfe and rick sanchez then of the trauma virus pandemic continued governments around the world are looking for revenue we'll tell you about the european countries looking to put digital on american tech companies we have a packed show today so let's go and dive right in. we're going to start today with a panel discussion with our teens host of the news with rick sanchez rick sanchez and host.


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