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tv   Eat the Press  RT  June 5, 2020 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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between those espousing hate and those fighting it because they both resort to violence to c.n.n.'s chris cuomo have a history of excusing some violent behavior as long as he considers the cause to be righteous we'll take a look back as the president signs an executive order designed to curb social media censorship of conservatives what will the future hold our panel weighs in and a former c.b.s. news president says the media is tilted to the left has been for a long time and it's too late to fix it lionel will be here with his take i'm steve balls let's see the press. oh yeah oh. good by. you know folks it doesn't take a genius to understand we're living through turbulent times during last week's heat the press we talked extensively about the horrible death suffered by george floyd
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at the hands of the minneapolis police department that death soon led to the protests and riots that we've seen taking place daily across the country and if you think the media has been able to cover what's going on without their usual liberal biased guess again watch them watch them lie to you one after the other as you watch what you're watching and you see what you're seeing and they're telling you no you're not seeing that i want to be clear in how i characterize this just mostly a problem just trying to gin up it is not generally speaking on really the fires started and the 1st thing i want to. be spoiled back because it's been a mostly peaceful protests but then they try to move it from many of these protests have been largely peaceful mostly peaceful mostly peaceful the mostly peaceful so many good people out there who want change and who are demanding change.
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and leave it to the to miss falbe on television to spin things this way our country was started because this is how the boston tea party rioting. so don't do not get in twisted and think that oh this is some something that has not never happened before and then this is so terrible and where are we in these savages and all of that this is how this country will start making excuses making excuses for people who who beat up female business owners and riot in luton beat up cops wow that's don lemon and of course the president has come under fire during all this from the media imagine the president and his attorney general have vowed to restore law and order and of course that's racist he used the phrase law and order it was a very specific choice of words there and that of course harkens back to richard nixon himself when he worked for although i think the use of that phrase predates your time there but why do you think barr is using that why do you think that is
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something the administration is leaning so heavily into. it's a code phrase that is if you know that it's more than a dog whistle and you know it's very definite message. to the base. that i'm going to be talking and that's a publish an extension or it's not he's not nuts for wanting to restore law and order maybe if the media were to report on this the viewer might find this nuts at least 13 members of joe biden's campaign staff have donated to a fund that bails out those who riot that's right gets them out of prison go ahead media report on this and let's take a vote of some sort let's see if the media favors bailing out those who riot or restoring law and order i think i know what would win we'll have more on all of this coming up in the desert segment. free speech and big tech goes together like what oil and water. and many would say that since the corona virus has gotten
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a lot worse last week the president signed an executive order to try to rein in his perceived bias on the social media platforms while natasha sweet has been taking it all the and she has the latest steve in the social media platforms we're seeing a pass if you will through section 230 of the communications decency act but after the president was fact checked by twitter and facebook is acting as a news source instead of just a platform the president is now taking action and now conservatives are hoping their voice will no longer be silenced some would say there's a war and free speech when it comes to liberal platforms policing conservative ideals after twitter decided a fact check to a president trumps tweets saying they were partly false information he said enough is enough today abseiling executive order to protect it appalled the free speech rights of the american people president trump saying when social media platforms like twitter decide to suppress edit blacklist or shadow ban users content that these are mere editorial decisions and these moves reveal that twitter is indeed
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not a neutral public platform he says they should no longer benefit from section 230 of the communications decency act that legislation currently protects internet platforms from liability who publish information provided by others it states no providers shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information but the president's executive order would no longer allow social media platforms to have immunity since they are not acting as a mere platform for all what they choose to fact check and what they choose to ignore or even promote is nothing more than a political activism group or political activism and it's inappropriate facebook's new oversight board just so happens to be packed full of liberals none of which support the president and at least 3 members have ties to leftist billionaire george soros so some are wondering if this oversight board will have any impact on what's being censored as we approach the upcoming. 20 election but
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according to an interview facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg did with c. and b. c. he changes his tune and says an internet platform should not limit what politicians have to say i think we've been pretty clear on what i think the right approach is which is that i don't think. facebook or internet forms in general should be arbiters of truth i think that's kind of a dangerous line to get down to in terms of deciding what is what is true and what isn't. and i think political speech is one of the most sensitive parts in a democracy well since 2016 these social media companies haven't just been serving as platforms they've been publishers you tube has recently been censoring content that disagrees with the one health organization facebook is working on their own news content and twitter is now claiming to fact check some are just wondering where is the media and all of this to help protect free speech reporting for in the press to talk to sweeps r.t.
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. joining us now to talk about all of this is the founder of less government seton motley and add a list for a young americans for liberty and the author by the way of the liberal invasion of red state america there it is on your screen kristen be tape guys it's so great to see you both let's get right right to it a seat let's start with you you recently penned a piece this piece as a matter of fact on tech and censorship then last week of course the president he issued an executive order designed to remedy what you wrote about in effect will it work do you think. i have not what i'm hopeful for is that they actually finally started forcing section 230 they haven't been doing that the platform versus publisher debate has been raging for recently much louder but i've been writing about it for years now it's it's section 238 of the 1980s communications decency
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act require requires these platforms to be open which means they get protection from liability for libel and slander and intellectual property theft and exchange for not pretending to be publishers not editing contacts and they've been editing columns and as you know steve for years and years almost exclusively conservative commentator right wing content or christian god damn and now they're finally being called on it and being told i'm hoping in this executive order you have to comport to section 230 or you lose your liability protections under section 30. yeah you know it's very interesting and of course that the president also pushing for legislation and good luck with that because i think both sides want different things christen from your vantage point your perspective with young
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americans for liberty when when your members when people of your generation see this censorship at such an alarming rate as it keeps apparently growing and growing what are you and what do they think the future holds well it is very alarming especially since the majority of young people get their news on social media oh no east social media platforms are overwhelmingly liberal it's the worst kept secret in silicon valley these sacks trackers that the sites you are all laughter when with a few rare exceptions that you know facebook or twitter these are private companies not angels they should be allowed to operate as they please but as we've all been saying they cannot be treated as a as a platform a it's got to be treated as a publisher welcome compete with c.n.n. and fox news because frankly these sites are not operating out of non-biased public sphere for discourse i will say this though steve i get very worried when we talk
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about the federal government interfering with social media and online it is a very slippery slope you know we have donald trump in office right now and we like what he's talking about but it just takes one liberal and there was a bit warmer joe biden and that can be really bad if we give them power to add to control these companies so i like the idea of treating twitter has other companies as publishers not platforms but we've got to draw about why we're government can step in because that can get really bad really. our folks i hope we went your appetite on this we have a lot more to talk about with both both seton and christian so stay right where you are there's much more ahead on eat the press. some people are calling this protest across america right now bolshevik press revolution time make a reference to the workers' uprising that we saw in the old the imperial russia.
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and you've got a new imperium here in america a lead story cancelling there and the workers suddenly realize that wait a minute we don't want to live under a dictatorship we don't want to live under a monarchy the common good old fashioned bolshevik revolution which i thought only company because. according to several sources felice knew united states kills from 2 to 4 people simply day my. head his hands. which said i surrender. what am i being arrested for a response from me and. that is just their little fool to establish they developed a spouse against them and. how long should the terms like 25 years as.
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i have to shoot someone holding you close but. there is a corruption inside of cicely's when i think the closure is. i. thought i. i know. no shots. i actually felt. was dry no arrests were. points your thirst. perhaps. bad welcome back to meet the press i'm steve malzberg and we're rejoined by our
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great panel continuing our conversation with kristen tate and steven motley now guys in what looked to be kind of a preemptive strike for of facebook a c.e.o. mark zuckerberg he tried separating himself from twitter by saying this just prior to the president's executive order last week watch i don't think. he spoke or thought forms in general should be arbiters of truth i think that's kind of a dangerous line to get down to in terms of i'm just citing what is what is true and what isn't and i think political speech is one of the most sensitive parts and in a democracy and people should go to see what politicians say i no doubt see whoa is this guy i mean did he just appoint a supreme court tent to censor everything and now he's saying it not this political speech shouldn't be censored and i get this right he's for the executive order so
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do you believe him. to seized on this before one memory in a new member of facebook at a news feed for a while several years ago and they got rid of it they did cited it wasn't working for them and then all the x. employees came out and said oh by the way we show conservative stories way down to the bottom of the news he's. trying to make up make good with conservatives he invited a bunch of conservative leaders out to value grover norquist where a bunch of bunch of people went. mad slapped it was credit the head of the american survey you did not go because he he got the joke but no. coverage is very good at saying the right while doing the wrong things and chris said do you believe us uk a burg. adding we should be very skeptical of course he's right that free speech is a killer of any free society but i mean for years his own web site censored conservatives so i take everything he says with
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a grain of salt and i think the best way we can ensure free speech on all these platforms if you encourage competition but government has got to make it as easy as possible for new players to get into the market and compete with the big guys you know if you look at pew research the vast majority of twitter users in particular are liberal half the country is conservatives so there is a huge market of people out there who watch. that isn't censoring their views and seems like a great opportunity for another company to offer something different for half the time story who doesn't want just to be bombarded constantly with liberal opinions and get censored. well of course we saw what twitter did right after the executive order they had another trump tweet this one about the riots and what might happen as a result of those riots so they don't look like they're making nice but guys. both of you the media seems to have this interest of vested interest but some might say
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in keeping the economy shut keeping us wearing mask ever everything and keep this a pandemic story how much saying it's not a story and it being at the forefront. kristen why what's the motivation do you believe there is. yeah this is an arm of the democratic party each day are rooting for america. and sadly steve it seems like there is nothing they with more than to see the entire economy crash you don't care who gets her in the process so that they can turn around and blame it on tom planted a for the last in the mainstream media was to get somebody of all this where russia investigation that went nowhere plan b. was to get him out of the ukraine investigations and they all the decent thout know where their plans are you know is. not going to work either. seeking about 30 seconds. is she's exactly right this is. this is grasping at
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straws but unfortunately because they control all the major. straw manufacturers the media hollywood silicon valley they can make the flimsiest of stories look very very serious for a very long to arm and we got that with russia certainly for years and now that's completely unraveled because the ukrainian call was weak and they got nowhere she's exactly right and they just because they're so powerful they can make nothing look like something for a long you know you have hate to see and kristan thank you both so much it was a pleasure of will do this again thank you so here we. are. hi folks one of the things we do here every week on the press is point out you know the left leaning nature of the mainstream media and now a former president of c.b.s. news is weighing in and he says it's probably too late to fix that problem and we
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may just have to accept it and learn to live with it and joining us now to toss that around and much much more is media and legal analysts like no of line no media i like i don't let's get right to it my friend then gordon souter who headed c.b.s. news back in the eighty's. writes this piece in the wall street journal and it says spin part 35 years ago i'm sitting next to a jeane kirkpatrick a one time democratic became a foreign policy adviser to president reagan and she was lamenting what she called the liberal leaning media and as the president of c.b.s. news he said i assured it was just a liberal tilt and it could be corrected she said no no no it's too late and now he says kirkpatrick was prophetic news organizations that claim to be neutral have long been creeping leftward and they're loathe of mr trump has accelerated the pace i'm shocked but he's right on i would say what do you think. i don't want to be
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heretical steve but van gordon who now this is one of those things this is where people love to play the parlor game of you know there was a time in this country when we won is liberal steve it's gone in journalism the way he thinks is dead people are looking today for news unfortunately i don't think so you don't think so but this is one of the this is like arguing the travelling rule in the n.b.a. or foot faults in tennis yes you're right about this but he does bring up one thing which should get their attention this will affect the bottom line and that's what got their attention when he talks and to managing editors rather than bring about some journalistic rule he says this will ultimately hurt you in the pocketbook book in the long run and that's why it's critical but but steve we all know this how many articles like this have you read and it was well done but but but apparently i
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think we're kind of tone deaf to this it's it's like when people talk about dietary information they know that it's but they enjoy just flashing that we've become so addicted to it so last week the president trump issued his executive order in an attempt to hold social media platforms accountable and end the bias against conservatives as in which exists in his mind and in the minds of many 1st will it work and legally with this section 230 will it stand up. ok executive order to stay believe it or not nobody knows what an executive order is don't tell anybody i don't want to but we're not really sure it's a double super secret probation it's nice executive orders they're good but it's a start but it was a shot of cost about number 2 what has to be done is his f.t.c. and department of justice if they were to institute get this anti trust prosecutions sherman another why that would get their attention what he's doing
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steve is and they hope he needs to to changes and ask this question steve are lee's platforms in essence utilities can you majesty if you picked up your phone said something and all of a sudden your call was dropped because 80 and here sprint didn't like the subject matter you would say no that's ridiculous because the phone is in essence a utility it's like it's the dial tone we have to redefine what social media are today these aren't little cute bulletin boards or billboards that i've been in history that i've come up with this is critical once that is established it changes everything far far from it you're absolutely correct our excel 2 weeks ago you and i talked about a lawsuit against fox news yesterday that somehow far it wasn't entitled to fall 1st amendment protections because they weren't over the air t.v.
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they were cable television and you had to subscribe to it cetera et cetera well that lawsuit is over and fox when's and it reminds us steve this people should refer to this it was a state court case which is nonetheless just as valid but steve this is another on really lending attack against the 1st amendment to try to come up with new ways and i applaud it i mean it's most novel but the judge cites back the case where the supreme court ruled in. that stolen valor statues were were unconstitutional because you can't even lie i said that to to regulate what a law is is so difficult even so big a simple haves as were you in the military or not steve this is a warning they're not don and this is law fair not warfare going after conservative and non rule left ideology through the courts that's what this is
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about but luckily common sense prevailed here at least what or what a way to end the segment common sense prevailed when will it be able to say that against our national thank you very very much my friend appreciate it as always. several weeks ago i introduced you to c.n.n.'s chris cuomo who let his audience to believe that he emerged from his coronavirus quarantine this way all right here's your fish british police. career c.d.c. who will swear this worked out and. this is where you know literally for weeks of course it turned out that he was out and about with his family days before that so that was nothing but fake news now i wish that was the worst of what i could show you about chris cuomo but it's not not by a long shot it seems that he's been encouraging or at least excusing violence who
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have the so-called moral high ground and this goes back a ways watch 2 wrongs and what is right the bigots are wrong to hit anti far or whomever anarchist or malcontent or misguided they are also wrong to hit but fighting hate is right doesn't cuomo get it all sides believe they have the moral high ground that they are right now that was 2 years ago but unfortunately during these terrible times we're living through right now cuomo is still at it encouraging in my humble opinion encouraging violence as long as you're in the right watch doesn't make it ok. to riots says the majority but doesn't it depend why it's happening a riot in boston harbor started the fight that amounted to america cities burned across the continent in 1968 again of stonewall and each of those cases it was the minority manifesting
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a desperate plea to be heard and for change just like now of course we really shouldn't be too surprised you see chris cuomo is a tough guy that's c.n.n. anchor man chris cuomo lashing out at a trump supporter who insulted him down he says there is a point when you see i think chris cuomo envies the writers would love to be one so what do americans want done do they agree with chris cuomo now the leftists on the air who are giving their point of view or do they want law and order to take back their streets well according to a morning konsole survey conducted may 31st through june 1st the media loses big time just 18 percent of voters oppose calling in the national guard to supplement city police forces while 72 percent support the measure that included 42 percent who strongly supported doing so another 58 percent supported calling in the u.s. military to assist while just 30 percent opposed it chris cuomo you are in the
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minority you rationalize and you excuse violence as long as you like the cause the people want their streets back and they want that back now. and that's our show for today folks and i want you to stay hungry and say curious because the show really airs sunday morning 1030 eastern time and you could also watch a full shows right now on portable t.v. through our portable t.v.'s download it right now from your app store i steam balls berg stay safe and i'll see you next week on the press. join me every 1st date on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of
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the world of politics sport this list i'm showbusiness i'll see of. the spiral downward depending on who you believe in the media the civil unrest in america is the result of systematic racism this explains protest and writing but does it the commanding heights controlling the financial system media and the business world are those to admit it it's the economy stupid for them graze all these. according to several sources felice in the united states kills from 2 to 4 people every day my. head his hands. what am i being arrested for players fun for me and. that is just their little
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world to establish they develop us against them and. how long they should have 2525 years as. i read this from someone quoting here. but. there is a corruption inside of the families while they've been culturally. i know. no shunts. actually felt.
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no as to. which your thirst for action. you know we're number one movie capital in united states we all slow number one. addiction here. i mean the mug shot before. us was a most. evil you selling crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot in order to excuse. the joke you got to act like a lying in a month's other one. piece of the beast so this is somebody who it is at the rules for.
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hello from rhode island we're sticking close to home broadcasting remotely until we get the all clear to return to the r t america broadcast center in washington d.c. and it's been a rough week in new and we'll get to some of that later but i don't liberally want to begin tonight with an update on a real good news story that has happened just this past week and which we continue to follow until now governments had sent men and women up into space but when we retired the space show.


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